`ITC Refuses to Stay Investigation Pending Inter Partes Review | Insights | Jones Day
`ITC Refuses to Stay Investigation Pending Inter Partes Review
`MARCH 2016 |
`The International Trade Commission ("ITC") has never granted a stay of a Section 337
`investigation in favor of an American Invents Act inter partes review("IPR") at the U.S. Patent
`and Trademark O ce ("USPTO"). That trend continued last week when Administrative Law
`Judge Shaw refused to stay an investigation even though the USPTO instituted an IPR
`proceeding on two of the three asserted patents before the Section 337 complaint was led at
`the ITC.[1] The ALJ's Order con rms that it is highly unlikely that a Section 337 proceeding will
`be stayed pending the completion of an IPR.
`The Case
`On December 15, 2015, complainant Energetiq Technology, Inc. led a complaint at the ITC
`alleging that respondents ASML Netherlands B.V., ASML US, Inc., and Qioptiq Photonics GmbH
`& Co. KG violate Section 337 by importing products that infringe three of Energetiq's patents:
`U.S. Patent Nos. 8,969,841, 9,048,000, and 9,185,786. Fifteen days prior to Energetiq's ling, on
`November 30, 2015, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board ("PTAB") held that there is a reasonable
`likelihood that the '841 Patent and the '000 Patent are invalid and instituted IPR proceedings.[2]
`The third asserted patent, the '786 Patent, is a continuation of the '000 Patent and did not issue
`until November 10, 2015—seven months after the IPR petitions were led against the '841 and
`'000 Patents.
`Immediately after institution of the Section 337 investigation, the respondents moved for a stay
`pending completion of the IPR proceedings. Citing the Commission's statutory mandate that it
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`ITC Refuses to Stay Investigation Pending Inter Partes Review | Insights | Jones Day
`conclude Section 337 investigations "at the earliest practicable time,"[3] the ALJ analyzed the
`facts under the ITC's ve-factor test for determining whether to grant a stay: (i) the state of
`discovery and the hearing date; (ii) whether a stay will simplify the issues and hearing of the
`case; (iii) the undue prejudice or clear tactical disadvantage to any party; (iv) the stage of the
`PTO proceedings; and (v) the e cient use of Commission resources.[4]
`With regard to the state of discovery and the hearing date, while acknowledging that the
`investigation was in the earliest stage of discovery and that the IPR proceeding would conclude
`before the target date, the ALJ held that the IPR proceedings provide no reason to stay the ITC
`investigation. The ALJ reasoned that the evidentiary hearing in the ITC case would occur prior
`to the nal determinations in the IPR proceedings and that any insight gleaned from the IPR
`proceedings could be integrated into the investigation after the hearing.[5] Citing to the different
`claim construction standard in an IPR versus the ITC[6] and the inability to address in an IPR
`questions of inde niteness under 35 U.S.C. § 112 or to consider prior art devices that are not
`printed publications, the ALJ similarly held that a stay would not simplify the issues and hearing
`of the ITC case.[7] This was especially true where one of the asserted patents was not in an
`active IPR proceeding.[8] The ALJ also held that a stay would be prejudicial to the complainant
`as it would allow the respondents to continue to import possibly infringing products and that
`"any importation of infringing merchandise derogates from the statutory right, diminishes the
`value of the intellectual property, and thus indirectly harms the public interest."[9] Finally, the
`ALJ stated that the stage of the IPR proceeding and use of Commission resources weighed
`against granting a stay, reasoning that "[t]he IPR proceedings will be far enough along such that
`any insights that emerge can be incorporated into this investigation," and that the most e cient
`uses of Commission resources are to adjudicate the issues that will not be heard in the IPR
`Key Takeaway
`The ITC remains an attractive venue to obtain swift adjudication of intellectual property rights,
`especially when contrasted with district courts' willingness to grant stays pending the
`completion of IPRs. Given ALJ Shaw's reasoning that the ITC can adjudicate more issues using
`a different standard than can be addressed in an IPR, and the fact that the IPR was instituted
`prior to the ling of the ITC complaint, it appears unlikely that the ITC will grant a stay of a
`Section 337 investigation in favor of IPR proceedings.
`Lawyer Contacts
`For further information, please contact your principal Firm representative or one of the lawyers
`listed below. General email messages may be sent using our "Contact Us" form, which can be
`found at www.jonesday.com/contactus/.
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`ITC Refuses to Stay Investigation Pending Inter Partes Review | Insights | Jones Day
`Blaney Harper
`Vishal V. Khatri
`David M. Maiorana
`Richard Fieman
`r eman@jonesday.com
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`[1] Certain Laser-Driven Light Sources, Subsystems Containing Laser-Driven Light Sources, and
`Products Containing Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-983, Order No. 8 (March 3, 2016) ("Certain Laser-
`Driven Light Sources").
`[2] See ASML Netherlands B.V. vs. Energetiq Technology, Inc., Docket No. IPR2015-01362,
`Decision on Institution, (P.T.A.B. Nov. 30, 2015); ASML Netherlands B.V. vs. Energetiq Technology,
`Inc., Docket No. IPR2016-01375, Decision on Institution, (P.T.A.B. Nov. 30, 2015).
`[3] 19 U.S.C. § 1337(b)(1).
`[4] Certain Laser-Driven Light Sources at 5, citing Certain Semiconductor Chips with Minimized
`Chip Package Size and Products Containing Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-605, Comm'n Op., 2008 WL
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`2223426, at *2 (U.S.I.T.C. May 27, 2008).
`[5] Id.
`[6] See 37 C.F.R. § 42.100(b) (IPR claim construction standard is "broadest reasonable
`interpretation"). Section 337 investigations adjudicate investigations with the same Phillips
`standard used in federal courts.
`[7] Certain Laser-Driven Light Sources at 6-7.
`[8] Id.
`[9] Id. at 7-8.
`[10] Id. at 8-9.
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`ITC Refuses to Stay Investigation Pending Inter Partes Review | Insights | Jones Day
`Intellectual Property
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