Bachelor (math and computer science) 1993
`MS (computer science)
`PhD (Computer Science)
`Frédo Durand
`Professional Preparation
`École Normale Superieure of Paris
`INPG, Grenoble, France
`Université J. Fourier, France
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor of EECS
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology Associate Professor of EECS
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology Assistant Professor of EECS
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology Post-doctoral fellow
`Université J. Fourier, France
`Teaching assistant
`Conference organization: Co-organizer and paper co-chair of the first IEEE International
`Conference on Computational Photography.
`Co-organizer (with Marc Levoy and Rick Szeliski) of the 2005 Symposium on
`Computational Photography and Video, Member of the advisory board of Image and
`Meaning 2, an interdisciplinary conference on scientific illustration and education
`Jul. 2012 – present
`Jul. 2006 – 2012
`Sep. 2002 – 2006
`Sep. 1999-Sep. 2002
`Sep. 1997-Sep. 1999
`Program Committees and Editorial Boards: ACM SIGGRAPH, Eurographics Symp. on
`Rendering, Graphics Interface, Eurographics, NPAR, Symposium on Point-Based
`Rendering, ACM Transactions on Graphics, Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics
`and Computer Vision.
`Eurographics Young Researcher Award 2004
`NSF CAREER award 2005
`Microsoft Research New Faculty Fellowship 2005
`Sloan fellowship 2006
`Spira award for distinguished teaching 2007
`MIT Faculty Research and Innovation Fellowship 2012
`Eurographics fellow 2014
`ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Achievement Award 2016
`ACM fellow 2016
`ACM Siggraph Academy 2018
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`Apple v. Corephotonics


`1. Chapters in Books
`1 Chan, Eric and Frédo Durand. Fast Prefiltered Lines. Chapter in GPU Gems II edited by
`Matt Pharr, Addison-Wesley Professional, March 2005 **
`2. Papers in Refereed Journals
`1. Durand, Frédo, George Drettakis, and Claude Puech, “Fast and Accurate Hierarchical
`Radiosity Using Global Visibility,” ACM Transactions on Graphics Volume 18, No. 2, pp.
`128-170, April 1999.
`2. Durand, Frédo, George Drettakis, and Claude Puech, “The 3D Visibility Complex,” ACM
`Transactions on Graphics, 21(2), pp. 176-206, April 2002.
`3. Durand, Frédo, Julie Dorsey, “Fast Bilateral Filtering for the Display of High-Dynamic-
`Range Images,” ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 21(3), pp.
`257-266, July 2002.
`4. Cohen-Or, Daniel, Yiorgos Chrysanthou, Claudio Silva and Frédo Durand, “A Survey of
`Visibility for Walkthrough Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
`Graphics, 9(3), pp. 412-431, July-September 2003.
`5. Décoret, Xavier, Frédo Durand, François X. Sillion, Julie Dorsey, “Billboard Clouds for
`Extreme Model Simplification,” ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of
`SIGGRAPH). 22(3), pp. 689-696, July 2003.
`6. Jones, Thouis R., Frédo Durand, Mathieu Desbrun, “Non-Iterative, Feature-Preserving Mesh
`Smoothing,” ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH). 22(3), pp. 943-
`949, July 2003**.
`7. Semet, Yann, Una-May O’Reilly, Frédo Durand, “An Interactive Artificial Ant Approach to
`Non-photorealistic Rendering,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3102, pp. 188-
`200, January 2004**.
`8. Jones, Thouis R., Frédo Durand, Matthias Zwicker, “Normal Improvement for Point
`Rendering,” IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, pp. 53-56, July/August 2004**.
`9. Eisemann, Elmar, Frédo Durand, “Flash photography enhancement via intrinsic relighting,”
`ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 23(3), pp. 673-678, 2004**.
`10. Willats, John and Frédo Durand, “Defining Pictorial Style: Lessons from Linguistics and
`Computer Graphics,” Axiomathes, 15(2), pp. 319-351January 2005
`11. Durand, Frédo, Nicolas Holzschuch, Cyril Soler, Eric Chan, François X. Sillion, “A
`Frequency Analysis of Light Transport,” ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of
`SIGGRAPH). 24(3), pp. 1115-1126, July 2005.
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`12. Liu, Ce, Antonio Torralba, William T. Freeman, Frédo Durand, Edward H. Adelson, “Motion
`Magnification,” ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 24(3), pp.
`519-526, July 2005.
`13. McGuire, Morgan, Wojciech Matusik, Hanspeter Pfister, John F. Hughes, and Frédo Durand,
`“Defocus Video Matting,” ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH),
`24(3), pp. 567-576, July 2005.
`14. Matusik, Wojciech, Matthias Zwicker, and Frédo Durand, “Texture design using a simplicial
`complex of morphable textures,” ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of
`SIGGRAPH), 24(3), pp. 787-794, July 2005.
`15. Bae, Soonmin, Sylvain Paris, and Frédo Durand, “Two-scale Tone Management for
`Photographic Look." ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 25(3),
`pp. 637-645, July 2006.**
`16. Kautz, Jan, Solomon Boulos, and Frédo Durand, “Interactive Editing and Modeling of
`Bidirectional Texture Functions” ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of
`SIGGRAPH), 26(3), (8 pages), July 2007.
`17. Levin, Anat, Rob Fergus, Frédo Durand, and William Freeman, “Image and Depth from a
`Conventional Camera with a Coded Aperture” ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings
`of SIGGRAPH), 26(3), (9 pages), July 2007.
`18. Dachsbacher, Carsten, Marc Stamminger, George Drettakis, and Frédo Durand “Implicit
`Visibility and Antiradiance for Interactive Global Illumination” ACM Transactions on
`Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 26(3), (10 pages), July 2007
`19. Ragan-Kelley, Jonathan, Charlie Kilpatrick, Brian Smith, Doug Epps, Paul Green,
`Christophe Hery, and Frédo Durand, “The Lightspeed Automatic Interactive Lighting
`Preview System” ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 26(3), (11
`pages), July 2007.**
`20. Green, Paul, Wenyang Sun, Wojciech Matusik, and Frédo Durand, “Multi-aperture
`Photography” ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 26(3), (7 pages),
`July 2007. **
`21. Chen, Jiawen, Sylvain Paris, and Frédo Durand, “Real-time Edge-Aware Image Processing
`with the Bilateral Grid” ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 26(3),
`(9 pages), July 2007. **
`22. Judd, Tilke, Frédo Durand, and Edward H. Adelson, “Apparent Ridges for Line Drawing”
`ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 26(3), (7 pages), July 2007.
`23. Zwicker, Matthias, Anthony Vetro, SehoonYea, Wojciech Matusik, Hanspeter Pfister, Frédo
`Durand, “Signal Processing for Multi-View 3D Displays: Resampling, Antialiasing and
`Compression” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, pp. 88-96, November 2007.
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`24. Ben-Artzi, Aner, Kevin Egan, Ravi Ramamoorthi and Frédo Durand, “A Precomputed
`Polynomial Representation for Interactive BRDF Editing with Global Illumination” ACM
`Transactions on Graphics, 27(2) , (12 pages), April 2008.
`25. Goldberg, Alexander, Matthias Zwicker and Frédo Durand, “Anisotropic Noise” ACM
`Transactions on Graphics, 27(3), (Proc.Siggraph), (8 pages), August 2008.
`26. Hsu, Eugene, Tom Mertens, Sylvain Paris, Shai Avidan, Frédo Durand. “Light Mixture
`Estimation for Spatially Varying White Balance” ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3),
`(Proc.Siggraph), (7 pages), August 2008.**
`27. Lehtinen, Jaakko, Matthias Zwicker, Emmanuel Turquin, Janne Kontkanen, Frédo Durand,
`François Sillion, Timo Aila. “A Meshless Hierarchical Representation for Light Transport”
`ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3), (Proc.Siggraph), (9 pages), August 2008.
`28. Paris, Sylvain, Will Chang, Wojciech Jarosz, Oleg Kozhushnyan, Wojciech Matusik,
`Matthias Zwicker, Frédo Durand. “Hair Photobooth: Geometric and Photometric Acquisition
`of Real Hairstyles” ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3), (Proc.Siggraph), (9 pages),
`August 2008.
`29. Levin, Anat, Peter Sand, Taeg Sang Cho, Frédo Durand, William T. Freeman. “Motion
`Invariant Photography” ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3), (Proc.Siggraph), (9 pages),
`August 2008.
`30. Paris, Sylvain and Frédo Durand. “A Fast Approximation of the Bilateral Filter using a
`Signal Processing Approach” International Journal of Computer Vision, 81(1), pp. 24-52,
`(IJCV'09), January 2009.
`31. Soler, Cyril, Kartic Subr, Frédo Durand, Nicolas Holzschuch, François Sillion. “Fourier
`Depth of Field” ACM Transactions on Graphics, 28(2), (12 pages), April 2009.
`32. Levin, Anat, Samuel W. Hasinoff, Paul Green, Frédo Durand, and William T. Freeman “4D
`Frequency Analysis of Computational Cameras for Depth of Field Extension” ACM
`Transactions on Graphics, 28(3), (Proc.Siggraph), (14 pages), August 2009.
`33. Egan, Kevin, Yu-Ting Tseng, Nicolas Holzschuch, Frédo Durand, Ravi Ramamoorthi
`“Frequency Analysis and Sheared Reconstruction for Rendering Motion Blur” ACM
`Transactions on Graphics, 28(3), (Proc.Siggraph), (13 pages), August 2009.
`34. Da Silva, Marco, Frédo Durand and Jovan Popovic “Linear Bellman Combination for
`Control of Character Animation” ACM Transactions on Graphics, 28(3), (Proc.Siggraph),
`(10 pages), August 2009.**
`35. Eisemann, Elmar, Sylvain Paris and Frédo Durand “A Visibility Algorithm for Converting
`3D Meshes into Editable 2D Vector Graphics” ACM Transactions on Graphics, 28(3),
`(Proc.Siggraph), (8 pages), August 2009.
`36. Subr, Kartic, Cyril Soler, Frédo Durand “Edge-preserving Multiscale Image Decompostion
`based on Local Extrema” ACM Transactions on Graphics, 28(5)-Article 147, (Proc.
`SIGGRAPH Asia 2009), (9 pages), December 2009.
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`37. Whiting, Emily, John Ochsendorf, and Frédo Durand “Procedural Modeling of Structurally-
`Sound Masonry Buildings” ACM Transactions on Graphics, 28(5)-Article 112, (Proc.
`SIGGRAPH Asia 2009), (9 pages), December 2009.**
`38. Bousseau, Adrien, Sylvain Paris, and Frédo Durand, “User-Assisted Intrinsic Images” ACM
`Transactions on Graphics, 28(5)-Article 130, (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2009), (10 pages),
`December 2009.
`39. Paris, Sylvain, Pierre Kornprobst, Jack Tumblin, and Frédo Durand, “Bilateral Filtering:
`Theory and Applications, Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision, 4(1),
`(73 pages), 2009
`40. Hasinoff, Samuel W., Kiriakos N. Kutulakos, Frédo Durand, and William T. Freeman,
`“Time-Constrained Photography” IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision
`(ICCV), pp. 333-340, September-October 2009.
`41. Judd, Tilke, Krista Ehinger, Frédo Durand, and Antonio Torralba, “Learning to predict where
`humans look” IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pp. 2106-
`2113, September-October 2009.**
`42. Hasinoff, Samuel, Martyna Jóźwiak, Frédo Durand, and William T. Freeman, “Search-and-
`Replace Editing for Personal Photo Collections” IEEE International Conference on
`Computational Photography (ICCP 2010), (8 pages), March 2010.
`43. Cho, Taeg Sang, Anat Levin, Frédo Durand, and William T. Freeman, “Motion blur removal
`with orthogonal parabolic exposures” IEEE International Conference on Computational
`Photography (ICCP 2010), (8 pages), March 2010.**
`44. Bae, Soonmin, Aseem Agarwala, and Frédo Durand, “Computational Rephotography” ACM
`Transactions on Graphics, 29(3) Article 24, (15 pages), June 2010. **
`45. Rivers, Alec, Takeo Igarashi and Frédo Durand, “2.5D Cartoon Models” ACM Transactions
`on Graphics, 29(4) Article 59, (Proc.Siggraph), (7 pages), July 2010.**
`46. Rivers, Alec, Frédo Durand, and Takeo Igarashi, “3D Modeling with Silhouettes” ACM
`Transactions on Graphics, 29(4) Article 109, (Proc.Siggraph), (8 pages), July 2010.**
`47. Baran, Ilya, Jiawen Chen, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Frédo Durand, and Jaakko Lehtinen, “A
`Hierarchical Volumetric Shadow Algorithm for Single Scattering” ACM Transactions on
`Graphics, 29(6)-Article 178, (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2010), (9 pages), December 2010.**
`48. Grabli, Stéphane, Emmanuel Turquin, Frédo Durand, François Sillion, “Programmable
`rendering of line drawing from 3D scenes.” ACM Transaction on Graphics, Volume 29,
`Issue 2, Article 18 (20 pages) - March 2010
`49. Ragan-Kelley, Jonathan, Jaakko Lehtinen, Jiawen Chen, Michael Doggett, and Frédo Durand,
`“Decoupled Sampling for Real-Time Graphics Pipelines” ACM Transactions on Graphics,
`(17 pages), 30(3), 2011.**
`50. Jaakko Lehtinen, Timo Aila, Jiawen Chen, Samuli Laine, Frédo Durand “Temporal Light
`Field Reconstruction for Rendering Distribution Effects” ACM Transactions on Graphics,
`30(4), (Proc.Siggraph), (20 pages), August 2011.
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`51. Judd, Tilke, Frédo Durand, Antonio Torralba “Fixations on Low-Resolution Images” Journal
`of Vision, vol. 11 no. 4 article 14, (12 pages) 2011.**
`52. Laffont, Pierre-Yves, Adrien Bousseau, Sylvain Paris, Frédo Durand, George Drettakis,
`“Coherent intrinsic images from photo collections.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG),
`31(6), 2012.
`53. Bousseau, Adrien, James P O’Shea, Frédo Durand, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Maneesh Agrawala,
`“Gloss perception in painterly and cartoon rendering.” ACM Transactions on Graphics
`(TOG), 32(2), 2013.
`54. Boyadzhiev, Ivaylo, Kavita Bala, Sylvain Paris, Frédo Durand, “User-guided white balance
`for mixed lighting conditions.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 31(6), 2012.
`55. Whiting, Emily, Hijung Shin, Robert Wang, John Ochsendorf, Frédo Durand, “Structural
`optimization of 3D masonry buildings.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 31(6), 2012.
`56. Rivers, Alec, Andrew Adams, Frédo Durand, “Sculpting by numbers.” ACM Transactions on
`Graphics (TOG), 31(6), 2012.
`57. Adelson, Edward H, Forrester Cole, Phillip Isola, William T Freeman, Frédo Durand,
`“Estimating material by estimating shape.” Journal of Vision 12(9), p. 946, 2012.
`58. Isola, Phillip, Forrester Cole, William T Freeman, Frédo Durand, Edward H Adelson, “A
`unified approach to estimating shape from images.” Journal of Vision 12(9), p. 276, 2012.
`59. Lehtinen, Jaakko, Timo Aila, Samuli Laine, Frédo Durand, “Reconstructing the indirect light
`field for global illumination.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 31(4), (10 pages),
`60. Rivers, Alec, Ilan E Moyer, Frédo Durand, “Position-correcting tools for 2D digital
`fabrication.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 31(4), 2012.
`61. Wu, Hao-Yu, Michael Rubinstein, Eugene Shih, John V Guttag, Frédo Durand, William T
`Freeman, “Eulerian video magnification for revealing subtle changes in the world.” ACM
`Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 31(4), 2012.
`62. Ragan-Kelley, Jonathan, Andrew Adams, Sylvain Paris, Marc Levoy, Saman P Amarasinghe,
`Frédo Durand, “Decoupling algorithms from schedules for easy optimization of image
`processing pipelines.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 31(4), 2012.
`63. Davis, Abe, Marc Levoy, Frédo Durand, “Unstructured light fields.” Computer Graphics
`Forum 31(2pt1), pp. 305-314, 2012.
`64. Wadhwa, Neal, Michael Rubinstein, Frédo Durand, William T Freeman, “Riesz pyramids for
`fast phase-based video magnification.” In Proceedings of 2014 IEEE International
`Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), pp. 1-10, 2014.
`65. Semet, Yann, Frédo Durand, Una-May O’Reilly, “Non-Photorealistic Rendering with
`Interactive, Agent-Based Computation.” Leonardo 47(1), p. 14, 2014.
`66. Shih, Yichang, Sylvain Paris, Frédo Durand, William T Freeman, “Data-driven hallucination
`of different times of day from a single outdoor photo.” ACM Transactions on Graphics
`(TOG), 32(6), 2013.
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`67. Didyk, Piotr, Pitchaya Sitthi-Amorn, William T Freeman, Frédo Durand, Wojciech Matusik,
`“Joint view expansion and filtering for automultiscopic 3d displays.” ACM Transactions on
`Graphics (TOG), 32(6), 2013.
`68. Lehtinen, Jaakko, Tero Karras, Samuli Laine, Miika Aittala, Frédo Durand, Timo Aila,
`“Gradient-domain Metropolis light transport.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 32(4),
`69. Wadhwa, Neal, Michael Rubinstein, Frédo Durand, William T Freeman, “Phase-based video
`motion processing.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 32(4), 2013.
`70. Levin, Anat, Daniel Glasner, Ying Xiong, Frédo Durand, William T Freeman, Wojciech
`Matusik, Todd Zickler, “Fabricating BRDFs at high spatial resolution using wave optics.”
`ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 32(4), 2013.
`71. Mehta, Soham Uday, Brandon Wang, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Frédo Durand, “Axis-aligned
`filtering for interactive physically-based diffuse indirect lighting.” ACM Transactions on
`Graphics (TOG), 32(4), 2013.
`72. Balakrishnan, Guha, Frédo Durand, John V Guttag, “Detecting pulse from head motions in
`video.” In Proceedings of 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
`Recognition (CVPR), 2013.
`73. Ragan-Kelley, Jonathan, Connelly Barnes, Andrew Adams, Sylvain Paris, Frédo Durand,
`Saman P Amarasinghe, “Halide: a language and compiler for optimizing parallelism, locality,
`and recomputation in image processing pipelines.” ACM SIGPLAN Notices 48(6), pp. 519-
`530, 2013.
`74. Belcour, Laurent, Cyril Soler, Kartic Subr, Nicolas Holzschuch, Frédo Durand, “5D
`covariance tracing for efficient defocus and motion blur.” ACM Transactions on Graphics
`(TOG), 32(3), 2013.
`75. Durand, Frédo, William T Freeman, Michael Rubinstein, “A World—of—Movement.”
`Scientific American, 312(1), pp. 46-51, 2015.
`76. Shi, Lixin, Haitham Hassanieh, Abe Davis, Dina Katabi, Frédo Durand, “Light Field
`Reconstruction Using Sparsity in the Continuous Fourier Domain.” ACM Transactions on
`Graphics (TOG), 34(1), 2014.
`77. Du, Song-Pei, Piotr Didyk, Frédo Durand, Shi-Min Hu, Wojciech Matusik, “Improving
`visual quality of view transitions in automultiscopic displays.” ACM Transactions on
`Graphics (TOG), 33(6), 2014.
`78. Aubry, Mathieu, Sylvain Paris, Samuel William Hasinoff, Jan Kautz, Frédo Durand, “Fast
`local laplacian filters: Theory and applications.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG),
`33(5), 2014.
`79. Shih, Yichang, Sylvain Paris, Connelly Barnes, William T Freeman, Frédo Durand, “Style
`transfer for headshot portraits.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 33(4), 2014.
`80. Chen, Justin G, Neal Wadhwa, Young-Jin Cha, Frédo Durand, William T Freeman, Oral
`Buyukozturk, “Structural modal identification through high speed camera video: Motion
`magnification.” Topics in Modal Analysis I, Volume 7, pp. 191-197, 2014.
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`81. Davis, Abe, Michael Rubinstein, Neal Wadhwa, Gautham J Mysore, Frédo Durand, William
`T Freeman, “The visual microphone: Passive recovery of sound from video.” ACM
`Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 33(4), 2014.
`82. Mehta, Soham Uday, JiaXian Yao, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Frédo Durand, “Factored axis-
`aligned filtering for rendering multiple distribution effects.” ACM Transactions on Graphics
`(TOG), 33(4), 2014.
`83. Chen, Justin G, Neal Wadhwa, Frédo Durand, William T Freeman, Oral Buyukozturk,
`“Developments with Motion Magnification for Structural Modal Identification Through
`Camera Video.” Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2, pp. 49-57, 2015.
`84. Chaurasia, Gaurav, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Sylvain Paris, George Drettakis, Frédo Durand,
`“Compiling high performance recursive filters.” High Performance Graphics, 2015.
`85. Balakrishnan, Guha, Frédo Durand, John V Guttag, “Video diff: highlighting differences
`between similar actions in videos.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 34(6), 2015.
`86. Kettunen, M., Manzi, M., Aittala, M., Lehtinen, J., Durand, F., & Zwicker, M. (2015).
`Gradient-domain path tracing. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
`87. Li, T. M., Lehtinen, J., Ramamoorthi, R., Jakob, W., & Durand, F. (2015). Anisotropic
`Gaussian mutations for metropolis light transport through Hessian-Hamiltonian dynamics.
`ACM Transactions on Graphics.
`88. Gharbi, M., Chaurasia, G., Paris, S., & Durand, F. (2016). Deep joint demosaicking and
`denoising. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
`89. Shin, H. V., Porst, C. F., Vouga, E., Ochsendorf, J., & Durand, F. (2016). Reconciling elastic
`and equilibrium methods: For static analysis. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
`90. Zhao, S., Wu, L., Durand, F., & Ramamoorthi, R. (2016). Downsampling scattering
`parameters for rendering anisotropic media. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
`91. Durand, F., Freeman, W., & Rubinstein, M. (2016). Capter les mouvements invisibles. Pour
`La Science.
`92. Balakrishnan, G., Durand, F., & Guttag, J. (2015). Video diff. ACM Transactions on
`93. Durand, F., Freeman, W. T., & Rubinstein, M. (2015). A world-of-movement. Scientific
`94. Chen, J. G., Wadhwa, N., Cha, Y. J., Durand, F., Freeman, W. T., & Buyukozturk, O. (2015).
`Modal identification of simple structures with high-speed video using motion magnification.
`Journal of Sound and Vibration.
`95. Shin, H. V., Berthouzoz, F., Li, W., & Durand, F. (2015). Visual transcripts. ACM
`Transactions on Graphics.
`96. Popov, S., Ramamoorthi, R., Durand, F., & Drettakis, G. (2015). Probabilistic Connections
`for Bidirectional Path Tracing. Computer Graphics Forum.
`97. Balakrishnan, G., Durand, F., & Guttag, J. (2015). Video Diff: Highlighting differences
`between similar actions in videos. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
`98. Murmann, L., Davis, A., Kautz, J., & Durand, F. (2016). Computational bounce flash for
`indoor portraits. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
`99. Wadhwa, N., Dekel, T., Wei, D., Durand, F., & Freeman, W. T. (2015). Deviation
`magnification. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
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`100. Adib, F., Hsu, C. Y., Mao, H., Katabi, D., & Durand, F. (2015). Capturing the human
`figure through a wall. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
`101. Shin, H. V., Berthouzoz, F., Li, W., & Durand, F. (2015). Visual transcripts: Lecture
`notes from blackboard-style lecture videos. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
`102. Gharbi, M., Shih, Y. C., Chaurasia, G., Ragan-Kelley, J., Paris, S., & Durand, F. (2015).
`Transform recipes for efficient cloud photo enhancement. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
`103. Davis, A., Chen, J. G., & Durand, F. (2015). Image-space modal bases for plausible
`manipulation of objects in video. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
`104. Gkioulekas, I., Levin, A., Durand, F., & Zickler, T. (2015). Micron-scale light transport
`decomposition using interferometry. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
`105. Chen, J., Wadhwa, N., Davis, A., Durand, F., Freeman, W., & Buyukozturk, O. (2015). Long
`Distance Video Camera Measurements of Structures.
`106. Yan, L. Q., Mehta, S. U., Ramamoorthi, R., & Durand, F. (2015). Fast 4D sheared
`filtering for interactive rendering of distribution effects. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
`107. Durand, F. (2015). Technical perspective: The path to light transport. In Communications
`of the ACM.
`108. Adib, Fadel, Chen-Yu Hsu, Hongzi Mao, Dina Katabi, Frédo Durand, “Capturing the
`human figure through a wall.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 34(6), 2015.
`109. Li, Tzu-Mao, Jaakko Lehtinen, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Wenzel Jakob, Frédo Durand,
`“Anisotropic Gaussian mutations for metropolis light transport through Hessian-Hamiltonian
`dynamics.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 34(6), 2015.
`110. Wadhwa, Neal, Tali Dekel, Donglai Wei, Frédo Durand, William T Freeman, “Deviation
`magnification: revealing departures from ideal geometries.” ACM Transactions on Graphics
`(TOG), 34(6), 2015.
`111. Srikanth, M., Bala, K., & Durand, F. (2015). Computational rim illumination of dynamic
`subjects using aerial robots. Computers and Graphics (Pergamon).
`112. Davis, Abe, Justin G Chen, Frédo Durand, “Image-space modal bases for plausible
`manipulation of objects in video.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 34(6), 2015.
`113. Shin, Hijung, Floraine Berthouzoz, William Li, Frédo Durand, “Visual transcripts:
`lecture notes from blackboard-style lecture videos.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG),
`34(6), 2015.
`114. Gharbi, Michael, Yichang Shih, Gaurav Chaurasia, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Sylvain Paris,
`Frédo Durand, “Transform recipes for efficient cloud photo enhancement.” ACM
`Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 34(6), 2015.
`115. Durand, Frédo, “Technical Perspective: The Path to Light Transport.” Communications
`of the ACM, 58(11), p. 102, 2015.
`116. Gkioulekas, Ioannis, Anat Levin, Frédo Durand, Todd Zickler, “Micron-scale light
`transport decomposition using interferometry.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG),
`34(4), 2015.
`117. Kettunen, Markus, Marco Manzi, Miika Aittala, Jaakko Lehtinen, Frédo Durand,
`Matthias Zwicker, “Gradient-domain path tracing.” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG),
`34(4), 2015.
`APPL-1004 / Page 9 of 22


`118. Popov, Stefan, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Frédo Durand, George Drettakis, “Probabilistic
`Connections for Bidirectional Path Tracing.” Computer Graphics Forum, 34(4), pp. 75-86,
`119. Chen, Justin G, Neal Wadhwa, Young-Jin Cha, Frédo Durand, William T Freeman, Oral
`Buyukozturk, “Modal identification of simple structures with high-speed video using motion
`magnification.” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 345, pp. 58-71, 2015.
`120. Srikanth, Manohar, Kavita Bala, Frédo Durand, “Computational rim illumination of
`dynamic subjects using aerial robots.” Computers & Graphics, Volume 52, pp. 142-154,
`November 2015.
`121. LQ Yan, Su Mehta, R Ramamoorthi, F Durand, “Fast 4D Sheared Filtering for
`Interactive Rendering of Distribution Effects”, 1.ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 35
`(1), 7, 2015
`122. HV Shin, CF Porst, E Vouga, J Ochsendorf, F Durand “Reconciling Elastic and
`Equilibrium Methods for Static Analysis” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 35 (2),
`I Gkioulekas, K Bala, F Durand, A Levin, S Zhao, T Zickler “Computational Imaging for
`Inverse Scattering” Electronic Imaging 2016 (9), 1-1, 2016
`124. Manzi, M., Kettunen, M., Durand, F., Zwicker, M., & Lehtinen, J. (2016). Temporal
`gradient-domain path tracing. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
`125. Recasens, A., Bylinskii, Z., Borji, A., Durand, F., Torralba, A., & Oliva, A. (2017).
`Towards cognitive saliency: narrowing the gap to human performance. Journal of Vision.
`126. Wadhwa, N., Wu, H. Y., Davis, A., Rubinstein, M., Shih, E., Mysore, G. J., Chen, J. G.,
`Buyukozturk, O., Guttag, J. V., Freeman, W. T., & Durand, F. (2017). Eulerian video
`magnification and analysis. In Communications of the ACM.
`127. Kellnhofer, P., Didyk, P., Wang, S.-P., Sitthi-Amorn, P., Freeman, W., Durand, F., &
`Matusik, W. (2017). 3DTV at home. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
`128. Kim, N. W., Bylinskii, Z., Borkin, M. A., Gajos, K. Z., Oliva, A., Durand, F., & Pfister,
`H. (2017). BubbleView: An interface for crowdsourcing image importance maps and
`tracking visual attention. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.
`129. Ragan-Kelley, J., Adams, A., Sharlet, D., Barnes, C., Paris, S., Levoy, M., Amarasinghe,
`S., & Durand, F. (2017). Halide: Decoupling Algorithms from Schedules for High-
`Performance Image Processing. Commun. ACM, 61(1), 106–115.
`130. Ragan-Kelley, J., Adams, A., Sharlet, D., Barnes, C., Paris, S., Levoy, M., Amarasinghe,
`S., & Durand, F. (2017). Halide. Communications of the ACM.
`131. Chen, J. G., Davis, A., Wadhwa, N., Durand, F., Freeman, W. T., & Büyüköztürk, O.
`(2017). Video camera-based vibration measurement for civil infrastructure applications.
`Journal of Infrastructure Systems.
`132. Gharbi, M., Chen, J., Barron, J. T., Hasinoff, S. W., & Durand, F. (2017). Deep bilateral
`learning for real-time image enhancement. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
`133. Kellnhofer, P., Didyk, P., Wang, S. P., Sitthi-Amorn, P., Freeman, W., Durand, F., &
`Matusik, W. (2017). 3DTV at home: Eulerian-lagrangian stereo-to-multiview conversion.
`ACM Transactions on Graphics.
`134. Anderson, L., Li, T. M., Lehtinen, J., & Durand, F. (2017). Aether: An embedded domain
`specific sampling language for Monte Carlo rendering. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
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`135. Anderson, L., Li, T.-M., Lehtinen, J., & Durand, F. (2017). Aether. ACM Transactions on
`136. Kim, N. W., Bylinskii, Z., Borkin, M. A., Gajos, K. Z., Oliva, A., Durand, F., & Pfister,
`H. (2017). BubbleView: An Interface for Crowdsourcing Image Importance Maps and
`Tracking Visual Attention. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact., 24(5).
`137. Kim, N. W., Bylinskii, Z., Borkin, M. A., Gajos, K. Z., Oliva, A., Durand, F., & Pfister,
`H. (2017). BubbleView. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.
`138. Gkioulekas, I., Bala, K., Durand, F., Levin, A., Zhao, S., & Zickler, T. (2017).
`Computational Imaging for Inverse Scattering. Electronic Imaging.
`139. Ragan-Kelley, J., Adams, A., Sharlet, D., Barnes, C., Paris, S., Levoy, M., Amarasinghe,
`S., & Durand, F. (2018). Halide: Decoupling algorithms from schedules for high-
`performance image processing. In Communications of the ACM.
`140. Thonat, T., Djelouah, A., Durand, F., & Drettakis, G. (2018). Thin Structures in Image
`Based Rendering. Computer Graphics Forum.
`Jia, Z., Zlateski, A., Durand, F., & Li, K. (2018). Optimizing N-dimensional, winograd-
`based convolution for manycore CPUs. ACM SIGPLAN Notices.
`142. Newman, A., Bylinskii, Z., Haroz, S., Madan, S., Durand, F., & Oliva, A. (2018). Effects
`of title wording on memory of trends in line graphs. Journal of Vision.
`143. Li, T. M., Gharbi, M., Adams, A., Durand, F., & Ragan-Kelley, J. (2018). Differentiable
`programming for image processing and deep learning in halide. ACM Transactions on
`144. Tomko, G. J., Crapper, D. R., Wilson, K. G., Madison, D. V, Nicoll, R. A., Sauer, T.,
`Yorke, J. A., Casdagli, M., Binney, J. J., Dowrick, N. J., Fisher, A. J., Newman, M.,
`Hasselmo, M. E., Kass, R. E., Raftery, A. E., Destexhe, A., Mainen, Z. F., Sejnowski, T. J.,
`Wang, X.-J., … Torralba, A. (2018). The theory of critical phenomena: an introduction to the
`renormalization group. Neuron.
`145. Deschaintre, V., Aittala, M., Durand, F., Drettakis, G., & Bousseau, A. (2018). Single-
`Image SVBRDF Capture with a Rendering-Aware Deep Network. ACM Trans. Graph.,
`146. Li, T.-M., Aittala, M., Durand, F., & Lehtinen, J. (2018). Differentiable Monte Carlo Ray
`Tracing through Edge Sampling. ACM Trans. Graph., 37(6).
`147. Rodriguez, S., Bousseau, A., Durand, F., & Drettakis, G. (2018). Exploiting Repetitions
`for Image-Based Rendering of Facades. Computer Graphics Forum.
`148. Zhao, S., Durand, F., & Zheng, C. (2018). Inverse Diffusion Curves Using Shape
`Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
`149. Thonat, T., Djelouah, A., Durand, F., & Drettakis, G. (2018). Thin Structures in Image
`Based Rendering. Computer Graphics Forum, 37(4), 107–118.
`150. Deschaintre, V., Aittala, M., Durand, F., Drettakis, G., & Bousseau, A. (2018). Single-
`image SVBRDF capture with a rendering-aware deep network. ACM Transactions on
`151. Madan, S., Bylinskii, Z., Tancik, M., Recasens, A., Zhong, K., Alsheikh, S., Pfister, H.,
`Oliva, A., & Durand, F. (2018). Synthetically Trained Icon Proposals for Parsing and
`Summarizing Infographics.
`Jia, Z., Zlateski, A., Durand, F., & Li, K. (2018). Optimizing N-Dimensional, Winograd-
`Based Convolution for Manycore CPUs. Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGPLAN
`Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, 109–123.
`APPL-1004 / Page 11 of 22


`153. Matei, I., Zhenirovskyy, M., Kleer, J. De, Feldman, A., De Kleer, J., Minhas, R., Nikolic,
`B., Matei, I., Feldman, A., De Kleer, J., Nelaturi, S., Chow, E. M., Lu, J. P., Bert, J. A.,
`Crawford, L. S., Minhas, R., De Kleer, J., Ganguli, A., Feldman, A., … Kocak, T. (2018).
`Power Laws In Deep Learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries
`Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics).
`154. Balakrishnan, G., Zhao, A., Dalca, A. V., Durand, F., & Guttag, J. (2018). Synthesizing
`Images of Humans in Unseen Poses.
`155. Madan, S., Bylinskii, Z., Tancik, M., Recasens, A., Zhong, K., Alsheikh, S., Pfister, H.,
`Oliva, A., & Durand, F. (2018). Synthetically Trained Icon Proposals for Parsing and
`Summarizing Infographics.
`156. Rodriguez, S., Bousseau, A., Durand, F., & Drettakis, G. (2018). Exploiting Repetitions
`for Image-Based Rendering of Facades. Computer Graphics Forum, 37(4), 119–131.
`157. Li, T.-M., Gharbi, M., Adams, A., Dur

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