US00879 7214B2
`(12) United States Patent
`Taylor et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,797.214 B2
`Aug. 5, 2014
`(75) Inventors: Kirk S. Taylor, San Diego, CA (US);
`Jack Steenstra, San Diego, CA (US);
`Liren Chen, San Diego, CA (US)
`(73) Assignee: QUALCOMM Incorporated, San
`Diego, CA (US)
`- r
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 1202 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 11/774,535
`(22) Filed:
`Jul. 6, 2007
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2009/OOO9398 A1
`Jan. 8, 2009
`(51) Int. Cl.
`GOIS 19/249
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`USPC - - - - - - - - - - - grrr. 342/451; 342/357.32
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`USPC ....................... 342/35701,357.14, 443, 457,
`455/456.1, 456.2
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`9, 1996 Brickell
`5,554,993 A
`8, 1999 Loomis et al.
`5,936,572 A
`6,801,129 B2 10/2004 Grimm
`6,907,238 B2
`6/2005 Leung
`6,928,292 B2
`8/2005 Tsunehara et al.
`7,015,817 B2
`3/2006 Copley et al.
`2003/0063000 A1* 4/2003 Grimm ...................... 340,568.7
`2005/0192741 A1
`9, 2005 Nichols et al.
`8, 2006 Houri
`2006/0170591 A1
`1/2007 Horvitz et al.
`2007,0005243 A1
`2/2007 Shichiku et al.
`2007/0024450 A1
`1/2009 Taylor et al.
`2009, OOO9397 A1
`3, 2003
`1403832 A
`1755391 A
`5, 2005
`8, 2004
`1443341 A1
`3, 1999
`H1 183529 A
`2002296340. A 10, 2002
`2003065780. A
`3, 2003
`2005086579 A
`3, 2005
`International Search Report, PCT/US08/066446, International
`Search Authority, European Patent Office, Oct. 20, 2008.
`Primary Examiner — Dao Phan
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Thien T. Nguyen
`A wireless device provides location data concerning an object
`by use of geolocation in order to provide distance tracking
`and local location techniques in order to provide local track
`ing. The geolocation and local location techniques may be
`implemented at the same time or individually, reconfigurable
`on demand, in both the tracking and tracked devices. The
`tracked wireless device includes a wireless communication
`circuit capable of communication with a multiuser wireless
`Subscriber network. A geolocation reading circuit provides
`GPS or similar location data and is capable of obtaining
`geolocation data concerning the object. A local locating
`device parses local location data, and an indication is pro
`vided of geolocation based on the geolocation data, and is
`further responsive to the local location data which is used to
`modify the geolocation data with the local location data.
`37 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
`( ha
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`US 8,797.214 B2
`Page 2
`References Cited
`2005216128 A
`8, 2005
`2006524316 A 10, 2006
`2006350869. A 12/2006
`1, 1998
`11, 2000
`WOO2O86533 A2 10, 2002
`Written Opinion, PCT/US08/066446, International Search Author
`ity, European Patent Office, Oct. 20, 2008.
`European Search Report EP10158015, Search Authority. The
`Hagu Patent Office, Aug. 27, 2010.
`Partial European Search Report—EP10158015—Search Author
`ity—Hague—Aug. 27, 2010.
`* cited by examiner
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 5, 2014
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`N -3
`Yi Y
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`Aug. 5, 2014
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`C) <
`FIG. 2
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`Aug. 5, 2014
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`623 l
`632 l
`641 l
`FIG. 6
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 5, 2014
`Sheet 8 of 8
`US 8,797.214 B2
`FIG. 7
`FIG. 8
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`US 8,797.214 B2
`The present patent application is copending with an appli
`cation titled “Location Obtained by Combining Last Known
`Reliable Position with Position Changes', and commonly
`assigned to the assignee hereof and filed by the inventors
`ficult. It is often the case that if an object is to be tracked, there
`are times during which a very active duty cycle is advanta
`For the purposes of this invention, “GPS is intended to
`describe GPS, as well as other wide area radio geolocation
`systems, such as GLONASS, Omega, Loran, etc.
`Various cellular location services are used to provide
`geolocation data concerning a cellphone or other wireless
`communication device (WCD). Most commonly, this is part
`of an emergency services function, but can also be used for
`personal tracking and location oriented services such as map
`directions. The location services may use location services,
`Such as those provided by the wireless communication net
`work, or by a geolocation device such as GPS. "Location' and
`“location services' are used to describe the determination of
`a physical location of a WCD. Typically “location consists
`of identifying a position of the WCD which can be translated
`to geographical coordinates.
`A geolocation system uses a system of signals to determine
`geolocation. This is commonly associated with GPS,
`although ground-based systems are also used. In addition,
`wireless communication networks often have a capability of
`providing geolocation based on the communication links.
`Such location determinations are considered to be reliable
`terrestrial navigation or geolocation because if the signals are
`properly received, the determination is reliable to the accu
`racy of the system. They are reliable in the sense that location
`is determined based on the operation of a properly based
`system in which the geonavigation signals are properly
`received. It is understood that the GPS or other geonavigation
`system itself may generates errors which are not detected by
`the wireless communication system; however the geonaviga
`tion system is considered to be reliable in the sense of detect
`ing location.
`Tracking based on a cellphone or other WCD by use of a
`geolocation system results in a location only accurate to a few
`meters at best, and sometimes is only accurate to hundreds of
`meters. This is a separate issue from the “reliable’ nature of
`the GPS signal. This is often sufficient for location services,
`but for some items, like keys, a purse or a small pet, it may still
`be hard to locate the lost object even when directed within a
`few meters of the object.
`Obtaining location data for a WCD beyond that provided
`by a determination of a localized radio reception area is useful
`for a number of reasons, such as providing emergency Ser
`vices and providing consumer directional assistance. Emer
`gency services callers dial a police emergency number,
`whereupon emergency services are dispatched to the caller's
`location. This is accessed by using an emergency services
`number or universal emergency telephone number, such as
`“999” (UK), "911" (North America), “112” (Europe), etc.
`Many emergency call centers have a feature called “marking
`of origin'. The phone number of the caller is transmitted via
`the network, and the address corresponding to the phone
`number is located in the database of the telephone network
`provider. By using digital maps and mapping applications,
`the position of the address can be shown on the map instantly
`as calls arrive.
`In the case of landlines, the location of the caller is usually
`provided by telephone account data or the like, referred to as
`automatic number identification (ANI) in North American SS
`7 systems. Modifications of ANI, called “Enhanced 911
`have been implemented in North America, but these services
`are still based on a fixed subscriber location.
`In the case of mobile telephone services, the physical loca
`tion is not inherent in the connection service. Cellular tele
`phones are generally not located by ANI information Such as
`I. Field
`The present invention relates generally to geolocation and
`location services for wireless devices. More particularly the
`invention relates to modifying geolocation data with local
`location data.
`II. Background
`This invention relates to locating and tracking mobile
`devices, such as wireless communication devices (WCDs).
`The term WCD as used herein includes, but is not limited
`to, a user equipment, mobile station, fixed or mobile Sub
`scriber unit, pager, or any other type of device capable of
`operating in a wireless environment. WCDs include personal
`communication devices, such as phones, pagers, video
`phones, and Internet ready phones that have network connec
`tions. In addition, WCDs include portable personal comput
`ing devices, such as PDAs and notebook computers with
`wireless modems that have similar network capabilities.
`WCDs that are portable or can otherwise change location are
`referred to as mobile units. Wireless communication systems
`are widely deployed to provide various types of communica
`tion Such as Voice and data. A typical wireless data system, or
`network, provides multiple users access to one or more shared
`resources. A system may use a variety of multiple access
`techniques such as frequency division multiplexing (FDM),
`time division multiplexing (TDM), code division multiplex
`ing (CDM), and others. Examples of wireless networks
`include cellular-based data systems. The following are sev
`eral such examples: (1) the “TIA/EIA-95-B Mobile Station
`Base Station Compatibility Standard for Dual-Mode Wide
`band Spread Spectrum Cellular System” (the IS-95 standard),
`(2) the standard offered by a consortium named "3rd Genera
`tion Partnership Project” (3GPP) and embodied in a set of
`documents including Document Nos. 3GTS 25.211, 3G TS
`25.212, 3G TS 25.213, and 3G TS 25.214 (the W-CDMA
`standard), (3) the standard offered by a consortium named
`“3rd Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2) and embod
`ied in “TR-45.5 Physical Layer Standard for cdma2000
`Spread Spectrum Systems” (the IS-2000 standard), and (4)
`the high data rate (HDR) system that conforms to the TIA/
`EIA/IS-856 standard (the IS-856 standard).
`One particular type of WCD is a personal location device.
`A personal location device is used for purposes of providing
`location information to the user of the device, in the manner of
`a GPS or for enabling external tracking of the device, for
`example by use of a wireless network. It is often desired to
`provide Such personal location devices with low power con
`Sumption, using techniques such as Low Duty Cycle (LDC)
`technology—a technology which enables a device to go into
`a deep-sleep mode (less frequently transmit or receive on the
`cellular network) in order to conserve battery life. One dis
`advantage of LDC is that by reducing the active time of a
`device, tracking and other location monitoring becomes dif
`Apple EX1026 Page 11


`area code and prefix. Automatic Location Identification
`(ALI) is intended to provide physical location of cellular
`telephones, either by network-based identification of location
`or by WCD based geolocation.
`There are instances in which ALI is unable to accurately
`determine the location of a WCD, most notably when a GPS
`enabled WCD is unable to acquire the GPS satellite signals.
`By way of example, metallization of a building will create a
`Faraday enclosure for GPS reception. Thus, while “Enhanced
`911 mandates partial and full ALI capabilities, the ALI data
`may not be available. Location services are limited, in part
`because of the difficulty of receiving sufficient GPS signals
`with mobile telephones, particularly from within an enclo
`The data used to perform location can be obtained from the
`WCD itself, as is the case of GPS, primarily from the network
`base station, as is typical with Angle of Arrival (AOA), Time
`of Arrival (TOA) and Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA), or
`a combination of network determination and device determi
`nation. It is possible to enhance the GPS tracking ability by
`use of signals from a base station. This implements tech
`niques known as assisted GPS (A-GPS). One A-GPS function
`provides additional information, including satellite constel
`lation data, to the WCD through a communications datalink,
`to significantly improve the chance for acquiring GPS sig
`nals. A second location technique used in association with
`wireless networks uses triangulation from the base stations,
`such as Angle of Arrival (AOA), Time of Arrival (TOA) and
`Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA).
`GPS based systems in particular consume significant bat
`tery power from a receiver, so it is advantageous to leave the
`location function turned off during normal operation. In the
`case of network-based location services, the location services
`depend on the extent of the WCD's level of communication
`with the network. In a quiescent state, the WCD may only
`provide signals sufficient to allow the network to identify a
`particular transmitter sector to use to communicate with the
`WCD. Users of WCDs also turn off location services so as to
`avoid the potential for commercial abuse of the location data.
`Many WCDs which are GPS enabled are configurable to limit
`location services to emergency calls, or to only turn on the
`location service when location-based communication ser
`vices are desired. Such for obtaining directions. In Such cases,
`the location device is activated by activating an emergency
`call service, or launching of location-based communication
`Long distance and local location and tracking can be solved
`separately. Tracking devices either send data back over a
`communications network which contains the location, or they
`emit a beacon signal that can be tracked by another device
`within an appropriate proximity—typically some type of
`radio receiver. These devices either operate in one mode, or
`the other and employ two separate tracking functions.
`Tracking based on a cellphone or other WCD by use of a
`geolocation system results in a location only accurate to a few
`meters at best, and sometimes is only accurate to hundreds of
`meters. This is a separate issue from the “reliable’ nature of
`the GPS signal. This is often sufficient for location services,
`but for Some items, like keys, a purse or a small pet, it may still
`be hard to locate the lost object even when directed within a
`few meters of the object.
`Additionally, indoors as described above, an A-GPS geolo
`cation system can result in locations that vary by hundreds of
`meters. For example, FIG. 1 is a map depicting locations
`determined by AGPS for a WCD 103 inside a building, shown
`as “Building L', at a location estimated to be at position 111.
`The WCD location samples are indicated by the small squares
`US 8,797.214 B2
`(), not separately identified. As can be seen, the WCD
`“wandered within the building, outside the building, and at
`times extending toward Building KS at location 125. While it
`is not clear whether the user was at Building KS, the WCD
`was left on the desk in the office at location during the whole
`time 111 and in reality did not follow the user to Building KS
`125 or another location. Tracking of the WCD was accom
`plished by the wireless network; however various factors,
`mostly related to signal propagation presumably resulted in
`the variation in detected location. This is indicative of the
`ambiguity of tracking a WCD inside a building.
`FIG. 2 is a map depicting locations determined by AGPS
`for several WCDs. A significant percentage of the samples are
`taken inside a building at position 111. Most locations for the
`building are in the general area of the building, with that area
`indicated (at 135); however some depict movement (e.g., 243,
`244) across the large highway 255, which did not occur. Other
`indications indicate other local areas (at 125-127). In the case
`of Some adjacent areas such as 266, there’s an ambiguity
`Suggesting that the user may have been walking with the
`device across those areas, but other locations (273,275,277)
`are suggestive of inaccurate results.
`These patterns of location have some degree of predictabil
`ity. The map of FIG. 2 depicts locations determined by AGPS
`for several WCDs left inside the building at the same location.
`As can be seen, the patterns represented by the WCDs differ
`for each WCD. Tracking these WCDs gives the impression
`that they are wandering, either across the roadways or into
`neighboring buildings, and in several cases nearly a kilometer
`away (at 273). It is likely that the WCD would “wander
`further (according to the sample location readings), except
`that the location readings are constrained by the WCD's
`communication with a sector within the network.
`FIGS. 3A and 3B are maps depicting the results of tracking
`the 5 devices from FIG. 2 while walking outside with the
`devices. Results near Building L are scattered, although some
`locations correspond to actual movement of the WCD outside
`of Building L. Other results are further away, but based on the
`cultural features of the map, it can be seen that they reflect
`accurate indications of location. For example, the WCDs
`were detected along the roadways (at 335-338) or in a retail
`area (at 341). These readings are representative of readings
`taken outdoors, which are generally much more accurate than
`those taken from within a building.
`While the maps may be interesting, the ambiguities mean
`that, for example, location services provided for emergency
`services are unable to precisely locate the WCD or more
`significantly a user sending a distress signal. If one is looking
`for a small object, the information provided by the location
`service merely indicates that the object is within perhaps half
`a city block, which is often inadequate for purposes of more
`precise identification of the location of an object.
`Rate instruments have been used to detect location, most
`notably on aircraft. Rate instruments include inertial refer
`ence platforms and similar instruments that measure accel
`eration, changes in direction, changes in Velocity, attitude
`changes and the like. One example is a set of three-axis
`gyroscopes and accelerometers used to obtain accurate atti
`tude, direction and position information of a platform in
`inertial space. Given Sufficient data including an original
`position, it is possible to determine the position of an object
`based on rate measurements derived from rate instruments,
`with corrections made for precession and similar errors. For
`purposes of this invention, “rate' is intended to refer to
`Apple EX1026 Page 12


`motion and other positional change, including acceleration,
`Velocity and other changes in Velocity.
`US 8,797.214 B2
`A wireless device capable of communication with a mul
`tiuser wireless subscriber network provides location data
`concerning an object. The wireless device includes a wireless
`communication circuit, a geolocation reading circuit, a local
`locating device and a control circuit responsive to the geolo
`cation circuit and to the local location data. The geolocation
`reading circuit obtains geolocation data concerning the object
`and the local locating device parses local location data. The
`control circuit responds to the geolocation circuit to provide
`an indication of geolocation based on the geolocation data,
`and responds to the local location data to Supplement the
`geolocation data with the local location data.
`In a particular configuration the wireless device is capable
`of modifying the geolocation data with the local location data,
`or provides a relative reading of the geolocation data concern
`ing the object. The multiuser subscriber network may be used
`to communicate a request for a transmission of a local signal
`identifiable with the object.
`A wireless device capable of communication with a mul
`tiuser wireless subscriber network may be used for providing
`location data, in which the device includes a local locating
`device capable and a control circuit. The a local locating
`device provides local location data. The control circuit
`responds to a predetermined event to provide the local loca
`tion data. The local location data enables augmentation of
`geolocation data provided by the network with the local loca
`tion data.
`The control circuit can respond to an external signal or a
`sensed condition signal as the predetermined event. In one
`configuration, the predetermined event is used to activate a
`geolocation circuit capable of providing geolocation data
`concerning the object.
`The techniques can be used to detect a first event related to
`location, for example acceleration or a radio signal. In
`response to detection of the event, geolocation data is pro
`vided by activating a GPS or other monitoring of geolocation.
`The geolocation is used to detect a second event related to
`location. Data concerning one or both geolocation events is
`provided, for example, through a multiuser subscriber wire
`less network.
`Location data is obtained from a mobile object by obtain
`ing geolocation data, obtaining an indication of a reliability
`characteristic of the geolocation data, determining a need for
`local location data, based in part on the reliability character
`istic falling below predetermined criteria. In the case of need
`for local location data, a request for a local signal is transmit
`ted in the event of lack of presence of such a local beacon
`signal, and a need for the local location data.
`Various aspects and embodiments of the invention are
`described in further detail below.
`The features and nature of the present invention will
`become more apparent from the detailed description set forth
`below when taken in conjunction with the drawings in which
`like reference characters identify correspondingly through
`out and wherein:
`FIG. 1 is a map depicting locations determined by AGPS
`for a WCD inside a building.
`FIG. 2 is a map depicting locations determined by AGPS
`for several WCDs.
`FIGS. 3A and 3B are maps depicting locations determined
`by AGPS as tracked within a neighborhood area.
`FIG. 4 shows a WCD adapted to provide supplemental data
`for location services.
`FIG. 5 is a schematic block diagram of a tracking WCD
`adapted to track an object.
`FIG. 6 is a flow chart showing operation of A target WCD
`and tracking WCD.
`FIG. 7 is a diagram showing the functional configuration of
`apparatus for providing an indication of location data.
`FIG. 8 is a diagram showing the functional configuration of
`apparatus for providing information regarding the location of
`a WCD.
`The word “exemplary' is used herein to mean “serving as
`an example, instance, or illustration. Any embodiment
`described herein as “exemplary' is not necessarily to be con
`Strued as preferred or advantageous over other embodiments.
`The word “example” is used herein to mean “a non-limiting
`example. Each example provided herein is an illustration of
`merely one embodiment; many others may exist, and no
`provided example should be construed as limiting an other
`wise broader category.
`Multi-Mode Tracking
`When a tracked device is being located a multi-mode track
`ing operation can be used, a wide area location is determined
`by use of network location services. Upon arriving at the
`location identified by wide area location, the tracked device
`can be reconfigured into local beacon mode and the responder
`can follow the strength and direction of the signal until arriv
`ing at a place where the item is detected or found.
`In one configuration, a target WCD to be tracked is iden
`tified by a tracking WCD and the network is queried as to the
`location of the target WCD. If the network has location infor
`mation for the WCD and the location information is deemed
`to be current, then that information is transmitted to the track
`ing WCD. The WCD may be configured so as to respond to a
`hailing signal from a tracking WCD by enabling the location
`functions of the WCD and thereby provide location data. The
`location data is accessed over the network and provided to the
`tracking WCD as wide area location data.
`The wide area location data provided to the tracking WCD
`has accuracy limitations. The tracked WCD, in response to
`being queried, emits at least one beacon signal capable of
`being tracked locally. Therefore, if the wide area location data
`is sufficient to identify the location of the tracked WCD to an
`extent necessary to receive the beacon signal, the beacon
`signal can be used to more precisely locate the tracked WCD.
`It is possible to allow the tracked WCD to remain quiescent
`as far as transmissions are concerned. In this manner, the
`tracked WCD is presumed to be within a predetermined
`reception area, either because of signals periodically received
`by the WCD or because the WCD is presumed unlikely to
`move beyond the predetermined area. This allows the tracked
`WCD to remain active for extended periods of time without
`excessive battery consumption and without transmitting sig
`nificant amounts of electromagnetic energy. This is presently
`done with ELT transmitters, which are quiescent until acti
`vated, either by acceleration or manually. Similarly, GPS
`location services are often left inactive except when making
`an emergency call. The additional location data may also be
`selectively activated, so that location services and beacon
`signals are activated only under predetermined conditions.
`Since the wide area location data provided to the tracking
`WCD has accuracy limitations, additional local area data
`Apple EX1026 Page 13


`US 8,797.214 B2
`location information can allow the WCD to further augment
`its location data. The WCD can use a known good reference
`point from a wide area fix such as GPS when outdoors to
`establish a reference point. Then, upon going indoors the
`WCD can use that reference fix, and local location data 5
`derived from rate sensing circuits in the WCD to augment the
`precision of the wide area location data that is available
`Valid Data
`Referring again to FIG. 1, at some point WCD 103 was 10
`outside building L, and provided reception at that location. In
`the case of WCD 103 entering Building L at location 130, a
`last known reliable location signal would have been received;
`however it is also possible that there is no such reference. In
`either case, it can be determined that the data points within a 15
`small region, marked 135 are more likely to be valid than, for
`example data points 137. By using the cluster of datapoints
`within region 135, a weighted average of valid points can be
`made more reliable than if all data points are accepted. If
`further data concerning movement of the WCD 103 becomes 20
`available, this movement can be matched to a limited region,
`such as region 135.
`Augmentation of Location Data
`In addition to assisted GPS (A-GPS), device location is
`augmented by using further information concerning the 25
`WCD. Since the reliability of the GPS or other location data
`can usually be determined, determination of location can take
`into account that reliability.
`The accuracy of the wide area location data may be pro
`vided to the tracking WCD, or the wide area location data may 30
`be used to blindly access the general location of the tracked
`WCD. In either case, the location data is augmented by use of
`rate sensing. The rate sensing can include any inertial instru
`ment, including an accelerometer, gyroscope or other sensing
`device. As a result, if the WCD detects rate commensurate 35
`with movement within Building L, it is possible to deduce that
`the WCD is not likely to be a kilometer away.
`On the other hand, if the WCD is in a covered parking
`garage, the WCD may be carried into a vehicle and then can
`travel far more than a kilometer away. If the WCD is able to 40
`detect rate, then it can accept modifications to its detected
`location which are in accord with the detected rate. To the
`extent that the rate measurements are reliable, the location
`can be precisely modified.
`In the case of acceleration, the ability to precisely deter- 45
`mine velocity may be limited. This can be augmented with
`external location information, including GPS and informa
`tion from communication with a radio network. This allows
`the WCD's velocity to be determined over a period of time,
`while allowing for measurement of instantaneous changes in 50
`velocity. This provides velocity data which can be used to
`provide location data.
`In another configuration, the wide area location data is used
`to determine a valid location Zone for the WCD. In general,
`the accuracy of the location data can be determined. In the 55
`case of GPS geolocation, the receiving device (the WCD) is
`able to provide an indication of the accuracy of the location
`information based on its reception. This does not accommo
`date minor and Substantial deviations caused by the geoloca
`tion system itself, however the accuracy of Such systems is 60
`generally a known factor. In the case of wireless network
`communications, the wireless network also provides an indi
`cation of the location of the WCD. The location as determined
`by the wireless network can be matched to that provided by
`the geolocation system. In many cases it is possible to deter- 65
`mine the validity of the geolocation system based on location
`data determined by the wireless network.
`The ability to match location determined by wireless net
`work signals to geolocation location provides an indication of
`likely movement of a WCD. For example, if a user enters a
`closed parking garage, the last known location for the WCD
`based on satellite navigation (e.g., GPS) would be the loca
`tion that the user entered the building, or perhaps a location

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