` ----------
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` ----------
` Petitioner,
` vs.
` Patent Owner.
` ----------
` Case No. IPR2020-00877
` U.S. Patent No. 10,288,840
` Case No. IPR2020-00878
` U.S. Patent No. 10,330,897
` Case No. IPR2020-00906
` U.S. Patent No. 10,225,479
` Deposition of JOSÉ SASIÁN, Ph.D.
` Friday, May 28, 2021
`Reported by:
`Pamela Harrison
`Job No.: 2407
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`DEPOSITION OF JOSÉ SASIÁN, PhD, located in Tucson,
`Arizona, taken on behalf of Patent Owner
`Corephotonics, Ltd., on the 28th day of May 2021,
`before Pamela Harrison, RPR, CRR, CRC,
`MO-CCR #557, IL-CSR #084-003684.
`7 8 9
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` A P P E A R A N C E S:
` Haynes and Boone, LLP
` 2323 Victory Avenue, Suite 700
` Dallas, TX 75219
` 214.651.5078
` Russ August & Kabat
` 12424 Wilshire Blvd., 12th Floor
` Los Angeles, CA 90025
` 310.826.7474
`2 3
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` A P P E A R A N C E S:
` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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` I N D E X
` May 28, 2021
` Questions by Mr. Rubin 10
` ERRATA 140
`3 4
`7 8
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` May 28, 2021
` (No exhibits proffered.)
` 1001 US Patent Number 10,330,897 B2 86
` 1003 Declaration of José Sasián, 42
` Ph.D. under 37 C.F.R. § 1.68,
` APPL-1003 ('840 patent)
` Declaration of José Sasián, 95
` Ph.D. under 37 C.F.R. § 1.68
` ('897 patent)
` 1005 US Patent 7,859,588 B2 65
` US Patent Number 9,128.267 B2, 127
` APPL-1005
` 1011 Patent Number 7,561,191 17
` 1012 English translation of the 62
` Kawamura patent, APPL-1012
` 1013 Declaration of José Sasián, 51
` PhD, under 37 C.F.R. § 1.68 in
` Support of Petitioner’s Reply,
` APPL-1013
` 1015 Translated version of Japanese 108
` Patent 2013-106289, APPL-1015
` 1021 Declaration of José Sasián, 48
` PhD, under 37 C.F.R. § 1.68 in
` Support of Petition
` for Inter Partes Review,
` APPL-1021
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`Page 7
` 1022 Declaration of José Sasián, 14
` PhD, under 37 C.F.R. § 1.68
` in Support of Petitioner
` Reply, APPL-1022 /
` IPR2020-00877
` 1026 US Patent 5,546,236, APPL-1026 67
` 1035 Japanese Patent 201, 3-106289, 108
` APPL-1035
` 1036 US Patent 9,223,118 B2, 116
` APPL-1036
` 1037 Declaration of José Sasián, 16
` PhD, under 37 C.F.R. § 1.68
` in Support of Petitioner
` Reply, APPL-1037 /
` IPR2020-0087
` 1039 Declaration of José Sasián, 16
` PhD, under 37 C.F.R. § 1.68 in
` Support of Petitioner’s Reply,
` APPL-1039
` 2004 Excerpts from "Introduction to 119
` Lens Design"
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` (On the record at 9:09 a.m.
` Pacific Time.)
`Page 8
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We are
`on the record. Today's date is May 28, 2021. The
`time is 9:09 a.m. Pacific Time.
` This is the video-recorded deposition of
`Dr. José Sasián in the matter of Apple
`Incorporated versus Corephotonics, Limited. This
`is in the United States Patent and Trademark
`Office, Case Numbers IPR2020-00877, IPR2020-00878,
`and IPR2020-00906.
` This deposition is taking place via web
`videoconference with all attendants --
`participants attending remotely. The videographer
`is Kevin Crowley, representing TransPerfect. The
`court reporter is Pamela Harrison.
` Counsel, could you please identify
`yourselves and whom you represent, beginning with
`the questioning attorney, followed by the reporter
`swearing in the witness. Thank you.
` MR. RUBIN: Good morning. This is Neil
`Rubin of Russ August & Kabat representing the
`patent owner, Corephotonics, Limited.
` MS. SIVINSKI: Good morning. Stephanie
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`Sivinski with Haynes and Boone. I represent Apple
`Inc., the petitioner. And with me today are my
`colleagues Michael Parsons and Jordan Maucotel,
`also with Haynes and Boone.
` THE REPORTER: Will counsel please
`stipulate that in lieu of formally swearing in the
`witness, I will instead ask the witness to
`acknowledge that his testimony will be true under
`the penalties of perjury, that counsel will not
`object to the admissibility of the transcript
`based on proceeding in this way, and that the
`witness has verified that he is, in fact, José
` Counsel?
` MS. SIVINSKI: We will stipulate.
` MR. RUBIN: And we will stipulate as
` THE REPORTER: Doctor, would you please
`raise your right hand.
` Do you hereby acknowledge that your
`testimony will be true under the penalties of
` THE REPORTER: Thank you.
` Counsel, you may proceed.
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`of lawful age, having been first duly sworn to
`testify the truth, the whole truth, and nothing
`but the truth says in reply to oral
`interrogatories propounded as follows, to wit:
` Q. Good morning, Mr. Sasián.
` A. Good morning, Mr. Rubin.
` Q. So you've been deposed a number of times
`before; is that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And at least one of those depositions in
`the past couple of months was taken by me and was
`done over Zoom, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. And so you're familiar with
`the deposition process; is that right?
` A. I have some familiarity with it.
` Q. And you're familiar with the Zoom
`software and comfortable being deposed over Zoom?
` A. Yes.
` Q. As comfortable as anyone is in a
`deposition, I suppose.
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` So you are aware that, under the rules
`governing the deposition today, you're not allowed
`to, at any point during my questioning, discuss
`your testimony or my questions with anyone else;
`do you understand that?
` A. Yes.
` MS. SIVINSKI: Just to clarify, issues
`about attorney-client privilege are an exception
`to that rule.
` Go ahead.
` A. Yes, I am aware of.
` Q. And so you understand you're not allowed
`to communicate with anyone, for example, through
`your computer or phone or anything like that,
`while we're on the record, correct?
` A. As I understand, to communicate
`regarding what is happening in this deposition.
`Though if in the break time I check my email, is
`that okay?
` Q. So I have no problem with you checking
`your email during the break as long as that email
`has nothing to do with the deposition.
` Is that all right?
` A. Yes. Thank you.
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` Q. All right. And so during breaks, you
`won't discuss with Apple's counsel or with anyone
`else your testimony or my questions or questions
`that I may ask in the future. And again, I'm
`referring to breaks in my questioning; that is,
`before Apple's attorneys have their chance to ask
`their questions.
` Do you understand that?
` A. Well, so there are two types of breaks:
`one is when the record stops, and another when we
`are -- you are asking and I am answering. I
`started to get confused, then.
` Q. All right. So let me -- let me try to
`make this a little bit simpler.
` So when we take a break while I'm still
`asking you questions and we go off the record, you
`agree that during those breaks we're off the
`record, you're not going to discuss with Apple's
`counsel or anyone else your testimony, my
`questions, or questions that you expect I might
` A. Yes. I agree with that.
` Q. All right. Thank you.
` Is there any reason that you're aware of
`today that you can't give your full and complete
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`testimony on the subjects of this deposition?
` A. At this moment, I don't have any reason
`not to do so.
` Q. Okay. So you're not suffering from any
`illness or taking any medication that would affect
`your memory or your ability to understand and
`answer questions?
` A. No.
` Q. All right. And you're -- well, let me
`step back.
` Do you have any questions about the
`deposition process before we proceed?
` A. No. I think -- I believe I understand
`to a good extent what is expected from me. And,
`yes, I will follow your guidelines.
` Q. And do you have any notes or other
`documents with you today that you might consult in
`answering my questions?
` A. No. Here on this table, I don't think I
`have any document related to the deposition. And
`in the computer, there are folders with my
`declarations and supporting documents, but I will
`not touch those unless you direct me to do so.
` Q. Okay.
` A. I have created a folder to download the
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`exhibits for today, and I will only access that
`folder unless you direct me to otherwise.
` Q. Okay. So using the chat function in
`Zoom, I've uploaded -- I've actually uploaded five
`documents so far. The first two are deposition
`notices, which you don't need to download, unless
`you'd like to. But I would like you right now to
`download the last three documents.
` A. Okay. I have them now.
` Q. So you should see on your screen now one
`of those documents, which is Exhibit 1022 from
`IPR2020-00877; do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. So as you know, there are three
`IPRs that you've submitted reply declarations in
`that are the subject of today's deposition. Those
`are IPR2020-00877, -00878, and -00906.
` And you submitted a declaration in each
`one of those three IPRs; is that right?
` A. I don't recall the -- or I don't go by
`the numbers you mentioned. I recall the documents
`I submitted as related to the '897, '840, and
`'470, and '479 patents.
` Q. Okay. Okay. Well, I will -- I will try
`to make it -- so I probably for the -- to make the
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`record clear, I'll probably, when I'm introducing
`exhibits, identify the IPR that they were
`introduced in using the last three digits of the
`IPR number. So that would be 877, 878, and 906.
` Just so you know, the reason I'm doing
`that is, if I use the patent numbers, there are
`actually two IPRs that have been filed against the
`'479 patent. So if I just use the patent number,
`there might be some ambiguity. But I will also
`try to make it clear which patent the IPR that
`we're talking about refers to -- or relates to by
`using the patent number '840, '897 or '479.
`Hopefully, that won't be confusing. If at any
`point you are confused about what proceeding a
`document comes from, let me know, okay?
` A. Thank you.
` Q. So in front of us on the screen is your
`declaration from the 00877 IPR, which concerns the
`'840 patent, okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And to be clear, this is your reply
`declaration or your declaration in support of
`Apple's reply, okay?
` All right. So then the -- another
`document that I've uploaded in the chat function
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`is Exhibit 1037 from the 00878 IPR, which is the
`IPR concerning the '897 patent, okay?
` And then on the screen now is
`Exhibit 1039 from IPR-00906, which is one of the
`IPRs concerning the '479 patent.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` I should remind that occasionally, the
`internet may go here for maybe for seconds.
`Please work with me, and I'll be back, just in
`case the internet stops here briefly.
` Q. Okay. Have you had problems with the
`internet since we've been on the record, or was
`there anything that you missed?
` A. No. No.
` Q. Okay.
` A. I haven't had any problems in the last
`few days, but it could happen, and I wanted you to
`be aware of.
` Q. Okay. So the three declarations that
`we've just looked at, at least the first page of
`each, are you aware of any errors in any of these
`declarations, sitting here today?
` A. There might be a clerical error on the
`IPR-878 regarding a reference to Dr. Milster
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`deposition transcript.
` Q. Do you recall where in that declaration
`that error was?
` A. I think it's paragraph 18.
` Q. Is this the paragraph you had in mind?
`You can feel free to look at your copy of the
`document if that helps.
` A. Okay. Let me open it.
` Actually, it's paragraph 21.
` Q. Okay.
` A. The last reference in that paragraph
`appears to be incorrect.
` Q. Okay. Do you know what the correct
`citation to Dr. Milster would be?
` A. Not at this moment.
` Q. Okay. So I'd like to turn to your
`declaration from the 877 IPR concerning the '840
` So -- all right. So I've just uploaded,
`using the chat function, a copy of Exhibit 1001
`from the 877 IPR, which is the patent to May, et
`al., US Patent Number 7,561,191.
` Do you see that on the screen?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you recall offering opinions about
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`this patent, right?
` A. Yes.
` MS. SIVINSKI: Neil, just so the record
`is clear, I think this is Exhibit 1011, not 1001.
` MR. RUBIN: That's exactly right, and I
`misspoke. So I meant to say Exhibit 1011.
` Q. Okay. So see on -- at the bottom of
`Column 11, in May, starting at line 66, it says
`"In a preferred embodiment, the image sensors 12
`and 14 are single-chip color Megapixel CCD
`sensors, using the well-known Bayer color filter
`pattern to capture color images."
` Do you see that?
` A. Could you please say again the column
`and lines?
` Q. So what I read is from Column 11,
`line 66, through Column 12, line 1.
` A. Would you please move a little bit up
`the document? Okay.
` Q. Does that help?
` A. Yeah, it helps on the Column 11.
` Q. And really, what I'm -- what I'm going
`to ask you about is just the portion of the
`sentence in Column 11 which says "the image
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`sensors 12 and 14 are single-chip color Megapixel
`CCD sensors."
` Do you see that?
` Okay. So would you agree that CCD
`sensors are generally fabricated on a silicon
` A. They can be fabricated in a silicon
`chip, yes, in a silicon wafer.
` Q. All right. And are you aware of any
`other way that CCDs are made other than as silicon
`chips in a silicon wafer?
` Let me withdraw that question and ask
`another question.
` Are you aware of any other way that
`megapixel CCD sensors are made other than as
`silicon chips fabricated on a silicon wafer?
` A. It might be possible to fabricate them
`in other type of substrates, semiconductor
` Q. So when you say "other types of
`semiconductor substrates," you're saying
`semiconductors other than silicon?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are you aware of any examples of a
`megapixel CCD sensor that is made some other way
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`than in a semiconductor chip fabricated in a
`semiconductor wafer?
` A. Other than silicon?
` Q. So my question was -- so I take it that
`CCDs can be made as semiconductor chips on
`semiconductor wafers.
` And my question is whether there's
`any -- whether you're aware of megapixel CCDs ever
`being made any way other than as semiconductor
`chips on semiconductor wafers?
` A. I don't understand the question. Could
`you please rephrase it?
` Q. Okay. So earlier, I asked a question
`about silicon wafers and silicon chips. And you
`pointed out in your answer that, well, you might
`make a CCD using some semiconductor other than
` So now I'm -- I'm asking a question
`that's not limited to silicon; it can be any sort
`of semiconductor. But my question is: Would you
`agree that megapixel CCD sensors are made as
`semiconductor chips on semiconductor wafers?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are you aware of any way of making a
`megapixel CCD that does not involve making it as a
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`semiconductor chip on a semiconductor wafer?
` A. Not at this moment.
` Q. All right. Now, the May patent also
`gives CMOS sensors as an example of a sensor one
`could use.
` Would you agree that CMOS sensors are
`also made as semiconductor chips fabricated on
`semiconductor wafers?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now, you would agree that a
`semiconductor chip is not a printed circuit board,
` A. Yes, I agree.
` Q. So when May says that Sensors 12 and 14
`are single-chip CCD sensors, it's not saying that
`12 or 14 are printed circuit boards, correct?
` A. It is not saying that the CCD or CMOS
`sensors' chips are printed circuit boards; but
`being an electronic component, it has to be
`mounted. And it would be mounted on a printed
`circuit board because either sensor, the CCD or
`the CMOS, has many electrical terminals, and those
`would be registered with a printed circuit board
`that would be miniature in size because of the
`miniature size of the sensor chip -- or not
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`miniature size. It can be larger. But given the
`plurality of electrical connections that such
`sensors carry, they need to be mounted on -- I am
`unaware that such chips are not mounted on a
`printed circuit board.
` (Reporter clarification.)
` Q. So is it your -- withdrawn.
` Are you saying that it's impossible to
`use a semiconductor chip without mounting it on a
`printed circuit board?
` A. No, I'm not saying that it's impossible.
`But in my experience -- I'm recalling, for
`example, both the Parulski reference and the Ryu
`reference that show such a chip mounted on a PC
`board that gives examples of how such a chip is
`mounted on a circuit board. And I have
`disassembled camera assemblies, and the
`semiconductor chip is mounted on a little circuit
`board to make the connections and perhaps add some
`other electronic components.
` Q. So on your screen now, you should see
`Figures 24A and 24B from the May patent,
`Exhibit 1011.
` Do you see that?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. And these figures show us what the
`patent calls a substrate element 620.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And it's your opinion that that
`substrate is a printed circuit board; is that
` A. Could you please send to me that
`reference to review it, please?
` Q. Yes. So it's already in the chat
`function. You can go ahead and download it if
`you'd like.
` A. Okay. Just a second, please.
` I am having a little bit of problem
`here. Just a second.
` Okay. I am trying to get there, but I'm
`having somehow a problem.
` MS. SIVINSKI: Do you want to go off the
`record so you can find the record?
` Q. Do you have a copy of this on your local
`computer? Is this one of the files that you --
` A. I have downloaded -- I have downloaded,
`but the problem is that somehow, I couldn't access
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`Page 24
`the folder. So let me -- okay. And now I am
`opening the patent.
` It's open now. And let me scroll down.
` On Column 23, line about 48, it reads
`"Each lens 612 and 616 and each associated image
`sensor 614 and 618 are mounted to the
`substrate 620 with an IR cut filter."
` Then in the next sentence, it says
`"Electronic components 624, such as resistors,
`capacitors and power management components, are
`also mounted on the substrate 620. The image
`signals are taken from the substrate 620 via a
`flex connector 626."
` And if we go to the original Figure 24,
`the statements that I just read point out that
`such substrate is the -- it's a printed circuit
`board, because it's where electronic components
`are mounted and because there is a flex connector
`to carry the electrical signals.
` So I believe -- I believe that -- or I
`should say in this way, May is disclosing a
`printed circuit board.
` Q. Okay. So the substrate 620 in May you
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`believe is a printed circuit board because the
`sensor is mounted on it and -- the sensors are
`mounted on it and other electronic components are
`also mounted on it; is that -- am I understanding
`that correctly?
` A. In addition, the flex cable that clearly
`identifies it as the connector for the electrical
` Q. All right. Now, the embodiments in
`May's Figure 10, which show folded lenses, or
`embodiments that contain folded lenses, none of
`those embodiments is shown as having a substrate
`that the sensor is mounted on; would you agree?
` A. Well, I don't agree that -- well, it's
`not clear to me that those components are
`folded -- are folded lenses.
` Q. Okay. But the embodiments that are
`shown in the various examples of Figure 10 have
`sensors which are labeled 12 or 14 or 16; would
`you agree?
` A. I would call them camera assemblies.
` Q. Okay. But in Figure 10A, for example,
`Element 12 is the sensor; is that right?
` A. Well, it could be.
` Q. Okay. So let's turn to Column 7.
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`Starting at line 16, it says "In a first
`embodiment, a digital camera employs a first fixed
`focal length wide angle lens 2 with a first image
`sensor 12, and a zoom lens 3 with a second image
`sensor 14."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then starting at line 36, it says,
`"In a second embodiment, a digital camera employs
`a first zoom lens 3 with an image sensor 14, and a
`second zoom lens 4 with an image sensor 16."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So turning back to Figure 10, you'd
`agree that the elements labeled here -- 12, 14,
`and 16 -- are image sensors, right?
` A. Could you please tell me what are the
`columns in May that refer to those elements so
`that I can read them here on my copy of May?
` Q. Sure. What I just read from May was in
`Column 7, and specifically lines 16 through 18,
`and lines 36 through 38.
` A. Thank you. Let me go through them.
` Could you please repeat the question?
` Q. So my question was: In Figure 10, you'd
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`agree that the elements labeled 12, 14, and 16 are
`image sensors, correct?
` A. I need to review my 877 declaration so I
`have it in front of me.
` Q. Are you asking for a copy of it or --
` A. No.
` Q. -- you're asking for your reply
`declaration or the original declaration?
` A. It's my reply declaration --
` Q. Okay.
` A. -- that you put in the chat function and
`that I downloaded earlier today, meaning the
`beginning of the deposition.
` Q. Are you asking me permission to review?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You can review.
` A. Thank you.
` Q. Yeah. I guess, just generally, you can
`feel free to review any of the documents that I've
`shared in the chat function without asking
`permission. If you'd just let me know that you're
`reviewing it, that --
` A. Thank you.
` Q. -- would be helpful.
` A. To answer your question, I bring
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`Corephotonics Exhibit 2042
`Apple v. Corephotonics, IPR2020-00878
`Page 27 of 159


`Page 28
`attention to Figure 24, 24A, that shows the
`printed circuit board and the flex connector.
` Q. Okay. So my question was whether the --
` A. I think --
` Q. I asked you some questions about
`Figure 24 a few minutes ago, but now I'm asking
`questions about Figure 10 and the embodiment
`that's shown in Figure 10.
` A. Yeah. What happened is that I didn't
`finish answering.
` Q. Okay.
` A. I was --
` Q. Please go ahead.
` A. I was answering.
` So to answer your question, I was saying
`that I bring attention to Figure 24A where
`previously I said that substrate 620 would be
`understood as a printed circuit board, and then
`with the flex connector 626, in view of this
`figure that shows that something -- it's extended
`from the position of the lenses.
` The Figures 10, 10D, 10E, 10F that you
`brought in asking your question on whether the --
`the particular figures' features, let me bring the
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 -
`Corephotonics Exhibit 2042
`Apple v. Corephotonics, IPR2020-00878
`Page 28 of 159


`Page 29
`numbers on those figures. I think you mentioned
`Items 12, 14 -- 14, 16.
` So in consideration of Figure 24A that
`shows extending parts, the answer to your question
`is that Elements 12, 14, 16 could be the image
`sensors, but they also -- the image sensors could
`be also located beneath the Lenses 2 and 3. I
`think that is my understanding.
` Q. All right. So I'd like to turn back

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