`©ongress of tlye �niteh �tabs
`�=louse of �cprcscntnti&cs
`�nslyington, �.<IL 20515
`April 15, 2020
`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`Secretary to the Commission
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, SW, Room 112
`Washington, DC 20436
`Re: Certain Tobacco Heating Articles and Components Thereof. DN 3447
`Dear Secretary Barton:
`I am writing to express my views regarding a request recently received by the U.S. International
`Trade Commission (ITC) to exclude the IQOS heat not bum product from the U.S. market. While I take
`no sides on the merits of the claims brought before the ITC, I believe such action could have an adverse
`impact on the public interest. IQOS is a special type of potentially reduced risk product that, after years of
`careful evaluation, has been authorized for sale by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is my
`understanding that no other HNB or e-cigarette has received this FDA authorization.
`In order to reduce the harm associated with cigarette smoking, American smokers need access to
`and information about a wide range of products. Exclusion of IQOS frustrates this goal and it also runs
`to the intent of Congress laid out in the 2009 Tobacco Control Act. This Act provided FDA with
`the authority over tobacco products, and also provided a pathway for products like IQOS to come to U.S.
`market. IQOS was authorized by FDA for the protection of public health
`1 and in its press release FDA noted
`Philip Morris Products, S.A.
`Exhibit 1043
`1 https://www.fda.g011/news•events/press-announcements/fda-permits•sale•lqos•tobacc11-heatlng•system-through-premarket-tobacco•
`WASHINGTON, o.c. Ornce
`1110 LONGWO�TH House OFF1ce 8uoL01NG • WASHINGTON, D.C.20515
`PHONE 202 225,3032 • FAX 202 225.0181
`PHONE 919.782,4400 • FAX 919,782,4490
`Ex. 1043-001


`Commrnee on WAVsANDMeans
`@Inngrezaof the flflniteh51am.
`ideas: of afleprescntniifics
`mashingtnn, 3315.20515
`that IQOS is “appropriate for the protection of the public health because, among several key considerations,
`the products produce fewer or lower levels of some toxins than combustible cigarettes.”
`Though only recently available in the United States, IQOS is available in over 50 countries today,
`and now has nearly 14 million users worldwide, with conversion rates of approximately 71%2. For
`example, in Japan, the first IQOS market, IQOS “has led to an extremely rapid decline in cigarette sales"
`and “is very strongly connected to smokers switching entirely to” IQOS.
`IQOS “went fi'om 2.2% of the
`total Japanese market in the 2nd quarter of 2016, to 10%just a year later. Combustible cigarette sales fell
`as smokers switched to IQOS, with IQOS already outselling Marlboro.”
`In addition to limiting consumer choices,
`the exclusion of IQOS also threatens American
`agriculture and jobs. Tobacco growers rely on products like IQOS to support
`their families and
`communities, especially as the new industry evolves.
`As the ITC reviews this matter, I urge a carefitl evaluation of these and other effects exclusion of
`IQOS would have on the public health and welfare, in addition to the economic implications in my state.
`Thank you for the important work that you do.
`George Holding
`Member of Congress
`2PMI‘sFourthQuarter EarningsPresentation:luggrflflflgmarrlslntergatlonaLgcs‘wghegmflfig-jlgflfif‘lillim-dlfig-gsmf­
`’ Multlple Submitters Ltr., FDAat 11, 13 (Dee.14, 2017),
`Mi 5: www.fda. av Adviso Committees CommltteesMeetin Materials
`obaccuProductsScientificAdviso Committee ucm593112.htm
`wllfll'lfl'l'flfl. in.
`1110 Louowonm House OFFICEBuaiomo 0 Wnsumcrou, D.C 20515
`- FAX202.225.0181
`Huston Dlsrmcr OFFICE
`5404 FALLSDFNeuse ROAD,SuIrE 103 - RALEIGH.Noam CAROLMA27615
`PHONE519 782.4400 - FAX919 782M190
`Ex. 1043-002

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