`Patent Owner
`U.S. Patent 10,015,408
`U.S. Patent 10,225,479
`U.S. Patent 10,225,479
`MARCH 11, 2021
`(Reported Remotely)
`MOORE, PHD, produced as a witness at the instance of
`the Petitioner and duly sworn, was taken via
`videoconference in the above-styled and numbered cause
`on the 11th day of March, 2021, from 10:08 a.m. CST to
`7:48 p.m. CST, before Marsha Yarberry, Certified
`Shorthand Reporter in and for the State of Texas,
`reported by machine shorthand, in New York, pursuant to
`the Code of Federal Regulations.
`7 8 9
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` A P P E A R A N C E S ( V i a V i d e o c o n f e r e n c e )
`F O R T H E P E T I T I O N E R :
` M s . H o n g S h i
` M r . D a v i d O ' B r i e n
` H A Y E S A N D B O O N E , L L P
` 6 0 0 C o n g r e s s A v e n u e , S u i t e 1 3 0 0
` A u s t i n , T e x a s 7 8 7 0 1
` 5 1 2 - 8 6 7 - 8 4 4 0
` h o n g . s h i @ h a y n e s b o o n e . c o m
` d a v i d . o b r i e n @ h a y n e s b o o n e . c o m
` - - a n d - -
` M r . M i c h a e l P a r s o n s
` M s . B e t h a n y L o v e
` M r . J o r d a n M a u c o t e l
` H A Y N E S A N D B O O N E L L P
` 6 0 0 H e a d q u a r t e r s D r i v e , S u i t e 2 0 0
` P l a n o , T e x a s 7 5 0 2 4
` 9 7 2 - 7 3 9 - 6 9 0 0
` m i c h a e l . p a r s o n s @ h a y n e s b o o n e . c o m
` b e t h a n y . l o v e @ h a y n e s b o o n e . c o m
` j o r d a n . m a u c o t e l @ h a y n e s b o o n e . c o m
`F O R T H E P A T E N T O W N E R :
` M r . N e i l A . R u b i n
` R U S S A U G U S T & K A B A T
` 1 2 4 2 4 W i l s h i r e B o u l e v a r d , 1 2 t h F l o o r
` L o s A n g e l e s , C a l i f o r n i a 9 0 0 2 5
` 3 1 0 - 8 2 6 - 7 4 7 4
` n r u b i n @ r a k l a w . c o m
`A L S O P R E S E N T :
` M s . P r i y a V i s w a n a t h
` D r . J o s e S a s i a n
` M r . S h a n e R a m i r e z , V i d e o g r a p h e r
`2 3
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
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`Appearances..................................... 2
` Examination by Ms. Shi...................... 5
` Examination by Mr. Rubin.................... 149
` Further Examination by Ms. Shi.............. 158
`Changes and Corrections......................... 167
`Signature....................................... 168
`Reporter's Certificate.......................... 169
` EXHIBITS (Previously Marked)
`Exhibit 1001.................................... 23/24
`Exhibit 1005.................................... 128/24
`Exhibit 1007.................................... 152/25
`Exhibit 1012.................................... 153/1
`Exhibit 1033.................................... 115/6
`Exhibit 2003.................................... 13/16
`Exhibit 2007.................................... 104/21
`Exhibit 2011.................................... 126/10
`Exhibit 2012.................................... 126/10
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` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Here begins the
`deposition of Dr. Duncan Moore. Today's date is
`March 11th, 2021. The time is 10:08 a.m. This
`deposition is being recorded live via Zoom.
` Will the court reporter please swear in
`the witness.
` (Witness sworn)
` THE REPORTER: You may proceed whenever
`you're ready.
` MR. RUBIN: Should we announce our
` MS. SHI: I will go first. My name is
`Hong Shi. I'm from Haynes and Boone representing
`Apple, taking the deposition. With me also I have
`David O'Brien, Mike Parsons, Jordan Maucotel, and
`Bethany Love, attorneys from Haynes and Boone
`representing Apple. I also have Priya Viswanath from
`Cooley representing Apple. Also with us is Dr. Jose
`Sasian, Apple's consultant.
` MR. RUBIN: And this is Neil Rubin of
`Russ August & Kabat representing the patent owner,
`Corephotonics, and defending the witness.
`having been first duly sworn, testified as follows:
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` Q. Good morning.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Again, my name is Hong Shi, and I will address
`you as Dr. Moore today. Would that work?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. So I will first just go over some
`ground rules today. You understand that you're under
`oath today, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you understand that I will be asking you
`questions, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you understand that the oath requires you
`to answer truthfully and completely, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So is there any reason today that you cannot
`provide truthful, complete, and accurate testimony
` A. There's no reason.
` Q. Is there any other reason why your deposition
`should not go forward today, for example, any medical
`reasons or any other reasons?
` A. No. Not unless there's another technical
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` Q. And do you understand that this deposition is
`being transcribed and we're developing a record here?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So because of that, I would like to ask you to
`wait for me to finish my questions before you answer
`such that the record is clean and complete.
` A. Was that a question or statement?
` Q. It's a statement. Is that acceptable to you?
` A. Yes.
` Q. That's a question. So I will repeat a
`question if the question I asked was not answered. Do
`you understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if I ask you a question and you answer it,
`I will assume that you have understood that question.
`Is that fair?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Also, if you need to take a break, would you
`agree to let me know?
` A. Certainly.
` Q. We will try to take a break about once every
`hour. Is that schedule acceptable to you?
` A. Yes.
` Q. We will also take a lunch break between 12 and
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`1:15. Does that work for you?
` A. Which time zone?
` Q. Central time.
` A. Okay.
` Q. So are you connecting to the deposition today
`on a personal computer?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you have any other electronics --
`electronic devices in the room with you?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What are those?
` A. My iPhone. Actually, I have two iPhones.
` Q. Any other devices?
` A. Does a television count?
` Q. Sure.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Yes. Thank you. So are the two iPhones off?
` A. No.
` Q. Could you please turn them off?
` MR. RUBIN: We're picking up some
`background conversation, I think, from somebody.
` THE WITNESS: Sorry. Was that a question
`to me?
` MR. RUBIN: No. No, Dr. Moore. I think
`somebody who is not muted. It's some sort of --
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` THE WITNESS: I'm trying to get -- I've
`got some people in the background here. Let me --
` MR. RUBIN: Oh, maybe it was you.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Do we want to stay on
`or go off?
` MS. SHI: We can go off for two minutes.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Off the record,
`10:15 a.m.
` (Pausing)
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Back on the record.
`The time is 10:17 a.m.
` Q. (By Ms. Shi) So are there any people in the
`same room with you today?
` A. There are no people currently in this room.
`My wife is in this house. I'm at home, and my wife is
`here, and we have contractors here working on an
`addition to the house. So they -- they move around.
`But there's nobody physically in the same room.
` Q. Do you have any handwritten notes with you
` A. Do I have any handwritten notes. Yes. I've
`written notes --
` Q. What are they?
` A. They're the notes I did, like, for example,
`when I read my declaration, things of that sort. I
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`mean, so there are handwritten notes on those.
` Q. Could you put them away so that you don't
`consult them during the deposition?
` A. Yes, I can.
` MS. SHI: Video -- Videographer, I think
`you're recording me instead of Dr. Moore. Hello?
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Sorry. I'm getting
`distracted here. Did we go off?
` MS. SHI: No, we don't. How -- sorry.
`How can we tell which window is being recorded?
`Because I think it seems to be recording whoever is
`speaking now.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Oh, that's --
` MS. SHI: Is it?
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: The witness is pinned.
`If you like, I can spotlight it so everyone only sees
`the witness.
` MS. SHI: Okay.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: So you should just see
`him now.
` MS. SHI: Thank you.
` Q. (By Ms. Shi) Do you have any notes pulled up
`on your computer?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you have any --
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` A. I'm sorry. Go ahead.
` Q. Do you have -- do you have any programs other
`than the Exhibit Share and the Zoom opened on your
` A. Let's see. Safari is open. My mailbox is
`open. Zoom is open. And that's it.
` Q. Could you please close your mailbox and the
`Safari tab that doesn't have the Exhibit Share? Could
`you please let me know when you have closed all the
`programs on your computer other than the Zoom and the
`Web page having the exhibits?
` A. Oh, I think I just closed the one with the
`exhibit on it. All right. The only thing I have left
`open is my Finder and Zoom. So let's see if I can
`reopen. So you want me to go to the exhibit thing,
`that thing you sent me in chat?
` Q. Yes, please.
` A. Okay. That's going to be open in Safari,
`then. Okay. It's open again.
` Q. Thank you. Have you ever worked as an expert
` A. In a -- in a legal matter?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. In how many cases?
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` A. Over how many years?
` Q. Over all these past years.
` A. Over 20 years or over four years?
` Q. Is there a difference?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Over -- okay. So over the past 20 years how
`many cases have you worked as an expert?
` A. I don't know the exact number, but it's
`between eight and ten.
` Q. Were those all patent cases?
` A. What is it called when you have arbitration?
`Is that a patent case?
` Q. So you worked in an arbitration case?
` A. I worked on an arbitration case about a decade
`ago. All the others were patent infringement cases.
` Q. How many litigation patent cases have you
`worked on in the past year -- in the past two years?
` A. I think this is the only one because the
`pandemic. Nothing happened last year. There may be a
`case that's closed out two years ago, but I just don't
` Q. So how many IPRs have you worked on in the
`past two years?
` A. I'd have to check my -- my resume, but I think
`this is the only one.
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` Q. When you say this is the only one, you mean
`the only -- do you mean you're only working on cases
`for Corephotonics? Because in this proceeding we
`actually cover three IPRs that you are involved.
` A. I'm sorry. But during the middle of that
`question your audio broke up so I couldn't hear the
` Q. Okay. So I will repeat my question. So at
`least today we are covering three IPRs, so you at least
`are working on three IPRs.
` A. In that case, yes. I thought of them as being
`clients as opposed to individual IPRs.
` Q. Okay. So how many IPRs in the past two years
`are you working on for Corephotonics?
` A. I think there are three, aren't there? I -- I
`don't remember. I didn't prepare for that question. I
`mean, it's three or four. I just don't know.
` Q. So are there -- okay. We'll get back to that
`if needed to.
` So when was the last deposition? When
`was your last deposition taken?
` A. It was sometime before the pandemic. I would
`guess it was late 2019, but I -- I'd have to look that
` Q. Was that for Corephotonics as well?
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` A. Yes, it was.
` Q. So have you reviewed any documents to prepare
`for your deposition today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What documents have you reviewed?
` A. They are listed on the page of my declaration.
`I can read them if you wish.
` Q. So are you talking about the Exhibit 3 of
`the -- in the IPR 489 case?
` A. I don't have any depositions in front of me
`right now, so I can't -- I can't review anything.
` Q. Could you open the Exhibit 3 of the IPR
` A. Yes.
` MR. RUBIN: And when you say Exhibit 3,
`Counsel, are you referring to Exhibit 2003?
` MS. SHI: Yes, Exhibit 2003.
` THE WITNESS: I've opened it.
` Q. (By Ms. Shi) Okay. So were you talking about
`the list of paragraph 3 in Exhibit 2003?
` A. I'm referring to the list that -- hang on. It
`is on page 4 of Exhibit 2003 and -- sorry. The
`numbering is a little bit confusing. So I am looking
`at Exhibit 2003, page 4 of 62. The page number at the
`bottom is page No. 2.
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` Q. Did you review every documents listed on
`page -- listed in your declaration after -- in
`paragraph 3?
` MR. RUBIN: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I didn't understand the
` Q. (By Ms. Shi) If you go to page 3, the bottom
`of page 3 of Exhibit 2003 there is a paragraph No. 3.
`Do you see that?
` A. When you say paragraph -- sorry -- page 3, are
`you referring to the page number that is typed into the
`bottom of the document, or are you referring to the
`page number that's on the exhibit?
` Q. I'm referring to the page number out of page
` A. All right. Okay. Page 3 of 62. What is the
` Q. Do you see the bottom line there's a paragraph
`starting with No. 3?
` A. I do.
` Q. I will use this number as paragraph numbers to
`refer to your paragraphs in this declaration. Would
`that work?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So in paragraph 3 you have listed the
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`documents that you reviewed for preparing the
`declaration, correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Did you review these documents to prepare for
`your deposition?
` A. Some of them, but I didn't review -- I did not
`review the prosecution history.
` Q. What documents did you review to prepare for
`the deposition?
` A. I think I reviewed all of them.
` Q. Did you review the prosecution history of the
`'408 patent --
` A. Is that --
` Q. -- to prepare for the deposition?
` A. I did not.
` Q. So what -- do you want to make any correction
`to your previous answer to what documents did you
`review to prepare for the deposition?
` MR. RUBIN: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm not sure -- I'm not
`sure exactly what I said, but I did not review the
`prosecution history for this deposition.
` Q. (By Ms. Shi) What other documents you didn't
`review for this deposition?
` A. I reviewed everything except that.
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` Q. Did you review the board's decision to
`institute this IPR?
` MR. RUBIN: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't remember.
` Q. (By Ms. Shi) Did you review the parties'
`claim construction brief in the district court for any
`Corephotonics patent?
` MR. RUBIN: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm sorry. I didn't hear
`the end of the question.
` Q. (By Ms. Shi) So there are litigation in
`district court for Corephotonics' patents as well. Did
`you review the parties' claim construction briefs in
`the district court for the Corephotonics patents?
` MR. RUBIN: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: In the deposition?
` Q. (By Ms. Shi) Anywhere.
` A. I don't remember whether I did it for the
`declaration or not.
` Q. Have you ever reviewed the parties' claim
`construction briefs in the district court for any
`Corephotonics patent?
` A. I don't remember whether I did it for the
`declaration or not.
` Q. The question is have you ever reviewed the
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`parties' claim construction briefs in the district
`court for any Corephotonics patent.
` A. I simply don't remember whether I did for the
`declaration or not.
` Q. Do you remember whether you reviewed the
`parties' claim construction briefs outside of the
`context of preparing for the declaration?
` A. I don't remember whether I did or not.
` Q. Did you review any of the patent owner
`response or draft of the patent owner response in this
` A. I'm sorry. Repeat the question.
` Q. In this IPR patent owner has filed a response.
`Did you review the response by the patent owner?
` A. I don't remember.
` Q. Did you review any draft of patent owner
`response for this case and for IPR number -- for the
`'479 patent with IPR No. 2020-905 and IPR 2020-00906?
` MR. RUBIN: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: What was the question?
`Whether I reviewed it?
` Q. (By Ms. Shi) Did you review any patent owner
`response or draft for the three IPR cases we're having
`deposition today?
` A. I don't believe so.
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` Q. Did you meet with anyone to prepare for your
`deposition today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Who?
` A. Neil Rubin.
` Q. When?
` A. Yesterday. We did not physically meet
`together. We met by Zoom.
` Q. For how long?
` A. I guess it was about two and a half hours,
`maybe three.
` Q. Did you do anything else to prepare for this
`deposition today?
` A. I did a lot of reading of the declarations and
`for the background -- and the exhibits.
` Q. Are there any documents not listed in your
`declaration that you reviewed to prepare your
`deposition today?
` A. I don't believe so.
` Q. Okay. So I would like you to -- direct you to
`Exhibit 2003 from IPR 2020-00489. Please let me
`know -- confirm that you have it downloaded.
` A. So that's the other document that was in the
`chat room?
` Q. It's a document -- one of the documents -- two
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`documents in the Box link.
` A. Is it the one 2003 or is this another one?
` Q. 2003.
` A. Yes, I have that in front of me.
` Q. Do you recognize this document?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What is it?
` A. It is a declaration that I prepared.
` Q. Could you go to page 62 out of 62? There's a
`signature on that page. Is that your signature?
` A. Yes, believe it or not.
` Q. Did you sign after reviewing the entire
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are there any errors in your declaration that
`you would like to correct?
` A. I'm not aware of any.
` Q. Did you perform or did you ask anyone else to
`perform any calculation or experiment or analysis in
`preparing this declaration?
` MR. RUBIN: Objection to the extent that
`the question seeks information about work that is not
`reflected in the declaration and would be protected as
`work product under Rule 26. So instruct the witness
`not to answer the question as to any drafts of
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`declarations or work that was done and not incorporated
`into the declaration. He can answer the question aside
`from such material.
` Go ahead. Actually, just to be clear, if
`you can answer the -- if the answer -- if there's
`material that's in the declaration that's responsive to
`the question, you can answer as to that material, but I
`instruct you not to answer as to any work that did not
`find its way into the declaration.
` THE WITNESS: I don't understand what I'm
`supposed to do here.
` MR. RUBIN: Counsel, I guess maybe you
`can -- maybe if you can reask the question and make it
`clear as to whether your question is limited to work
`that's reflected in the declaration or it goes outside
` MS. SHI: I will repeat my question.
` Q. (By Ms. Shi) Did you perform or ask anyone
`else to perform any calculation or experiment or
`analysis for this declaration?
` MR. RUBIN: So I object that the question
`as posed may call for work product, instruct the
`witness not to disclose any work that -- any
`calculations or analysis that he did that are not
`reflected in the declaration.
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` Q. (By Ms. Shi) You can answer for the
`calculation or experiments or analysis that are
`reflected in this declaration.
` A. Can you repeat the question? I don't
`understand how that's different from the first
` Q. Did you perform or ask anyone else to perform
`any calculation or experiments that are reflected in
`this declaration?
` A. That sounds like the same question you've
`asked twice before, which the attorney has instructed
`not to answer.
` MR. RUBIN: So, Dr. Moore, I think
`that -- I think you can answer the question that
`counsel just asked, which was limited to analyses or
`calculations that are reflected in the declaration.
` THE WITNESS: I can certainly say I asked
`no one else to do any calculations. If I did some
`calculations, you know, on the back of an envelope or
`some other thing to estimate answers, I can't be sure.
` Q. (By Ms. Shi) Did you include those
`calculations --
` A. I'm sorry.
` Q. Did you include the calculations in your
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` A. I don't believe so.
` Q. Why not?
` A. Because I didn't believe it was relevant.
` Q. So the calculations or experiments you did are
`not the basis of your opinions; is that right?
` MR. RUBIN: Objection; form.
` You can answer.
` THE WITNESS: I can remember a
`calculation that's not in there that reflects things
`that I might have done that would be in there. For
`example, somewhere in the declaration -- or in the
`material I reviewed there were some errors made or
`simplifications made by people that weren't generally
`true, and looking at those I would have done
`calculations to see what the errors might have been.
` Q. (By Ms. Shi) And you didn't believe that
`error was relevant to your opinion?
` A. In my declaration I -- I'm sorry. At one
`point in my declaration I stated -- and I'd have to
`look exactly at the paragraph -- that the -- the
`calculations that have been done by others were an
`approximation only under certain circumstances, and
`they had to do with issues associated with lenses.
` Q. Do you remember which paragraphs are those?
` A. I do not.
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` Q. Please go to paragraph 33 of your declaration.
`You stated that the '408 patent --
` A. Just a minute. I'm not there yet. I'm having
`trouble with my -- getting from the bottom up. What
` Q. 33.
` A. Can you give me the page number? It's a lot
`easier. The numbers are much bigger.
` Q. It's page 17 out of 62.
` A. I'm sorry. What number?
` Q. 17.
` A. Okay. Okay. I'm on paragraph 33.
` Q. So in paragraph 33 you said, "The '408 patent
`describes two designs for lens assemblies with TTL/EFL
`ratio less than 1," right?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And on the next page there are Figures 8 and
`Figure 9. What are those figures?
` A. Those are referred to as cross-sectional
`diagrams of an optical lens system.
` Q. Are they provided in the '408 patent?
` A. I don't have the '408 patent in front of me.
` Q. Could you go to the exhibit link and download
`Exhibit 1001? Which is the U.S. Patent 10,015,408.
` A. Having trouble closing. I can't -- I'm having
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`trouble getting to it. Let's see here. Let me go back
`to chat room and see if I can get at it that way.
` All right. I got '408 now, or
`Exhibit 1001.
` Q. So does the '408 patent describe the details
`of the Figure 8 lens design?
` A. The '408 Figure 8 corresponds to the one on
`paragraph -- I guess it's 34 of my declaration.
` Q. How does the '408 patent describe Figure 8?
` A. In Column 6, line 10, it says "Figure 8 shows
`one embodiment of a lens block in a thin camera
`disclosed herein." I'm going to have to search the
`rest of the patent to find where else it's described.
` Q. Is there -- is that the only place where the
`'408 patent describes the Figure 8 design?
` A. I'm searching the document, but I can't search
`my -- I can't word search it.
` Q. Do you remember when you reviewed the '408
`patent when preparing your declaration and for this
`deposition that the '408 patent describes the Figure 8
`lens design anywhere else?
` A. I'm sorry. I didn't understand -- I didn't
`hear the end of the sentence.
` Q. Do you remember when you reviewed the '408
`patent when preparing for your declaration and this
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`deposition, is there anywhere else that the '408 patent
`describes the Figure 8 lens design?
` A. I'm searching now to find other references to
` Q. So you don't remember anywhere else in the
`'408 patent describing Figure 8 lens design during your
`previous reviews, correct?
` A. I cannot find another reference to Figure 8 in
`the patent numbered '408.
` Q. So what are the benefits of this lens design
`of Figure 8?
` MR. RUBIN: Objection; scope, by which I
`mean outside the scope of the declaration.
` MS. SHI: You can answer.
` THE WITNESS: I'm sorry. I've lost the
` Q. (By Ms. Shi) What are the benefits of the
`lens design of Figure 8?
` MR. RUBIN: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: In Figure 1A and 1B it
`refers to the telephoto -- or telelens 108, so that
`would indicate there was a telephoto lens.
` Q. (By Ms. Shi) How is that relevant to the
`benefits of the lens design of Figure 8?
` MR. RUBIN: Objection; scope.
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` THE WITNESS: The patent '408 describes
`optical systems that are very compact, and in order to
`make a lens compact with a long focal length, you would
`need to have the lens be telephoto.
` Q. (By Ms. Shi) How is that description of '408
`relevant to the benefits of the lens design of
`Figure 8?
` MR. RUBIN: Objection; scope. Objection;
` THE WITNESS: Figure 8 I guess I believe
`is a telephoto lens. And I'm not 100 percent sure, but
`I saw some calculations by Dr. Sasian, but I'm not sure
`where he did that, but I'm not -- I can't be sure.
` Q. (By Ms. Shi) Where did you see the
`calculation by Dr. Sasian regarding Figure 8 of the
`'408 patent?
` A. I said I'm not sure that -- where I saw it or
`whether I saw it at all.
` Q. Are there any other benefits of the lens
`design on Figure 8?
` MR. RUBIN: Objection; form. And scope.
`Sorry. Actually withdraw the form objection. The
`objection is to scope.
` THE WITNESS: All right to proceed here?
` MR. RUBIN: You can answer the question,
`Page 26
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`APPL-1041 / Page 26 of 207



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