`Martin Walker, Ph.D. - May 11, 2021
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` __________
` __________
` Petitioners,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` __________
` Case No. IPR2020-00846
` U.S. Patent No. 7,076,431
` __________
` Tuesday, May 11, 2021
`Reported By:
`RPR-RMR-CRR-CCRR-CLR-CRC (Via Zoom Videoconference)
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`Parus Exhibit 2061
`Google, et al. v. Parus Holdings, Inc.
`Page 1 of 62


`Martin Walker, Ph.D. - May 11, 2021
`Page 2
` BE IT REMEMBERED that on Tuesday, May 11,
`2021, commencing at the hour of 7:02 a.m. Eastern
`Standard Time thereof, before me, Kathleen A.
`Wilkins, RPR-RMR-CRR-CCRR-CLR-CRC, a Certified
`Stenographic Shorthand Reporter, in and for the
`State of California, personally appeared MARTIN
`WALKER, PH.D., remotely via Zoom videoconference, a
`witness in the above-entitled court and cause, who,
`being by me first remotely duly sworn, was thereupon
`examined as a witness in said action.
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` | 866-4Team GE
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`Martin Walker, Ph.D. - May 11, 2021
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` (Via Zoom Videoconference)
` 600 Atlantic Avenue
` Boston, Massachussets 02210-2206
` Telephone: (617) 646-8000
` Email:
` (Via Zoom Videoconference)
` One Financial Center
` Boston, Massachussets 02111
` Telephone: (617) 348-1884
` E-mail:
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`Martin Walker, Ph.D. - May 11, 2021
`Page 4
`Morning Session 5
` 50 15
` I N D E X
`Examination by Mr. Casey 5
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`5 6 7
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`Martin Walker, Ph.D. - May 11, 2021
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
` MR. CASEY: Should we do introductions
`with counsel?
` THE REPORTER: Only if you want to. I
`have you all.
` MR. CASEY: Okay. No need, then.
` sworn as a witness,
` testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Mr. Walker.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Thank you for taking the time this
` Can you hear okay?
` A. I can hear you just fine.
` Q. Okay. Great.
` Dr. Walker, have you ever been deposed
` A. I have.
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`3 4
`5 6
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` Q. And about how many times?
` A. Quite a few -- well, 50, 60, 70 times.
` Q. Well, then, so you know how this works.
`I'm going to ask you some questions today regarding
`your declaration. I'm going to ask that you pause
`after I ask a question so that your counsel can
`object if they wish. But after an objection, unless
`counsel instructs you not to answer, I'll expect you
`to answer.
` Does that sound good?
` A. I understand.
` Q. I also ask that you answer verbally in
`order to help the court reporter today.
` A. Good idea.
` Q. What's that?
` A. I said that's a good idea.
` Q. Right.
` If I ask you a question that's confusing,
`let me know, and I'll try to break it up into
`smaller questions. I'm not trying to confuse you.
` And I also have a tendency to mumble. So
`if you don't understand anything I'm saying, just
`please let me know, and I'll repeat the question.
` A. Will do.
` Q. Okay. So if that all sounds good, I'd
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`Martin Walker, Ph.D. - May 11, 2021
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`like to start with your CV, if you have that, and
`talk about it briefly.
` A. Sure.
` Q. If it's easier --
` A. The CV is not in my -- my notebook here
`that was prepared for me for -- for today's
`deposition. I do have an electronic copy of what
`was submitted.
` Q. I'm just going to ask you some general
`questions about it. They're not -- if you don't
`remember something, that's perfectly fine.
` That sound good?
` A. Sure. That sounds fine.
` MR. SARASWAT: Sean, we have a PDF of the
`exhibit that was filed.
` MR. CASEY: It's up to you. If he can't
`answer this, it's not a big deal. I just want to go
`over his work history. That's all.
` Does that work?
` MR. SARASWAT: Sure. Yeah.
` Q. Okay. On your CV, it says from 1973 to
`1980, you were employed by Watkins-Johnson; is that
` A. That's correct.
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` Q. And your CV says that you were a member of
`the technical staff there; is that right?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And could you just briefly discuss what
`your duties were as a member of the technical staff.
` A. Yes. I wrote computer software which is
`of particular relevance to the -- our discussions
`today, but as well as I designed microwave
`integrated circuits.
` Q. Okay. When you were at Watkins-Johnson,
`do you know how many people were there working at
`the time? A large company? A small company?
` A. Hundreds.
` Q. Hundreds. Large. Thank you.
` From 1980 to 1983, your CV says you were
`employed by COMSAT?
` A. Yes. That's right.
` Q. And at COMSAT, your position was director
`of microwave systems, correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And similarly, as director of microwave
`systems, what did your duties at COMSAT consist of?
` A. With -- I was responsible for developing a
`software system for use in manufacturing and
`production and test of microwave components. I also
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`Martin Walker, Ph.D. - May 11, 2021
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`worked on software to design microwave components.
` Q. Okay. Thank you.
` And when you were at COMSAT, about how
`many people were working there at the time, roughly?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Objection.
` THE WITNESS: The -- roughly -- well, I
`worked at a subsidiary of COMSAT, which was called
`COMSAT General Integrated Systems. And COMSAT was a
`large company. Thousands of employees.
` Q. Okay.
` A. But CGIS was probably 100 employees at
` Q. Okay. Thank you.
` And then after COMSAT, it says on your CV
`that you worked at Analog Design Tools; is that
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And at Analog Design Tools, you were a
`founder, the director and founding CEO and chief
`scientist, correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And then from 1990s to '95, you were
`employed by Symmetry Design Systems; is that right?
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` A. That's correct.
` Q. And at Symmetry Design Systems, you held
`the positions of founder, director, and executive
`vice president.
` Does that sound right?
` A. That's right.
` Q. Moving on here, from 1995 to 2000, you
`were employed by Sequence Design, which was formerly
`known as Frequency Technology; is that right?
` A. That's also correct.
` Q. As Frequency Design, you also held the
`position of founder, founder and CEO, director, and
` Does that sound right?
` A. Yes, that sounds right.
` Q. And briefly, from 2000 to 2001, you were
`employed by Knowledge Networks --
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- according to your CV.
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And at Knowledge Networks --
` A. Mr. Casey, I'm pausing just to give my
`counsel a chance to object and make sure I
`understand your questions. I'm not pausing --
` Q. Understood.
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`Martin Walker, Ph.D. - May 11, 2021
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` A. If I don't understand your question, I'll
`let you know.
` Q. Understood. I'm sorry. I'm probably
`rapid firing here.
` Then from 2001 to the present, you've been
`employed by Brass Rat Group Incorporated; is that
` A. Yes, that's correct.
` Q. Okay. So I'd like to walk through your
`declaration with you.
` Do you have that nearby?
` A. I do.
` MR. SARASWAT: And, Sean, just for
`clarity, are you referring to a specific one of the
`two declarations?
` MR. CASEY: I'm referring to his
`declaration regard -- 1053 for the '846 IPR.
` Q. Are you all set, Dr. Walker?
` A. I am.
` Q. If I could direct you to paragraph 9 of
`your declaration, which is on page 2, at the bottom.
`At the bottom of page 2.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Here in paragraph 9, you indicate that you
`have experience with various computer program
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`Martin Walker, Ph.D. - May 11, 2021
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`languages, including C and Perl?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And in the next sentence, you continue to
`indicate that you've worked with these two languages
`for about 40 years; is that accurate?
` A. Yes, that's correct.
` Q. Would you say you have more experience in
`C or Perl?
` A. Difficult to say. I first started writing
`in the C programming language during a phase of my
`professional career that you didn't ask me about,
`which was my research at Stanford University. So
`that. And I first started using Perl somewhat later
`than that, probably in the '90s.
` But since then -- so the total amount of
`experience in years, I have more experience with C
`than Perl. But recently I've been using -- written
`much more code in Perl as part of my consulting
` Q. And moving further along, in paragraph 9,
`you indicate that you've used Concurrent Version
`Systems in the past for over 25 years; is that
` A. That's -- yes. That's accurate.
` Q. And can you briefly describe what a CVS
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`system is.
` A. CVS is referred to as a source code
`repository. It helps software engineers manage --
`perform version control for their -- for projects,
`among other uses.
` Q. And why would one use a CVS system with
`source code?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Scope.
` THE WITNESS: There's lots of different
`reasons for doing that in different situations. I
`use CVS to forget -- for example, manage the work
`that I do creating -- creating software or other
`configuration documents. But generally it's used to
`manage control of software systems, software --
`computer software, I should say.
` Q. And what types of CVS systems do you have
`experience working with?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: I don't understand what you
`mean. What -- I don't understand what you mean
`by -- about "types of CVS systems."
` Q. Are there different types of source code
`repos- -- source code version systems?
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`Martin Walker, Ph.D. - May 11, 2021
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` A. There's many different --
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: There's many different types
`of version control systems or source code management
`systems. But as far as I know -- well, CVS has
`evolved over the 25 years that I've used it, but
`it's still pretty much the same operations.
` Q. Are you familiar with the concept of
`branches in CVS?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form and scope.
` Q. And what are branches used for in CVS?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Scope.
` THE WITNESS: Branches can be used for
`many different reasons, different -- different --
`different goals. I think you'd need to -- they're
`used in different situations for different reasons.
` Q. Can branches be used to make changes to
`source code files?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: That's not how I use the
`term "branches."
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` Q. How would you use the term "branches"?
` A. Put it a little bit differently --
` (Reporter clarification.)
` MR. SARASWAT: Yes, there was. There was
`an objection to scope.
` THE REPORTER: Thank you.
` THE WITNESS: Branches can store changes
`to this. One can use branches to store changes to
`source code.
` Q. Are you familiar with the concept of tags?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form and scope.
` Q. Are you familiar with the concept of
`merging in CVS?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: Yes. I'm familiar with the
`concept of merging in CVS.
` Q. Okay. Let's move to paragraph 11 of your
` A. I'm here.
` Q. And there's a table after it. And this
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`lists all the exhibits or the materials that you
`considered for your declaration; is that accurate?
` A. This is intended to be a list of all of
`the material that I've reviewed in -- that I -- that
`I considered in the -- in forming my opinions.
` Q. Okay. Anything missing from that table?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Scope.
` THE WITNESS: I -- I was -- I also
`reviewed the -- the two patents at issue, the '431
`patent and the '084 patent.
` Q. Okay. If I could direct you to
`paragraph 16.
` Are you there?
` A. I am here.
` Q. Okay. So in the second sentence, you say:
` "However, even if they could,
` I find no evidence cited in
` Mr. Casey's declaration that
` purports to show the WA-2 source
` code alleged to meet claim
` elements 1.E to 1.K was ever filed
` to generate executable binary
` program that run on the server
` that is alleged to meet the claim
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`Martin Walker, Ph.D. - May 11, 2021
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` computer."
` Do you see that?
` A. I do.
` Q. And I understand you read Mr. Kurganov's
`declaration. Is that correct?
` A. I did.
` Q. And in Mr. Kurganov's declaration, he
`claimed that the system was up and working; is that
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't have Mr. Kurganov's
`declaration memorized. If you'd like to point me to
`some particular point of the declaration, I'd be
`glad to comment on that.
` Q. Okay. Just give me one second.
` So if I could direct you to Mr. Kurganov's
`declaration, which is Exhibit 2020.
` Do you have that?
` A. Just one second.
` Q. Sure.
` A. Okay. I have that in front of me.
` Q. If I could direct you to the end of
`paragraph 10, which is on page 7 of this
`declaration, at the top.
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`Martin Walker, Ph.D. - May 11, 2021
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` A. Let's see. I'm at the top of page.
` Q. The statement there, it says:
` "No later than December 31st,
` 1999, we had a working
` speech-activated web browser system
` as part of the Weebly assistant
` that included all the features
` claimed in the '431 and '084
` patents."
` Do you see that?
` A. I see that statement.
` Q. And do you have any reason to believe that
`Mr. Kurganov is not accurate there?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, I -- let's see. My
`statement is that he -- he -- that this -- excuse
` My statement is that Mr. Kurganov's
`declaration does not provide evidence that shows
`that there was an embodiment meeting all limitations
`of the Claim Elements 1 through -- 1A through 1K.
` Q. Okay. So -- okay. Let's move to
`paragraph 17 of your declaration, please.
` A. Yes. I'm at paragraph 17.
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` Q. And there in paragraph 17, you point to
`two of the source code files mc_vm.c and mcall.h.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes. I see that.
` By the way, I pronounce that "mcall.h."
` Q. Okay. Thank you.
` And these two files are written in the C
`program language; is that accurate?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And then you discuss in this paragraph
`what a compiler is and what a compiler is used for;
`is that accurate?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Yeah. Are you asking me
`whether it is accurate that I discuss what a
`compiler is used for or is it -- or are you asking
`me is my description --
` Q. I'm asking you if what I'm
`characterizing -- I'm not mischaracterizing you.
`That's what I'm asking. Let me rephrase the
`question to make it easier.
` In paragraph 17, you discuss what a
`compiler is used for along with a linker, correct?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form.
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` THE WITNESS: That's generally correct.
` Q. Is there anything you'd want to change?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: It's correct that I
`generally discuss what a compiler is used for.
` Q. And a compiler is -- and -- is used to
`compile source code files. And along with a linker,
`it can create a binary executable program, correct?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: That's -- that's generally
`correct. And also correct for C programs in
` Q. Yeah. So we're talking about C here, not
`Perl, just to be clear.
` And at the bottom of paragraph 17, on
`page 8, after the footnote, you indicate:
` "I find no evidence cited in
` Mr. Kurganov's declaration to show
` that MC_VM.C or mcall.h were
` compiled to generate an executable
` binary program that then run on the
` server alleged to meet the claim
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`Martin Walker, Ph.D. - May 11, 2021
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` computer."
` What sort of evidence would you need that
`would indicate that it was compiled to generate an
`executable binary program?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: Just to be clear, I don't
`see the language that you read. Can you point me to
`that more specifically.
` Q. Sure. On page 8, near the bottom.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Right after the footnote, the sentence
`that begins with "I find no evidence."
` A. I see.
` Q. Would you like me to repeat the question?
` A. No. Let's see. So -- you're asking me a
`hypothetical question of what's -- what evidence.
` As an initial matter, my assignment was to
`review the content, review Mr. Kurganov's
`declaration, and comment on the comments -- comment
`on the characterizations that he made to the
`program, that he makes of the -- in his declaration.
` My job was not to perform or effectively
`do his work for him and identify the -- and
`identify, address particular hypothesis about what
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`Martin Walker, Ph.D. - May 11, 2021
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`he could have or should have included in his
` So, again, my -- my job was to merely --
`to comment on what is in his declaration, not what
`should have or could have been in his declaration.
` Q. Is there anything in Mr. Kurganov's
`declaration that would lead you to believe that the
`mc_vm.c or mcall.h files were not compiled to
`generate an executable binary program?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: So are you dividing my
`statement up into multiple subparts here, or are you
`intending to -- to address the entirety of my -- of
`my statement?
` Q. Well, I'm not trying to -- I'd be happy to
`ask you a question about the whole statement. I
`just don't want to confuse you if it's too long.
` Do you want to take it apart, or do you
`want me to ask the question with regards to the
`whole statement?
` A. I'd like you to ask me the questions you'd
`like to ask me.
` Q. Okay. So at the bottom of paragraph 17,
`where we were just reading, and it says:
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` "I find no evidence cited in
` Mr. Kurganov's declaration to show
` that MC_VM.C or mcall.h were
` compiled to generate an executable
` binary program that was run" --
` "that was then run on the server
` alleged to meet the claim
` computer."
` And then you continue:
` "In fact, I find no evidence
` in Mr. Kurganov's declaration to
` show that those files were ever
` compiled at all, nor that any
` executable binary program generated
` from the source code files
` Mr. Kurganov's declaration cites
` was deployed and executed at any
` computer at any time."
` My question to you is, is there evidence
`in Mr. Kurganov's declaration that demonstrates that
`MC_VM.C or mcall.h were compiled to generate an
`executable binary program?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: I have read Mr. Kurganov's
`declaration many times very carefully, and I've --
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`and I found no evidence in his declaration that
`supports the contention that the -- that these
`programs were compiled and executed on a computer.
` Q. Is there anything in MC_BM or mcall.h that
`would indicate to you that they would not be able to
`be compiled to generate an executable binary
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: Mr. Kurganov provided no
`evidence that these programs -- these files were
`compiled. And he -- and he provided no evidence
`that the files were separately -- well, linked to
`create an executable. And he provided no evidence
`that that executable was ever run.
` Q. But you didn't see any evidence in your
`review of Mr. Kurganov's materials that would
`indicate that they were not able to be compiled; is
`that correct?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: Let's see. Focusing on
`the -- I think you're asking me to -- whether the
`MC_VM.C file was compiled.
` Is there any evidence that it couldn't be
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`compiled; is that -- is that the question?
` Q. Yes. That's the question.
` MR. SARASWAT: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: Again, my assignment was to
`review the evidence in Mr. -- the evidence cited and
`the characterizations made by Mr. Kurganov, and I
`found no evidence in his declaration that the --
`that the programs were -- were ever compiled.
` MR. SARASWAT: So, sorry, just for
`clarity, my objection was to the form and scope. I
`guess I said "same objection."
` Q. So do you have an opinion whether the
`source code files that Mr. Kurganov pointed to in
`his declaration, whether it was -- whether it was
`able to be compiled into an executable binary
`program or not, as you sit here today?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: If you're referring to the
`files mc_vm.c and mcall.h, those two files by
`themselves cannot be compiled to form an -- could
`not be compiled to -- to create an executable
` There's lots of parts of the executable
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`program that are outside of the mc_c- -- outside of
`those two files. But that's -- but my -- again, my
`opinion is and my assignment -- first my assignment
`was to look for evidence cited by Mr. Kurganov to
`support that these -- these programs -- these source
`code files were compiled and linked to create a
`binary executable. And I found no such evidence in
`Mr. Kurganov's declaration.
` Q. So is it your opinion that the files that
`Mr. Kurganov pointed to in his declaration that were
`describing the WA-2 enhancements, that those files
`would not be able to be used to be compiled --
`compiled to generate an executable binary program?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: That's not quite my opinion.
`My opinion is that there's no evidence that
`Mr. Kurganov presented that those files were
`compiled and linked with other files to create an
`executable binary.
` Q. Do you have an opinion whether or not the
`files cited by Mr. Kurganov could be compiled into
`an executable binary program?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form and scope.
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` THE WITNESS: I'm not -- I think that
`there's some technical language that's causing me to
`be confused by your question.
` Q. Okay. Which language is confusing you?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, I think you're
`conflating "compiling" and "linking."
` Q. Okay. So let's start with compiling.
` Do you have an opinion whether or not the
`evidence that Mr. Kurganov cited in his declaration
`and that you called out with the MC_BM.C and the
`mcall.h files are able to be compiled?
` MR. SARASWAT: Objection. Form and scope.
` THE WITNESS: I didn't -- excuse me. My
`assignment was to review the -- Mr. Kurganov's
`declaration and the evidence in his declaration and
`to comment on that evidence. And my -- and my
`opinion is that Mr. Kurganov provided no evidence
`that those files were compiled.
` So I have no evidence one way or the
`other, and I don't -- about

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