`Patent Owner
`Inter Partes Review Case No. IPR2020-01189
`U.S. Patent No. 8,497,774
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`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`BACKGROUND AND QUALIFICATIONS ............................................ 4
`II. LEGAL FRAMEWORK ............................................................................ 9
`A. ANALOGOUS ART ................................................................................ 9
`B. OBVIOUSNESS .................................................................................... 10
`CLAIM CONSTRUCTION ...................................................................... 16
`HAVING ORDINARY SKILL IN THE ART ......................................... 17
`IV. BACKGROUND OF TECHNOLOGY ................................................... 19
`A. GPS TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................ 19
`COMMUNICATION WITH A MONITORING STATION ............................... 22
`RELIABILITY OF GPS SIGNALS ........................................................... 23
`POWER CONSUMPTION OF GPS RECEIVERS ........................................ 25
`ANALOGOUS ART ................................................................................. 29
`Sakamoto ................................................................................ 29
`Hayasaka ................................................................................ 33
`’774 PATENT ................................................................................... 34
`VARIATIONS THEREOF ....................................................................... 36
`1. Modifying Electronic Hardware and Software to Be
`Circuitry ................................................................................. 36
`Combining the Embodiments of Sakamoto .............................. 41
`Claim 1 ................................................................................... 43
`Claim 4 ................................................................................... 60
`Claim 5 ................................................................................... 61
`Claim 6 ................................................................................... 62
`Claim 8 ................................................................................... 63
`Claim 10 ................................................................................. 70
`Claim 13 ................................................................................. 70
`10. Claim 15 ................................................................................. 70
`ADMITTED PRIOR ART ....................................................................... 71
`Claim 1 ................................................................................... 71
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`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`Claim 4 ................................................................................... 74
`Claim 5 ................................................................................... 74
`Claim 6 ................................................................................... 74
`Claim 8 ................................................................................... 75
`Claim 10 ................................................................................. 76
`Claim 13 ................................................................................. 76
`Claim 15 ................................................................................. 76
`SAKAMOTO AND HAYASAKA ................................................................. 76
`Claim 1 ................................................................................... 76
`Claim 4 ................................................................................... 79
`Claim 5 ................................................................................... 80
`Claim 6 ................................................................................... 82
`Claim 8 ................................................................................... 83
`Claim 13 ................................................................................. 84
`Claim 15 ................................................................................. 84
`VI. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................... 85
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`I, Scott Andrews, declare as follows:
`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`1. My name is Scott Andrews, and I am over 21 years of age and otherwise
`competent to make this Declaration. I make this Declaration based on facts and
`matters within my own knowledge and on information provided to me by others,
`and, if called as a witness, I could and would competently testify to the matters set
`forth herein.
`I have been retained as a technical expert witness in this matter by Counsel
`for the Petitioner, Apple Inc. (“Petitioner”) to provide my independent opinions on
`certain issues requested by Counsel for Petitioner relating to the accompanying
`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 8,497,774 (“the ’774 Patent”). I
`am being compensated at an hourly rate of $650.00. My compensation in this matter
`is not based on the substance of my opinions or on the outcome of this matter. I have
`been informed that LBT IP I LLC is the purported owner of the ’774 Patent. I note
`that I have no financial interest in LBT IP I LLC or Petitioner, and I have no other
`interest in the outcome of this matter.
`I have summarized in this section my educational background, career
`history, and other qualifications relevant to this matter. I have also included a current
`version of my curriculum vitae, attached as Ex. 1035.
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`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`I have over 30 years of professional experience in the field of mobile
`devices and technologies and systems, including handheld communications and
`navigation devices, vehicle information systems and vehicle safety and control
`systems, and the sensor system that are used in these devices. Further, I have
`authored numerous published technical papers and am a named inventor on 13 U.S.
`and foreign patents.
`I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from
`University of California, Irvine in 1977 and a Master of Science degree in Electronic
`Engineering from Stanford University in 1982.
`From 1977 to 1979, I worked at Ford Aerospace where I designed, tested
`and delivered microwave radar receiver systems.
`From 1979 to 1983, I worked at Teledyne Microwave, where I developed
`high reliability microwave components and developed CAD tools.
`From 1983 to 1996, I worked at TRW, Inc., having held various positions.
`From 1983 to 1985, I was a Member of the technical staff and a Department Manager
`in the Space Electronics sector. Between 1985 and 1990 I was a project manager
`working on various communications systems projects including the US DoD
`Advanced Research Projects Administration (ARPA) MIMIC Program. Between
`1990 and 1993 I was the Manager of MMIC (monolithic-microwave-integrated-
`circuit) Products Organization. In this role, I developed business strategy and
`Apple EX1003 Page 5


`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`managed customer and R&D programs. During this time, I also developed the first
`single chip 94 GHz Radar, used for automotive cruise control and anti-collision
`systems. In 1993, I transferred to the TRW Automotive Electronics Group, and
`managed about 30 engineers in the Systems Engineering and Advanced Product
`Development organization. In this role, I managed advanced development programs
`such as automotive radar, adaptive cruise control, occupant sensing, automatic crash
`notification systems,
`information systems, and other emerging
`transportation products.
`During this time, I also worked with various types of accelerometers. For
`example, I developed a system that sampled the acceleration signal over time, and
`applied this time series of samples as inputs to a neural network. We then adjusted
`the weights of the neural network so that the system would correctly discriminate
`between crash events and the events, for airbag activation. We also used
`accelerometers to determine and control airbag deployment parameters and timing,
`and to provide information about the crash severity to first responders.
`I was employed as a Project General Manager in the Electronics Division
`of Toyota Motor Corporation at Toyota headquarters in Toyota City, Japan from
`April 1996 to around April 2000. In this position, I was responsible for leading the
`development of vehicle telematics systems, infotainment systems, including on-
`board and off-board navigation systems, mobile device integration systems, traffic
`Apple EX1003 Page 6


`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`information systems, vehicle communications systems, safety applications, and
`automated vehicle control systems. For example, while I was working at Toyota I
`was awarded a Japanese patent1 related to determining the relative orientation of a
`user’s eyepiece (i.e. glasses) relative to their eye axis and a display screen in order
`to determine where on the screen the user was looking.
`I am currently a consultant for Cogenia Partners, LLC, focusing on systems
`engineering, business development and technical strategy supporting automotive
`and information technology. I have been in this position since 2001. In one of my
`active engagements, I served as the technical lead on a project funded by the National
`Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to develop requirements for
`connected vehicle safety systems in preparation for NHTSA regulations governing
`such systems. I also served as a technical consultant on multiple projects sponsored
`by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) related to connected vehicle
`technology research.
`In the various positions mentioned above, I was responsible for research
`and development projects relating to numerous mobile information systems, user
`interface systems, sensory systems, control systems and safety systems, and also had
`the opportunity to collaborate with numerous researchers and suppliers to the auto
`industry. I therefore believe that I have a detailed understanding of the state of the
`Apple EX1003 Page 7


`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`art during the relevant period, as well as a sound basis for opining how persons of
`skill in the art at that time would understand the technical issues in this case.
`I am being compensated for my time spent in connection with this case. I
`have no financial interest in the outcome of this case. The opinions provided in this
`report are my own and my compensation does not depend in any way on the
`substance of my opinions.
`14. As part of my work and in forming my opinions in connection with this
`proceeding, I have reviewed the following materials. For any prior art listed below,
`it is my opinion persons of ordinary skill in my field would reasonably rely upon
`such prior art in forming opinions regarding the subject matter of this proceeding:
`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 8,497,774;
`U.S. Patent No. 8,497,774 (Ex. 1001);
`File History for U.S. Patent 8,497,774 (Ex. 1002);
`Certified English Translation of Japanese Patent Publication No.
`JP2004-37116 to Sakamoto (Ex. 1004);
`U.S. Patent No. 6,799,050 to Krasner (“Krasner”) (Ex. 1010);
`U.S. Patent No. 5,845,142 to Hayasaka et al (“Hayasaka”) (Ex. 1011);
`U.S. Patent No. 5,902,347 to Backman et al. (“Backman”) (Ex. 1013);
`U.S. Patent No. 6,308,134 to Croyle et al. (“Croyle”) (Ex. 1015);
`U.S. Patent No. 7,024,321 to Deninger et al. (“Deninger”) (Ex. 1016);
`U.S. Patent No. 7,196,661 to Harvey (“Harvey”) (Ex. 1017);
`U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2006/0167647A1 to Krumm et
`al. (“Krumm”) (Ex. 1019);
`U.S. Patent No. 5,592,173 to Lau et al. (“Lau”) (Ex. 1020);
`U.S. Patent No. 7,430,675 to Lee (“Lee”) (Ex. 1021);
`U.S. Patent No. 8,467,804 to Lindquist (“Lindquist”) (Ex. 1022);
`U.S. Patent No. 7,760,137 to Martucci et al. (“Martucci”) (Ex. 1023);
`U.S. Patent No. 7,181,192 to Panasik et al. (Ex. 1024);
`U.S. Patent No. 7,126,536 to Rabinowitz et al. (Ex. 1025)
`U.S. Patent No. 8,797,214 to Taylor et al. (“Taylor”) (Ex. 1026);
`Apple EX1003 Page 8


`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`U.S. Patent No. 7,239,271 to Vyas et al. (“Vyas”) (Ex. 1027);
`U.S. Patent No. 6,850,844 to Walters et al. (“Walters”) (Ex. 1028);
`U.S. Patent No. 7,439,907 to Wang et al. (“Wang”) (Ex. 1029);
`U.S. Patent No. 5,491,486 to Welles, II et al. (“Welles”) (Ex. 1030);
`Vehicle Location and Navigation Systems, pp. 43-81 (“Zhao”) (Ex.
`LBT IP I LLC v. Apple Inc., 1:19-cv-01245, No. 1 (D. Del. July 1, 2019)
`(“LBT Complaint”) (Ex. 1036);
`U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2007/005243A1 to Horvitz et
`al. (“Horvitz”) (Ex. 1039);
`U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2007/0005363A1 to Cucerzan
`et al. (“Cucerzan”) (Ex. 1040);
`U.S. Patent No. 6,657,587 to Mohan et al. (“Mohan”) (Ex. 1044);
`Any other materials I cite in support of this Declaration.
`I am a technical expert and do not offer any legal opinions. However, I
`have been informed about certain legal principles regarding patentability and related
`matters under United States patent law, which I have applied in performing my
`analysis and arriving at my technical opinions in this matter.
`I have been informed by counsel that for prior art to be used to establish
`the unpatentability of a patent based on obviousness, the prior art must be “analogous
`art” to the claimed invention. I have also been informed by counsel that a prior art
`reference is analogous art to the claimed invention if: (1) the reference is from the
`same field of endeavor as the claimed invention, even if it addresses a different
`problem; or (2) the reference is reasonably pertinent to the problem faced by the
`invention, even if it is not in the same field of endeavor as the claimed invention.
`Apple EX1003 Page 9


`I have been informed that a person cannot obtain a patent on an invention
`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`if the differences between the invention and the prior art are such that the subject
`matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time the invention was made to a
`person having ordinary skill in the art (“POSITA”). I have been informed that a
`conclusion of obviousness may be founded upon more than a single item of prior art.
`I have been further informed that obviousness is determined by evaluating the
`following factors: (1) the scope and content of the prior art, (2) the differences
`between the prior art and the claim at issue, (3) the level of ordinary skill in the
`pertinent art, and (4) secondary considerations of non-obviousness. In addition, the
`obviousness inquiry should not be done in hindsight. Instead, the obviousness
`inquiry should be done through the eyes of a POSITA at the time of the alleged
`In considering whether certain prior art renders a particular patent claim
`obvious, I have been informed that I can consider the scope and content of the prior
`art, including the fact that one of skill in the art would regularly look to the
`disclosures in patents, trade publications, journal articles, conference papers,
`industry standards, product
`literature and documentation,
`texts describing
`competitive technologies, requests for comment published by standard setting
`organizations, and materials from industry conferences, as examples. I have been
`Apple EX1003 Page 10


`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`informed that for a prior art reference to be proper for use in an obviousness analysis,
`the reference must be “analogous art” to the claimed invention. I have been informed
`that a reference is analogous art to the claimed invention if: (1) the reference is from
`the same field of endeavor as the claimed invention (even if it addresses a different
`problem); or (2) the reference is reasonably pertinent to the problem faced by the
`inventor (even if it is not in the same field of endeavor as the claimed invention). In
`order for a reference to be “reasonably pertinent” to the problem, it must logically
`have commended itself to an inventor's attention in considering his problem. In
`determining whether a reference is reasonably pertinent, one should consider the
`problem faced by the inventor, as reflected either explicitly or implicitly, in the
`specification. I believe that all of the references I considered in forming my opinions
`in this IPR are well within the range of references a POSITA would have consulted
`to address the type of problems described in the Challenged Claims.
`I have been informed that, in order to establish that a claimed invention
`was obvious based on a combination of prior art elements, a clear articulation of the
`reason(s) why a claimed invention would have been obvious must be provided.
`Specifically, I am informed that, under the U.S. Supreme Court’s KSR decision, a
`combination of multiple items of prior art renders a patent claim obvious when there
`was an apparent reason for one of ordinary skill in the art, at the time of the invention,
`to combine the prior art, which can include, but is not limited to, any of the following
`Apple EX1003 Page 11


`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`rationales: (A) combining prior art methods according to known methods to yield
`predictable results; (B) substituting one known element for another to obtain
`predictable results; (C) using a known technique to improve a similar device in the
`same way; (D) applying a known technique to a known device ready for
`improvement to yield predictable results; (E) trying a finite number of identified,
`predictable potential solutions, with a reasonable expectation of success; (F)
`identifying that known work in one field of endeavor may prompt variations of it for
`use in either the same field or a different one based on design incentives or other
`market forces if the variations are predictable to one of ordinary skill in the art; or
`(G) identifying an explicit teaching, suggestion, or motivation in the prior art that
`would have led one of ordinary skill to modify the prior art reference or to combine
`the prior art references to arrive at the claimed invention. I am also informed that
`where there is a motivation to combine, claims may be rejected as prima facie
`obvious provided a POSITA would have had a reasonable expectation of success
`regarding the proposed combination.
`I am informed that the existence of an explicit teaching, suggestion, or
`motivation to combine known elements of the prior art is a sufficient, but not a
`necessary, condition to a finding of obviousness. This so-called “teaching-
`suggestion-motivation” test is not the exclusive test and is not to be applied rigidly
`in an obviousness analysis. In determining whether the subject matter of a patent
`Apple EX1003 Page 12


`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`claim is obvious, neither the particular motivation nor the avowed purpose of the
`patentee controls. Instead, the important consideration is the objective reach of the
`claim. In other words, if the claim extends to what is obvious, then the claim is
`invalid. I am further informed that the obviousness analysis often necessitates
`consideration of the interrelated teachings of multiple patents, the effects of demands
`known to the technological community or present in the marketplace, and the
`background knowledge possessed by a person having ordinary skill in the art. All of
`these issues may be considered to determine whether there was an apparent reason
`to combine the known elements in the fashion claimed by the patent.
`I also am informed that in conducting an obviousness analysis, a precise
`teaching directed to the specific subject matter of the challenged claim need not be
`sought out because it is appropriate to take account of the inferences and creative
`steps that a POSITA would employ. The prior art considered can be directed to any
`need or problem known in the field of endeavor at the time of invention and can
`provide a reason for combining the elements of the prior art in the manner claimed.
`In other words, the prior art need not be directed towards solving the same specific
`problem as the problem addressed by the patent. Further, the individual prior art
`references themselves need not all be directed towards solving the same problem. I
`am informed that, under the KSR obviousness standard, common sense is important
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`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`and should be considered. Common sense teaches that familiar items may have
`obvious uses beyond their primary purposes.
`I also am informed that the fact that a particular combination of prior art
`elements was “obvious to try” may indicate that the combination was obvious even
`if no one attempted the combination. If the combination was obvious to try
`(regardless of whether it was actually tried) or leads to anticipated success, then it is
`likely the result of ordinary skill and common sense rather than innovation. I am
`further informed that in many fields it may be that there is little discussion of obvious
`techniques or combinations, and it often may be the case that market demand, rather
`than scientific literature or knowledge, will drive the design of an invention. I am
`informed that an invention that is a combination of prior art must do more than yield
`predictable results to be non-obvious.
`I am informed that for a patent claim to be obvious, the claim must be
`obvious to a POSITA at the time of the alleged invention. I am informed that the
`factors to consider in determining the level of ordinary skill in the art include (1) the
`educational level and experience of people working in the field at the time the
`invention was made, (2) the types of problems faced in the art and the solutions
`found to those problems, and (3) the sophistication of the technology in the field.
`I am informed that it is improper to combine references where the
`references teach away from their combination. I am informed that a reference may
`Apple EX1003 Page 14


`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`be said to teach away when a POSITA, upon reading the reference, would be
`discouraged from following the path set out in the reference, or would be led in a
`direction divergent from the path that was taken by the patent applicant. In general,
`a reference will teach away if it suggests that the line of development flowing from
`the reference’s disclosure is unlikely to be productive of the result sought by the
`patentee. I am informed that a reference teaches away, for example, if (1) the
`combination would produce a seemingly inoperative device, or (2) the references
`leave the impression that the product would not have the property sought by the
`patentee. I also am informed, however, that a reference does not teach away if it
`merely expresses a general preference for an alternative invention but does not
`criticize, discredit, or otherwise discourage investigation into the invention claimed.
`I am informed that even if a prima facie case of obviousness is established,
`final determination of obviousness must also consider “secondary
`considerations” if presented. In most instances, the patentee raises these secondary
`considerations of non-obviousness. In that context, the patentee argues an invention
`would not have been obvious in view of these considerations, which include: (a)
`commercial success of a product due to the merits of the claimed invention; (b) a
`long-felt, but unsatisfied need for the invention; (c) failure of others to find the
`solution provided by the claimed invention; (d) deliberate copying of the invention
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`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`by others; (e) unexpected results achieved by the invention; (f) praise of the
`invention by others skilled in the art; (g) lack of independent simultaneous invention
`within a comparatively short space of time; (h) teaching away from the invention in
`the prior art.
`I am further informed that secondary-considerations evidence is only
`relevant if the offering party establishes a connection, or nexus, between the
`evidence and the claimed invention. The nexus cannot be based on prior art features.
`The establishment of a nexus is a question of fact. While I understand that the Patent
`Owner here has not offered any secondary considerations at this time, I will
`supplement my opinions in the event that the Patent Owner raises secondary
`considerations during the course of this proceeding.
`I have been informed by counsel that the first step in an unpatentability
`analysis involves construing the claims, as necessary, to determine their scope.
`Second, the construed claim language is then compared to the disclosures of the prior
`art. I am informed that claims are generally given their ordinary and custom meaning
`as understood by one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention, in light
`of the patent specification.
`28. For purposes of this proceeding, I have applied the claim constructions set
`forth in the claim construction section of the Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S.
`Apple EX1003 Page 16


`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`Patent No. 8,497,774 (the “Petition”) that this declaration accompanies when
`analyzing the prior art and the claims. For any claim terms not construed, I have
`applied the meaning of the claim terms of the ’774 Patent that are generally
`consistent with the terms’ ordinary and customary meaning, as a person of ordinary
`skill in the art would have reasonably understood them at the time of the invention.
`I have been instructed to assume for purposes of this proceeding that the time of the
`invention is April 5, 2007.
`I was asked to provide my opinion as to the level of skill of a person having
`ordinary skill in the art (“POSITA”) of the ’774 Patent at the time of the claimed
`invention, which I have been instructed to assume is April 5, 2007. In determining
`the characteristics of a hypothetical person of ordinary skill in the art of the ’774
`Patent at the time of the claimed invention, I was told to consider several factors,
`including the type of problems encountered in the art, the solutions to those
`problems, the rapidity with which innovations are made in the field, the
`sophistication of the technology, and the education level of active workers in the
`field. I also placed myself back in the time frame of the claimed invention and
`considered the colleagues with whom I had worked at that time.
`Apple EX1003 Page 17


`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`In my opinion, a person having ordinary skill in the art of the ’774 Patent
`at the time of its filing would have been a person having, as of April 5, 2007, a
`Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer
`Engineering, or Computer Science, or an equivalent degree with at least two years
`of experience in GPS navigation, dead reckoning, portable tracking devices, or
`related technologies. Additional education may substitute for lesser work experience
`and vice-versa. Such a person of ordinary skill in the art would have been capable
`of understanding the ’774 Patent and the prior art references discussed herein.
`31. Based on my education, training, and professional experience in the field
`of the claimed invention, I am familiar with the level and abilities of a person of
`ordinary skill in the art at the time of the claimed invention. Additionally, I met at
`least these minimum qualifications to be a person having ordinary skill in the art at
`least as of April 5, 2007. Further, although my qualifications may exceed those of
`the hypothetical person having ordinary skill in the art defined above, my analysis
`and opinions regarding the ’774 Patent have been rendered from the perspective of
`a person having ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention.
`32. My opinions provided in this Declaration are made as of the priority date
`of the ’774 Patent (which counsel has informed me is April 5, 2007), unless
`expressly stated otherwise. To the extent that any verb tense used in this Declaration
`or any deposition or testimony provided in this matter is a present tense, e.g., “would
`Apple EX1003 Page 18


`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`reasonably understand,” such verb tense should be understood to be my opinion as
`of the ’774 Patent’s priority date (again, unless expressly stated otherwise). I merely
`use the present verb tense for ease of reading.
`I was asked to briefly summarize the background of the technology from
`the standpoint of a POSITA prior to April 5, 2007.
`34. For decades, location tracking devices have utilized GPS technology to
`provide increasingly fast and accurate determination of a device’s current and/or past
`location. NAVSTAR GPS was originally developed in the 1970s by the U.S.
`Department of Defense for military applications. See, e.g., Vyas, 1:36-51; Zhao, p.
`63. Since that time, numerous advancements have taken place, such as the addition
`of satellites leading to 24 operational GPS satellites in orbit, and civilian use has
`been authorized by the United States government, within limitations. Zhao, pp. 63-
`64. Additionally, various components employed utilized for GPS-based location
`sensing have been manufactured to be smaller and less expensive, allowing GPS
`technology to be adapted into affordable portable hand-held devices at least as early
`as 1996. Backman, 2:17-20. By this time, various technical improvements were
`already being employed to overcome well-known issues associated with GPS
`Apple EX1003 Page 19


`Declaration of Scott Andrews
`Patent No. 8,497,774
`technology, such as low signal strength and the extensive power consumption of
`GPS receivers, as will be discussed in further detail below.
`35. GPS satellites operate by transmitting a signal comprising almanac and
`time information, as well as clock and other correction coefficients to receiving
`devices on Earth. Wang, 2:1-4. Using this data received from each satellite signal
`collected over time by the GPS receiver, precise orbi

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