`Bruce Alberts • Dennis Bray
`Julian Lewis •Martin Raff• Keith Roberts
`James D. Watson
`Garland Publishing, Inc.
`Page i
`Illumina Ex. 1037
`IPR Petition - USP 10,435,742


`Text Editor: Miranda Robertson
`Managing Editor: Ruth Adams
`Illustrator: Nigel Orme
`Molecular Model Drawings: Kate Hesketh-Moore
`Director of Electronic Publishing: John M-Roblin
`Computer Specialist: Chuck Bartelt
`Disk Preparation: Carol Winter
`Copy Editor: Shirley M. Cobert
`Production Editor: Douglas Goertzen
`Production Coordinator: Perry Bessas
`Indexer: Maija Hinkle
`Bruce Alberts received his Ph.D. from Harvard University and is
`currently President of the National Academy of Sciences and Professor
`of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the University of California, San
`Francisco. Dennis Bray received his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts
`Institute of Technology and is currently a Medical Research Council
`Fellow in the Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge.
`Julian Lewis received his D.Phil. from the University of Oxford and is
`currently a Senior Scientist in the Imperial Cancer Research Fund
`Developmental Biology Unit, University of Oxford. Martin Raff received
`his M.D. from McGill University and is currently a Professor in the MRC
`Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology and the Biology Department,
`University College London. Keith Roberts received his Ph.D. from the
`University of Cambridge and is currently Head of the Department of Cell
`Biology, the John Innes Institute, Norwich. James D. Watson received his
`Ph.D. from Indiana University and is currently Director of the Cold Spring
`Harbor Laboratory. He is the author of Molecular Biology of the Gene and,
`with Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins, won the Nobel Prize in Medicine
`and Physiology in 1962.
`© 1983, 1989, 1994 by Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Julian Lewis,
`Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and James D. Watson.
`All rights reserved. No part of this book covered by the copyright hereon
`may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means-graphic,
`electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or
`information storage and retrieval systems-without permission of the
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Molecular biology of the cell I Bruce Alberts ... [et al.] .. -3rd ed.
`p. cm.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0-8153-1619-4 (hard cover).-ISBN 0-8153-1620-8 (pbk.)
`1. Cytology. 2. Molecular biology. I. Alberts, Bruce.
`[DNLM: 1. Cells. 2. Molecular Biology. QH 581.2 M718 1994]
`QH581.2.M64 1994
`for Library of Congress
`Published by Garland Publishing, Inc.
`717 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10022
`Printed in the United States of America
`15 14 13 12 10 9 8 7.
`Front cover: The photograph shows a rat nerve cell
`in culture. It is labeled (yellow) with a fluorescent
`antibody that stains its cell body and dendritic
`processes. Nerve terminals (green) froi;n other
`neurons (not visible), which have made synapses on
`the cell, are labeled with a different antibody.
`(Courtesy of Olaf Mundigl and Pietro de Camilli.)
`Dedication page: Gavin Borden, late president
`of Garland Publishing, weathered in during his
`mid-1980s climb near Mount McKinley with
`MBoC author Bruce Alberts and famous mountaineer
`guide Mugs Stump (1940-1992).
`Back cover: The authors, in alphabetical order,
`crossing Abbey Road in London on their way to lunch.
`Much of this third edition was written in a house just
`around the corner. (Photograph by Richard Olivier.)
`Page ii


`group \ H
`group I
`pH 7
`CH 3
`Figure 2-6 The amino acid alanine.
`In the cell, where the pH is close to 7,
`the free amino acid exists in its
`ionized form; but when it is
`incorporated into a polypeptide
`chain, the charges on the amino and
`carboxyl groups disappear. A ball(cid:173)
`and-stick model and a space-filling
`model are shown to the right of the
`structural formulas. For alanine, the
`side chain is a -CH3 group.
`the hydrophobic tail regions pack together very closely facing the air and the
`hydrophilic head groups are in contact with the water (Panel 2-4, pp. 54--55). Two
`such films can combine tail to tail in water to make a phospholipid sandwich, or
`lipid bilayer, an extremely important assembly that is the structural basis of all
`cell membranes (discussed .in Chapter 10).
`Amino Acids Are the Subunits of Proteins 5
`The common amino acids are chemically varied, but they all contain a carboxylic
`acid group and an amino group, both linked to a single carbon atom (called the
`a-carbon; Figure 2-6). They serve as subunits in the synthesis of proteins, which
`are long linear polymers of amino acids joined head to tail by a peptide bond
`between the carboxylic acid group of one amino acid and the amino group of the
`next (Figure 2-7). Although there are many different possible amino acids, only
`20 are common in proteins, each with a different side chain attached to the
`a-carbon atom (Panel 2-5, pp. 56-57). The same 20 amino acids occur over and
`over again in all proteins, including those made by bacteria, plants, and animals.
`Although the choice of these particular 20 amino acids probably occurred by
`chance in the course of evolution, the chemical versatility they provide is vitally
`important. For example, 5 of the 20 amino acids have side chains that can cany
`a charge (Figure 2-8), whereas the others are uncharged but reactive in specific
`ways (Panel 2-5, pp. 56-57). As we shall see, the properties of the amino acid side
`chains, in aggregate, determine the properties of the proteins they constitute and
`underlie all of the diverse and sophisticated functions of proteins.
`Nucleotides Are the Subunits of DNA and RNA 6
`In nucleotides one of several different nitrogen-containing ring compounds (of(cid:173)
`ten referred to as bases because they can combine with H+ in acidic solutions) is
`linked to a five-carbon sugar (either ribose or deoxyribose) that carries a phos(cid:173)
`phate group. There is a strong family resemblance between the different nitro(cid:173)
`gen-containing rings found in nucleotides. Cytosine (C), thymine (T), and uracil
`(U) are called pyrimidine compounds because they are all simple derivatives of
`a six-membered pyrimidine ring; guanine (G) and adenine (A) are purine com(cid:173)
`pounds, with a second five-membered ring fused to the six-membered ring. Each
`mlcleotide is named by reference to the unique base that it ,contains (Panel 2-
`6, pp.58-59).
`Nucleotides can act as carriers of chemical energy. The triphosphate ester of
`adenine, ATP (Figure 2-9), above all others, participates in the transfer of energy
`in hundreds of individual cellular reactions. Its terminal phosphate is added using
`energy from the oxidation of foodstuffs, and this phosphate can be split off readily
`by hydrolysis to release energy that drives energetically unfavorable biosynthetic
`reactions elsewhere in the cell. As we discuss later, other nucleotide derivatives
`serve as carriers for the transfer of particular chemical groups, such as hydrogen
`atoms or sugar residues, from one molecule to another. And a cyclic phosphate-
`46 Chapter 2 : Small Molecules, Energy, and Biosynthesis
`carboxyl end
`of chain
`Figure 2-7 A small part of a protein
`molecule, showing four amino acids.
`Each amino acid is linked to the next
`by a covalent peptide bond, one of
`which is shaded yellow. A protein is
`therefore also sometimes referred to
`as a polypeptide. The amino acid side
`chains are shown in red, and the
`atoms of one amino acid (glutamic
`acid) are outlined by the gray box.
`amino encl
`of chain
`r - - ; - - i

`H-~-CH 2 -0H
`· .. ··N-H.
`8-;~ '....cH 2-CH 2_:< .· _
`. O
`. . . ··o
`. I·'
`H-C -CH 2-CH 2-CH 2-0-1 2 -N-H·


`Figure 2--8 The charge on amino acid
`side chains depends on the pH.
`Carboxylic acids readily lose H+ in
`aqueous solution to form a negatively
`charged ion, which is denoted by the
`suffix "-ate," as in aspartate or
`·glutamate. A comparable situation
`exists for amines, which in aqueous
`solution take up H+ to form a
`positively charged ion (which does
`not have a special name). These
`reactions are rapidly reversible, and
`the amounts of the two forms,
`charged and uncharged, depend on
`the pH of the solution. At a high pH,
`carboxylic acids tend to be charged
`and amines uncharged. At a low pH,
`the opposite is true-the carboxylic
`acids are uncharged and amines are
`charged. The pH at which exactly half
`of the carboxylic acid or amine
`residues are charged is known as the
`pK of that amino acid side chain.
`In the cell the pH is close to 7,
`and almost all carboxylic acids and'\
`amines are in their fully charged form ..
`containing adenine derivative, cyclic AMP, serves as a universal signaling mol(cid:173)
`ecule within cells.
`The special significance of nucleotides is in the storage of biological infor(cid:173)
`mation. Nucleotides serve as building blocks for the construction of nucleic
`acids, long polymers in which nucleotide subunits are covalently linked by the
`formation of a phosphate ester between the 3'-hydroxyl group on the sugar resi(cid:173)
`due of one nucleotide and the 5' -phosphate group on the next nucleotide (Fig-
`Figure 2-9 Chemical structure of
`adenosine triphosphate (ATP). A
`space-filling model (A), a ball-and(cid:173)
`stick model (B), and the structural
`formula (C) are shown. Note the
`negative charges on each of the three
`1 triphosphate J
`The Chemical Components of a Cell


`Because they are polarized, two
`adjacent H20 molecules can form
`a linkage known as a hydrogen
`bond. Hydrogen bonds have
`only about 1/20 the strength
`of a covalent bond.
`Hydrogen bonds are strongest when
`the three atoms lie in a straight line.
`hydrogen bond
`bond lengths
`hydro.gen bond
`0.28 nm
`O 1111111111111111111 H-0-
`0.104 nm
`covalent bond'
`"" /
`Two atoms, connected by a covalent bond, may exert different attractions for
`the electrons of the bond. In such cases the bond is dipolar, with one end
`slightly negatively charged (8-) and the other slightly positively charged (o+).
`A bond in which both atoms are the same, or in which they attract electrons
`equally, is called non polar.
`Molecules of water join together transiently
`in a hydrogen-bonded lattice. Even at 37°C,
`15% of the water molecules are joined to
`four others in a short-lived assembly known
`as a "flickering ciuster."
`Although a water molecule has an overall neutral charge (having the same
`number of electrons and protons}, the electrons are asymmetrically distributed,
`which makes the molecule polar. The oxygen nucleus draws electrons away
`from the hydrogen nuclei, leaving these nuclei with a small net positive charge.
`The excess of electron density on the oxygen atom creates weakly negative
`regions at the other two corners of an imaginary tetrahedron.
`The cohesive nature of water is
`responsible for many of its unusual
`properties, such as high surface tension,
`specific heat, and heat of vaporization.
`Because of the polar nature of water molecules, they
`will cluster around ions and other polar molecules.
`Nonpolar molecules interrupt the H-bonded
`structure of water without forming favorable
`interactions with water molecules. They are
`therefore hydrophobic and quite insoluble
`in water.
`H/ ......__H
`Molecules that can thereby be accommodated in water's
`hydrogen-bonded structures are hydrophilic and
`relatively water-soluble.


`Molecules that are nonpolar and cannot form
`hydrogen bonds-such as hydrocarbons(cid:173)
`have only limited solubility in water and are
`called hydrophobic. In water, ordered cages
`of water molecules are formed around
`hydrocarbons. These icelike cages,
`called "clathrate structures," are relatively
`more ordered than water and cause
`an entropy decrease of the mixture. Part
`of a clathrate cage (red) surrounding a
`hydrocarbon (black) is shown. In the intact
`cage, each oxygen atom (red circles) would
`be tetrahedrally coordinated to four others.
`An acid is a molecule that releases an H+
`.:Jon (proton) in solution. For example,
`~ 3
`'A base is a molecule that accepts an H+
`;ion (proton) in solution. For example,
`Water itself has a slight tendency to ionize and
`can act both as a weak acid and as a weak base.
`When it acts as an acid, it releases a proton to
`form a hydroxyl ion. When it acts as a base,
`it accepts a· proton to form a hydronium ion.
`Most protons in aqueous solutions exist as
`hydronium ions.
`II Jf
`hydroxyl ion
`hydronium ion
`The. acidity of a
`solution is defined
`by the concentration
`of W ions it possesses.
`For convenience we
`use the pH scale where
`JI ~~~:
`If two aqueous solutions are separated by a membrane
`that allows only water molecules to pass, water will move
`into the solution containing the greatest concentration of
`solute molecules by a process known as osmosis.
`. ' .
`... .. ' . . '
`' ..
`This movement of water from a hypotonic to a hypertonic
`solution can cause an increase in hydrostatic pressure in
`the hypertonic compartment. Two solutions that have
`identical solute concentrations and are therefore osmotically
`balanced are said to be isotonic.
`o o
`• f) • •


`The unique role of carbon in the cell comes from its
`ability to form strong covalent bonds with other
`carbon atoms. Thus carbon atoms can join to form
`\/ \/ \/ \/
`/\ /\ /\' /\
`or branched trees
`or rings
`also written as VV\/\
`also written as >--< . I
`also written as (X)
`A covalent bond forms when two atoms come very close
`together and share one or more of their electrons. In a single
`bond one electron from each of the two atoms is shared; in
`a double bond a total of four electrons are shared.
`Each atom forms a fixed number of covalent bonds in a
`defined spatial arrangement. For example, carbon forms four
`single bonds arranged tetrahedrally, whereas nitrogen forms
`three single bonds and oxygen forms two single bonds arranged
`as shown below.
`Double bonds exist and have a different spatial arrangement.
`Atoms joined by two
`or more covalent bonds
`cannot rotate freely
`about the bond axis.
`This restriction is a
`major influence on the
`'three-dimensional shape
`of many macromolecules.
`Carbon and hydrogen together
`make stable compounds called
`hydrocarbons. These are
`nonpolar, do not form hydrogen
`bonds, and are generally
`insoluble in water.
`methyl group
`The carbon chain can include double
`bonds. If these are on alternate carbon
`atoms, the bonding electrons move
`within the molecule, stabilizing the
`structure by a phenomenon called
`\=I \c=I
`I t \
`the truth is somewhere between
`these two structures
`I l \
`\_! \_!
`When resonance occurs
`throughout a ring compound,
`an aromatic ring is generated.
`often written as 0
`part of a
`fatty acid chain
`~~ -~~~. -]


`. Many biological compounds contain a carbon
`bonded to an oxygen. For example,
`-c //
`The -OH is called a
`hydroxyl group.
`The C=O is called a
`carbonyl group.
`-c //
`\ H
`The -COOH is called a
`carboxyl group. In water
`this loses an Wion to
`become -coo-.
`Esters are formed by combining an
`acid and an alcohol.
`I + H 0
`-· c-c
`I ~
`~\ +
`'D-c- 2
`Amines and amides are two important examples of
`compounds containing a carbon linked to a nitrogen.
`Amines in water combine with an H+ ion to become
`positively charged.
`They are therefore basic.
`Amides are formed by combining an acid and an
`amine. They are more stable than esters. Unlike
`amines, they are uncharged in water. An example
`is the peptide bond.
`-ell +
`H N-C-
`- - \ I +H20
`~ I
`Nitrogen also occurs in several ring compounds, including
`important constituents of nucleic acids: purines Emd pyrimidines.
`Phosphate esters can form between a phosphate
`and a free hydroxyl group.
`. .
`. I
`-C-OH + HO-P""--'-0-
`written as
`I -c-o-®
`of a phosphate and a carboxyl group, or two or more phosphate groups, gives an acid anhydride.
`II ~
`+ HO-P-ff ~
`.. \
`I o-
`II o-r-o-
`I o-
`also written as
`-c //
`.-. -0- Pc-OH + HO-P-0- ~
`I ~
`+ H20
`also written as


`HEXOSES n = 6
`Two common hexoses are
`f' c
`Monosaccharides are
`aldehydes or ketones
`(-<:) ( >=O)
`that also have two or more hydro>syl groups.
`Their general formula is (CH 20)n. The
`simplest are trioses (n = 3) such as
`f' c
`CH 20H
`glyceraldehyde (an aldose)
`CH 20H
`dihydroxyacetone (a ketose)
`A common pentose is
`f' c
`o-ribose (open,-chain form)
`D-glucose (open-chain form)
`CH 20H
`l""?H ~/ ~O
`HO c--c2
`CH 20H·
`H C-·. -.-0 H
`I'\.. OH H/· I
`HO '\I
`c-. -. -o
`c· ·
`I'\.. OH H/i
`. I H
`HO '\.I
`c - c
`The aldehyde or ketone group of a
`sugar can react with a hydroxyl group
`-c +
`-C - 0 -C -
`HO-C- -
`For the larger sugars (n>4) this
`happens within the same molecule
`to form a 5- or 6-membered ring.
`The carbon atoms of a sugar are
`numbered from the end closest
`to the aldehyde or ketone.
`CH 20H
`. c
`H T-T H
`CH 20H
`H c - c OH
`. B-o-ribose
`Monosaccharides have many isomers that differ only in the
`orientation of their hydroxyl groups-e.g., glucose, mannose,
`and galactose are isomers of each other.
`Two isomers that are mirror images of each other have the
`same chemistry and therefore are given the same name and
`distinguished by the prefix Dor L.
`man nose
`- \
`}_ ___________ ~
`.· Pahd 2'-3 An outli~e of~b1ne of the types of sugars comil1ol1ly f<?und ill cells.
`mirror plane


`The hydroxyl groups of a simple monosaccharide can be replaced by
`other groups. For example,
`, ,a-AND ~-LINKS
`• The hydroxyl group on the carbon that carries the
`aldehyde or ketone can rapidly change one
`position to another. These two positions are called
`·a- and~-.
`0 ~OH"" P-hydroxyl
`Zzt~~~n?\ ~ /a-hydroxyl
`The carbon that carries the aldehyde or
`".ti1e ketone can react with any hydroxyl group
`:;;on a second sugar molecule to form a
`glycosidic bond. Three common disaccharides
`~kre maltose (glucose o:1,4 glucose), lactose
`r(galactose ~1,4 glucose), and sucrose
`~·(glucose o:1,2 fructose). Sucrose is shown here.
`.Large linear and branched molecules can be made from simple repeating units.
`;short chains are called oligosaccharides, while long chains are called
`':polysaccharides. Glycogen, for example, is a polysaccharide made entirely of
`'.glucose units joined together.
`In many cases a sugar
`sequence is nonrepetitive.
`Many different molecules are
`possible. Such complex
`oligosaccharides are usually
`linked to proteins or to lipids.
`I c=o
`CH3 ~IT~
`a blood group


`These are carboxylic acids with
`long hydrocarbon tails.
`Hundreds of different kinds of fatty acids exist. Some have one or more double bonds
`and are said to be unsaturated.
`This double bond
`is rigid and creates
`/a kink in the chain.
`The rest of the chain
`is free to rotate
`about the other C-C
`Fatty acids are stored as an energy
`reserve (fat) through an ester linkage
`to glycerol to form triglycerides.
`If free, the carboxyl group of a
`fatty acid will be ionized.
`But more usually it is linked to
`other groups to form either esters
`,/' c"
`I o-c-
`or amides.
`PHOSPHOLIPIDS Phospholipids are the major constituents
`of cell membranes.
`head group
`a phospholipid
`model of
`phosph ati dylch ol i ne,
`In phospholipids two of the -OH groups in _
`glycerol are linked to fatty acids while the thiJ
`-OH group is linked to phosphoric acid. Thi,
`phosphate is further linked to one of a variet)
`of small polar head groups (alcohols).


`. Fat~y acids have a hydrophilic head -~
`and a hydrophobic tail..~
`In water they can form a surface film
`or form small micelles.
`derivatives can form larger aggregates held together by hydrophobic forces:
`""''"'r'"'" form large spherical fat
`in the cell cytoplasm.
`Phospholipids and glycolipids form self-sealing lipid
`bilayers that are the basis for all cellular membranes.
`long chain polymers
`of isoprene
`Lipids are defined as the water-insoluble
`molecules in cells that are soluble in organic
`solvents. Two other common types of lipids
`are steroids and polyisoprenoids. Both are
`made from isoprene units.
`testosterone-male steroid hormone
`.C~ikephospholipids, these compounds are composed of a hydrophobic
`•. r~gion, containing two long hydrocarbon tails, and a polar region,
`'_Wh;,h now 00"1,;n, ooe oc morn eogoc '"id"" eod no pho;~hote.?l-IH r~,1~~
`""-c,..- 1 'c,..-
`I H
`a simple
`dolichol phosphate-used
`to carry activated sugars
`in the membrane-associated
`synthesis of glycoproteins
`and some polysaccharides
`hydrophobic region


`OPTICAL ISOMERS The a-carbon atom is asymmetric, which
`for two mirror image (or stereo-) isomers, D
`The general formula of an amino acid js
`f•''" 7~a~:arbon atom
`amino -------1l;lj~;---cc ':-&Q2l;!i
`--......___ carboxyl group
`-------------side-chain group
`R is commonly one of 20 different side chains.
`At pH 7 both the amino and carboxyl groups
`are ionized.

`H3 N -CC- COO
`I .R
`Amino acids are commonly joined together by an amide linkage,
`called a peptide bond.
`peptide bond: The four atoms in each gray box form a rigid
`planar unit. There is no freedom of rotation about the C-N
`H :o
`N-C ~C'--'N-C-C
`I ··•
`· I
`·~ H
`Proteins are long polymers
`of amino acids linked by
`peptide bonds, and they
`are always written with the
`N-terminus toward the left.
`The sequence of this
`tripeptide is His Cys Val.
`amino or
`f_H 2
`l. I
`These two single bonds, on either side of the rigid peptide
`exhibit a high degree of rotational freedom.
`7 >~·
`TH2. Sec~ 7
`carboxyl or
`+H N-c-. c N"---c-·-c:·. N-c-coo- ~
`J ·v 11
`, 0

`CH3 CH 3
`The common amino acids
`are grouped according to
`whether their side chains
`uncharged polar
`non polar
`These 20 amino acids
`are given both three-letter
`and one-letter abbreviations.
`Thus: alanine= Ala =A
`· lysine
`(Lys, or I<)
`(Arg, or R)
`(His, or H)
`H CH 2
`I -
`I -
`I -
`This group is
`very basic
`because its
`positive chargei
`is stabilized by
`H CH,
`I -
`I ..
`CH 2
`,/' c"
`+H 2N
`These nitrogens have a
`relatively weak affinity for an
`Wand are only partly positive
`at neutral pH.


`a~partic acid·.
`(Asp, or D)
`(Glu, or E)
`H CH2
`,/' "'
`H Cf-12
`,/' "'
`XJ~tno acids with uncharged polar side chains are relatively
`c;;fl\,Clrophilic and are usually on the outside of proteins, while
`'{he'side chains on nonpolar amino acids tend to cluster
`together on the inside. Amino acids with basic or acidic
`"side ch~ins are very polar, and they are nearly always found
`on th~ outside of protein molecules.
`·'[he'one letter code in alphabetical order:
`G = Gly
`H =His
`I =lie
`I<= Lys
`L =Leu
`M =Met
`N = Asn
`P =Pro
`0= Gin
`H = Arg
`S =Ser
`T= Thr
`V= Val
`Y= Tyr
`(Gin, or Q)
`1 I
`1-1 c~
`H c~
`CH 2
`0 'N~---~~H,
`Although the amide N is not charged at
`neutral pH, it is polar.
`(Thr, or T)
`· · tvr.(Jsjrie
`(Tyr, or Y)
`(Ala, or A)
`H Cf-13
`(Gly, or G)
`(Val, or V)
`/ "'
`(Leu, or L)
`(lie, or I)
`. I
`H CH 2
`/ "'
`/ "'
`. pl"() line
`(Pro, or P)
`~ /
`(actually an
`imino acid)
`'· 'frlethipnin~·
`(Met, or M)
`H Cf-12
`CH I 2
`H CH2
`'·ph~~ylal~rlfn~ :
`(Phe, or F)
`H CH? 6-
`• ;;trYpfhf:lhan.·)
`(Trp, orW)
`(Cys, or C)
`Paired cysteines allow disulfide bonds to form in proteins.


`The bases are nitrogen-containing ring
`compounds, either purines or pyrimidines.
`A nucleotide consists of a nitrogen-containing
`base, a 5-carbon sugar, and one or more
`phosphate groups.
`bood~ ~·
`5 ~N
`The phosphates are normally joined to
`the C5 hydroxyl of the ribose or
`deoxyribose sugar. Mono-, di-, and
`triphosphates are common.
`_0 _ ~ ~o-kHfa"
`as in
`-o- P-0- P-0--'CH''
`as in
`,ff,.'t" as in
`0- P-0- P-0- P-0-CH"
`"y:sl ATP
`The phosphate makes a nucleotide
`negatively charged.
`· · E~§~iq~-~J
`a 5-carbon sugar
`They are the
`subunits of
`the nucleic acids.
`The base is linked to
`the same carbon (C1)
`used in sugar-sugar
`used in ribonucleic acid
`two kinds are used
`Each numbered carbon on the sugar of a nucleotide is
`followed by a prime mark; therefore, one speaks of the
`"5-prime carbon," etc.
`used in deoxyribonucleic aci


`The names can be confusing, but the abbreviations are clear.
`Nucleotides are abbreviated by
`three capital letters. Some examples
`AMP = adenosine monophosphate
`dAMP = deoxyadenosine monophosphate
`UDP = uridine di phosphate
`ATP = adenosine triphosphate
`~o> .:..·, __ \ ,;'
`'';Nucleotides are joined together by a
`,--phosphodiester linkage between 5' and
`-_-3' carbon atoms to form nucleic acids.
`;_The linear sequence of nucleotides in a
`,-,,,hucleic acid chain is commonly
`-abbreviated by a one-letter code,
`: Ac---G-C-T-T-A-C-A, with the 5'
`- cendof the chain at the left.
`They carry chemical energy in their easily hydrolyzed acid-anhydride bonds.
`?·?? <~
`o-ro-ro-ro-~ N
`example: ATP (or m)
`They combine with other groups to form enzymes.
`-:-o-P-O-CH 2
`5' encl of chain
`l(_--;JG N>
`Hs-t -b-N-~ -t-b-N-~ -t-b ~b-o-~ -o-~ -O-~CN
`2 9-
`-:<_:: 0:_~--
`H H
`0 H H
`0 H CH H
`H H H
`H H H
`example: coenzyme A (CoA)
`They are used as specific signaling molecules in the cell.
`O= P-o-
`1 o-
`3' 0
`5' CH 2
`cyclic AMP (cAMP)
`O-~ N
`I o-


`5' end of chain
`3' end of chain
`Figure 2-rn A short length of
`deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA),
`showing four nucleotides. One of the
`. phosphodiester bonds that link
`adjacent nucleotides is shaded yellow,
`and one of the nucleotides is enclosed
`in a gray box. DNA and its close
`relative RNA are the nucleic acids of
`the cell.
`ure 2-10). There are two main types of nucleic acids, differing in the type of sugar
`that forms their polymeric backbone. Those based on the sugar ribose are known
`as ribonucleic acids, or RNA, and wntain the four bases A, U, G, and C. Those
`based on deoxyribose (in which the hydroxyl at the 2' position of ribose is replaced
`by a hydrogen) are known as deoxyribonucleic acids, or DNA, and qontain the
`four bases A, T, G, and C. The sequence of bases in a DNA or RNA polymer rep(cid:173)
`resents the genetic information of the living cell. The ability of the bases from
`different nucleic acid molecules to recognize each other by noncovalent inter(cid:173)
`actions (called base-pairing)-G with C, and A with either T (in DNA) or U (in
`RNA)-underlies all of heredity and evolution, as explained in Chapter 3.
`Living organisms are autonomous, self-propqgating chemical systems. They are made
`from a distinctive and restricted set of small carbon-based molecules that are essen(cid:173)
`tially the same for eveiy living species. The main categories are sugars, fatty acids,
`amino acids, and nucleotides. Sugars are a primmy source of chemicaz'energy for
`cells and can be incorporated into polysaccharides for energy storage. Fatty acids are
`also important for energy storage, but their most significant function is in the fonna(cid:173)
`tion of cell membranes. Polymers consisting of amino acids co.nstitute the remark(cid:173)
`ably diverse and versatile macromolecules known as proteins. Nucleotides play a
`central part in energy transfer and also are the subunits from which the informa(cid:173)
`tional macromolecules, RNA and DNA, are made.
`Cells must obey the laws of physics and chemist1y. The rules of mechanics and
`of the conversion of one form of energy to another apply just as much to a cell
`as to a steam engine. There are, however, puzzli

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