` _______________
` _______________
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` _______________
` Case Nos. IPR2020-00896
` U.S. Patent No. 10,317,647
` _______________
` February 19, 2021
` 1
` 2
` 3
` 4
` 5
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 9
`24 Diana L. Porter, CSR No. 12729
` 470765
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 1


` 2 _______________
` 4 _______________
` 6 Petitioner,
` 7 v.
` 9 Patent Owner.
`10 _______________
`11 Case Nos. IPR2020-00896
`12 U.S. Patent No. 10,317,647
`13 _______________
`17 behalf of the patent owner, via Zoom videoconference,
`18 commencing at 8:00 a.m., Friday, February 19, 2021,
`19 before Diana L. Porter, Certified Shorthand Reporter
`20 No. 12729.
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 2


` 4 12424 Wilshire Boulevard
` Suite 1200
` 5 Los Angeles, California 90025
` (310)826-7474
` 6
`10 2323 Victory Avenue
` Suite 700
`11 Dallas, Texas 75219
` (214)651-5000
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 3


` 2
` 4 By Mr. Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
` 5
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 9
`Exhibit 2003
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` 2
` 4 APPL-1001-897 '277 Patent 129
` 5 APPL-1001-896 '647 Patent 129
` 6 APPL-1003-896 Sasián expert declaration, '647 13
` 7 APPL-1003-897 Sasián expert declaration, '277 13
` 8 APPL-1005 Ogino reference 31
` 9 APPL-1008 Chen II reference 70
`10 APPL-1012 Bareau reference 80
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 5


` 2 8:00 A.M.
` 3
`08:00 4 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We are on
`08:00 5 video record on February 19th, 2021, and the time is
`08:00 6 8:00 o'clock a.m.
`08:00 7 This is the beginning of the video
`08:00 8 deposition of Dr. José Sasián in the matter of
`08:00 9 Apple, Inc., versus Corephotonics, LTD. This is
`08:00 10 being heard before the United States Patent and
`08:00 11 Trademark Office before the Patent Trial and Appeal
`08:00 12 Board.
`08:00 13 This is a virtual Zoom deposition. My name
`08:00 14 is Cyril Suszckiewicz. I'm the videographer. And
`08:00 15 the court reporter is Diana Porter. We're both here
`08:00 16 representing Barkley Court Reporters.
`08:00 17 Counsel, would you please identify yourself
`08:00 18 for the record.
`08:00 19 MR. LINK: Yes. Jonathan Link of the law
`08:01 20 firm of Russ, August & Kabat, on behalf of patent
`08:01 21 owner, Corephotonics.
`08:01 22 MS. SIVINSKI: Good morning. Stephanie
`08:01 23 Sivinski with Haynes and Boone. I'm here with my
`08:01 24 colleagues Jordan Maucotel and Mike Parsons, and we
`08:01 25 are representing (inaudible).
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 6


`08:01 1 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Okay. The court
`08:01 2 reporter may swear in the witness.
`08:01 3 (JOSÉ SASIÁN, deponent, was sworn
`08:01 4 and examined and testified as
`08:01 5 follows:)
`08:01 6 THE DEPOSITION OFFICER: Please raise your
`08:01 7 right hand. You do solemnly state, under penalty of
`08:01 8 perjury, that the testimony that you shall give in
`08:01 9 this matter shall be the truth, the whole truth, and
`08:01 10 nothing but the truth?
`08:01 11 THE DEPONENT: Yes.
`08:01 13 You can put your hand down.
`08:01 15 BY MR. LINK:
`08:01 16 Q Great. Good morning, Dr. Sasián. How are
`08:01 17 you today?
`08:01 18 A Good morning. How are you?
`08:01 19 Q Good. Thank you.
`08:01 20 Dr. Sasián, how many times have you been
`08:01 21 deposed before?
`08:01 22 A Something around 14, 15 times. I don't
`08:01 23 recall the exact number.
`08:02 24 Q Okay. Well, it sounds like you're pretty
`08:02 25 experienced, so I don't think we need to go over the
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 7


`08:02 1 basic rules, but I think it's good to remember a
`08:02 2 couple of things.
`08:02 3 Since we are making a written record, we
`08:02 4 should be mindful and allow each other to complete
`08:02 5 either their question or their answer before
`08:02 6 talking, particularly since we're doing this online.
`08:02 7 If I have a question that's unclear, please
`08:02 8 let me know and we can figure out why it's unclear
`08:02 9 and or I can reask it to clarify.
`08:02 10 Does that sound good?
`08:02 11 A Yes. Thank you.
`08:02 12 Q Okay. And if you need a break, just ask.
`08:02 13 I'll try and do breaks about every hour. But,
`08:02 14 certainly, if -- if you do need a break, let me
`08:02 15 know. The only thing I'll ask is just to make sure
`08:02 16 that you answer any pending questions before we go
`08:02 17 to the break. Okay?
`08:02 18 A Yes. Thank you.
`08:02 19 Q Okay. All right. Is there any reason that
`08:02 20 you can't give truthful testimony today? Any
`08:02 21 medication you're taking that would prevent that?
`08:02 22 Anything like that?
`08:02 23 A Not that I can think.
`08:02 24 Q Okay. Sounds good. All right.
`08:03 25 So you understand that you're being deposed
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 8


`08:03 1 today regarding two declarations that you submitted
`08:03 2 in support of two petitions for inter partes review
`08:03 3 at the Patent Trial and Appeals Board at the U.S.
`08:03 4 PTO; right?
`08:03 5 A Yes.
`08:03 6 And let me tell you that the internet here
`08:03 7 occasionally stops working.
`08:03 8 Q Okay.
`08:03 9 A And usually it stops working for 40
`08:03 10 seconds, 60 seconds. So if you lose me, please
`08:03 11 wait. I should reconnect fairly soon.
`08:03 12 Q Okay. We'll take that into consideration,
`08:03 13 and certainly, if there's a lag in the internet that
`08:03 14 causes a breakup of my question, let me know. We'll
`08:03 15 repeat it. We're all kind of trying to figure out
`08:03 16 this new world with Zoom and all that, so we'll try
`08:03 17 and work with you.
`08:03 18 One of those declarations is regarding U.S.
`08:04 19 Patent Number 10,317,647; right?
`08:04 20 A Yes.
`08:04 21 Q Okay. And we -- if I call that the
`08:04 22 '647 Patent or the '647 declaration, you'll know
`08:04 23 what I'm talking about?
`08:04 24 A Yes.
`08:04 25 Q Okay. And the other declaration that
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 9


`08:04 1 you've submitted is regarding U.S. Patent
`08:04 2 Number 10,324,277; correct?
`08:04 3 A I believe so.
`08:04 4 Q Okay. And if I refer to that as the
`08:04 5 '277 Patent or your declaration as the '277
`08:04 6 declaration, you'll understand what I'm talking
`08:04 7 about there?
`08:04 8 A Yes.
`08:04 9 Q Okay. Prior to these two declarations,
`08:04 10 have you ever worked with Apple before?
`08:04 11 A Could you clarify what you mean by working
`08:05 12 to -- for Apple?
`08:05 13 Q Have you ever been an expert witness on
`08:05 14 behalf of Apple in an IPR other than the two IPRs
`08:05 15 that we're going to discuss today?
`08:05 16 A I believe so.
`08:05 17 Q Okay. Do you know how many times?
`08:05 18 A Well, there have been other IPRs that I
`08:05 19 have participated, and they are in the order of, if
`08:05 20 I remember well, around four, six. I don't remember
`08:05 21 exact, the exact number.
`08:05 22 Q Have you ever been an expert on behalf of
`08:05 23 Apple in any district court patent litigation?
`08:06 24 A Well, does that mean that I've been in
`08:06 25 court on behalf of Apple?
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 10


`08:06 1 Q Well, let's start there. Have you ever
`08:06 2 been in court and testified as a witness on behalf
`08:06 3 of Apple?
`08:06 4 A Other than the -- the IPRs that we just
`08:06 5 mentioned, I don't think so.
`08:06 6 Q Okay. What -- did you prepare for your
`08:06 7 deposition today?
`08:07 8 A Yes.
`08:07 9 Q What did you do to prepare for your
`08:07 10 deposition today?
`08:07 11 MS. SIVINSKI: Dr. Sasián, I would caution
`08:07 12 you not to disclose any conversations you had with
`08:07 13 counsel in preparing for your deposition.
`08:07 14 THE DEPONENT: I reviewed my declarations
`08:07 15 and I reviewed the references. I reviewed a couple
`08:07 16 of responses to some of my prior IPR cases.
`08:07 17 BY MR. LINK:
`08:07 18 Q Okay. Did you talk to anybody in
`08:07 19 preparation for your deposition today?
`08:07 20 MS. SIVINSKI: Again, Dr. Sasián, you can
`08:07 21 answer that yes or no with respect to counsel, but
`08:07 22 don't disclose any conversations you had with
`08:07 23 counsel in preparation for your deposition.
`08:07 24 THE DEPONENT: Yes.
`25 ///
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 11


`08:07 1 BY MR. LINK:
`08:08 2 Q Okay. Did you talk to your counsel in
`08:08 3 preparation for your deposition? Just yes or no.
`08:08 4 A Yes.
`08:08 5 Q Okay. Did you talk to anybody else other
`08:08 6 than counsel in preparation for your deposition
`08:08 7 today?
`08:08 8 A No.
`08:08 9 Q Okay. You said you reviewed a couple of
`08:08 10 responses to some of your prior IPR cases. Which
`08:08 11 IPR cases were those responses in?
`08:08 12 A If I recall well, there were the previous
`08:08 13 two cases where I was deposed about one month ago.
`08:08 14 Q Okay. Did you write your declarations for
`08:09 15 the '277 Patent and the '647 Patent?
`08:09 16 A To some extent, yes.
`08:09 17 Q When you say to some extent, what do you
`08:09 18 mean?
`08:09 19 MS. SIVINSKI: Dr. Sasián, again, I would
`08:09 20 caution you not to disclose any communications you
`08:09 21 had with counsel in preparing your deposition or the
`08:09 22 substance of any communications you had with counsel
`08:09 23 on that subject.
`08:09 24 THE DEPONENT: Well, I wrote my
`08:09 25 declarations with assistance from counsel to Apple.
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 12


`08:09 1 BY MR. LINK:
`08:09 2 Q Did anybody other than counsel for Apple
`08:09 3 assist you in the preparation of either of those
`08:09 4 declarations?
`08:09 5 A Not that I know.
`08:09 6 Q Okay.
`08:10 7 Okay. I'm going to give a -- I'm going to
`08:10 8 post it up here -- a copy of the -- your declaration
`08:10 9 directed to the '647 Patent. And, actually, while
`08:11 10 we're at it, since it will probably come up as well,
`08:11 11 I'm going to put up the declaration for the
`08:11 12 '277 Patent as well. But I wanted to look at the
`08:11 13 one for the '647 Patent first, so if you can let me
`08:11 14 know when you downloaded that or have that ready to
`08:11 15 look at.
`08:11 16 (Exhibit APPL-1003-896 and
`12:13 17 Exhibit APPL-1003-897 marked.)
`08:11 19 this is the court reporter. Will we be doing the
`08:11 20 exhibit numbers like we did earlier this week or
`08:11 21 last week where it's APPL-1003-896 and dash 897,
`08:11 22 respectively?
`08:11 23 MR. LINK: Yes.
`08:11 25 you.
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 13


`08:11 1 MR. LINK: And, Stephanie, just to let you
`08:11 2 know, you folks were kind enough to use the same
`08:11 3 exhibit number for the various exhibits, so we'll be
`08:11 4 using those. But for two of them, the 101 and the
`08:12 5 103 -- or, I'm sorry -- 1001, that was the
`08:12 6 particular patent, and so we will assign that a
`08:12 7 trailer that indicates which of the two IPRs it was
`08:12 8 for. And, then, we're planning to do the same for
`08:12 9 the 1003 just for clarity so that we can understand
`08:12 10 what was discussed.
`08:12 11 MS. SIVINSKI: Sounds great.
`08:12 12 BY MR. LINK:
`08:12 13 Q Okay. With respect, Dr. Sasián, to the --
`08:12 14 your declaration for the '647 Patent, you state that
`08:12 15 it's your opinion that Claims 1 through 5 are
`08:12 16 obvious over a combination of Ogino and Chen II; is
`08:12 17 that right?
`08:12 18 A Yes.
`08:12 19 Q Okay. Now, you don't offer any opinions
`08:12 20 that Ogino alone teaches every element of Claims 1
`08:13 21 through 4 of the '647 Patent; correct?
`08:13 22 A No.
`08:13 23 Q Okay. And you don't offer any opinions
`08:13 24 that Chen II alone teaches every element of Claims 1
`08:13 25 through 4 of the '647 Patent; correct?
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 14


`08:13 1 A Yes.
`08:13 2 Q Okay. And in this declaration that you
`08:13 3 provide regarding the '647 Patent, you state that
`08:13 4 Claims 2, 3, 5, and 8 and 11 of the '647 Patent are
`08:13 5 rendered obvious over the combination of Ogino,
`08:13 6 Chen II, and Bareau; is that correct?
`08:13 7 A I believe so.
`08:13 8 Q Okay. And, again, you don't offer any
`08:13 9 opinions that Ogino alone teaches every element of
`08:13 10 Claims 2, 3, 5, or 8 through 11 of the '647 Patent,
`08:14 11 do you?
`08:14 12 A Not that Ogino alone renders obvious all
`08:14 13 those claims.
`08:14 14 Q Okay. And you don't offer any opinions
`08:14 15 that Chen alone teaches every element of those
`08:14 16 claims of the '647 Patent, do you?
`08:14 17 A Not that Chen alone renders obvious all of
`08:14 18 those claims.
`08:14 19 Q All right. And you don't offer any
`08:14 20 opinions that Bareau alone teaches every element of
`08:14 21 these claims of the '647 Patent, do you?
`08:14 22 A No, I don't.
`08:14 23 Q And, then, I want to switch over real
`08:15 24 quickly to the declaration for the '277 Patent. You
`08:15 25 state that Claims 1 through 3 and 5 through 8 are
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 15


`08:15 1 rendered obvious over Example 4 in Ogino and Bareau;
`08:15 2 is that correct?
`08:15 3 A I believe so.
`08:15 4 Q Okay. And you don't offer any opinions
`08:15 5 that Example 4 in Ogino alone teaches every element
`08:15 6 of Claims 1 through 3 and 5 through 8 of the
`08:15 7 '277 Patent, do you?
`08:15 8 A No.
`08:15 9 Q Okay. And you don't offer any opinions
`08:15 10 that Bareau alone teaches every element of Claims 1
`08:15 11 through 3 and 5 through 8 of the '277 Patent, do
`08:15 12 you?
`08:15 13 A No.
`08:15 14 Q Okay. And, then, I think the second ground
`08:15 15 of this declaration regarding the '277 Patent, you
`08:15 16 state that Claims 1 through 24 are rendered obvious
`08:15 17 over Example 5 in Ogino and Bareau; correct?
`08:15 18 A I believe so.
`08:15 19 Q Okay. And you don't offer any opinions
`08:16 20 that Example 5 in Ogino alone teaches every element
`08:16 21 of the claims of the '277 Patent, do you?
`08:16 22 A No.
`08:16 23 Q Okay. And you don't offer any opinions
`08:16 24 that Bareau alone teaches every element of the
`08:16 25 claims of the '277 Patent, do you?
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 16


`08:16 1 A No.
`08:16 2 Q Okay. All right. So I want to start first
`08:16 3 talking and getting maybe a little into a bit more
`08:16 4 depth into the six -- the declaration for the
`08:16 5 '647 Patent.
`08:16 6 A Yes.
`08:16 7 Q And I'd like to turn to your first ground,
`08:16 8 which is that Claims 1 through 3 and 5 of the
`08:17 9 '647 Patent are obvious over Iwasaki. Do you see
`08:17 10 that ground?
`08:17 11 A Would you please tell me what page is it?
`08:17 12 Q Sure. Let me --
`08:17 13 A I think it's 24.
`08:17 14 Q Yeah. It's at 24, and your detailed
`08:17 15 analysis starts at 27. So do you see that?
`08:17 16 A Yes.
`08:17 17 Q Okay. In this Ground 1, you're only using
`08:17 18 Example 4 of Iwasaki; correct?
`08:17 19 MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Form.
`08:18 20 THE DEPONENT: Well, I -- I am doing a
`08:18 21 combination to address how Claims 1, 3, and 5 are
`08:18 22 obvious, and the combination is with Ogino, Chen II,
`08:18 23 and Bareau. And then --
`08:18 24 BY MR. LINK:
`08:18 25 Q Well -- and I do want to get to that with
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 17


`08:18 1 the combination, but I want to talk about, at
`08:18 2 page 24, just Iwasaki first.
`08:19 3 A Okay.
`08:19 4 Q Okay? And, specifically, so that -- you --
`08:19 5 Ground 1, you say that Claims 1 through 3 and 5 of
`08:19 6 the '647 Patent are obvious over Iwasaki; correct?
`08:19 7 A Yes.
`08:19 8 Q Okay. And for this obviousness analysis,
`08:19 9 you're only using Example 4 of Iwasaki; right?
`08:19 10 A Yes.
`08:19 11 Q Okay. You're not relying on any of the
`08:19 12 other examples, Example 1 or anything like that;
`08:19 13 correct?
`08:19 14 A No.
`08:19 15 MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Form.
`08:19 16 Sorry, José.
`08:20 17 THE DEPONENT: I should -- I should say
`08:20 18 that I am relying on the Iwasaki reference as a
`08:20 19 whole, but in particular on Example 4.
`08:20 20 BY MR. LINK:
`08:20 21 Q Okay. Is there anyplace in your analysis
`08:20 22 of Claims 1 through 3 and 5 in view of Iwasaki that
`08:20 23 you cite to in example in Iwasaki that is not
`08:20 24 Example 4?
`08:20 25 A Not that I can recall right now.
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 18


`08:20 1 Q Okay. All right. I want to move, then, to
`08:21 2 page 42 of your declaration. You have the heading
`08:21 3 B, which says, "Claims 1 and 4 are obvious over the
`08:21 4 combination of Ogino." However, I think what you
`08:21 5 mean is that should be Claims 1 through 4 are
`08:21 6 obvious over the combination of Ogino and Chen II.
`08:21 7 Can you confirm that?
`08:21 8 A I am getting there. Just a second, please.
`08:21 9 Q Sure.
`08:21 10 A Yes. On page -- on page 42, under B, it
`08:21 11 reads, "Claims 1 and 4 are obvious over the
`08:21 12 combination of Ogino." And somehow Chen is missing
`08:21 13 there.
`08:21 14 Q Okay. And I just want to be clear. You
`08:22 15 said Chen is missing. By Chen, you mean Chen II,
`08:22 16 which is U.S. Patent Number 8,233,224; correct?
`08:22 17 A Patent 8,233,224, yes. That's Chen II.
`08:22 18 Q Okay. And I'm going to use Chen II,
`08:22 19 because in your list of exhibits, you have another
`08:22 20 patent that's just Chen and so I want to make sure
`08:22 21 that we're clear which one we're referring to.
`08:22 22 Okay?
`08:22 23 A Yes. I believe they are different Chens.
`08:22 24 It's not the same person.
`08:22 25 Q Sure.
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 19


`08:22 1 All right. Now, in this analysis where you
`08:23 2 say Claims 1 through 4 are obvious over Ogino and
`08:23 3 Chen II, you're relying on Example 5 in Ogino;
`08:23 4 right?
`08:23 5 A I am relying on Example 5 of Ogino, yes.
`08:23 6 Q All right. Great. And in this ground here
`08:23 7 where you say that Claims 1 and 4 of the '647 Patent
`08:23 8 are obvious over Ogino and Chen II, you are using
`08:23 9 only Example 1 in Chen II for this analysis;
`08:23 10 correct?
`08:23 11 MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Form.
`08:24 12 THE DEPONENT: I am giving as an example
`08:24 13 Example 1 from Chen.
`08:24 14 BY MR. LINK:
`08:24 15 Q Okay. Do you, in your declaration with
`08:24 16 respect to this obviousness combination regarding
`08:24 17 Claims 1 and 4 of the '647 Patent -- do you cite to
`08:24 18 any of the other examples in Chen II?
`08:25 19 A Not that I can recall.
`08:25 20 Q Okay. And just to kind of show you where
`08:25 21 I'm going; right? There's five or six combinations
`08:25 22 in Ogino. There's two or three in Chen. And if you
`08:25 23 multiply those out, right, there's a lot of
`08:25 24 different combinations here. And so what I'm just
`08:25 25 trying to do is kind of figure out where it is that
`Exhibit 2003
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`08:25 1 we can focus on on the combinations that matter as
`08:25 2 opposed to the ones that you're not using.
`08:25 3 So I'd like to go -- excuse me. Pardon
`08:25 4 me -- to the next section of your report here, and
`08:25 5 that is at page 72, at the very bottom. And you'll
`08:26 6 see Section C says, "Claims 2, 3, 5 and 8 through 11
`08:26 7 are obvious over the combination of Ogino, Chen II,
`08:26 8 and Bareau." Do you see that?
`08:26 9 A You say page 74?
`08:26 10 Q Seventy-two.
`08:26 11 A Yes.
`08:26 12 Q Okay. And for this combination, is it
`08:26 13 correct that you are only using Example 5 in Ogino?
`08:26 14 MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Form.
`08:27 15 THE DEPONENT: I am giving Example 5 of
`08:27 16 Ogino as an example.
`08:27 17 BY MR. LINK:
`08:27 18 Q Okay. Do you perform any analysis
`08:27 19 regarding Claims 2, 3, 5, and 8 through 11 regarding
`08:27 20 any other example in Ogino?
`08:27 21 A Not that I can recall.
`08:27 22 Q Okay. And for this Claims 2, 3, 5, and 8
`08:27 23 through 11 of the '647 Patent, is it correct that
`08:27 24 you are only using Example 1 in Chen II for your
`08:27 25 obviousness combination?
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 21


`08:27 1 MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Form.
`08:27 2 THE DEPONENT: Would you please repeat
`08:27 3 question?
`08:27 4 BY MR. LINK:
`08:27 5 Q Sure. So looking still at page 72 in your
`08:28 6 declaration where you state there in the heading,
`08:28 7 "Claims 2, 3, 5 and 8 through 11 are obvious over
`08:28 8 the combination of Ogino, Chen II, and Bareau," is
`08:28 9 it correct that you are only using Example 1 in
`08:28 10 Chen II for your obviousness analysis here?
`08:28 11 MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Form.
`08:28 12 THE DEPONENT: Yes. I am using Example 1
`08:28 13 on Chen.
`08:28 14 BY MR. LINK:
`08:28 15 Q All right. And, then, turning to page 95
`08:29 16 of your declaration for the '647 Patent. Please let
`08:29 17 me know when you're there.
`08:29 18 A I am on page 95.
`08:29 19 Q Okay. And you'll see at that there is a
`08:29 20 heading D that says, "Claim 6 is rendered obvious
`08:29 21 over the combination of Ogino, Chen II, Bareau, and
`08:29 22 Kingslake." Do you see that?
`08:29 23 A Yes.
`08:29 24 Q Okay. In this combination regarding
`08:29 25 Claim 6 of the '647 Patent, is it correct that
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 22


`08:29 1 you're only using Example 5 in Ogino for your
`08:29 2 obviousness analysis?
`08:29 3 MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Form.
`08:30 4 THE DEPONENT: I am using Example 5 of
`08:30 5 Ogino for this analysis.
`08:30 6 BY MR. LINK:
`08:30 7 Q Okay. And, again, for this analysis with
`08:30 8 respect to Claim 6 of the '647 Patent, is it correct
`08:30 9 that you are only using Example 1 in Chen II for
`08:30 10 your obviousness analysis?
`08:30 11 MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Form.
`08:30 12 THE DEPONENT: Yes.
`08:30 13 BY MR. LINK:
`08:30 14 Q Okay.
`08:30 15 A And I should say I am using Example 1 of
`08:31 16 Chen. I -- I wouldn't say, characterize, like,
`08:31 17 only.
`08:31 18 Q Where in this analysis with respect to
`08:31 19 Claim 6 of the '647 Patent do you cite to anything
`08:31 20 else in Chen II other than to Example 1?
`08:31 21 A Well, I am -- I am referencing the Chen
`08:31 22 reference as a whole.
`08:31 23 Q Do you provide any citations in Chen II to
`08:31 24 anything other than Example 1?
`08:31 25 A Not that I can recall now.
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 23


`08:31 1 Q Okay.
`08:31 2 A Do you mind if I break for a couple of
`08:31 3 minutes?
`08:32 4 MR. LINK: Sure. We can take a break for
`08:32 5 five minutes and come back then.
`08:32 6 THE DEPONENT: Thank you.
`08:32 7 MR. LINK: Sure.
`08:32 8 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Okay. We are going off
`08:32 9 the record at 8:32.
`08:32 10 (A recess was taken.)
`08:36 11 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Okay. We are back on
`08:36 12 the record at 8:36.
`08:36 13 BY MR. LINK:
`08:36 14 Q Wonderful.
`08:36 15 Dr. Sasián, just before the break, there
`08:36 16 were two answers you had. One, you said, "I should
`08:36 17 say I'm using Example 1 of Chen." And then, later
`08:36 18 on, you said, "Well, I'm -- I'm referencing running
`08:36 19 the Chen reference as a whole." Do you recall
`08:36 20 making those statements?
`08:36 21 A Yes.
`08:36 22 Q Okay. And, again, just for the record
`08:37 23 here, when you're referring to Chen in those
`08:37 24 statements, you mean Chen II reference; correct?
`08:37 25 A That's correct.
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 24


`08:37 1 Q Okay. Right. Because we're not talking
`08:37 2 about the Chen reference which is used or applied
`08:37 3 against some other claims. We're talking about
`08:37 4 Chen II for right now; right?
`08:37 5 A Yes. And in the same sense --
`08:37 6 Q Okay.
`08:37 7 A -- I should say that I am bringing -- I am
`08:37 8 referencing those patents not to say that I am
`08:37 9 limiting my choice of a particular section in those
`08:37 10 patents.
`08:37 11 Q Well, you can't just mix and match the
`08:37 12 different examples in, say, the Ogino reference, can
`08:37 13 you?
`08:37 14 MS. SIVINSKI: Objection. Form.
`08:37 15 THE DEPONENT: I haven't said that. I
`08:37 16 didn't say that.
`08:37 17 BY MR. LINK:
`08:37 18 Q Okay. So when you -- when you look at
`08:37 19 Example 5 in Ogino, for example, you know, that's
`08:38 20 the -- that's the setup you're starting with, and
`08:38 21 you can't just -- whatever modifications you made to
`08:38 22 that don't automatically translate to, say,
`08:38 23 Example 1 in Ogino; correct?
`08:38 24 A I'm not sure I follow what you say. Could
`08:38 25 you please repeat the question?
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 25


`08:38 1 Q Sure. If you -- if you take Example 5 in
`08:38 2 Ogino and you change a couple focal lengths in the
`08:38 3 lenses and you change some distances, you can't make
`08:38 4 those -- to achieve a certain result, you can't make
`08:38 5 those exact same changes to Sample 1 and come up
`08:38 6 with the same result, can you?
`08:38 7 A For that, I would have to do the analysis
`08:38 8 to answer this question.
`08:38 9 Q Okay. You wouldn't assume that if you did
`08:39 10 that that the results would be the same, though,
`08:39 11 would you?
`08:39 12 A No. I would have to try.
`08:39 13 Q Okay. I'd like to move to the appendix in
`08:39 14 your '647 Patent. And we'll start at the first one,
`08:39 15 because -- and that's at page 143 of your
`08:39 16 declaration for the '647 Patent.
`08:40 17 A Yes.
`08:40 18 Q Okay. And in Section A, it says,

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