` ----------
`Page 1
` ----------
` Petitioner,
` vs.
` Patent Owner.
` ----------
` Case No. IPR2020-00877
` U.S. Patent No. 10,288,840
` Case No. IPR2020-00878
` U.S. Patent No. 10,330,897
` Case No. IPR2020-00906
` U.S. Patent No. 10,225,479
` FRIDAY, JULY 16, 2021
`Reported by:
`Pat English-Arredondo, CSR, RMR, CRR, CCR
`Job No.: 2778
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`Page 2
`OF JOSÉ M. SASIÁN, Ph.D., located in Tucson,
`Arizona, taken on behalf of Patent Owner,
`Corephotonics, Ltd., on Friday, the 16th day
`of July, 2021, before Pat English Arredondo,
`CSR (TX), RMR, CRR, CCR (LA) in remote
`realtime translation and according to rules
`of United States Patent and Trademark Office
`and any said agreements by Counsel.
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`Page 3
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` (All via Zoom Video Communications)
` Ms. Stephanie Sivinski, Esq.
` Mr. Michael S. Parsons, Esq.
` Mr. Jordan Maucotel, Esq.
` 2323 Victory Avenue, Suite 700
` Dallas, TX 75219
` 214.651.5078
` Mr. Jonathan Link, Esq.
` 12424 Wilshire Blvd., 12th Floor
` Los Angeles, CA 90025
` 310.826.7474
` Mr. Chris Bueno
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`Page 4
` I N D E X
` APPEARANCES.......................... 3
` EXAMINATION BY MR. LINK..............7
`CHANGES AND SIGNATURE....................99
`REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE...................101
`3 4
`5 6
`7 8 9
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`Page 5
` E X H I B I T S I N D E X
` JULY 16, 2021
`EXHIBIT 1003 Sasián Expert 10
` Declaration, 130 pages
`EXHIBIT 1005 U.S. Patent No. 23
` 9,128,267 to Ogino, 28
` pages
`EXHIBIT 1012 Bareau - The Optics of 46
` Miniature Digital
` Camera Modules,
` 11 pages
`EXHIBIT 1017 Fischer, Optical 16
` System Design by
` Fischer, Galeb and
` Yoder, 15 pages
`EXHIBIT 1028 Deposition of Tom 82
` Milster dated 4-15-21,
` 222 pages
`EXHIBIT 1037 Declaration of José M. 10
` Sasián, Ph.D., dated,
` 62 pages
` * * *
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`Page 6
` morning. We are on the record and
` today's date is July 16th, 2021, and
` the time is 9:00 a.m. Pacific standard
` time.
` This is the video deposition of
` Professor José Sasián in the matter of
` Apple, Inc., versus Corephotonics
` filed in the United States Patent &
` Trademark Office before the Patent
` Trial and Appeal Court, Case No.
` IPR 2020-00896 and another
` IPR 2020-00897.
` This deposition is taking place
` via web video conference with all
` participants attending remotely.
` My name is Chris Bueno. I'm
` the videographer representing
` TransPerfect.
` Would counsel on the conference
` please identify yourselves and state
` whom you represent, beginning with the
` questioning attorney, please.
` MR. LINK: Good morning. My
` name is Jonathan Link with the law
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`Page 7
` firm of Russ August & Kabat
` representing the patent owner,
` Corephotonics.
` MS. SIVINSKI: Good morning.
` Stephanie Sivinski with Haynes and
` Boone. (Audio drop) [Jordan Maucotel
` and Mike Parsons] are also with Haynes
` & Boone and also representing Apple,
` Inc.
` reporter today is Pat Arredondo
` representing TransPerfect.
` The court reporter will now
` swear in the witness. Thank you.
` THE REPORTER: Sir, will you go
` ahead and raise your right hand to be
` administered the oath?
` being called as a witness, and having been
` duly sworn, testified as follows:
` THE REPORTER: Thank you.
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Sasián. How
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` are you today?
` A. Very well. Thank you,
` Mr. Link.
` How are you.
` Q. Doing well. Thanks.
` We've met before previously, so
` I don't think we need to go over much of the
` rules for a video deposition; but just to be
` mindful that we allow each other to complete
` their question or answer before talking,
` particularly with this being done online.
` And I just ask you, if a
` question is unclear, let me know and we can
` figure out why it's unclear or I can reask to
` clarify. Okay?
` A. Thank you.
` Q. Okay. And if you need a break,
` just ask. I will try to do them every hour
` or so; but if you need one, just let me know.
` But I do want to make sure that you answer
` any pending question before we go to break.
` Okay?
` A. Yes. Thank you.
` Q. Is there any reason you can't
` give truthful testimony today? You're on
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`Page 9
` medication or anything like that?
` A. There are two questions here.
` Which one shall I answer?
` Q. Well, let's start off: Is
` there any reason you can't give truthful
` testimony today?
` A. Not that I can think of right
` now.
` Q. Okay. Do you have any written
` or printed notes with you?
` A. Around me there are no notes or
` printed notes regarding the case.
` Q. Okay. Do you have any of those
` notes on your computer?
` A. I believe on my download
` folders I have a copy of my declarations and
` maybe other document, exhibit, in the case.
` Q. Okay. Can you agree that,
` other than the documents that I provide to
` you via the chat in the Zoom, that you won't
` access any of those other notes or documents
` during this deposition?
` A. Yes. Regarding the case,
` right?
` Q. Yes.
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`Page 10
` Okay. And is there anyone with
` you in the room where you're having
` your depo -- where you are right now?
` A. No. No one is with me in the
` room or in the house, except for my dogs. I
` should say that occasionally the Internet may
` stop for a few seconds, so please bear with
` me and I should be back.
` Q. Okay.
` A. But it should be -- it has been
` working fine for the last day. So no
` problem.
` Q. Okay. Well, we will certainly
` keep that in mind; and if something pops up,
` we will pause and wait for you to get it
` worked out.
` I have put two documents into
` the chat here. If you could download those
` and let me know when you have them.
` (Referenced only were Exhibit
` Nos. 1037 and 1003.)
` A. Thank you. I'm doing that.
` Q. Okay.
` A. I have them.
` Q. Great.
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`Page 11
` So one of them is a declaration
` that you have submitted for IPR 2020-00896.
` Correct?
` A. Could you please tell me which
` is the patent this refers to?
` Q. Sure. That declaration is
` regarding U.S. Patent No. 10,317,647.
` A. Yes, I have it here as '647.
` Q. Okay. And if we refer to that
` as the "'647 patent," we will understand one
` another?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And then the second
` declaration is for the '277 patent. That is
` U.S. Patent No. 10,324,277. Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And that's for IPR
` 2020-0897. Correct?
` A. I believe so.
` Q. And in both of these you
` submitted this in support of the petitioner's
` reply that was filed in each of these two
` IPRs. Correct?
` A. I believe so.
` Q. Okay. I would like you to turn
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`Page 12
` to the -- or let's start with the declaration
` for the '277 patent. And, in particular, if
` I could have you turn to Paragraph 3.
` A. Yes, I have Paragraph 3.
` Q. Great. In the first
` full -- Paragraph 3 is across both Page 5 and
` Page 6. So if you look at the first full
` sentence on Page 6, you wrote that (as read):
` "None of these manufacturing requirements are
` described in any of the claims or the
` specification of the '277 patent."
` Do you see that sentence?
` A. I see the sentence that reads,
` "None of these manufacturing requirements are
` described in any of the claims or the
` specification of the '277 patent."
` Q. Okay. Is this a requirement
` for a person of ordinary skill in the art to
` consider when combining two references?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection, calls
` for a legal conclusion.
` A. Could you please repeat the
` question?
` Q. (By Mr. Link) Sure.
` Is this sentence that you write
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`Page 13
` there in Paragraph 3 a requirement for a
` POSITA to consider when combining two
` references?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Same objection.
` A. (Reviewing.)
` So you are asking me whether
` considering manufacturing requirements is
` required for a POSITA when he or she is
` combining two references?
` Q. (By Mr. Link) Let me ask it in
` a different way then.
` Is it your position that if the
` prior art refers to something that is not
` explicitly mentioned in the claims, a POSITA
` does not need to consider it?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection, calls
` for a legal conclusion.
` A. I think not necessarily.
` Q. (By Mr. Link) What do you mean
` by "not necessarily"?
` A. Well, there may be items on the
` specification that might be irrelevant to a
` claim and items that could be relevant to a
` claim, such as a claim construction, for
` example.
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`Page 14
` Q. If the prior art refers to
` something that is not specifically mentioned
` in the claims, does a POSITA need to consider
` that in determining whether to combine that
` piece of prior art with another piece of
` prior art?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection, calls
` for a legal conclusion, vague.
` A. I think you're suggesting a
` hyper technical situation. And without
` knowing details, I'm not sure I can answer
` that question.
` Q. (By Mr. Link) When evaluating
` whether to combine one piece of prior art
` with another piece of prior -- a second piece
` of prior art, does a person of ordinary skill
` in the art, or a POSITA, need to consider the
` entire teaching of each piece of prior art?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection, calls
` for a legal conclusion.
` A. Well, again, this is a hyper
` technical situation; and without being
` specific and knowing the details, I'm not
` sure I can give an answer.
` Q. (By Mr. Link) Sitting here
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`Page 15
` right now, you don't know if a person of
` ordinary skill in the art needs to consider
` the entire teaching of each piece of prior
` art that that POSITA may want to combine?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection, calls
` for a legal conclusion, asked and
` answered.
` A. It also depends on what you
` mean by "consider." As I said before, there
` may be items that might be irrelevant and
` items that could be relevant.
` Q. (By Mr. Link) So a POSITA just
` gets to pick and choose what portions of a
` piece of prior art he or she considers?
` A. Yes. A POSITA would
` choose -- we have an understanding of the
` specification of the patent, of the prior
` art, and would arrive to some conclusions and
` offer an opinion.
` Q. And so then a POSITA could just
` ignore those portions of the prior art that
` he or she considers inconvenient for reaching
` their combination. Right?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection.
` (Audio distortion).
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`Page 16
` A. I haven't said so. And,
` again --
` THE REPORTER: Excuse me.
` Excuse me. I didn't catch the
` objection. Sorry.
` MS. SIVINSKI: Misstates
` testimony.
` A. As I said before, I didn't say
` so. Again, depending on the specifics of a
` patent, a POSITA may consider some facts, may
` consider other facts, and give an opinion on
` the art.
` Q. (By Mr. Link) I would like you
` to turn to Paragraph 6 in your declaration
` now.
` A. I'm there.
` Q. You're there? Great.
` And I'm also providing you with
` a copy of Exhibit 117 -- 1017, that you, I
` believe, quote from in that Paragraph 6.
` (Referenced only was Exhibit No. 1017.)
` Q. Let me know when you have that
` exhibit.
` A. I'm downloading it now. Just a
` second.
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`Page 17
` Q. Sure.
` THE REPORTER: Mr. Link, are we
` going to officially mark these as
` exhibits, or are they just for
` reference?
` MR. LINK: Stephanie, we just
` used them for reference. Is that
` right? Does that still work?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Yes. We haven't
` been attaching. Yeah, that's fine.
` Can you hear me?
` MR. LINK: I can hear you, but
` I notice there's been a lag at times.
` MS. SIVINSKI: Yeah, I just got
` a message that said my internet is
` slow. Maybe when we get to a break I
` can restart and hopefully that will be
` better. Sorry, guys.
` MR. LINK: Funny enough, you
` had a bit of a lag there in the middle
` of that.
` But yes, let me finish this
` group of questions and then maybe we
` can take a break and let you try and
` fix that.
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`Page 18
` Q. (By Mr. Link) Dr. Sasián, you
` have that Exhibit 1017?
` A. Yes. And it's open.
` Q. Wonderful. You cite to
` Page 168 in that exhibit, correct?
` A. I believe so.
` Q. You have -- after that citation
` to 168 you have, in parentheses, in
` Paragraph 6 of your declaration, stating that
` (as read): "After entering the lens design
` to be improved into a design computer
` program, 'each variable is changed a small
` amount: increment and the effect to
` performance is then computed.'"
` Do you see that?
` A. Now, you are referring to my
` declaration, right?
` Q. Correct. So what I read there
` was from the parenthetical in your
` declaration at Paragraph 6.
` Do you see that?
` A. "Its variable is changed a
` small amount called an increment, and the
` effect to perform is then computed."
` Q. And that quotation that you
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`Page 19
` included in your declaration is taken from
` this Exhibit 1017. Correct?
` A. Yes, it appears so.
` Q. Actually, why don't we take
` that break.
` MS. SIVINSKI: Okay, sounds
` good. Do you want to go off the room,
` I'm assuming?
` MR. LINK: Yes, why don't we do
` that.
` the record. The time is 9:20 a.m.
` Pacific time.
` (Recess taken at 9:20 AM PST,
` resuming at 9:29 AM PST)
` record. Time is 9:29 a.m. Pacific
` time.
` Counsel, you may proceed.
` Q. (By Mr. Link) Dr. Sasián, if I
` could have you turn to Paragraph 9 of your
` reports, at Page 9.
` A. Page 9? Yes, I am now.
` Q. And you say that your analysis
` is showing -- "shows good optical performance
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`Page 20
` of the modified Example 4 lens." Right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was this an optimized
` performance -- optical performance?
` A. Could you please tell me what
` you mean by an "optimized optical
` performance"?
` Q. Did you continue the process of
` modifying Example 4 until you were able to
` optimize the optical performance of the lens
` assembly?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection,
` vague.
` A. Could you please repeat the
` question?
` Q. (By Mr. Link) Did you continue
` the process of modifying Example 4 of Ogino
` until you were able to optimize the optical
` performance of the lens assembly?
` A. By "continue," what do you
` mean? Continue from where?
` Q. Well, let me ask it this way:
` Why did you stop your process of modifying
` Example 4 of Ogino at the point that you did?
` A. As I recall, because in
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`Page 21
` modifying Ogino, I reached similar
` performance to the original Ogino lens.
` Q. If you were -- your goal was to
` obtain similar performance to the original
` example for Ogino lens, why would you do any
` modification to it?
` A. In this case it was to show
` that one could modify the Ogino example to
` decrease the f-number to -- according to the
` teachings of, I believe, Bareau to obtain a
` lower f-number of 2.8.
` Q. So once you reached the same or
` similar performance as what was in the
` original Example 4 lens, you stopped? Is
` that what happened?
` A. Well, I don't recall the
` specifics; but it must be along those lines.
` Q. The original Example 4 of Ogino
` didn't have the performance that a POSITA
` would have wanted and that's why you made the
` modification. Correct?
` MS. SIVINSKI: Objection,
` vague.
` A. I'm not sure if I would phrase
` it like that, though the modification shows
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`Page 22
` that in -- starting or in modifying Ogino a
` POSITA could have reduced the f-number of the
` example.
` Q. But if a POSITA wanted to have
` a reduced f-number, that is like an f-number
` of 2.8, there were other examples in Ogino
` that a POSITA could have used, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So if reducing the f-number was
` important to a POSITA, there is no reason it
` would have started with an example that had
` an f-number that was 3.04. Correct?
` A. No, I disagree. A POSITA who
` was interested in Ogino, understanding and
` following the teachings of Ogino, would have
` explored Ogino examples, modify at least one
` example.
` And especially, as I recall, I
` think -- if you allow me to review the Ogino
` reference, it may be that the total track of
` Ogino of this particular example is the
` smallest -- well, not the total track.
` The telephoto ratio might be
` the smallest of all the examples; and because
` of this important feature, a POSITA would be
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`Page 23
` interested on such a lens. I don't recall
` exactly if it's this example; but again, if
` you let me review Ogino's patent, I will be
` happy to be more precise in my answer.
` Q. Certainly. I dropped the Ogino
` reference into the chat, so if you can
` download that, take a look.
` (Referenced only was Exhibit No. 1005.)
` A. We are talking about Example 4.
` Correct.
` Q. Example 4 is what you modified
` to -- and provided the opinions on, so that's
` where we're starting with.
` A. Let me take a look at the
` different examples.
` So for Example 1, the total
` length is 4.137. For Example 2, it's 4.12.
` For Example 3, it's 4.117.
` For Example 4, it's 4.26. And
` for Example 5, it's 5.17; and for Example 6,
` it's 4.387.
` But that is the total length.
` Let me see if I have here the telephoto
` ratio. So we have -- Example 4, it has the
` total length of 4.26 and a focal length of
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`Page 24
` 4.55.
` Can I use my calculator?
` Q. Yes.
` A. So we have 4.26 divided by
` 4.555, and that number is .93.
` Q. So that's for Example 4?
` A. Yes, that's what I get. And
` say that we go to Example 5 that has a lower
` f-number, so the total length is 5.171
` divided over 5.956 and the telephoto ratio
` would be .868. It would be lower in this
` case.
` So for Example 4 may not be the
` one that has the lowest telephoto ratio.
` Q. I would like to move then to
` Paragraph 14 in your declaration for the
` '277 patent.
` A. Could you please say again the
` paragraph?
` Q. Paragraph 14. 1-4.
` A. I have it.
` Q. Great. And in Paragraph 14 you
` state that the lenses L4 and L5 are not
` actually touching. And you provide a
` figure -- more particularly, a blowup of a
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`Page 25
` figure, Figure 3B, to show this.
` Is that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And just so that we're clear,
` looking at this, Figure 3A is the figure on
` the left which shows the ray trace and then
` Figure 3B is the blown-up figure or the
` blowup of that figure on the right. Is that
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In looking at that blowup of
` the ray trace there in Figure 3B, what is the
` distance between lenses L4 and L5 at that
` closest point?
` A. Well, I don't have that number
` with me, but it's bigger than 0.
` Q. Okay. Is it bigger -- I mean,
` is it 1 millimeter?
` A. Okay, if -- so the total axial
` length of this example is like 4.362
` millimeters. So we can say that the
` thickness, the edge thickness -- I am just
` estimating, okay? I am not doing any
` calculation. But the edge thickness may be
` in the -- of Lens 4 may be in the order of
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`Page 26
` maybe 200 -- .2 millimeters. So the --
` THE REPORTER: Can you repeat
` the number, please?
` A. It's .2 millimeters.
` And so the radii where the
` lenses get closer may be in the order of
` several micrometers.
` Q. Sorry. You said "several
` micrometers"?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is that distance of several
` micrometers within the manufacturing
` tolerances for plastic injection molded
` lenses at the time of the invention of the
` '277 patent?
` A. I believe so.
` Q. What's your basis for saying
` that?
` A. Well, the -- if you do a
` tolerance and analysis of how the lens
` behaves if you change the thickness, the same
` type thickness of Element 4 and 5, you will
` find out that most likely, if it's changed,
` say, 10 or 20 micrometers, the performance of
` the lens would be affected to the point that
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`Page 27
` the lens may not be suitable.
` So to be able -- for the lens
` to be able to operate properly, the
` thicknesses of the lenses on these patients
` needs to be good within a few micrometers.
` And the process of making these lenses by
` plastic injection molding approaches high
` levels of tolerances.
` For example, the surfaces are
` made within a micrometer or much better of
` precision. So the manufacturer -- the
` manufacturing process is -- it's accurate,
` much more accurate.
` Q. You said that for the lenses to
` be able to operate properly, the thickness of
` the lenses need to be good within a few
` micrometers.
` But then earlier, when talking
` about this distance that's closest, you used
` "several micrometers." What's the difference
` between a "few" and "several"?
` A. Well, I'm just estimating.
` Without doing a detailed analysis with the
` lens design program, I can't give you a
` precise answer. I am just estimating that
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`Page 28
` that gap is in the order of several
` micrometers. It may be 5; it may be 15.
` And I'm also saying that the
` level of manufacturing of these lenses, it's
` probably much better than those 5, 15
` micrometers I said.
` Q. But you haven't calculated what
` the distance is there. You're just making an
` estimate as you sit here right now.
` A. Yes, I did a ballpark estimate.
` That's all.
` Q. If I could have you turn to
` Paragraph 20 of your declaration for the '277
` patent, please?
` A. I am there.
` Q. And you quote from another IPR
` regarding a different patent but one that's
` the parent of the '277 patent, that -- an
` argument by the patent owner.
` Do you see that quotation?
` A. Are you referring to the "and
` more fundamentally"?
` Q. Yes, that quotation there.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you agree with this
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