`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 1
`Patent Owner.
`Case No. IPR2020-01113
`Patent No. 7,473,685
`June 17, 2021
`The virtual videotaped deposition of DAVID
`A. ROCKSTRAW, Ph.D., P.E., called by the Petitioner
` for examination, pursuant to agreement and pursuant
` to the applicable rules, taken stenographically by
` Sandra L. Rocca, CSR, RMR, RDR, CRR, via Zoom, on
` the 17th of June, 2021, at the hour of 9:57 a.m.
` Certification No. 084-003435
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`TIDE 1039
`Tide v. UPL


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 2
` APPEARANCES: (All parties appeared remotely)
` 11955 Freedom Drive
` Reston, Virginia 20198-5675
` 571.203.2432
` appeared on behalf of the
` Patent Owner;
` 1221 McKinney Street, Suite 2800
` Houston, Texas 77010
` 713.654.5300
` -and-
` 1180 Peachtree Street, 21st Floor
` Atlanta, Georgia 30309
` 404.892.5005
` appeared on behalf of the
` Petitioner.
` Also Present:
` Mr. Gus Phillips, Videographer
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`2 3
`8 9


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 3
` I N D E X
` Ms. Benedict 5
` Ms. Giannelli 66
` * * * * *
` E X H I B I T S
` Exhibit 1001
` U.S. Patent 7,473,685, Jadhav 11
` Exhibit 1005
` U.S. Patent 6,387,388, Misselbrook 43
` Exhibit 1009
` translation of Japanese patent
` JP H09-315902 A 50
` Exhibit 1024
` D.A. Knowles, "Chemistry and
` Technology of Agrochemical
` Formulations" 36
` Exhibit 2007
` D. Rockstraw Declaration 11
` Exhibit 2008
` D. Rockstraw CV 16
` * * * * *
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`2 3
`6 7
`8 9


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 4
` VIDEOGRAPHER: We are now on the record for
` the video deposition of David Rockstraw, Ph.D. The
` time is 9:57 a.m., June 17th, 2021, in the matter of
` Tide International USA Incorporated versus UPL North
` America Incorporated, case number IPR2020-01113,
` Patent 7,473,685 being held in the United States
` Patent and Trademark Office before the Patent Trial
` and Appeal Board.
` The court reporter is Sandra Rocca. The
` videographer is Gus Phillips and both are
` representatives of GregoryEdwards Court Reporting.
` Will counsel please state their appearances
` for the record beginning with the Petitioner.
` MS. BENEDICT: Bailey Benedict with Fish &
` Richardson representing the Tide defendants. And
` also on the Zoom conference I guess is Thad Kodish,
` also with Fish & Richardson, also for the Tide
` defendants -- or Tide Petitioners rather.
` MS. GIANNELLI: Maximilienne Giannelli of
` Finnegan Henderson representing Patent Owner UPL NA
` and the witness, Dr. Rockstraw.
` having been first duly sworn, was examined and
` testified as follows:
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 5
` Q Good morning, Dr. Rockstraw. Thank you for
` joining our Zoom deposition today.
` A Good morning.
` Q Can you please state your full name and
` residential address for the record?
` A David Arthur Rockstraw, 2008 Calle De El
` Paso, Las Cruces, New Mexico, 88005.
` Q Thank you. Have you been deposed before,
` Dr. Rockstraw?
` A Yes, I have.
` Q How many times about?
` A I would say roughly 40 times now.
` Q And have you given testimony at a trial or
` an administrative hearing with your work as an
` expert witness?
` A Yes, I have.
` Q About how many times?
` A I would say around ten times.
` Q Were any of those trials or any of the
` technology at issue there related to pesticides?
` A Not that I recall.
` Q So you know the drill for a lot of this.
` I'm going to give you a couple instructions to start
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 6
` off and a few of them may be different from what
` you've heard before given that this is a Zoom
` deposition and so I'm going to go through them even
` though they might sound repetitive to you.
` Is there any reason that you cannot give
` truthful and accurate testimony today?
` A There is not.
` Q You understand that your testimony today is
` under oath as if you were in court?
` A I do.
` Q Your attorney may make objections. These
` objections are to preserve objections for the
` record, but you are still obligated to answer the
` questions unless you choose to follow a privilege
` instruction not to answer. Do you understand that?
` A I understand.
` Q It's particularly difficult with remote
` depositions, but we need to work very hard not to
` speak over each other for the court reporter's sake.
` Do you understand?
` A I understand.
` Q So please wait to give your answer until I
` have finished talking and I in turn will wait to ask
` my next question until you have finished talking.
` A I understand.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 7
` Q If there is a question that you need
` clarification on, will you please ask me to clarify
` the question?
` A I will.
` Q And if you don't ask for clarification, is
` it fair that I can assume you understand my
` question?
` A That is fair.
` Q If you need a break, please let me know and
` I will do my best to give me -- to give you a break
` and me when you ask, assuming there's not a pending
` question on the record.
` A I understand.
` Q Do you have any notes or papers with you
` today?
` A In front of me I have a clean copy of my
` declaration, as well as a number of references that
` I expect you will cover today.
` Q Okay. Can you tell me which references are
` in front of you right now?
` A I have the '685 patent and then my tab
` Misselbrook, CN '588A, JP '902, Mayer, Lescota,
` Knowles, Yamada, a list of Yamada patents, Cummings,
` Chan, a printout from the Sanyo catalog, and the
` '685 file history.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 8
` Q Thank you. And all of these references are
` clean, they have no notes on them, no highlighting
` on them, et cetera?
` A That is correct.
` Q So I will be transmitting exhibits through
` the chat window on the Zoom call so that the court
` reporter can get copies of all of those exhibits. I
` will ask that you not refer to the exhibits in front
` of you unless I have asked you to refer to the
` exhibits that I am transmitting in the chat window
` because otherwise on the record there won't be a way
` for the court reporter to tell what you are looking
` at when you answer the questions.
` A I understand.
` Q And then I also note that Ms. Giannelli
` appears to be in the room physically with you for
` this deposition, is that correct?
` A That is correct.
` Q Can you please agree that you will not
` communicate while we are on the record with
` Ms. Giannelli other than through the Zoom platform?
` A I do agree. In fact, from where I'm sitting
` I cannot even see her because the monitor in front
` of me is so large that it obstructs my view of her
` completely.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 9
` Q Fair. So if Ms. Giannelli kicks you under
` table and tries to do sign language over the top of
` the monitor, you'll just put on your blinders?
` A I don't think her legs are long enough to
` kick me under the table. She's at the far end of a
` conference room table.
` Q And I doubt that she would. If for some
` reason that changes and there is some communication
` between the two of you that we are not able to pick
` up on the Zoom platform, will you please agree that
` you will immediately notify the court reporter so
` that we can record what the communication was?
` A I agree.
` Q Thank you. I will also note that if you
` take notes or write on the exhibits that are in
` front of you currently, we will need to get copies
` of those and make them exhibits to this deposition.
` If you do not write on them, I don't believe that
` will be necessary.
` A I understand.
` Q Do you understand that? Are you looking at
` any electronic documents on your screen other than
` the Zoom chat right now?
` A I am not.
` Q And will you please agree not to look at any
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 10
` documents electronically unless they are the
` documents that I send you to look at during this
` deposition?
` A I agree.
` Q And will you please agree that you will not
` have any chat or email windows open outside of this
` Zoom platform with which you'd be communicating with
` counsel or anyone else?
` A I agree.
` Q As we go through the exhibits in this
` deposition, I will be using the corresponding
` exhibit numbers from the IPR. So for example, your
` declaration is Exhibit 2007 from the IPR
` proceedings. I think the patent is Exhibit 1001. I
` think that will be easier than giving them new
` exhibit numbers. Will that work for you and do you
` understand that?
` A I understand. That will work.
` Q And if we look at a document that does not
` already have an exhibit number, I will designate it
` with letters such as Exhibit A and B, et cetera,
` just for clarity's sake. Does that make sense?
` A That does.
` Q All right. I would like to start off by
` sharing Exhibit 2007, which is your declaration.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 11
` I'm going to drop it into the chat window.
` (Document marked previously as
` Exhibit 2007 was presented.)
` Q And will you let me know when you have that
` document downloaded and opened?
` A I now have it downloaded and opened and I
` also have the hard copy in front of me on the table.
` Q So Exhibit 2007 that I just sent you is the
` declaration of David A. Rockstraw in IPR2020-01113,
` is that correct?
` A That is correct.
` Q And is that the same as the hard copy
` exhibit that you have in front of you?
` A Yes, it appears to be so.
` Q I am going to ask you to leave this exhibit
` open on your monitor or to keep the hard copy
` accessible as we'll probably be returning to this
` repeatedly throughout the deposition. The next
` exhibit that I want to share is Exhibit 1001.
` (Document marked previously as
` Exhibit 1001 was presented.)
` Q Can you go ahead and open that and let me
` know when you have it up electronically?
` A I have it downloaded and open now.
` Q Do you see that Exhibit 1001 is a copy of
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 12
` U.S. Patent Number 7,473,685?
` A It is.
` Q And do you have a copy of that patent in
` front of you in hard copy?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q And those copies look to be the same
` document?
` A It does appear to be the same document.
` Q Thank you. And you recognize this that's
` the patent that's at issue in this IPR proceeding,
` correct?
` A I do recognize that.
` Q Okay. This is another one that I'll ask you
` to leave open on your monitor and that I'll ask you
` to keep accessible in front of you throughout the
` deposition and we'll probably be returning to it
` multiple times.
` A I understand.
` Q All right. And those are the two exhibits
` that I'll just put in. I just wanted to get those
` out of the way for some housekeeping before we start
` getting into questions and I'll send you the
` remaining exhibits as we go through the deposition
` and hopefully we will open those up and then be able
` to close them and not look at them again when we're
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 13
` done just to make it a little easier.
` A Okay.
` Q If we turn to Exhibit 2007, your expert
` report, looking at page number 4 of the document,
` this is your qualification section. Do you see
` that?
` A I do.
` Q Would you say that you included a summary of
` your most relevant qualifications in this section of
` your declaration?
` A That is what that section was intended to
` provide, yes.
` Q Okay. I'd like to jump to paragraph 15.
` Will you let me know when you're there?
` A I am there.
` Q Paragraph 15 discusses your experience as
` lead process research engineer for a multi-step
` process to manufacture methyl
`3-hydroxy-2-thiophenecarboxylate. Did I pronounce
` that correctly?
` A Yes, you did.
` Q Thank you. I practiced. This chemical is
` an intermediate to the active ingredient in a dry
` flowable herbicide formulation, is that correct?
` A That is correct.
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` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 14
` Q So methyl 3-hydroxy-2-thiophenecarboxylate
` is not itself an active ingredient in a pesticide
` formulation, correct?
` A That is correct.
` Q What is the eventual active ingredient that
` is synthesized from this called?
` A I don't recall at this point what the active
` ingredient was.
` Q Do you recall the trade name of the
` pesticide?
` A Harmony.
` Q I'm sorry.
` A Harmony.
` Q Harmony. Thank you. So it takes multiple
` steps to synthesize this intermediate, correct?
` A That's correct.
` Q And you were the lead process research
` engineer heading up this multi-step process to
` manufacture the intermediate, correct?
` A That is correct.
` Q And after the intermediate was synthesized,
` did it take multiple more steps to synthesize the
` active compound?
` A I don't recall at this point how many more
` steps. I know that this particular intermediate was
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 15
` very close to the final product.
` Q Were you the lead process engineer heading
` up the process that got from this intermediate
` ingredient to the active ingredient?
` A I had oversight of the entire project to the
` final product, but I did not do the research from
` this intermediate that led to the final active.
` Q But you did the research for the process to
` create the intermediate?
` A That's correct.
` Q After the active ingredient was synthesized,
` it would then be combined with excipients and
` processed into granular form, correct?
` A That is correct.
` Q And that was also a multi-step process,
` correct?
` A That is correct.
` Q Were you the lead process engineer heading
` up that part of the process?
` A I had oversight of the entire production
` process, yes.
` Q Were you responsible for choosing the
` excipients that were used in the final pesticide
` granules?
` A I was not the one that made those decisions.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 16
` Q Were you involved in optimizing the amounts
` of the excipients used in the final pesticide
` granules?
` A No, I was not.
` Q In fact, DuPont was selling the Harmony
` granules before you even began working there,
` correct?
` A They were.
` Q They started selling them sometime in the
` 1980s, is that right?
` A I don't recall when they started selling
` them.
` Q And you started working there in 1990, is
` that correct?
` A That is correct.
` Q So before you began working on this project,
` someone else had selected the appropriate excipients
` and the appropriate amounts of those excipients for
` the granular Harmony pesticide, correct?
` A That is correct.
` (Document marked previously as
` Exhibit 2008 was presented.)
` Q I am sharing in the chat window
` Exhibit 2008, which is a copy of your CV. Will you
` let me know when you have that downloaded and open,
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 17
` please?
` A I have it downloaded and opened.
` Q And is this document your CV that was
` submitted with your expert declaration in this IPR
` proceeding?
` A It does appear to be so, yes.
` Q Do you have a hard copy of this document in
` front of you?
` A I do not.
` Q Sitting here now, can you point to any
` experience on your CV that is more relevant than the
` experience listed in the qualification section of
` your expert declaration?
` A I cannot.
` Q Looking at page 1 of your CV, you have
` specific areas of expertise listed. Do you see
` that?
` A I do.
` Q You did not include pesticide formulation as
` a specific area of expertise on this list, did you?
` A I did not.
` Q I'm going to move ahead to the next page,
` page 2 of your CV which lists department head
` administrative highlights. Do you see that?
` A I do.
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` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 18
` Q These do not include any tasks related to
` pesticide formulation, does it?
` A No.
` Q I'll scroll down to the next page, page 3.
` You have a list of current and recent research
` areas. Do you see that?
` A I do.
` Q These do not list any research areas
` specific to pesticide formulation, do they?
` A They do not.
` Q Next looking at primary teaching subject
` areas and the comprehensive list of subject matter
` taught, neither of these include any subject matter
` that is specific to pesticide formulation, does it?
` A Not specific to pesticide formulation, but
` many of the topic areas cover the fundamentals that
` are necessary to perform pesticide formulations.
` Q Can you give me one example, please?
` A Well, the most fundamental course, Material
` and Energy Balances, which is the basis for the
` discipline of chemical engineering teaches one how
` to account for material energy that enter and leave
` a system. Being able to perform such calculations
` is necessary -- it's a necessary skill for any
` chemical process, including pesticide formulations.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 19
` Q And in teaching that class, did you teach
` your students how to choose excipients for pesticide
` formulations?
` A I did not.
` Q In any of the other classes that you taught,
` did you teach your students how to choose excipients
` for pesticide formulations?
` A I did not.
` Q Going down to the next page, we've got a
` list of your chemical process design, review,
` forensic analysis and expert witness work. Do you
` see that?
` A I do.
` Q I want to jump specifically to number 18 on
` this list, which is involves trade secret theft
` involving a process to manufacture ant insecticide
` baits. Do you see that?
` A I do.
` Q Now, I understand that this was a trade
` secret case, so I am not asking for any specifics on
` the technology.
` At a very high level, did the technology
` here involve selection of excipients to formulate a
` pesticide?
` A It did not.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 20
` Q Other than number 18 on this list, none of
` your -- of your chemical process design, review,
` forensic analysis and expert witness work was
` related to formulation of a pesticide, is that
` right?
` A 28 involved formulation of fungicides. But
` I believe those would be the only two on the list.
` Q And for the work done in 28, did that work
` involve consideration of the excipients needed to
` formulate the pesticide?
` A It did not.
` Q Then looking at -- make sure I'm not missing
` something here. Looking at your work experience,
` other than the project at DuPont that we already
` discussed working on the Harmony pesticide, do you
` have any other direct work experience regarding the
` formulation of pesticides?
` A In the time that I was at DuPont, I worked
` in a group called corporate process development and
` much of that time I worked in the agricultural
` products division of the company. I was part of the
` sulfonylurea creativity team and so I was involved
` in the development of many of the agricultural
` products that were being developed at DuPont for
` that period of time.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 21
` Q Did your involvement extend to selecting
` excipients to be used in the pesticide formulations?
` A It did not.
` Q Continuing on, I'm about halfway down
` page 10 of your CV at this point. You've got a list
` of peer reviewed publications. It looks like you
` have 25 peer reviewed publications listed. Do you
` see that?
` A I do.
` Q None of these publications cover pesticide
` formulation, do they?
` A They do not.
` Q Then continuing on, you have a list of I
` think 70 other publications and/or presentations.
` This begins on page 12 of your CV. Do you see that?
` A I do.
` Q Of these 70 listed, none cover pesticide
` formulation, do they?
` A They do not.
` Q Jumping ahead now to page 16 of your CV, you
` have three patents listed here. I'm assuming you
` are an inventor on these three U.S. patents, is that
` correct?
` A That is correct.
` Q And none of these patents relate to
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` | 866-4Team GE


`David A. Rockstraw, Ph.D., P.E. - June 17, 2021
`Page 22
` pesticides, do they?
` A They do not. They either involve activated
` carbon or pharmaceutical intermediates.
` Q All right. And then just for completeness
` sake, we have a list of professional service and
` honors and awards and then some service activities
` on the final pages.
` Were any of those professional service,
` honors and awards or service activities related to
` pesticide formulation?
` A They were not.
` Q You are not a pesticide formulations
` chemist, are you?
` A I am a chemical enginee

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