US007 196661 B2
`United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,196,661 B2
`Mar. 27, 2007
`(76) Inventor: A. Stephen Harvey, 33545 Second
`Avenue, Mission BC (CA) V2V 6J3
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 193 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 10/867,320
`(*) Notice:
`(22) Filed:
`Jun. 14, 2004
`5,650,770 A * 7/1997 Schlager et al. ......... 340,573.1
`5,793,813 A * 8/1998 Cleave ....................... 375,259
`6,239,700 B1* 5/2001 Hoffman et al. ....... 340,539.13
`6,518,889 B2 * 2/2003 Schlager et al. ......... 340,573.1
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner Dao L. Phan
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm. The Nath Law Group;
`Robert P. C
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2004/O252O53 A1
`Dec. 16, 2004
`A security system and a method and apparatus utilize a
`transmitter and a receiver with a GPS sub-system in a GPS
`appliance. Ephemeris and almanac data are updated at
`preprogrammed times within coordinated windows of
`Related U.S. Application Data
`opportunity. Each GPS receiver is preferably kept in an
`yiel applits N.E. s y inactive state to reduce power consumption except at the
`fil s d
`J py
`application No.
`s 1
`preprogrammed times and uses time-compressed formats of
`ed. On Jun. 13,
`GPS ephemeris data. An additional receiver makes possible
`the use of a coordinated window of opportunity wherebv the
`(51) Int. Cl
`receiver is set to an active state to receive complete ephem
`GoiS iMO
`52) U.S. C
`eris data sets when transmitted. The security system moni
`irr irrir.
`tors conditions. Security sensors may respond to a condition
`(58) Field of Classification Search ........... 342/357.06,
`to “awaken a transmitter that may then transmit a report
`E. R 357.15; E. 215
`providing the location of the appliance. The report may
`ee application file for complete search history.
`include manifest information Such as the identity of a
`References Cited
`container to which the GPS system is affixed, the sensor
`reporting the breach and its location.
`5,477,458. A 12, 1995 Loomis ...................... 7O1/215
`15 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
`ReG, S TeR
`2 (o
`24 22
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`22 (o
`23 \
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`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 27, 2007
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`FIG. 6
`FIG 5
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`U.S. Patent
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`Mar. 27, 2007
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`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 27, 2007
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`US 7,196,661 B2
`This applications claims priority from U.S. Provisional
`Patent Applications 60/478,272 and 60/478,727 each filed
`Jun. 13, 2003, each incorporated herein by reference.
`The present invention relates generally to a Global Posi
`tioning System (GPS) method and apparatus designed to
`acquire GPS Ephemeris Data at an accelerated rate, provid
`ing the fastest Time-to-First-Fix (TTFF), and a novel type of
`security system incorporating such a GPS method.
`message is the modulo-2 spread of the 50 bps NAV bit-train
`and a Pseudorandom Noise (PRN) Code. PRN-Codes have
`the characteristics of random noise, but are a sequence
`defined by a 1023-chip maximal sequence Bi-Phase Shift
`Key (BPSK) modulation (i.e. alternating 1s and 0s). PRN
`Code sequences are generated with two 10-bit Linear Feed
`back Shift Registers (LFSRs); the output is combined by an
`exclusive-OR (XOR) addition; the signal advances with
`each new value created during the dock cycle.
`Thirty-six unique PRN-sequences (also known as Gold
`Codes) may be generated in this manner, ensuring that no
`two PRN-sequences will match. PRN-Code sequences
`depend on the G2-register “tap' combinations (or seed
`values) used to initialize the operation, and the G1-register
`polynomial that defines the LFSR. Code-correlating receiv
`ers extract the Navigation Message from the Carrier by
`generating PRN reference sequences to identify SVs by
`PRN-Code matches. When the patterns are synchronized the
`receiver mathematically extracts the embedded Navigation
`Message by modulo-2 recovery from the carrier link fre
`quency. The C/A-Code provides an unambiguous reference
`for a receiver to determine carrier signal travel-time (by
`clock offset); as well as, pseudorange based on the C/A-
`Code "chip-period.” Mobile receivers use satellite ephem
`eris (Keplerian parameters) broadcast in the Link Carrier
`Frequency as their reference for determining satellite posi
`tion, when used in conjunction with pseudorange, enables
`PVT Solution. NAVSTAR data broadcasts contain Satellite
`ephemeris parameters based on the U.S. military World
`Geodetic System (WGS-84 G1150). Reference frame
`receiver calculations are based on Earth-Centered Earth
`Fixed (ECEF) (X,Y,Z,t) Coordinates. A GPS Solution is
`transformed automatically in a single-step to the more
`intuitive, and more commonly used, geodetic-coordinate
`system of Latitude, Longitude and Altitude.
`For geo-location positioning, a GPS Receiver must find
`and acquire signals transmitted from a minimum number of
`GPS Satellites, typically four, unless augmented to eliminate
`clock bias. Each satellite space vehicle has its own Pseudo
`Random Number (PRN) Code to uniquely identify it. Each
`satellite transmits satellite ephemeris, i.e. Keplerian param
`eters, and timing chip sequence enabling remote units to
`derive satellite pseudorange and ultimately position-Veloc
`ity-time (PVT) solution. Consequently, remote units may
`autonomously determine their latitude, longitude and alti
`tude, reporting the results to a user through some form of
`Software application programming interface.
`Generally, a remote unit determines the general health and
`relative position of the GPS Satellites through the GPS
`navigation messages. The GPS navigation message is a
`continuous 50-bits/second data stream modulated via a
`spread spectrum sequence onto the carrier signal of each
`satellite. The navigation message is a telemetry message
`transmitted in frames. A GPS frame is 1500 bits long, and
`takes 30 seconds to be transmitted. Every satellite starts
`transmission of a frame precisely on the minute and half
`minute according to its own clock. Each frame consists of
`five subframes. Subframe 1 includes dock correction param
`eters and perimeters used for correction of atmospheric
`delays. Subframes 2 and 3 contain high accuracy ephemeris
`and dock offset data. A handover data word, or HOW, is also
`included. Subframe 4 is reserved for special messages which
`may be included in the data, and subframe 5 contains
`Almanac data. Almanac data includes information relating
`to dock corrections, ephemerides (the plural of ephemeris)
`and atmospheric delays for the normal compliment of
`twenty-four satellites. This data allows the remote unit to
`An important application of the global positioning system
`enables users to determine the remote location of assets, that
`incorporate a transceiver, through an appropriate Software
`application. For example, a Surface transport tractor-trailer
`may automatically report its position to a proprietary dis
`patch system, determining position via the GPS constella
`tion. The GPS constellation is a group of at least 24 GPS
`satellites, currently 28 GPS satellites, that orbit the earth and
`provide location information to GPS systems. Another appli
`cation provides location determination capabilities for cel
`lular phones for the United States Federal Communications
`Commission (FCC) wireless Enhanced 911 (E911) program.
`In order to report its position, a remote unit must “know'
`where it is. In order to do this, the remote unit acquires its
`position through interaction with a minimum of four GPS
`The NAVSTAR (Navigation Satellite Timing and Rang
`ing) Global Positioning System is a space-based radionavi
`gational system that provides a dual-use global positioning
`and navigation service to military and civilian users.
`NAVSTAR is managed by the Interagency GPS Executive
`Board (IGEB), and is co-chaired by the United States
`Department of Defense and the United States Department of
`Transportation. Information is based on a nominal 24-sat
`ellite constellation at an altitude of 20,184 m, with satellites
`distributed equally in six orbital planes separated by 60°.
`The array of satellites is known as the GPS constellation.
`Signal services provided are L1-C/A at 1575.42 MHZ and
`L2-C/A at 1227.6 MHz. Additionally, a new L2Civil Signal
`(L2CS) at 1227.6 MHz will become operational by 2008 and
`a Safety-of-Life signal L5 at 1176.45 MHz is intended to be
`operational by 2013. The civilian GPS standard positioning
`service (GPS-SPS) is designed to provide global coverage
`with between five and eight visible satellites from any
`location. Global availability averages better than 99.94%.
`The NAVSTAR System uses two techniques to improve
`GPS receiver performance; Code Division Multiple Access
`(CDMA) as a means to allow different satellites to transmit
`on the same frequency with limited interference, and direct
`sequence-spread spectrum (DSSS) as a means to increase
`resistance to interference and recover damaged ranging data.
`The GPS broadcast has three components: Carrier Wave,
`Ranging Codes and Navigation Message. The NAVSTAR
`System operates at a system dock frequency of 10.23 MHz,
`which is a sub-multiple of the L1 carrier frequency (1575.42
`MHz-154 * 10.23 MHz). The GPS L1 carrier broadcast
`Apple EX1017 Page 9


`select four satellites that will be required for calculating a
`navigation solution. Subframes 4 and 5 are “subcommu
`tated.” The data to be transmitted in each of subframes 1, 2
`and 3 data comprises a number of bits that do not exceed the
`number of bits in the subframe. Therefore, subframe 1, 2 and
`3 data can each be transmitted within one frame. However,
`a frame has sufficient length to transmit about 4% of
`subframe data or subframe 5 data. Consequently, 25 con
`secutive frames of subframe 4 and 5 data must be collected
`before the receiver has all of the unique data content being
`transmitted by a satellite.
`Typically, uploads are provided to a GPS satellite once
`every 24 hours. A Master Control Station (MCS) sends the
`satellite all the data that the satellite will transmit during the
`next 24 hours and may also include data for a time period
`going farther out. An upload contains roughly 16 subframe
`1, 2, and 3 data sets. Each subframe 1, 2 and 3 data set is
`transmitted for up to two hours. The MCS is operated by the
`United States Air Force 50' Space Wing's 2"Space Opera
`tions Squadron at Schriever AFB, Colorado.
`In order to acquire the satellite position, a remote receiver
`must receive the ephemeris and Almanac data. Based on the
`amount of data and the 50-bits/second data rate, a nominal
`transfer time is 90 seconds for ephemeris data and 12/2
`minutes for an Almanac. A receiver must be powered during
`the time it is receiving the GPS data. The current generation
`GPS tracking systems on trucks have a hard-wired vehicle
`power-source with battery back up; in general, Supplying
`power to this type of system is not an issue. Cellular phones
`are periodically recharged by a user. Therefore, GPS func
`tionality is easily included in a cellular phone that will be
`frequently recharged. Again, supplying the GPS system is
`not an issue.
`However, it may be desired to place a GPS system in an
`application in which the system is not going to be powered
`by a battery that is Substantially continuously recharged or
`in which the system will not be attended by a user for
`recharging. Power requirements take on a new significance.
`Batteries must be provided whose capacity, and hence size
`and expense, must be increased commensurate with the
`desired length of operation of the system between mainte
`nance intervals. Expense and reliability issues are multiplied
`when a number of assets are temporarily stored at one
`location. Where assets need to be tracked separately by a
`GPS device associated with each item.
`The prior art has traditionally required several minutes for
`a GPS device to orient itself after a “cold start. The
`requirements for extended operation of the device to for
`mulate its position after a "cold start, continuous tracking
`or position updating greatly increase the amount of power
`required. Prior art attempts try to achieve power savings
`have included semiconductor Sub-miniaturization and
`selecting the slowest possible embedded processors. This
`approach is inherently flawed and will not enable wireless
`untethered GPS appliances due to slow performance, requir
`ing long times-to-first-fix TTFF. Such a device must, there
`fore, track continuously with all internal clocks operating; to
`power-down the internal clocks and power-up requires an
`additional waiting period.
`Devices including GPS technology have been utilized for
`remotely reporting location information by users or Soft
`ware Application Programming Interface. They may also
`report other information. These devices do not address the
`power requirement issues relating to the operational require
`ments of GPS or the transmitter power budget for transmit
`ting location information. The above-discussed transporta
`tion location systems have not traditionally included security
`US 7,196,661 B2
`features to prevent improper modification of location infor
`mation sent by a GPS station to a base station.
`Also, above-discussed transportation location systems
`have not traditionally included security features to prevent
`improper modification of location information sent by a GPS
`appliance to an end-user or operational control center. The
`prior art has required that that the ephemeris data transmitted
`by the GPS Constellation be provided to calculate a PVT
`Briefly stated, in accordance with the present invention,
`there are provided a security system and a method and an
`apparatus within the security system which includes a trans
`mitter and a receiver with a GPS sub-system in a GPS
`appliance, to rapidly update ephemeris and almanac data at
`preprogrammed times within a coordinated window of
`opportunity. System operational run-time is maximized in an
`application requiring the use of a battery or other power
`Source that is subject to depletion over a projected mission
`of the GPS appliance. A mission could comprise transport of
`a container, or many containers, from one port to another,
`wherein each container has a GPS appliance associated with
`Each GPS appliance includes a receiver preferably kept in
`an inactive state. An inactive state is one in which at least
`one function of the GPS appliance is disabled or otherwise
`affected in order to reduce power consumption. The GPS
`appliance is further enabled to permit the use alternative
`formats of GPS Ephemeris data, such as, utilizing Interna
`tional GPS Service (IGS) Ultra Rapid Orbit Products. The
`complete GPS Ephemeris data-sets, such as those provided
`individually by the GPS Satellites at all times, may be
`transmitted in whole at selected times, and at a substantially
`higher rate than the 50 bps provided by the existing GPS
`constellation. An additional receiver makes possible the use
`of a coordinated window of opportunity whereby the
`receiver is set to an active state to receive complete ephem
`eris data sets when transmitted. Consequently, ephemeris
`and Almanac data may be transferred in under two seconds.
`The GPS sub-system may then be returned to an inactive
`state. Power utilization due to operating the receiver to
`acquire satellites is minimized. In an alternative embodi
`ment, the positioning data may be recorded and transmitted
`at an elevated rate in place of, or in addition to, the Ultra
`Rapid Orbit products. In many applications, however, there
`is no need to use a signal other than the Ultra rapid orbit
`products data.
`The security system reports general condition and security
`related information in response to events to a Software.
`Application Programming Interface or Operational Control
`Center along with location of the GPS appliance. Security
`related information is produced by condition-responsive
`sensors which are operative even when the GPS sub-system
`is in an inactive mode. The sensors may respond to a
`condition to “awaken a transmitter in the system to report
`where a conditioned event has occurred, providing an
`approximate position of the appliance. The sensed condition
`corresponds to a security event or sensory breach. The
`appliance's communications may include manifest informa
`tion Such as the identity of a container comprising the article
`to which the GPS system is affixed, the sensor reporting the
`breach and its location. While the GPS sub-system may not
`have acquired the latest satellite position data, the location
`reported will be satisfactory for security reporting purposes.
`Apple EX1017 Page 10


`US 7,196,661 B2
`In accordance with embodiments of the invention and
`method, ephemeris data transmitted by the GPS Constella
`tion is provided by an alternate means by the invention to
`calculate a PVT Solution.
`While this Summary of the Invention lists various aspects
`of varying embodiments of the present invention, there are
`other aspects of the present invention, or preferred embodi
`ments thereof, apparent from the following description. This
`Summary is neither exhaustive nor intended to be determi
`native of the scope of the invention.
`improbable. Contemporary Security is an evolutionary pro
`cess incorporating Knowledge-Based Risk Management and
`proven technologies as with the new International Maritime
`Organization (IMO) regulation requiring Automatic Infor
`mation Systems in certain ships by July 2004.
`Embodiments of the present invention seek to avoid
`limitations of prior art devices due to a variety of factors that
`can impede performance. These factors include function,
`power consumption, cost, size, reliability and availability.
`GPS systems may also be affected by line-of-sight restric
`tions due to satellite signal blockage by obstructions or
`terrain, coupled with the large power requirements of wire
`less transmitters and semiconductors limits the use of tech
`nology in certain applications that are desirable but cannot
`be practically applied. It is desirable to provide a system that
`is robust event in view of these difficulties.
`Embodiments of the invention address immediate and
`future growth needs of maritime shipping, intermodal trans
`port, and security for customs and law enforcement organi
`Zations by restricting access to global tracked assets and
`providing user authentication, authorization and accounting,
`generally referred to as Triple-A, as a means of non
`repudiation to identify those who have accessed a shipment.
`As further discussed below, traceable time stamps may be
`used as a separate means of non-repudiation for authoriza
`tion and accounting purposes. The system is able to track
`shipments in real-time using a thin-client web-enabled sys
`tem; a Trusted Third Party Services Enterprise can facilitate
`role-based information access for customs and law enforce
`ment organizations to review shipment information and
`activity logs from the point of origin.
`The device presents a high security method of for arming/
`disarming sequences utilizing Two-Factor Authentication
`requiring a Personal Identification Number (PIN) and an
`Electronic Token, broadly defined to include Cellular Smart
`phones or a Suitable alternative electronic appliance. Alter
`natively, a one-time disarm code can be remotely established
`for customs and law enforcement Organizations to facilitate
`compliance inspections. Embodiments may transmit User
`IDs including a Time and Date Stamp to the Operational
`Control Center of a Trusted Third Party Service Database,
`for example at the command and control center 30 (FIG. 1),
`for general message distribution or maintaining incident
`activity logs for auditing malicious activity. The embodi
`ments can also encrypt all wireless transmissions in accor
`dance with Federal Information Processing Standards
`(FIPS) “Data Encryption Standard (DES),” or “Advanced
`Encryption Standard (AES), intended for processing sensi
`tive information.
`FIG. 1 illustrates a deployed security system 1. The
`security system 1 has at least one security device 2, further
`illustrated in FIG. 2, having a housing 3 and including a GPS
`appliance 4. In one form, the GPS appliance 4 is a high
`reliability, shock-resistant GPS Security Appliance designed
`to operate in all harsh environments from -40°C. to +85°C.
`The housing 3 is preferably made of a durable impact
`modified polyalloy that provides high UV, alkali, acid,
`hydrocarbon, and flame resistance. The housing 3 encloses
`all electrical components such as a printed circuit board
`coupled, processor RF front-end integrated circuits, anten
`nae, sensors, and a high capacity Li-ion Smart battery. In
`alternative modes of the invention, the system may connect
`to a solar cell to extend the operation, or an external
`hardwired power Supply. An interface for shell components
`of the housing 3 preferably comprise an o-ring or gasket
`material that maintains a watertight environmental seal
`under all anticipated conditions, and is secured-dosed by a
`The invention may be further understood by reference to
`the following description taken in connection with the
`following drawings.
`FIG. 1 illustrates a deployed security system;
`FIG. 2 is an illustration of a security device locking a
`partially illustrated container,
`FIG. 3 consists of FIGS. 3 and 3b in which FIG. 3a is an
`illustration of the Consultative Committee for Space Data
`Systems (CCSDS) Packetized Telemetry Protocol Data Unit
`(PDU) and FIG. 3b is and Example Telemetry Message;
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram of a security device comprised
`in the security system;
`FIG. 5 is a flow diagram illustrating the process of
`updating satellite position;
`FIG. 6 is a flow diagram illustrating operation of condi
`tion-responsive sensors and the transmitter of the remote
`unit of FIG. 4;
`FIG. 7 is an axonometric illustration of an embodiment of
`a security device;
`FIG. 8 is an illustration of a wire rope assembly that can
`cooperate with a condition-responsive sensor circuit;
`FIG. 9 is a block diagram of a sensor circuit responsive to
`cutting of the wirerope;
`FIG. 10 is a block diagram of a sensor circuit for
`responding to a transducer Such as an accelerometer, and
`FIG. 11 is a block diagram of is a block diagram of a
`timing circuit which produces timing signals and a time
`Embodiments of the present invention will have applica
`tions in high security applications. “High Security is used
`here to describe practices of United States Federal Informa
`tion Processing Standards (FIPS) for handing sensitive
`information and International Standards Organization (ISO)
`security policy assurance with formal hardware assessment.
`The embodiments may be used in providing systems and
`methods that take into account formal evaluation of security
`functions and tamper resistance mechanisms under the Com
`mon Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme (CCEVS).
`originally created by the National Security Agency. The
`embodiments are suitable enable a user to provide high
`security to others by providing a trusted third party services
`enterprise. The enterprise may provide security services
`facilitating secure communications, access control with
`authentication, data management and incident reporting with
`means of non-repudiation like time-stamped activities.
`IT Security is a risk management strategy intended to
`prevent unauthorized system access and activities, while
`mitigating interruptions to critical business processes. No
`single policy or practice can protect against all Vulnerabili
`ties; but combined technologies used with security policies
`can reduce the likelihood of security breaches to highly
`Apple EX1017 Page 11


`high-security cylindrical cam lock. A titanium structural
`insert may provide further anti-tamper resistance and is
`intended to prevent mechanical tear-out of connector assem
`blies. It will include redundant power and communications
`ensuring that the system will work as long as at least one
`redundant component still functions. One mode of the
`invention can include design components rated for military
`and/or aerospace standards.
`Each GPS appliance 4 comprises a transmitter and
`receiver further described with respect to FIG. 4 below. The
`security device 2 acts as a monitor which responds to
`occurrences that affect an asset 12. Response can be pro
`vided by sensors also further described with respect to FIG.
`4 below. If an unauthorized person tampers with a container
`while it is in transit on a long Voyage, a non-repudiatable
`signal will be provided by the security device 2. Securing of
`assets having various means of non-repudiation similar to a
`Custodian Bond will greatly reduce security inspection time
`one a shipped asset 12 arrives at its destination. One form of
`asset 12 is a container 14 that may be loaded on a ship 15
`at sea or in a port 17. Containers 14 may also be loaded on
`vehicles 17.
`The GPS appliance 4 receives information from one or
`more satellites 20 in a GPS satellite constellation 24. The
`GPS constellation 24 is supplied with ephemeris and alma
`nac data from a GPS Master Control Station 26, operated by
`the United States Air Force 50' Space Wing's 2" Space
`Operations Squadron at Schriever AFB, Colorado. The
`civilian Global Positioning System Standard Positioning
`Service is designed to provide coverage with five to eight
`visible satellites 20 from any location. Additionally, the GPS
`appliance 4 may communicate via a commercial satellite 28
`in a commercial constellation 29 via a wireless link to a
`web-based Internet portal 30. Any given commercial satel
`lite constellation 29 has ground, space and control segments
`with unique gateway protocols for device communications
`and message distribution. Alternatively, the GPS appliance 4
`may communicate with an operations control center 30 that
`includes an antenna 32 coupled to a receiver 34 and a
`transmitter 36. The receiver 34 and transmitter 36 are
`coupled to a signal-processing computer 38, which has an
`interface 40. The interface 40 may allow for manipulation of
`signals by a user.
`In embodiments of the present invention, the GPS appli
`ance 4 may remain in an “inactive' mode except at selected
`times. An inactive mode is one in which power is conserved
`as by disabling a particular function drawing power. Forms
`of inactive states include “sleep,” which may be defined by
`the particular functions disabled, or “off.” In a preferred
`embodiment, the GPS appliance 4 is switched to an active
`state at prearranged timing intervals when the commercial
`satellites 28 transmit a complete block of ephemeris data at
`a prescheduled times and at a higher data rate. The most
`significant power consumed by mobile devices is due to
`communication transmissions with the least power con
`Sumption occurring in standby or sleep state. Increases in
`battery capacity are not always possible. The GPS appliance
`4 can thus acquire its position with a minimum amount of
`power being consumed while it establishes its location. In
`this manner, GPS appliance 4 battery life is maximized. It
`should be noted that when the GPS appliance 4 is first
`Switched on at the beginning of a mission, it will go through
`one normal GPS position acquisition cycle, acquiring
`ephemeris data in the conventional manner.
`The security device 2 can notify a user, at the operations
`control center 30, for example, of a security related event.
`US 7,196,661 B2
`Security events are defined prior to a mission. Security
`events may include tampering with an asset or a container 14
`or passage of an inordinate amount of time during the
`mission or a battery level which may signal imminent
`battery depletion. The sensors or other input means further
`described below are arranged to be responsive to security
`events. Sensing of a security event may be used to activate
`the GPS sub-system, and Satellite or Terrestrial Transmitter
`in the GPS appliance 4. As further described below, a
`preselected menu of information may be transmitted to the
`operational control center 30, or to another receiver. Infor
`mation may identify a type of security event, identity of the
`container 14 and location of the container 14. Another
`feature of the security device 2 is a radio frequency identi
`fication (RFID) tag 7. RFID tag 7 functions as described
`immediately below, and functions in a frequency domain
`apart from that of the GPS appliance of FIG. 4.
`Part of the Invention includes location-based security. The
`most notable location-based security method is RFID, or
`Radio Frequency Identification. Radio Frequency Identifi
`cation has two component categories, tags and interrogators,
`and is generally limited to a 90-foot radius in good condi
`tions because of the limitations of data capture. To function,
`by design, RFID Systems require special readers to “see”
`tagged items at a point of ingress/egress, or readers may be
`deployed as a matrix. The INCITS T20 Draft Standard,
`“RealTime Locating Systems (RTLS)' defines RFID Com
`ponents for Asset.
`Management using a system of transmitters that “blink’ a
`Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) signals to fixed
`readers providing an approximate location. The standard is
`not applicable to unbounded deployment areas as with
`monitoring transportation vessels; it enables users to locate
`assets within the range of a compatible permanent-reader
`infrastructure. Electronic Seals are now common with cargo
`containers; they are meant to deter unauthorized access and
`display non-erasable evidence of tampering, but the destruc
`tion of the device will never trigger an alert and in some
`situations they only provide evidence of tampering by their
`observed absence.
`A security device requires a reasonable means of physical
`defense to restrict access, and a component to alert users to
`of tampering. One such method is described by Long in U.S.
`Pat. No. 5,648,763 where a mobile container latching
`mechanism is tied to a comparator and a GPS or LORAN
`system compares actual position to a preprogrammed loca
`tion. The system permits access only when a container is at
`preprogrammed location; it is limited in that it is unable to
`transmit any alerts or violations.
`Additionally, embodiments of the invention provide a
`platform for virtually any wireless Programmed Logic Con
`trol (PLC), Supervisory Control and Data Acq

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