a2, United States Patent
`US 6,289,138 B1
`(10) Patent No.:
`Yip etal.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Inventors: Dominic Yip, Lindfield; Ian Gibson,
`Coogee; Mark Pulver, Enmore,all of
`(73) Assignee: Canon Kabushiki Kaisha, Tokyo (JP)
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`US.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/025,725
`Feb. 18, 1998
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Evanset al., “Systolic Algorithmsfor Digital Image Filter-
`ng Parallel Computing,vol. 21, Issue 1, pp. 109-119,Jan.
`Evanset al, “Systolic Algorithms for Digital Image Filter-
`ing”, Parallel Computing, vol. 1994, Issue 3, p. 12, Aug.
`Huang et al., “Novel Gray Image Processing in a Single
`Operation Optical Morphological Processor”, Optics Com-
`munications, vol. 130, Issue 1-3, pp. 143-152, Sep. 1996.*
`Primary Examiner—Jose L. Couso
`Assistant Examiner—Anh Hong Do
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Fitzpatrick, Cella, Harper &
`(AU) cesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssessesssesseee Po6480
`Appr. 30, 1997
`(AU) cesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssessssssesseee PO6481
`Apr. 30, 1997
`The present invention relates to an image processor (242)
`(AU) cecscesseesssessssssesssesstecstecnseencerseenneene PO6482
`Apr. 30, 1997
`comprising a control register block (1470), a decoding block
`(AU) vesececsscseeresseesscenssseesneneeses PO6484
`Apr. 30, 1997
`(1468), a data object processor (1462), and flow control
`(AU) vesesssssssseeeeeeeesenennnnnnnsseeceeeeetenns PO6485
`Apt. 30, 1997
`logic. The control register block (1470) stores all the rel-
`(AU) hess esecsesessreneseeeeneneeenes PO6488
`Apr. 30, 1997
`evant information about the image processing operation.
`(AU) veeecccececseensssenssesesssesenesenenes PO6489
`Apr. 30, 1997
`The decoding block (1468) decodes the information into
`(AU) Terre
`“Pr ay hoo
`es Ponto!
`configuration signals, which configure an input data object
`(AU) eee PQ6492
`‘Apr 30. 1997
`© BO,1997(AU)veeeececsseestsesescnecnsceneceneestesseeneees interface (1460). The input data object interface (1460)
`accepts and stores data objects from outside, and distributes
`Tint, Cd eeeesessncsnsesseenteeneeneeneees G06K 9/60
`these data objects to the data object processor (1462). For
`some image processing operations,
`the input data object
`(52) U.S. C1. eeescceseseecseecssscneceneeseess 382/307; 382/308
`interface (1460) may also generate addresses for data
`(58) Field of Search 0... 382/307, 308,
`objects, so that the source of these data objects can provide
`382/233; 712/248, 36; 708/190
`the correct data objects. The data object processor (1462)
`performsarithmetic operations on the data objects received.
`The flow control logic controls the flow of data objects
`within the data object processing logic (1462). More
`particularly, the data object processor (1462) can comprise
`a number of identical data object sub-processors, each of
`which processes part of an incoming data object.
`40 Claims, 135 Drawing Sheets
`Re. 31,736
`Re. 32,103
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`Microfiche Appendix Included
`(2 Microfiche, 101 Pages)
`matrix coeff.
`&1&V values
`Pixel values,
`CStable values,
`matrix value &
`Image Data
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0001
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0001


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`* cited by examiner
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0002
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0002


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 1 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`| I
`| host
`I I I I I I
`220 ~
`Raster Image
`I I I | I I I
`PCI bus
`rr-"-—cenr oor r OrPeOe ee r= ee ere er er er ee a
`1° 206
`a0 Other
`U 1
`Fig. 1
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0003
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0003


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 2 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`External Cbus Interface
`Diagnostic 11
`it Clocks and
`and Wl
`i global
`Test Ports
`PCIbus !!
`Generic I
`[~~~ "
`=I cache
`Interface n>}
`1|Controller [*""5 Switch Controller
`I 246 DAT :
`227 "
`to all
`Organiser C
`Page Mode" —{
`DRAM or
`Memory a |
`= 4
`237 ¢
`Centronics I
`Interface i
`or Video

`. 250
`= = = = Represents ASIC pads
`External interface
`Control Bus (Cbus)
`--—-= Input Bus (Ibus)
`==s=e= Operand Bus (Obus)
`- — — - Partial Result (Pbus)
`SuGEBeEEe Result Bus (Rbus)
`mses - Interface Bus (Abus)
`= m= = Internal RAM interface
`Fig. 2
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0004
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0004


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 3 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`External Interface Controller
`Local Memory Controller
`Peripheral Interface Controller
`Instruction Controller
`Data Cache Controller
`Pixel Organiser
`Operand Organiser C
`Main Data Path
`Result Organiser
`Input Interface Switch
`Operand Organiser B
`JPEG Coder
`PClbus Configuration Space Alias
`Fig. 3
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0005
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0005


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 4 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0006
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0006


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 5 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
` 1030
` 224
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0007
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0007


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 6 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
` Completed
`(Cleanup Queue)
`Fig. 6
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0008
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0008


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 7 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Queue Manager
`last instruction added
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0009
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0009


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 8 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Stream A
`Stream B
`Register update
`Instruction stream
`to fetch next
` Instruction pending?
`Which stream?
` Fetch
`Decode and
` Instruction
` Instruction
`Execute Instruction
`Fig. 9
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0010
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0010


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 9 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Instruction Opcode
`<@-— Instruction Word
`282———_| Operand and Result types|««- Data Word
`283———| Operand A addressor data|<q Operand A Word
`284——_| OperandBaddressor data|<q Operand B Word
`285-——| Operand C addressor data|«q- Operand C Word
`Result address
`For use by Host
`~<@- Result Word
`Fig. 10
`28 27
`20 19 18 17 16 15
`pede]opeode|fpofn]u] lena
` opcode
`Fig. 11
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0011
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0011


`Sheet 10 of 135
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
` <>~2[uls]_»[a]___ssonpesofo}si»[aLO€GbOL€2¥2_[rewlfo}s|_#Jatewl
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0012
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0012


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 11 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`a 1
`Interface --—-
` Input
`I I
`poorer eee ee KKK 4
`I I;_C
` Cbus
`Interface Register}
`Controller Miscellaneous
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0013
`I I I
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0013


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 12 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Prefetch Buffer
`IC CBus
`Miscellaneous Module
`Fig. 14
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0014
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0014


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 13 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`reset ——p>
`instruction to
`Wait for
`decoding to
`complete t10
` Wait for
`to “finish”
`Fig. 15
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0015
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0015


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 14 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Prefetch Buffer Controller
`? —=_——or ree 7
`Instruction Controller Cbus Interface
`Fig. 16
`CBus Interface
`Prefetch Buffer
`Per Module
`(there are 8 different
`Per Module
`Configuration} Per Module Configuration
`CBus Dispatcher
`Fig. 17
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0016
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0016


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 15 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Wait for
` Configure
`Organiser for
`IA operation
`Organizer B
` start
`Data Cache
` Configure
`Main Data
`Organizer C
`Fig. 18
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0017
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0017


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 16 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`ntteoe |
`Switch |
`instruction Controller
`Cbus Interface
`Fig. 19
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0018
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0018


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 17 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
` 1S]9S PJOMzByuoo
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0019
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0019


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 18 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
` jase!9‘ulpeas9‘ul
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0020
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0020


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 19 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Type A
`2827=24.23 20 19 16 15
`Type B
`2827=24 23 0
`Type C
`28 27
`24 23
`8 7
`Fig. 21
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0021
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0021


`Data path
`383 “4 internal rr
`@ --- Hahn
`I Fr comer ae® 1
`aT FO TTT ag
`: 246
`382 ~ input
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 20 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`381~_: external
`: format
`248 :
`Organiser B}
`{Organiser C
`output resut (
`™ external
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0022
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0022


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 21 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`387——~}cH2]ci1|cH0]byte address
`this data
`aN LL
`byte address
`this data
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0023
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0023


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 22 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`byte address
`of this data
`404. —r
`Fig. 29
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0024
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0024


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 23 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`410—» External
`411—» Internal
`Fig. 30
`412 —>Formats bytes pixels bytes
`413 —» External
`Fig. 31
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0025
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0025


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 24 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`from input modules
`MCU/MUV ¢-eeereeeeeeeees
`Fig. 32
`to main
`functional units
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0026
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0026


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 25 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`417 we
`Fig. 33
`data item 1
`3/4[%2 |3/[1|2 bits per channel eet st
`3 channelobjects,
` 421
`Fig. 34
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0027
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0027


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 26 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
` Fig. 36
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0028
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0028


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 27 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`data item 1
`data item 2
`data item 1 j_ch2|chi Fig. 37
`data item 2 | ch2|cht [cho|"
`data item 1
`data item 2
`internal data register,-441cote
`data item 1[ “DTcha|B[ch
`dataitem2{__D_|ch2_|BT cho|
`Fig. 38
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0029
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0029


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 28 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`data item 1
`data item 2
`data item 1
`data item 2
`Fig. 39
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0030
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0030


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 29 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`data item1[
`data item 2
`data item 1
`data item 1
`data item 2
`data item 2
`(replication factor = 1)
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0031
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0031


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 30 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`from main functional units
`383 ‘ internal
`packed unpacked_internal
`i MCU/MUV3----2-----22-220+
` 424
`internal &.| unpacked
`handling q............--..--
`lane swap
` 454
`Fig. 42
`to output modules << 384
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0032
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0032


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 31 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`data item 1 a
`“| ch2_ [cht
`data item 2
`Fig. 43
`2 bits per channel
`data item 1
`data item 2
`data item 1
`data item 2
`Fig. 44
`3 channel objects,
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0033
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0033


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 32 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`addressof |
`output stream--._
`3 channel objects,
`2 bits per channel
` address of
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0034
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0034


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 33 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`data item 1) ch3|ch2|chi|ch0
`data item 2} ch3|ch2|ch1|cho
` data item 1
`YYa2cho|data item 2
`"byte not
`Fig. 47
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0035
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0035


`jsscum|weafon|is]ar|os¢€bG9L86OLLLCLELHLGLOLZL8bGL02Le22€%beGZ9%Le82BZOELE ‘(dupOJ)
`9SI|BWIOU jsean:|wea|on|as]an|os¢€bGF9286OLLLZiGLHIGbOLLIBI6)Ozlzzz€ZHzSZOZLZBZOZOFLe
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 34 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`0 L
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0036
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0036


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 35 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Input Data Word
`Central Graphics
`Output Data
`Fig. 49
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0037
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0037


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 36 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Input Data Word
`Buffer (FIFO)
`317°°" 0
`Input Register (REG1)
`Output Register (REG2)
`Pixel Data
`Fig. 50
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0038
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0038


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 37 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`optional 4pre-
`destination <
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0039
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0039


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 38 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
` minor
`| blend start] blend start| blend start] blendstart) 4 Operand A Word
`“~4 channel 3| channel 2 | channel 4 | channel 0 |

`“hlendendl blend end! blend end|blendend |
`oe Ger
`a«ag— Operand 6 Word
`i channel 3 channel 2} channel 1 |channel 0
`Are |
`Operand C addressor data
`| <— Operand C Word
`Fig. 53
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0040
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0040


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 39 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`2 475
`tiie address
`~<_ Operand A Word
`Fig. 54
`tile start offset
`Operand C address or data
`tile length - 1
`@— Operand B Word
`“~~ 478
`| ~<e— Operand C Word
`tile length (bytes) (478)
`tile start offset (bytes) (477)
`tile address (byte address) (476)
`Fig. 55
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0041
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0041


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 40 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Colour Value] 00000100
`482—Fractional Table (8bit) a
`Sa 4
`Interval Table (4 bit)
`‘a 4
`Fig. 56
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0042
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0042


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 41 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Sf f
`Interval and
`fraction values
`for channel 2
`Interval and
`fraction values
`for channel 1
`Interval and
`fraction values
`for channel 0
`Fig. 57
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0043
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0043


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 42 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0044
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0044


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 43 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Input Value
`Fig. 59
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0045
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0045


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 44 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Memory Bank 1
`Memory Bank 0
`512 x 8 bit
`Stage 1: Fracr P| 550
`Stage 2: Fracgyey4a
`Stage 3: Fracsmi[----
`Fig. 60
`Output Colour
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0046
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0046


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 45 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`4x8bit fo
`52 128
`Memory Address
`Fig. 61
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0047
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0047


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 46 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`128 x 32 bit
` Memory Bank 1 Memory Bank 0
`Stage 3:
`Frac_b a
`Fig. 62
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0048
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0048


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 47 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`2 bit
`7 bit
`tag address
`line address
`~—«@ - 32Bits - >»
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0049
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0049


`Sheet 48 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0050
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`A w
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0050


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 49 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Input RGB pixels
`Lookupinterval &
`fractional tables
`Concatenate 4 bit
`intervals to form
`12 bit address
`Convert 12 bit address
`to 8 x 9 bit bank address
`Remap9 bit addresses
`Compare9 bit
`addresseswith tag
`Read output colour
`values from external
`memory into cache
`Look up output colour
`values from cache
`0 utput CYMK
`.Fig. 65
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0051
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0051


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 50 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`= fore
`wa” LLL
`aw LLL
`sf tr
`x fT
`© AT
`iffiltering: Y
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0052
` DINS||tT|
`= |iCOSee
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0052


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 51 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
` V1|O[VIUTY|611
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0053
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0053


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 52 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Pbusinterface to PO
`Cbus interface to IC
` 632
`to all JPEG
`| Obus
`to OOB
`f Pbusinterface to RO
`Fig. 68
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0054
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0054


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 53 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1
`Jf 622
`dct submodule
`to all
`interface Pbusinterface
`coefficient coder 648
`Pbus interface
`—= =
`Fig. 69
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0055
`Patent Owner Monterey Research, LLC
`Ex. 2002, 0055


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 11, 2001
`Sheet 54 of 135
`US 6,289,138 B1

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