`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2020-01139
`U.S. Patent No. 8,382,186
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Yita v. MacNeil


`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 1
`LEVEL OF ORDINARY SKILL IN THE ART .......................................... 2
`III. UNDERSTANDING OF THE LAW ........................................................... 4
`IV. OVERVIEW OF THE ’186 PATENT AND THE ’834 PATENT ............... 4
`V. MATERIALS CONSIDERED ..................................................................... 4
`VI. Claim Construction .....................................................................................18
`VII. The Rabbe-Yung-Gruenwald combination discloses every element of the
`claims. ........................................................................................................20
`Rabbe discloses the conformance limitations of the ’186 and the ’834
`A POSA would have understood both Rabbe translations as
`disclosing the conforming limitations. ....................................22
`a. MacNeil’s declarants do not account for Rabbe’s teachings
`as a whole, which disclose the conforming limitations. ...........22
`b. MacNeil’s translation of Rabbe includes these same
`teachings that disclose the conforming limitations. .................26
`c. Rabbe’s conformance is not limited to a top perimeter of the
`raised edges. ...........................................................................27
`d. The two Rabbe translations, considered alone or together,
`confirm my original opinion about Rabbe’s disclosure. ..........37
`e. The background art confirms that a POSA would have
`understood Rabbe as I explained in my original declarations. .43
`2. MacNeil’s comparisons of Rabbe’s illustrations to the Lada
`Niva are irrelevant. .................................................................46
`The Rabbe-Yung-Gruenwald combination discloses a thermoformed
`floor tray with integrally formed panels. ...........................................50
`Rabbe’s floor tray is a single, integral material conducive to
`thermoforming and closely conforming to a vehicle footwell. 52
`a. Rabbe does not disclose a floor tray assembled by multiple
`pieces. .....................................................................................52
`b. The purpose of Rabbe’s floor tray would have suggested
`using a single, integral material. ..............................................54
`- i -


`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`c. The properties of Rabbe’s floor tray would have suggested
`using a thermoplastic material conducive to thermoforming. ..57
`d. Rabbe is not limited to thermosets ....................................60
`e. Rabbe’s floor tray does not preclude thermoforming .........65
`Yung is not limited to compression molding. ..........................68
`a. Foam sheets were regularly thermoformed without losing
`their waterproof characteristic .................................................69
`b. Laminate products were regularly thermoformed. .............75
`c. Yung’s embossing suggests thermoforming. .....................78
`d. Yung’s materials would have provided the appropriate
`amount of elasticity and abrasion resistance. ...........................80
`e. Yang’s mention of compression molding confirms that
`Yung is not intended to be limited to compression molding ....81
`Gruenwald’s thermoforming techniques were applicable to
`Rabbe’s floor tray ...................................................................82
`VIII. A POSA would have been motivated to combine Rabbe, Yung, and
`Gruenwald to provide a thermoformed floor tray with integrally formed
`panels. .........................................................................................................84
`A. A POSA would have multiple rationales for combining the teachings
`of Rabbe, Yung, and Gruenwald. ......................................................85
`Combining Yung’s thermoplastic materials with Rabbe would
`yield a waterproof floor tray with sufficient rigidity and
`Using Yung’s thermoplastic materials with Gruenwald’s
`thermoforming techniques would be the most cost-effective
`way of manufacturing Rabbe’s floor tray. ...............................87
`Combining Gruenwald’s thermoforming techniques with Rabbe
`and Yung would improve the structural integrity of the floor
`B. MacNeil’s arguments against combining Rabbe with Yung and
`Gruenwald are premised on inaccurate technical assertions and
`mischaracterizations of the references. ..............................................91
`Rabbe is not limited to thermosets. .........................................92
`- ii -


`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`The thermoplastic materials in Yung’s floor mat are well suited
`for Rabbe’s floor tray and thermoforming. ..............................93
`The foam particles in Yung’s floor mat do not teach away from
`Rabbe’s custom-fit design. ......................................................95
`Gruenwald’s thermoforming techniques for heavy-gauge
`products would impart sufficient flexibility for Rabbe’s floor
`The design of Rabbe’s floor tray does not teach away from
`using Gruenwald’s thermoforming techniques. .......................99
`IX. A POSA would have reasonably expected success in achieving the claimed
`invention. .................................................................................................. 101
`X. MacNeil’s evidence of secondary considerations lacks a nexus to the
`claimed invention and does not overcome the obviousness position I set
`forth in my original declaration. ................................................................ 104
`There is not a nexus between the claimed invention and MacNeil’s
`products. ......................................................................................... 105
`B. MacNeil did not adequately define a relevant market to show
`commercial success. ........................................................................ 107
`C. MacNeil’s industry praise evidence does not show nonobviousness.
`........................................................................................................ 108
`D. MacNeil’s claimed invention did not solve a long felt need. ........... 109
`E. MacNeil’s licensing evidence does not show nonobviousness. ....... 109
`XI. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................ 110
`- iii -


`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`I, Paul E. Koch, Ph.D., declare as follows:
`I have been retained as an expert in this proceeding by counsel for
`Yita LLC (“Yita”). I previously submitted declarations (EX1003 in each
`proceeding) in support of the petitions for inter partes review of U.S. Patent No.
`8,382,186 (“the ’186 patent”) in IPR2020-01139 and of U.S. Patent No. 8,833,834
`(“the ’834 patent”) in IPR2020-01142. This declaration is in support of Petitioner’s
`Replies to Patent Owner’s Responses in the same proceedings, IPR2020-01139 and
`2. My background and qualifications were provided in paragraphs 4-15
`of my original declarations, Exhibit 1003, and my CV was submitted as Exhibit
`1032 in each proceeding. My statements in my original declaration regarding my
`review of the ’186 patent, the ’834 patent, and related materials remain unchanged.
`In reaching my opinions here, I reviewed the Patent Owner Responses, the
`Petitions, my original declarations, and the materials reviewed as part of my
`original declarations.
`I have also reviewed all other materials cited herein.
`I am being compensated for my work on this case at my standard rate
`of $375 per hour, with reimbursement for actual expenses. My compensation is not
`dependent upon my opinions, my testimony, or the outcome of this case.
`- 1 -


`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`As I said in my original declarations, a person of ordinary skill in the
`art (“POSA”) would typically have a bachelor’s degree in engineering: plastics,
`mechanical, or a closely related field, or equivalent formal training, education, or
`practical experience in a field relating to plastic product design, material science,
`or manufacturing. This person would also have a minimum of three to five years of
`experience in plastics engineering, manufacturing, plastic product design, or a
`related industry, as set forth in my previous declaration.
`I understand that Patent Owner MacNeil IP LLC (“MacNeil”)
`provided a slightly different definition: a POSA in the relevant time period for the
`’186 Patent and the ’834 Patent would have had an associate’s or bachelor’s degree
`in mechanical engineering or plastics processing, or an equivalent degree, or,
`comparable formal training or practical industry experience in plastics engineering,
`design, and manufacturing. This person would also have had at least three years of
`experience in plastics engineering, design, and manufacturing. In addition, this
`person would be particularly familiar with and have experience with plastic
`product design and manufacturing using thermoforming techniques.
`I understand that the Board adopted Patent Owner’s proposed level of
`skill in the art in IPR2020-01139 and adopted Petitioner’s proposed level of skill in
`the art in IPR2020-01142. I stand by my original opinion of the level of ordinary
`- 2 -


`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`skill in the art. However, my opinions regarding the obviousness of the ’186 and
`the ’834 patents are the same under either level of skill.
`I have reviewed Dr. Osswald’s opinion that “general plastics
`experience is inadequate” and that “knowledge and experience in the
`thermoforming industry is critical.” EX2041, ¶¶42, 47. To the extent this view is
`adopted by the Board, it only further supports my obviousness opinions because
`such knowledge and experience would have readily led a POSA to use
`thermoforming based on the combined teachings of Rabbe, Yung, and Gruenwald.
`I note, however, that Dr. Osswald’s opinions demonstrate a lack of knowledge and
`experience in the thermoforming industry. For example, he opined that
`thermoforming “a foamed material would destroy the closed-cell structure (due to
`the application of heat and vacuum during thermoforming), which would make the
`material no longer waterproof.” EX2041, ¶136; EX1049, 74:1-14. But, as I discuss
`below, objective evidence shows that thermoforming foams was common in the
`industry before 2004 without destroying the foamed structure (or losing its
`waterproof nature). See Sections VII.B.2.a; VIII.B.2. Dr. Osswald similarly opined
`that undercuts prevent thermoforming heavy-gauge parts. EX2041, ¶¶86-88;
`EX1049, 61:4-62:19. But, as I discuss below, dealing with undercuts in the heavy-
`gauge thermoforming industry was also common. See Section VII.B.1.e. A POSA
`would have understood these well-known concepts.
`- 3 -


`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`I incorporate by reference my understanding of the legal principles,
`including my discussion of claim construction and obviousness, as set forth in my
`previous declaration.
`10. Furthermore, I understand that a reference may teach away from a
`claimed invention if it criticizes, discredits, or otherwise discourages investigation
`into the claimed invention. However, I understand that a reference that only
`expresses a general preference for an alternative invention does not teach away
`from the claimed invention. I also understand that mere silence does not teach
`I incorporate by reference my discussion of the overview of the ’186
`patent and the ’834 patent.
`In formulating my opinions, I have relied upon my training,
`knowledge, and experience that are relevant to the ’186 patent and the ’834 patent.
`Furthermore, I have specifically considered the following documents, in addition
`to other sources cited in this Declaration:
`- 4 -


`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`Patent Owner’s Response (Confidential)
`Patent Owner’s Response (Confidential)
`EX1001 U.S. Patent No. 8,382,186 to MacNeil et al., issued February
`26, 2013 (“’186 Patent”)
`EX1001 U.S. Patent No. 8,833,834 to MacNeil et al., issued
`September 16, 2014 (“’834 Patent”)
`EX1003 Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`EX1003 Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`French Patent Application Pre-Grant Publication No.
`2547252 to Rabbe, published December 14, 1984, with
`attached certified English-language translation (“Rabbe”)
`U.S. Patent Application Pre–Grant Publication No.
`2002/0045029 A1 to Yung, published April 18, 2002
`EX1007 Gruenwald, G., Thermoforming: A Plastics Processing
`Guide, CRC Press, 2nd Edition, 1998 (“Gruenwald”)
`EX1008 Throne, J., Technology of Thermoforming, Hanser, 1996
`(“Throne I”)
`EX1009 Throne, J., Understanding Thermoforming, Hanser, 2nd
`Edition, 2008 (“Throne II”)
`EX1012 U.S. Patent No. 6,793,872 to Buss, issued September 21,
`2004 (“Buss”)
`EX1013 U.S. Patent No. 6,361,099 to McIntosh, issued March 26,
`2002 (“McIntosh”)
`EX1014 U.S. Patent No. 4,568,581 to Peoples, issued February 4,
`1986 (“Peoples”)
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`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`EX1016 DOW HDPE DGDA-5004 NT 7 Data Sheet, published
`October 10, 2003
`EX1017 Black Armor Web Advertisement
`EX1018 Husky Liner Advertisement, August 24, 2000
`EX1022 File History of U.S. Patent No. 8,267,459 (“’459 Prosecution
`EX1025 U.S. Patent No. 6,027,782 to Sherman, issued February 22,
`EX1032 Curriculum Vitae of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D. (“Koch CV”)
`EX1035 U.S. Patent No. 6,058,618 to Hemmelgarn et al.
`EX1042 Declaration of Mark Strachan in support of Petitioner’s
`Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
`EX1044 Declaration of Dan Perreault in support of Petitioner’s Reply
`to Patent Owner’s Response
`EX1046 Transcript of the Deposition of Bruce D. Popp, Ph.D., taken
`June 28, 2021
`EX1047 Transcript of the Deposition of Ray Sherman, taken July 28,
`EX1048 Transcript of the Deposition of Ryan Granger, taken July 1,
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`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`EX1049 Transcript of the Deposition of Tim A. Osswald, Ph.D.,
`taken August 5, 2021
`EX1051 Transcript of Interview and Witness Statement of Janina
`Kaminskiene, taken July 2, 2021
`EX1053 U.S. Patent No. 4,721,641 to Bailey (“Bailey”)
`EX1054 U.S. Patent No. 6,953,545 to Tyler (“Tyler”)
`EX1055 U.S. Patent No. 5,034,258 to Grace (“Grace”)
`EX1056 U.S. Patent Application Publication 2001/0028932 to Akaike
`et al.
`Handbook of Plastic Foams: Types, Properties, Manufacture
`and Applications, ed. Arthur H. Landrock, Noyes
`Publications, 1995
`Reinkemeyer, Heiz-Gerd, “New Solutions for the Trim of
`Automotive Vehicles,” Society of Automotive Engineers,
`Automotive Engineering Congress and Exposition, 1976.
`EX1059 Comparison of Exhibit 2012 and Exhibit 1006
`EX1062 Webster’s New World Dictionary and Thesaurus, Second
`Edition, 2002
`EX1063 U.S. Patent No. 6,817,649 to Stanesic
`EX1064 U.S. Patent No. 5,648,031 to Sturtevant et al.
`- 7 -
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`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`EX1065 European Patent No. 0288728 to Landler
`EX1066 U.S. Patent No. 5,529,826 to Tailor et al.
`EX1067 International Patent Publication No. WO 2004/087804 to
`Walther et al.
`EX1068 U.S. Patent No. 6,849,667 to Haseyama et al.
`EX1069 U.S. Patent No. 5,378,543 to Murata et al.
`EX1071 International Patent Application Publication No. WO
`93/03910 to Kerman
`EX1088 Exhibit A presented at Deposition of Tim A. Osswald, Ph.D.,
`August 5, 2021
`EX1092 U.S. Patent No. 5,298,321 to Isoda
`EX2004 Declaration of James L. Throne, Ph.D.
`EX2011 Strong, A. Brent, Plastics Materials and Processing,
`PrenticeHall, Inc., 2nd Edition, 2000 (“Strong”)
`EX2012 U.S. Patent No. 6,261,667 to Yang, issued July 17, 2001
`EX2013 U.S. Patent No. Des. 408,342 to Yang, issued April 20, 1999
`- 8 -
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`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`EX2014 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Office Action issued on
`U.S. Application No. 11/463,215 on June 6, 2007
`EX2015 U.S. Patent No. 3,288,187 to Wheaton, issued November 29,
`EX2016 U.S. Patent No. 3,401,975 to Oger, issued September 17,
`EX2017 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Office Action issued on
`U.S. Application No. 11/463,215 on November 27, 2007
`EX2018 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Office Action issued on
`U.S. Application No. 12/332,757 on June 11, 2009
`Husky Deep Tray Floor Liner, downloaded from
`http://www.truckstuffusa.com/cusfitdeeptr.html on January
`3, 2005
`Advertisement for Highland’s Black Armor Floor Guard,
`Stylin Concepts “Custom Truck Accessors” catalog, 2003,
`pp. 1, 2, and 109
`EX2021 Advertisement for Highland floor guards, Counterman Info
`Pages, prior to Nov. 2002, page 27
`Merriam Webster’s Online Dictionary, “Contour”
`https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/contour (last
`visited October 14, 2020)
`Chinese Patent Application No. 87212432 to Yang, filed
`July 29, 1998, with attached certified English-language
`EX2024 Declaration of Bruce D. Popp, Ph.D., March 3, 2021
`Collins Le Robert Comprehensive Dictionary: French-
`English, English-French © 2017 Dictionnaires Le
`Robert/HarperCollins Publishers
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`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`EX2026 Beryl T. Atkins et al., Collins-Robert French to English
`Dictionary, entry for rebord (2d ed. 1993)
`EX2027 Larousse French to English Dictionary, entry for rebord
`(unabridged ed. 2010)
`EX2028 Gustave Rudler and Norma C. Anderson, Collins French
`Gem Dictionary, French to English, entry for rebord (1964)
`Richard Ernst, Dictionnaire des techniques et sciences
`appliquées, entries for bride, collarette and rebord (Paris
`EX2030 Image from https://wholesalecoolies.com/product/blank-
`EX2031 Declarations of Vladimir Orlov and Janina Kaminskiene,
`March 23, 2021
`EX2032 Richard Ernst, Dictionnaire des techniques et sciences
`appliquées, entry for contour (Paris 2002)
`Screen Shot of Google Translate from ENGLISH Contour to
`FRENCH Contour,
`EX2034 Richard Ernst, Dictionnaire des techniques et sciences
`appliquées, entry for topographie (Paris 2002)
`Screen Shot of Google Translate of ENGLISH Topography
`to FRENCH Topography,
`EX2036 Jinrong Invalidity Contentions, Western District of
`Washington at Seattle, Case No. C20-856 TSZ
`- 10 -
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`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`EX2037 Jinrong Invalidity Contentions, Northern District of Illinois
`Eastern Division, Case No. 1:19-cv-02460
`EX2038 Richard Ernst, Dictionnaire des techniques et sciences
`appliquées, entry for relief (Paris 2002)
`EX2039 Transcript of Deposition of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D. on March 2,
`EX2040 Transcript of Deposition of John E. Dawson on March 17,
`EX2041 Declaration of Tim A. Osswald, Ph.D.
`EX2042 Declaration of Ryan Granger
`EX2043 Declaration of Ray Sherman
`EX2044 U.S. Patent No. 8,899,655 to MacNeil et al., issued Dec. 2,
`EX2045 U.S. Patent No. 9,138,917 to MacNeil et al., issued Sep. 22,
`EX2046 Prosecution History of U.S. Patent No. 9,138,917
`EX2047 U.S. Patent No. 7,316,847 to MacNeil, issued Jan. 8, 2008
`EX2048 Prosecution History of U.S. Patent No. 7,316,847
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`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`EX2049 The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, entry for relief
`(Vol. 2, 1993)
`EX2050 Settlement Agreement between MacNeil Automotive
`Products Limited and Winfield Consumer Products, Inc.
`Confidential Settlement Agreement between MacNeil
`Automotive Products Limited, MacNeil IP, LLC, Kramer
`America, Inc., and Vandapac Company Limited
`D&S Automotive, Benefits of WeatherTech Floor Mats,
`available at
`mats/benefitsof-weathertech-floor-mats/ (last accessed April
`11, 2021)
`OilDepot.ca, Product Review: WeatherTech FloorLiner
`Digital Fit Floor Mats, available at
`floor-mats/ (last accessed March 17, 2021)
`Leonard, Floor Mats by WeatherTech, available at
`https://www.leonardusa.com/floor-mats-weathertech (last
`accessed April 11, 2021)
`John Goreham, BestRide.com, Product Review:
`WeatherTech Floor Mats and Trunk Cargo Liners, available
`at https://bestride.com/news/technology/product-
`reviewweathertech-floor-mats-and-trunk-cargo-liners (last
`accessed March 17, 2021)
`Jon Paul, Crutchfield.com, WeatherTech floor mat buying
`guide: Quality mats and liners are a sound investment,
`available at
`matbuying-guide.html (last accessed April 11, 2021)
`EX2058 U.S. Patent No. 4,434,832 to Koch et al., issued March 6,
`- 12 -
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`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`EX2059 U.S. Patent No. 3,968,198 to Honda et al., issued July 6,
`EX2060 U.S. Patent No. 4,181,780 to Brenner et al., issued January 1,
`EX2061 U.S. Patent No. 10,239,586 to Harbaugh, issued March 26,
`Kraco R5704 Tan Premium Rubber Matt, available at
`Rubber-Mat-4-Piece-/362620894686 (last accessed April 25,
`EX2063 WoosterRubber, Ltd., Rubber Queen Catalog (2008)
`EX2064 Nifty Products Inc., NPI Catalog (2002)
`EX2065 Nifty Products Inc., NPI Catalog (2003-2004)
`EX2066 U.S. Patent No. 5,207,963 to Grace, issued May 4, 1993
`EX2067 U.S. Patent No. 5,071,614 to Grace, issued December 10,
`EX2068 U.S. Patent No. 5,034,258 to Grace, issued July 23, 1991
`EX2069 U.S. Patent No. 4,849,269 to Grace, issued July 19, 1989
`Case No.
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`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`EX2070 U.S. Patent No. 6,381,806 to Stanesic et al., issued May 7,
`Stern and Stern Polyester Properties, available at
`ernandstern.com:80/polyester.asp (last accessed April 19,
`EX2072 Tim A. Osswald, Georg Menges, Materials Science of
`Polymers for Engineers (2nd ed. 2003)
`EX2073 U.S. Patent No. 6,406,085 to Stanesic, issued June 18, 2002
`EX2074 U.S. Patent No. 6,244,802 to Stanesic et al., issued June 12,
`EX2075 U.S. Patent No. 6,155,629 to Sherman, issued December 5,
`EX2076 Tim A. Osswald et al., Injection Molding Handbook (2002)
`EX2077 Bruce A. Davis et al., Compression Molding (2003)
`EX2078 Signoff Record for Tool 02554, 2014 – 2018 Chevrolet
`Silverado/Sierra 1500/2500HD/3500HD Double Cab
`EX2079 Signoff Record for Tool 0814, 2013 – 2018 Dodge RAM
`1500 Quad Cab
`EX2080 Signoff Record for Tool 01846, 2014 – 2018 Jeep Wrangler
`JK 4 Door Unlimited
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`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`EX2081 Signoff Record for Tool 00944, 2013 – 2018 Toyota
`4Runner / 2014-2017 Lexus GX460
`EX2082 Signoff Record for Tool 00804, 2015 – 2018 Ford Escape
`EX2083 Signoff Record for Tool 00840, 2013 – 2017 Honda Accord
`Claim Chart of ’834 Patent Claim 1 as Applied to
`WeatherTech Tool No. 02554 for 2014 – 2018 Chevrolet
`Silverado/Sierra 1500/2500HD/3500HD Double Cab (PS)
`Claim Chart of ’834 Patent Claim 1 as Applied to
`WeatherTech Tool No. 00814 for 2013 – 2018 Dodge RAM
`1500 Quad Cab (PS)
`Claim Chart of ’834 Patent Claim 1 as Applied to
`WeatherTech Tool No. 01846 for 2014 – 2018 Jeep
`Wrangler JK 4 Door Unlimited (PS)
`Claim Chart of ’834 Patent Claim 1 as Applied to
`WeatherTech Tool No. 00944 for 2013 – 2018 Toyota
`4Runner / 2014 – 2017 Lexus GX460 (PS)
`EX2088 Claim Chart of ’834 Patent as Applied to WeatherTech Tool
`No. 00804 for 2015 – 2018 Ford Escape (PS)
`Claim Chart of ’834 Patent Claim 1 as Applied to
`WeatherTech Tool No. 00840 for 2013 – 2017 Honda
`Accord (PS)
`Claim Chart of ’186 Patent Claim 1 as Applied to
`WeatherTech Tool No. 02554 for 2014 – 2018 Chevrolet
`Silverado / Sierra 1500/2500HD/3500HS Double Cab (PS)
`Claim Chart of ’186 Patent Claim 1 as Applied to
`WeatherTech Tool No. 00814 for 2013 – 2018 Dodge RAM
`1500 Quad Cab (PS)
`Claim Chart of ’186 Patent Claim 1 as Applied to
`WeatherTech Tool No. 01846 for 2014 – 2018 Jeep
`Wrangler JK 4 Door Unlimited (PS)
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`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`Claim Chart of ’186 Patent Claim 1 as Applied to
`WeatherTech Tool No. 00944 for 2013 – 2018 Toyota
`4Runner / 2014 – 2017 Lexus GX460 (PS)
`Claim Chart of ’186 Patent Claim 1 as Applied to
`WeatherTech Tool No. 00804 for 2015 – 2018 Ford Escape
`Claim Chart of ’186 Patent Claim 1 as Applied to
`WeatherTech Tool No. 00840 for 2013 – 2017 Honda
`Accord (PS)
`EX2096 Plate 3/5 of Rabbe 2547252, annotated
`EX2097 Plate 4/5 of Rabbe 2547252, annotated
`EX2098 View from Lada Niva Scan: DS and PS Foot Wells
`EX2099 Scan image, Lada Niva DS foot well, from rear inboard,
`EX2100 Scan image, Lada Niva DS foot well, from rear, annotated.
`EX2101 Scan image, Lada Niva DS foot well, from rear outboard,
`EX2102 Scan image, Lada Niva PS foot well, from rear inboard,
`EX2103 Scan image, Lada Niva PS foot well, from rear, annotated.
`EX2104 Scan image, Lada Niva PS foot well, from rear outboard,
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`IPR2020-01139 & IPR2020-01142
`Declaration of Paul E. Koch, Ph.D.
`EX2105 Photos of Foot Wells of 1984 Lada Niva (VAZ 2121)
`EX2106 Kraftwagen VAZ 2121 21211 21212 Betriebsanleitung
`EX2107 Andy Thompson, Cars of the Soviet Union (2nd ed. 2019)
`EX2108 U.S. Patent No. D313789 to Thundercloud, issued Jan. 15,
`EX2109 Web Advertisement for Fox WeatherBoots Floor Liner
`EX2110 U.S. Patent No. D525,576 to Lu, issued July 25, 2006
`EX2111 U.S. Patent No. 4,921,742 to Altus, issued May 1, 1990
`International Chemical Safety Card, Polyethylene, available
`at http://www.inchem.org/documents/icsc/icsc/eics1488.htm
`(last accessed May 1, 2021)
`Chinese Patent Application No. 87212432 to Yang, filed
`July 29, 1998, with attached certified English-language
`EX2115 Supplemental Declaration of Bruce D. Popp, Ph.D.
`EX2126 Corrected Declaration of Ryan Granger (Confidential)
`EX2127 Supplemental Declaration of Ryan Granger
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