`Paper # 78
`Patent Owner.
`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
`Record of Oral Hearing
`Held Virtually: Tuesday, October 12, 2021
`Administrative Patent Judges.


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
`701 5th Ave Suite 3420
`Seattle, Washington 98104
`1100 New York Ave NW, Suite 600
`Washington, D.C. 20005
`2001 Ross Avenue, Suite 900
`Dallas, Texas 75201-2980
`The above-entitled matter came on for hearing on Tuesday, October 12,
`2021, commencing at 1:01 p.m. EST, by video/by telephone.


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
` (Proceedings begin at 1:01 p.m.)
` JUDGE WOODS: Good afternoon, and welcome to the
`Patent Trial & Appeal Board.
` Today's hearing is for inter partes review Nos.
`IPR2020-01139 and IPR2020-01142 between petitioner, Yita LLC,
`and patent owner, MacNeil IP LLC.
` The challenged patents are U.S. Patent
` Nos. 8,832,186 and 8,833,834.
` I am APJ Michael Woods, and with me today are APJs
` Arthur Peslak, James Worth, and Mitch Weatherly.
` Moving on to counsel appearances.
` Will petitioner's counsel please state your
` appearance, and please spell the names for our court
` reporter.
` MR. WALTERS: Good afternoon, Your Honor.
` Mark Walters, lead counsel for the petitioner, Yita
` With me is Jason Fitzsimmons, of Sterne Kessler, and
`Steve Merrill, of Sterne Kessler.
` My last name is spelled W-a-l-t-e-r-s, and
`Mr. Fitzsimmons is F-i-t-z-s-i-m-m-o-n-s. Mr. Merrill's last
`name is M-e-r-r-i-l-l.
` And Mr. Fitzsimmons and Mr. Merrill will handle the
`argument today for the petitioner.


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
` JUDGE WOODS: All right. Thank you, Mr. Walters.
` And for patent owner, will patent owner's counsel
`please state your appearance and also provide spelling for
`our court reporter.
` MR. WILLE: Thank you, Your Honor.
` This is David Wille with Baker Botts for the patent
` With me in the room are Chad Walters and Clark
` My last name is spelled W-i-l-l-e. Mr. Stavinoha's
`last name is spelled S-t-a-v-i-n-o-h-a.
` And also, with us on the phone should be Mr. Jeff
` Perkins and Mr. Tim Schaum, S-c-h-a-u-m.
` I will be arguing the petitions for the patent
` owner. Mr. Stavinoha will be arguing the motion to strike.
` When we transition between us, basically, I'm going to get
` up and he's going to come and sit where I am, so --
` JUDGE WOODS: All right. Thank you, Mr. Wille.
` So as set forth in our hearing order, each party has
`a total of 60 minutes to present their arguments.
` As you know, petitioner bears the burden of
`persuasion with respect to the petition and will proceed
`first. Petitioner may also reserve some of its time for
`rebuttal if they would like. Patent owner may also reserve
`time for surrebuttal if it would like.
` I'll set my watch to indicate when the requested


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
` time has expired. I ask that each party also keep track of
` time so that we can stay on the schedule.
` Also, I understand that patent owner filed an
` opposed motion to strike and the parties have filed
` unopposed motions to seal. The parties may also use their
` time to address these motions if they would like.
` As for ground rules and clarity of record, and for
` the benefit of everyone, please identify your name prior to
` speaking, and identify early and often the current slide
` number for demonstrative exhibits. This helps our court
` reporter as well as those listening.
` Also, as I also believe the parties understand, the
` hearing is open to the public and we may have members of the
` public listening in today, so please do not discuss any
` confidential information, including information filed under
` seal.
` Counsel may object if he believes that opposing
` counsel is about to discuss confidential information.
` Otherwise, counsel is directed not to interrupt the other
` side to make objections.
` Mr. Walters, do you wish to reserve any of your --
` any portion of your 60 minutes for rebuttal?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Your Honor, this is Jason
`Fitzsimmons on behalf of the petitioner.
` We'd like to reserve 20 minutes for rebuttal,


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
` JUDGE WOODS: 20. Okay. Thank you,
`Mr. Fitzsimmons.
` Okay. I'll set your time for your opening
`presentation at 40 minutes, and I'll start the clock when you
`begin to speak.
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Thank you, and good afternoon,
`Your Honors. And may it please the Board.
` My name is Jason Fitzsimmons from Sterne Kessler
`Goldstein & Fox on behalf of petitioner, Yita LLC.
` And as you previously heard, joining me today are
`Mark Walters from Lowe Graham Jones, and then also with me is
`Ralph Powers, III and Stephen Merrill from Sterne Kessler.
` And Mr. Merrill will be joining me in the argument
`today and addressing any issues of secondary considerations
`and the motion to strike.
` Your Honors, as we start on Slide 2 of petitioner's
`demonstratives, the petitions here clearly showed that the
`claims of '186 and the '834 patents are unpatentable, and
`this is a straightforward case of obviousness for the
`petitions explained how the prior art discloses each claim
`element and why a skilled artisan would have combined the
`applied references with a reasonable expectation of success.
` And so today I'll first explain the petitioner's
`affirmative theory of the case, and then I'll address the
`patent owner's primary counterarguments.
` And so with respect to the petitioner's case, as a


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
`summary, the grounds apply the Rabbe reference, whose floor
`tray discloses most of the claim elements, including the
`disputed close conformance limitations, as we'll discuss
` This is in combination with the Yung reference,
`which discloses a floor tray made of thermoplastic
`materials, and discloses other known floor tray features,
`like the reservoir with baffles.
` And because Rabbe doesn't expressly disclose a
`method of manufacturing, Rabbe and Yung are tried together
`with the Gruenwald thermoforming treatise.
` And now all of this, Your Honors, is with the
`backdrop that vehicle floor trays were already known to be
`thermoformed from thermoplastic materials, and the
`thermoforming technique would have been at the very
`forefront of the skilled artisan's mind.
` Regarding the patent owner's primary arguments, they
`relate to the close conformance limitations and the
`suitability of thermoforming in the applied combination.
` And as a general theme of patent owner's arguments,
`they take a myopic view of the prior art and the
`petitioner's rationales, they ignore the lens through which
`the skilled artisan would view the Rabbe, Yung, and
`Gruenwald combination, and they disregard the Supreme
`Court's expansive and flexible approach to obviousness,
`instead taking a far too narrow and improper bodily


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
`incorporation approach to obviousness.
` And even still, Your Honors, the petitioner replies
`and their supporting expert testimony prove each of patent
`owner's arguments wrong with concrete evidentiary support,
` in contrast to the patent owner's declarants who provided
` unsupported and conclusory testimony.
` So to orient Your Honors, on Slide 2 here of
` petitioner's demonstratives, we have an overview of the
` grounds.
` The '186 patent has one independent claim, Claim 1.
` The '834 patent claim has Independent Claims 1, 5, 9, and
` 13. And all of the independent claims would have been
` obvious over the Rabbe, Yung, and Gruenwald combination, and
` the patent owner has not separately argued for the
` patentability of any dependent claims in either proceeding.
` Turning to Slide 3 of petitioner's demonstratives
` now, your Honors.
` The highlighted elements here are the elements of
` the claim that the patent owner disputes, those being that
` the tray is thermoformed, and tie with that that the panels
` are integrally formed.
` Also --
` JUDGEPESLAK: Mr. Fitzsimmons?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE PESLAK: Patent owner takes the position that
`the preamble in this claim is limiting, basically because it


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
`provides antecedent basis for the rest of the limitations,
`and petitioner didn't dispute that, but patent owner doesn't
`provide any context for what thermoformed means in this
`claim. One could look at this as now a product by process
` Is there any dispute that thermoformed is a
`limitation here? And if so, what does it mean in the context
`of this claim?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: So in the context of this claim,
`Your Honor, the petitioner didn't take a position as to
`whether the preamble was limiting, and that's because the
`prior art combination clearly discloses a vehicle floor tray
`being thermoformed. And so whether or not the preamble is
`limiting here, Your Honor, the prior art combination
`discloses this limitation.
` So the other limitations that the patent owner
` disputes are these closely conforming limitations of the
` claims, Your Honor.
` And if we turn --
` I'm sorry. Before we turn to the next slide, Your
` Honors, the petitioner here should prevail in these
` proceedings for two primary reasons; one being that under
`either party's translation, the Rabbe reference discloses
`the so-called close conformance limitations between the
`floor tray walls and the footwell walls, and two, the person
`of ordinary skill in the art would have been motivated to


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
`thermoform Rabbe's floor trays in view of Yung and
` So now turning to Slide 4, Your Honors.
` The '834 patent claims are very similar to Claim 1
`of the '186 patent that was just shown, and most of the
`elements are not disputed.
` Instead of closely conforming, the '834 patent
`claims here, they recite a one-eighth inch tolerance between
`a portion of the tray walls and the respective footwell
` But the '834 patent claims, they don't recite, and
`so in some sense are broader, in that the tray is not
`required to be thermoformed, the walls are not required to
`be integrally formed, and it doesn't recite thermoplastic
` And I'll also note that Claim 13 of the '834 patent
`doesn't actually recite any level of conformance, either
`closely conforming or one-eighth of an inch or otherwise.
` Moving to Slide 7 now of the petitioner's
` Custom thermoformed floor trays were known in the
`prior art, and Slide 7 here shows examples from the petition
`of actual thermoformed prior art products.
` Now, this is the lens, Your Honors, through which
`the skilled artisan would have been looking through as they
`looked at the references applied in the petitions, and this


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
`is especially, as we'll discuss, in view of the patent
`owner's definition of the person skilled in the art which
`specifically requires thermoforming experience.
` Now, thermoforming plastic parts, it was old -- it's
`an old and very well-known art, and there's no dispute that
`thermoformed floor trays custom fit for specific vehicles
`were already known in the prior art.
` The patent owner's declarant, Mr. Sherman,
`acknowledged this, and the record is filled with prior art
`thermoformed floor trays.
` An example here on Slide 7, Your Honors, being the
`Black Armor product, it's Exhibit 1017 in this proceeding,
`which is described as being precision crafted to the exact
`fit and shape of the vehicle. It's made from a polymer
`material that's heated and then vacuum formed over a
`vehicle-specific mold.
` The petition background section, Your Honors, for
`example in the 1139 petition, pages 6 through 8, discuss a
`number of other references, like the Buss patent,
`Exhibit 1012, which said that thermoforming floor trays was
`common by as early as 2000. And we're looking here at the
`2014 timeframe.
` The McIntosh patent, Exhibit 1013, which was a
`thermoformed floor tray, and it also described conforming to
`the contours of the interior of the vehicle.
` And so this is the context that we're looking at


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
`this combination of prior art from, Your Honors, and how the
`person skilled in the art would look at it.
` So as a brief overview of the combination here, I
`direct Your Honors now to Slide 9 of the petitioner's
` So Slides 9 and 10 show excerpts and annotated
`versions from the Rabbe patent. And Rabbe discloses nearly
`all of the elements related to the various panels recited in
`the claims.
` On Slide 11, we see Yung, and Yung discloses curved
`transitions, a reservoir, and the baffle features recited in
`the claims.
` And on Slides 12 and 13, we have excerpts from the
`Gruenwald thermoforming treatise which discloses and
`discusses thermoforming techniques and benefits of
`thermoforming, such as the low-cost molds, the short tooling
`time to make them, and the ability to control the wall
` Now, the patent owner here tries to downplay the
`Gruenwald reference, and they practically ignore it by
`arguing that the thermoformed trays with integral panels
`aren't disclosed by the combination.
` But not only were thermoformed trays well known in
`the prior art, as I just discussed, but the Gruenwald
`thermoforming treatise is part of this applied combination
`and it discloses any of the thermoforming techniques that


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
`the skilled artisan would have used to thermoform the tray
`in combination with Rabbe and Yung.
` Turning next to Slide 14 of petitioner's
`demonstratives, Your Honors.
` The patent owner, MacNeil here, their definition of
`the person of ordinary skill in the art specifically
`requires thermoforming experience, and so thermoforming
`would have been at the very forefront of the skilled
`artisan's mind when considering how to manufacture the floor
`trays in Rabbe and Yung.
` Now looking at Slide 15, Your Honors, I'd like to
`discuss briefly the rationales provided in the petition.
` Now, the petition provided many reasons that the
`skilled artisan would have been motivated to combine Rabbe,
`Yung, and Gruenwald, and had a reasonable expectation of
`success in doing so.
` Now, because Rabbe is silent on the exact materials
`and process for making its floor tray, what the petition's
`explained was that the person skilled in the art would have
`looked to common materials and cost-effective processes
`known in the art.
` They also would have -- in view of Rabbe's
`disclosure of semirigid rubber or other materials having the
`same properties, that would have suggested to the skilled
`artisan to consider thermoplastics, which were well-known
`materials in this art.


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
` And so just considering what types of materials and
`processes to use would have led the skilled artisan, who the
` patent owner proposes has specific thermoforming experience,
` it would have led them directly to thermoplastic materials
` and thermoforming processes.
` This is, again, in the view of the backdrop that
` that skilled artisan would have known of prior art floor
` trays made of thermoplastic, and they would have known of
` the advantages of thermoforming, like its low cost and
` versatility.
` JUDGE PESLAK: Mr. Fitzsimmons, in the 1139 case, is
`it your position that Yung's mat is thermoformed, and does it
`matter to your case if Yung is compression molded?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: So it is our position, Your Honor,
`that Yung is thermoformed, and there's a number of reasons
`for that, and I'll be happy to discuss those now, or I'll get
`to them later.
` But there's indicia in there that Yung's mat is
`thermoformed. Not only is it made of thermoformed materials,
`but the step-wise function of its baffles suggests
` But even if Yung isn't thermoformed, Your Honor,
`it's our position that the combination here of Rabbe, Yung,
`and Gruenwald discloses and suggests that persons skilled in
`the art thermoforming techniques. Again, the patent owner
`proposes that the skilled artisan would have had


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
`thermoforming experience. It's a natural technique for them
`to consider when applying and making this combination.
` So now I direct Your Honors to Slide 17 and the
` reasonable expectation of success here.
` Now, before 2004, thermoforming technology was an
` old, well-known, and predictable art, and the technology for
` 3D data modeling of a vehicle footwell was already
` commercially available before the '186 and '834 patents.
` Now, as the petition explained, there were many
` prior art coordinate measuring machines that were suitable
` for collecting this data from a vehicle footwell and for
` creating a 3D computer model of that, and from that, the
` skilled artisan would make the thermoforming mold.
` So what they're doing is they're taking measurements
` with commercially available tools, they're creating a 3D
` computer model with commercially available tools and
` software and using that to create the thermoforming mold.
` These were all known techniques, known tools that the
` skilled artisan would have known and understood.
` Now, if we look at Slide 18, and then also 19, of
`petitioner's demonstratives.
` Now, the patent owner alleges there was no way to
`obtain an accurate scan of the footwell or to use that scan
`data to create a mold, and that's simply untrue.
` Not only were the tools used by the '186 and '834
`patents commercially available to anyone, but there's


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
`specific examples in the record here of tools that they
`would have used.
` And so in rebutting the patent owner's position,
`Mr. Perreault, petitioner's expert, he discussed the FaroArm, which is
`specifically mentioned in the '186 and '834
`patents, as a possible tool to use. And he described his
`experience with that and how it was already extensively used
`in the auto industry in that the person skilled in the art
`would take data from -- scan data from a tool, such as the
`FaroArm or another coordinate measuring machine, and use
`that in a CAD software program in order to create this mold.
`These were all routine techniques known to the person
`skilled in the art.
` So shifting gears now, Your Honors, I'd like to
`address some of the patent owner's arguments here, and I'll
`direct you to -- starting on Slide 20.
` Now, the patent owner's primary argument against
` Rabbe disclosing a close conformance claim element is that
` the patent owner disputes that the translation of a word in
` Rabbe, which discloses that the sides perfectly conform to
` the contour of the vehicle interior, the patent owner takes
` the position that this should say either the rims or flanges
` perfectly conform.
` And now the patent owner tries to --
` JUDGE PESLAK: Mr. Fitzsimmons, what does closely
`conforming mean in Claim 1 of the '186 patent?


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
` I mean, your prior -- you're relying on this
`statement and your translation that it perfectly conforms.
`So if we don't have that, we need some guidance from the
`parties as to what closely conform means.
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: So, Your Honors, we didn't
`specifically construe the term closely conformed, we give it
`its plain and ordinary meaning.
` The patent owner, in its patent owner's response,
` they construed that term to mean that the outer surface of
` the first panel closely conforms to the surface of the first
` vehicle footwell, and so that's essentially a plain and
` ordinary meaning.
` In their surreply, the patent owner made a new
`argument trying to import the one-eighth inch tolerance.
`That is not only a new argument, it's wrong, and clear from
`the '834 patent that they knew how to claim that one-eighth
`inch tolerance if they wanted to.
` But, in any event, Your Honors, the closely conform
`limitation is disclosed by Rabbe for a number of reasons,
`and these are shown here on Slide 20. It's not just this
`one sentence that the patent owner tries to focus the
`Board's attention on. Right?
` As shown here on Slide 20, it's clearly not the case
`that the petition only relied on this sentence, there are
`many portions in Rabbe that disclose close conformance.
` This includes that the raised edges -- these are the


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
`sidewalls -- the raised edges 2 and 3, they conform to the
`topography of the interior, and that's so as not to change
`the esthetic that's desired by the manufacturer.
` The raised edges 2, they are also conforming to the
`interior part of the vehicle.
` And also, notably, the rigidity of the material in
`Rabbe, it presses the unit against the sidewalls of the
` And so the side panels here in Rabbe are described
` as being pressed against the sidewalls of the footwell, and
` so that means that they're touching those sidewalls, and so
` this is even less than one-eighth of an inch. So under any
` reading of closely conformed, the Rabbe reference discloses
` this limitation.
` An additional --
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: -- disclosure in Rabbe --
` JUDGE WORTH: Can you say that again? What is
`touching the sidewall?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: So, in here, Rabbe describes that
`the rigidity of the material used presses the unit against
`the sidewalls. So it presses the unit, the floor tray,
`against the sidewalls of the vehicle interior.
` JUDGE WOODS: Do we know what part of the unit is
`pressing against the sidewall -- pressing against the car?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Yes, Your Honor. So I'll direct


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
`you now to Slide 23 of the petitioner's demonstrative.
` And so, to this point, Rabbe discloses also close
` conformance under either translation.
` Mr. Dawson is the petitioner's translator, and
` Dr. Popp is the patent owner's translator.
` Now, both of them interpret Rabbe as -- you'll see
` in the very first box here, Rabbe, under Mr. Dawson's
` translation, it presses the raised edges, those are two,
` against the walls of the vehicle.
` And Mr. -- under Dr. Popp's translation from the
` patent owner, the stiffness of the material it's referring
` to, so the stiffness flattens the raised edges against the
` walls, and so it's these raised edges 2 shown in Rabbe that
` are disclosed as being flattened against or pressed against
` the sidewalls of the vehicle interior, Your Honor, and so
` that's what's contacting the sidewalls.
` Now, if we turn to Slide --
` JUDGE WOODS: I'm sorry to interrupt,
`Mr. Fitzsimmons, but if I could interrupt to focus on this
`before we move on to the next issue.
` So, you know, we also have to be careful because we
` have two patents with different claims, and they require
` different things.
` And so if we could turn to the '834 patent,
` Independent Claims 1, 5, and 9 specifically recite that, for
` example, Claim 1 requires at least 90 percent of one-third


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
` of the outer surfaces of the first, second, and third tray
` walls are closest to the respective top margins of the
` first, second, or third tray walls being within one-eighth
` of an inch of the respective footwell walls.
` So I understand that as requiring the top third of
` those three walls as being within one-eighth of an inch, and
` so even if, for example, Rabbe discloses that you've got the
` top edge lip or flange that's in contact, I'm not sure it
` satisfies the limitations of those claims.
` Could you respond to that, please?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Yes, Your Honor.
` And so it's not just the top edge or rim that's
`contacting that, Your Honor, it's the raised edges which are
`two, it's the sidewalls of the panel, and that's what Rabbe
`describes as being pressed against the walls or being
`flattened against the walls.
` And so it's those side panels, Your Honor -- I
` direct you to Slide 25 which shows the images from the
` figures from Rabbe, and that's what's being pressed against
` the walls. So that panel is being pressed against the
` interior of the walls.
` So under closely conforming in the '186 patent, or
` these one-eighth of an inch tolerance limitations in the
` '834 patent, it's still disclosed by Rabbe. All of those
` limitations are still disclosed by Rabbe, Your Honor.
` JUDGE WOODS: And if I could follow up.


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
` So I understand that in the petition, the petitioner
`relied on Figures 3 and 4, and so what these figures also
`show is a flange or possibly a raised edge or a lip on those
`sidewalls, and so it seems to me that that would prevent that
`top portion of those sidewalls from actually contacting the
`footwell wall within the vehicle.
` Could you respond to that?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Well, and so that's -- so what
`Rabbe's describing, though, Your Honor, is the contact
`between these panels and that wall.
` And so Rabbe actually doesn't require that every
`panel has flanges. It describes that some rims will have a
`retentive shape 4, and in Rabbe's claims, the rims -- it
`calls them rims may be retaining 4 -- that's in a dependent
`claim. So Rabbe's not even saying that these rims are
`required. Yes, they're illustrated in these figures, but if
`you look at, say, Figure 2, there are no flanges or rims,
`say, on panel 2, and so those aren't a required element here
`in Rabbe, either, and so we need to go and look at Rabbe's
`express disclosure of flattening or pressing the raised
`edges 2 against the interior of the vehicle, Your Honor.
` JUDGE PESLAK: What's illustrated in Rabbe,
`Figure 2? Is that a floor tray, or what is that?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: That is a floor tray, Your Honor,
`that would be, for example, in the rear passenger's seats.


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: So on this point of the raised
`edges and the top perimeter, Your Honor.
` So if you're still on Slide 25 here. Right?
` So the patent owner argues that the raised edges 2
`only correspond to the very top edge of Rabbe's side panels.
` Now, this is just an implausible argument. Both
` translations refer to the raised edges 2, and if we look
` here at Slide 25 of petitioner's demonstratives, all of
` Rabbe's figures show number 2 pointing to the middle of that
` side panel in every figure and not an upper perimeter.
` And so in order to buy the patent owner's argument,
` every single one of Rabbe's figures would need to
` misidentify the raised edges 2, and that's just not
` reasonable, Your Honors.
` I'd like to turn now to Slide 27 and address another
` argument that the patent owner makes with respect to Rabbe.
` JUDGE WOODS: I'd sorry. If I can interrupt to ask.
`This is an important point to me so I'd like to ask another
` So the Rabbe patent describes raised edges 2. And I
` understand your argument that the lead line shows -- it's
` pointed to the middle of the wall, but it's also called a
` raised edge, and I understand it's not called a raised wall.
` And so, to me, the edge would be the part that
` terminates at the top, that would be the edge, and that
` would be consistent and support patent owner's argument


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
` otherwise.
` Could you respond to that?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Yes, Your Honor.
` So I think, if we're looking at Rabbe at a whole
` here, if we're seeing how Rabbe is discussing the raised
` edges and how they're pressed against the sidewalls of the
` vehicle, it's not just that top part, it's the entire
` sidewall there in Rabbe.
` It also talks about -- Rabbe talks about how it
` particularly closely conforms at the portion of the wheel
` well and identifies that as being area 3, and so it's not
` just -- if you look at, say, Figures 1, and then Figure 3,
` for example -- so it's not just the top part that's
` conforming, it wants to conform also to that wheel well
` area, so it has to be that entire side panel, Your Honor.
` And that's what the person of ordinary skill in the
` art would take from Rabbe, viewing the figures here, but
` more importantly, in Rabbe's express disclosure of what is
` conforming.
` JUDGE WOODS: All right. Thank you.
` JUDGE WORTH: Counselor, you mentioned that
`dependent claim versus the independent claim of Rabbe.
` Where is that in your briefing?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: That point, Your Honor -- I would
`need to look specifically for that. But if you look at the
`Rabbe reference, it's specifically -- the claims are at the


`IPR2020-01139 (Patent 8,382,186 B2)
`IPR2020-01142 (Patent 8,833,834 B2)
`end there, and we would direct Your Honors to that.
` So the next point, Your Honors, I'd like to make is
` to address the comparison that the patent owner makes
` between Rabbe's drawings and the scan that it took of the
` Lada Niva footwell.
` Now, this is the patent owner's other
`non-conformance argument, and it's really based on an
`irrelevant comparison between Rabbe's patent line drawings
`and these 3D scans of the Lada Niva footwell.
` Now, nor does Rabbe say that its drawings are
`production-level scam action, there's no evidence that
`Rabbe's figures are anything other than simple line
` And the patent owner's declarant, Mr. Granger,
`admits that. He says there's no dimensions on the drawings,
`that they're not to scale, and that he can't -- he doesn't
`know how to compare the drawing to a scan.
` And the person skilled in the art would have known
`that no objective comparison can be made between Rabbe's
`patent line drawings and a three-dimensional s

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