`Steven M. Kaplan
`Philip Morris Products, S.A.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 001


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`Kaplan, Steven M.
`Wiley Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dictionary
`ISBN 0-471-40224-9
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`Philip Morris Products, S.A.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 002


`contrast control
`control panel
`computer, control code I. A code utilized to control a device,
`which controls contrast control A circuit, device, or system
`a code piece of equipment, or system. 2. In computers,
`the contrast (2) ofreproduced images.
`which controls an action. Such codes may be in the form of
`contrast medium A substance, usually a dye, which is intro­
`control characters, and are utilized to control programs, pe­
`duced into an organ or other internal body structure which is
`ripheral devices, and the like.
`to analyzed via X-rays, MRI, or other similar medical diag­
`a device, control component A component utilized to control
`nostic procedure, so as to enhance resolution.
`piece of equipment, system, or process.
`contrast range The brightness interval between the lightest
`system. control computer A computer utilized in a control
`and darkest areas on a display screen, such as that of a com­
`Used, for instance, to monitor selected parameters and send
`puter or TV.
`signals which maintain the desired output.
`contrast ratio I. For a display screen, such as that of a com­
`control counter Same as control register.
`puter or TV, the ratio of the brightness ofthe lightest areas,
`screen, such as to that of the darkest areas. 2. For a display
`to control data, pro­control data Computer data utilized
`that of a computer or TV, the ratio of the maximum lumi­
`grams, or hardware devices. Also called
`control informa­
`nance, to the minimum luminance.
`tion (1).
`piece of equipment, control 1. A circuit, device, component,
`control desk Same as console (1 ).
`signal, mechanism, or system, or a combination of these,
`a given mechanism, control device A device which controls
`that operates, regulates, or manages. For instance, a control
`piece of equipment, function, process, or system. An exam­
`effect a regulating, or managing panel. 2. The operating,
`ple is an infrared remote control for electronic equipment.
`circuit, device, component, piece of equipment, signal, or
`control diagram Also called control flow diagram, flow,
`main­system has. 3. The means by which a control system
`chart, or flow diagram. I. A diagram which uses a set of
`which factor or variable tains the desired output. 4. A single
`standard symbols to represent the sequence of operations of
`is varied in two or more experiments in which the remaining
`a system. 2. A diagram which uses a set of standard sym­
`factors and variables are held constant. This is done to bet­
`bols to represent the sequence of operations of a computer
`ter determine the influence of the factor or variable in ques­
`program or system. Such a chart may show, for instance,
`such as a screen, appearing on a computer tion. 5. An object
`the flow of data or the steps of a subroutine.
`push-button or scroll bar, which helps perform an action in a
`control electrode An electrode whose input is used to regu­
`program. 6. Same as control key.
`late the current of one or more other electrodes. For in­
`of correspon­control accuracy In a control system, the level
`stance, the gate electrode in a field-effect transistor.
`dence between the controlled value and the ideal or speci­
`piece a device, control element An element utilized to control
`fied value.
`of equipment, system, or process.
`taken to main­control action In a control system, an action
`control field In a computer record, a field which contains
`tain the desired output.
`control information, such as the type of packet being trans­
`a control agent In a control system, an agent which controls
`control flow diagram Same as control diagram.
`control block A block of computer memory that contains
`a given piece of control function A function which controls
`information used for control purposes.
`equipment, process, or system. For example, functions of a
`control board Same as control panel (1 ).
`computer operating system.
`Control-Break Same as Ctrl-Break.
`control grid The control electrode in a vacuum tube. It is
`information control bus The conductors which carry control
`usually placed between the cathode and the anode.
`between the CPU and other devices within a computer. For
`control-grid bias In a vacuum tube, the average DC voltage
`instance, interrupt request signals are sent over these con­
`applied between the control grid and the cathode.
`control information I. Same as control data. 2. Any infor­
`or sta­control center A location, device, console, terminal,
`mation utilized for control purposes.
`tion which operates, regulates, or manages devices,
`to control control instruction, A computer instruction utilized
`ment, or systems.
`data, programs, or hardware devices. For instance, an in­
`control channel A channel, such as a communications chan­
`struction pertaining to the operation of a peripheral. Also
`nel, that transmits control information.
`control statement (2).
`a device, control character I. A character utilized to control
`keyboards control key A modifier key included on computer
`the computer, piece of equipment, or system. 2. Within
`that is used in combination with other keys to generate a:
`ASCII character set, a control character (1 ). Such a char­
`function. The specific function for any given key combina­
`tion will depend on which program is running. Also calle4
`acter has an assigned numeric value, representing an ASCII
`control (6). Its abbreviation is Ctrl, or Ctrl key.
`code, and controls a function such as backspace. 3. A char­
`acter which is typed in conjunction with the control key,
`the settings control knob A knob utilized to control or adjust
`such as control-A. The specific function for any given key
`of a device or piece of equipment.
`combination will depend on which program is running.
`control language A set of language statements utilized
`piece a device, control circuit I. A circuit utilized to control
`control programs or hardware devices. For example, a
`a circuit of equipment, system, or process. 2. In a computer,
`printer control language.
`which responds to instructions, such as those of a control
`or software control logic The sequence of steps that hardware
`follow, to perform control functions.
`hold­control+click To press a computer mouse button while
`a control mark A control character or code which indicates
`ing down the control key. Used, for instance, to add or re­
`subdivision in a magnetic tape file. Also known as tape.
`move an item to or from an already populated selection. In
`mark (2). Its abbreviation is CM.
`this context it is better suited for non-consecutive items,
`control panel I. A panel in which there are multiple indica­
`items. Its ab­while a shift+click is simpler for consecutive
`tors and devices, such as switches and dials, which enable a
`breviation is Ctrl+click.
`user to monitor and control a system. Used, for instance,
`utilizing control+clicking To select and deselect con-
`control an aircraft. Also called control board, or panel (1 ).
`2.In a computer, a utility program which enables a user to
`Philip Morris Products, S.A.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 003


`control panel program
`ce of
`, of a
`It is
`in for-
`an in­
`erate a
`l called
`lized to
`mple, a
`dicates a
`as tape
`le indica-
`1 enable a
`stance, to
`11anel (1).
`a user to
`convection cooling
`set many system parameters, such as keyboard and mouse
`to memory locations. 2. A unit which controls a given
`characteristics, monitor resolution, and printer settings.
`mechanism, piece of equipment, function, process, or sys­
`Also called control
`panel program.
`program Same as control
`winding A winding that carries a current that controls
`control panel
`panel (2).
`the output of a machine.
`A computer architecture in which multiple
`control parallel
`processors simultaneously and independently execute differ­
`control word A computer word which stores information
`used for a control function.
`ent instructions on different sets of data. Also called multi­
`device A semiconductor device with
`ple instruction stream-multiple data stream.
`precisely defined avalanche voltage characteristics. Such
`point In an automatic control system, the target value
`devices can absorb repeated momentary power surges with­
`towards which the system makes adjustments. In the case of
`out damage.
`a thermostat, for instance, it would be a given temperature.
`diode A semiconductor diode with
`A processor used "in a control system.
`control processor
`precisely defined avalanche voltage characteristics. Such
`program A program which controls the operations of
`diodes can absorb repeated momentary power surges with­
`a computer, performing tasks such as managing system re-
`out damage, and can be used, for instance, for surge sup­
`sources. An operating system is an example of such a pro­
`A type of amplitude modula­
`controlled-carrier modulation
`In a CPU, a register that contains the address
`control register
`tion in which the amplitude of the carrier wave is varied ac­
`of the location in memory that is to be accessed by the next
`cording to the percentage of modulation, providing for an
`instruction. May also refer to the address of the current in­
`essentially constant modulation factor. Also called floating­
`struction. Also called by various other names, including
`or variable-carrier
`carrier modulation,
`control counter, current-instruction register, program
`An enclosure, such as a room, in
`controlled environment
`·counter, program register, instruction register, instruc­
`which measures are taken to provide an environment that
`and sequence
`tion counter,
`meets certain requirements, such as maintaining a specified
`rod A material utilized to control the reactivity of a
`level of temperature and/or humidity, guarding against static
`nuclear reactor by absorbing neutrons. Examples include
`electricity or electromagnetic radiation, or isolating from
`gadolinium, boron, and europium.
`dust. Such environments may be used, for instance, for test­
`room A room which houses the necessary devices
`ing, or to protect sensitive electronic equipment.
`and equipment to monitor and control a facility such as a TV
`robot A robot whose movements are dictated
`recording studio or a nuclear power plant.
`by a controlled-path system.
`The order in which computer instructions
`�ontrol sequence
`system A computer control system in which
`are executed. For instance, the sequence followed while
`a path of movement is numerically described. Used, for in­
`performing a given task.
`stance, in robotics.
`I. A signal utilized to control a device or proc­
`control signal
`A rectifier, such as a silicon-controlled
`controlled rectifier
`ess. In a computer, for instance, such a signal may be an in­
`rectifier, whose output current may be regulated.
`terrupt request. 2. In telecommunications, a sign al that
`I. A circuit board or device which controls the way
`transmits control information. For example, a customer
`peripheral devices access the computer, and vice versa. It is
`picks up a telephone receiver, hears a dial tone, dials a se­
`usually contained on a single chip. Examples include disk
`quence of digits, and then gets a busy sign al. All the tones
`controllers, graphics controllers, and video controllers. Also
`heard are control signals.
`called peripheral or host adapter. 2. A sign al,
`I. A computer statement which controls
`�ontrol statement
`circuit, device, or system which controls any given mecha­
`the flow of execution of a program. For instance, an IF­
`nism, function, process, or piece of equipment. An example
`THEN statement. 2. Same as control instruction.
`is an infrared remote control for electronic equipment. 3. A
`station Within a communications network, the station
`circuit, mechanism, device, or system, which monitors one
`·that manages all operations, such as the orderly flow of traf­
`or more variables, and automatically makes the necessary
`adjustments in order to maintain operation within the speci­
`-t!liltrol system A system utilized to maintain one or more
`fied parameters. Also known as automatic
`4. The
`output quantities within specified parameters. In a closed­
`computer and programs which control a robot. Also called
`ll)Qp control system, a feedback signal is incorporated for
`or robot controller.
`controller system,
`ilii� purpose, while in an open-loop control system there is
`card A circuit board which controls the way pe­
`jio such feedback. The components of a control system may
`ripheral devices access the computer, and vice versa. Ex­
`b� electrical, mechanical, thermal, and so on.
`amples include disk controllers, graphics controllers, and
`control total A total, composed of several numbers taken
`SCSI controllers.
`from a file, which is calculated before, during, and after
`system I. A system which monitors one or more
`processing. The numbers utilized to calculate the total do
`variables, and automatically makes the necessary adjust­
`not necessarily have to be taken from numeric data. Control
`ments, in order to maintain operation within the specified
`' totals are used to verify the accuracy of processed data, or to
`parameters. 2. Same as controller
`; help ensure that transmitted messages have not been tam­
`The transmission of energy or matter through a
`pered with. At all stages the calculated totals must match,
`medium, which is itself moved. For instance, in convection
`Qtherwise there is an error. Also called hash total.
`cooling, the air transferring the heat moves along with the
`•[qgtrol track A track on a recordable magn etic medium, such
`heat. This contrasts with conduction, where the medium
`.'..ffi a tape or a disk, containing control signals such as tape
`itself is not moved as a whole, and with radiation, where
`'; ;pl11yback speed.
`waves or particles are emitted.
`transformer A transformer utilized to supply a con­
`cooling A process by which an object transfers
`:trol device.
`heat to the surrounding air. The heated air is less dense,
`z!�ntrol unit I. In a computer, circuitry that performs control
`hence moving upward so that cooler air is then available for
`fiilfotions such as, sending control signals, interpreting pro-
`further cooling. Used, for instance, to cool components
`1ram instructions, hand! ing peripherals, or managing access
`which generate heat, such as transistors.
`Philip Morris Products, S.A.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 004

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