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` APPLE, INC., )
` ) IPR2020-00905
` Petitioner, ) IPR2020-00906
` )
` vs. )
` )
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` C O N F I D E N T I A L
` Videotaped Deposition of Expert Witness
` Tuesday, June 8, 2021 - 10:05 a.m. (EST)
`Reported By:
`Mayleen Ahmed, RMR, CRR, CRC, CSR
`Job No.: 2491
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
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`On behalf of the Petitioner:
` 2323 Victory Avenue - Suite 700
` Dallas, Texas 75219
` 214.651.5078
` -and-
` 6000 Headquarters Drive - Suite 200
` Plano, Texas 75024
` 972.739.8611
`On behalf of the Patent Owner:
` 12424 Wilshire Boulevard - 12th floor
` Los Angeles, California 90025
` 310.826.7474
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`BY MR. RUBIN .............................. 5
` ---o0o---
`------------- REFERENCED DOCUMENTS ----------------
`Exhibit 1001 U.S. Patent No. 10,225,479 43
`Exhibit 1038 Declaration of Frédo 7
` Durand, Ph.D. (reply)
`Exhibit 2008 3/7/15 email chain to/from
` Townsend/Cohen re: Sample
` videos
`Exhibit 2015 Declaration of Duncan 11
` Moore, Ph.D.
`Exhibit 2001 Declaration of John C. 16
` Hart, Ph.D.
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` ---------------
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are on the record
`on June 8, 2021, at 10:05 a.m. Eastern time for the
`remote video deposition of Dr. Frédo Durand in the
`matter of Apple, Incorporated versus Corephotonics
` My name is Kimberly Villalobos, and I'm
`the videographer. All present will be noted on the
`stenographic record.
` Will the court reporter please swear in
`the witness.
` THE REPORTER: I'm going to ask that you
`please raise your right hand.
` Do you solemnly swear under penalty of
`perjury that you are Dr. Frédo Durand, and the
`testimony you are about to give in the matter now
`pending shall be the truth, the whole truth, and
`nothing but the truth?
` THE REPORTER: Thank you.
` ----------------
` having been duly sworn, testified as follows:
` ----------------
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` Q. Good morning, Professor Durand.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. So this is not your first deposition
`in an IPR between Apple and Corephotonics; is that
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Do you know how many depositions you've
`had so far in the -- in those IPRs?
` A. I can't quite keep track because some of
`them are multiple IPRs for the same deposition. But
`I would say, is it the fifth one maybe?
` Q. The fifth one, you said?
` A. Yes. Although, as I said, I struggle to
`keep track of numbers.
` Q. Fair enough.
` And do you know how many times you've
`been deposed in total?
` A. One more time in another case.
` Q. Okay. So this would be roughly your
`seventh deposition; is that right?
` A. Possible, yes. In that range.
` Q. Okay.
` So I think you're familiar with the
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`process so I won't belabor the preliminaries here.
` Do you have any questions about the
`deposition process?
` A. No, not at --
` Q. All right.
` A. -- this point.
` Q. And you understand one rule that does
`apply specifically to depositions before -- in cases
`before the PTAB is that during the portion of
`today's deposition where I'm the one asking you
`questions, so that will probably be a few hours,
`you're not allowed to have any communications either
`while we're on the record or during breaks with
`anyone, for Apple or anyone else, about your
`testimony or my questions, or questions that you
`anticipate I'll ask or answers you might give to
`such questions?
` Do you understand that?
` A. I understand.
` Q. Is there any reason today that you can't
`give full and complete testimony at the dep- -- at
`this deposition?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you have any documents or notes with
`you today that relate to the subject matter of this
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`deposition that you'll -- that you're able to access
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`during the deposition?
` A. No.
` Q. So I've just shared using the Zoom chat
`function, a document that's been filed as exhibit,
`Apple Exhibit 1038 in both of the IPRs we're here to
`discuss today. And those IPRs, for the record, are
`IPR 2020-00905 and IPR 2020-00906, both concerning
`U.S. Patent No. 10,255,479.
` So if you -- and feel free to download
`any of the exhibits that I share during the chat
`function and review a local copy.
` Have you had a chance to download --
` A. I have.
` Q. -- Exhibit 1038?
` A. Yes, I had.
` Q. Very good.
` MR. RUBIN: I apologize. I'm going to
`need to disconnect and reconnect to Zoom in order to
`share my screen.
` I don't think we need to go off the
`record unless folks want to.
` (Pause in the proceedings.)
` Q. All right. Sorry for that little
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`technical hiccup.
` Okay. So you should see on the screen a
`copy of Exhibit 1038 which I've shared.
` Are you able to see that?
` A. Yes, I can see it.
` Q. So is it your understanding -- well,
` Is it correct that you prepared a single
`declaration to support the replies in both IPR
`2020-00905 and IPR 2020-00906?
` A. Yes, that's correct.
` Q. And so at least as far as you know, the
`same declaration was filed as Exhibit 1038 in both
`of those IPRs concerning the '479 patent; is that
` A. As far as I know, yes.
` Q. I take it you recognize the document
`that I've shared as that Declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Sitting here right now, are there any
`errors that you're aware of in this Declaration or
`in any of your declarations in these IPRs?
` A. No.
` Q. So there's -- sitting here right now,
`there's nothing that you'd like to correct in any of
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`your declarations in these IPRs; is that right?
` A. That's right.
` MR. RUBIN: And just so I don't forget,
`I haven't done it yet, but I'm fairly certain that
`we will be discussing during the deposition
`materials that are designated under the Protective
` And the version of Exhibit 1038 that
`I've shared contains materials designated under the
`Protective Order. So I'd like to designate the
`transcript of this deposition as confidential under
`the Protective Order in this IPR.
` MS. SIVINSKI: We don't have any
`objection to that at this point.
` MR. RUBIN: Thank you.
` Q. So turning to page 4 of your reply
`declaration, you list materials that you
`considered -- well, withdrawn.
` On page 4, you have a sentence that
` "In forming my opinions, I have
` considered the materials noted in my previous
` initial declaration as well as the following
` additional materials."
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` And then you list eight numbers or
`categories of documents. Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are you aware that in the -- withdrawn.
` Are you aware that Corephotonics has
`submitted a declaration by Professor Duncan Moore
`addressing certain issues in the -00906 IPR?
` A. Can I see Dr. Hart's deposition?
` Q. I'm sorry. Dr. Hart's deposition? I
`was asking about Dr. Moore.
` A. Yes, I understand you're asking about
`Dr. Moore. I'm trying to remember if I saw it cited
`in Dr. Hart's deposition or not.
` Q. I'm sorry. In his deposition or in his
` A. Declaration. Sorry.
` Q. Okay. Well, let me start off by showing
`you Dr. Moore's declaration, which is maybe the way
`to get to the point.
` And if you need to see --
` A. As you know, it's going to take me --
`yeah, as you know, it's going to take me a little
`bit of time to download it 'cause Zoom is slow at
`file transferring. But it's going to happen.
` Q. Okay. Let me know when you've been able
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`to download it.
` A. Still slowly progressing.
` Almost there.
` Okay. I have it, yes.
` Q. Do you know if you've seen this
`declaration before that is, Exhibit 2015 in
`the -00906 IPR, the Declaration of Duncan Moore,
` A. I don't recall reading it.
` Q. Okay. All right.
` So, you know, to an earlier question you
`asked, I will represent to you that Dr. Hart does
`cite to this declaration at least once, and --
`yeah, I'll represent to you that that's the case.
` And are you aware that Apple has also
`submitted a declaration in support of its reply in
`the -00906 IPR by Professor Sasian?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And I'm going to -- I know there are
`multiple experts and multiple declarations, and I'm
`not trying to confuse you about this.
` But my understanding is that,
`particularly for the -906 IPR, Apple submitted
`declarations from you and Professor
`Sasian addressing different aspects of the claims in
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`the prior art.
` My client responded with declarations
`from Professor Hart and Professor Moore sort of
`aligned with the division of labor that Apple used.
`And then, in the reply, Apple submitted declarations
`from you and from Professor Sasian.
` So that's my under- -- I think that's a
`fair summary of what the various -- the respective
`declarations are in the -906 IPR.
` And you don't have an understanding
`that's inconsistent with what I've just said, do
` A. I do not.
` Q. And so it would be fair to say that you
`don't offer any opinions in these IPRs that are
`meant to rebut or disagree with opinions that have
`been offered by Dr. Moore?
` A. I rely -- I rely on Dr. Sasian for
`the -- for the lens design issues.
` Q. Right. And you're not offering any
`independent opinion on lens design issues in these
`IPRs; is that right?
` A. I rely on Dr. Sasian for the lens design
` Q. And in particular, is it correct that
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`you're not offering any opinion on whether or how a
`person skilled in the art might have scaled the
`lenses that are disclosed in the Kawamura or Ogata
`prior art references to use in the combination that
`Apple is proposing in the -906 IPR?
` A. For this issue, I relied on the -- on
`Sasian's expertise since he's more knowledgeable
`than I am about this topic.
` And his opinion in that matter matches
`in my understanding of lens design and scaling of
` Q. So you just referred to your
`understanding of lens design and scaling of lenses.
` You haven't offered any opinions in your
`declarations in these cases -- in these IPRs about
`your understanding of lens design or scaling of
`lenses; is that right?
` A. No. My opinion relies -- in my
`declaration, my opinion relies on Dr. Sasian for the
`lens design and scaling. Yes.
` Q. And I take it you're not claiming to be
`an expert in lens design or in scaling of lenses; is
`that right?
` A. Certainly not in the way Dr. Sasian is
`an expert.
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` Q. Okay.
` In Section IV of your reply
`declaration -- and I'll probably use the term "reply
`declaration" to refer to Exhibit 1038.
` So in Section IV of that reply
`declaration, you address the issue of secondary
`considerations? You can see that in your Table of
`Contents here.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Prior to your work on these IPRs, had
`you heard of the concept of secondary considerations
`as it relates to patent law?
` A. No.
` Q. Your original declarations in these IPRs
`had a section on legal standards. I don't know if
`you recall that.
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the -- you did not address the issue
`of secondary considerations in your original
`declarations; that is, in your declarations that
`were submitted with the petition; is that right?
` A. That's right.
` Q. So those original declarations, in their
`legal standards section, didn't explain what the
`legal standards are for secondary considerations;
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`would you agree?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So what is your understanding of what
`secondary considerations are?
` A. I -- in my reply, on relied on the same
`standards as Dr. Hart did in his declaration.
` Q. And what's the -- what is the relevance
`of secondary considerations to determining whether
`the claim of a patent is obvious?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Calls for a
`legal conclusion.
` A. Can I see Dr. Hart's declaration?
` Q. Which one would you like?
` A. Well, I think that part is the same.
` Q. And it may be that I'm asking you a
`trick question because I don't recall whether
`they're the same declaration. Let me check.
` A. I remember seeing only one document.
` Q. Yeah. It was a bad question because,
`indeed, I believe there is only one.
` A. I'm always confused if you count two
`documents filed separately for the two IPRs; but...
` Q. Well, let's just say that they have the
`same content.
` A. Yeah.
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` Q. Same text. All right. I just shared
`Exhibit 2001 using the chat function. You can
`download that. And I also -- I'm showing the first
`page of it on the screen.
` A. It's a little smaller; so...
` Q. What is that?
` A. I was just saying, it's smaller than the
`previous file, so hopefully that won't take as long.
` Q. It has more pages but fewer images.
` And just for the record, Exhibit 2001
`that I'm referring to is titled "Declaration of
`John C. Hart, Ph.D., pursuant to 37 C.F.R.
`Section 1.68," and it was filed as Exhibit 2001 in
`IPR 2020-00905 and IPR 2020-00906.
` Have you had a chance to download the
` A. No, I haven't.
` And was there a question? Sorry.
` Q. So I think the pending question would
`be: What is the relevance of secondary
`considerations to determining whether a claim of a
`patent is obvious?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Calls for a
`legal conclusion.
` A. So my understanding is that I should
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`consider objective evidence that may have existed at
`the time of the invention covered by an issued
`claim, and which may shed light on obviousness of
`the claim. And it's also my understanding that such
`secondary considerations must have a nexus to the
`claimed invention.
` Q. What does it mean for them to have a
`"nexus to the claimed invention"?
` A. To be coextensive.
` Q. Be coextensive with what?
` A. With the claims.
` Q. So when you say that the secondary
`considerations must be coextensive with the claims,
`is it your understanding that in order to qualify or
`to be considered for the purpose of secondary
`considerations, a document needs to recite every
`limitation of the claim?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Calls --
` Q. Is that what it means to be
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Calls for a
`legal conclusion.
` A. My understanding is that it should be
`clear that the material discusses the technology
`described by the claims.
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` Q. Does that mean that the material has to
`discuss technology using every element of the claim?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Calls for a
`legal conclusion.
` A. My opinion is that the declaration of
`Dr. Hart fails to discuss, or let alone prove, that
`usage of terms such as "fusion algorithms" is
`actually a reference to one of the claimed
`techniques or some -- or whether it's some other
` Q. So you used the word "coextensive" a few
`moments ago, and that's not a word that appears in
`Dr. Hart's declaration. So I'm wondering where you
`got that word from.
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Vague.
` A. I do not recall when I first learned the
`term "coextensive." But, generally speaking, for
`legal concepts, I have relied on -- legal concepts
`and terms, I have relied on the advice of my
` Q. I mean, it's fair that you would rely
`on -- on others such as Apple's counsel for an
`understanding of legal terms. We're not all experts
`on everything. I wouldn't expect you to be
`intimately familiar with patent law doctrine.
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` But I -- I think I'm entitled to know,
`or at the very least to ask you about, what
`assumptions or understandings you were told to use
`in conducting your analysis.
` And so were you instructed by counsel
`for Apple that -- for there to be nexus for the
`purposes of secondary considerations, that the
`disclosure relied upon for secondary considerations
`has to be coextensive with one of the claims in the
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Calls for
`attorney-client privileged information.
` Dr. Durand, you can answer with respect
`to your understanding about secondary considerations
`that you relied upon in rendering your opinions, but
`I would ask -- or instruct you not to disclose the
`substance of any communications you had with Apple's
` MR. RUBIN: Well, Counsel, I understand
`your concern here. But, with respect, I think
`that's kind of a confusing and incoherent
` I think that the record reflects that,
`in rendering his opinions, the witness relied on
`a -- an understanding of legal principles that was
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`provided by counsel for Apple.
` I'm not asking for a verbatim recitation
`of discussions that -- that he had in preparing the
`Declaration. I doubt he could provide that, anyway.
` But I think that the substance of those
`communications with counsel, to the extent that
`those communications conveyed the legal
`understandings that he, in fact, used in rendering
`his opinion, is properly -- you know, is outside the
`protections of Rule 26.
` So in any event --
` MS. SIVINSKI: I don't think we
`disagree, Neil. I think he can testify about what
`he understands and what he used to render his
`opinions. I just would instruct him not to recite
`verbatim any conversations he had with Apple's
` MR. RUBIN: Okay.
` Q. So with that clarification, let me
`re-ask the question.
` Were you instructed by counsel for Apple
`that for there to be nexus for the purpose of
`secondary considerations, that the disclosures that
`are relied upon for secondary consideration have to
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`be coextensive with one of the claims of the patent?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Same objection.
` Again, Dr. Durand, you can testify about
`your understanding and what understanding you used
`in rendering his opinions. But I would instruct you
`not to discuss the specifics of any conversations
`you've had with Apple's counsel.
` A. (No response.)
` Q. Do you understand the question?
` A. Yes, I do.
` (Witness reviewing document.)
` Q. So I think it's a "yes" or "no"
`question, and I'm not -- yeah, I don't know. Do you
`know the answer to the question?
` A. I mean, in all honesty, there is --
`there is nothing I saw in Dr. Hart's declaration
`that identified any unique characteristic of the
`challenged claims.
` And so I don't look just for what
`their -- recitation of claim limitations, but
`anything that would suggest that we are talking
`about unique aspects of the technology described in
`the patents.
` Q. Turning to paragraph 52 of your reply
`declaration. You say that "Dr. Hart includes ten
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`documents with his declaration."
` I take it that that's referring to ten
`documents on the topic of secondary considerations.
` And then you proceed to discuss at least
`some of those documents. For example, in
`paragraph 53, you discuss Exhibit 2011; in
`paragraph 54, you discuss Exhibit 2012.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So did you review each of the ten
`documents that you discuss in, I guess,
`paragraphs 53 through around 66?
` Let me withdraw the question and ask it
` Did you review each of the ten documents
`that you refer to in paragraph 52 here?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. And many, if not all, of these ten
`documents are emails or letters between
`Corephotonics and Apple. Would you agree?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In preparing your Declaration, did you
`discuss any of these communications that occurred
`between Apple and Corephotonics, or any other
`communications that occurred between Apple and
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`Corephotonics with anyone at Apple?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Calls --
` A. No.
` MS. SIVINSKI: -- for legal --
` Or, I'm sorry, calls for attorney-client
` MR. RUBIN: Is there an instruction?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Well, his answer is no,
`so it sort of moots the objection.
` But --
` MR. RUBIN: Oh, I'm sorry.
` MS. SIVINSKI: -- the objection was with
`respect to -- if he had talked to any in-house
`counsel. But his answer is no, so I think we can
`move on.
` MR. RUBIN: Okay. All right. So I
`didn't catch the answer.
` MR. RUBIN: Fair enough. So the answer
`was no.
` Q. Counsel representing Apple in this IPR
`are at the law firm of Haynes & Boone; is that your
`understanding? Let me withdraw it.
` Counsel representing Apple in these
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`IPRs, the two IPRs concerning the '479 patent, are
`at the law firm of Haynes & Boone; is that your
` A. Yes, that's my understanding.
` I've also worked with lawyers from
`Cooley. That's why I hesitate.
` Q. And without, at least for the purposes
`of this question, wanting to know anything about
`what communications you had with lawyers from
`Cooley, did you have discussions with lawyers from
`Cooley in preparing your reply declaration?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Calls for a
`legal conclusion.
` Same instruction that we've been talking
`about, Dr. Durand. Please do not disclose the
`substance of any communications you've had with any
`of Apple's lawyers.
` A. Truthfully, I haven't kept track of who
`I talked to about which IPR, so I... so I don't
` Q. In preparing for this IPR or other IPRs
`between Apple and Corephotonics, have you had
`discussions with an attorney at Cooley named Priya
`Viswanath? If I'm pronouncing her name correctly.
` MS. SIVINSKI: Same objection.
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` I think you can disclose the answer if
`you know, but please don't disclose the substance of
`any communications, if any, you've had with
`Ms. Viswanath.
` A. In general, I have worked with Ms. Priya
`on some of these IPRs.
` Q. Did you learn anything from discussions
`with Ms. Viswanath about communications that
`occurred between Corephotonics and Apple that in any
`way affected the opinions that you've rendered in
`these IPRs?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Calls for
`privileged information, attorney-client privileged
` MR. RUBIN: Let me -- yeah, let me --
`let me withdraw and ask it again.
` Q. Did you learn anything from your
`discussions with Ms. Viswanath that you --
` Did you learn anything in your
`discussions with Ms. Viswanath about communications
`between Corephotonics and Apple that you in any way
`relied upon in reaching opinions concerning
`secondary considerations in these IPRs?
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`Page 26
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Calls for
`attorney-client privilege.
` Dr. Durand, to the extent there are any
`specific facts that you learned from Ms. Viswanath
`that you relied upon in your Declaration, I think
`you could answer the question. But anything beyond
`specific facts, including the substance of any
`communications, I would instruct you not to disclose
` MR. RUBIN: And when you say -- Counsel,
`when you say "substance of any communications,"
`you're referring to substance of communications with
`counsel, not to substance of communications between
`Apple and Corephotonics?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Correct. Any -- well,
`correct, yes. The substance of any communications
`with Apple's counsel.
` THE WITNESS: I really don't think so.
`It's a vague question so I'm not -- but if I
`understand the question correctly, I -- no, I don't
`think so. Yeah.
` Because I don't think I have any
`knowledge of communication between Apple and
`Corephotonics beyond what's in the record.
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions

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