`# -w
`# $Header: /usr/local/cvsroot/webley/agents/www/webget.pl,v 1.9
`1999/12/13 22:54:20 zhukoff Exp $
`# Agent to get info from the web.
`# Parameters: service_name [service_parameters], i.e. stock msft
`or weather 60645
`# Configuration stored in files service_name.ini
`# if this file is absent the configuration is received from
`mcServices table
`# This script provides autoupdate to datatable if the .ini file
`is newer.
`use URI::URL;
`use LWP::UserAgent;
`use HTTP::Request::Common;
`use Vail::VarList;
`use Sybase::CTlib;
`use HTTP::Cookies;
`#print "Sybase::CTlib $DB_USR, $DB_PWD, $DB_SRV;";
`open( STDERR, ">>$0.log" );
`$log = `date`;
`chop( $log );
`$debug2 = 0;
`my $service = shift;
`$log .= " $service: ". join( ':', @ARGV ) . "\n";
`print STDERR $log;
`my @ini = &read_ini( $service );
`chop( @ini );
`my $section = "";
`do { $section = &process_section( $section ) } while $section;
`sub read_ini {
`my ( $service ) = @_;
`my @ini = ();
`# first, try to read file
`$0 =~ m|^(.*/)[^/]*|;
`$service = $1 . $service;
`if ( open( INI, "$service.ini" ) ) {
`@ini = ( <INI> );
`return @ini unless ( $DB_SRV );
`# update datatable
`my $file_time = time - int( ( -M "$service.ini" ) * 24
`print "time $file_time\n";
`my $dbh = new Sybase::CTlib $DB_USR, $DB_PWD, $DB_SRV;
`unless ( $dbh ) {
`print STDERR "webget.pl: Cannot connect to
`* 3600 );
`Parus Exhibit 2032
`Google, et al. v. Parus Holdings, Inc.
`Page 1 of 5
`dataserver $DB_SRV:$DB_USR:$DB_PWD\n";
`return @ini;
`y @row_refs = $dbh->ct_sql( "select lastUpdate from
`mcServices where service = '$service'", undef, 1 );
`if ( $dbh->{ RC } == CS_FAIL ) {
`print STDERR "webget.pl: DB select from
`mcServices failed\n";
`return @ini;
`nless ( defined @row_refs ) {
`# have to insert
`my ( @ini_escaped ) = map {
`( my $x = $_ ) =~ s/\'/\'\'/g;
`} @ini;
`$dbh->ct_sql( "insert mcServices
`values( '$service', '@ini_escaped', $file_time )" );
`if ( $dbh->{ RC } == CS_FAIL ) {
`print STDERR "webget.pl: DB insert to
`mcServices failed\n";
`eturn @ini;
`print "time $file_time:".$row_refs[ 0 ]->
`{ 'lastUpdate' }."\n";
`if ( $file_time > $row_refs[ 0 ]->{ 'lastUpdate' } ) {
`# have to update
`my ( @ini_escaped ) = map {
`( my $x = $_ ) =~ s/\'/\'\'/g;
`} @ini;
`$dbh->ct_sql( "update mcServices set config =
`'@ini_escaped', lastUpdate = $file_time where service =
`'$service'" );
`if ( $dbh->{ RC } == CS_FAIL ) {
`print STDERR "webget.pl: DB update to
`mcServices failed\n";
`eturn @ini;
`lse {
`print STDERR "$0: WARNING: $service.ini n/a in " .
`. "Try to read DB\n";
` then try to read datatable
`die "webget.pl: Unable to find service $service\n" unless
`( $DB_SRV );
`my $dbh = new Sybase::CTlib $DB_USR, $DB_PWD, $DB_SRV;
`die "webget.pl: Cannot connect to dataserver $DB_SRV:
`Parus Exhibit 2032, Page 2 of 5
`$DB_USR:$DB_PWD\n" unless ( $dbh );
`my @row_refs = $dbh->ct_sql( "select config from mcServices
`where service = '$service'", undef, 1 );
`die "webget.pl: DB select from mcServices failed\n" if
`$dbh->{ RC } == CS_FAIL;
`die "webget.pl: Unable to find service $service\n" unless
`( defined @row_refs );
`$row_refs[ 0 ]->{ 'config' } =~ s/\n /\n\r/g;
`@ini = split( /\r/, $row_refs[ 0 ]->{ 'config' } );
`return @ini;
`sub process_section {
`my ( $prev_section ) = @_;
`my ( $section, $output, $content );
`my %Param;
`my %Content;
`foreach ( @ini ) {
`# get section name
`if ( /^\[(.*)\]/ ) {
`print "$_: $section:$prev_section\n";
`last if $section;
`next if $1 eq "print";
`next if $prev_section ne "" and $prev_section ne
`if ( $prev_section eq $1 ) {
`$prev_section = "";
`section = $1;
` get parameters
`push( @{ $Param{ $1 } }, $2 ) if $section and
`return 0 unless $section;
`print "section $section\n";
`# substitute parameters with values
`map { $Param{ URL }->[ 0 ] =~ s/$Param{ Input }->[ $_ ]/
`$ARGV[ $_ ]/g
`} 0 .. $#{ $Param{ Input } };
`# get page content
`( $Content{ 'TIME' }, $content ) =
`&get_url_content( ${ $Param{ URL } }[ 0 ] );
`Parus Exhibit 2032, Page 3 of 5
`# filter it
`map {
`if ( /\"([^\"]+)\"([^\"]*)\"/ or /\/([^\/]+)\/([^
`\/]*)\// ) {
`my $out = $2; $content =~ s/$1/$out/g;
`} @{ $Param{ "Pre-filter" } };
`# do main regular expression
`unless( @values = $content =~ /
`${ $Param{ Regular_expression } }[ 0 ]/ ) {
`&die_hard( ${ $Param{ Regular_expression } }[ 0 ],
`$content );
`return $section;
`} %
`Content = map { ( $Param{ Output }->[ $_ ], $values[ $_ ] )
`} 0 .. $#{ $Param{ Output } };
`# filter it
`map {
`if ( /([^\"]+)\"([^\"]+)\"([^\"]*)\"/
`or /([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]*)\// ) {
`my $out = $3;
`$Content{ $1 } =~ s/$2/$out/g;
`} @{ $Param{ "Post-filter" } };
`# calculate it
`map {
`if ( /([^=]+)=(.*)/ ) {
`my $eval = $2;
`map { $eval =~ s/$_/$Content{ $_ }/g
`} keys %Content;
` $Content{ $1 } = eval( $eval );
`} @{ $Param{ Calculate } };
`# read section [print]
` foreach $i ( 0 .. $#ini ) {
`next unless $ini[ $i ] =~ /^\[print\]/;
`foreach ( $i + 1 .. $#ini ) {
` last if $ini[ $_ ] =~ /^\[.+\]/;
` $output .= $ini[ $_ ] . "\n";
`} #
` prepare output
`map { $output =~ s/$_/$Content{ $_ }/g
`} keys %Content;
`Parus Exhibit 2032, Page 4 of 5
`print $output;
`return 0;
`sub get_url_content {
`my ( $url ) = @_;
`my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
`$ua->agent( 'Mozilla/4.0 [en] (X11; I; FreeBSD 2.2.8-STABLE
`i386)' );
`$ua->proxy( ['http', 'https'],
`'http://proxy.webley:3128/' );
`$ua->no_proxy( 'webley', 'vail' );
`my $cookie = HTTP::Cookies->new;
`$ua->cookie_jar( $cookie );
`$url = url $url;
`print "$url\n" if $debug2;
`my $time = time;
`my $res = $ua->request( GET $url );
`print "Response: " . ( time - $time ) . "sec\n" if $debug2;
`return( $time - time, $res->content );
`sub die_hard {
`my( $re, $content ) = @_;
`my ( $re_end, $pattern );
`while( $content !~ /$re/ ) {
`if ( $re =~ s/(\([^\(\)]+\)[^\(\)]*$)// ) {
`$re_end = $1 . $re_end;
`lse {
`$re_end = $re;
`content =~ /$re/;
`print STDERR "The regular expression did not match:\n
`Possible misuse:
` print STDERR "Content:\n $content\n" unless $';
`Parus Exhibit 2032, Page 5 of 5