`Brianne Straka <briannestraka@quinnemanuel.com>
`Wednesday, November 11, 2020 2:36 PM
`QE-Verizon-Huawei; DLLP-Verizon-Huawei; ~Dacus, Deron
`'693 Patent: IPR Stipulation
`Verizon Business Network Services, Inc. (“Verizon”) hereby stipulates that if the PTAB institutes inter partes review in
`IPR2020-01130, then Verizon will not pursue in the district court proceeding (WDTX-6-20-cv-00090) the prior art
`obviousness combinations on which trial is instituted for the claims on which trial is instituted, while trial is instituted.
`The prior art obviousness combinations in the ‘1130 IPR petition are as follows:
`• Ground 1: Claims 1-9 are obvious over Moshchuk and Gribble.
`• Ground 2A: Claims 1, 3, 5, and 6 are obvious over Dubrovsky and Bertman.
`• Ground 2B: Claims 2, 4, and 7 are obvious over Dubrovsky and Bertman, and in further view of Campbell.
`• Ground 2C: Claim 8 is obvious over Dubrovsky.
`• Ground 2D: Claim 9 is obvious over Dubrovsky and Campbell.
`See IPR2020-01130 Petition at 15-16.
`Verizon further stipulates that if the PTAB institutes inter partes review in IPR2020-01131, then Verizon will not pursue
`in the district court proceeding (WDTX-6-20-cv-00090) that prior art obviousness ground for the claims on which trial is
`instituted, while trial is instituted. The prior art obviousness ground in the ‘1131 IPR petition is as follows:
`• Ground 1: Claims 1 – 9 are obvious over the ’691 publication.
`See IPR2020-01131 Petition at 39.
`Brianne Straka
`Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP
`191 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2700 | Chicago, IL 60606
`312.705.7415 Direct | 312.705.7400 Main Office | 312.705.7401 Fax
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`Juniper Ex. 1047-p.1
`Juniper v Huawei