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`MacNeil Exhibit 2027
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01139
`Page 1


`Unabridged edition
`MacNeil Exhibit 2027
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01139
`Page 2
`MacNeil Exhibit 2027
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01139
`Page 2


`eit) jrcamenase] vt 1. [espace, salle] to
`rebattu, e[rabat
`y] adj (éculé] hackneyed, wom out.
`18099EF ioraire] to replan, to readjust ; [poli-
`reboutonner(3] (rabutonc] vt to button up (sép)
`Rébecca [Rebeka] nprBIBLE Rebecca,
`again,to rebutton.
`tte] to reschedule.
`nice 3. FIN (de!
`rebelle [Rabel]
`<> se reboutonner vp (emploi réfiéchi) to do os.
`adj 1.
`POL rebel
`j frcamanse] vt 1. [pompe] to prime
`7 [indomptable -cheval] rebellious ; [-coeur. es aihreieh
`up again.
`‘Ta pompe fy to get things rolling
`intractable ; {-enfant] rebelli
`iy Eenischat
`to begin ou to start again,to reiniti-
`rebranding[ribrddin| nm COMMrebranding.
`eles wid 3.) rebelle a (réfractaire a] impervious to 7
`rebrousse-poll [rabruspwal| + a rebrousse-
`meetre ried ae unwilling to heed advice.
`teur trice [rcanimateer,tris] nm, f re-
`Bollloc adv 1. TEXT against the nap outhepile 2. [mala-
`[acné, fiévre] stubborn, refractory spéc
`droitement] the wrong way / mieux vaut ne pas pren-
`jrcanimasj3] nf [action] resuscitation
`dre le patron & rebrousse-poil better not rub the boss
`ee [Rabele] +t se rebellervpito rebel pse
`~ imation imation (intensive)intensive care unit
`up the wrong way.
`reveller contre to rebel against / Ia jeune génération
`“ict ‘onimation [service]put in intensive care.
`rebrousser [3] [rabruse] vt 1. [cheveux] to ruffle
`de cinéastes quise rebell
`"3 en [reanime] vt 4.[malade]to resuscitate,
`younger generation offi
`2.[poil] to brush the wrong way»rebrousser le poil
`pearieracessation, intérét] to revive.
`4 qqn fam to rub sb up the wrong way 3. TEXT [drap}
`to brush against the nap 4. (xpR) rebrousser chemin to
`ene re réapparaltre® [91] [Reaparctr]
`rébelllon[rebel)3] nf 1.
`turn back,to retrace one’s steps.
`belles} bla rébellion the rebels. ei
`appararyoir) to come back, to reappear, to
`rebuffade [rabyfad] nf rebutf / essuyer une rebuf-
`re _ cesfacteurs ont contribué d faire
`rebelote [Rabalot] nf 4. JEUX rebelote (said when play-
`fadeto suffer a rebuff.
`fig an i conflits entre les ethnies all of these
` buted to the resurgence of ethnic
`ing the secondcard of a Pair of king and queen of trumps
`rébus [rebys] nm rebus/ce texte est un rébus pour
`weplaying belote) 2.
`rebelote! fam here we go
`“4 reve contr
`moifigthis text is a real puzzle for me.
`rebut[raby] nm 1.[article défectueux] second,reject
`1.[du soleil] reappear-
`reblffer [3]
`[Rabife] 2+ se rebiffer vpi
`fam -
`/ cette boutiqueleur sert a écouler les rebuts defabri-
`raanevedette] comeback.
`quandje luifais une remarque,il se rebiffe when | say
`cation they use that shoptosell off all their seconds ou
`“pat e|reapary] pp —> réapparaitre.
`anything to him hereacts really badly » se rebiffer contre
`rejects 2. [poubelle, casse] » mettre ou jeter au rebutto
`ach to kick out against sthg.
`throw away, to discard » bon a mettre au rebut a) [vé-
`apprendre[79] [eapradR]vtto learn again.
`tement]only fit to be thrown out b)[véhicule] ready for
`rebiquer[3] [Rabike] vi famto stick up.
`ean restocking;
`[d’un commercant]
`the scrapheap 3.
`fig & litt : le rebut de la société the
`reblanchir [32] (rablafir] vt [gén] to rewhiten; (a la
`dregs of society 4. [envoipostal] deadletter.
`chaux] to rewhitewash,
`<< de rebut loc adj 1. [sans valeur] » meubles de re-
`but unwanted furniture » vétements de rebutcast-offs
`iapprovisionner [3] [Reaprovizjone] vt COMM
`reblochon [Rablof3] nm Reblochon (cheese).
`rearetc; commergant} to resupply.
`2. [défectueux] » marchandises de rebut seconds, re-
`reboilsement [Rabwazma] nm reafforestation, refor-
`se reapprovisionner vp to stock up again / il
`a réspprovisionnéauprés d’un autrefournisseur he
`rebutant,e[rabyta,at] adj 1. [repoussant] repulsive
`ee up again by buying from another supplier.
`reboiser(3] (rabwaze] vtto reafforest, to reforest.
`/ un visage rebutant a repulsive face 2. [décourageant]
`off-putting (3 disheartening / montravail est rebutant
`rebond [rab] nm bounce, rebound / je Vai attrapé
`reargenter[3] [Rearzate] vt to resilver.
`au rebond | caughtit on the rebound.
`my workis very disheartening.
`rarmement [rearmamG] nm 1. MIL rearmament,
`rebondi, @ [rabSdi] adj {joue, face] chubby, plump ;
`rebuter[3] [rabyte] vt 1. [décourager] to discourage,
`ein; POL rearmament 2. NAUT refitting 3. ARM
`[formes] well-rounded / 4 la poitrine rebondie buxom.
`to put off (sép) / ses facons ont de quoi vous rebuter
`his manners are enough to put you off 2. [dégoater] to
`rebondir(32] [rabSdir] vi 1.[balle, ballon] to bounce
`réarmer [3] [rearme] <® vt 1. MIL & POL to rearm
`put off (sép) / cette nourriture rebuterait un homme
`/ le ballon rebondit malthe ball doesn’t bounce well /
`2MUTto refit 3. ARM to cock. ® vi[pays] to rearm.
`affamé even a starving man would beput off by that
`¢ se réarmervp to rearm.
`ilfait toujours rebondirla balle troisfois avantde ser-
`food 3. (choquer] : ses maniéres me rebutent | find his
`vir he always bouncestheball three times before serving
`behaviourquite shocking.
`réarrangement [reard3ma] nm 1.
`2. [conversation] to get going again;[intérét] to be re-
`«<> se rebutervpi [se lasser] : il était plein d’ardeur
`vived ou renewed; [procés, scandale] to get new impetus
`mais il s’est vite rebuté he used to be very keen but he
`» faire rebondir qqch to give sthg a fresh start ou a
`soonlost heart ou his enthusiasm.
`reafranger|17] [reard3e] vtto rearrange,to redo.
`newleaseoflife 3. [intrigue] to take off again.
`recacheter[27] [rakafte] vtto reseal.
`eassignation [reasinasj3] nf DR resummons(sg).
`rebondissement[rabsdismG] nm 1. [d’uneballe]
`© In reformed spelling (see p. 16-19), this verb is conjugated
`like acheter: i! recachéte, elle recachétera.
`bouncing 2. [d’uneaffaire] (new) development.
`reassigner[3] [reasine] vt DR to resummon.
`rebord [rabor] nm [d’un fossé, d'une étagére] edge ;
`Feassort [reason] nm COMM new stock.
`[d’uneassiette, d’un verre] rim ; [d’une cheminée] mantel-
`reassortiment [Reasortima] nm 1. COMM [d’un
`piece ; (d’une fenétre] (window)ledge ousill / le savon
`Sse] restocking ; [d'un stock] renewing;
`[de mar-
`est sur le rebord de la baignoire the soapis on the side
`etl few stock, fresh supplies 2. [de pices d’un
`ou edgeofthe bath.
`“N21 Maiching(up) ; (une soucoupe] replacing.
`S2Ssorti [37 fneasonti
`reborder [3] [Raborde] vt 1. (enfant, drap]to tuck in
`RtiR] vt COMM
`to re-
`“3;[od] to renew,
`(sép) again 2. [chapeau]to renew the edging on.
`> sereassortip
`rebouchage [rabufa3] nm 1.
`[d'un trou] filling
`\P (emploi réfléchi) to replenish
`tsasamaento renewone’sstock of.
`(in) 2. CONSTR [d’une surface] stopping, making good
`3. [d’un puits] stopping (up).
`lReasyras] nfreinsurance.
`reboucher(3] [robufe] vt 1. [bouteille de vin] to
`Paraga) Mtto reinsure.
`recork; {flacon, carafe] to restopper / ‘reboucher aprés
`. Sreurf,
`YP (emploi réfléchi) to reinsure.
`usage’‘replace lid after use’ 2. CONSTR [trou]to fill, to
`recalculer [3] [rakalkyle] vt to work out (sép) again,
`asyReer] nm reinsurer.
`to recalculate.
`Rbalsse™ yer ll IRobese] & vito go down again, to
`plug; [fissure] to fill, to stop.
`«2 se rebouchervpi[évier] to get blocked again.
`Ou to faq
`fam @ adj : recalée en juin, jai
`recalé, @ [rokale]
`=_ ooh @ vt[prix] to bring down (sép)
`rs [robur] «3+ arebours locadv 1. [a len-
`reolire] backwards; [danslemauvaisae] the
`réussi en septembre|failed in June but passed in Sep-
`roy Ichauffage, feu, son] to tun down
`tember. @ nm,ffailed candidate.
`‘OW again,
`wrong way / il nefaut pas le prendre d rebours! you
`f natn[Rabatize} vttorename.
`recaler[3] (rokale] vt fam [candidat] to fail Fil s'est
`mustn't rub him up the wrong way! / tu prends tout a
`fait recaler 4 Vexamen pourla deuxiémefois he failed
`FheSy9eta,iv] adj 1. [personne]
`rebours! you're always getting the wrong idea!, you're
`the exam for the second time.
`always getting the wrong end of the stick! (3 2. TEXT
`idée] off-putting daunting.
`recapitalisation [rokapitalizas}3] nf FIN recapital-
`against the nap outhepile. <%* a rebours deloc prép :
`eh ™ Teba;
`aller a rebours de tout le monde to go outo run coun-
`NatelRabatig} vtto rebuild.
`recapltallser[rokapitalize] vtFIN to recapitalize.
`ter to the general trend/ellefait tout a rebours de ce
`ta &fg3) lRabate} vt 1
`quion lui dit she does the exact opposite of what people
`récapltulatle, Ive [rckapitylatif.iv] adj 41. (note)
`"bas, Tebaltre fog
`- [cartes] to reshuffle
`tell her.
`[tableau] summary (modif) 2. BANQUE
`“ieiesOreiles4.r*illes & qqn de qqch : elle m’a
`P tableau récapitulatif (d'un compte) (summary) state
`rebouteur, euse [rabutcer,oz],
`gn” divorce she went on and on
`On about her divorce.
`euse[rabute,oz] nm, fbonesetter.
`recadrage [rakadra3] nm 1. CINE & PHOT cropping
`2. fig [d'uneaction,d’un projet] redefining.
`recadrer[rakadre] vt 1. CINE & PHOT to cop 2.fig
`[action,projet] to redefine ; (collaborateur] :jai été obligé
`de le recadrer caril prenait des décisions intempestives
`| had to bring him back into line because he kept making
`rash decisions.
`recalcification [rakalsifikasj3] nf recalcification.
`recalelfler [9] [rakalsifje] vt to recalcify.
`récalcitrant, @ (rekalsitra,dt] << adj
`stubborn ; [personne] recalcitrant, rebellious. << nm, f
`®in reformed spelling (see p. 16-19).
`MacNeil Exhibit 2027
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01139
`Page 3
`MacNeil Exhibit 2027
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01139
`Page 3

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