`Yita v. MacNeil
`Yita v. MacNeil
`Compiled by the Editors of
`Webster’s New World Dictionaries
`Michael Agnes
`Editor in Chief
`With Principal Thesaurus Text by
`Charlton Laird
`Webster's New World™ Dictionary and Thesaurus, Second Edition
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`Webster's New World dictionary and thesaurus/ compiled by the staff
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` re-laxant aj. causing relaxation, esp, of museles nag
`rel / relief
`relaxant drug
`1 rvelative(ly) 2 religion
`relax-a-tion (ré'‘lak sa’shan) nm. 1a relaxing or being
`relaxed 2a) rest from work or effort &) recreation
`relapse (ri laps’; for n., wsually re’laps) vi. -lapsed’,
`-laps'Ing [see RE- & LAPSE] to slip back into a former
`re-lay (relafor v., adso ri la’) n. f< Pr re-, back + laser,
`leavell 1a fresh supply of horses, etc, as for astage of 4
`atate, esp. nto illness after apparent recovery —n. a
`journey 2 a relief crew of workers 3 9 race lin full relay
`race) between teams, each memberof which goes a pay,
`re-late (ri lat’) vt. -lated, -lat‘ing [I< L redatis, brought
`of the distance —vt. -layed’, -lay'ing ta get and pags gy
`back] 1 to tell the story of; narrate 2 to connect, as in
`release (ri las") vt, -leased’, -leas‘ing [see RELAX]
`1 tg
`thought or meaning —vi. ta have some connection or
`act free from confinement, work, pain, etc. 2 to let po /to
`relation (fo)
`release an arrow] 3 toa permit to be issued, published,
`re-lat’ed adj. connected by kinship, origin, marriage, ete.
`etc. —n. 12 releasing, as from prison 2 film, news
`re-la‘tion n. 1anarrating 2a narrative; account 3 con-
`story, ele. released to the public 3 a written surrendgy
`of a claim, ete.
`nection, as in thought or meaning 4 connection by blood
`or marriage 5 relative 6 [p/.] the connections between
`rel-e-gate (rel’a gat’) vt. -gat'ed, -gat'ing [< Liv-, away 4
`or among persons, nations, ele. —in (or with) relation ta
`legare, send]
`1 to exile or banish (to) 2 to consign’ ay
`concerning; regarding —re-la‘tion-ship’ n.
`assign, esp. to an inferior position 3 to refer or hand
`over for decision —rel’e-ga'tion n,
`rel-a-tive (rel’a tiv) adj. related each to the other 2
`relent (ri lent’) vi. I< L re-, again + lentus, pliant] to
`pertinent; relevant 3 comparative /living in relative
`becomeless severe, stern, or stubborn; soften
`comfort! 4 meaningful only in relationship /"cold” is a
`relative term/ 5 Grant that. refers to an antecedent fa
`relentless adj.
`1 harsh; pitiless 2 not letting up; per-
`sistent —re-lent'less-ly adv. —re-lent‘less-ness pn.
`relotive pronoun] —n. one related by blood or marriage
`rel-e-vant (rel’s yant) adj. Isce RELIEVE) relating to the
`—frel'a-tively adv.
`matter under consideration; pertinent —rel’e-vance «>
`relative humidity the ratio of the amount of moisture in
`relevancy my
`the air to the maximum amount possible at the given
`re-li-a-ble (ri li’a bel) adj. that can be relied on; depend.
`able —re-li'a-bil'l-ty n. —re-li‘ably adv.
`relartiv-/-ty (rel’a tiv’a 12) n. 1a being relative 2 Phys-
`reli‘ance (-ans) n. 1a relying 2 trust, dependence, gy
`fes the theory of the relative, rather than absolute, char-
`confidence 3 a thing relied on —re-liant aaj.
`acter of motion, velocity, mass, ete., and the inter-
`relic (relik) nm. [see RELINQUISHE Jan object, custom,
`dependence of matter, time, and space
`etc, surviving from the past 2a souvenir 3 [pl.| ruins 4
`relax (ri lake’) vt, vi. f< Lore. back + /axare, loosen]
`the venerated remains, ete, of a saint
`to make or become less firm, tense, severe, etc. 2 to rest,
`re-lief (ri laf) n, 1 a relieving of pain, anxiety, a burden,
`as from work —re-lax'er 1.
`ete. 2 anything that lessens tension,or offers a pleasing
`relapse n. reversion, recidivism,
`return; see LOSS 3.
`relapse v,
`lapse, retrogress, fall,
`backslide, revert, regress, suffer a
`relapse, deteriorate, degenerate, fall
`from grace, [all off, weaken, sink
`back, fall into again, slip back, slide
`back, be overvome, give in lo again.
`relate v.
`1 [Tell] recount, recite,
`retell; see DESCRIBE, REPORT 1, 2
`[Connect] bring into relation, associ-
`ate, correlate; see COMPARE 1, —
`relate to be associated with, be con-
`nected with, affect; see CONCERN 1,
`related a.
`1 [Told| described, nar-
`rated, recounted; sea TOLD. 2 [Con-
`nected] associated,
`in touch, with,
`linked, tied up, knit together, allied,
`affiliated, complementary, analogous,
`correspondent, akin, alike, like, par-
`allel, correlated, intertwined, interre-
`lated, similar, mutual, dependent,
`interwoven, of that
`ilk, in the same category, reciprocal,
`interchangeable, 3 [Akin] kindred, of
`the same family, germane, fraternal,
`cognate, consanguine, of one blood;
`see also sense 2.
`relation n.
`1 [Relationship] con-
`nection, association, similarity; see
`RELATIONSHIP. 2 [A relative] family
`connection, sibling, kin; see RELA-
`TIVE. —in relation to concerning, with
`reference to, about; see REGARDING.
`relationship n. relation, connec-
`tion, tie, assoctation, affinity, likeness,
`link, kinship, bond, dependence, rela-
`tivity, proportion, rapport, analogy,
`interrelation, correla-
`tion, nearness, alliance, relevance,
`accord, hookup*, contact; sea also
`similarity, oppositeness.
`relative a. dependent, contingent,
`applicable; see RELATED 2, RELEVANT,
`—relative to with reapect Lo, concern-
`ing, relating to; see ABOUT2,
`relative n. kin, family connection
`relation, member of the family, bloo
`relation, next of kin, sibling, kinsman,
`kinswoman. Relatives inelude the fol-
`lowing: mother, father, parent,
`grandmother, grandfather, grand-
`parent, grandchild, grandson, grand-
`daughter, great-grandmother, preat-
`grandfather, ancestor, aunt, uncle,
`preat-aunt, great-uncle, cousin, first
`cousin, second cousin, distant cousin,
`wife, husband, spouse, daughter, son,
`child, stepchild, stepparent, half
`brother, half sister, stepfather, step-
`mother, biological parent, adoptive
`parent, descendant, nephew, niece,
`brother, sister, kinsman, kinsworian,
`in-law*, mother-in-law, father-in-
`law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law.
`relatively a.
`approximately, nearly; see ALMOST.
`relax v. repose, recline, settle back,
`male etat home, breathe easy",
`take one’s time, take a break, sit
`around®, stop work, lie down, unband,
`be at ease, take a breather”; see also
`REST 1,
`repose, reclining,
`relaxation n.
`loosening; see REST 1.
`a, untroubled, carefree, at
`ease; see COMPORTABLE 1,
`relay v. communicate,
`send forth, lranamit, hand over, han
`down, tirn over, deliver, pass on; sec
`also CARRY 1, SEND |.
`release f.
`1 [Freedom] liberation,
`discharge, freeing, see FREEDOM 3. 2
`(That which has been released; usu-
`ally, printed matter] news story, pub-
`lieity, news flash; see PROPAGANDA,
`release v, liberate, let go, acquil;
`sae FREE,
`released a.
`1 [Freel] discharged,
`dismissed, liberated; see FREE 1, 2. 2
`[Announced] broadcast, stated, made
`public; see PUBLISHED.
`relent v. soften, comply, relax; see
`relentless a. unmerciful, vindic-
`tive, hard; see RUTHLESS.
`relevance n. connection, signifi-
`cance, pertinence; see IMPORTANCE,
`relevant a. suitable, appropriate,
`fit, proper, pertinent ta, becoming,
`pertaining to, apt, applicable, impor-
`tant, fitting, congruous, copnate,
`related, conforming, concerning, com-
`patible, accordant, referring, Fore
`nigus, correspondent, consonant, con-
`ent, consistent, correlated, associ.
`ated, allied, relative, connected, to the
`int, bearing on the question, having
`irect bearing, having to do with,
`related to, on the nose.—Ant.
`EVANT, WRONG, not pertinent.
`reliability n. dependability,
`worthiness, constancy, loyally, faith
`fulness, sincerity, devotion, honesty,
`authenticity, steadfasiness,
`safety, security,
`reliable a. firm, unimpeachable,
`sterling, strong, posilive, stable,
`dependable, sure, solid, staunch, deci-
`sive, unequivocal, steadfast, definite,
`conscientious, constant, steady, truat-
`worthy, faithful,
`loyal, good,
`devoted, tried, trusty, honest, honor-
`able, candid, truehearted, responsible,
`high-principled, sincere, altruistic,
`reputable, oarcful,
`proved, respectable, righteous, decent,
`truthful, upright, regular,
`all right, kogher®, OK*, on the up and
`true-blue, safe, sound, guaran-
`teed, certain, substantial, secure,
`unquestionable, conclusive,
`table, incontestable, unfailing, infal-
`Jible, authentic, competent, assured,
`foolproof, surefire,—Ant
`DANGEROUS,insecure, undependable;
`reliably a, assuredly, presumably,
`certainly; see PROBABLY, SURBLY.
`reliance n. confidence, trust, hope,
`#e6 FAITH 1
`relic n.
`1 [Something left from an
`earlier time] vestige, trace, survival,
`heirloom, antique, souvenir, keep-
`sake, curio, memento, curiosity,
`testimonial, evidence, mori
`trophy, remains, Sed
`remembrance. bric-a-brac, 2 [A ruin
`renmant, residue, remains, broken
`atone; se also DESTRUCTION 2,RUIN Ys
`relief n. 1 [The actof bringing suc
`cor) alleviation, softening, comforting:
`see COMFORT, 2 [Aid] assistance, oh
`port, maintenance; see HELP 1. 3
`relieved state of mind) satisfaction,
`relaxation, ease, release, happiness
`contentment, cheer, restfulness, ?
`relieve / remember
`change 3 aid, esp. by a public agency to the needy 4
`release from work or duty, or those bringing it 5 the
`projection of sculptured forms from a flat surface 6 the
`re-ly (ri li’) vi. -lied’, -ly’ing [< L re-, back + ligare, bind]
`to trust or depend: used with on or upon
`differences in height, collectively, of land forms shown
`rem (rem) n., pl. rem (roentgen) e(quivalent), m(an)] a
`as by lines on a map (relief map) —adj. Baseball desig-
`nating a pitcher who replaces another during a game —
`dose of ionizing radiation with a biological effect equal
`to one roentgen of K-ray
`in relief carved so as to project from a surface
`REM (rem) n., pl. REMs [[r(apid) e(ye) m(ovement)] the
`re-lieve (ri lév’) vt. -lieved’, -liev‘ing [< L re-, again +
`rapid, jerky movement of the eyeballs during stages of
`levare, to raise]
`1 to ease (pain, anxiety, etc.) 2 to free
`sleep associated with dreaming
`from pain, anxiety, a burden, ete. 3 to give or bring aid
`re-main (ri man’) vi. [< L re-, back + manere, to stay]
`to 4to set free from duty or work by replacing 5 to
`to be left over when the rest has been taken away,etc. 2
`make less tedious, etc. by providing a pleasing change —
`relieve oneself to urinete at defecate
`to stay 3 to continue /to remain a cynic] 4 to be left to
`be dane,said, etc.
`1 belief in
`re-‘li-gion (ri lij’an) n. I< L religio, holiness]
`re-main’der n.
`1 those remaining 2 what is left when a
`and wevship of God or geds 2 a specific system ofbelief,
`part is taken away 3 whatis left when a smaller num-
`worship, etc., often invalving a code of ethics
`ber is subtracted from a larger 4 whatis left undivided
`re-li‘gi-os’i-ty (-é 4s’o té) n. a beingreligious, esp. exces-
`when a numberis divided by anotherthat is not one of
`sively or sentimentally religious
`its factors
`religious (-9s) adj. 1 devout; pious 2 of or concerned
`re-mains’ pi.n.
`1 whatis left after use, destruction, etc.
`with religion 3 conscientiously exact; scrupulous —n.,
`2 adead body
`pl. -gious a monk or nun —re:li’gious-ly adv.
`re-mand (ri mand’) vt.
`[< L re-, back + mandare,
`re-lin-quish (ri lin’kwish) vt. [< L re-, from + dinquere, to
`order] to send back (a prisoner, etc.) into custody
`1 to give up (a plan, etc.) or let go (one’s grasp,
`re-mark (ri mark’) vt. f< Fr re-, again + marquer, to
`etc.) 2 to renounce or surrender (property, a right, etc.)
`1 to notice, or observe 2to say or write as a
`—re-lin’quish-ment n.
`comment —vi. to make a comment: with on or upon —n.
`rel-ish (rel’ish) n. < OFr relais, something remaining} 1
`a brief comment
`an appetizing flavor 2 enjoyment; zest /to listen with
`re-mark‘a-ble aaj. worthy of notice; extraordinary —re-
`relish] 3. food, as pickles or raw vegetables, served
`mark’a-bly adv.
`with a meal to add flavor 4a condiment of chopped
`Rem-brandt (rem’brant’) 1606-69; Du. painter & etcher
`re-me-di-al (ri mé’dé al) adj.
`1 providing a remedy 2 for
`pom spices, etc. for use as on hot dogs — vt. to enjoy;
`correcting deficiencies: said as of some courses of study
`re-live (ré liv’) vt. -lived’, -liv’ing to experience again (a
`reearate (-At’) vt, -at’ed, -at'ing to provide a remedy
`past event) as in the imagination
`re-lo-cate (ré l6’kat’) vt., wi. -cat’ed, -cat‘ing to move to a
`rem-e-dy (rem’a dé) n., pl. -dies [< L re-, again + mederi,
`new location —re‘lo-ca’tion n.
`heal] 1any medicine or treatment for a disease 2
`re-Juc-tant (ri luk’tant) adj. [< L re-, against + luctari, to
`something to correct a wrong —vt, -died, -dy-ing to
`cure, correct, etc.
`struggle] 1 unwilling; disinclined 2 marked by unwill-
`re-mem-ber(ri mem’bar) vt. [< L re-, again + memorare,
`ingness fa reluctant answer] —re-luc’tance n. —re-
`luc'tantly adv.
`bring to mind]
`1 to think of again 2 to bring back to
`eeeee) THESAURUSmeeeeree
`load off one’s mind; see also COMFORT,
`fidelity, conscientiousness, religious
`unwilling, averse, opposed,
`backward, adverse,
`laggard, remiss,
`bent, ethical standard; see also FAITH
`4(The person or thing that brings
`relief] diversion, relaxation, consola-
`slack, squeamish, demurring, grudg-
`2. 2 [Organized worship or service of
`involuntary, uncertain, hanging
`a deity] veneration, adoration, conse-
`tion, solace, reinforcement, supplies,
`back, hesitant, hesitating, diffident,
`food, shelter, clothing, release, res-
`eration, sanctification, prayer, rites,
`with bad grace, indisposed, disheart-
`remedy, nursing, medicine,
`holy sacrifice, incantation, holiday,
`ened, discouraged, queasy.—Ant.
`observance, orthodoxy; see also CER-
`medical care, redress, reparations,
`WILLING, eager, disposed.
`indemnities, variety, change, cure;
`EMONY 2, Religions inelude the follow-
`see also HELP 1. 5 [The raised por-
`rely on (or upon) v. hope, have
`ing: Christianity, Buddhism, Zen
`faith in, count on; see TRUST 1.
`tions of a sculptural decoration or
`Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Juda-
`remain v. 1 [To stay] linger, abide,
`map] projection, contour, configura-
`ism, Zoroastrianism, Shintoism, Con-
`reside; see SETTLE 5,
`2 [To endure]
`tion; see DECORATION2.
`fucianism, Taoism, Jainism, Baha-
`keep on, go on, prevail; see CONTINUE
`relieve v. 1 [To replace] discharge,
`ism, nature worship, Wicca, pagan-
`1, ENDURE 1, 3 [To be left] remain
`throw out, force to resign; see DIS-
`ism, Sikhism, monotheism, ancestor
`MISS. 2 [To lessen; said especially of
`standing, endure, outlast; see SUR-
`worship, voodoo, Santeria, deism,
`VIVE 1.
`pain] assuage, alleviate, soothe, com-
`theism, polytheism, dualism; see also
`remainder n. remaining portion,
`fort, allay, divert, free, ease, lighten,
`CHURCH 3. —get religion* become
`leftovers, residue, remains, relic, rem-
`soften, diminish, mitigate, console,
`converted, believe, change; see
`nant, dregs, surplus, leavings, bal-
`eure, aid, assist; see also DECREASE 2,
`REFORM 2,3.
`ance, residuum, excess, overplus,
`religious a.
`1 [Pertaining to reli-
`scrap, fragment, small piece, carry-
`relieved a. 1 [Eased in mind] com-
`gion] ethical, spiritual, moral, ecclesi-
`over, rest, residual portion, average,
`forted, solaced, consoled, reassured,
`astical, clerical, theological, canonical,
`satisfied, soothed, relaxed, put at
`divine, supernatural, holy, sacred,
`remains n. corpse, cadaver, relics;
`ease, restored, reconciled, appeased,
`churchly, theistic, deistic, priestly,
`see BODY 2,
`placated, alleviated, mollified, dis-
`pontifical, pastoral, ministerial—Ant.
`remake v. change, revise, alter; see
`armed, pacified, adjusted, propitiated,
`secular, earthly.
`breathing easy*; see also COMFORT-
`[Devout] pious, puritanical, sanctimo-
`remark n. statement, saying, utter-
`ABLE 1,—Ant. SAD, worried, dis-
`nious, pietistic, godly, god-fearing,
`ance, annotation, note, mention,
`2 [Deprived of something,
`reflection, illustration, point, conclu-
`or freed from it] replaced, dismissed,
`believing, faithful, fanatic, evangelis-
`sion, consideration, talk, observation,
`separated from, disengaged, released,
`tic, revivalistic, churchgoing; see also *
`expression, comment, assertion, witti-
`madefree of, rescued, delivered, sup-
`HOLY 1.
`3 [Scrupulous] methodical,
`Planted, superseded, succeeded, sub-
`minute, thorough; see CAREFUL.
`remark v. say, mention, observe;
`stituted for, exchanged,
`relish nm. 1 [A condiment] flavoring,
`see SAY, TALK 1.
`changed. 3 [Lessened; said especially
`accent, pickle. Relishes include the
`remarkable a. exceptional, extraor-
`of pain] mitigated, palliated, soft-
`following: catsup or ketchup, picca-
`dinary, uncommon; see UNUSUAL 1,
`ened, assuaged, eased, abated, dimin-
`lilli, cucumber relish, pickle relish,
`remarkably a. exceptionally, singu-
`ished, salved, soothed,
`mincemeat, pickled pears, pickled
`larly, notably; see ESPECIALLY, VERY.
`alleviated, drugged, anesthetized.
`peaches, chutney, chili sauce, hot
`remedy n,
`1 [A medicine] antidote,
`religion n. 1[All
`that centers
`sauce, cranberry sauce,
`2 [Obvious
`pill, drug; see MEDICINE 2, TREATMENT
`about humanbeings’belief in or rela-
`2. 2[Effective help] relief, cure,
`delight] gusto, joy, great satisfaction;
`pepabin with a superior being or
`see ZEAL.
`redress, support, improvement, solu-
`elief, devotion, piety, spiritu-
`relish v. enjoy, fancy, be fondof; see
`tion, plan, panacea, cure-all, assist-
`ality, persuasion, godliness, sense of
`LIKE 1, 2.
`ance, counteraction: see also RELIEF
`Tighteousness, morality,
`reluctance n. disinclination,
`faithfulness, devoutness, creed, myth,
`qualm, hesitation; see DOUBT.
`Superstition, doctrine, cult, denomina-
`reluctant a, disinclined,
`ion, mythology, communion, sect,
`remedy v. cure,help, aid; see HEAL.
`remember v. 1[To recall]