PAGES: 1-89
`Page 1
` Petitioners,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` KURGANOV, called as a witness by and on behalf of
` the Petitioners, pursuant to the applicable
` provisions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,
` before P. Jodi Ohnemus, (remotely) RPR, RMR, CRR,
` CA-CSR #13192, NH-LSR #91, and MA-CSR #123193 at
` Hudson, New Hampshire, on Wednesday, March 10,
` 2021, commencing at 9:31 a.m.
` Job No. CS4493560
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Google Exhibit 1050
`Google v. Parus
`2 3
`5 6 7


`Page 2
` (Via Videoconference)
` BY: Elisabeth H. Hunt, Esq.
` Anant Saraswat, Esq.
` 600 Atlantic Avenue
` Boston, MA 02210
` 617 646-8000
` For the Petitioners
` (Via Videoconference)
` BY: Michael J. McNamara
` Sean Casey, Esq.
` One Financial Center
` Boston, MA 02111
` 617 348-1884
` For the Patent Owner
` Eric Vavrasek, Veritext (remote)
`Veritext Legal Solutions


` I N D E X
`Page 3
` (By Ms. Hunt) 5
`2 3
`4 5
`7 8 9
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` E X H I B I T S
`Page 4
` Exhibit 2020 previously marked 10
` Exhibit 2023 previously marked 48
` Exhibit 2025 previously marked 64
` Exhibit 2032 previously marked 65
` Exhibit 2058 previously marked 70
` Exhibit 2033 previously marked 75
` (All previously marked exhibits retained by
` counsel.)
`3 4
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 5
` first been duly sworn, was
` examined and testified as
` follows to interrogatories
` MS. HUNT: Thanks, everyone, for your
` patience in figuring out the technical issues.
` MR. McNAMARA: Want to put appearances on
` the record, Elisabeth?
` MS. HUNT: Sorry?
` MR. McNAMARA: Shall we put appearances on
` the record?
` MS. HUNT: I was -- yes.
` So my name is Elisabeth Hunt. I'm counsel
` for petitioner in these proceedings, who are
` Google, Samsung Electronics, and LG Electronics.
` My colleague, Anant Saraswat, is here with
` me also for the petitioners.
` Mike, do you want to do appearances on
` your side?
` MR. McNAMARA: This is Michael McNamara
` from Mintz, on behalf of patent owner, Parus. With
` me here today is Sean Casey and the witness, Alex
` Kurganov.
` Q. Good morning, Mr. Kurganov. Again, thank
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 6
` you for your patience and thank you for your time
` today.
` Could you please say and spell your full
` name for the record.
` (Court Reporter comment.)
` A. Yes. A-l-e-x-a-n-d-e-r, first name, and
` K-u-r-g-a-n-o-v, Kurganov, last name.
` Q. All right. Today's deposition concerns
` two cases: IPR 2020-00846 regarding the '431
` patent, and IPR 2020-00847 regarding the '084
` patent, both owned by Parus Holdings.
` Do you understand that, Mr. Kurganov?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. And you have submitted a declaration in
` these proceedings; correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. So I will be asking you questions today
` about your testimony in these proceedings, and the
` court reporter will be transcribing my questions
` and your answers for the record.
` Do you understand that you need to give
` audible answers to my questions so that the court
` reporter can transcribe them?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. So, for example, instead of nodding or
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`Page 7
` shaking your head, you'll need to speak your
` answers yes or no; okay?
` A. Correct. Yes.
` Q. And there may be times today when I ask a
` question and patent owner's counsel makes an
` objection to the question.
` Do you understand that if that happens,
` once counsel states their objection, you're still
` required to answer the question unless counsel
` specifically instructs you not to?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if at any point today I ask a question
` that you don't understand or that's not clear,
` please ask me for a clarification before you
` answer; all right?
` A. Okay.
` Q. So I will try to watch the clock, and each
` time we've been going for about an hour, we'll try
` to take a break. But if you need to take a break
` at any other point, feel free to let me know, and
` we'll get to a convenient stopping point that's not
` right in the middle of a question as soon as we
` can; okay?
` A. Sure.
` Q. Have you been informed that now that this
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`Page 8
` deposition has started, patent owner's counsel is
` not permitted to discuss with you the substance of
` your testimony for as long as we're still in the
` period where it's my turn to ask questions?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that includes during the breaks.
` Do you understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are you under the influence of any
` medication or other substance that would prevent
` you from giving full, complete, and truthful
` answers today?
` A. No.
` Q. Are you currently employed?
` A. I'm self-employed.
` Q. All right. What is your -- what is your
` job that you're self-employed at?
` A. I'm running a contract software
` development business.
` Q. So do you have multiple clients for whom
` you contract for?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Is the patent owner Parus Holdings one of
` those clients?
` A. No, but not -- not in the software
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 9
` development. I consult with them for the issues of
` intellectual property and other -- not engaged in
` software development.
` Q. Okay. What type of software do you
` develop?
` A. Various applications, web applications,
` mobile applications. It's -- it's not me who
` develops. I -- I act as sometimes an architect,
` but the software developers are -- is a team that I
` hire. And they develop various applications such
` as, as I mentioned, web mobile applications and
` some voice applications and some cloud -- cloud
` infrastructure deployments. That type of thing.
` Q. Okay. Did you look at any documents to
` prepare for today's deposition?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what documents did you look at?
` A. I -- I looked at these binders that were
` sent to me and just glanced through them -- what
` was in those exhibits just to prepare for the
` deposition.
` Q. All right. So the binders that you
` mentioned, are -- are those the two binders that
` you received from us in a FedEx shipment this past
` weekend?
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`Page 10
` A. Yes.
` Q. Other than the documents that were in
` those binders, did you look at any other documents
` to prepare for today's deposition?
` A. I don't think so.
` Q. All right. So just to orient you to those
` binders -- I know you said you already looked at
` those -- one binder has your declaration and most
` of its exhibits; Exhibit 2025 was a large one; so
` we put that one in a separate binder.
` Can you just confirm that -- that that's
` what you're looking at? You have those two?
` A. Let me -- 25, yes. Yes, I have both of
` them.
` Q. All right. So we may refer to the
` documents in both those binders today.
` So let's go ahead and look at, please,
` your declaration, which is Exhibit 2020. It should
` be the first document in one of those binders.
` (Exhibit 2020, previously marked.)
` A. The first documents are actually patents,
` but --
` Q. Oh, I'm sorry.
` A. I found the declaration next.
` Q. Okay. Exhibit 2020. It should be stapled
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`Page 11
` so you could -- you can go ahead and remove it from
` the binder for ease of reference.
` A. I just removed the staple and it's okay.
` Q. Okay. As long as it's convenient for you
` to look at it.
` A. Yeah.
` Q. So -- so you have what was -- has
` previously been marked Exhibit 2020 in these
` proceedings.
` Do you recognize this as the declaration
` that you submitted in these proceedings?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. All right. Could you go, please, to page
` 2 of your declaration.
` A. Okay. I see it.
` Q. And do you see paragraph 3 on page 2?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. So looking at the beginning of
` paragraph 3, you stated in paragraph 3 of your
` declaration that you worked at Webley Systems from
` 1997 to 2010; is that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was Webley your only employer during that
` period?
` A. Yes. It was -- it was a transition from
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 12
` Vail Systems to Webley Systems. So it was --
` Webley Systems was a spinoff from Vail Systems. So
` at some point the employees -- some employees were
` just transferred.
` (Court Reporter comment.)
` A. The parent company was Vail Systems, and
` it spun off Webley Systems, and it just
` transitioned -- they are in the same building, and
` we are working on -- for Vail and then one day we
` just transferred to another payroll simply. So...
` But I -- I don't recall when that exact switch
` came -- came about.
` But probably '97.
` Q. And you mentioned -- so for the court
` reporter's benefit, I think Vail is V-a-i-l; is
` that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You mentioned that Vail Systems spun off
` Webley Systems; and they were in the same building?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Where was that building located?
` A. It was on -- in -- I think it was
` Deerfield -- I think it was Deerfield, Illinois,
`Veritext Legal Solutions


` suburb of Chicago.
` Q. All right. And you did not work for
` anyone else other than Webley Systems between 1997
`Page 13
` and 2010; correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And in paragraph 3 of your declaration,
` continuing on, in the second sentence you state
` that "Webley is now Parus Holdings, Inc."; correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Does that mean that there was a company
` that was formerly called Webley and it changed its
` name to Parus Holdings?
` A. I -- I don't recall the -- yes. So
` they -- they probably did that at some point, but
` I'm not sure how that structure worked exactly.
` You know, the org structure and corporate
` structure, I'm not sure.
` Q. So -- so you're not sure if it was the
` same company that just changed its name?
` A. Yeah, it could be -- it could be a
` holdings company and Webley System is still -- is
` still a company. I'm not sure exactly how -- how
` the corporate org structures work.
` So it could be another holding company
` or -- or it's the same company that became holding
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 14
` company. I'm not totally sure.
` Q. Okay. The next sentence in paragraph 3 of
` your declaration says "From 2010 till the present
` time, I have been working for Webley as a
` consultant in the chief scientist role."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So are you currently doing consulting for
` Webley or for Parus Holdings?
` A. It's for -- currently it's for Parus
` Holdings based on the 1099 that they sent to me.
` It's from Parus Holdings.
` Q. Okay. All right. Then looking a little
` further down in paragraph 3 of your declaration,
` starting about five lines up from the bottom of
` page 2, you said "The Webley computer, internet,
` and telecommunications based network system and the
` first version of the Webley Assistant ('WA I') was
` launched in 1997."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What was the Webley computer that you
` mention in that sentence?
` A. Webley computer, internet, network system.
` It's not Webley computer. It's -- it's a statement
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 15
` that says the Webley computer, internet, and
` telecommunications based network system."
` So it's a system that was launched by
` Webley that include computer, internet, and
` telecommunication based network. That's how that
` has to be read.
` Q. I see. So is it a network system based on
` computer, internet, and telecommunications?
` A. Right. That's how -- that's how this is
` all presented, yes.
` Q. Okay. The network system that you mention
` in that sentence --
` A. Uh-huh.
` Q. -- strike that.
` So in that sentence you mention a network
` system, and then you mention a first version of the
` Webley Assistant.
` Are those two different things or the same
` thing?
` A. They are different things.
` Q. Okay. So what was the network system?
` A. Network system, as is mentioned somewhere,
` is a cluster of servers that were located in the
` network, telecommunication connections, and were --
` established these clusters. And that -- that's
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 16
` what we call a network system.
` Q. Okay. By a "cluster of servers," do you
` mean a -- would that be a set of computers?
` A. Yes. Yes.
` Q. Do you know how many computers?
` A. Well, I -- I -- it would be growing, you
` know, would be multiple. Those are different kinds
` of servers. You know, it's -- as traffic
` increases, then more would be added, but there
` would be many.
` Q. Okay. So the -- the network system in
` this sentence, you're talking about a -- a set of
` hardware; is that right?
` A. Yeah, a set of hardware servers, as well
` as some other network gear, you know, routers and
` switches, that type of thing, to -- you know,
` that -- that sort -- various types of hardware.
` Q. Okay. And, then, when that sentence then
` talks about the first version of the Webley
` Assistant, is that a software program?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And was that software program executed by
` a computer in the system that you mention in the
` sentence?
` A. Yes.
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`Page 17
` Q. And you said there are -- there's more
` than one computer in the system; right?
` MR. McNAMARA: Objection.
` A. Well, yes. At that time when we were
` using it.
` Q. And so would -- would one of those
` computers execute the Webley Assistant software
` program?
` A. Well, typically it will be more than one
` for redundancy, you know. So for this we try to --
` not to have a single point of failure. So could
` be -- could be two or more.
` Q. Okay. So how does that work? Would -- if
` you had -- strike that.
` Would that mean that there would be two
` computers and each would run a copy of the same
` software program?
` A. Yes. Two or more.
` Q. All right. So two or more computers in
` the server cluster and each would run a copy of the
` Webley Assistant software program; is that right?
` A. Well, some -- some that would -- would be
` dedicated to that role to run that particular
` application would -- would run on that, but there
` would be some other computers, potentially, that
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 18
` would not run the software and serve another --
` another purpose.
` Q. Okay. I see the clarification.
` So the -- the server cluster might include
` other additional computers, but some -- two or more
` computers within the cluster would each run a copy
` of the Webley Assistant software program; is that
` right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Okay. Now, I'm still looking at that same
` sentence in paragraph 3 of your declaration. It
` says something was launched in 1997.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was it the system that was launched in
` 1997 or the first version of the Webley Assistant?
` A. First version of Webley Assistant.
` Q. Okay. So this sentence -- this sentence
` is not saying that the hardware system itself was
` launched in 1997?
` A. Well, yes, but -- but it's -- it was a
` combined thing; right? So one cannot -- I mean,
` Webley Assistant could not be launched by itself
` without that system. So it was one kind of
` offering.
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`Page 19
` Q. Okay. Did the system that you -- you
` called the Webley Assistant an offering. Did the
` network system provide other offerings besides the
` Webley Assistant?
` A. Well, we -- we had other -- Vail Systems
` had other applications before that which were
` running on a similar network system, but for Webley
` Assistant, we built a separate network system
` dedicated to Webley Assistant. That's why we
` separate from other Vail business.
` But it was a similar platform, but with
` different system that Webley Assistant application
` required some different capabilities. So that's
` why it's -- it was dedicated to that particular
` application.
` Q. Okay. The network system dedicated to the
` Webley Assistant, was that located in the building
` you mentioned in Illinois where Webley's office
` was?
` A. I believe -- and I -- I may not have full
` recollection -- I believe it was colocated -- that
` network system was at that time colocated with one
` of the providers, whether -- probably was Quest
` colocation space where those -- those -- that
` network system hardware was deployed, but I -- I do
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`Page 20
` not recall exactly.
` In -- inside of the office we just had a
` test -- test version, just for our testing, but
` production network system was deployed in
` colocation space.
` Q. Okay. I want to make sure I understand
` your answer. So you mentioned the production
` network system. Is that a term for the network
` system we've been discussing that ran the Webley
` Assistant software?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And you said you believe that
` production network system was colocated with a
` provider -- possibly Quest.
` Is that what you said?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And I just want to understand what that
` means. Does -- so does -- does that mean it would
` have been located somewhere else other than
` Webley's office building?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And you said inside Webley's office
` building in Deerfield, Illinois, you had a test
` version; is that right?
` A. Correct.
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`Page 21
` Q. What was the test version? Was that --
` did that have some hardware involved?
` A. Yes, but much smaller, on a much smaller
` footprint, but it -- it would allow us to have
` access to the hardware where we needed to
` experiment and test things before we -- we put them
` into the production environment, you know, for
` testing different -- new hardware arrived, and
` before we use it in production, we would need to
` test it very well. So we had some servers for
` testing purposes.
` Q. Okay. Just finishing up with the sentence
` we've been looking at in paragraph 3 of your
` declaration that ends by saying "...the first
` version of the Webley Assistant was launched in
` 1997."
` What does "launched" mean?
` A. It means it was publicly announced as a
` product, and, you know, it could be -- it -- it
` would be offered, you know, just like any other
` service.
` Q. So at the time it was launched, was the
` software program running on the production system?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And is that the point when the software
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`Page 22
` program was first run on the production system?
` MR. McNAMARA: Objection.
` A. Well, it was -- it was running before
` that, before the launch, obviously, we needed to
` make sure it functions, you know, very well before
` we announce to the public. So it was -- it was
` extensive -- extensively tested before that date of
` launch.
` Q. But you said you also had a testing system
` separate from the production system; right?
` A. Yes. That's where we -- we developed
` things much earlier before we -- before we were
` happy with the version, and we were running the
` test -- on the test system for a while; and when we
` identified that it's ready to go, then we deployed
` it to the production system -- into production
` system.
` We deploy the production system itself --
` hardware and everything -- and then test it there
` on the production system again.
` So we were very careful to make sure that
` the service we're going to be launching is going to
` be, you know, fault-free and work very well.
` Q. All right. Could you please turn to page
` 8 of your declaration.
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`Page 23
` A. I see it.
` Q. And I'm looking at paragraph 14.
` A. Sure.
` Q. So in paragraph 14 of your declaration you
` start by mentioning "The WA I was launched in
` 1997."
` And the "WA I" means Webley Assistant --
` the first version of the Webley Assistant software
` program; is that right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. All right. And, then, in the next
` sentence of paragraph 14 you say, "This first
` version of the Webley Assistant was an application
` running on the Vail Systems' platform which was
` based on my design and implementation of a UNIX
` cluster of voice and web servers which shared
` several high-availability, redundant database
` servers."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. The UNIX cluster of voice and web servers
` that you mention in paragraph 14, is that the same
` production system that we've been discussing that
` you referred to in paragraph 3?
` A. Yes. Yes.
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` Q. And just to confirm another place, could
`Page 24
` we turn, please, to page 17.
` A. Okay.
` Q. I'm looking at paragraph 29.
` A. Uh-huh.
` Q. In paragraph 29 you say, "The Webley
` Assistant included a computer operatively connected
` to the internet."
` And then you have a citation.
` And then you say, "For example, as I show
` in the claim chart, the Webley Assistant was an
` application running on the Vail Systems' platform
` which was based on a UNIX cluster of voice and web
` servers which shared high availability, redundant
` database servers."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. The UNIX cluster of voice and web servers
` in paragraph 29, is that referring to the same
` production system you referred to in paragraph 14
` and paragraph 3?
` A. Yes.
` MR. McNAMARA: Objection.
` Q. So when you say in paragraph 29 that "The
` Webley Assistant included a computer operatively
`Veritext Legal Solutions


` connected to the internet," are you referring to a
` computer within the set of computers in the UNIX
`Page 25
` cluster?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that is a computer in the production
` system that we've been discussing; correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. Could we go back, please, to
` page 8 of your declaration.
` A. Okay.
` Q. So I'm again looking at paragraph 14 on
` page 8. In paragraph 14, near the bottom of page 8
` you refer to "The source code of the main module
` that holds WA I application logic, mc_vm.c."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What does "source code" mean?
` A. It's a -- source code. It's a -- it's a
` text of a -- of a program written, in this case, in
` C language.
` Q. Okay. So what does it mean -- what does
` the word "source" mean in "source code"?
` A. It's -- it's -- that's where -- the source
` from which the program is built. Source -- that's
` the initial place where the program is created. So
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`Page 26
` it's -- from it then you build -- you build the
` actual program -- binary.
` Q. So you said from the source code you build
` an actual program which is a binary program; is
` that right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And what do you mean by "actual" when you
` say "actual program"?
` A. Well, the program that corresponds to
` the -- to the source code. The one that we are
` discussing as Webley Assistant I.
` Q. The -- so building the binary program from
` the source code, is that what's called compiling?
` A. Not exactly. It is -- there's compilation
` and then there's linking phase, and then after
` that, the program is created -- the binary is
` created.
` So after compilation you have object code,
` which is not yet the program; and then, when the
` object code is linked with various libraries, then
` the program binary is created.
` Q. Okay. So I think you mentioned source
` code, object code, and program binary as three
` things; is that right?
` A. Correct.
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`Page 27
` Q. Are any of those what's run on the
` production system?
` A. Yes, when -- when we build the program
` binary, that program binary is deployed to the
` production servers and runs there.
` Q. Okay. What does "deployed" mean?
` A. Just copied into -- into the particular
` location on the server -- on the server, you know,
` file system.
` Q. So the program binary is deployed to the
` production servers by copying it to some location
` on a production server?
` A. Correct. Production server hard drive.
` Q. And is the program binary copied to the
` production server from some other location?
` A. Yes, typically, because the -- the
` build -- the building process runs on the -- on a
` separate system and the production is not designed
` to -- to build things. It's a runtime environment.
` So building environment somewhere else,
` and, then, in that runtime environment, you see the
` binary, and you focus on running the binary -- and
` running software versus building software.
` Q. Okay. Where was the building environment
` for the Webley Assistant software?
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`Page 28
` A. The building environment would be on
` our -- inside the office on -- on systems that --
` development systems where, you know, software would
` be constructed, built, tested, essentially on the
` test sy

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