`RRR peas
`Patent Owner
`U.S. PATENT NO.10,455,066
`APPLE 1016
`APPLE 1016
`Attorney Docket #: 39521-0092PS1
`U.S. Patent No. 10,455,066
`I, Michael Foley, declare as follows:
`My nameis Michael Foley, and I am currently the CEO of
`Innovative Yachtter Solutions, which provides consulting services relatingta
`Internet-of-Things products, for example products that utilize Bluetooth Low
`I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering
`(“EE”) from the University of lowa, and a Master’s degree and PUD. ai CE
`from Arizona State University.
`From 1999 to 2004, I worked at Microsoft Corporation as a
`wireless systems architect, where I worked on integrating wireless technology
`into Windows® and WinCE®platforms. I was also the Microsoft
`representative to several standards groups, including the Bluetooth Special
`Interest Group (“SIG”), the WAP Forum, and the Wi-Fi Alliance.
`From 2004 to 2012, I worked at the Bluetooth SIG as Executive
`Director and CEO. Myresponsibilities as Director and CEO ofthe Bluetooth
`SIG included, but were not limited to, directing strategy, memberrelations,
`operations, and technology development, expanding the Bluetooth SIG into
`Europe and Asia, and managing Btuetooth SIG board meetings.
`Attorney Docket #: 39521-0092PS1
`U.S. Patent No. 10,455,066
`J was personally involved with the Bluetooth SIG Program
`Management Group, which was the precursor to the Board ofDirectors, during
`the process resulting in the adoption of the Bluetooth Core reference in
`November 1999, shortly before the BluetoothSiG published the Bluetooth Care
`reference on or about December 1, 1999.
`On or about December 1, 1999, I personally received and reviewed
`a copy ofthe Binetooth Core reference that the Bluetooth SIG published on or
`about December1, 1999.
`I have reviewed Exhibit 1009, and based on myreview ofthat
`document, Exhibit 1009 is a true and correct capy of the Bluetooth Core
`Specification Version 1.0B Vol. 1 as it existed and was pubticty avatiabie on or
`about December 1, 1999. Exhibit 1009 is the same as the copy of the Bluetooth
`Core Specification Version 1.0B Vol. 1 that I reviewed on or about December1,
`I declare that all statements madein this declaration regarding my
`personal knowledgeare true and accurate, and that att statements made on
`information and belief are believed to be true. Further, t understand that these
`statements were made with the knowledgethat willful false statements and the
`like are punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title
`18 of the United States Code.
`pas, Feb26,1030
`Attorney Docket #: 39521-0092PS1
`U.S. Patent No. 10,455,066
`Michael Foley