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`(cid:69)(cid:381)(cid:69)(cid:381) (cid:437)(cid:437)(cid:374)(cid:258)(cid:437)(cid:410)(cid:346)(cid:381)(cid:396)(cid:349)(cid:460)(cid:286)(cid:460) (cid:282)(cid:3)(cid:282)(cid:349)(cid:349)(cid:400)(cid:272)(cid:367)(cid:381)(cid:400)(cid:437)(cid:396)(cid:286)(cid:3)(cid:381)(cid:396)(cid:3)(cid:396)(cid:286)(cid:393)(cid:396)(cid:381)(cid:282)(cid:437)(cid:437)(cid:272)(cid:410)(cid:410)(cid:349)(cid:381)(cid:374)(cid:854)(cid:854)(cid:3)(cid:367)(cid:349)(cid:367)(cid:349)(cid:272)(cid:286)(cid:286)(cid:374)(cid:400)(cid:374)(cid:400)(cid:286)(cid:282)(cid:286)(cid:282)(cid:286) (cid:3)(cid:410)(cid:381)(cid:410) (cid:3)(cid:393)(cid:437)(cid:393)(cid:437)(cid:396)(cid:272)(cid:272)(cid:346)(cid:258)(cid:400)(cid:286)(cid:396)(cid:3)(cid:381)(cid:374)(cid:381) (cid:367)(cid:455)(cid:455)(cid:856)
`EX1008 (Part 1 of 3)
`Yita v. MacNeil


`Technology of Thermoforming
`© 1996 Carl Hanser Verlag. All rights reserved.
`No unauthorized disclosure or reproduction; licensed to purchaser only.


`© 1996 Carl Hanser Verlag. All rights reserved.
`No unauthorized disclosure or reproduction; licensed to purchaser only.


`James L. Throne
`Technology of
`Hanser Publishers, Munich Vienna New York
`Hanser/Gardner Publications, Inc., Cincinnati
`© 1996 Carl Hanser Verlag. All rights reserved.
`No unauthorized disclosure or reproduction; licensed to purchaser only.


`The Author:
`Dr. James L. Throne, Sherwood Technologies, Inc., 158 Brookside Blvd., Hinckley, OH 44233-9676, USA
`Distributed in the USA and in Canada by
`Hanser/Gardner Publications, Inc,
`6600 Clough Pike, Cincinnati, Ohio 45244-4090, USA
`Fax: (513) 527-8950
`Phone: (513) 527-8977 or 1-800-950-8977
`Distributed in all other countries by
`Carl Hanser Verlag
`Postfach 86 04 20, 81631 Miinchen, Germany
`Fax: +49 (89) 98 12 64
`in this publication, even if the former are not
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`The use of general descriptive names,
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`While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of going
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`errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect
`to the materia) contained herein.
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Throne, James L., 1937-
`Technology of thermoforming / James L. Throne.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 1-56990-198-8
`1. Plastics—Molding,
`668.47 12—dce20
`|. Title.
`Die Deutsche Bibliothek-CIP-Einheitsaufnahme
`Throne, James L.:
`Technology of thermoforming / James L. Throne.—Munich ;
`Vienna ; New York : Hanser ; Cincinnati : Hanser / Gardner,
`ISBN 3-446-17812-0
`All rights reserved, No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
`electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system,
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`© Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich Vienna New York, 1996
`Typeset in Ireland by Datapage International Ltd., Dublin
`Printed and bound in Germany by Kosel, Kempten
`© 1996 Carl Hanser Verlag. All rights reserved.
`No unauthorized disclosure or reproduction; licensed to purchaser only.


`in 1985 and Carl Hanser Verlag
`I completed the monograph, Thermoforming,
`published it in 1987. At the time it was written, there were no up-to-date mono-
`gtaphs devoted solely to thermoforming. Two monographs devoted to thermoform-
`ing appeared about the same time as the Thermoforming monograph. They are:
`J. Florian, Practical Thermoforming: Principles and Applications, Marcel Dekker,
`Inc., New York (1987).
`G, Gruenwald, Thermoforming: A Plastics Processing Guide. Technomic Publish-
`ing Co., Inc., Lancaster PA (1987).
`Reviewers of the three monographs remarked at the time that while there was
`some overlap, the three monographs provided separate and unique insights to the
`industry and that technologists would do well to have access to all three.
`In the preface to that monograph,
`| stated that:
`“Thermoforming is not an easy process. It just looks easy.”
`In many respects, the industry has verified this over and over in the last decade. I
`further stated that:
`“... [Thermoforming] is becoming challenging as newer process variations,
`newer materials, tighter sheet and part tolerances, more critical applications
`and more sophisticated controls are developed.”
`In the last decade, the industry has successfully tackled many of these very difficult
`problems. The core business has been helped greatly by improved heaters, more
`accurate process controls, cooperative interaction between extruders and formers,
`more easily thermoformable polymers, advanced trimming techniques, and to a great
`the acceptance of thermoforming as a process by OEMs.
`In addition,
`thermoforming has gained the attention of many universities,
`technical writers,
`consultants and software companies. And the industry has grown dramatically in
`size. As an example, the Society of Plastics Engineers Thermoforming Division held
`a fall conference in Wisconsin in 1991. About 100 people attended, In Midland MI
`in 1992 more than 200 attended. In South Bend IN in 1993, more than 400 attended,
`in Atlanta in 1994, more than 600 attended, and in Cleveland in 1995, nearly 700
`attended. And plans are being made for nearly 800 in Cincinnati in 1996. There are
`more than 200 custom thermoformers in the US today and someestimate that a new
`thermoforming company is born every week,
`The industry seems to have come of age in the last ten years. This work was
`intended to be a revision and update of the 1987 monograph. Readers of that
`monographwill note that this book is much larger. This book is also an overview of
`the technical aspects of thermoforming and generally follows the outline of the
`Thermoforming monograph. However,
`1 have included worked-out examples and
`many guidelines to illustrate and support the technical aspects. As with the 1987
`monograph, the material in each chapter of this book moves from relatively simple
`concepts to more technical, in-depth considerations, This book has ten chapters:
`© 1996 Carl Hanser Verlag. All rights reserved.
`No unauthorized disclosure or reproduction; licensed to purchaser only.


`Chapter 1, ““Thermoforming— Definitions, History, Methods and Equipment”, is
`a proper introduction to the subject. The chapter includes some history, some market
`information, a glossary of definitions, the traditional methods of forming and some
`technical considerations about the machinery.
`Chapter 2, “Polymeric Materials”, briefly reviews the nature of thermoformable
`polymers and their adducts. General concepts of polymer response to applied loads
`and temperatures are considered, Some important new information on infrared
`energy absorption is detailed.
`reviews the three general ways of heating
`Chapter 3, ‘Heating the Sheet’,
`sheet—conduction, convection and radiation. Since infrared radiation is the most
`popular andefficient means of heating sheet, fundamental aspects are discussed. This
`chapter becomes quite technical with general guidelines for determining heating
`cycles and a new section on computer-generated prediction of sheet temperature.
`Chapter 4, “Stretching the Sheet”, is concerned with fundamentals of multiaxial
`sheet deformation. Polymer hot strength is related to tensile characteristics of
`rubbery solids and viscosity of elastic liquids. Sheet sag is shown to be strongly
`related to polymer hot strength. Again, the material is quite technical.
`Chapter 5, “Cooling and Trimmingthe Sheet’’, deals with heat removal from the
`sheet while against the mold surface. Some new material on computer-generated
`mold temperature prediction is given. The mechanicsof cutting the molded part from
`the web are considered in detail.
`Chapter 6, “Thermoforming Molds”, considers mold materials and mold designs.
`Vacuum or vent hole sizes and numbers are arithmetically determined and plug
`materials and designs are also discussed.
`Chapter 7, “Parts Design’, first considers the economics of parts design. Draw
`ratios are then defined and wall thickness prediction methods discussed. Regrind and
`material property loss are considered in detail, and an extensive section on part
`design guidelines follows.
`is a new chapter. Since the thermo-
`Chapter 8, “Producing Sheet and Film”,
`former is the customer of the extruder, he/she should know some rudimentary
`extrusion concepts. This chapter is a brief summary of the extrusion process, with
`emphasis on sheet quality and quality control. A sheet quality checklist is discussed
`in detail.
`Chapter 9, ‘““Newer Thermoforming Technologies”, is also a new chapter, written
`in response to many requests for forming information in several new processing
`areas. In the 1987 monograph. I said:
`“...[E]ngineers seeking the latest information on pressure forming, the heat-
`ing of foam sheet or forming crystallizing PET will be disappointed.”
`This is no longer the case. Chapter 9 presents vignettes on the following forming
`@ CPET,
`@ Pressure forming,
`@ Forming filled and reinforced polymers,
`@ Laminated sheet forming,
`© 1996 Carl Hanser Verlag. All rights reserved.
`No unauthorized disclosure or reproduction; licensed to purchaser only.


`e Twin-sheet forming,
`@ Forming PP,
`@ Thermoforming foam sheet, and
`@ Other semi-thermoforming technologies.
`Chapter 10, “Set-Up Protocols, Troubleshooting, and the Economics of Therma-
`forming’, is an assemblage of production and economic issues that were scattered
`through several chapters of the 1987 monograph. Guidelines to setting up a new
`mold, forming a new polymer and troubleshooting both the thin-gage and heavy-
`gage forming process are found here. Thermoforming is an energy intensive process
`that uses only a portion of its raw material, sheet,
`to make the part. To be
`competitive, the thermoformer must know whatthings cost,
`in detail. This chapter
`focuses on this theme.
`Caveats are in order. Some of the engineering details are quite technical. The
`monographis designed to provide a technical foundation for the industry. Neverthe-
`the casual reader should find ample guidelines, protocols,
`tips and rules-of-
`thumb to help him/her with specific processing problems or new product planning.
`The decade or so since I wrote the Thermoforming monograph has been marked
`by retirement and deaths of many thermoforming leaders. Most notably, Dr.
`Herman “Dick” Osmers, SPE Thermoformer-of-the-Year,
`fellow PhD chemical
`engineer-consultant-teacher and critical reviewer of the 1985 book, died shortly after
`it was published. I will always miss his technical accuracy, his thoroughness, and his
`up-beat enthusiasm. This book is dedicated to his memory.
`January 1996
`James L. Throne, PhD
`© 1996 Carl Hanser Verlag. All rights reserved.
`No unauthorized disclosure or reproduction; licensed to purchaser only.


`© 1996 Carl Hanser Verlag. All rights reserved.
`No unauthorized disclosure or reproduction; licensed to purchaser only.


`1 Thermoforming—Definitions, History, Methods and Equipment....... .
`SOMO DSHNIHGHE cp in ee Ge eT a ee a eS) a edd
`KGAUS) Some nad ad Rot aed Oilers oC eee eS oe Oo Ge pee ke Sam thes
`Clamping of Thin-Gapge Sheet. 4 224954 2263 Sea a Ree ee a
`Clamping, of Heavy-Gage Sheet... 0... 6 eee cd a ee as
`Heating of Thin-Gage Sheets cu. sees pp ee ee eG eT EE ea
`Heating Heaviy-Gage Sheet. 5.6.25 ble ns Mea RB Gin Ma ae Oe he
`Shaping, Thin-Gage Sheet
`).5 $0504.68 ca Cee etek aa na aim Sa
`Shidping: Heawysace Sheet or: sa, oa ides a sw nate A Few doRe Reo
`Trimming the Thin-Gage Sheets = oan. Thema pu gee apie ew die Sp brarayé
`Trimming the Heavy-Gage Sheet... 2.2 eee
`Pepto Drew va
`2 fies wt mye Ale FAG eRe aida BA Gt 4c oh Gwe Gel
`Methods'of Pormings co ti heccod-Spg woeeeiast Seek S
`toe ee anes eR eS
`assis. oss te
`bh er cra p eRe Re Gee een ee, EM Ce
`Two-Step Forming with Prestretching... 2... 2. 2 eee ee ee es
`Multi-Step\ Forming|cwieiis goss) Sera oa gicmk coe red ee eR alee le wR Bow 4
`CitenVariations 3
`A sal och te Cae Go hee oa aaa ta Ee ey at ¥
`1.6 Thermoforming Machinery .. 2... eee ce ee te ee eee
`Heative Source nM gcscala Wh ce cee tea we whee won Roepe fue ee, 2 Le Ae
`Rerminp Piatlonns inrg-s Guank eg en walrivipdiae 5 eae d Se gs Sea 8
`VACUUNE 'SYSLEDL wan Gag ee ae gaa ee a eae a tee ae
`Pressuré ‘Syste: 25 8 ag ee the Sk eee St aca a Teale he RMA ea
`BrQuess COMEROS oy ere hws Haig KOSTA LOE
`TD OR Palin eT © Sy BPS) Ped ROA
`Trimming and Cut Parts Handling... .. 0.2... eee es
`1.7 Heavy-Gage Thermoforming Machinery Specifics .... 2... 2.20 s ec eae
`1.8 Thin-Gage Thermoforming Machinery Specifics ...........-2.5 00004
`LG References. oy shape Aa ee Bhat Fighargcy id ka Yes a & pee BS
`“Polymenié: Matetials \) 63-254 padded QS Rae oe ee Poe es
`AABROONSON 2:56 fea ee Rb po Midi Rad oh OE hin ie ta Bs ee Gee
`22) Network Natufe of Polyiiers....:...c3.2, gk fe es ae aw ale sia ta He os
`2.3 Addition and Condensation Polymerization... ... 0.2.22 p ee eee eee
`24 Aromatic and Aliphatic Polymers... 00.262 ee ee ee eee
`2.5 Molecular Weight and Molecular Weight Distribution, ,.........---.5.
`2.6 Molecular Weight and Properties. 2.0... ee ee
`2.) Morphology and Properties sc:
`.20i51..4 .
`2 cae paw a eae oe Be RNG
`28: Moleciilar Orientation.
`ios key ee eit ele doe ea ete ae ale a ola
`2.9 Chain Mobility and Polymer Stiffness .. -- 2-0 ee eee eee
`ec LU \SirebeETAGK! PeGsislaNees cA certs cera
`at olte
`celte, wet
`des bid aes gia Se alain suet ot
`Dh Gras Pemmieaigh s< 0,0 ig wa Pa we SAS Pa aera 2? we Saar RY
`JA2 CopolymentZatan|ci ao dns a heir a Rp OR Re RL haa a GS dk ee ee
`PSs Blends: 4, baled clits oe Mase ale Fes eae a Pa a gah ee Eee Ads
`PIBSRGIELS: tne Boo Celgene Peels eS os BAAR SAS GLA es
`© 1996 Carl Hanser Verlag. All rights reserved.
`No unauthorized disclosure or reproduction; licensed to purchaser only.


`CGHACGHIVEN 2.82 c ee eS RS et oer ede ee: ee a a as
`Fillérs ‘and ‘Reinforcing Fibst$. 3... aca Fae eee rea ee hee emer ead
`abo, baminates:
`9 kg cing scpleSus greater s ge Sela d nA ae OR ah
`2.16; Stress-Strain Behavior of Plastics: .s4 rx ale sv aw otal lal aind
`sea ges
`Jk bering) Propentien 4.0 00 ee Fla ey asi Ge oii dee See a Gra erie eS
`Heat Gapectty sow aikido ee wits dere g Dae doe Sars ere oe eg ee ate
`be attity es Wiel
`e ete
`Thermal. Diffusivity 26.8 e457 a RLF SRA A ERROR EO
`Thermal Expansion Coefficient <2 4256 bt saa a elie ee ees
`2.18 ‘Infrared’ Spectra. 4,0 46 Gu a0t Gal ea g 28 Wa oS Bae as Hesse we SESS
`eDOCS etnarye i aa 6 Ma ee oe ise Ba ak tala a
`gAn as aaa a
`Qu Refertites oo.og 264.2028 4 eee dea toy ly Sa Pee See te ae
`(Heatitig the Sheehan atastarslovcha 2. aPshedsin e's 3b
`aacesb ino oP
`he eS
`adil Unitéduchot ob 9 one Se dob AG Pe ee Cee Glee ete Pee
`32 Energy Absorption ‘by SHEED. wc we a le al ee A Se ode BE SS
`a eat Transfer Modes. ie ced bait Ps Se RAS eR ae Stee ak 110
`Incorporating Formability and Time-Dependent Heating ..-......-...4.
`-Gorduetion |
`2 ci fog Ge 8 kG ot ae we E palad bs aut Goa Wa ela Saree
`3.6 Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient.
`. 2... 0.0 124
`Phe Biot NUMBER hc.
`in pd ciao ag Bi ataate cig al Cat ee eA 125
`Effective Radiation Heat Transfer Coefficient... 0 0. 0 ee ee 126
`CSndstint: Heat Gli syncs e Pais eos anaes.
`te ew ei an ate a Sas alah
`3.0 Radiation Heatingiss.:. 0c sie wee ee eae a kev
`inetd) ink one erat EES
`Black Hedy Raegidtram oh. 2.5 ¢
`jose g
`fra gg eee sfetae ea Be Seals De ls
`Gray Aody—EcissvitVi nd tees eae ee se Se OS oe SS 134
`Radiant Heater Efficiency—Constant Heat Flux Application. ........-..
`AS ‘Real Heaters—Eficiencies occ ge Gee eae Foe bP eee ee eT 140
`Radiative Heat Transfer Coefficient... -
`. 2.2 0 ee eb ee et
`Convection and the Heat Transfer Coefficient... 2... 0. 2 oe 145
`Riba BABES nc teust
`a Boe sor hee dt. Bo Ruch gd By Been tin YS GA AS
`3.9 Long-Term Radiant Heater Efficiencies... 2... ee ee es 151
`3:10 Bdge: Losses —VieW Factots ccc eater el eel eae ee ue a ese BN 152
`Local’ Enero Input-sd ari Saga Fed irae se FAG 6 ae OPE GS EH eal
`Patterm Heating)... a.s ata ave. Sn Ce ee AOE ew wea ay ey raya SPST 159
`Zone; Zoned. or Zonal Heating: 40.00 ean Fs eee ha Re alate ea ae
`Hantet totSheet Iostanees «adh via ad.o Go ope eas fe oO ea ws
`3.11 Thin-Gage Sheet—Approximate Heating Rates... 2... 0-0 eee eee
`Constant Environmental Temperature Approximation... .........5--- 164
`Constant Heat Flux Approximation ... 00000 20h ee ee (67
`Thin-Gage Approximations—Comments....- 0. ....0.0045 042225
`3.12 Heavy-Gage Sheet—-Internal Temperature Control... ..........--+6+5 168
`Constant Environmental Temperature .. 2.0... ee eee ee ee ee ee 168
`The Cotstant Heat Flux Cases onda cache qua dra a fae 3
`a afr eee 9
`Phe. Thickness Elect cs, eottyane ¢-3 erie (ena ae ahead apeta tae peta ede Fe
`Sumiagry’. fis eee oa Pee
`ae a eee He a rR owes SEE GS
`S03 Equiltbration’s 025... 6 fie.) geet Feelard a Ge oe dead eg Eee 176
`Convection Heatmt. sec. co R64 a ne et SoA Ger dintal hh OE
`Constant Heat Blk: tac bead Pads Saw PAs Ae AnEY OAS 179
`Computed Equilibration Times.
`6 ees ee are lee We le ae ald
`THe AVS oP Banation: fate eo eat Bashi etl ba Sarwar Gia
`iwawe wee aed
`© 1996 Carl Hanser Verlag. All rights reserved.
`No unauthorized disclosure or reproduction; licensed to purchaser only.


`coe yk winds na a6. Sale Ben ky G48 Gey Le oe
`The: ATHENS Eqnation §
`Relating Shift Factors to Sheet Thickness... 2... 0-0-0005 pe cues 182
`3.14 Infrared-Transparent Polymers,
`, 2.6... 000 e cee ee eee ees 182
`3.15 Computer-Aided Prediction of Sheet Temperature... .......-..00205 188
`ne: Radiant Boundary ondithim .2. ee, eee See. CP a ea 192
`3.16 Guidelines for Determining Heating Cycles... 2... 0. ee ee 192
`reg ce Reece ea ered ae ee aS Qk Ge hs SP ALE
`Fiin<Gage’ Gindeliness ses. css gx goa oH WSivala ah Vib @
`& a bee
`Sow Oe wee
`Feavyiirape Guidelines s.a ni 25, Saye ed FP Hae Oi Es OT Be ee BS
`Intermediate+Gape Guidelines... 26g: sc ce ce ee ee Saw ee 194
`AE AG De EE i ohne Fe ae ented
`A Stretching the Steet... ccc ce ae eke ee eee hw Rk 197
`4) Totrodpétion oacicc eat eee cea gale Ha Hel SHES Hola SSE Saha
`#2 “The Stretching Concepts ays/6 fg ds eget asp gee 2 SL BB eds @ Elly
`Polyitier, Hot Stensth, 23.5 2 oo. ne St er ORR Gene pa ark eee 208
`Standard: Tensile Tests sa). 3,5. eG he Saeed, 4 RA ES a Bee a ele Are
`FlOt-Tensve: Testes.
`5.58 shea sce obs meee ete Gta
`eHow Beato Boz
`babe ETS 2
`Hanereen TESS:
`oc 3 awe, 4 SOE tno Awe EOE RR eo othe wy he
`Other. Stretching Tests).
`.icc a gg a Ma ae bas eee es Desi
`f oe <a a a 215
`Temperature-Dependent Viscosity for Amorphous Polymers .-..........
`Dyname Mechanical’ Testing’ ox. 28 a's ee is % poem oop a ean ace Bad
`a wae 8
`4.4 Stress-Strain-Rate of Strain—Theory., .. 2... ee 225
`Elasticity—A Rationalization... 2... ca ee ee es Zon
`Birain /Bersy Panchon cs uk kia Ws Beye asi) wd 29 wee Be Se he ae ee 235
`The Rivlin Form for the Strain Energy Function.......-............
`The Ogden Form for the Strain Energy Function ... 2... ..-.2..50005 239
`Viscoelastic Models). ccs cau eae Fen GO GOR A OK EW pa 240
`4.5 Available Stress-Strain. Data. 2... 4c po 5 ee ES He a ee ee as 242
`Sensitiwityioh Models oo i2 &
`<0 ce aul eae ween le aiere.a ol eos ee Gg eS Rad
`4.6 The Importance of Polymer Material Properties ........---..0-005- 248
`47 Practical Aspects of Stretching,

`5 34k y 6 6s al eoelale se hee eae» 257
`ONE BORE rie pee us
`PY BE wo
`bn Ew Tee
`the vg,
`Gr at's ate Aes gdb a 260
`48 Bursting Conditions: 42 ieoch ad ee es ae bs SS LES tbe Ea Gas
`AAO) Sabet See ira apenas cree won
`ty ade ee eer
`aha eee the ae oa ae &
`Innfial Sagact ead vate fa ale Balle a Raat ales SLE PR ae ae 267
`PORESEG. eget, ic dha bebe Ge Se Ot)
`A ale Qe Soe
`acd 2S hee dybla¥ as BE foe
`‘UNS GAD aLy Sab. ok RE EAE Ge ouwldh Laleneaaly peace ke AA aed
`Patabolig-Saey i o1..6 Goa.
`5 Geis. coed we bor pic
`ieete Raine wradrandand aaa &
`Relating Sag to Hot Sheet Strength: «20.6 ps Hi ea ee eRe eR 271
`Sap—A Comment.
`i suinaaaa fs ae Cae Sole BQ dS ew aa & asS
`4G Referencte: ns: cress itis Ane ang a ben hecho ke Se eel ae pele s
`Appendix 4.1 Biaxial Stretching of an Elastic Membrane ............--5-- 282
`5 Cooling and Trimming the Part.....-........0.0200-0-00 eee eee 284
`e.g Aw she a Wight ek Vag Vag Gada ea nae 285
`3:1)’ Tntradaetion ¢ san ¢
`‘Overall Cooling Heat Balance. o.. iio hee ied eed a Qe
`53 GCooingttie Romned Slintty.s ¢ pats cnk a
`S,4 Steady ‘State Heat Balance,
`4 258g ta el aw NES eee 288
`Iriberfacial RESEAROR vec eleriss Cox si bl
`yg! ae acai
`ceie Malach
`Sad aed 289
`BRE RaStOr Sasa sd ova d date Scat ao Say wc Cy Fela ce ek Rae oe eS
`Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient... 2.04. ..55.05 00 bebe Rea 293

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