`A Study Documenting the Environmental Advantages of Gloss Over Plastic Containers
`Based on Published Information
`by "
`Henry S. Cole, Ph. D. and Kenneth A. Brown
`September 15,1993
`O-I Glass, Inc.
`Exhibit 1030
`Page 001


`Switching to Plastic is an Environmental Mistake ’
`A Study Documenting the Environmental Advantages of Glass Over Plastic
`Containers Based on Published Information
`By Henry S. Cole, Ph. D. and Kenneth A. Brown
`Copyright © 1993 Kenneth A. Brown and Henry S; Cole, Ph. D.
`The authors encourage the copying and distribution of this work, and hereby grant to
`the public the right to reproduce their work on a non-commercial basis, so long as all
`copies contain proper attribution of authorship and the copyright notice displayed
`O-I Glass, Inc.
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`Page 002


`This study was sponsored by the Glass Packaging Institute. The opinions and
`findings in the study are solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Glass
`Packaging Institute.
`Henry S. Cole, Ph.D. is President ofHemy S. Cole & Associates, Inc., an
`environmental consulting firm which provides technical assistance, research, and
`information to businesses, envirortmental groups, and government. Dr. Cole has written
`numerous reports on atmospheric pollution, hazardous waste clean-up, and solid.waste
`issues. He has provided expert testimony to a number of Congressional Committees on a
`variety of environmental issues and recently authored a major study on mercury
`contamination in the United States.
`Previously, he served, as Science and Policy Director for Clean Water Action and
`Clean Water Fund. He was a Senior Scientist and Section Chief with the U.S. EPA’s
`Office of Air Quality, Planning, and Standards. He was a Professor of Environmental
`Studies at Howard University and an Associate Professor of Environmental Earth Science
`at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. Dr. Cole obtained his Ph.D. in Meteorology at
`the University of Wisconsin, Madison. "
`Kenneth A. Brown is President of Kenneth Brown and Associates, a consulting
`firm which provides policy analysis, public relations, grassroot.s organizing and strategic
`planning services to businesses, non-profit organizations, and.government. He has written
`articles and testimony on a variety of environmental issues including solid waste,
`hazardous waste clean-up, and water pollution. Mr. Brown previously served as National
`Campaigns and Organizing Director for Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund. Prior
`to that position, he was Director of the New Jersey Environmental Federation. He
`obtained his Master of Public Policy degree from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
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`As part of the methodology for conducting this study, the authors obtained
`comments from twenty-eight expert peer reviewers including representatives of
`environmental organizations, recycling organizations, industry, universities, state
`environmental agencies, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The purpose of
`this peer review process was to obtain the input of various experts on the methodology
`used, and on the information, analysis, and findings presented-in this study.
`This peer review process should not be construed as an endorsement of this study
`or its findings by the reviewers or the organizations they represent. The opinions and
`findings are solely those of the authors.
`The authors wish to thank the following peer reviewers for commenting on this
`Michael Aucott, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and
`Energy, Office of Pollution Prevention
`Thomas Baif, Aveda Institute
`Sandy Buchanan, Ohio Citizen Action
`Philip Clapp, Spiegel & McDiarmid
`Jean Clark, New Jersey Recycling Forum
`Dr. Mark Cohen, Center for the Biology of Natural Systems, Queens College
`Dr. Barry Commoner, Center for the Biology of Natural Systems, Queens
`Gary Davis, University of Tennessee, Center for Clean Products and Clean
`Dr. Kenneth Geiser, Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction. Institute, University of
`Massachusetts, Lowell
`Amy Goldsmith, New Jersey Environmental Federation
`Ed Hopkins, Citizen Action
`Marie Kruzan, Association of New Jersey Recyclers
`Anne Leonard, Greenpeace
`Geoffrey Lomax, (formerly with the National Environmental Law Center)
`Dr. Fred Miilar, Friends of the Earth
`Dr. Warren Muir, INFORM
`Jane Nogaki, New Jersey Environmental Federation
`Dolores Phillips, New Jersey Environmental Federation
`Brenda Piatt, Institute for Local Self Reliance
`C. Philip Ross, Creative Opportunities, Inc.
`David Sarokin, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Toxic
`Karen Shapiro, Tellus Institute
`Sam Spofforth, Pennsylvania Clean Water Action
`Dr. Fred Weber, University ofTennessee, Department of Chemical Engineering
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`Tom Webster, Center for the Biology of NatuLal Systems, Queens.College
`Daniel J. Weiss, Sierra Club
`Bob Wendelgass, Pennsylvania Clean Water Action
`Jeanne Wirka, Materials for the Future Foundation
`The reviewers were asked to comment on a preliminary draft of this study. Their
`comments were very insightful. Many were incorporated into the current version.
`A summary of the major comments provided by th& peer reviewers and the authors’
`responses to those comments are presented in Chapter VIII of the study.
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`Page 005


`Executive Summary
`Chapter I:
`Chapter II:
`Recycling: Glass vs. Plastics
`Chapter III:
`The Production Cycles for Glass and Plastic
`Chapter IV:
`Emissions, Discharges and Wastes Associated
`with the Production of Glass and Plastic Containers
`Chapter V:
`Chemical Accidents Associated with Packaging
`Chapter VI:
`Glass and Plastic Containers: Energy Consumption
`Chapter VII:
`The Impact of Containers on the Marine Environment
`Chapter VIII:
`Summary of Peer Review Comments and Authors’
`End Notes
`Appendices 1-5
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`All across America, the glass bottle is rapidly being replaced with plastic
`containers. A trip to any supermarket or convenience store shows that PET (polyethylene
`terephthalate), I-IDPE (high density polyethylene), PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and other
`plastics are replacing glass container~ for a wide range of beverage and food products.
`The shift to plastic may accelerate even more rapidly in the near future since the major
`soft drink giants - Coke and Pepsi - recently announced their plans to replace most
`of their remaining glass bottles with plastic containers in at least two major
`American consumers, ’however, continue to be wary of the environmental threats
`posed by the growing use of plastics. In fact, an internal plastics industry memo
`acknowledged that "public opinion polls throughout the 1980s show that an increasing
`percentage of the general public believes plastics are harmful to health and the
`environment."2 A 1990 Roper poll found that Americans think plastic packaging is the
`secondmost serious cause of the nation’s solid waste problem. And a recent poll by the
`Winhlin Group found that 73 .percent of the American public believe that "plastic harms
`the environment. ,,3
`This report finds that the public concern about plastics is warranted and that
`the massive switch from glass to plastics is an environmental mistake. This report
`presents evidence which documents that:
`¯ Glass is far more recyclable than plastic.
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`¯ The production cycle for glass is simpler and inherently less hazardous than
`the production processes used to make plastics.
`Plastic production generates far more toxic emissions and wastes than glass.
`¯ Plastic production poses a much higher risk for chemical accidents than
`¯ Plastic containers pose a serious threat to ocean wildlife.
`The evidence indicates that saving the glass bottle and reversing the current trend
`toward plastic containers will reduce the use and emissions of toxic ~hemicals, reduce the
`potential for dangerous chemical accidents, and help conserve valuable resources through
`recycling. The many environmental advantages of glass over plastic containers are outlined
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`Page 008


`Summary of Environmental Advantages of Glass and Plastic Containers
`Environmental Advantages of Glass Over Plastics
`Simple Production Cycle: Few Points of
`Impact and Risk
`Complex Petrochemical Production
`Process: Many Impacts and Risks
`Few Hazardous Inputs..Fewer Toxic
`Large Amountsof Hazardous Chemicals
`"Large Amounts.of Toxic Emissions.
`No Serious Chemical Accidents
`:.Recycled :Easily andEconomically . .., ....
`Closed Loop Bottle to Bottle Recycling
`Many Chemical Accidents Causing
`Deaths, Injuries and Billions in Property
`- :::.Difficult.arid Costly to Reey~le;.Dr "ahai’ng ~ .i.
`ii:Ci~i~u..dgets. .. . ,. : ..........:.:.,. ~.
`’- .
`Generally Recycled Only Once Pilot to
`DoesNotBurninIncinerators :: .-, .: . ¯/."..:. :Highly.Compatib!e.with!ncineration;
`¯ .-.i" ":. .: ".,: " " :.~.: .. :"~ ~!.iii./ :: .:.Buming.Plas.fcsCreatesTo~(cid:128)E.missions
`?. ~’.:.’~’-.i:’r.’:’." ,:.." ,.,~ --o . . : o. ?.:.’. -’:’" .
`Promotes Recycling-Based Future Promotes Incineration; Undermines
`¯ .No.RePorted .:Harm: to, M.arin~ ..Wildlife...-". :iii:.,i.:
`Environmental Advantages of Plastics Over Glass
`High Emissions ofNOx - Contributes to I Much Lower NOx En~’ssions
`~ ,
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`Exhibit 1030
`Page 009


`The Environmental Advantages ,of Glass
`A. Glass is far more recyclable than plastic.
`1. The recycling rate for glass containers is more than double the rate for
`plastic containers. The national recycling rate for glass containers is 33 percent while
`only 15 percent of plastic containers are recycled nationally. (See Figure ES-1).
`2. Recycling plastic is far more difficult and expensive than recycling glass.
`Because it is extremely expensive to recycle plastics, cities are increasingly questioning
`whether they should include plastics in their recycling programs. The city of Philadelphia,
`for example, recently dropped plastic recycling because the costs are so high.4
`3. Glass containers can be recycled to glass containers many times, while
`plastic containers are usually recycled only a single time - into carpets, "plastic
`lumber" and other non-container products. Although both types of recycling are
`beneficial, repeated, closed loop recycling, offers far greater benefits in the areas of
`avoided disposal, avoided resource consumption, and energy savings.~
`4. The trend toward plastics is more compatible with incineration than
`recycling. It is much cheaper to incinerate plastics than to recycle them,6 Consequently,
`the plastics industry is aggressively promoting incineration as a waste management option.
`Glass on the other hand is non-combustible and less expensive to recycle than to
`incinerate."~ By its very nature, glass promotes recycling over incineration.
`B. The production cycle for glass is simpler and inherently less hazardous than the
`production processes used to make plastics.
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`Page 010


`F~ure ES-1 and Figure I1-!
`1992 Recycling Rates
`Glass vs. Plastic Containers
`¯ 15%
`Sourc~ Glass Packaging Institute, April 1993.
`American Plastics Council, April 1993.
`O-I Glass, Inc.
`Exhibit 1030
`Page 011


`1. The major ingredients used in glass production are naturally occurring
`minerals including sand, limestone, soda ash and feldspar. These materials are solid, inert,
`non-flammable, and are largely non-toxic. Abundant supplies of these minerals exist in the
`U.S. and throughout the world. Atter these minerals are mined and minimally processed,
`they are shipped to plants where they are mixed with cullet (recycled glass). The mixture
`is then melted in furnaces and formed into glass containers. The glass production cycle
`contains relatively few potential points of environmental and health impact.
`2. The major chemicals used to make plastic resins pose serious risks to
`public health and safety. Many of the chemicals used in large volumes to produce
`plastic are highly toxic. Some chemicals, like benzene and vinyl chloride, are known to
`cause cancer in humans; many tend to be gases and liquid hydrocarbons which readily
`vaporize and pollute the air. Many are flammable and explosive. Even the plastic resins
`themselves are flammable and have contributed to numerous chemical accidents.
`3. As a petrochemical productionprocess, plastic manufacturing requires
`substantial corporate and regulatory efforts to control and manage a broad range of
`risks to workers, communities and the environment. Fewer risks are posed by the
`simpler, less hazardous production cycle of glass. Therefore, fewer regulatory
`requirements are needed to control the production of glass.
`C. Plastic production generates far more toxic emissions and wastes than glass.
`1. The production of plastic emits substantial amounts of toxic chemicals
`(e.g., ethylene oxide, benzene, and xylenes) to air and water. Many of the toxic
`chemicals released in plastic production can cause cancer and birth defects and damage the
`O-I Glass, Inc.
`Exhibit 1030
`Page 012


`nervous system, blood, kidneys, and immune systems.
`These chemicals can also cause
`serious damage to ecosystems.
`2. Three of the top five industries with the largest total toxic emissions and
`offsite disposal of toxic chemicals are involved in the production of plastic, according
`to the U.S. EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory. These three industries -- petroleum refining,
`industrial organic chemicals, and plastic materials and resins -- emitted and disposed over
`1.7 billion pounds of toxic chemicals in 1991. The glass container industry, on the other
`hand, emitted and disposed only 1.3 million pounds oftoxics in 1991.s
`3. Industry and scientific data (see Figure ES-2) indicate that:
`¯ The production of a 16-ounce PVC container results in over 800 times more
`toxic emissions than the production of a 16-ounce glass container.
`¯ The production of’a 16-ounci~ PET container is estimated to generate over 100
`times more toxic emissions than a glass bottle of the same size.
`¯ The production of a 16-ounce I-IDPE container produces more than 40 times
`the toxic emissions of a 16-ounce glass bottle.
`4. In addition, plastic container production generates a greater burden of toxic
`substances in the form of sludges and other solid wastes than does glass production.
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`Page 013


`Estimated Toxic Emissions Generated in the Production of a
`16-Ounce Container: Glass vs. HDPE, PET and PVC.
`(in pounds per million containers)
`OFF-SCALE : 321
`Source: Emissions fi’om Tellus Packa~ng Study, Vol. II. For container weights, see
`Table IV-4.
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`Page 014


`5. A substantial portion oftherhazardous and other industrial waste generated in
`plastics manufacture are burned in hazardous waste incinerators. This study finds no
`evidence that wastes from glass production are incinerated in hazardous waste
`D. Plastic production poses a much higher risk for chemical accidents than glass.
`A review of several U.S. EPA data bases on chemical accidents and spills
`associated with industrial plants and transportation in the U.S. indicates that:
`1. The chemical accident rate associated with glass production is negligible.
`2. Serious accidents - explosions, chemical fires, chemical spills and leaks
`and toxic clouds which have caused deaths, injuries, evacuations and major
`property damage - are frequently associated with, the industries and chemicals
`involved in the production of plastic container materials.
`¯ A review of the U.S. EPA’s data base of 10,000 accidents and spills from 1980-
`87 shows that nearly 1,600 of the accidents were associated with: (1) plastic polymer
`resins (e.g., polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride) and monomers (e.g., propylene and
`vinyl chloride); and (2) the high volume chemical inputs and intermediates used to
`make the plastics. Sixteen of these accidents resulted in deaths while 179 caused
`injuries. On the other hand, the data base shows that activities potentially related to
`the glass container industry resulted in only ten chemical releases; none resulted in any
`deaths or injurieS;.9
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`Page 015


`F~ure ES-3 and V-1
`Accidents Involving Chemicals
`Used in .Glass and Plastic Production
`(off chart)
`1,583 "
`(off chart)
`~ Plastic
`No. of No. of No’. of
`Accidents with Accidents with Accidents with
`Deaths Injuries Evacuations
`Total No. of
`Sourc-" U,S. EP~ Acute Hazardom Events Data Base (1989).
`Contains Data on 10,000 Chemical Acddents from 1980-1987.
`O-I Glass, Inc.
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`Page 016


`¯ A review of the Federal Accidental Release Information Programl which
`¯ contains records of about 1500 accidental chemical releases from 1986-1990, shows
`nearly 700 accidental releases for the industries that manufacture plastic and the
`chemicals used to make plastic. These releases resulted in over 300 injuries. There
`was only one accidental release associated with the glass industry during this period,
`and this release caused no injuries. ~0
`E. Plastic containers pose a serious threat to ocean wildlife.
`Both glass and plastic containers contribute to the beach litter problem. However,
`the evidence shows that glass containers have no significant impact on marine ecosystems
`and wildlife. Plastic containers, on the other hand, have major impacts on marine life. A
`review of literature on the impact of container production and disposal on marine life
`shows that:
`1. Many species of birds, fish, and sea turtles ingest plastic container
`fragments and the resin pellets that are used to make containers and other plastic
`products. Ingestion of plastic particles has been documented in at least 50 species of
`marine birds worldwide.~ In some cases, the plastic resembles the normal food of the
`animal. For example, resin pellets closely resemble fish eggs.~2
`2. The adverse effects of plastic ingestion on birds include intestinal blockage
`and undernourishment (as the stomach fills with plastic). Juvenile birds appear to
`be most vulnerable - and plastic ingestion may impair the survivability of some
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`3. Large quantities of plastic resin pellets are released into the marine
`environment each year. Sources include plastic production facilities which manufacture
`pellets and the plants which use the pellets to make containers and other products. As
`these and other facilities discharge pellets to rivers in coastal regions, the plastic pellets
`travel to the ocean. Often, pellet contamination is heavily concentrated in the most
`biologically productive portions of the ocean.
`4. Large amounts of plastic products, including containers, are disposed of
`in the marine environment each year from vessels, litter and illegal dumping. Plastic
`container materials then break down into pieces which, like pellets, can be ingested by
`marine organisms.
`The Environmental Advantages of Plastic Containers
`A. Criteria Air Pollutants.
`The evidence presented in this report shows that plastic production results in lower
`emissions foi- most "criteria air pollutants" ~- particularly for oxides of nitrogen (NOx).
`Criteria pollutants are pollutants for which ambient air standards have been set by the U.S.
`EPA under the Clean Air Act.
`1. Of the four materials compared, (Glass, PET, HDPE and PVC), HDPE tends to
`have the lowest emissions of criteria pollutants.
`2. Glass has much higher NOx emissions than PET, HDPE and PVC. NOx
`contributes to photochemical smog formation and is a respiratory irritant.
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`Page 018


`3. Glass and PET have nearly equivalent emissions for SOx (sulfur oxides), and
`particulate matter. Sulfur oxides are a major cause of acid rain. Glass has slightly lower
`emissions for the most dangerous particulates (inhalable particulates).
`Ener~ Consumption Associated with Glass and Plastic Containers
`1. Proponents of plastic often contend that the energy requirements for the
`distribution of plastic containers should be less than those for glass containers, due to the
`lighter weight of plastic containers. However, available evidence suggests that this
`advantage is relatively small and exists only for larger container sizes (one liter and larger).
`Moreover, the energy required to produce both glass and plastic containers is much higher
`than the energy needed to distribute the end product.13
`2. Evidence presented in this report suggests that it takes slightly less energy to
`produce a 16-ounce glass container than it does to make an equivalent PET container.
`Production of HDPE and PVC containers require substantially less energy than either PET
`or glass containers of the same size.
`3. Evidence presented in this report suggests that the total energy costs
`(producing, distributing and disposing) of PET and glass containers are about the same
`for single-serve (e.g., 16-ounce) beverage containers. For larger containers, PET
`containers appear to use somewhat less energy.~4
`4. Considerable energy savings can accrue by increasing the portion of recycled
`curet used in glass production, particularly when large amounts of cullet can be obtained
`near the glass plant.~5
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`Page 019


`The evidence presented in this study indicates that glass containers have a number’
`of significant environmental advantages over plastic. The only significant advantage found
`for plastics was substantially lower atmospheric emissions of nitrogen oxides. Plastic
`containers, from production to disposal, pose serious risks to public health and the
`environment in the form of chemical accidents, toxic emissions, and damage to marine life.
`Consequently, the evidence indicates that the continued shift from glass to plastic
`containers will have a negative impact on environment and public health. Unless this trend
`is reversed, we will see the continued replacement of a relatively benign and easily
`recyclable material (glass) with a material (plastic) that results in large amounts of toxic
`pollution, causes deadly chemical accidents, threatens marine life and is costly and difficult
`to recycle.
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`Page 020


`A. Introduction ahd Maior Findings
`This chapter describes how glass and major types of plastic containers are made.
`The processes and materials used to produce plastic and glass containers are vastly
`different. The fundamental differences between glass and plastic production create very
`different kinds of environmental and public health impacts. This chapter focuses on
`materials and pro6esses and describes the nature of risks and impacts associated with
`various stages of production. Chapter IV’provides a more quantitative comparison of the
`types and amounts of wastes, emissions and discharges associated with different container
`materials. The major findings Of this chapter are as follows:
`1. The production cycle for glass is far simpler than that for plastics. In glass
`production, the major ingredients are naturally occurring minerals including sand,
`limestone, soda ash, and feldspar. Abundant supplies of these minerals exist both in the
`U.S. and globally. These minerals are mined, minimally processed, and shipped to a plant
`where they are mixed with eullet (recycled glass), melted in furnaces, and formed ihto
`glass containers in a single facility. There are few potential points of environmental and
`health impact throughout the production of glass containers.
`2. High volume materials used in glass production are primarily solid, inert,
`non-flammable, non-volatile.~(they don’t evaporate into the air) and they have little
`or no toxicity. As a result, chemical accidents at glass plants are virtually non-existent
`and the toxic loading of emissions and waste streams tend to be low. However, one
`’ :
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`Page 021


`problem associated with glass production is the toxicity of fugitive silica dusts (see Section
`3. The most significant environmental impacts associated with glass
`production include: (a) energy use (See Chapter VI), and (b) criteria air pollutant
`emissions including sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides (See Chapter IV).
`4. Glass container production has a very high potential to use recycled cullet.
`Plants manufacturing clear glass generally use about 30 percent cullet while those making "
`green glass use up to 70 percent at many facilities. Moreover, 1.00 percent culler use has
`been demonstrated. !o5 Use of cullet reduces virgin material use, energy use, and solid
`waste generation.
`5. Plastic resins used to make containers are primarily produced from
`chemicals that are synthesized from petroleum and natural gas. These fossil energy
`resources are far less plentiful and more precious than the rock minerals used to make
`6. To make petroleum hydrocarbons into the different types of plastic
`container resin (e.g., PET, HDPE, PVC, polystyrene) requires a complex series of
`chemical processes. These processes include feedstock production, synthesis of chemical
`intermediates and monomers (single units of resin), and formation of polymers (chains of
`monomers that make up plastics). A number of separate facilities may be involved in the
`production of plastic resins, and entirely separate plants transform the plastic pellets into
`containers. Hazardous chemicals, wastes, and emissions are generated during the
`different steps involved in plastic container production.
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`Page 022


`7. Large volumes of hazardous chemicals are used in the production of
`plastic resins. Most are liquids and gases which are volatile, chemically reactive,
`flammable, explosive, .and highly toxic. Many can cause cancer, birth defects, or other
`health problems. Examples include: ethylene, benzene, and vinyl chloride.
`8. The use of large volumes of hazardous chemicals in the production of
`plastics requires substantial corporate and regulatory efforts to control and manage
`a broad range of risks. Such risks include worker exposure to t6xic chemicals, toxic air
`and water pollution, hazardous wastes .and chemical accidents.
`B. Glass Container Production
`Glass production involves relatively few steps from the mining of materials to the
`fabrication of finished bottles and there are very few materials involved in production. (See
`Figure III-1.) The major raw materials used to make glass include: silica sand, limestone,
`soda ash (sodium carbonate) and feldspar (a source of alumina).1°* Typical glass plants
`currently incorporate 20 to 50 percent cullet (recycled glass) when producing glass
`containers. Cert"in plants have used 100 percent culler in glass production.1°7 Using ’
`culler replaces raw materials, reduces furnace energy requirements, and extends the life of
`glass making equipment. Thus, glass companies have a major incentive to useas much
`contaminant-free glass container cullet,as possible,
`Minor constituents in the glass production process vary according to glass color.
`Amber glass (which protects contents from fight) contains about 0.3 percent of iron oxide
`and less than 0.1 percent sulfur.l°9 Green glass contains less than 0.2 percent iron and
`approximately 0.2 percent chromic oxides.
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`Page 023


`I:’~re II1-1
`Schematic Diagram for Glass Production Cycle
`I:iPJre 111-2
`Schematic Diagram for Production of Ethylene-Based Plastics (HOPE) and PET
`Ad~apted ~ Fran~ln Associates, Comparative ~er~ and Environmental Impacts for So~ Drink Delivery S~tems, Ma_~h 1989.
`O-I Glass, Inc.
`Exhibit 1030
`Page 024


`Mining and Processing of Mifi~erais. The’four major inputs used in glass
`production are all naturally occurring minerals which require minimal processing prior to
`use. Sand is mined in open quarries and requires little preparation. The principal impact is
`damage to theland surface via excavation, disposal of overburden, erosion and stream
`sedimentation. Ot~en, there is a need for land reclamation. Some quarries are converted
`to ponds or wetlands as pa.rt of the reclamation process.
`Limestone and Feldspar. These minerals are also mined in open quarries. T-he
`minerals must be crushed and screened. Crushing causes fugitive emissions of dust. In ¯
`addition to damage to the land surface, there is potential for soil erosion and sedimentation
`of streams. Moreover, rock overburdens must be disposed and the land must be
`Soda Ash. Soda ash requires more processing than the other minerals used in
`glass production. Although it can be produced synthetically (with the Solvay Process), the
`U.S. glass industry primarily uses soda ash (sodium carbonate) from naturally occurring
`minerals (trona ore and brines). Mined trona ore is crushed, graded and calcined (roasted)
`at high temperatures to form crude sodium carbonate, which is then recrystalized in
`solution and dried to form the ’purified product. Where soda ash is produced from brine
`(salt water deposits), the brine is pumped out of the earth and purified via several steps,
`including carbonation and calcining.~o
`Wastewater from soda ash production contains ore impurities, treatment
`chemicals, and unrecovered sodium carbonate. Wastewater is disposed of in evaporation
`ponds. There is no discharge of soda ash wastewater to navigable waterways and EPA’
`has exempted the soda ash industry from regulation under the federal Clean Water Act.~~
`However, it is conceivable that such ponds may contribute to ground and surface water
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`Exhibit 1030
`Page 025


`contamination. Paniculate matter is the only significant air emission from soda ash
`plants. ~ ~2
`The Glass Container Plant. Raw materials and cullet are shipped to the plant and
`stored. The cullet must be crushed prior to mixing with the mineral inputs. The
`regenerative furnaces used in most glass container plants are divided into two stages: the
`first stage melts the batch by heating it to about 2800° F; the second gradually lowers the
`temperature to prevent small gas bubbles.
`After further cooling in the "forehearth," the molten glass is allowed to fall in a
`stream. The stream is sheared into molten lumps called gobs. The gobs, in turn, fall
`through tubes into a series of metal molds where the glass is blown and shaped into bottles
`and jars. Water is used to cool metal surfaces (e.g., the blade which cuts the gobs). In
`addition, the molds require periodic lubrication to prevent glass from sticking to the metal.
`surfaces. Glass containers are then allowed to cool. Containers are then annealed
`(reheated) in o

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