(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7430,675 B2
`Sep. 30, 2008
`(75) Inventor: Michael M. Lee, San Jose, CA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA (US)
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 11/675,979
`2006/0149908 A1* 7/2006 Chen et al. .................. T11 156
`2007/0204174 A1
`8/2007 Dorogusker et al.
`2007/0270721 A1 1 1/2007 Ananny
`2007/0271065 A1 1 1/2007 Gupta et al.
`2007/02711 16 A1 1 1/2007 Wysocki et al.
`2007/0273714 A1 1 1/2007 Hodges et al.
`U.S. Appl. No. 11/566,072, filed Dec. 1, 2006, entitled “System
`including Portable Media Player and Physiologic Data Gathering
`U.S. Appl. No. 1 1/439,523, filed May 22, 2006, entitled “Portable
`Media Device with Workout Support”.
`U.S. Appl. No. 1 1/209,367, filed Aug. 22, 2005, entitled “Audio
`Status Information for a Portable Electronic Device'.
`U.S. Appl. No. 11/565,890, filed Dec. 1, 2006, entitled “Power Con
`Sumption Management for Functional Preservation in a Battery
`Powered Electronic Device'.
`U.S. Appl. No. 1 1/439,613, filed May 23, 2006, entitled “Portable
`Media Device with Power Managed Display”.
`"Sprint and Bones in Motion Launch Mobile Fitness Application'.
`Press Release, Feb. 7, 2006, 2 pgs.
`(51) a too
`* cited by examiner
`G06F I/26
`G06F I/32
`Primary Examiner Thomas Lee
`(52) U.S. Cl. ....................... 713/320; 713/300; 715, Assistant Examiner—Ji H Bae
`(22) Filed:
`Feb. 16, 2007
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2008/O2O1587 A1
`Aug. 21, 2008
`(58) Field of Classification Search ................. 713/320,
`713/300,340; 482/8
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`5.311,441 A * 5/1994 Tayama et al. ................ TO2/63
`5,365.453 A * 1 1/1994 Startup et al. ................. TO2/63
`5,781,783 A * 7/1998 Gunther et al. .
`... 713,320
`6,189,106 B1* 2/2001 Anderson ...
`... 713,300
`6,943,693 B2 * 9/2005 Kim ..............
`7,240,223 B2 * 7/2007 de Cesare et al. ..
`... 713,300
`2002/0138772 A1* 9, 2002 Crawford et al. ............ T13,300
`2005/0240786 A1* 10/2005 Ranganathan ............... T13,320
`2006/0143483 A1* 6/2006 Liebenow ................... T13,300
`Methods and apparatus for managing power consumption of
`a battery-powered electronic device are disclosed. According
`to one embodiment, power management can take action to
`reduce power consumption to accommodate estimated power
`requirements. According to another embodiment, power
`management can notify a user when a power deficiency is
`anticipated. According to still another embodiment, power
`management can advise a user to charge a battery of the
`battery-powered electronic device. According to still another
`embodiment, a user can influence power management by user
`34 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
`- 100
`MOJL-1 s-/118
`MODULE-2 s-/120
`MODULE -n h- 122
`Apple EX1021 Page 1


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 30, 2008
`Sheet 1 of 8
`US 7430,675 B2
`FIG. 1
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`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 30, 2008
`Sheet 2 of 8
`US 7430,675 B2
`208 / AVAIL
`FIG 2
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`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 30, 2008
`Sheet 3 of 8
`US 7430,675 B2
`FIG. 3
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`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 30, 2008
`Sheet 4 of 8
`US 7430,675 B2
`FIG. 4
`Apple EX1021 Page 5


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 30, 2008
`Sheet 5 of 8
`US 7430,675 B2
`508 / / BATTERY
`FIG. 5
`Apple EX1021 Page 6


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 30, 2008
`Sheet 6 of 8
`US 7430,675 B2
`- 600
`602 /
`FIG. 6
`Apple EX1021 Page 7


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 30, 2008
`Sheet 7 of 8
`US 7430,675 B2
`708 -
`710 rs
`Can limit media playback volume
`Can disable phone
`704 714
`Can disable loCal WireleSS network
`716 -
`Can disable all non-Call functions
`718 -
`Warn me when remaining call
`time is
`v. minutes
`O Remind me to charge
`FIG. 7
`Apple EX1021 Page 8


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 30, 2008
`Sheet 8 of 8
`US 7430,675 B2
`FIG. 8
`Apple EX1021 Page 9


`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to battery-powered electronic
`devices and, more particularly, to managing battery con
`Sumption on a portable electronic device.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`Conventionally, portable electronic devices, such as cellu
`lar phones, portable digital assistants or portable media play
`ers, have provided visual clues regarding certain device status
`conditions. For example, battery-powered portable electronic
`devices frequently display a visual indication of battery sta
`tus. The visual indication typically indicates the extent to
`which the battery is charged (i.e., battery level). Additionally,
`cellular phones often not only provide Such a visual indication
`of battery level but also provide an auditory, periodic beeping
`sound while a call is in process to alert the user when the
`battery level is particularly low.
`Unfortunately, however, these conventional indications of
`battery level are often ignored by users. Moreover, as portable
`electronic devices become more advanced, battery charge can
`be rapidly consumed without users being aware. Another
`difficulty is that users sometimes fail to adequately charge
`batteries which can seriously hinder the ability of the batteries
`to power respective portable electronic devices as desired.
`Thus, there is a need for improved techniques to inform and
`assist users in managing available battery power on portable
`media players.
`The invention pertains to power management of a battery
`powered electronic device. According to one embodiment,
`power management can take action to reduce power con
`Sumption to accommodate estimated power requirements.
`According to another embodiment, power management can
`notify a user when a power deficiency is anticipated. Accord
`ing to still another embodiment, power management can
`advise a user to charge a battery of the battery-powered elec
`tronic device. According to still another embodiment, a user
`can influence power management by user selections.
`The invention can be implemented in numerous ways,
`including as a method, system, device, apparatus (including
`graphical user interface), or computer readable medium. Sev
`eral embodiments of the invention are discussed below.
`As a method for managing power utilization by an elec
`tronic device powered by a battery, one embodiment of the
`invention can include, for example: estimating a future power
`requirement for the electronic device; obtaining a battery
`characteristic associated with the battery; determining, based
`on the battery characteristic, whether the battery has adequate
`capacity to satisfy the estimated future power requirement for
`the electronic device; and reducing power consumption of the
`electronic device when it is determined that the battery has
`inadequate capacity to satisfy the future power requirement.
`As a method for managing power utilization by an elec
`tronic device powered by a battery, another embodiment of
`the invention can include, for example: identifying an
`impending device usage; obtaining a power estimate for the
`electronic device to complete the impending device usage;
`obtaining a battery characteristic associated with the battery;
`determining, based on the battery characteristic, whether the
`battery has adequate capacity to satisfy the power estimate for
`US 7,430,675 B2
`the electronic device to complete the impending device
`usage; and reducing power consumption of the electronic
`device during at least the impending device usage when it is
`determined that the battery has inadequate charge capacity to
`satisfy the power estimate for the electronic device to com
`plete the impending device usage.
`As a method for managing power utilization by an elec
`tronic device powered by a battery, still another embodiment
`of the invention can include, for example: estimating a future
`power requirement for the electronic device; obtaining a bat
`tery characteristic associated with the battery; determining,
`based on the battery characteristic, whether the battery has
`adequate capacity to satisfy the estimated future power
`requirement for the electronic device; and presenting a noti
`fication regarding charging the battery when the determining
`determines that the battery has inadequate capacity to satisfy
`the future power requirement.
`As a computer readable medium including at least com
`puter program code for managing power utilization by an
`electronic device powered by a battery, one embodiment of
`the invention can include, for example: computer program
`code for estimating a future power requirement for the elec
`tronic device; computer program code for determining
`whether the battery has adequate capacity to satisfy the esti
`mated future power requirement for the electronic device; and
`computer program code for reducing power consumption of
`the electronic device when the determining determines that
`the battery has inadequate capacity to satisfy the future power
`As a portable electronic device, one embodiment of the
`invention can include, for example: a display, a battery, a
`battery monitor configured to acquire battery status informa
`tion from the battery, a device usage manager configured to
`provide device usage information, and a power manager
`operatively connected to the battery monitor and the device
`usage manager. The power manager manages power utiliza
`tion by the electronic device based on the device usage infor
`mation and the battery status information.
`Other aspects and advantages of the invention will become
`apparent from the following detailed description taken in
`conjunction with the accompanying drawings which illus
`trate, by way of example, the principles of the invention.
`The invention will be readily understood by the following
`detailed description in conjunction with the accompanying
`drawings, wherein like reference numerals designate like
`structural elements, and in which:
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of an electronic device according
`to one embodiment of the invention.
`FIG. 2 is a flow diagram of a power manager process
`according to one embodiment of the invention.
`FIG. 3 is a flow diagram of a power reduction process
`according to one embodiment of the invention.
`FIG. 4 is a flow diagram of a power manager process
`according to another embodiment of the invention.
`FIG. 5 is a flow diagram of a charge monitor process
`according to one embodiment of the invention.
`FIG. 6 is a flow diagram of a charge notification process
`according to one embodiment of the invention.
`FIG. 7 is an exemplary graphical user interface that can
`present a display Screen on a display of an electronic device
`according to one embodiment of the invention.
`FIG. 8 is a block diagram of media player according to one
`embodiment of the invention.
`Apple EX1021 Page 10


`US 7,430,675 B2
`power manager 106. For example, the battery characteristics
`can pertains to one or more of charge level, temperature,
`Voltage, current, etc.
`Electronic device 100 can also include device usage man
`ager 110. Device usage manager 110 operates to monitor
`present, imminent, current or future use of device 100. Device
`usage manager 110 can provide device usage information to
`power manager 106. Hence, power manager 106, alone or in
`combination with processor 102, can evaluate whether the
`condition of battery 104 is adequate to satisfy the device
`usage requirements that have been identified by device usage
`manager 110.
`Device 100 can also store one or more user settings 112. At
`least one of user settings 112 can pertain to a user setting
`regarding operation of device 100 when the charge capacity
`of battery 104 is diminished as compared to the power esti
`mated to be required to satisfy the device usage requirements.
`As an example, user settings 112 can signal processor 102
`that the user has certain preferences on how device 100 should
`operate when available battery charge is inadequate. Proces
`Sor 102 can also couple to one or more modules, which can be
`hardware and/or software components (including Software
`applications), within device 100. For example, the modules
`can include first module module-1118, second module-2120
`and nth-module module-n 122. The different modules can
`pertain to different functions or capabilities that can be sup
`ported by device 100. As an example, first module 118 can
`pertain to a media player and second module 120 can pertain
`to a mobile telephone capability. Another of the modules can
`pertain to a workout manager. A workout manager can oper
`ate to record workout data, Such as performance data, and also
`provide for playback of media (sometimes particular media)
`during a workout by a user of the device 100. The workout
`typically involves exercise (walk, run, cycle, Swim, etc.).
`Additional details on workout management by portable elec
`tronic devices are provided in: (i) U.S. patent application Ser.
`No. 11/566,072, filed Dec. 1, 2006, and entitled “SYSTEM
`incorporated herein by reference; and (ii) U.S. patent appli
`cation Ser. No. 1 1/439,523, filed May 22, 2006, and entitled
`PORT which is hereby incorporated herein by reference.
`Still further, device 100 can include display 114. As appro
`priate, graphical user interface (GUI) 116 can present on
`display 114 a dialog window in which a user can influence
`how device 100 reduces power. User input device 117 can
`assist a user in providing user input, such as by interacting
`with GUI 116. User input device 117 can pertain to one or
`more input buttons, touch-sensitive Surfaces, etc. that enable
`the user to provide user input. Such as user selections for
`usage or for power management.
`Typically, it will be useful to operate device 100 in a
`reduced power manner when the available battery charge is
`inadequate to Support the device usage requirements. In one
`embodiment, when the battery charge capacity is inadequate
`to Support the device usage requirements, to reduce power
`consumption, one or more of modules 118-122 can be deac
`tivated. The extent and or order by which modules 118-122
`are deactivated can also be influenced by user settings 112
`and/or user selections made with respect to GUI 116. In
`another embodiment, when the battery charge capacity is
`inadequate to Support the device usage requirements, a noti
`fication can be presented by device 100. For example, a noti
`fication can be displayed on display 114 via GUI 116. The
`The invention pertains to power management of a battery
`powered electronic device. According to one embodiment,
`power management can take action to reduce power con
`Sumption to accommodate estimated power requirements.
`According to another embodiment, power management can
`notify a user when a power deficiency is anticipated. Accord
`ing to still another embodiment, power management can
`advise a user to charge a battery of the battery-powered elec
`tronic device. According to still another embodiment, a user
`can influence power management by user selections.
`The invention is well suited for a portable electronic device
`that can Support multiple functions. In one embodiment, the
`invention is suitable for use with a portable electronic device
`having at least wireless voice communication capability and
`media playback capability. The portable electronic device
`can, for example, be a portable media device (e.g., digital
`music player or MP3 player) having wireless voice commu
`nications. In another embodiment, the portable electronic
`device can be a wireless communications device (e.g., cellu
`lar phone) having media playback capabilities. In still another
`embodiment, the portable electronic device can be a portable
`electronic device having media playback capability and
`workout Support via a workout manager. These portable elec
`tronic devices can also have other functions (e.g., applica
`tions). Such as functions Supporting electronic calendars,
`electronic appointments, network browsers, network data
`transfers, VoIP applications, etc.
`Embodiments of the invention are discussed below with
`reference to FIGS. 1-8. However, those skilled in the art will
`readily appreciate that the detailed description given herein
`with respect to these figures is for explanatory purposes as the
`invention extends beyond these limited embodiments.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of electronic device 100 accord
`ing to one embodiment of the invention. Device 100 is typi
`cally a portable or mobile electronic device. Device 100 can
`pertain to a computing device, a media player, a mobile tele
`phone, a portable game player, portable workout manager,
`and the like. In one embodiment, device 100 is a multi
`function device that supports a plurality of different func
`tions. As one example, device 100 can be portable and operate
`as a mobile telephone while also operating as a media player.
`As another example, the device 100 can operate as a media
`player while also operating as a portable workout manager.
`Device 100 can include processor 102 that controls the
`overall operation of device 100. In addition, device 100 can
`include battery 104 that provides power to device 100. Typi
`cally, battery 104 is rechargeable by coupling battery 104 to
`an AC outlet to allow a charge circuit (not shown) to charge
`battery 104.
`Device 100 can include power manager 106. Power man
`ager 106 can manage power consumption by device 100. In
`one embodiment, the power consumption of device 100 is
`managed by power manager 106 based on usage of device 100
`by a user. Power manager 106 can be coupled to processor
`102 so that power manager 106 can inform processor 102 of
`any power related information or actions to be performed.
`Although power manager 106 is shown in FIG. 1 as separate
`form processor 102, it should be understood that power man
`ager 106 could also be part of or incorporated into processor
`102. Device 100 can also include battery monitor 108 that
`couples to battery 104 so as to monitor the condition of
`battery 104. Battery monitor 108 can provide the battery
`condition, namely, one or more battery characteristics, to
`Apple EX1021 Page 11


`notification can inform the user of the insufficient battery
`charge capacity and/or provide recommendations regarding
`charging battery 104.
`Although device 100 is powered by battery 114, in one
`embodiment, device 100 can also at times utilize power from
`AC power Supplied via a power cord coupled to an AC plug.
`The AC power is also used to charge battery 114.
`FIG. 2 is a flow diagram of power manager process 200
`according to one embodiment of the invention. Power man
`ager process 200 is, for example, performed by an electronic
`device, such as electronic device 100 illustrated in FIG.1. As
`an example, power manager 106, alone or in combination
`with processor 102, can perform power manager process 200.
`Power manager process 200 can begin with decision 202.
`Decision 202 determines whether device usage is impending.
`When device usage, that is usage of the electronic device, is
`not impending, power manager process 200 can wait until
`device usage is impending. Impending device usage can be
`usage that is current, usage that is imminent, usage that is
`predicted to occur relatively soon, or usage that is previously
`scheduled, (e.g., via a calendar or schedule). Impending
`device usage can also be referred to as anticipated device
`usage. In any case, if decision 202 determines that device
`usage is impending, power requirements for the impending
`device usage can be estimated 204. The power requirements
`can be estimated 204 based on a type of usage and/or histori
`cal data regarding usage.
`Available battery power can also be determined 206. As an
`example, a battery monitor, such as battery monitor 108, can
`determine one or more battery characteristics (e.g., battery
`charge level) from which the available battery power can be
`determined. The available battery power can be determined
`206 from the one or more battery characteristics.
`Decision 208 can then determines whether the available
`battery power is greater than the estimated power require
`ments. When decision 208 determines that the available bat
`tery power is not greater than the estimated power require
`ments, then there is a shortage of available battery power in
`order to satisfy the impending device usage power require
`ments. Accordingly, power manager process 200 can reduce
`210 power consumption of the device. The power consump
`tion of the device can be reduced 210 in a variety of different
`ways. As one example, certain non-essential functions of the
`electronic device could be disabled to reduce power con
`Sumption. As another example, certain functions, operations
`or components of the electronic device can be used in a more
`power efficient manner. Regardless of how the power con
`sumption of the device is reduced 210, the reduction of power
`consumption can operate to enable the available battery
`power to be better utilized to support the impending device
`usage power requirements. Following block 210, power man
`ager process 200 can end. Also, when decision 208 deter
`mines that the available battery power is greater than the
`estimated power requirements for the impending device
`usage, power manager process 200 can also end since the
`available battery power is adequate.
`FIG. 3 is a flow diagram of power reduction process 300
`according to one embodiment of the invention. Power reduc
`tion process 300 is, for example, processing that can be per
`formed by block 210 of power manager process 200 illus
`trated in FIG. 2.
`Power reduction process 300 can determine 302 one or
`more device functions that are not necessary for the impend
`ing device usage. The determined device functions can then
`be disabled 304 at least during the impending device usage.
`The disablement of the determined device functions can be
`disabled 304 automatically (without specific user request) or
`US 7,430,675 B2
`following a user request or confirmation to disable. Thereaf
`ter, the power requirements for the impending device usage
`can be re-estimated 306. At this point the power requirements
`for the impending device usage should have been lowered
`given that one or more of the determined device functions has
`been disabled 304. Decision 308 can then determine whether
`the available battery power is greater than the re-estimated
`power requirements. When decision 308 determines that the
`available battery power is greater than the re-estimated power
`requirements, the disablement 304 of the one or more deter
`mined device functions has been effective to reduce the power
`requirements for the impending device usage so that the avail
`able battery power is adequate to Support the impending
`device usage. At this point, power reduction process 300 can
`On the other hand, when decision 308 determines that the
`available battery power is still not adequate to satisfy the
`re-estimated power requirements, a warning can be presented
`310 on a display device associated with the electronic device.
`For example, the warning can notify the user of the electronic
`device that the impending device usage cannot be properly
`Supported unless an external power source is utilized or the
`battery is further charged.
`Next, decision 312 can determine whether the user of the
`electronic device has initiated power adjustments. Here, the
`user of the electronic device can make power adjustments to
`further reduce (or otherwise alter) power consumption by the
`electronic device. Here, the behavior of the electronic device
`can be modified 314 based on user input. For example, the
`user input may request or authorize the electronic device to
`make further (or alternative) function or operational sacrifices
`in order to preserve the available battery power for the
`impending device usage. Following block 314, as well as
`following decision 312 when the user does not make any
`power adjustments, power reduction process 300 can end.
`The power management provided by the power manager
`process or power reduction process 300 can operate in a wide
`range of Scenarios depending on an electronic device and its
`capabilities. Two scenarios are discussed below but numerous
`other scenarios are available depending on the capabilities of
`the electronic device.
`One exemplary usage scenario involves an electronic
`device (namely, a portable electronic device) that Supports
`Voice communication usage (i.e., phone usage) and media
`playback usage. A user of the electronic device may have an
`impending phone call to take using the electronic device in
`thirty (30) minutes. The electronic device can know or predict
`this by various means, including past usage data, a calendar
`entry, user input, etc. However, if the user is now playing back
`media content using the electronic device, the electronic
`device can manage its power utilization as needed. For
`example, when a battery powering the electronic device does
`not have sufficient stored energy to play the media content for
`thirty (30) minutes and then support the phone call for its
`likely duration, the power management can cease the media
`playback and/or alter the user that power conservation is
`required. Alternatively, the power management might permit
`the media playback to continue but without use of a display or
`with reduced volume.
`Another exemplary usage scenario involves an electronic
`device (namely, a portable electronic device) that Supports
`workout Support and media playback usage. A user of the
`electronic device may be initiating a workout, such as a five
`(5) kilometers run, during which the electronic device can
`monitor performance data concerning the run. The electronic
`device can also permit the user to playback media content
`during the run. Just prior to starting the workout, the elec
`Apple EX1021 Page 12


`tronic device can evaluate whether its battery has sufficient
`stored energy to power both the workout support as well as the
`media playback for at least the likely duration of the run.
`Since the length of the run is known in this example, the
`duration for the run can be estimated. The electronic device
`can store information regarding the average run times for one
`or more distances or run speeds for various run distances. The
`energy/power required for the workout, including the work
`out Support as well as media playback, can then be estimated.
`In the event that the battery lacks sufficient energy/power, the
`power management can cease media playback or workout
`Support during the run, can disable a display, can limit media
`playback Volume, etc. In one example, if the user prefers to
`run with media playback and without workout support if
`battery capacity is limited, then workout Support can be dis
`abled. In another example, if disabling the display (e.g., no
`use of backlight of LCD display) during the workout is
`adequate to bring the required energy/power within the bat
`tery's stored capacity, then the electronic device can disable
`the display but continue workout Support as well as media
`playback. The disabling can be automatic or following user
`input. In one embodiment, the power management can alter
`natively or additionally notify the user of the electronic device
`through visual (e.g., via display) or audio means that power
`management is needed. The user can they make selection to
`influence or control power management. For example, the
`notification might indicate “You don't have enough charge in
`your battery to complete the run with music unless you dis
`able music playback (alternatively disable display or disable
`phone), which would you like to disable'?” The user can then
`make a selection with respect to a power adjustment screen on
`how they prefer the power management to be performed.
`FIG. 4 is a flow diagram of power manager process 400
`according to one embodiment of the invention. Power man
`ager process 400 is, for example, performed by an electronic
`device, such as device 100 illustrated in FIG. 1.
`Power manager process 400 can identify 402 an imminent
`user activity. In one implementation, the imminent user activ
`ity can be associated with a recent user selection (e.g., via a
`GUI) of a user activity. Next, a power estimate for the elec
`tronic device to complete the imminent user activity can be
`obtained 404. The power estimate can be dependent on the
`type of user activity. Examples of types of user activity
`depend on the particular device but can, for example, include
`wireless voice communications, data transfer, media play
`back (e.g., Song, album, audiobook, Video, podcast, or play
`list), workout Support, etc. A battery characteristic associated
`with the battery can also be obtained 406. Thereafter, decision
`408 can determine whether the battery can satisfy the power
`estimate associated with the imminent user activity. When
`decision 408 determines that the battery cannot satisfy the
`power estimate, power consumption for the electronic device
`can be reduced 410 during at least the imminent user activity.
`Following block 410, as well as following decision 408 when
`the battery can satisfy the power estimate, power manager
`process 400 ends.
`FIG. 5 is a flow diagram of charge monitor process 500
`according to one embodiment of the invention. Charge moni
`tor process 500 is, for example, performed by a

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