`_3 NOV 2939
`ISSN 1340-2544
`Japanese Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
`Elfififi'fiws'iifix if
`Published by the Japanese Society of Neuropsychopharmacoiogy
`3—HHY—2909 BSDS
`Jfifl'figgg j3%§:E:E°EoE§E$$Pur u:
`4656.641900 um 19 pm 5
`Page 1 of6
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`Tm; material may be protected by Copyright law (Title 17 u.s. Code)
`l'BFtHfifiwfiEififi (Japanese Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology” fifiifigfig
`(fiifiifififii‘ I135 19 {(3315 l filzlfiifli)
`l. wfiflmflfilifiififii (original article). fiifl (short
`communication). $3! (review) a: E k L. ‘fifilfiflmfiffi
`ifié‘fl'i‘ifia .2 t 5:433? in
`2. ufiwflfimomat) $342512}:sz mum] in: U rt
`1977-: w 9'11 l-J ’xififii’a.
`I: |~ éh‘fit Ltfiffi.
`fiififi‘vi‘n‘fili. «Iv-y 7:33? (L1
`(£03153. HEEM’ESU) {‘(Dflllwfififlifilifi‘c‘wflififié
`m w; c t. is: mnnu t L mammnnfiaézgfiw
`Wfilélllfs C 2: éfifi‘l'lififiifilfi'a C ti‘fl‘fé. IMMKR
`ommmmlu o a raw-manna : a ntazxfi'cbzw.
`4. flimlfififlx (1 A4 Hmmizmwé L. mm t L? 400 $
`flEB’EHEvJZMZK‘TQ 61.3”: 715; -7 v7 l~fi"7—- F7
`a t a *r'C‘l’EhSZU) L z. filN-9I12éfil.%=4:. mmmsnt
`"CUJWifl-Zifll. £3 2 "—“/‘lclfl!ffl1 aafiawam. fl 3 A‘--~‘/'K
`800$L1W011125§Wt 5 EEJE’.P§®=¥—'7— F {Eli} < . $4
`«'—~>‘J U 751% HEREIN}, 717%, $32, 9&3.
`xfimmmufi a. My: 200 words Lummfijazm. (ab-
`stract) EEH’J .
`aextbfl (abstract) (1.
`.M fimfiitLY/wAN— A '0.
`names 01’ all authors. laboratory of origin, address, title 3233
`L. WCZIFB‘C’fi-iflfi LUV-V05 -f 7T5. filial: 5 3313?“)
`563M) Key words 'Hfii,
`il'lflllifi‘li‘lzfi’ci' ‘(Reprint requests
`should bc sent tu---)‘ a Lil-13316.
`5. mmmmxm A4 Plilmfiiufi’wux N— A (75 ¥X25
`fi) :9 4 7 L. mm a L1‘ 15 mm. $14—wzuue,
`names of all authors. laboratory of origin. address, fl; 2 «'-
`wwfitfiwwmma L. m3 4—95: 200 words mmmm
`abstract ’E'illlfi L I?“ ‘07 4' Tbflfieh‘. 5 EELXF’W) Key
`words ’H‘lfifl r55. f01fl1lflflia)fii¥3fi)tilifl)'5.
`G. mamas” 400 WMfiElfiFIT 8 SKEW? (C hLMl-lzl‘sfit
`umwr 2 mmxmmmm Email 30 mammal:
`airman. immmwtimfiw. éwfmim-fifim:
`7. fixmfiflltfiklfiifix Ham: 7 4 7L 4 mm, 931
`033W; t’lilfiflll t LT 15 fillfil’i. Eiiwflimflfllififiizb
`8. fi’fififilz’kbfi < IEE. filial: 7'1 5’ 7b 7‘. ¥fll=fililfiiflfl
`t L ‘CZGfl 9 ®—&% Emu. flfitfiigfi‘lfl'firfinfié‘lfififi‘c
`< < uTWSETZL lfififiwflifififlfibi~flfilthha b
`omemsémctto 'c b J: u. fllfimfiifim Tritdxxffi.
`f: I“! L F 4‘ WEED-“E33 t. KER é rcmaaomcsmmz?
`t 1’ 6. fl?“ 7' 5 675(3. mfilifilfifflfli‘é (51) EM“
`lgllfi 8 LT fig, 3. ng, kg. ,um, mm, cm, m. km, ,ul, ml, L
`('1 -7 I~ 1v). ms. 5. min, b. d. wk. yr. in. im. ip, iv, po, P (m
`5H), SD. SE, LDm. EDm trt'émwz,_ 8335a).}, tiCE I) ,1-
`(summit lifillhl. 45531223.: l: 1 Bifo’limly.
`9H: A4 ‘l‘llmfilatrhk'; 5. aismfiummgmz. momma] 2;
`Life!) a if‘ifiafllfifim‘éo b 0) 2: Ta. It‘u. Email?
`at: 7: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, a); 5 izfifééfiw. figgmgb, g
`3‘ at» Ln 6 asz‘Fb Mira. 121mm»: A4 $150M:
`3961'? 4 715. airman: Table 1, Table 2, a); 5 l:
`fifi‘elJ ‘7‘. mm tfiiffilfiiéa}: . manna NET.
`mszratwfjmzfiilfimailfmtéékfift 6.
`Ifléilfil?‘ 5mm, almanazarms t fi’i‘zffi’i'fi‘rr.
`(W!) Smith (1990) mm.
`tfiifién'cwa (Smith 1990).
`Rfitwfifi 2 2m; 'and' Put; 3'.
`3 :ELXLHI 'ct. al' 1‘32:
`1. mffimfia‘: 2 4551 r - J 1”»: 3'.
`3 any: r91 1'
`(9]) Smith and Cooper, 1990; Smith et al, 1990
`mm - 2m. 1990 : (Hits. 1990
`4:4: 1 1;“ L 2 acm—arfiom—namoxmozms
`.t 0454: 3 fiLXLTMfifibifil—mfil~¥éfifm>tfimz
`Hill: :1. fi-fiifimm‘. a, b, c 32m)?»
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`Ii] 2 45. El 3 {fibthDM t Lfi‘: 2 45mm: 2 4:
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`3 mmfieafim‘cma. ”(Fm
`mama WET.
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`‘Nfiflfiéfililfiigfli [Index MedicnsJ. $111315“: (IE5!
`Illmwmwam c: x '9 ma.
`$1473: : $5 (re-2m!) 3%. REM. 5mm. {coma-22$
`754%. ALE}! 6 lift—9‘.
`913:9!!! : 4% ($44?) 5m. made (an ms (42%
`a: s if—y I) —x£.). fifim ‘Ewflmzflifiés. «~— 9.
`iiflfimkmzmruz. 7 a a» 15—744 1 ”$0153.
`E‘JDJjfiD Ad #516 N—vgmi. 8.500 F]. 6r<—~‘Jé'fl;1
`6 5H: mar ht, WXEXTH 13.000 Pl. fiXfiI'c‘li
`16.000 Flt-ta. 7 a *1 E—i’4 x aflaififiifi'cs twig
`filt’fillfififiti‘a. 571:. (33L) tiéffiéflt'ré. fill
`flirt-«19:33 t L , «Hangman»: 50 mm»:
`13. fifilifli l gl‘. fil3fil$033r4glléffilfiu IEEI: ['12ng
`2: MAJ-719991 H WWL‘.
`rug-r1032 WWI
`mama 2-4—16 $fit 79 — my r13 xwfimflmggfi
`mm m. rm Mu mmmu 'cfifw'za.
`Page 2 of 6


`Japanese Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
`Vol. 19, No. 6 December, 1999
`Proceedings of 29th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neuropsycho-
`Contents of the proceedings (in Japanese)
`......................................... ....... 231
`Special Lecture ...................................f .................................... ............ 239'
`Symposium .......
`................... ..‘ ........
`......", 292
`Satellite Symposium
`Oral Presentations
`......................................... >300
`Poster Presentations .............................................................................. 351
`List of presentations (in English),
`........................................... . ................ 441
`Events .............
`..............................................a ......39E '
`Page 3 0f 6
`Page 3 of 6


`asafi E‘Hffi‘a—Efi
`§ 5 /J\ 1:! 11% E]
`HID fl
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`fimYV4V: @ERE
`H$Wfi$§fi¥i§$fi§g a x/axmmmrfifiama
`19993-125203 HIRE
`fifi%/?ll3-0032 gamma-mini 2—4-16
`19993-125253 #fi- .
`TEL. (03) 3814-0896 FAX. (03) 3814-0897
`UHfF/(M)$§'3£11Jfit 77 — ?ll3-DD32 fimfiiimgfi$ 2-4-16 TEL. (03)3817-5821 EHfi/gxflmtfilfil
`Page 4 of 6
`Page 4 of 6


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`3—,- 5 f l‘ :/ )4 ”5:; .I/ ‘4‘ .................................................................................... 297
`gm A ...................................................................................................... 300
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`FE *Nfiflfi¥i§$$fi§fl $19 95453 E at
`Key Word Index (Val. 19)
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`EP$:~J!M~IHI~·Ii (Jpn. J. Neuropsychopharmacol.) 19: 363 (1999)
`: .-jl:: BHatt;,ri LlbHAAV
`->CIF •f'r: n:-f'U"-'f1' OG'
`.WfMI.tJ[fitf!lljp,f~ SM-13496 OJ1il1tl~I¥J%
`tl :lli$ fl'l ~HI 51t~€Hfi: 1:: M 9 ofF JlUffllli
`Binding affinity of SM-13496 to various receptors
`Ki values (nM)
`Ottll~ tr-1-. EHJJl ftl~. lf!Al -JIJ .
`:k!f ffi'J.
`ttii:!t!!i <~> · .ttJ!!i~-liif~m
`1"554-0022 .:k~ilitlt:tt~li B lli Jtl 3-1-98
`SM-13496 li~ :htJ.tit }'-!-/~ ~ /tfJH!>J::'CttittD 1-
`=/~ffl~~G~~S . • ~~~-~tfffl!>J::'CtJtiM~~
`tU•J ~ ffl tM~ 1in:: ~ 1r) 4-'i tl ~ ~ "9 ¢.if J:f/. tltftH!tliU~ I: a;
`¢. ~@J. SM-13496 Q)~ft~(J(JtJ.~J)J!~tt~~ 6b\l:
`"9 ¢t:::.~. S~11fl~~if~Jil~!fJ~cQ)-MJ:!i~JIH:"Jir)"t
`Wt itt ~ fi' ·:>t::;. •
`~m~~t.t>1:~-r ¢f.'it.tJtftlttQ)f¥ilili*'tH:~? l
`Fht:::.. "tt.t.b!>. i!illil::t:::.l;t~~~§l.IJlMUU~db~ 1J
`t::;.. -fQ)lfi, ~E£-?i§I:J::I'J#7.AU-?.tiLtl:-?iAG.
`Hl4l:E"t ¢;: c I:J:: I'J. 4?;~a<J16tl~ 50%1!Ilt!J"t ¢ ~~t•ft
`B'4tQ)iftlll: (IC110) ~;1<6'), Ki= IC501' (1+S/Kd) I:J:: I'J Ki
`t-: iftll:) •
`{ifi H'Hl:l t.., 1::. (S: IJ # /
`2. 77=Jv~ :/ '7 7--EJt;&-&.~t-•l:t>ft ¢~Jil
`1:: 1- DtL1t~i*HVJl~itt.:: CHO IBI'c2 (CHOihDsLMll
`~) ~ KRH 81itillll:@i!ll L,.,, 10 JJ]vl forskolin. iU1HtB'
`4joj, 300nMdopamine~1JD;t'l37"C. 20~~/.:f~-"'­
`:/3/G~. 0.5mMCHsCOONa(pHG.2) ~1JD;t. 1071'
`rlll~~G"t& ~,c.,I:J::I'J~M~'ltllkG~. 8:~
`L,., t::;. cAMP li EIA cAMP assay kit (Amersham)~ Jfl ~l "(
`~);£ L t:::.. Forskolin ~~ cAMP 1::~9 ¢ dopamine 0)~
`~~50%1fiJ!f;!J9¢?1Utdtft~Q)·/l (EC50) HJWGt:::..
`3.MI!~I*!JJ.Itl:!llt o [3H]ACh .irflilfH:M"t ¢~ffl
`7 'l (0.3X0.3 uAi) ~ 95%0:ti5%COt
`.iili ~ 'f "t' Tyrode UUIJ ~ 1::!! l!ti L,., • 1 nM PH] choline
`chloride ~l'JS1JJ {..., "'(. 37'C I: 30 71"1 /.:f ~ -"'- :/3 / L,.,
`tO J,lM hemicholinium-3 ~~tl' Tyrode *IIi
`t:::. • .of Q)lfl,
`~"f 3 @I Wash Gt:::.. ;:tu::. 20 mM KCI. ~~t•fttl~.
`1 J,lM quinpirole 'f: JJll;t "'( 37'C I: 10 5.Hifl1' /.:f ~ -"'- :/
`7.Afi*ft-?ki{.ti:-?~G. &R\,.,t::;.. [3H]AChilt_.
`$= -?Ill rr 0)[3H]tiUtMttt(-? ?!l Jt1 Q) PHJMNMtt+ -?*U
`~Q)[3H]i~UtiZitt) c Gt:::.. jgj K•!ti•Jlr£[3H]ACh iliMI:~"t
`¢ quinpirole Q)ttlJflii!~ 50%11llf!liJT¢11U~ftft~O)·J.i:
`(EC110) ~ JJI:tl L,., t.:.
`SM-13496 O) .~.HII1t~i*1:~"9¢Uift~Untt~~I:;E c
`~t:::.. SM-13496 l:t t-:-1~~ / Dz, tot-=/ 5-HT2A,
`Dopamine (DA)
`DA uptake sites
`Serotonin (5-HT)
`5 - HT:~A
`5-HT uptake sites
`Histamine 1 (H,)
`•> ICc,o vnlue
`>1000 •J
`>1000 •J
`>1000 •>
`>1000 •l
`>1000 o)
`>1000 •>
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`> 1000 a)
`>1000 o)
`5-HT!A• 5-HT, :BJ::L( 7 }'-! v'Tl) / <l!c ~!fJi*l:~lr\JS
`fifJI.foi1~:if- L,.,~. -'jj. a,, <l2A· D1 :BJ::U: 5-HTrc ~
`~~~~16t.Mi1~:if-~~~?t.:. il::~.MQ)~#11fl~~
`c Q) JU.lh'J\ 6 . 1) SDA ~ t1i M. m. ( risperidone,
`olanzapine fJ.C> I:M~ l,.,"'( 5-HTtA~~~~:~"9¢.atl
`IUnttiJf~ If);: c, 2) 5-HTIA• 5-HT7 , Ute 1t~i-$1:~
`9 otlit.#tfni1n!ft6~t\;: c. 3) a • .t:>J:: a 1:: .A :7:::: ;,; H. 1t
`~I* 1:~"9 o $JUili1tJ1MAlJ 1:~"'#1lt 1: at If);: c :Q!:if- ~
`tl~. -'jj, CHOihD:~L a&lfc21::8lr\"(, SM-13496 li
`dopamine I:J::¢ cAMP .MI£ttllfti!l&Jt.\~t'il1l G, ~Q)tf.ffl
`li haloperidol c flll~. risperidone. chlorpromazine !>J::
`U:clozapine l:::~"'il§I'J\?t.:. ;:nl:~t..,. ~'~•i*W.Jtl:
`t.Hto quinpirole I:J::¢ ['H]ACh ia-1!llftitl&.lt\l:t~9
`¢ SM-13496 O)fa~tf}lll;tjjj) <,haloperidol Q) 1/30 W.T
`I: <I;?~.
`J;J.~O)JU~J:: I'J, SM-13496 l:t D2 !>J:.'Ct 5-HTt1t~
`a •. H. t>J::U 5-HTtc ~tli*l:::~"toiiitli!~tttJ!iltv)
`;: c:Q\6, ~Q)l'J!aiB~. 'PM111JIWtti11Jff.ffl:8J::'Cti*lll.ft
`Wff=JiliJf~lr\;:cb!:if-'Jf~tl¢. ~SI:::, i$~{.$ Dz~fJ
`t.t>~ftGt::.7t7Jv:J 'J ;.;.-fi~l:::~9¢ff.ffltJfiJ;it,.);:
`Page 6 of 6

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