`(12) United States Patent
`US 8,497,774 B2
`(10) Patent N0.:
`Scalisi et a].
`(45) Date of Patent: Jul. 30, 2013
`Inventors: Joseph F. Scalisi, Yorba Linda, CA (US);
`Roger B. Anderson, Arcadia, CA (US)
`Assignee: Location Based Technologies Inc.,
`Irvine, CA (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 992 days.
`References Cited
`3,924,102 A
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`12/1975 Hanekom
`8/1980 Hellman etal.
`Appl. N0.: 12/419,451
`Apr. 7, 2009
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2009/0189807 A1
`Jul. 30, 2009
`Related US. Application Data
`Continuation-in-part of application No. 11/969,905,
`filed on Jan. 6, 2008, now Pat. No. 8,102,256, and a
`continuation-in-part of application No. 11/753,979,
`filed on May 25, 2007, and a continuation-in-part of
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`Int. Cl.
`G083 1/08
`US. Cl.
`USPC ..................................................... 340/539.13
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`Primary Examiner 7 Phung Nguyen
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm 7 Timberline Patent Law
`Group PLLC; Mark Farrell
`A local charging management device manages electrical
`resource capability for an electronic tracking device. In one
`embodiment, the electronic tracking device includes a battery
`power monitor, a charging unit; and an electrical power
`resource management component. The electrical power
`resource management component adjusts cycle timing of one
`or more of control parameters for the tracking device. Control
`parameters include request rate of location coordinate pack-
`ets to a target host and a listen rate of the location coordinate
`packets. The adjustment is responsive to an estimated charge
`level of the charging unit, velocity of the device, and user
`desired inputs.
`19 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
`1223, 122b
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`GPS satelite
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`US 8,497,774 B2
`This application is a continuation-in-part of and claims
`priority to US. Pat. No. 8,102,256, originally filed as US.
`patent application Ser. No. 11/969,905 entitled “Apparatus
`and Method for Determining Location and Tracking Coordi-
`nates of a Tracking Device” that was filed on Jan. 6, 2008; and
`incorporates by reference in their entirety and claims priority
`to: US. patent application Ser. No. 11/753,979 filed on May
`25, 2007, entitled “Apparatus and Method for Providing
`Location Information on Individuals and Objects Using
`Tracking Devices”; US. patent application Ser. No. 11/933,
`024 filed on Oct. 31, 2007, entitled “Apparatus and Method
`for Manufacturing an Electronic Package”; US. patent appli-
`cation Ser. No. 11/784,400 filed on Apr. 5, 2007, entitled
`“Communication System and Method Including Dual Mode
`Capability”; US. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/784,318 filed
`on Apr. 5, 2007, entitled “Communication System and
`Method Including Communication Billing Options”; and
`US. Pat. No. 8,244,468, originally filed as US. patent appli-
`cation Ser. No. 11/935,901 filed on Nov. 6, 2007, entitled
`“System and Method for Creating and Managing a Personal-
`ized Web Interface for Monitoring Location Information on
`Individuals and Objects Using Tracking Devices.”
`1. Field of the Invention
`The invention relates generally to the field of location and
`tracking communication systems. More particularly,
`present invention relates in one embodiment to a power con-
`servation methodology and apparatus incorporated as part of
`portable electronic tracking device for individuals and objects
`to improve battery life by a wireless location and tracking
`system and/or wireless communication system (WCS).
`2. Description of Related Technology
`Accelerometers are conventionally integrated into elec-
`tronics systems that are part of a vehicle, vessel, and airplane
`to detect, measure, and monitor deflections, vibrations, and
`acceleration. Accelerometers, for example, may include one
`or more Micro Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) devices.
`In particular, MEMS devices include one or more suspended
`cantilever beams (e.g., single-axis, dual-axis, and three-axis
`models), as well as deflection sensing circuitry. Accelerom-
`eters are utilized by a multitude of electronics manufacturers.
`For instance, electronics gaming manufacturers exploit an
`accelerometer’s deflection sensing capability, for instance, to
`measure device tilt and control game functionality. In another
`instance, consumer electronics manufacturers, e.g., Apple,
`Ericsson, and Nike, incorporate accelerometers in personal
`electronic devices, e. g.,Apple iPhone to provide a changeable
`screen display orientation that toggles between portrait and
`landscape layout window settings; to manage human inputs
`through a human interface, e.g., Apple iPod® touch screen
`interface; and to measure game movement and tilt, e.g., Wii
`gaming remotes. Still others including automobile electron-
`ics circuitry manufacturers utilize MEMS accelerometers to
`initiate airbag deployment in accordance with a detected col-
`lision severity level by measuring negative vehicle accelera-
`Other electronics manufacturer products, e.g., Nokia 5500
`sport, count step motions using a 3D accelerometer, and
`translate user information via user’ s taps or shaking motion to
`select song titles and to enable mp3 player track switching. In
`another instance, portable or laptop computers include hard-
`disk drives integrated with an accelerometer to detect dis-
`placement or falling incidents. For instance, when a hard-disk
`accelerometer detects a low-g condition, e.g., indicating free-
`fall and expected shock, a hard-disk write feature may be
`temporarily disabled to avoid accidental data overwriting and
`prevent stored data corruption. After free-fall and expected
`shock, the hard-disk write feature is enabled to allow data to
`be written to one or more hard-disk tracks. Still others includ-
`ing medical product manufacturers utilize accelerometers to
`measure depth of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
`chest compressions. Sportswear manufacturers, e.g., Nike
`sports watches and footwear, incorporate accelerometers to
`feedback speed and distance to a runner via a connected
`iPod® Nano.
`Still others including manufacturers of conventional iner-
`tial navigation systems deploy one or more accelerometers as
`part of, for instance, on-board electronics of a vehicle, vessel,
`train and/or airplane. In addition to accelerometer measure-
`ments, conventional inertial navigation systems integrate one
`or more gyroscopes with the on-board electronics to assist
`tracking including performing various measurements, e.g.,
`tilt, angle, and roll. More specifically, gyroscopes measure
`angular velocity, for instance, of a vehicle, vessel, train, and/
`or airplane in an inertial reference frame. The inertial refer-
`ence frame, provided, for instance, by a human operator, a
`GPS receiver, or position and velocity measurements from
`one or more motion sensors.
`More specifically, integration of measured inertial accel-
`erations commences with, for instance, original velocity, for
`instance, of a vehicle, vessel, train, and/or airplane to yield
`updated inertial system velocities. Another integration of
`updated inertial system velocities yields an updated inertial
`system orientation, e.g., tilt, angle, and roll, within a system
`limited positioning accuracy. In one instance to improve posi-
`tioning accuracy, conventional inertial navigation systems
`utilize GPS system outputs. In another instance to improve
`positioning accuracy, conventional inertial navigation sys-
`tems intermittently reset to zero inertial tracking velocity, for
`instance, by stopping the inertial navigation system. In yet
`other examples, control theory and Kalman filtering provide
`a framework to combine motion sensor information in
`attempts to improve positional accuracy of the updated iner-
`tial system orientation.
`Potential drawbacks of many conventional inertial naviga-
`tion systems include electrical and mechanical hardware
`occupying a large real estate footprint and requiring complex
`electronic measurement and control circuitry with limited
`applicably to changed environmental conditions. Further-
`more, many conventional inertial navigation system calcula-
`tions are prone to accumulated acceleration and velocity mea-
`surement errors. For instance, many conventional inertial
`navigation acceleration and velocity measurement errors are
`on the order of 0.6 nautical miles per hour in position and
`tenths of a degree per hour in orientation.
`In contrast to conventional inertial navigation systems, a
`conventional Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) system uses
`Global Positioning Signals (GPS) to monitor and track loca-
`tion coordinates communicated between location coordinates
`monitoring satellites and an individual or an object having a
`GPS transceiver. In this system, GPS monitoring of location
`coordinates is practical when a GPS transceiver receives at
`least a minimal GPS signal level. However, a minimal GPS
`signal level may not be detectable when an individual or
`object is not located in a skyward position. For instance, when
`an individual or object carrying a GPS transceiver enters a
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`US 8,497,774 B2
`covered structure, e.g., a garage, a parking structure, or a large
`building, GPS satellite communication signals may be
`obstructed or partially blocked, hindering tracking and moni-
`toring capability. Not only is a GPS transceiver receiving a
`weak GPS signal, but also the GPS transceiver is depleting
`battery power in failed attempts to acquire communication
`signals from one or more location coordinates monitoring
`satellites, e.g., GPS satellites, or out-of-range location coor-
`dinates reference towers. Furthermore, weak GPS communi-
`cation signals may introduce errors in location coordinates
`In addition during the acquisition of signaling and or other
`information, a conventional GPS transceiver has limited
`functionality or capabilities associated with control and
`monitoring of battery power usage. For instance, a conven-
`tional GPS transceiver may have some indication battery
`charge level such as a power level bar but have very few or any
`ability or capability to control or reduce power usage. Fur-
`thermore, often users do not realize or are only alerted when
`their GPS transceiver is using reserve power or about to
`suddenly involuntarily shut-down to prevent data loss and
`loss of other user information such as personal GPS settings,
`screen color displays, and user recreational or pleasure set-
`More specifically, users of conventional GPS transceivers
`typically are unprepared for such a sudden loss of GPS trans-
`ceiver service. Generally, within minutes ofan initial warning
`indication, e.g., beeping, vibration, voice, alarms or combi-
`nation thereof, the GPS transceiver shuts off. As such, a user
`may suddenly experience loss of location determination or
`location based capabilities or monitoring or being monitored
`capabilities and not prepared for such sudden outage. Fur-
`thermore, even if a user could reduce battery power usage, a
`result, within the last few minutes ofbattery power, a user has
`little or no incentive or capability to alter battery usage of a
`conventional GPS transceiver due to low power level GPS
`transceivers may suddenly become non-operational without
`any warning to or recourse to a user. Thus, when a conven-
`tional GPS transceiver is low in power level, a user’s most
`viable alternative would be locating an electrical outlet to
`recharge their conventional GPS transceiver.
`In summary, electronic tracking device and methodology
`that provides additional advantages over conventional sys-
`tems such as improved power management, e.g., efficient use
`of battery power and provide other improvements include
`supplementing conventional electronic tracking device moni-
`toring, e.g.,
`increased measurement accuracy of location
`coordinates of objects and individuals traveling into and/or
`through a structure, e.g., a partially covered building, a park-
`ing structure, or a substantially enclosed structure, such as a
`basement or a storage area in a high-rise office building.
`In a first aspect of the present invention, a portable elec-
`tronic apparatus for a tracking device is disclosed. In one
`embodiment, the tracking device includes a battery having a
`battery charge level, transceiver circuitry, processor circuitry,
`and a battery power monitor. In one embodiment, the battery
`power monitor measures in real-time the battery charge level
`and makes a prediction of an estimated remaining battery
`charge level in response to the battery charge level.
`In one variant, a local battery power adjustment mecha-
`nism generates in substantially real-time an updated set of
`network communication signaling protocols associated with
`at least one of a request rate of location coordinate packets to
`be communicated to a target host and a listen rate of the
`In yet another variant,
`location coordinate packets.
`updated set of network communication signaling protocols
`has a value that is responsive to a user input request. In yet
`another embodiment, the local battery power adjustment
`mechanism activates or deactivates one or more portions of
`the transceiver circuitry to conserve the battery charge level.
`In yet another embodiment, the local battery power adjust-
`ment mechanism activates or deactivates the processor to
`conserve the battery charge level in response to the value
`having the value responsive to a user input request.
`In a second aspect ofthe present invention, a local charging
`management device is disclosed to manage electrical
`resource capability for an electronic tracking device that is
`tracked by at least one other tracking device. In one embodi-
`ment, local charging management device includes a battery
`power monitor, a charging unit; and an electrical power
`resource management component. In one variant, the power
`resource management component adjusts cycle timing of a
`request rate of location coordinate packets communicated to
`a target host responsive to an estimate charge level of the
`charging unit. In another variant, the power resource manage-
`ment component adjusts a listen rate of location coordinate
`packets responsive to an estimated charge level of the charg-
`ing unit. In yet another variant, the power resource manage-
`ment component adjusts one or more of request rate of loca-
`tion coordinate packets to a target host and a listen rate of
`location coordinate packets responsive to an estimated charge
`level of the charging unit.
`In another aspect of the present invention, a method is
`disclosed to control power usage. In one embodiment, the
`method includes measurement ofcharging unit power level of
`a tracking device communicated by a location coordinate
`tracking system, and adjustment of charging unit power level
`of the tracking device in response to a substantially-real life
`estimate ofthe unit power level of a charge unit ofthe tracking
`device. In one variant, the method includes creation of an
`timing schedule for communication of signaling
`parameters associated with a request rate communicated with
`location coordinate information and listen rate communi-
`cated with the location coordinate information, the initial
`time schedule being at
`least partially automatically and
`responsive to an estimated power level of the charge unit. In
`yet another variant, the method includes readjustment of the
`timing schedule for communication of signaling
`parameters in accordance with a local request by a remote
`user using an Internet accessible icon that displays user view-
`able tradeoffs between the estimated charge unit life and
`charge unit update rate.
`These and other embodiments, aspects, advantages, and
`features of the present invention will be set forth in part in the
`description which follows, and in part will become apparent
`to those skilled in the art by reference to the following
`description of the invention and referenced drawings or by
`practice of the invention. The aspects, advantages and fea-
`tures ofthe invention are realized and attained by means ofthe
`instrumentalities, procedures, and combinations particularly
`pointed out in the appended claims.
`FIG. 1 illustrates a schematic of an electronic tracking
`device in accordance with an embodiment of the present
`FIG. 2 illustrates a location tracking system associated
`with the electronic tracking device and the wireless network
`in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
`Apple EX1001 Page 12
`Apple EX1001 Page 12


`US 8,497,774 B2
`FIG. 3 illustrates a flow diagram to manage and control
`circuitry associated with the electronic tracking device of
`FIGS. 1 and 2 in accordance with an embodiment of the
`present invention.
`FIG. 4 illustrates a screen display including a user defin-
`able adjustable power level monitor in accordance with an
`embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 5 illustrates a location coordinate navigational system
`utilizing user definable power level monitor of FIG. 4 in
`accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 6 illustrates a location coordinate navigation system
`utilizing a user definable power level monitor of FIG. 4 in
`accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 7 illustrates a flow diagram of a user definable adjust-
`able power level monitor in accordance with an embodiment
`of the present invention.
`Reference is now made to the drawings wherein like
`numerals refer to like parts throughout.
`As used herein, the terms “location coordinates” refer
`without limitation to any set or partial set of integer, real
`and/or complex location data or information such as longitu-
`dinal, latitudinal, and elevational positional coordinates.
`As used herein, the terms “tracking device” and “electronic
`tracking device” refers to without limitation to any hybrid
`electronic circuit, integrated circuit (IC), chip, chip set, sys-
`tem-on-a-chip, microwave integrated circuit (MIC), Mono-
`lithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC),
`low noise
`amplifier, power amplifier, transceiver, receiver, transmitter
`and Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) that may
`be constructed and/or fabricated. The chip or IC may be
`constructed (“fabricated”) on a small rectangle (a “die”) cut
`from, for example, a Silicon (or special applications, Sap-
`phire), GalliumArsenide, or Indium Phosphide wafer. The IC
`may be classified, for example, into analogue, digital, or
`hybrid (both analogue and digital on the same chip and/or
`analog-to-digital converter). Digital integrated circuits may
`contain anything from one to millions of logic gates, inver-
`tors, and, or, nand, and nor gates, flipflops, multiplexors, etc.
`on a few square millimeters. The small size of these circuits
`allows high speed, low power dissipation, and reduced manu-
`facturing cost compared with board-level integration.
`As used herein, the terms “data transfer”, “tracking and
`location system”, “location and tracking system”, “location
`tracking system”, and “positioning system,” refer to without
`limitation to any system that transfers and/or determines loca-
`tion coordinates using one or more devices, such as Global
`Positioning System (GPS).
`As used herein, the terms “Global Positioning System”
`refer to without limitation to any services, methods or devices
`that utilize GPS technology to determine position of a GPS
`receiver based on measuring a signal transfer time of signals
`communicated between satellites having known positions
`and the GPS receiver. A signal transfer time is proportional to
`a distance of a respective satellite from the GPS receiver. The
`distance between a satellite and a GPS receiver may be con-
`verted, utilizing signal propagation velocity, into a respective
`signal transfer time. The positional information of the GPS
`receiver is calculated based on distance calculations from at
`least four satellites to determine positional information of the
`GPS receiver.
`As used herein, the terms “wireless networ ”, “wireless
`communication”, “wireless link”, and “wireless transmis-
`sion” refers to, without limitation, any digital, analog, micro-

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