`At the top of Europe you find North Cape Nepheline Syenite, the
`world's best alumina and alkali source for container glass, float
`glass, table glassware, glass wool, foam glass, sanitary porcelain,
`ceramic wall and floor tiles, enamels and vitreous china tableware.
`Global distribution and local stores ensure continuous supplies of
`North Cape.
`P.O.Box 4282, Torshov, 0401 Oslo 4, Norway
`Telephone: +47 2 45 01 00. Telecopy: +47 2 45 02 05.
`Telex: 77 756 esnfl n
`O-I Glass, Inc.
`Exhibit 1041
`Page 001
`Manag;,,g Editor
`JohnW ...
`Assistant Edltc,r
`Editorial Consultant
`Edward Ui,yd MIM .
`A CT (8 1m, I. FISM E
`Edltori81 11. .. 1.ion1 '
`Sec:rPtfl rr
`S.Hy !(n o wt ..
`M11n11ginp Oir!'rtcn
`.John Clelire
`Group A.dVftrtisem~n,
`OirttC1D I
`Geoffrey Luct1•
`!R..dhlll 7Sll6 1 1 I
`Advertt!.l~ment M11nepe r
`l<wn Clert.
`Overt1ee1 Ad~rtteP.men1
`Reprmte nt at,VM
`s,,.,r,opt> 4!!4
`Production Manap~r
`T9ff\' F<tn<lley
`G,oUP Production
`C A£dwarda
`Pubh~hed by FMJ
`International Pubhcataon,
`Ltd , ·Oueensway HoulM! .
`2 Oueenswav. RedhUI,
`Surrey RH 1 1 OS .
`England .
`Red hill 107371 768611
`Telex : 948669 TOP JNL
`Teletax : 107371 761685
`Pnnted in England by :
`D.C . Graphics,
`Bexhill-on ·Sea ,
`EHst SusseK .
`Tel : 10424 1 212773 .
`cws review
`Raw materials
`Moving closer to just-in-time raw
`materials supply
`Colourants and decolourisers m flat
`and hollow g lass production
`The great lead debate
`Turning waste into glass
`Lead and heavy metals: Where does
`the USA stand?
`Leaching of lead from lead crystal
`Personality profile
`515 Flat glass expert retires after 44
`years service
`517 Mechanical polishing makes a
`520 Abrasive water jet systems for
`cutting glass
`Annual subscdption rates
`UK (85.10. all othar
`countrias (98. 50 IUS$177 .301.
`Airmail: (129.50 IUS$233 .10).
`Single copies, (18.10.
`- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`Regular features
`525 Focus on flat
`526 Forthcoming events
`527 New products
`528 SGT News
`Index to articles
`Index to authors
`European Gla•s Directory:
`1992 edition £76 post
`free .
`All over•en oul>•cribers'
`copiu are de•patched by
`accelerated 6Urfa<;e post.
`© FMJ Int ernational
`Publication• Ltd, 1992
`ISSN 0017-0984
`G L A S S December1992
`V<ll 139
`December 1992
`B y the time ynu recei ve rhis ..:npy tlf Gl:1.~,; fnr rm>rt>
`likely. get .1rnund tn reading it afier the Chmtmas
`hreak). the Singlt' Eur11pean Markt't will ~ in plal.·c The
`immediate e ffect.s will he largely admini.;rmfjv,: · Nn more
`import and e°'port declarar,on . .; nn .SAO~ (e,c,cepr for ,;ome
`in Spain and Pnrtugal I: nn more pnymenr 1)f VAT and
`e:,;cise duty on fmntiers : nn mnre Community Trnn'!it
`procedures for inter-EC gt)Q(h : and no more frontier
`checks .
`is not in the
`The real spirit of · 1992 · . though.
`administrative changes our in the creution of "an areu
`without internal frontiers in whii:h the free movement of
`is assured"'.
`goods. persons. services and capital
`according to the Treaty of Rome: or. put another way.
`it involves the hannonisation of national regulations with
`respect to health. safety . environmentaJ and coosumer
`protection and the abolition of fiscal barriers. Bo&b of
`these are especially importunt to the glass con&aioer
`food and
`industry, which
`relies heavily on
`pharmaceutical sectors and is now subje<,1 to the up and
`coming EC Packaging Directive.
`Back in 1988 . the outlook for the Sinttte European
`Market was very good . An EC study. based on a survey
`of several thousand European companies. put the benefits
`of removing internal frontiers at ECU 200.000 million
`and the creation of up to five million jobs. U these
`estimates are even ha lf right, then at the present time of
`continuing (or even worsening) recession across almost
`all Member States, a dose of' 1992' may be j ust what we
`T his.year's raw materials feature in Glass includes a
`special section on the use of lead in glass. It coincides
`the presentation of the International Crystal
`Federation 's 12-month study results to the USA Federal
`Drug Administration (FDA) board, who is responsible
`for setting lead leaching levels from crystal. It also pre(cid:173)
`empts the likely re-introduction of the Lead Reduction
`Act, when the ne w USA congressional term begins next
`month. The bill , which did not pass this year. aims to
`reduce aH uses of lead which result in human or
`in other words, tar ~hi.ns
`environmental exposure -
`consequences for all lead-<:0ntaini.ng glas.s products.
`The oudook is not as gloomy as these statc:~ots would
`suggest though. Several organisations are rese~hing into
`surface coating systems to prev,.mr lei1d leaching out of
`crystal and/or finding repla"·cmients for lead altogether.
`British Glass, for exampk, has d,wdopeJ a titWlium(cid:173)
`based slurry coating for crystal d~amers, the enti re
`processing of which l' M oo completed in less than three
`Bqulllly importunl , crystul glassmukers should take
`heart from several rnrnments expressed at a recent leud
`symposium: " The FDA is aware that the crystal industry
`hus acted responsibly in replying to the Graziano and
`Blum study (into lead leaching from crystal}'' reported
`a spokesman from the International Crystal Federation.
`One of the delegates also remarked that in previous talks,
`the FDA has said that it does not really see lead crystal
`ware as a problem at all!
`O-I Glass, Inc.
`Exhibit 1041
`Page 002
`Colourants and Decolourisers in Flat
`and Hollow Glass Production
`by Bill Simpson •
`This article reviews current and past
`practices in adding colourants to and
`decolourising glass. Both container
`and flat glass types are considered.
`II The subject of coiour in glass is both
`complicated and diverse. 1n fact, the topic
`has proved extensive enough to fill more than
`'Coloured Glasses ' by WE Wey! and
`one book -
`'Colour Generation and Control in Glass' by C
`R Bamford to name but two. And if the practical
`experiences and problems of factories were
`added, second volumes would be required .
`Amber glass is considered first. Up to about
`30 years ago, the amber colour was produced by
`using carbon and sulphate; the sulphate was
`then reduced to a sulphide producing an amber
`coloured glass which was, however, unstable and
`highly susceptible to seed formation.
`Many suggestions were put forward as to the
`exact colouring agent. For example, was amber
`the result of the formation of iron sulphide,
`sulphoferrites or polysulphides? After much
`experimental work, it was realised that carbon
`was only a reducing agent, although in some
`cases, impure carbon had contained sulphur
`leading some scientists to conclude that carbon
`was after all involved in the colour formation.
`In 1969, Douglas and Zaman showed that the
`amber chrornophore was a ferric ion surrounded
`by three oxygen and one sulphur atom. The
`colour is therefore dependent on ferric iron and
`sulphide being present, with carbon used as the
`main controller of the redox level. Saltcake as an
`oxidising agent can also be used but could lead
`to seed and blister formation later in the
`production process.
`Iron content in sand
`It has been found that glasses with an iron of
`0.25% are stable. Fortunately, sands from the
`USA are relatively uniform and contain sufficient
`iron to provide the required stability. Where
`additional iron is needed, it can be supplied as
`iron oxide or iron pyrite, the latter also providing
`sufficient sulphide to produce the amber colour.
`Pyrite ambers are better than those from carbon(cid:173)
`sulphate even if extra iron is added.
`High iron sands also contain a relatively high
`alumina level. But where high alumina is not a
`limiting factor or where a low iron, low alumina
`sand is to be used, the preferred source of
`sulphide is Calumite. This raw material can
`provide both the necessary alumina and
`sulphide. Plus, it has the added benefit that when
`used correctly, not only in amber but also
`• BiJJ Simpson, Glossworlcs Services Ltd, Doncosler, Sovth Yorks,
`UK. Tel 0709 770801.
`G L A S S December 1992
`in flint and green glasses, it improves the melting
`and refining of the glass.
`An alternative source of iron is Melite, a
`material with a high iron and alumina content
`and negligible sulphur content. It thus has no
`effect on the redox state of the glass.
`Glasses with an iron content of 0.15 % can
`produce a good light amber, provided the
`sulphide level and redox reaction are controlled.
`An alternative method of producing amber
`glass, which gives an accurately predicted depth
`and shade of colour, is the use of cerium oxide
`or cerium concentrate together with titanium
`dioxide. One advantage of this method is its
`stability under varying furnace conditions.
`However, it is only likely to be used in $pecial
`glasses due to its relatively high cost.
`Green glass
`Normal emerald green glass is produced using
`iron chromite - 10-12kg/2000kg sand. The iron
`chromite must be in the form of chrome flour so
`that it can dissolve in the glass; it is well known
`that iron chromite in particulate form does not
`dissolve but rather appears as black specks in the
`final product, the bete noir of the glassmaker.
`At one time, it was common practice to add
`a little nickel oxide to alter the shade of green
`but this is no longer the case. Shades of green
`can now be produced by a wide variety of
`methods. For example in one glass factory,
`manganese is added to give a shade peculiar to
`a well known brand. Georgia green, on the other
`hand , is a pale green with a chrome content
`about one tenth that of standard emerald green
`and contains a trace of cobalt.
`To produce a UV absorbing green, soditi'm
`dichromate or potassium dichromate are used.
`Instead of neutral or slightly reducing conditions
`prevailing in the emerald green, oxidising
`conditions are required to keep the chrome in
`its hexavalent state.
`UV vs emerald
`Occasionally, a glass ' colour will be termed
`emerald green when in fact it is a UV absorbing
`green. (As indicated above the emerald green has
`to be neutral or slightly reducing.) For one of his
`customers, the author worked out a series of
`changes to the emerald green formula to
`introduce Calumite progressively and hence
`improve the melting and refining processes. The
`customer then decided to add the 6% (by sand
`weight) Calumite in one step rather than in steps.
`Patches of amber were then reported, which
`suggested that the glass had been reduced
`excessively and a recommendation was made to
`make the glass progressively more oxidised. The
`amber patches consequently became even more
`pronounced until it was discovered that the glass
`was in fact a UV absorbing green not an emerald
`Oxidation of the l % MnO in the Calumite
`produced a purple colour which, with the green
`background , appeared amber. Stepwise
`introduction of the Calumite, as originally
`recommended , would have shown the problem
`earlier and a much smaller level of Calumite
`would have been suggested if full information
`about the glass had been known.
`Mention has been made of the various shades
`of green which are available. The widest variety,
`though, is seen in the dead leaf or feuille morte
`colour, which differs from one glass producer to
`the ne.xt. Different combinations of colourants
`are responsible for producing the various shades
`Pag• 503 ....
`Improved Distribution for Polish Soda Ash
`Investment in silos, warehouses and handling
`equipment should improve the quality control
`of distribution for Poland's one million tonnes
`plus of soda ash . In the UK, the investment has
`centred around the ports of Howden Dyke,
`Humberside and Perth in Scotland. In fuland, the
`shipping company, Fast Shipping Ltd has
`invested substantially in the port of Szczecin on
`the Baltic, with the erection of a modem
`warehouse and handling terminal.
`fulish soda ash, manufactured at two sites in
`the country, is available throughout Europe via
`various agents and distributors, including
`Daltrade Ltd in the UK. The production plants
`continually strive to improve quality and achieve
`lower levels of chlorides and trace metals, reports
`Daltrade. ln addition, the colour of the product
`is said to be very good and the material has a
`low friability with minimal dusting.
`supplies sodium
`Daltrade Ltd also
`silicofluoride and sodium sulphate to the UK glass
`industry. Contact Daltrade Ltd (UK), 071 370
`. ...._
`.... . · .... ~.:---..__ .... _]
`. :.-..:~_;,...
`-- . -:· .;;. ~
`O-I Glass, Inc.
`Exhibit 1041
`Page 003
`t'ttl'l't'nt.ly nvnilnhlr. Thr following are or have
`hl't'll usrct :
`• Low lrvC'ls of manganese and chromium in a
`hiJ!hly oxidised glass wit.h an iron content below
`0.1 W, Fe20~. The colour is produced from the
`yellow green of the chromic and ferric ions, the
`green of the chromous ion and the purple of the
`• Low levels of nickel and chromium in an
`oxidised glass. The nickel gives the glass a grey
`brown colour which blends with the yellow green
`from the chromic and ferric ions as mentioned
`• High levels of iron and manganese in oxidised
`glass. In this case, the colour is produced from
`the yellow green of ferric ions, blue green of
`ferrous ions and purple of manganese ions.
`• A possibly more stable colour is produced
`from low levels of iron and chromium in a
`reduced glass. In this instance, the amber
`combines with the green chromous ions. The
`colour is controlled by regulating the redox state
`of the glass batch and the level of colourants
`used .
`True to blue
`There is still demand for the strong blue coloured
`glass which was so popular a few years ago. It
`is produced using cobalt oxide; at one time, when
`this chemical was
`in short supply, cobalt
`aluminate (cobalt blue) was substituted.
`Fortunately, cobalt is stable in changing furnace
`conditions without varying the shade of blue.
`Black glass is produced by adding sufficient
`to minimise light transmission.
`Colourants used
`include cobalt,
`iron and
`manganese oxides.
`Apart. from those already discussed , many
`other colours are being produced. White opals
`ba5ed on Lhe use of either phosphates or fluorides
`are one example. There are also a variety of
`colours, including reds, yellows, copper blues and
`greens, produced by specialist glassmakers.
`Flat glass tints
`The article has so far focused on hollow
`glassware. But flat glass is now made in a wider
`range of colours than ever before. In the
`automotive industry, glass usually has a pale tint
`with greater than 70% visible light transmission
`in a 4mm path length, whereas for architectural
`purposes, it has a greater than 40 % visible light
`transmission in a 6mm path length .
`The most popular tints are currently grey,
`green, bronze and blue, which are produced by
`adding iron oxide, cobalt oxide and/or selenium
`in differing proportions. Iron in the ferrous state
`absorbs in the infrared at about 1000nm and
`imparts a blue colour. By contrast, when it is in
`the ferric state, it absorbs in the ultraviolet at
`about 380nm producing a yellow colour. Cobalt
`absorbs at the red end of the visible spectrum
`giving the complementary blue colour in glass,
`while selenium absorbs at the opposite end of
`the visible spectrum to give the complementary
`red colour.
`Grey tints are obtained by balancing the
`colourants to produce a fairly uniform
`transmission at all wavelengths in the visible
`spectrum. One ingredient that was formally used
`to produce a grey tint was nickel oxide. However,
`it fell from favour when glassmakers realised that
`it could form nickel sulphide inclusions in the
`glass and hence cause stress and then shattering
`of the glass during cooling.
`Bronze tints are produced by a higher selenium
`content relative to the other colourants. However,
`selenium is highly volatile and its colouring
`action and retention in the glass are dependant
`on the redox characteristics of the melt. Most flat
`glass manufacturers aim to have about a 20%
`ferrous/ferric ratio to maximise retention of the
`coloured selenium.
`In addition, modern tinted · glasses offer a
`certain amount of solar protection by filtering out
`some of the ultraviolet and infrared light. The
`high iron content in automotive glass is the
`extreme; ferrous and ferric iron sources are
`baJanced to produce green or blue tints, high UV
`absorption (to protect the fabric colours) and high
`infrared absorption (to keep the interior of the
`car cool). Additional UV protection is provided
`by cerium and titanium oxides.
`Colourants are also used in flat glass for other
`purposes. For example, the rare earth elements
`are popular in spectacle lenses due to their
`pleasing delicate tints such as neodymium blue
`and erbium pink. Manganese can also provide
`a series of pink tints but its use is avoided in
`glasses which contain iron due to the possibility
`of solarisation, ie a colour change over time in
`Export Growth Plans
`Throughout 1992, Appleby Calumite has steadily
`increased its sales both within the UK and
`overseas. Calumite production has risen to over
`50,000 lonnes of which over 15% was exported,
`mainly to the Middle and Far East.
`A small increase in sales to the UK container
`sector was mostly due to minor changes to the
`calumite composition. This includes a slight
`increase in the alumina content to approximately
`13% and the achievement of a lower iron and
`sulphur content (0.25% and 0. 75% respectively).
`Although Calumite has been utilised
`successfully in float glass production by other
`European manufacturers, this market is not
`readily accessible to Appleby due to the high
`alumina sands used in the UK. However, by using
`favourable freight rates to the Far East, this area
`has been opened up by Appleby and the majority
`of the company's export sales have developed in
`the float glass industry there.
`G L A S S December 1992
`It is in exports that Appleby sees the greatest
`potential for growth. To this end, the firm has
`developed Jinks with agents and traders overseas
`and with freight forwarders and wharf owners
`in the UK. This has given Appleby the flexibility
`to supply material to any customer request, from
`50kg bags to charter vessels carrying up to 2500
`Earlier this year, Appleby Calumite was given
`accreditation by the British Standards Institute
`to BS 5750 part 2. Contact Appleby Calumite Ltd
`(UK), Tel 0724 282211.
`Decolourisation of glass is effectrd in t.wr, way!,
`Most often, the unwanted colour is dill' to 1.rac:1•
`contamination by iron in some form, whid1 is thP
`reason for using the most economical yet low iron
`content sand available. ln special glasses, such
`as optical ones, quartz sand with an iron content
`as low as lppm is used .
`It is customary to minimise the distinctive iron
`colour by oxidising the blue ferrous ion to a Jess
`!11tense yellow ferric ion. In practice, though, it
`ts never fully oxidised and the blue green colour
`becomes instead a yellow green.
`In the past, the toxic chemical arsenic trioxide
`was used to oxidise the iron. However, it also had
`the effect of oxidising some of the selenium being
`used so that extra selenium had to be added.
`Cerium concentrate, meanwhile, has proved to
`be a very effective oxidising agent. Some years
`ago, a glass container company added cerium
`concentrate to the batch to overcome a colour
`problem . The unexpected result was a strong
`green coloured glass. Further examination
`revealed that the sand being used in the melt had
`a higher than normal chrome content. ln this
`instance, the cerium concentrate had practically
`eliminated the colour from the iron present but
`not that from the chrome.
`Alternatively, a batch can be made more
`oxidising by using additional sulphates. Nitrates
`have also been used in the past, usually in
`conjunction with arsenic trioxide but they were
`not as effective as sulphates and their use has
`subsequently been discontinued. Arsenic has
`also been removed from container glass batches.
`Complementary colours
`The second method of decolourising, which is
`used once a colour has been minimised
`to add a complementary
`chromophore. The idea is to produce a neutral
`grey colour which, if both the original and added
`colours are very faint, will make the glass appear
`if the colourants are
`colourless. However,
`stronger, transmission will be reduced and a
`po_sitively coloured grey glass will be produced.
`The pink tint produced by manganese was
`originally used to complement the green from
`iron contamination. But due to problems of
`solarisation, its use was discontinued.
`Currently in soda lime glass production,
`selenium is employed to give a pink colour. A
`much coarser grading is now used in most
`factories compared with the previously standard
`200 mesh material; this reduces the hazard of
`handling such a dusty and toxic chemical.
`In addition to metallic selenium, zinc selenite
`is sometimes used and trials have recently taken
`place using an alloy of selenium and tellurium.
`When the glass was sufficiently oxidised, a little
`cobalt oxide was added to the selenium pink to
`neutralise the iron colour and produce what can
`be called a decolourised glass. Having said that,
`the need for cobalt oxide additions has
`diminished as modem container glass melts have
`a higher blue ferrous iron content.
`In lead glasses, various complementary colours
`have been used - nickel oxide to give a pink/grey
`tint and neodymium oxide to give a blue/purple
`one. More recently, it has been found that erbium
`oxide can give a highly stable pink colour un(cid:173)
`affected by melting conditions. Moreover, the use
`of erbium oxide is finding favour in an increasing
`number of glassworks throughout Europe. a
`O-I Glass, Inc.
`Exhibit 1041
`Page 004
`Turning Waste into Glass
`Hazardous waste dust is being used
`successfully as a raw material in a
`glass frit production process
`developed jointly in the USA by
`Roger B Ek and Assoc and Oregon
`Steel Mills.*
`The first glassification plant to use one
`of the USA's listed hazardous waste
`materials from steel mills is scheduled to go into
`full production this month . Using electric arc
`furnace (EAF) dust from the Oregon Steel Mills
`lnc, the facility will process well over 12,000 tons
`of dust/year to produce a range of glass and glass(cid:173)
`ceramic products.
`The plant is part of a joint venture, known as
`glassification International Ltd, set up 20 months
`ago, between Oregon Steel Mills, based in
`Portland, Oregon and Roger B Ek and Assoc, a
`glass and ceramics R&D firm, based near Seattle,
`Washington, USA. The facility is located adjacent
`to the EAF baghouse at the Portland steel works
`and began test runs in November of this year.
`In the glassification process itself, EAF dust
`acts as a substitute for mineral powders which
`in the USA, are used to produce coloured glass
`and ceramic compounds. Other products
`generated via this process include glazes and
`co'Jourants, non-reactive fillers, roofing granules
`' Oregon Steel Mills, Portlond, Oregon, USA. Tel 503 286 9651.
`and sandblasting grit and materials vital to
`portland cement clinker production. All products
`are non-toxic and inert and pass the USA's Toxic
`Characteristic Leaching Procedure tests; these
`tests can easily be performed on-site.
`The material from which most of the products
`· are made is a glass granule known as glass frit ,
`formed on-site. The frit may be screened directly
`to prepare roofing granules, sandblasting
`abrasive grit and portland cement additive. It can
`also be crushed and sized as a powder for use
`in brick and tile colourants or glazes and non(cid:173)
`reactive fillers, used to produce UV opaque
`sealants caulking materials, rubber and plastic
`The composition of the glass formers and
`modifiers used with the EAF dust determines the
`end product use. For example, one particular
`variation in glass composition can produce
`granules for making glass-ceramic tiles with a
`chemical and abrasion resistance superior to
`both stone and common glazed ceramic tiles.
`The glassification process also uses other by(cid:173)
`products of metal melting, including slags, spent
`refractories and millscale, which further reduces
`the price of the end product.
`The costs of production have already been
`calculated, although at this stage, the price per
`ton of glass product is quite sensitive to
`production capacity. For example, it has been
`estimated that a plant producing 400 tons/month
`of glass products from 200 tons/month of EAF
`dust, with the ability to use other by-product
`resources such as spent refractory, millscale,
`slags and other products, would typically have
`a production cost of approximately US$97 /ton of
`glass. On the other hand, a steel mill generating
`12,000 tons of EAF dust and about 24,000 tons
`of glass products could expect a production cost
`of about $80/ton of glass or less.
`Capital plant and equipment costs for
`producing a full line of granular glass and glass(cid:173)
`ceramic products vary from US$400 to US$550
`per installed ton of glass production . However,
`costs may be considerably less for steel producers
`and foundries with surplus transformer and
`metal melting equipment.
`Glasses produced would typically contain
`between 45 % and 65 % EAF dust by weight. And
`product value varies considerably.
`The glassification process can utilise fossil fuels
`only or a combination of fossil fuel top fire and
`electric boost with immersed molybdenum
`electrodes. The preferred method though, is to
`use an electric furnace design as this is the most
`compact, the lowest cost/mstalled ton production
`capacity and the cleanest method.
`The batching, furnace, forming and handling
`equipment used at the Portland factory are all
`standard, off-the-shelf items. The glassification
`process costs at this installation are therefore
`But the greatest benefit to Oregon Steel Mills
`is the large savings it will make on disposal costs,
`not just for EAF dust but the other metal melting
`by-products such as slag and millscale. And the
`environment has been saved the burden of
`another hazardous waste product. .a
`• Kaolin
`• Ulexite
`• Colemanite
`• Silica Sand
`• Sodium Sulphate
`• Dolomite
`• Feldspars
`• Bentonite
`• Soda Ash
`• Cements
`• Custom Grinding
`• Blending
`• Mineral Handling
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`Price Projections
`Front-End Engineering
`Competitive Costs Analysis
`Marketing & Feasibility Studies
`Subscribe to our quarterly
`and the annual
`Contact: Roger Altala
`52 Judy Lynn Dr., Splcewood (Austin), Texas 78669
`Phone (512) 264-2802
`FAX (512) 264-2950
`• Detergents •
`• Glass Fibre
`• Chemicals & Plastics
`• Agriculture
`• Container Glass
`• Construction
`• Ceramics
`• Foundry
`• Flat Glass
`• Mining
`EN 29002/ISO 9002/BS 5750
`Gorsey Lane, Widnes, Cheshire WAS ORP, UK
`Tel: 051 424 5708 Fax: 051 495 1794 Telex: 628684
`A · member of the RTZ Borax & Minerals Group
`O-I Glass, Inc.
`Exhibit 1041
`Page 005