`Sent: Mondav, December 2, 2020 8:12 Nv'l
`To: Trials <Trials@USPTO.GDv:=-; Karl Renner <renner@fr.com>
`Cc: Kim Leung <Leung@fr.com:=-; andrew Patrick <9atrick@fr.com>; Cachonnorkudlacleecom;
`dskeels@whitakerchalk.com,‘ cbrooks@whita kerchalkcom,‘ kevin@connorkudlaclee.com;
`|PR39521—0091|P1@fr.com; PGR39521—0092P51ercom; Kasha Law LLC
`<john.kasha@kashalaw.com:>; Chris Marchese <marchese@fr.com>
`Subject: RE: |PB2020—00999, PGR2020—00066, 81 PGR2020—00023: Request for Leave to File Notice
`from Concurrent Litigation
`Your Honors,
`Petitioner, Apple, has filed its motion to dismiss the declaratorviudgment counterclaim of
`invalidityr ofthe ’491 patent in the district court proceeding. Pinn opposes apple’s motion and
`will file a response by Wednesday, December 9. Consistent with Your Honors“ instructions noted
`in the email below, the parties, having met and conferred, nowjointlv request leave to submit
`their district court filings, separately after filing {meaning Apple can submit its motion to the
`Board todav and Pinn when it files its response), or if the Board prefers, together upon Pinn filing
`its response by Wednesday.
`Should the Board wish to conduct a teleconference regarding this request, counsel for Petitioner
`and Patent Owner are jointlv available at the following times:
`Mondav, December TI", 2020 at 1—3 pm ET
`Tuesdav, December 8, 2020 at 9 am — noon ET
`Should the Board require anvthing further, please let us know.
`Usman A. Khan
`Counsel for Petitioner
`Usman A. Khan, Ph.D., Esq.
`Fish 81 Richardson P.C.
`1000 Maine Ave, SW
`Suite 1000
`Washington, DC 20024
`202.626.0383 direct :: khan@fr.com
`fr.com :: Bio :: Linkedln
`EX. 3004
`Ex. 3004
`From: Trials <Trials@U5PTD.GOV>
`Sent: Wednesdav, December 02, 2020 12:01 PM
`To: Karl Renner crenneerrLom}; Trials <Trials@U5PTD.GOV>
`Cc: Usman Khan <khan@fr.com>; Kim Leung <Leung@fr.comb; Andrew Patrick <gatrick@fr.com:-;
`Cachonnorkudla-cleemom; dskeelsQwhita kerchalk.com; cbroostwhita kerchalk.com:
`kevin@connorkudlaclee.com; IP039521—0091lP1@fr.com; PGRSSS21—0092P51@fr.com; Kasha
`Law LLC <iohn.kashanashalawnom}; Chris Marchese cmarchese@fr.com}
`Subject: RE: |PR2020—00999, PGR2020—00066, E: PGR2020—00023: Request for Leave to File Notice
`from Concurrent Litigation
`[This email originated outside of F&R.]
`Petitioner’s request is noted. If Apple files a motion to dismiss the declaratory judgment
`counterclaim of invalidity of the ’491 patent in the district court proceeding and Petitioner wishes
`to submit the motion to the Board, Petitioner may contact the Board via email to request leave to
`submit the motion. The email must indicate whether Patent Owner opposes the request and, if
`Patent Owner does oppose the request, provide dates and times both parties are available for a
`conference call with the Board.
`Andrew Kellogg,
`Supervisory Paralegal
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`andrewkelloa, gngusptogov
`EX. 3004
`Ex. 3004
`From: Karl Renner <renner@fr.com'>
`Sent: Friday, November 2?, 2020 2:18 PM
`To: Trials <Trials@USPTO.GDV>
`Cc: Usman Khan <khan@fr.com>; Kim Leung <Leung@fr.com:=-; Andrew Patrick <patrick@fr.com>;
`Ca b@connorkudlaclee.com; dskeels@whitakerchalkcom,‘ cbrooks@whitakerchalk.com;
`kevin@connorkudlacleerom,‘ |PR39521—0091|P1@fr.com; PGR39521—0092P51@fr.com; Kasha
`Law LLC <iohn.kashanashalaw.com:-; Chris Marchese <marchese@fr.com>; Karl Renner
`Subject: IPRZDZG—DUSBQ, PGHZGED—GDUEE, 8: PG RZUZG—DUGH: Request for Leave to File Notice
`from Concurrent Litigation
`Your Honors,
`During the teleconference held Tuesday {11f24l, your honors asked questions regarding
`Petitioner Apple’s district court declaratory judgment claim of invalidity of the ’491 patent. Your
`honors asked, for example, whether Apple would withdraw that claim. Having further considered
`the issue, Apple on Wednesday [11f25] filed in the district court a Notice of intent to file a motion
`to withdraw its declaratoryjudgment claim of invalidity of the ’491 patent ("Notice"). Consistent
`with the district court’s local rules, Apple will be able to file that Motion next week. Apple hereby
`respectfully requests leave to submit, to the Board, the above—described Notice.
`On Wednesday [11f25], Apple notified Patent Owner Pinn of its intent to make this request, and
`asked Pinn’s counsel whether Pinn opposes the request. Pinn has since communicated with
`Apple, but had not indicated whether it opposes. Given the impending statutory bar, Apple
`furnishes this request without further delay.
`Should the Board wish to conduct a teleconference regarding this request, Apple will be happy to
`work with Pinn to identify availability.
`With best regards,
`Karl Renner
`Counsel for Petitioner
`This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipientfs] and may
`contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized use or
`disclosure is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact
`the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.
`EX. 3004
`Ex. 3004