` Paper 20
`Entered: August 5, 2021
`Patent Owner.
`Patent 10,261,648 B2
`Record of Oral Hearing
`Held: July 13, 2021
`SCOTT E. BAIN, Administrative Patent Judges.


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
`North Point
`901 Lakeside Avenue
`Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1190
`5335 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 440
`Washington, D.C. 20015
`The above-entitled matter came on for hearing on Tuesday, July 13,
`2021, commencing at 1:00 p.m., by video/by telephone.


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
` JUDGE KAISER: Good afternoon.
` This is the oral hearing for IPR2020-00777,
`Motherson Innovations Company, Ltd. v. Magna Mirrors of
`America, Inc.
` We want to start by having the parties introduce
` counsel, beginning with Petitioner.
` MR. LUCHESI: Yes, Your Honor. Thank you.
` This is Kenny Luchesi from Jones Day on behalf of
`the Petitioner, and arguing with me is my colleague,
`Mr. Robert Breetz.
` JUDGE KAISER: And Mr. Breetz, can I just have you
`check your audio quickly?
` MR. BREETZ: Good morning, Your Honors.
` We are in the conference room so I'll just slide
`over to Kenny's seat when it's time for me to speak.
` JUDGE KAISER: Very good.
` And I understand that Mr. Breetz has been given
`permission to participate in this oral hearing as a LEAP
`practitioner; is that correct?
` MR. LUCHESI: That's correct, yes.
` JUDGE KAISER: All right, very good.
` Let me have counsel introduce themselves for Patent
` Owner.
` MR. ABDELNOUR: Good morning, Judge.
` Dennis Abdelnour on behalf of Patent Owner Magna
`Mirrors of America.


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
` With me, but not presenting today, are my co-counsel
` Tim Flory and David Thomas.
` JUDGE KAISER: All right. Thank you, Mr. Abdelnour.
` So as I mentioned, the LEAP practitioner before,
` Petitioner's been granted 15 extra minutes of oral argument
` time because of its LEAP request. So Petitioner will have
` 75 minutes to present arguments and Patent Owner will have
` 60 minutes to present arguments.
` Petitioner will proceed first to present its case
` with respect to the challenged claims and grounds for which
` we instituted trial and may reserve some of its argument
` time to respond to arguments presented by Patent Owner.
` Thereafter, Patent Owner will respond to
` Petitioner's presentation and may reserve argument time for
` sur-rebuttal.
` Does either counsel have any questions about the
` order of presentations?
` MR. LUCHESI: No questions about that, Your Honor.
` MR. ABDELNOUR: No, thank you.
` JUDGE KAISER: And Mr. Luchesi, do you want to
`reserve time for rebuttal?
` MR. LUCHESI: I do. I think our estimate at this
`time is roughly 20 minutes.
` JUDGE KAISER: Okay. And Mr. Abdelnour for
` MR. ABDELNOUR: 10 minutes, please.
` JUDGE KAISER: Okay. All right. Before we begin, I


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
`wanted to clarify a few items about all remote hearings.
`We've been doing these for a while and so you may have heard
`many of these things before, but if you'll indulge me, I'm
`just going to go through a few things.
` First of all, our primary concern is your right to
` be heard, so if at any time during the proceeding you
` encounter technical or other difficulties that you feel
` fundamentally undermine your ability to adequately represent
` your client, please let us know immediately, for example by
` contacting the people who provided you with connection
` information.
` Second, when you're not speaking, if you could
`please mute yourself, it will be helpful to avoid feedback
`and helpful for the court reporter to be able to hear and
`maintain an accurate record.
` In a similar vein, please identify yourself each
`time you speak. This helps the court reporter prepare an
`accurate transcript.
` We also have the entire record, including both
`parties' demonstratives. So when you're referring to
`something, a demonstrative, a paper, or an exhibit, please
`clearly do so and let us know the slide or page number so
`that we can follow along with you.
` It also helps if you pause for a few seconds after
`you've identified something to give us time to find it, and
`that also helps, again, with the accurate recording of the
`transcript of the hearing.


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
` And although this hearing is open to the public, I
`don't believe, at least when we started, we had members of
`the public on the line, but it is important to note that
`this transcript will be entered into the public record of
`the proceedings.
` So any questions on, sort of, those preliminary
`matters before we get started from Mr. Luchesi?
` MR. LUCHESI: I had one, but I think you may have
`already answered it. It was a question about screen sharing.
`We were told by Mr. Dill that there would be no screen
`sharing, and it sounds like, if you're going to be looking
`for stuff, that that's the expectation so I just wanted to
`make sure we were clear on that.
` JUDGE KAISER: Yeah. We have all the demonstratives
`for both sides so just let us know which page you're on,
`we'll be following along right with you so there's no need
`for screen sharing.
` MR. LUCHESI: Got it.
` JUDGE KAISER: Any questions from you,
`Mr. Abdelnour?
` MR. ABDELNOUR: Thank you, no questions.
` JUDGE KAISER: Okay. If you give me a second to set
`the time then we will be ready to begin.
` All right. Mr. Luchesi, you can begin when you're
` ready.
` MR. LUCHESI: Thank you very much, Your Honor --
`Your Honors, all of you, for your time.


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
` And I'd like to just jump right in and start with
`the limitation from the independent claims that the exterior
`mirror reflective element is fixedly attached at said mirror
` And I note initially that the dispute on this
` limitation is actually dispositive for not only all of the
` independent claims, 1, 15, and 26, but also the dependent
` claims, 5, 8, 10, 11, 34, and 35. So Patent Owner made no
` additional arguments in the patent owner response with
` respect to any of these claims.
` So first and foremost is the construction of this
` limitation. And as we pointed out in our reply at pages 1
` to 2, the Patent Owner here is asking you to commit what the
` Federal Circuit calls the cardinal sin of claim construction
` by reading a limitation into the claims.
` And if we look at Slide 4 of Petitioner's
` demonstratives, it kind of makes that clear.
` So there's no dispute here that the claim doesn't
` expressly require the attachment to be at a peripheral
` exterior surface portion.
` Patent Owner has noted that we didn't provide an
` express construction on this issue but that's because no
` construction is necessary.
` JUDGE KAISER: Mr. Luchesi, this is Judge Kaiser.
` Let me ask you. Patent Owner makes a distinction in
` their proposed construction, in my understanding, that the
` way that you are interpreting this claim limitation would


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
` change the "at" to "to". So in other words, you're arguing
` that this mirror reflective element is attached to the
` mirror head and not at the mirror head.
` How do you respond to that?
` MR. LUCHESI: Well, I think in the context of these
`claims there's no real difference between the two.
` So if it said "at some particular surface of the
`mirror head", that might make said, but it just says "at said
`mirror head", and the mirror head is a big, full structure.
` So I don't think that "at" is connoting or -- you
`know, indicating any particular portion of the mirror head, I
`think in the way it's used in these claims, it is no
`different than "to".
` JUDGE KAISER: Please feel free to continue.
` MR. LUCHESI: Oh, okay. Sorry.
` So looking back at Slide 4, I had made the comment
` that, you know, they said we didn't propose a construction,
` and my point is that one is not necessary here.
` And, in fact, the Patent Owner is not actually
` construing anything, they're just adding limitations. So if
` you look on this slide, next to each other you can see all
` they've done is repeated the claim language and changed it
` to add "peripheral exterior surface portion."
` And so because of this, Patent Owner put their focus
` and their surreply on the patent's apparent description of
` this limitation as being part of the present invention.
` And as Your Honors correctly pointed out in the


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
` Institution Decision at page 13, "The specification does not
` make a distinction between the configuration with the mirror
` reflective element attached at the peripheral exterior
` surface of the mirror head in a configuration where the
` mirror reflective element is attached inward from that
` surface of the mirror head."
` And I would ask if we can actually look at the
` language that they relied on here in the '648 patent, and
` this is at Column 70, starting at line 17.
` And I don't know if you want to tell me when you're
` there so I don't jump the gun.
` JUDGE KAISER: I have it.
` MR. LUCHESI: Okay. So I just want to read this
`into the record. So at line 17 it says, "In contrast to such
`known constructions, the present invention provides a mirror
`assembly that has the reflective element disposed at and
`attached to or otherwise fixed relative to the mirror casing
`744 such that, during adjustment, the reflective element and
`mirror casing move in tandem about the fulcrum of the
`mounting device at or near the side of the vehicle."
` So first off, it says "attached to or otherwise
` fixed", so it's using broad and permissive language for how
` the mirror attaches to the mirror casing.
` The specification is not requiring any particular
` type of attachment or any particular location, and it
` certainly is not requiring at the peripheral exterior
` surface, and that phrase actually doesn't appear anywhere in


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
` the patent.
` More importantly, what this portion of the
` specification makes clear is that what's really being called
` the, quote/unquote, present invention is the fact that the
` two are fixed together and they move in tandem. So it's not
` concerned with how they're connected, it's concerned that
` they're connected such that they move in tandem.
` JUDGE KAISER: So Mr. Luchesi, I want to take us --
`I think this is related to the argument that you're making
`now, which is, if you go to Sheet 63 of the drawings in the
`challenged patent, this is Figures 68A and 68B that appear
`together side by side.
` MR. LUCHESI: I'm there.
` JUDGE KAISER: So Patent Owner draws a distinction
`between these two figures that, in Figure 68B on the left,
`the mirror reflective element 762 is recessed within the
`mirror head, whereas with Figure 68A there is, sort of, that
`exposed outer edge of the mirror reflective element.
` And what I hear you saying is that that essentially
` doesn't matter. Is that your argument?
` MR. LUCHESI: Yeah. Well, so the specification
`portion that we just read, which correlates to this -- these
`two figures, the distinction they're making between these two
`figures is that one of them is attached to the mirror casing
`so it moves in tandem with it and the other one is not.
` So they're not making -- you know, I don't see them
` as making any distinction between the way it's attached, the


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
` point here is that one is attached and one's not. So one
` moves in tandem with the casing and one doesn't. And that's
` the language that says "such that they move in tandem".
` JUDGE KAISER: And do you put any -- this is Judge
`Kaiser again.
` Do you put any significance on the fact that, sort
` of, that 738 in the Figure 68A gets moved outside of the
` mirror housing?
` MR. LUCHESI: So I don't see that as being relevant
`to the issue at hand here. You know, this question is -- the
`question we have here is whether this claim means that the
`mirror has to be attached to a peripheral exterior surface,
`and as I understand it, 738 is the actuator, if I remember
`correctly, and so I don't see that as being relevant to this
`particular issue, and I don't think they said it was, either.
` Sorry. I'm just trying to find 738. I believe
` that's the actuator. Yeah, it is.
` JUDGE KAISER: Okay. I think you answered my
`question so --
` And I know, by the way, there are a number of issues
`that you have in your slides so I don't want to get too
`bogged down on the first one if you have other places you
`want to direct us.
` MR. LUCHESI: Oh. It's no problem at all. I'm here
`to answer any questions that you have, Your Honor.
` So just a couple more points on this, actually. So
`back to my point that that's the distinction I believe


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
`they're making there.
` If we look at Slide 6 of our demonstratives, it's
`pretty clear that that is in the prior art. Lupo has a
`mirror that's attached to the casing that moves in tandem
`and so does Tsuyama. So that's why they're trying to read
`in this limitation to try and create some other distinction
`between their claims and Lupo.
` The problem is that distinction is not claimed. And
`we noted this in our reply. You know, this is kind of a
`classic example. If they wanted to amend their claims to
`add this limitation to it expressly to have the opportunity
`here, and they chose not to do that.
` So the other thing I wanted to mention is that, even
`if this present invention argument did have some merit, it's
`our opinion that Figure 40, which is back on Slide 5 of our
`demonstratives, actually shows that in at least one
`embodiment, the mirror can incorporate this bezel that
`partially overlaps the perimeter region or the edge of the
` And so the Patent Owner's response to that is, well,
`the bezel is a separate component that can be attached to
` the mirror casing. But even if that's true, the bezel is
` still part of the mirror head, and regardless, even if it's
` not considered part of the mirror head, its existence means
` that the mirror is no longer being attached to a peripheral
` exterior surface.
` So our position is that this is at least one


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
` embodiment that doesn't fit with their construction, and
` that alone is sufficient reason not to read a limitation
` into the claims that isn't here.
` And so just quickly on the substance.
` So if we look -- you don't have to look at it, but
` patent owner response, pages 37 to 38, their only argument
` as to why Lupo doesn't disclose this limitation depends on
` their proposed construction. So under what we believe is
` the correct construction, it doesn't read in these
` limitations, there's no dispute that Lupo discloses it.
` And so unless you have additional questions, that's
` all I have at the moment on this subject to rebuttal.
` JUDGE KAISER: Nothing from me. This is Judge
`Kaiser. Feel free to carry on.
` MR. LUCHESI: All right. So I apologize if this is
`a little distracting, but, you know, because we're on the
`same phone line, it's always going to show my screen, whoever
`is speaking in our room. So Mr. Breetz is going to argue the
`next limitation, we're just going to switch seats.
` (Pause in the proceedings)
` MR. BREETZ: Thank you, Your Honors.
` So I'd like to discuss the claim limitation, the
` mirror head comprising a bracket to which the said exterior
` mirror reflective element is fixedly attached.
` JUDGE KAISER: So Mr. Breetz, this is Judge Kaiser.
` I'll just go ahead and jump right in. If you go to
` your Slide 9 --


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
` MR. BREETZ: Yes, ma'am.
` JUDGE KAISER: -- and if you look at -- so your
`argument relies primarily on this Figure 56. And I'm
`wondering, why does the bracket 616 that you've labeled in
`orange on this demonstrative, why does that have to be the
`claimed bracket?
` MR. BREETZ: Yes, Your Honor.
` So the bracket 616, so as -- as you're most likely
`aware, Figure 56 has two brackets in it; bracket 616 and
`bracket 620.
` Bracket 616 is the only bracket that is the claimed
`bracket because that's the only one that's fixedly attached
`to the reflective element.
` And so our construction for fixedly attached is
`that, as the term is used in the '648 patent, is that
`they're not readily detachable and that they must move in
`tandem with one another.
` And so in the Institution Decision, Your Honors, you
`know, raised this point that, you know, it seemed like we
`were arguing that any element in the mirror assembly could
`be considered the claimed bracket, but that's not the case.
` So the second bracket, 620, does not move in tandem
`with the reflective element, the reflective element actually
`rotates about the first pivot axis, 618A, relative to the
`second bracket.
` And so our understanding of fixedly attached is that
`they move in tandem such that they're fully constrained and


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
`then move together.
` And so we believe that Figure 56 is the preferred
`embodiment of these claims because Figure 56 is the only
`embodiment that actually has a mirror head and a bracket.
` All of the bracket claims require a mirror head
`comprising a bracket. And so if you -- if I can direct your
` attention to Figures 68 through 68B -- we can start on
` Figure 68.
` The Patent Owner attempts to direct your attention
` to these figures to argue that fixedly attached must mean
` directly attached, but that's not the case here. Figure 68,
` as you note, does not have a mirror head at all. And then
` if we turn to Figures 68A through D, none of these figures
` have a bracket.
` So in an attempt to try to --
` JUDGE KAISER: This is Judge Kaiser again. So let
`me see if I understand.
` It sounds like your argument is because 68 doesn't
` depict the mirror head, that 734 in 68 can't be the bracket.
` And because --
` MR. BREETZ: That's correct, Your Honor.
` JUDGE KAISER: -- because -- so basically, it sounds
`like your argument is we need one figure that shows all the
`claim limitations for it to depict the bracket, and so
`because we don't have that in 68, 734 can't be the claimed
`bracket, and we don't depict the bracket in A or B, 68A or B,
`so that you can't, sort of, intuit where the bracket might be


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
`in there, so the claimed bracket has to be 616 in Figure 56.
` Is that a fair characterization of your argument?
` MR. BREETZ: I want to be very careful here.
` So our argument is that Figure 56 is the preferred
` Now, we're not saying that a person of ordinary
` skill in the art would not know how to combine these,
` figures, and that's what Patent Owner is arguing is you have
` to take the bracket from Figure 68 and put it into 68A. We
` think that this is the less preferred embodiment because it
` actually requires that modification to happen.
` And so --
` JUDGE KAISER: Well, but we're only talking about a
`feature that appears in dependent claims, right? So --
` MR. BREETZ: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE KAISER: -- the bracket only shows up in
`dependent claims, much like the adhesive that's in Claim 4
`only shows up in dependent claims, and I think you would
`agree that the adhesive is not depicted in 56.
` MR. BREETZ: That's correct, Your Honor. The
`adhesive is actually only depicted in Figure 26A.
` MR. BREETZ: And --
` JUDGE KAISER: -- so I want to ask you more about
`the bracket in the context of the Claim 4 which also requires
`that the bracket -- I don't have the -- give me one second.
` So Claim 4 of the '648 patent says, "The bracket --


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
` comprises a bracket to which said exterior mirror reflective
` element is fixedly attached by use of an adhesive."
` And --
` MR. BREETZ: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE KAISER: -- the concern -- one of the concerns
`that I think the Board expressed in our Institution Decision
`is, when we looked at your mapping for Claim 4, in order to
`get those two things attached -- or those two things attached
`together, that is the bracket attached to the mirror
`reflective element, you need the -- I think it's the tape
`from one of the references along with a big chunk of the
`mirror head itself in order to attach those two components,
`and it doesn't really seem like that's how a person of
`ordinary skill in the art would understand two things being
`attached by an adhesive.
` So explain to me how a person of ordinary skill in
` the art would understand those two things to be attached by
` an adhesive under your mapping.
` MR. BREETZ: Of course, Your Honor.
` So if I could please direct your attention to
`Slide 27 of petitioner's demonstratives.
` And so here we have the tape addition to Lupo, and
`then the tape would actually be in between the mirror head
`and the reflective plate.
` Now, we see that in Figure 56, if there were going
`to be a tape addition, the tape addition would be to the
`rear attaching surface 614A. So it's our understanding that


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
`the tape addition would be applied in the same way,
` And I'd like to note that in Figure 26A, and any
`corresponding disclosure in Columns 29 and 30 that actually
`discusses the adhesive, it only talks about the adhesive
`directly attaching the reflective element to a backing
`plate, it doesn't discuss -- there's no support in the
`specification for actually the adhesive directly attaching
`the reflective plate to the bracket.
` And so if you look at the specification, it's clear
`that in Figure 26A, that the adhesive only mates those two
`things, and so then if you incorporate the adhesive from
`Figure 26A into Figure 56, you can see that the adhesive
`would be in the same location.
` And for the reasons why indirect attachment is what
`the specification compels for the bracket claims themselves,
`it also means that the adhesive can be fixably but
`indirectly attached to the bracket itself, so such that the
`reflective element, the adhesive, the mirror head housing,
`and the bracket 616 all move together and are all fully
`constrained relative to each other.
` And so if I could direct your attention back to
`Slide 11 of petitioner's demonstratives.
` When the tape is applied to that rear attaching
`surface 614A then the tape is fixably attached to the
` And then I would like to go to -- I'd like to direct


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
`your attention to Figure 68A again. And so I want to
`address this combination that Patent Owner sets forth and be
`extremely clear about this.
` So their proposed modification is to add the bracket
`from Figure 68 into Figure 68A such that it's in between the
`support arm and the reflective element.
` Well, if you look at Claim 7, Claim 7 requires, "A
`mirror casing attaches at said bracket." So even if you
`look -- even if you make this combination of the bracket
`into Figure 68A, the mirror casing does not directly attach
`at the bracket.
` This is further evidence that the only way that
`these claims can make sense is that attachment has to be
`broad enough to encompass direct and indirect attachment.
` And so even if the Figure 68 embodiments supported a
`finding of direct attachment, then all of this would show
`that the direct attachment is just a possibility not a
`requirement, and it's certainly not something commanded by
`all of the embodiments to effectuate reading direct
`attachment into the claims.
` I'd like to note that in GE Lighting Solutions v.
`Agilight, and that's 750 F.3d. 1304, the Federal Circuit
`noted, "Where claims can be reasonably interpreted to
`include a specific embodiment," in our case Figure 56, "it
`is incorrect to construe the claims to exclude that
`embodiment." And in Figure 56, we see that indirect
`attachment is expressly disclosed by the specification.


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
` I would like to also point out that Patent Owner's
`own expert has an understanding that attachment does not
`need to be direct.
` In Exhibit 1020, at page 36, lines 21 through 25,
`Mr. Nranian stated, "So if you look at Figure 68 of the
`patent, right? It shows 742, which is the mirror reflective
`element 742 is attached to the support arm structure 740."
`So even patent owner's own expert looked at Figure 68 and
`said that the reflective element is attached to the support
`arm structure, even though there is an intermediary piece
`between them. This supports a finding that indirect
`attachment is encompassed by a POSA's understanding.
` And then if I could please direct your attention to
`Slide 12 of Petitioner's demonstratives.
` Patent Owner makes a fleeting reference in the
`Figure 56 embodiment that the attachment surface 614A is
`actually the claimed bracket in this embodiment.
` This is entirely contrary to the intrinsic
`specification which unequivocally identifies 616 as the
`inner bracket, and it also identifies 620 as the outer
`bracket. So it's very clear that the patent does not
`consider 614A to be a bracket.
` If this were true, if the patent owner -- if the
`614A could conceivably be a bracket, this runs contrary to
`Claim 6 which says that, "At one end of said support
`structure attaches at said bracket."
` So if what's highlighted in orange here is what


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
`Patent Owner contends is the bracket, that is not directly
`attached to the rest of the support structure, it's attached
`through the mirror head. And so even if this were the case,
`this supports a finding of indirect attachment for fixably
` At bottom, the only way to give meaning to these
`claims for fixably attached is to include indirect and
`direct attachment.
` And Lupo operates in the exact same manner as
`Figure 56. It has the projection 53, which are part of the
`mirror head, which move in tandem with the reflective
`element and connects the mirror head to the rest of the
`support structure.
` I would like to also note that the Patent Owner
`cites to a number of case laws to try to -- a number of
`cases to try to support their argument for direct
`attachment, but these are all extrinsic evidence of other
`patents that use different claims in different
`specifications, and all of those cases had one thing in
`common where the specification did not show or contemplate
` indirect attachment, whereas here, Figure 56 clearly shows
` that the reflective element can be attached to the bracket
` indirectly via the mirror head such that they move in
` tandem.
` In sum, the specification explicitly supports an
` understanding that fixedly attached includes indirect
` attachment. Defining fixedly attached to include direct


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
` attachment only ignores Figure 56 which most closely
` resembles the claims, and then further ignores Patent
` Owner's own examples that show the attachment includes
` indirect.
` And with that, I'd like to pass it back to Kenny.
` JUDGE KAISER: Thank you, Mr. Breetz.
` Will we see you again for any other pieces or was
`this the only part of the argument that you're going to be
`presenting today?
` MR. BREETZ: I will be back towards the end, Your
` JUDGE KAISER: Okay, very good. We will see you
`soon then.
` MR. LUCHESI: Mr. Breetz is going to close us out.
` This is Kenny Luchesi speaking again. And just
`noting my time here, I'm going to probably blow through this
`next one a little bit quickly if I can.
` So the next issue that we have on our agenda is the
`requirement in Claim 2 and 16 and 33 that, "The outer most
`first perimeter of the mirror is rounded."
` I'd just like to hit a couple of high points on
`this. First off is, once again, just like with Claim 1, we
`have another instance here where the Patent Owner is trying
`to read limitations into the claim. And, in fact, in this
`case, they're trying to read two limitations into the claim;
`one that the edge is exposed, and two, that the rounded
`means rounded to a minimum radius of curvature of


`Patent 10,261,648 B2
`2.5 millimeters.
` Obviously, neither of those limitations are actually
`in the claim, so just looking at the claim language, it
`doesn't support that.
` But the specification doesn't support these
`arguments, either. So the spec does not define rounded to
`be 2.5 millimeters. In fact, the only place that appears is
`one time in a discussion relating to i

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