Columbia Ex. 2079
`Illumina, Inc. v. The Trustees
`of Columbia University in the
`City of New York
`IPR2020-00988, -01065,
`-01177, -01125, -01323


`Office européen
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`Ernest Gutmann - Yves Plasseraud S.A.S.
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`Sonnenschmidt, Sandra
`Application No./Patent No.
`151957651 - 1118 / 3034627
`The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York
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`page1 of1


`Euro can
`patel’t Office
`Office européen des brevets
`Ernest Gutmann - Yves Plasseraud S.A.S.
`88 Boulevard des Belges
`69452 Lyon cedex 06
`European Patent Office
`80298 MUNICH
`Questions about this communication ?
`Contact Customer Services at
`Application No./Patent No.
`15195765.1 - 1118 / 3034627 Applicant/Proprietor
`The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York
`Summons to attend oral proceedings pursuant to Rule 115(1) EPC
`You are hereby summoned to attend oral proceedings arranged in connection with the above-mentioned
`European patent.
`The matters to be discussed are set out in the communication accompanying this summons (EPO Form
`The oral proceedings, which will be public, will take place before the opposition division
`on 25.05.21 at 09.00 hrs in Room 1656 at the EPO,
`Grasserstr. 2, PschorrHéfe, D-80335 Miinchen
`No changes to the date of the oral proceedings can be made, except on serious grounds (see OJ EPO
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`The final date for making written submissions and/or amendments (R. 116 EPC) is 25.03.21.
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`On presentation of the summons to oral proceedings at the porters' lodge in the main foyer
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`1st Examiner:
`Knudsen, Henrik
`2nd Examiner:
`Behrens, Ralf
`Tilkorn, Anne-Christ
`For the Opposition Division
`Ewes Paternity,”
`' 004/78 saute
`Confirmation of receipt (Form 2936)
`Rule 4 EPC (EPC Form 2043)
`Communication (EPO Form 2906)
`Registered letter
`EPO Form 2310 07.19 [ORAL03=1656]
`to EPO postal sen/ice: 03.08.20
`page 1 of1


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`der mUndlichen Verhandlung ven/venden (Sprechen) und aus welcher Sprache Sie
`eine SimultanUbersetzung benotigen (Horen).


`Datu m
`Demande n°:
`15 195 765.1
`I. Introduction
`European patent 3 034 627 having the title "MASSIVE PARALLEL METHOD
`FOR DECODING DNA AND RNA" is based upon European patent application
`No. 15 195 765.1. This application was filed as a divisional application of
`European application no.07 004 522.4 which is itself a divisional application of
`01 977 533.7 filed on 05-10-2001. It claims priority of US 684670 filed on
`06-10-2000 and U8300894 filed on 26-06-2001.
`The mention of the grant of the patent has been published in the European
`Patent Bulletin of 30-01-2019.
`Proprietor of the patent (PP) is
`The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York
`West 116th Street and Broadway
`New York, NY 10027
`A notice of opposition has been filed by
`lllumina, Inc.
`5200 lllumina Way
`San Diego, CA 92122
`on 29-10-2019.
`The opponent (OP) requests revocation of the patent in its entirety based on
`Articles 100(a), in particular Article 56, Article 100(b) and Article 100(0) EPC.
`The documents D1-D25 (see consolidated list of documents filed by the PP on
`1604-2020) has been filed by the parties.
`In a letter received on 1604-2020, the PP requested the rejection of the
`opposition (Article 101 (2) EPC).
`II. The opposition division's (OD) preliminary and non-binding opinion which is
`not conclusive and in which the OD makes the following comments in order to
`assist the parties in their preparations for the oral proceedings.
`EPO Form 2906 01.91TRI


`Demande n°:
`15 195 765.].
`".1 Article 100(c) EPC
`The OP has divided claim 1
`into 16 different features and objects to the features
`1, 2b, 3-6 and 9a - 9c of claim 1 and the corresponding features in claims 3 and
`5 as not having a basis in the originally filed applications (i.e. application
`underlying the opposed patent and parent applications).
`The OD preliminarily and non-bindineg finds that each of the divisional
`applications contains the disclosure of the originally filed parent application
`which is published as WOO2/29003 (OPA). In the following references to the
`originally filed applications therefore refers to the OPA.
`ll.1.1 Claim 1
`ll.1.1.1 Feature 1
`The OD finds that it is directly and unambiguously derivable from the OPA that
`the immobilisation of the deoxyribonucleic acids is by covalent attachment. The
`OPA in the Summary of Invention part (page 9, lines 9-10) mentions that the
`nucleic acids are attached to a solid surface
`Feature 1 of granted claim 1 specifies that “the plurality of different
`deoxyribonucleic acids is covalently immobilized on a solid surface." and the OP
`argues that the OPA does not contain a basis for the wording that the
`immobilisation is covalent. The OD finds that the only example in the OPA
`shows a covalent attachment of by a reaction of azido and phosphine and that
`the skilled person would based on his common general knowledge directly and
`unambiguously realise that binding of nucleic acids to solid surface had to be
`covalent (see also page 8, line 10 of the OPA) in a SBS reaction as claimed.
`Thus, the OD is of the opinion that the skilled person would read any reference
`to attachment in the OPA as being a reference to covalent attachment.
`ll.1.1.2 Feature 2b
`The OD is of the opinion that feature 2b has a basis in the combined reading of
`claims 1 and 10 of the OPA. In particular, the OD finds that step (ii) of claim 1 of
`the OPA does not mean that the primer is bound to the solid surface, but rather
`means that the primer is bound to the nucleic acid which is bound to the solid
`surface, and that claim 10 defines that the primer is hybridised to the nucleic
`EPO Form 2906 01.91TRI


`Datu m
`Demande n°:
`15 195 765.1
`ll.1.1.3 Features 3-6
`The OD is of the opinion that page 5, lines 5-19 of the OPA outlines the method
`of the invention and do not disclose washing steps as being essential.
`Moreover, the passage also does not disclose the removal of the label and the
`removal of the cap as taking place in two separate steps. Thus, the method
`outlined in steps (a) - (d) of claim 1
`is disclosed in the OPA also in the absence
`of washing steps and separate removal steps.
`ll.1.1.4 Feature 9a
`The OP argues that the OPA does not contain a basis for the wording “as small
`as a CH20H=CH2 group or a CH2OCH3 group". The OD is of the opinion that
`the wording on page 20, lines 21-24 which represent the definition of the
`capping groups states that a small chemical moiety such as a CH20H=CH2
`group or a CH2OCH3 group is used to cap the -OH group shows that the
`disclosure is not limited to these specific groups. As further groups to be used in
`the invention, the skilled reader would based on the disclosure on page 20 of
`the OPA unambiguously consider groups which have the same size as
`CHZOCHB or CH20H=CH2 as being relevant for use in the invention.
`With respect to the other passages which discuss the capping moieties, e.g. on
`pages 6-7 and on pages 25-26, the OD finds that the former is limited to the
`preferred groups CH20H=CH2 group or a CHZOCHB group whilst the latter
`discusses the properties that the capping group must possess. These properties
`are inherent to a capping group used in the claimed method since the method
`cannot be carried out if the group does not have the properties outlined in the
`sentence bridging pages 25-26 of the OPA.
`Thus, the skilled reader would from the OPA's description understand that the
`preferred capping groups are CH20H=CH2 and CH2OCH3, but would from the
`description page 20 understand that also other small groups are contemplated
`for use and that these groups are small as CH20H=CH2 and CH2OCH3. Thus,
`feature 9a is thus directly and unambiguously derivable from the disclosure of
`the OPA.
`EPO Form 2906 01.91TRI


`Demande n°:
`15 195 765.].
`ll.1.1.5 Features 9b and 9c
`The OD is of the opinion that the disclaimers defined in said features are
`disclosed in page 6, lines 2-14 and therefore have a basis in the OPA.
`".12 Claims 3 and 5
`For the same reasons as outlined above for claim 1, the OD is of the opinion
`that claims 3 and 5 have a basis in the OPA.
`ll.1.3 Dependent claims
`The OP has not raised specific objections against the dependent claims and the
`OD is of the opinion that the dependent claims have a basis in the OPA.
`".2 Article 100(b) EPC
`The OP has objected to the sufficiency of the disclosure based on a number of
`Firstly, the OP argues that the skilled person would not be able to determine
`whether a chemical group is as small as a -CH2CH=CH2 group or a -CH2OCH3
`group, in particular in view of the fact that the parameter with which the size is
`determined is not defined in the description and because there is no guidance
`on how to measure the size of the chemical group. The OP argues that it would
`not be possible to produce a group because the skilled person would not know
`according to which parameter the group had to be as small as the said groups.
`The OD preliminarily finds that the size identified by the PP in D19 (i.e. 3.7 A)
`does not correspond to the size which the skilled person would understand from
`the claim. The skilled reader would not have had any reason to consider "as
`small as
`" as encompassing chemical groups larger than the largest of the
`chemical groups mentioned. According to D19, the diameters of the groups are
`3.0 and 2.1 A, respectively.
`EPO Form 2906 01.91TRI


`Datu m
`Demande n°:
`15 195 765.1
`However, in line with recent case law, e.g. T1845/14, the OD is of the opinion
`that a mere ambiguity in a claim does not suffice to show that a claim is
`insufficiently disclosed in the sense of Article 100(b) EPC. Thus, the OD
`preliminarily finds that despite the difference in size which the PP, based on
`D19, considers as being encompassed by as small as (i.e. smaller than 3.7 A)
`and the actual size of the -CH20H=CH2 group or a -CHZOCH3 groups, the
`skilled person will understand from the disclosure which size the group may
`have and will therefore be able to carry out the claimed invention.
`Moreover, the PP has also pointed to azidomethyl as being a further group
`which falls within the size limitation "as small as
`" and which also fulfils the
`chemical requirements defined in the claim. Thereby apparently showing that
`the skilled person could have identified further groups fulfilling the requirements
`in the claim.
`In order for the above to apply, it seems to be a prerequisite that it is possible
`for the skilled person to determine the size of the -CH20H=CH2 group or a -
`CH2OCH3 groups and compare them with other groups without undue burden.
`On the contrary if it is not possible to determine the size without carrying out
`experiments with polymerase, the definition "as small as
`appears to invite
`the skilled person to carry out a research programme to determine whether or
`not a group functions in the invention. In this case, the claim would likely be
`considered insufficiently disclosed, in particular because Figure 1 of the patent
`relates to a specific rat polymerase and the test would have to be carried out
`with any polymerase which the skilled person wished to use. Preliminarily and in
`the absence of evidence to the contrary, the OD finds that the skilled person
`could have used the ChemSD Pro software (see Exhibit C of D19) in order to
`identify chemical groups with a size as small as the -CH20H=CH2 group or a -
`CH2OCH3 groups
`With respect to OH groups on dideoxy analogues or the metabolism of azido
`groups, the OD is preliminary of the opinion that they would not influence the
`skilled person's possibility of identifying capping groups for use in the claim.
`EPO Form 2906 01.91TRI


`Datu m
`Demande n°:
`15 195 765.1
`With respect to the cleavability of the capping group, the OD is preliminary of
`the opinion that the OP has not provided any proof that capping groups exist
`which fulfill the requirements outlined in the claim and cannot be used in the
`claimed method. In particular, the claimed method requires that the capping
`group is cleaved and the claim could therefore only be insufficiently disclosed if
`it was proven that it would represent an undue burden for the skilled person to
`determine whether a group falling within the definitions in the claim was
`Since independent claims 3 and 5, and the dependent claims were objected to
`on the same grounds as claim 1, the OD is preliminarily of the opinion that all
`granted claims of the opposed patent are sufficiently disclosed.
`".3 Article 100(a) EPC
`The OP has not objected to the patent under novelty.
`With respect to inventive step, the OD preliminarily finds that D15 published
`shortly before the priority date of the opposed patent represents the closest
`prior art. D15 (see sentence bridging pages 2—3) realises the general problem
`which the opposed patent's claimed method tries to solve, namely that the SBS
`technique is plagued by inefficiencies of incorporation and deprotection.
`Because incorporation and 3’-OH regeneration are not completely efficient, the
`sequencing method becomes asynchronous. D15 (see page 31) also points to a
`possible explanation for the inefficiencies, namely that steric hindrance of large
`fluorochrome groups attached to the 3'-OH of the nucleotide may prevent the
`nucleotide from entering the polymerase. D15 (page 4, 2nd paragraph)
`continues that its blocking group and its labelling group may be removed by
`different mechanisms .D15 mentions that the mechanism may be a chemical
`activation and further mentions that the group may be a 2—nitrobenzyl group
`(see claim 6).
`The difference between granted claim 1 and D15 is that the nitrobenzyl group is
`not as small as the -CH20H=CH2 and -CHZOCH3 groups.
`EPO Form 2906 01.91TRI


`Datu m
`Demande n°:
`15 195 765.1
`The objective problem solved by the claimed method is the provision of a
`functional sequencing by synthesis method in which the nucleotides can be
`efficiently incorporated and deprotected. Post-published D20 filed by the PP
`appears to provide evidence that nucleotides with nitrobenzyl blocking group
`are not efficiently incorporated by polymerase.
`In view of the fact that the closest prior art, D15, stated that nitrobenzyl, which is
`a substantially larger group than the -CH2CH=CH2 and -CH2OCH3 groups,
`would work efficiently in a SBS method is an indication that the skilled person
`would not have considered smaller groups for increasing the efficiency of the
`polymerase incorporation step. In particular because D14 suggests that 3-O-
`allyl is not efficiently incorporated by a polymerase and D4 (page 4265, right
`column) suggests groups which have in the opposed patent been found not to
`be useful in SBS, namely 3’-O-methyl-dATP ,3’-O-methyl-dTTP and 3’-O-(2-
`nitrobenzyl)-dATP, as interesting DNA synthesis terminators.
`Also D4, which mention allyl ethers do not point to the use of small groups and
`do not point to the specific allyl group mentioned in claim 1.
`D13 (column 25, lines 48-51) characterises a nitrobenzyloxycarbonyl (NBOC)
`group as being “small” and therefore does not point to the use of small groups
`as defined in claim 1 of the opposed patent.
`Thus, the OD preliminarily is of the opinion that claim 1 involves an inventive
`With respect to independent claims 3 and 5, the objections from the OP are
`based on the same line of argumentation and therefore preliminarily and for the
`same reasons as outlined for claim 1 does not convince the OD that their
`subject-matter lack an inventive step.
`The dependent claims are considered as involving an inventive step at least for
`the same reasons as the independent claims.
`EPO Form 2906 01.91TRI


`Demande n°:
`15 195 765.].
`Ill. Conclusion
`Both parties have requested oral proceedings in case their requests cannot be
`allowed and the OD therefore summons the parties to oral proceedings.
`EPO Form 2906 01.91TRI

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