Online Continuous Stereo Extrinsic Parameter Estimation
`Peter Hansen
`Computer Science Department
`Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar
`Doha, Qatar
`Hatem Alismail, Peter Rander, Brett Browning
`National Robotics Engineering Center
`Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
`Pittsburgh PA, USA
`Stereo visual odometry and dense scene reconstruction
`depend critically on accurate calibration of the extrinsic
`(relative) stereo camera poses. We present an algorithm
`for continuous, online stereo extrinsic re-calibration oper-
`ating only on sparse stereo correspondences on a per-frame
`basis. We obtain the 5 degree of freedom extrinsic pose
`for each frame, with a fixed baseline, making it possible to
`model time-dependent variations. The initial extrinsic es-
`timates are found by minimizing epipolar errors, and are
`refined via a Kalman Filter (KF). Observation covariances
`are derived from the Cr´amer-Rao lower bound of the solu-
`tion uncertainty. The algorithm operates at frame rate with
`unoptimized Matlab code with over 1000 correspondences
`per frame. We validate its performance using a variety of
`real stereo datasets and simulations.
`1. Introduction
`Stereo vision is core to many 3D vision methods in-
`cluding visual odometry and dense scene reconstruction.
`Good calibration, both intrinsic and extrinsic, is essential
`to achieving high accuracy as it impacts image rectifica-
`tion, stereo correspondence search, and triangulation. In-
`trinsic calibration models image formation for each cam-
`era (e.g. [3]), while extrinsic calibration models the 6 de-
`gree of freedom (DOF) pose between the cameras. For real
`systems, extrinsic calibration errors occur more frequently
`due to larger exposure to shock, vibration, thermal variation
`and cycling. For visual odometry in particular, such errors
`lead to biased results. We propose a method to recalibrate
`extrinsic parameters online to correct drift or bias. Fig. 1
`shows epipolar errors for a range of stereo heads. For 1b
`and 1c there is a near constant bias, while 1a drifts possibly
`caused by thermal expansion from the lighting assembly.
`Online calibration remains an active area of research.
`Online intrinsic calibration (auto or self calibration) es-
`timates intrinsic parameters using scene point correspon-
`[18, 17, 8, 11]). How-
`dences from multiple views (e.g.
`ever, the results are generally less accurate than offline
`methods [8] using known relative Euclidean control points
`(e.g. [16]). Here, we focus on correcting drifting extrin-
`sic calibration. Carrera et al. [2] calibrated multi-camera
`extrinsics using monocular visual SLAM maps for each
`camera [6], not necessarily with overlapping fields of view.
`However, the extrinsic estimates were assumed to be sta-
`ble over time and monocular SLAM limits real-time perfor-
`mance in large environments. In contrast, continuous meth-
`ods output a unique extrinsic pose for each stereo pair (per
`time step). In [1], a linear essential matrix estimate is used
`to find relative pose, followed by non-linear refinement in-
`corporating depth ordering constraints. Some constraints
`were placed on the extrinsic pose DOF, and experimental
`testing was restricted to small indoor sequences with a sta-
`tionary camera.
`Dang et al. [5, 4] developed an approach that estimates
`the extrinsics using three error metrics incorporated into
`an iterative Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The error met-
`rics are derived from bundle adjustment (BA), epipolar con-
`straints, and trilinear constraints. Comparisons were made
`via scene reconstruction accuracy, and they found that us-
`ing epipolar constraints (epipolar reprojection errors) only
`to be inferior to using all three metrics. The number of cor-
`respondences was limited (< 50), and using more is likely
`to significantly impact real-time performance. Interestingly,
`there were several advantages to using epipolar errors only.
`These include the ability to obtain strictly per-frame esti-
`mates without needing temporal correspondences and the
`invariance to non-rigid scenes, which is important for oper-
`ations in dynamic environments.
`In this paper, we contribute a continuous, online, extrin-
`sic re-calibration algorithm that operates in real-time using
`only sparse stereo correspondences and no temporal con-
`straints. The initial extrinsic estimates are obtained by min-
`imizing epipolar errors, and a Kalman Filter (KF) is used
`to limit over-fitting. The unique extrinsics estimated for
`each stereo pair enable temporal drift to be modeled and we
`978-1-4673-1228-8/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE
`APPL-1019/ Page 1 of 8
`Apple v. Corephotonics


`2. Stereo Geometry and Error Metric
`2.1. Stereo Pose and Epipolar Constraints
`The stereo extrinsics S = [RIt], is composed of a rota-
`tion R 6 50(3) and translation t E R3. It defines the pro-
`jection of a scene point X; = (X, Y, Z)T in the left camera,
`toX, intheright: Xr = RX1+t.
`Our re—calibration algorithm uses image coordinates and
`errors in the left and right stereo rectified images. Let 1'11 (—)
`fr, be a set of homogeneous scene point correspondences
`in a pair of rectified images, which are related to the scene
`points coordinates X;, X, by
`where RbR, are rotations applied to each camera, and
`Kl, Kr are pinhole projection matrices with zero skew and
`equal focal lengths f. For convenience we assume that
`f 0
`K1=Kr= 0 f '00
`R1 and R, are selected to produce a rectified extrinsic pose
`=[—ng3|(b, 0_0),T] where b = ”t” is the original
`baseline, such thatX, =X1 +(—b, 00,)T (e.g. [12]).
`The rectified coordinates are related by
`In—zfil 2 I 6 B IO!2III6IBMR
`_ Z ,
` V In
`(c)0utdoordatase12: f—— l781piz, 1024)<768pi:r:2 images.
`Figure 1: Mean (blue) and 21:30 standard deviation (red)
`epipolar errors for sparse correspondences for different
`stereo data. The supplied calibration (Pointgrey Bumble-
`bee2) was used for rectification in (b).
`show that with enough correspondences (e.g. 1000), epipo-
`lar errors alone are sufficient for good re-calibration. More-
`over, the approach is trivial to extend to multiple frames by
`combining correspondences. We validate the approach in
`simulation and on real stereo datasets by comparing visual
`odometry estimates with and without re-calibratjon, and re-
`consu'uction errors compared to offline calibration with a
`known target. We show the limitations of re-calibratjng the
`baseline length, and suggest methods to partially address
`where d is the disparity and Z the depth of a scene point.
`The stereo rectified epipolar constraint is simply r"); = 17,,
`which is independent of the depth and baseline. This
`can also be derived from the monocular essential matrix
`in, Efir = 0 [12].
`2.2. Calibration Error Metric
`~ For re-calibration, we decompose each rotation, R; and
`R,, as the product of two independent rotations:
`m=flm i=flfl-
`They are the rotations R; and R; from the original stereo
`extrinsics S, and a rotation correction R; and R,. We start
`with a set of correspondences u; (—) u; detected in imagery
`rectified with R; and R’,. They are related to the correct
`rectified coordinates f1; H [1,, satisfying the epipolar con-
`straint by
`'T —l
`[ll 2 KlRl Kl
`a, z K,R$K;1u',.
`For an estimate of R1 and E, the epipolar error e,- is
`_Rr[2] Kz—l“r,-
`R—_1, —f
`K:u.# ‘7’
`APPL-1019l Page 2 cm


`Figure 2: The parameterization of the rotation angles Q. In
`the rectified pose, the cameras principal axes are parallel,
`and lie in the plane 11. The rectified coordinates are pro-
`jected to a plane orthogonal to H.
`where RT“El means row b of matrix RT. The re-calibration
`nction is the sum of squared epipolar errors 6:
`argmin Z 6?,
`R1 1121'
`giving the maximum likelihood estimate of R1 and 12,, from
`which the new S stereo extrinsics can be recovered:
`= (0., (it).
`Q: = [(RTR1)TI0] _) Q: = [Rf RiIO] ,
`0. = [(123 RM (in? nah—b, o, 0F] ,
`where ((2,, Q?) is the projection Q; followed by (2,.
`As we can only use epipolar constraints, there is no
`means for correcting the stereo baseline estimate b. We
`introduce a method to partially address this in section 4.3.
`We restrict the optimized extrinsic pose by l DOF as a re-
`sult and instead omimize the 5 DOF vector of Euler angles
`<I> = lumbar, 13.,le by minimizing (81Refem'ng to
`Fig 2, the rotations R1 and R, are
`R1 = RX(’Y/2) R2031) Iii/(011)
`R. = Rx(—’Y/2) R206.) Ry(a.),
`where RA is the right-handed rotation about the axis A. Eu-
`ler angles are a suitable parameterization as the initial ex-
`trinsic estimate is assumed to be near the solution, and the
`expected changes in angles are small.
`3. Solution Covariance and Over Fitting
`In practice, the correspondences u; (—) 11'r will be cor-
`rupted with noise and the ability to accurately estimate Q
`from these is dependent on many factors. These include: the
`focal lengths, baseline, number of correspondences, spatial
`distribution of correspondences, and the depth of the scene
`points. Small rotation angles Q make over-fitting a concern
`Figure 3: Ground truth simulated change in angles Q’ (black
`line), and the initial optimized estimates Q (red dots).
`To test this, we simulated a time dependent change in the
`extrinsic pose of a b = 150mm baseline, 640 x 480 reso-
`lution (f = 1000pizc) stereo camera. For each stereo pair,
`1000 random correspondences were generated, and uncor-
`related Gaussian noise (a = 0.5piz) added. The disparity
`values ranged between 1 and 25pm, or equivalently depths
`Z between 3 and 150m. Fig. 3 shows the simulated angular
`changes (black), and the noisy estimates of Q (red).
`3.1. Solution Covariance
`Assuming that Q is an unbiased estimate of the
`solution Q’, with expected error covariance C =
`8 [(Q — Q’) (Q — Q’)T] , the Cramér-Rao lower bound C is
`greater than or equal to the inverse of the Fisher information
`matrix F, which is the score variance at the solution [15]:
`c = 5 [(Q — Q’) (Q — <I>')T] 2 F—1
`alumni) T
`F ‘5 KT) (TN "5’
`If the
`Where p(e|Q) is the conditional error probability.
`measurement errors of the imaged points are zero-mean
`Gaussian, then we can assume that 6 ~ N(0, a) at the solu-
`tion, and (15) can be written as
`Fir—2: (&,)T (35,-)
`The summation in (16) is taken over all n correspondences,
`and the Jacobian 3:; is the change in error with respect to
`the change in parameters Q at the solution:
`which, for the simple case where Q = 0T is
`“0: = [ % —.z-... —',
`x... ”—f ]_
`1 061
`APPL-1019 I Page 3 018


` 0.040
`(a) Pipe dataset (see Fig. la). All seem points are within
`300mm of the camera. det(C) = 8.452 x 10—42.
`0.979 0““
`1 .002
`—0.01 3
`—0.01 3
`(b) Outdoor dataset 1 (see Fig. lb). Many scene points are > 10m
`from the camera. det(C) = 4.602 x 10—37.
`Table l: Covariance matrices for the correspondences in (a)
`Fig. la and (b) Fig. lb. The units are deg2/pi12, and all
`values have been scale by 1.0 x 103 for display purposes.
`From (6), (It) yl)T = (17.1 _ "'01 ‘61 _ v0)T and (If, yr)T =
`(11, — no, i), — vo)T. Due to its complexity we omit here the
`fill] Jacobian. For most perspective cameras with awarage
`fields of view the component % dominates the magnitude
`of J, suggesting that 'y will be the most reliable estimate.
`Table 1 shows the covariance matrices for the sets of cor-
`respondences in Fig. la and Fig. lb. The variances of the
`angles (leading diagonal) differ significantly in the exam-
`ples, and although the number of correspondences used was
`similar, the determinant of C for the pipe example is several
`orders of magnitude smaller than the outdoor 1 example.
`For the outdoor 1 example, the majority of the scene points
`are distant, and there is a large covariance between the a an-
`gles (a; and a" highlighted in blue), as well as the )3 angles
`([31 and [3,, highlighted in red)‘. This shows that it is pri-
`marily the relative angles 6a = a; — ozr and 613 = [31 — )3,
`being estimated (see Fig. 5). For example, if points at an
`infinite distance are observed in a perfectly rectified stereo
`pair, such that uf = u’r, the epipolar errors 2 6? will be
`zero for any rotations where [3; = fl, (6)3 = 0). In eifect
`this is attempting to estimate a small translation using points
`at infinity (Fig. 4). It is only when )3; 7é )3, that Z a? > 0.
`4. Kalman Filter Re-Calibration
`Given the noisy estimates (I) of the extrinsic pose ob-
`tained from the non-linear minimization of the epipolar er-
`rors, we use a KF [13] to produce a smoothed estimate <1).
`We use a stationary process model so that we have at time k
`(1),, = <1>k_1, although more complex models could be used.
`Foranyporntatrnlimtyur; =u;.,so Hui, = Dairand 33‘.- = 3'56?
`Figure 4: For a point at infinity, only relative angles can be
`estimated, for example 6/3 = fl; — fir. Rotating the cameras
`by the same angle )3; = [3, (6b = 0) is approximately equiv-
`alent to adding a small translation change 6t, and estimating
`small translations with distal points is problematic.
`The lower bound Ck evaluated at time k is used as the mea-
`surement noise covariance. The process noise covariance Q
`is set to
`Q=(m) (W) D1ag(1,1,1,1,0.25),
`where fps is frames per second, and -r is the selected angu-
`lar rate of the process noise with units of degrees per minute.
`4.1. Update Equations
`The time update predictions for the camera state (1);, er-
`ror covariance 'Pk— , and Kalman gain [C]. are
`i; = $1.4
`P; = PH + Q
`1c; = P; (P; + ct)“,
`from which the updated estimate of the camera state (in. and
`error covariance P]. are evaluated as
`(in, = <i>; + IC; (<I> — 6);)
`Pk = (15x5 — 1C1.) 'PE-
`4.2. Initializing the State Covariance
`We estimate the initial state covariance ’szo by getter-
`ating 50 perfectly rectified frames of checkerboard scene
`points (120 points per frame). Random poses of the carn-
`eras with respect to the checkerboard target are simulated.
`Gaussian noise is then added to each image coordinate with
`a = 0.25pim. The reprojection errors are defined as a func-
`tion of the Euler angles (6) — the y error component is
`(7). The initial estimate ’Pk=o is calculated from the lower
`bound of the solution uncertainty.
`Figure 5 shows the KF results <i> obtained from the orig-
`inal optimized estimates <I> in the example in Fig. 3 using
`the process noise rate 7' = 1e‘3. It is clear from Fig. 5 that
`the KF estimates of the individual angles aha" ,61, 5, do
`not accurately estimate the simulated angles. However, the
`dijferential angles 60: = a; — a, and 61‘] = fl; — B, shown
`in the same figure are close approximations of the simulated
`differential angles. Note that 7 is also a differential angle,
`and its filter estimate is very close to the simulated values.
`1 062
`APPL-1019 I Page 4 of 8


`Figure 5: Ground truth angles <I> (black) and KP estimates (i)
`(red)— original estimates (1) shown in Fig. 3. The differential
`angles 60: = a; — an 6;? = fl; — 3, are also shown.
`4.3. Baseline Estimation
`The true baseline distance cannot be measured from
`stereo correspondences, however, it may be estimated using
`additional information. Examples include inertial or wheel
`odometry, fixed reference fiduciary markers, or structured
`light measurement observable in both images. Here, we
`used the following per-frame method to obtain the results in
`section 5. We assume that triangulated distance to a scene
`point X,- should be the same using both the original and re-
`calibrated extrinsics. We denote these I,- and 1;, respectively.
`Since distances are proportional to the triangulated depths
`(see 4), we estimate the new baseline b as
`" z,-
`The summation is only taken over the nearest n = 5 stereo
`correspondences each frame as the nearest points are the
`most suitable for resolving translation magnitudes.
`5. Experiments and Results
`To evaluate the approach, we present a range of experi-
`mental online re-calibration results including visual odom-
`etry for the datasets in Fig. 1 (see table 2), and scene recon-
`struction using the dataset described in Sect. 5.
`For all datasets, Harris comers [10] were detected in
`image pairs rectified using the original extrinsics. Sparse
`stereo correspondences were found by thresholding the co-
`sine similarity between SIFI' descriptors [14] for each fea-
`ture. Although sub-pixel accuracy Harris comers were
`found, Zero-Normalized Cross Correlation (ZNCC) was
`used to refine the correspondences and improve accuracy.
`Assembled Commercial Assembled
`f (pix)
`b (m)
`# stereo
`length (m)
`Table 2: Summary of the visual odometry datasets (see also
`Fig. l). The notation # stereo is the mean number of stereo
`correspondences found per frame. The camera parameters
`are given for the stereo rectified images.
`Importantly, we constrain the right stereo feature to an
`epipolar box and not a line
`For the visual odometry results, temporal correspon-
`dences between adjacent stereo pairs were found by thresh-
`olding the ambiguity ratio [14] between SIFI' descrip-
`tors. Visual odometry estimates were computed using
`both the original and the re—calibrated stereo extrinsic pose.
`The 6 DOF change in pose Q between the left camera
`frames was estimated using Perspective-n-Points (PnP) and
`RANSAC [7], followed by non-linear minimization of the
`image reprojection errors. The KF process noise was set to
`T = 0.001 for each dataset, and 131.20 estimated using the
`method in Sect. 4.2.
`Pipe Dataset The stereo camera, original epipolar errors,
`and sample rectified imagery for the pipe dataset are shown
`in As described in [9], the camera observed the up-
`per surface of a 400mm diameter steel pipe as it moved
`forwards and then in reverse through the pipe. Light-
`ing via nine LEDs was mounted to the camera housing,
`which raised the temperature of the camera housing from
`25 — 30°C ambient at the start to 27 — 38°C at the end.
`We attribute the time dependent change in epipolar errors to
`thermal expansion.
`The KF estimates of the camera rotation angles, visual
`odometry estimates, and 3D point clouds with original and
`re-calibration extrinsics are shown in Fig.6a, 6b, and 6c.
`Although GPS ground truth is unavailable, all scene points
`belong to the same curved surface, so the reconstructions in
`both directions should align. There is a large misalignment
`using the original extrinsic calibration, which is improved
`significantly using the online re-calibration estimates.
`Outdoor Dataset (Camera 1) The first outdoor dataset
`(Fig.1b) includes imagery firm a short baseline Pointgrey
`Bumblebee2 stereo camera. The rectified imagery was cre-
`ated using the supplied calibration data. The KF estimates
`of the extrinsics are provided in Fig.7a, and the compari-
`1 063
`APPL-1019 I Page 5 of 8


`Tlllo (ninja)
`rm (trim)
`(a) KF estimates of the rotations angles
`2 0' “W;-o,2: . _ .
`g 02*
`0. 4m
`; —0.2-
`(b) V0 result with pipe axis in X direction: original (top) and
`re-ealibrated (bottom).
`A 02% A 02‘
`0,1 .
`7g 01 ,
`Tm( '
`I 1012
` El 1012
`(0'9) "lfiz'iééioiz -
`(a) ”estimates of the rotations angles.
`"03”!“ o
`X (meters)
`'-o.2-01° °‘
`Y (meters)
`.01 » -
`'03030-1'0 ‘_’
`X (meters)
`‘0 0‘
`Y (meters)
`(b) V0 (red), and the SH: GPS (blue). 1211 column is the original
`calibration, and right colunm the KF re-ealibration.
`(c) V0 result at tie start/end: original (lefl) and re-ealibrated (right).
`Tie points all belong to the same surface.
`Figure 7: Results for 5.48km outdoor dataset 1 (commercial
`stereo camera). There are a total of 4 anti-clockwise loops.
`Figme 6: Results for the pipe dataset. The black line near
`the surface points in (c) connects the same ground truth
`marker, reconstructed at the start and end of the dataset
`The Euclidean errors in the reconstructed coordinate are:
`100.1mm for original calibration, 15.1mm for re-calibrated.
`son of the visual odometry estimates using the original and
`re-calibrated extrinsic pose are shown in Fig.7b. The 5Hz
`GPS (non-RTK) measurements collected are included as
`ground truth. The visual odometry position estimates were
`linearly interpolated at the time stamps for each of the 1671
`GPS readings2, and then aligned with the GPS by minimiz-
`ing the sum of squared distances. The average absolute dis-
`tance errors were: 0.781m using the original calibration,
`and 0.485m using online recalibration.
`(Camera 2) The second outdoor
`Outdoor Dataset
`dataset (see Fig.1c) uses a custom 342mm baseline stereo
`camera. Intrinsic and extrinsic parameters were calibrated
`offline and then we manually flexed the camera to alter the
`extrinsics. The KF estimates of the angles and visual odom-
`etry results are provided in Fig.8. GPS ( 3045 points at
`5Hz) formed the ground truth using the same techniques
`described previously. The absolute average distance errors
`were: 1.632m using the original calibration, and 0.700m
`using online recalibration. As was the case with the first
`outdoor dataset, recalibration reduced the rotational drift.
`Indoor Scene Fig. 9a shows the stereo camera and a sam-
`ple image from the left camera used for the indoor con-
`trolledtest. The stereoheadusesthe samecamerasasinthe
`2112 GPS z-compomntwassettozeroastle 3D solutionwasrnneli—
`able — the operating environment was approximately planar.
`previous experiment, but with a baseline of 220mm and a
`configurable right camera pose. We collected three datasets
`APPL-1019 I Page 6 of 8


` -O.1~
`4'56 2 4 6 51012141618202
`TIM (muutos)
`411511 2 I 6 810121416182022
`Tum. (minulos)
`'O 2 4 6.811312141613202
`420 2 4 6 810121416182022
`11m. (mmulos)
`(a) [CF estimates of the rotations angles
`(b) V0 (red), and the 51-12 GPS (blue). Lefi column is the origi-
`nal calibration, and right calm the KF recalibration.
`Figure 8: Results for 6.25km outdoor dataset 2.
`(l, 2 and 3) observing the same indoor scene, each with a
`different right camera pose. Ground truth estimates of the
`extrinsic pose for each set were obtained using a checker-
`board target. Dataset 1 was chosen as the reference calibra-
`tion. The stereo correspondences for each set were found
`in rectified imagery using this reference calibration. The
`online KF recalibration was used to estimate the changes
`from the reference calibration, as shown in Fig. 9b. The
`final KF results are compared to the ground truth in table 3.
`As expected,
`the performance degrades with large
`changes from the reference calibration. Although the errors
`for a; and 0:, appear large for set 1, the resulting change in
`the stereo disparity and scene reconstruction remained rel-
`atively small (see table 3). The standard deviation of the
`disparity (pix) is similar to the checkerboard calibration re-
`projection values of (0,, U”) = (0.231, 0.212)1n':c which is
`itself only an estimate of the true extrinsic pose.
`To better visualize the performance of the re-calibration,
`the overhead views of the scene reconstruction for each
`(a) The stereo camera and sample inlay.
`(b) The raw online calibration angle estimates (red points) and KP estimates
`(solid lines). Each row shows the differential angle estimates for each ofthe
`3 datasets (changing right camera pose).
` ..
`(c) The top view ofthe scene reconstructions for set 1 (blue), set 2 (red) and
`set 3 (green) using: original calibration (top row); checkerboard calibration
`(middle row); online KF recalibration (bottom row).
`Figure 9: Hardware and results for the indoor dataset.
`the first row uses the reference
`set are shown in Fig. 9c:
`calibration for each set; the second row uses the checker-
`board calibration; and the third row uses the online re-
`calibration. These reconstructions were produced using the
`exact sarne stereo correspondences detected in a single im-
`age pair from each set, and are all in the left camera co-
`ordinate frame. The results using online re-calibration are
`significantly more consistent than those using the reference
`1 065
`APPL—1019 I Page 7 of 8


`0.00 -0.294
`0.00 -0.328
`-0.362 -0.546
`0.456 0.216
`-0.818 -0.762
`-0.127 -0.108
`0.588 0.600
`-0.716 -0.708
`-0.565 -0.566
`-1.137 0.829
`1.613 3.842
`-2.750 -3.014
`-0.367 -2.481
`1.369 -0.940
`-1.736 -1.541
`-1.123 -1.179

`Table 3: The changes in angles from the reference calibra-
`tion using: offline checkerboard calibration (calib); online
`re-calibration (opt). All values have units of degrees. The
`subscripts calibn and optn refer to the image set.
`Euclidean Error (mm)
`Euclidear Error (%)
`Disparity Difference (pix)
`Disparity Difference (%)
`std. dev.
`Table 4: Statistics for the Euclidean reconstruction and dis-
`parity differences between the checkerboard calibration and
`online re-calibration for set 1.
`calibration for each set. Observe that there are some in-
`consistencies in the reconstructions for each set using the
`checkerboard calibration. Again, it too is only an estimate
`of the true extrinsic pose.
`6. Conclusions
`We presented an algorithm for online continuous stereo
`extrinsic re-calibration that estimates a separate extrinsic
`pose for each image pair using sparse stereo correspon-
`dences. An initial 5 DOF extrinsic pose estimate (relative
`camera orientations/fixed baseline) is found by minimiz-
`ing stereo epipolar errors, and then refined using a Kalman
`Filter (KF). The KF measurement covariance is the lower
`bound of the per-frame solution uncertainty, which is de-
`pendent on the number and distribution of the scene point
`correspondences, as well as the camera focal length and
`stereo baseline. If only a small number of stereo correspon-
`dences can be found, they simply can be combined over
`multiple frames before estimating the extrinsic pose as no
`temporal constraints are used. Our results for visual odom-
`etry using a range of real datasets in different environments
`show that accuracy is improved using our technique com-
`pared to the original extrinsic calibration. Our future work
`will explore improved methods for estimating the change in
`baseline length.
`7. Acknowledgements
`This paper was made possible by the support of NPRP
`grants (# NPRP 08-589-2-245 and 09-980-2-380) from the
`Qatar National Research Fund. The statements made herein
`are solely the responsibility of the authors.
`[1] M. Bj¨orkman and J. Eklundh. Real-time epipolar geometry
`IEEE Trans. Pattern
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