United States Patent
`Croyle et al.
`75 Inventors: Steven R. Croyle, Franklin; Larry E.
`Spencer, II, Lake Orion; Ernie R.
`Sittaro, Romeo, all of Mich.
`73 Assignee: Magellan DIS, Inc., Rochester Hills,
`21 Appl. No.: 580,150
`22 Filed:
`Dec. 28, 1995
`(51) Int. Cl." ....................................................... G06G 7/48
`52 U.S. Cl. .......................... 701/213; 701/214; 701/215;
`701/208; 73/178 R
`58 Field of Search ..................................... 364/460, 461,
`364/444.1, 449.1, 450, 447, 449.7, 449.3,
`454, 453, 448, 440, 443; 340/988, 990,
`995; 73/178 R; 342/357, 457, 352, 451;
`701/207, 208, 213, 214, 215, 221, 220,
`References Cited
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`1/1974 Henson et al.
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`4,032,758 6/1977 Lewis ................................... 235/150.2
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`4,107,689 8/1978 Jellinek ............................. 343/112 TC
`(List continued on next page.)
`0 059 435 9/1982 European Pat. Off..
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`(List continued on next page.)
`USOO586251 1A
`Patent Number:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Jan. 19, 1999
`Integration of GPS and Dead Reckoning Navigation Sys
`tems by Wei-Wen Kao published Jan. 10, 1991 in the
`Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
`Brochure: Fleet-Trak: Fleet Management System.
`McLellan, et al., Application of GPS Positioning to Man
`agement of Mobile Operations, pp. 1-16; 1991.
`Stanley K. Honey; A Novel Approach to Automotive Navi
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`Siemens, Ali-Scout System;.
`G. C. Larson; Evaluation of an AVM System Implemented
`City-Wide in St. Louis, pp. 378-383.
`Brochure: NavTrax 1000 Fleet Management System.
`(List continued on next page.)
`Primary Examiner Jacques H. Louis-Jacques
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Howard & Howard
`The improved vehicle navigation System and method uses
`information from a Global Positioning System (GPS) to
`obtain Velocity vectors, which include Speed and heading
`components, for “dead reckoning the vehicle position from
`a previous position. If information from the GPS is not
`available, then the improved vehicle navigation System uses
`information from an Orthogonal axes accelerometer, Such as
`two or three orthogonally positioned accelerometers, to
`propagate vehicle position. Because the GPS information
`should almost always be available, the improved vehicle
`navigation System relies leSS on its accelerometers, thereby
`allowing the use of less expensive accelerometers. The
`improved vehicle navigation System retains the accuracy of
`the accelerometers by repeatedly calibrating them with the
`velocity data obtained from the GPS information. The
`improved vehicle navigation System calibrates the Sensors
`whenever GPS data is available (for example, once a second
`at relatively high speeds). Furthermore, the improved
`vehicle navigation System does not need to rely on map
`matching to calibrate Sensors. System flexibility is improved
`because map matching is oblivious to the hardware, and the
`System hardware can be updated without affecting map
`matching or a change in the map database.
`17 Claims, 13 Drawing Sheets
`22 sy
`mas, etc.)
`Exhibit 2008


`Page 2
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`Exhibit 2008


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`Exhibit 2008


`U.S. Patent
`US. Patent
`Jan. 19, 1999
`Jan. 19,1999
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`Sheet 1 0f 13
`Exhibit 2008
`Exhibit 2008
`O 2.
`2 as SB


`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 19, 1999
`Sheet 2 of 13
`2 OR 3 AXIS
`|Fig - 2a
`Exhibit 2008


`US. Patent
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`Sheet 3 0f 13
`Exhibit 2008
`Exhibit 2008


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`Exhibit 2008


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`U.S. Patent
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`|Fig - 4a
`Exhibit 2008


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`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 19, 1999
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`WIWO 13S-1-10
`og –61 ||
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`Jan. 19, 1999
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`NOISE = 0
`I = 0
`I = n
`I = 0
`Exhibit 2008


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`Jan. 19, 1999
`Sheet 10 0f 13
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`Exhibit 2008


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`U.S. Patent
`US. Patent
`Jan. 19, 1999
`Jan. 19,1999
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`Sheet 12 0f 13
`- 1
`[Fig — 7d
`Exhibit 2008
`Exhibit 2008


`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 19, 1999
`Sheet 13 of 13
`le l
`-- 1
`Exhibit 2008


`The present invention relates generally to vehicle navi
`gation Systems. More particularly, the present invention
`relates to an improved vehicle navigation System and
`method using information from a Global Positioning System
`(GPS) to obtain velocity vectors for vehicle position
`propagation, and if information from the GPS is not
`available, then using information from a multiple axis accel
`erometer to propagate vehicle position.
`Current vehicle navigation Systems use GPS, Such as an
`electromagnetic wave positioning System, to determine a
`vehicle's position. Such a GPS system is the Navigation
`Satellite Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR) Global Position
`ing System, which is a Space-based Satellite radio navigation
`system developed by the U.S. Department of Defense
`(DoD). GPS includes NAVSTAR GPS and its successors,
`Differential GPS (DGPS), or any other electromagnetic
`wave positioning systems. NAVSTAR GPS receivers pro
`vide users with continuous three-dimensional position,
`Velocity, and time data.
`NAVSTAR GPS consists of three major segments: Space,
`Control, and User as illustrated in FIG.1. The space segment
`2 consists of a nominal constellation of 24 operational
`satellites which have been placed in 6 orbital planes above
`the Earth's Surface. The Satellites are in circular orbits in an
`orientation which normally provides a GPS user with a
`minimum of five satellites in view from any point on Earth
`at any one time. The Satellites broadcast an RF signal which
`is modulated by a precise ranging Signal and a coarse
`acquisition code ranging Signal to provide navigation data.
`This navigation data, which is computed and controlled
`by the GPS control segment 4, includes the satellite's time,
`its clock correction and ephemeris parameters, almanacs,
`and health status for all GPS satellites. From this
`information, the user computes the Satellite's precise posi
`tion and clock offset.
`The control segment consists of a Master Control Station
`and a number of monitor Stations at various locations around
`the world. Each monitor station tracks all the GPS satellites
`in View and passes the Signal measurement data back to the
`master control Station. There, computations are performed to
`determine precise Satellite ephemeriS and Satellite clock
`errors. The master control Station generates the upload of
`user navigation data from each Satellite. This data is Subse
`quently rebroadcast by the Satellite as part of its navigation
`data message.
`The user segment 6 is the collection of all GPS receivers
`and their application Support equipment Such as antennas
`and processors. This equipment allows users to receive,
`decode, and process the information necessary to obtain
`accurate position, Velocity and timing measurements. This
`data is used by the receiver's Support equipment for Specific
`application requirements. GPS Supports a wide variety of
`applications including navigation, Surveying, and time trans
`GPS receivers may be used in a standalone mode or
`integrated with other Systems. Currently, land-based navi
`gation Systems use vehicle Speed Sensor, rate gyro and a
`reverse gear hookup to “dead reckon' the vehicle position
`from a previously known position. This method of dead
`reckoning, however, is Susceptible to Sensor error, and
`therefore requires more expensive Sensors for accuracy and
`The Systems that use odometers, gyros and reverse gear
`hookups also lack portability due to the required connections
`to odometers and the frailty of gyros. Moreover, these
`Systems are hard to install in different cars due to differing
`odometer configurations which can have different connec
`tions and pulse counts in the transmission. Odometer data
`also varies with temp, load weight, tire pressure, Speed.
`Alternative connections to cruise control or ABS Sensors
`bring up Safety concerns.
`Prior Systems use a road network Stored in a map database
`to calculate current vehicle positions. These Systems Send
`distance and heading information to perform map matching,
`and map matching calculates the current position based on
`the road network and the inputted data. These Systems also
`use map matching to calibrate Sensors. Map matching,
`however, has inherent inaccuracies because map matching
`must look back in time and match data to a location. AS Such,
`map matching can only calibrate the Sensors when an
`absolute position is identified on the map, but on a long,
`Straight Stretch of highway, Sensor calibration using map
`matching may not occur for a significant period of time.
`Accordingly, there is a need for a potentially portable,
`vehicle navigation System which is flexible, accurate, effi
`cient and cost-effective in determining a current position
`from a previous position.
`The improved vehicle navigation System and method uses
`information from a Global Positioning System (GPS) to
`obtain Velocity vectors, which include Speed and heading
`components, for propagating or “dead reckoning the
`vehicle position from a previous position. If information
`from the GPS is not available, then the improved vehicle
`navigation System uses information from an orthogonal axes
`accelerometer, Such as two or three orthogonally positioned
`accelerometers, to propagate vehicle position. Because the
`GPS information should almost always be available, the
`improved vehicle navigation System relies leSS on its
`accelerometers, thereby allowing the use of less expensive
`accelerometers. The improved vehicle navigation System
`retains the accuracy of the accelerometers by repeatedly
`calibrating them with the velocity data obtained from the
`GPS information. The improved vehicle navigation system
`calibrates the sensors whenever GPS data is available (for
`example, once a second at relatively high speeds).
`Furthermore, the improved vehicle navigation System does
`not need to rely on map matching to calibrate Sensors.
`System flexibility is improved because map matching is
`oblivious to the hardware, and the System hardware can be
`updated without affecting map matching or a change in the
`map database.
`The use of accelerometers in the improved vehicle navi
`gation System eliminates the need for connections to a
`heading Sensor, Speed Sensors or a reverse gear, making the
`improved vehicle navigation System cheaper to install and
`potentially portable. The improved vehicle navigation SyS
`tem has Sensors which are effectively calibrated because the
`Scale factors for the accelerometers vary in a known manner
`dependent on temperature but fairly independent of other
`vehicle characteristics. In contrast, for example, an odom
`eter loses accuracy if tire diameter changes due to falling tire
`preSSure. If a third axis acceleration measurement Sensor is
`added, the improved vehicle navigation System can operate
`Exhibit 2008


`completely independent of vehicle Sensors, further increas
`ing flexibility in mounting. The third accelerometer provides
`pitch to assist in calibrating the other accelerometers and in
`providing more accurate information by, for example,
`detecting a banked turn.
`In accordance with another aspect of the present
`invention, the improved vehicle navigation System interro
`gates a map database to obtain heading information for the
`mapped path Segment which the vehicle is moving on. The
`improved vehicle navigation System updates the heading
`component for the Velocity with the heading information
`from the map database. The updated Velocity is used to
`propagate the vehicle position.
`Other aspects and advantages of the present invention
`may become apparent upon reading the following detailed
`description and upon reference to the drawings in which:
`FIG. 1 is a general illustration of the various Segments in
`the NAVSTAR GPS system;
`FIG. 2a shows an improved vehicle navigation System
`using the improved position determination System according
`to the principles of the present invention, and FIGS.2b show
`various hardware configurations for Systems using aspects of
`the improved vehicle navigation System according to the
`principles of the present invention;
`FIG.3a shows a block/data flow diagram of the improved
`vehicle navigation system of FIG. 2a, and FIG. 3b shows a
`block data flow diagram of alternative improved vehicle
`navigation Systems according to aspects of the present
`FIGS. 4a and 4b show flow charts for gathering accel
`eration information and orienting the multiple axis acceler
`FIG. 5a shows a block diagram of a Zero motion detect
`System according to the principles of the present invention,
`and FIG. 5b shows a flow chart for the operation of the Zero
`motion detect system of FIG. 5a,
`FIGS. 6a and 6b show a general flow chart of the
`operation of the improved vehicle navigation System of FIG.
`2a, and
`FIGS. 7a-7e show general diagrams illustrating how the
`improved vehicle navigation System updates the heading
`information with the map heading for position propagations.
`While the invention is susceptible to various modifica
`tions and alterative forms, specifics thereofhave been shown
`by way of example in the drawings and will be described in
`detail. It should be understood, however, that the intention is
`not to limit the invention to the particular embodiment
`described. On the contrary, the intention is to cover all
`modifications, equivalents, and alternatives falling within
`the Spirit and Scope of the invention as defined by the
`appended claims.
`An illustrative embodiment of the improved vehicle navi
`gation System according to the principles of the present
`invention and methodology is described below as it might be
`implemented to determine a current position from a previous
`position. In the interest of clarity, not all features of an actual
`implementation are described in this specification. It will of
`course be appreciated that in the development of any Such
`actual implementation (as in any development project),
`numerous implementation-specific decisions must be made
`to achieve the developerS Specific goals and Subgoals, Such
`as compliance with System- and busineSS-related constraints,
`which will vary from one implementation to another.
`Moreover, it will be appreciated that Such a development
`effort might be complex and time-consuming, but would
`nevertheless be a routine undertaking of device engineering
`for those of ordinary skill having the benefit of this disclo
`Aspects of the improved vehicle navigation System can be
`used in connection with a variety of System configurations in
`which GPS Signals are used for position propagation. FIG.
`2a illustrates, in block diagram form, an exemplary arrange
`ment and use of an improved vehicle navigation System 10
`for an automobile 12. In this embodiment, the improved
`vehicle navigation system 10 uses a GPS antenna 14 to
`receive the GPS signals. The antenna 14 is preferably of
`right-hand circular polarization, has a gain minimum of -3
`dBiC above 5 degree elevation, and has a gain maximum of
`+6 dBiC. Patch or Helix antennas matching these specifi
`cations can be used. The GPS antenna 14 can be connected
`to a preamplifier 16 to amplify the GPS signals received by
`the antenna 14. The pre-amplifier 16 is optional, and the
`GPS antenna can be directly connected to a GPS receiver 18,
`which is powered by a power source 20 for the vehicle
`navigation System 10.
`The GPS receiver 18 continuously determines geographic
`position by measuring the ranges (the distance between a
`Satellite with known coordinates in Space and the receiver's
`antenna) of Several satellites and computing the geometric
`interSection of these ranges. To determine a range, the
`receiver 18 measures the time required for the GPS signal to
`travel from the Satellite to the receiver antenna. The timing
`code generated by each Satellite is compared to an identical
`code generated by the receiver 18. The receivers code is
`shifted until it matches the satellite's code. The resulting
`time shift is multiplied by the speed of light to arrive at the
`apparent range measurement.
`Since the resulting range measurement contains propaga
`tion delays due to atmospheric effects, and Satellite and
`receiver clock errors, it is referred to as a “pseudorange.”
`Changes in each of these pseudoranges over a short period
`of time are also measured and processed by the receiver 18.
`These measurements, referred to as "delta-pseudoranges,”
`are used to compute velocity. Delta ranges are in meters per
`Second which are calculated by the receiver from
`pseudoranges, and the GPS receiver 18 can track the carrier
`phase of the GPS Signals to Smooth out the pSuedoranges.
`The Velocity and time data is generally computed once a
`Second. If one of the position components is known, Such as
`altitude, only three Satellite pseudorange measurements are
`needed for the receiver 16 to determine its velocity and time.
`In this case, only three Satellites need to be tracked.
`GPS accuracy has a statistical distribution which is depen
`dent on two important factors. The accuracy which can be
`expected will vary with the error in the range measurements
`as well as the geometry or relative positions of the Satellites
`and the user. The Geometric Dilution of Precision (GDOP)
`indicates how much the geometric relationship of the
`tracked Satellites affects the estimate of the receiver's
`position, velocity, and time. There are four other DOP
`components which indicate how the geometry Specifically
`affects errors in horizontal position (DOP), vertical position
`(VDOP), position (PDOP), and time (TDOP).
`DOPs are computed based on the spatial relationships of
`the lines of sight between the satellites and the user. The
`motion of the Satellites relative to each other and the user
`causes the DOPs to vary constantly. For the same range
`Exhibit 2008


`measurement errors, lower DOPS relate to more accurate
`estimates. The errors in the range measurements which are
`used to Solve for position may be magnified by poor geom
`etry. The least amount of error results when the lines of sight
`have the greatest angular Separation between them.
`For example, if two lines of Sight are necessary to
`establish a user position, the least amount of error is present
`when the lines croSS at right angles. The error in the range
`measurement is dependent on one of two levels of GPS
`accuracy to which the user has access. PPS is the most
`accurate, but is reserved for use by the DoD and certain
`authorized users. SPS is less accurate and intended for
`general public use. The SPS Signal is intentionally degraded
`to a certain extent by a process known as Selective Avail
`ability (SA). SA is used to limit access to the full accuracy
`of SPS in the interest of U.S. national security. Differential
`GPS (DGPS) may be used to correct certain bias-like errors
`in the GPS signals. A Reference Station receiver measures
`ranges from all visible Satellites to its Surveyed position.
`Differences between the measured and estimated ranges are
`computed and transmitted via radio or other Signals to
`differential equipped receiverS/hosts in a local area. Incor
`poration of these corrections into the range measurements
`can improve their position accuracy.
`As shown in FIG. 2a, the GPS receiver 18 provides GPS
`measurements to an application unit 22. The application unit
`22 consists of application processing circuitry 24, Such as a
`processor, memory, buSSes, the application Software and
`related circuitry, and interface hardware 26. In one embodi
`ment of the present invention, the application unit 22 can be
`incorporated into the GPS receiver 18. The interface hard
`ware 26 integrates the various components of the vehicle
`navigation system 10 with the application unit 22. In this
`embodiment, a 2 or 3 axis accelerometer 28 provides accel
`eration Signals to the application unit 22. The accelerometer
`28 can include recently available and low cost, micro
`machined accelerometers. An odometer 29 provides infor
`mation which can be used in place of the information
`derived from the accelerometers, but the odometer 29 is
`optional because it reduces the portability of the System. A
`map database 30 Stores map information, Such as a road
`network, and provides map info

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