(12) United States Patent
`Vyas et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7.239,271 B1
`Jul. 3, 2007
`USOO7239271 B1
`(75) Inventors: Hemali Vyas, South Pasadena, CA
`(US); Gengsheng Zhang, Cupertino,
`CA (US); Chiaye Steve Chang San
`Jose, CA (US); Lonel acques Sarin,
`Palo Alto, CA (US); Ashutosh Pande,
`San Jose, CA (US)
`(73) Assignee: SiRF Technology, Inc., San Jose, CA
`Subject tO any disclaimer, the term of this
`( c ) Notice:
`6,133,874. A 10/2000 Krasner
`6,150,980 A 11/2000 Krasner
`6,185,427 B1
`2/2001 Krasner et al.
`6,208,290 B1
`3/2001 Krasner
`6,215,441 B1
`4, 2001 Moeglein et al.
`E. E.
`C. E."
`6,313,786 B1
`11/2001 Sheynblat et al.
`6,389,291 B1
`5/2002 Pande et al.
`6,400,314 B1
`6/2002 Krasner
`6,411,254 B1
`6/2002 Moeglein et al.
`6.421,002 B2
`7/2002 Krasner
`6,433,734 B1
`8, 2002 Krasner
`6,480,788 B2 * 1 1/2002 Kilfeather et al. .......... TO1,213
`6,915,210 B2 * 7/2005 Longhurst et al. .......... TO1,213
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35 E. R. E. E. OCSCIl C al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 10/666,551
`y x- - -
`22) Filed:
`Sep. 18, 2003
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. PCT/US03/
`25821, filed on Aug. 15, 2003.
`(60) Pygal application No. 60/403,836, filed on Aug.
`(51) Int. Cl.
`GOIS 5/04
`(52) U.S. Cl. ............................. 323s7.12.342/357.13
`(58) Field of Classification Search ........... 342/357.03,
`342/357.06, 357.09,357,12,357.13: 701/208,
`701/213, 215
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`5,825,327 A 10, 1998 Krasner
`5,841,396 A 11/1998 Krasner
`5,945,944 A
`8, 1999 Krasner
`6,064,336 A
`5, 2000 Krasner
`9, 2002 Bruno et al.
`2002/013551.0 A1
`2004/O198449 A1 * 10, 2004 Forrester et al. ............ 455,561
`1056 306 A 11 2000
`O 880 13 B
`8, 2003
`B.W. Parkinson—J. J. Spilker: “Global Positioning System: Theory
`and Applications—vol. I”, 1996, American Institute of Aeronautics
`and Astronautics, XP002318287, p. 122-149.
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner Dao Phan
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm The Eclipse Group LLP
`A partial almanac collection system is disclosed. The partial
`almanac collection system includes a global positioning
`system (“GPS) module, and a controller in signal commu
`nication with the GPS module and the call processor, the
`controller instructing the GPS module to collect piecewise
`almanac data in response to a request from the call proces
`98 Claims, 16 Drawing Sheets
`Cal Processor
`GPS Module 18
`GPS Core 1007
`integrated Commuriation and GPS system 1000
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 3, 2007
`Sheet 1 of 16
`US 7,239,271 B1
`GPSSatellite118{ GPSSatellite120
`GPSSatellite116 GPSSatellite114
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 3, 2007
`Sheet 2 of 16
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`U.S. Patent
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 3, 2007
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 3, 2007
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`U.S. Patent
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 3, 2007
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 3, 2007
`Sheet 15 of 16
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`Jul. 3, 2007
`Sheet 16 of 16
`US 7.239,271 B1
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`This application is a continuation-in-part of PCT appli
`cation serial No. PCT/US03/25821, filed on Aug. 15, 2003,
`and titled “INTERFACE FOR A GPS SYSTEM, which
`claimed the benefit of U.S. provisional patent application
`Ser. No. 60/403,836, filed on Aug. 15, 2002, and titled
`herein incorporated by reference.
`1. Field of the Invention
`This invention relates generally to global positioning
`systems (“GPS). In particular, this invention relates to an
`almanac collection system for collecting piecewise almanac
`information from a GPS satellite.
`2. Related Art
`The worldwide utilization of wireless devices (also
`known as “mobile devices') such as two-way radios, por
`table televisions, Personal Digital Assistants (“PDAs), cel
`lular telephones (also known as “wireless telephones.”
`“wireless phones.’ “mobile telephones,” “mobile phones.”
`and/or “mobile stations'), satellite radio receivers and Sat
`ellite Positioning Systems ("SATPS) such as the United
`States (“U.S.) Global Positioning System (“GPS), also
`known as NAVSTAR, is growing at a rapid pace. As the
`number of people employing wireless devices increases, the
`number of features offered by wireless service providers also
`increases, as does the integration of these wireless devices in
`other products.
`Since the creation of the NAVSTAR by the Joint Program
`Office (JPO) of U.S. Department of Defense (“DoD) in
`the early 1970s, numerous civilian applications have arisen
`that utilize new technologies associated with GPS. These
`new technologies include, as examples, personal GPS
`receivers that allow a user to determine their position on the
`Surface of the Earth and numerous communication networks
`such as the Code Division Multiple Access (“CDMA) and
`Time Division Multiple Access (“TDMA') cellular net
`works that utilize GPS clock references to operate. As a
`result of these new technologies, there is a growing demand
`for mobile devices that can transmit, among other things,
`their locations in emergency situations, incorporate posi
`tional information with communication devices, locate and
`track tourists, children and the elderly, and provide security
`of valuable assets.
`In general, GPS systems are typically satellite (also
`known as “space vehicle' or “SV) based navigation sys
`tems. Examples of GPS include but are not limited to the
`United States (“U.S.) Navy Navigation Satellite System
`(“NNSS) (also known as TRANSIT), LORAN, Shoran,
`Decca, TACAN, NAVSTAR, the Russian counterpart to
`NAVSTAR known as the Global Navigation Satellite Sys
`tem (“GLONASS) and any future Western European GPS
`Such as the proposed “Galileo' program.
`The NAVSTAR GPS (henceforth referred to simply as
`“GPS) was originally developed as a military system to
`fulfill the needs of the U.S. military; however, the U.S.
`Congress later directed the DoD to also promote GPS's
`civilian uses. As a result, GPS is now a dual-use system that
`may be accessed by both U.S. government agencies (such as
`the military) and civilians. The GPS system is described in
`US 7,239,271 B1
`GPS Theory and Practice, Fifth ed., revised edition by
`Hofmann-Wellenhof. Lichtenegger and Collins, Springer
`Verlag Wien New York, 2001, which is fully incorporated
`herein by reference.
`Typically, the utilization of GPS includes identifying
`precise locations on the Earth and synchronizing telecom
`munication networks such as military communication net
`works and the cellular telephone networks such as CDMA
`and TDMA type systems. Additionally, with the advent of
`the U.S. Congress mandate, through the Federal Commu
`nications Commission (FCC), for a cellular telephone
`network that is capable of providing a cellular telephone
`user's location within 50 feet in emergency situations (gen
`erally known as “Enhanced 911” service or “E911), GPS is
`being employed for both location determination and Syn
`chronization in many cellular applications.
`In general, the array of GPS satellites (generally known as
`a “GPS constellation') transmit highly accurate, time coded
`information that permits a GPS receiver to calculate its
`location in terms of latitude and longitude on Earth as well
`as the altitude above sea level. GPS is designed to provide
`a base navigation system with accuracy within approxi
`mately 100 meters for non-military users and even greater
`precision for the military and other authorized users (with
`Selective Availability “SA” set to ON).
`GPS typically comprises three major system segments:
`space, control, and user. The space segment of GPS is a
`constellation of satellites orbiting above the Earth that
`contain transmitters, which send highly accurate timing
`information to GPS receivers on earth. At present, the
`implemented GPS constellation includes 21 main opera
`tional satellites plus three active spare satellites. These
`satellites are arranged in six orbits, each orbit containing
`three or four satellites. The orbital planes form a 55° angle
`with the equator. The satellites orbit at a height of approxi
`mately 10,898 nautical miles (20.200 kilometers) above the
`Earth with orbital periods for each satellite of approximately
`12 hours.
`As an example, in NAVSTAR, each of the orbiting
`satellites contains four highly accurate atomic clocks (two
`rubidium and two cesium). These atomic clocks provide
`precision timing pulses used to generate a unique binary
`code (also known as a pseudorandom “PRN-code' or
`pseudo noise “PN-code’) that is transmitted to Earth. The
`PRN-code identifies the specific satellite in the GPS con
`stellation. The satellite also transmits a set of digitally coded
`information that includes two types of orbital parameters for
`determining the locations-in-space for the satellites known
`as almanac data and ephemeris data.
`The ephemeris data (also known as "ephemerides’)
`defines the precise orbit of the satellite. The ephemeris data
`indicates where the satellite is at any given time, and its
`location may be specified in terms of the satellite ground
`track in precise latitude and longitude measurements. The
`information in the ephemeris data is coded and transmitted
`from the satellite providing an accurate indication of the
`position of the satellite above the Earth at any given time.
`Typically, current ephemeris data is sufficient for determin
`ing locations-in-space to a few meters or a few tens of
`meters at current levels of SA. A ground control station
`updates the Ephemeris data each hour to ensure accuracy.
`However, after about two hours the accuracy of the ephem
`eris data begins to degrade.
`The almanac data is a subset of the ephemeris data. The
`almanac data includes less accurate information regarding
`the location of all the satellites in the constellation. The
`almanac data includes relatively few parameters and is
`Apple EX1027 Page 18


`US 7,239,271 B1
`generally Sufficient for determining locations-in-space to a
`few kilometers. Each GPS satellite broadcasts the almanac
`data for all the GPS satellites in the GPS constellation on a
`twelve and one-half (“12.5”) minute cycle. Therefore, by
`tracking only one satellite, the almanac data of all the other
`satellites in orbit are obtained. The almanac data is updated
`every few days and is useful up to approximately several
`months. Because of its relatively long lifetime, GPS receiv
`ers that have been off for more than a few hours typically
`utilize the almanac data to determine which GPS satellites
`are in-view. However, both the almanac and ephemeris data
`are valid only for a limited amount of time. As such, the
`location of the satellites based on this information is less and
`less accurate as the almanac and ephemeris data ages unless
`the data is updated at appropriate intervals in time.
`The ephemeris data includes three sets of data available to
`determine position and velocity vectors of the satellites in a
`terrestrial reference frame at any instant. These three sets of
`data include almanac data (as mentioned earlier), broadcast
`ephemerides, and precise ephemerides. The data differs in
`accuracy and is either available in real-time or after the fact.
`Typically, the purpose of the almanac data is to provide the
`user with less precise data to facilitate receiver satellite
`search or for planning tasks such as the computation of
`visibility charts. The almanac data are updated at least every
`six days and are broadcast as part of the satellite message.
`The almanac data within the satellite message essentially
`contain parameters for the orbit and satellite clock correction
`terms for all satellites. The GPS almanac data is described in
`“GPS Interface Control Document ICD-GPS-200 for the
`“NAVSTAR GPS Space Segment and Navigation User
`Interfaces” published by NavTech Seminars & NavTech
`Book and Software Store, Arlington, Va., reprinted February,
`1995, which is herein incorporated by reference.
`In a typical operation example, when a GPS receiver is
`first turned on (generally known as a “cold start”) or woken
`up from a long stand-by condition of more than a few hours,
`the GPS receiver will scan the GPS spectrum to acquire a
`GPS signal transmitted from an available GPS satellite.
`Once the GPS signal is acquired the GPS receiver will then
`download the GPS almanac data for the GPS constellation,
`the ephemeris data and clock correction information from
`the acquired GPS satellite. Once the almanac data is down
`loaded, the GPS satellite will then scan the GPS spectrum
`for the available (i.e., the “in-view') GPS satellites as
`indicated by the almanac data. Ideally, given Sufficient time
`and assuming the environmental conditions Surrounding the
`GPS receiver allow the GPS receiver to acquire two to three
`additional in-view GPS satellites, the GPS receiver receives
`both distance and timing information from the three to four
`satellites and calculates its position on the Earth.
`Unfortunately, for many applications both time and envi
`ronmental conditions may limit a GPS receiver's ability to
`download the GPS almanac data, especially in indoor or
`limited sky-view conditions. The problems associated with
`time are usually described by the Time-to-First-Fix
`(“TTFF) values. If the TTFF values are high, the GPS
`receiver will have limited applications because it will take
`too long to determine its initial location.
`As an example, in a wireless or cellular telephone appli
`cation, a cellular telephone or personal digital assistant
`("PDA") with an integrated GPS receiver would have to
`wait at least 12.5 minutes (assuming perfect environmental
`conditions with all necessary in-view satellites being visible)
`for the GPS receiver to download the GPS almanac before
`making a call. This would be unacceptable for most appli
`In cellular telephone applications, this limitation would be
`even more unacceptable in view of the E911 mandate that
`requires that a cellular telephone send its position informa
`tion to emergency personal in an E911 emergency call. If a
`user finds themselves within an emergency situation with a
`GPS enabled cellular telephone in their possession that is
`turned off or has been in a long stand-by condition, the user
`would have to generally first wait at least 12.5 minutes of
`time with continuous uninterrupted satellite visibility (be
`cause the GPS receiver typically needs a strong signal to
`acquire the almanac and/or ephemeris data reliably) before
`being able to make an emergency call that would transmit
`the user's location to the emergency personnel. In a typical
`metropolitan or naturally obstructed environment, the wait
`may be longer than 12.5 minutes because the environmental
`conditions may make acquiring the first satellite more dif
`ficult. It is appreciated that this would be unacceptable,
`especially in a life-threatening situation.
`Past approaches to reduce the amount of time required to
`download the almanac data have included storing some sort
`of almanac (such as factory installed almanac data) in a
`memory unit (such as a read-only memory "ROM") in the
`GPS receiver. Typically, this pre-stored almanac data is
`utilized to reduce the TTFF in a cold-start condition.
`In this approach, the cold-start condition usually still has
`a relatively long TTFF time due to the uncertainties asso
`ciated with the satellite positions and the age of the pre
`stored almanac. Once the first fix is acquired, this GPS
`receiver can then download the updated almanac data from
`the acquired satellite and update the ROM (or a read-access
`memory “RAM) for future use. However, this approach
`still requires that the GPS receiver receive the updated
`almanac data (i.e., receiving a “fresh' copy of the almanac
`data) from the satellites for future acquisitions. Receiving
`the updated almanac data will still require significant
`amounts of time that will affect the performance of the GPS
`Therefore, there is a need for a system capable of obtain
`ing almanac information in a more efficient manner that
`overcomes the previously mentioned problems.
`In response to these problems, aiding approaches have
`been developed for mobile telephones that assist the GPS
`receiver by providing aiding data from a communication
`module (also known as a “call processor or “CP) for such
`purposes as acquisition, location calculation and/or sensi
`tivity improvement. Examples of Some of these aiding
`approaches include systems described by U.S. Pat. No.
`6,433,734, titled “Method and apparatus for determining
`time for GPS receivers.’ issued on Aug. 13, 2002 to inventor
`Krasner; U.S. Pat. No. 6,421,002, titled “GPS receiver
`utilizing a communication link,’ issued on Jul. 16, 2002 to
`inventor Krasner, U.S. Pat. No. 6,411,254, titled “Satellite
`positioning reference system and method.” issued on Jun.
`25, 2002 to inventors Moeglein et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 6,400,
`314, titled “GPS receiver utilizing a communication link.”
`issued on Jun. 4, 2002 to inventor Krasner, U.S. Pat. No.
`6,313,786, titled “Method and apparatus for measurement
`processing of satellite positioning system (SPS) signals.”
`issued Nov. 6, 2001 to inventors Sheynblat et al.; U.S. Pat.
`No. 6,259.399, titled “GPS receivers and garments contain
`ing GPS receivers and methods for using these GPS receiv
`ers,’ issued on Jul. 10, 2001 to inventor Krasner; U.S. Pat.
`No. 6,215,441, titled “Satellite positioning reference system
`and method.” issued on Apr. 10, 2001 to inventors Moeglein
`et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 6,208,290, titled “GPS receiver utilizing
`a communication link,’ issued on Mar. 27, 2001 to inventor
`Krasner; U.S. Pat. No. 6,185,427, titled “Distributed satellite
`Apple EX1027 Page 19


`position system processing and application network, issued
`on Feb. 6, 2001 to inventors Krasner et al., U.S. Pat. No.
`6,150,980, titled “Method and apparatus for determining
`time for GPS receivers, issued on Nov. 21, 2000 to inventor
`Krasner; U.S. Pat. No. 6,133,874, titled “Method and appa
`ratus for acquiring satellite positioning system signals.”
`issued on Oct. 17, 2000 to inventor Krasner; U.S. Pat. No.
`6,064,336, titled “GPS receiver utilizing a communication
`link,’ issued on May 16, 2000 to inventor Krasner; U.S. Pat.
`No. 5,945,944, titled “Method and apparatus for determining
`time for GPS receivers,” issued. on Aug. 31, 1999 to
`inventor Krasner; U.S. Pat. No. 5,825,327, titled “GPS
`receiver utilizing a communication link,’ issued on Nov. 24.
`1998 to inventor Krasner; and U.S. Pat. No. 5,841,396, titled
`“GPS receivers and garments containing GPS receivers and
`methods for using these GPS receivers, issued on Oct. 20.
`1998 to inventor Krasner, which are herein incorporated by
`reference. Unfortunately, these aiding approaches in wire
`less networks are typically cellular network (i.e., cellular
`platforms such as TDMA, GSM, CDMA, etc.) and vendor
`specific, and are provided by Geolocation Server Stations
`located at the cellular network. As a result, the GPS receiver
`in the mobile telephone (also known as a “mobile station” or
`“MS) must typically be compatible with the Geolocation
`Server Station of the cellular network.
`However, many network-aiding systems are not yet
`implemented and of those that are implemented, they typi
`cally incorporate Geolocation Server Stations that utilize
`Geolocation Server Station protocols that are not compatible
`with each other. Therefore, there is also a need for a system
`capable of allowing a GPS receiver to operate with the
`numerous Geolocation Server Stations that is Geolocation
`Server Station protocol independent.
`A partial almanac collection system is disclosed. The
`partial almanac collection system may include a global
`positioning system (“GPS) module, and a controller in
`signal communication with the GPS module and the call
`processor, the controller instructing the GPS module to
`collect piecewise almanac data in response to a request from
`the call processor.
`In operation, the partial almanac collection system col
`lects a piecewise GPS almanac by receiving a request for a
`GPS almanac download from a call processor and in
`response receives the GPS almanac in a piecewise process.
`The piecewise process may include receiving a plurality of
`sub-sets of the GPS almanac and storing the plurality of
`sub-sets of the GPS almanac into a memory device. Addi
`tionally, the piecewise process may further include deter
`mining when the last sub-set of the plurality of sub-sets of
`the GPS almanac has been received and combining all the
`sub-sets of the plurality of sub-sets of the GPS almanac to
`create a full GPS almanac.
`Other systems, methods, features and advantages of the
`invention will be or will become apparent to one with skill
`in the art upon examination of the following figures and
`detailed description. It is intended that all such additional
`systems, methods, features and advantages be included
`within this description, be within the scope of the invention,
`and be protected by the accompanying claims.
`The components in the figures are not necessarily to scale,
`emphasis instead being placed upon illustrating the prin
`US 7,239,271 B1
`ciples of the invention. In the figures, like reference numer
`als designate corresponding parts throughout the different
`FIG. 1 is an illustration of a typical known GPS receiver
`in operation.
`FIG. 2 is an illustration of example known electronic
`devices with integrated GPS receivers in communication
`with wireless (both cellular and non-cellular) and non
`wireless networks.
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram of a known wireless mobile
`positioning system architecture that receives GPS data from
`the GPS constellation.
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram of an exemplary implementa
`tion of the mobile device including a call processor in signal
`communication with a GPS module.
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram of an exemplary implementa
`tion of a protocol independent interface in a wireless mobile
`positioning system architecture.
`FIG. 6 is a block diagram of an exemplary implementa
`tion of a mobile device, according to FIG. 5, utilizing a FSM
`in a GSM environment.
`FIG. 7 is a block diagram of an exemplary implementa
`tion of a mobile device, according to FIG. 5, utilizing a FSM
`in a CDMA environment.
`FIG. 8 shows an example of a RRLP to protocol inde
`pendent interface message flow diagram between a Geolo
`cation Server Station, Call Processor and GPS Module.
`FIG. 9 shows an example of a protocol independent
`interface message flow diagram between a call processor,
`GPS Module and a base station (“BS”).
`FIG. 10 is a block diagram of an example implementation
`of a partial almanac collection system (“PACS”) in signal
`communication with the GPS constellation and networks
`shown in FIG. 2.
`FIG. 11 shows a flow diagram of an example process
`performed by the PACS shown in FIG. 10.
`FIG. 12 shows a signal flow diagram for example polling
`process performed by the PACS shown in FIG. 10.
`FIG. 13 shows a signal flow diagram for example non
`polling process performed by the PACS shown in FIG. 10.
`FIG. 14 shows a signal flow diagram for another example
`non-polling process performed by the PACS shown in FIG.
`FIG. 15 shows a signal flow diagram for yet another
`example non-polling process performed by the PACS shown
`in FIG. 10.
`FIG. 16 shows a signal flow diagram for yet another
`example non-polling process performed by the PACS shown
`in FIG. 10.
`Turning first to FIG. 1. In FIG. 1, a diagram 100 of an
`example implementation of a known Global Positioning
`System (“GPS) is illustrated. In operation, a GPS receiver
`102 located on the Earth 104 is designed to pick up signals
`106, 108, 110 and 112 from several GPS satellites 114, 116,
`118 and 120 simultaneously. The GPS receiver 102 decodes
`the information and, utilizing the time and ephemeris data,
`calculates the position of the GPS receiver 102 on the Earth
`104. The GPS receiver 102 usually includes a floating-point
`processor (not shown) that performs the necessary calcula
`tions and may output a decimal or graphical display of
`latitude and longitude as well as altitude on a display 122.
`Generally, signals 106, 108 and 110 from at least three
`satellites 114, 116 and 118 are needed for latitude and
`Apple EX1027 Page 20


`longitude information. A fourth satellite signal 112 from
`satellite 120 is needed to compute an altitude.
`FIG. 2 illustrates a diagram 200 of a number of different
`known applications for GPS. In FIG. 2, numerous example
`devices 202, 204, 206, 208, 210, and 212 are shown receiv
`ing and utilizing GPS signals 214, 216, 218, 220, 222 and
`224 from a GPS constellation 226 of satellites (where the
`individual satellites are not shown). The example devices
`may include a hand-held GPS receiver 202, an automobile
`GPS receiver 204, an integrated cellular telephone GPS
`receiver 206, an integrated personal digital assistant (PDA)
`GPS receiver 208, an integrated mobile computer (such as a
`typical "laptop' or “notebook’ computer) GPS receiver 210,
`an integrated computer (non-mobile) GPS receiver 212, or
`any other similar type of device that may incorporate a GPS
`It is appreciated by those skilled in the art that in the past
`GPS receivers have typically been stand-alone devices that
`receive GPS signals from the GPS constellation 226 without
`any aiding from an external Source. However, with Con
`gress E911 mandate and with the continued growth of
`wireless communications in both cellular and non-cellular
`networks, more and more communication devices are begin
`ning to integrate GPS receivers within the communication
`devices to satisfy the E911 mandate and/or for network
`assisted aiding to the GPS receiver.
`These new integrated communication devices may either
`be in communication with a cellular telephone communica
`tion network through collection nodes Such as a base-station
`tower 228 or with a non-cellular communication network
`through non-cellular collection point 230. The cellular com
`munication networks may be a TDMA, CDMA, GSM,
`W-CDMA, CDMA2000, UMTS, 3G, GPRS, or AMPS type
`of cellular network. The non-cellular communication net
`work may include such networks as BlueTooth R. Wireless
`Fidelity (“Wi-Fi R”) network based on IEEE 802.11, or other
`similar wireless networks. As an example, the hand-held
`GPS receiver 202, integrated automobile GPS receiver 204,
`integrated cellular telephone GPS receiver 206, PDA 208,
`and mobile computer 210 may be in communication

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