


`I 1111111111111111 1111111111 111111111111111 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIIII IIII IIII IIII
`USO l 0261648B2
`c12) United States Patent
`Uken et al.
`(JO) Patent No.: US 10,261,648 B2
`(45) Date of Patent:
`*Apr.16, 2019
`INC., Holland. MI (US)
`inventors: John T. Uken. Jenison , M1 (US):
`Darryl P. De Wind, West Olive, Ml
`(US); Keith D. Foote, Grand Rapid .
`Ml (U ); Joseph M. Mambourg,
`Muskegon, MI (US); Rodney K.
`Blank, Zeeland, MI (US); Mark L.
`La rso n. Grand Haven, MJ (US): Niall
`R. Lynam, Holland, Ml (US)
`lNC., Holland. Ml (US)
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`CPC ...... G06F 3/047; G06F 3/044; G06F 3/04883;
`B60R 1/04: B60R 1/06; B60R 1/08·
`References Cited
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`1.563,258 A
`5/ 1914 Perrin
`I I/ t 925
`unni ngham
`( onti nued)
`I 530861 A I
`( ontinued)
`( "') Notice:
`Subject to any di claimer, the ter:111 of this
`patent i extended or adj usted under 35
`U.S.C. J54(b) by 414 days.
`1l1is patent i
`ubject lo a iem1inal dis(cid:173)
`(21) Appl. No.: 15/161,708
`(22) Filed:
`May 23 2016
`Prior Publication Data
`ep. 15, 2016
`US 20 16/0264054
`Related U.S. Application Data
`ontinuation of application No. 14/357,025, filed as
`application No. P T/US20 I 2/064398 on Nov. 9,
`( ontinued)
`Jnt. Cl.
`B60R 1/12
`G06F 3/047
`( Onlinued)
`U.S. Cl.
`CPC ............. . G06F 3/047 (2013.01); B60R 1/072
`(2013.01); B60R 1/088 (2013.01); B60R
`251252 (2013.0J):
`International Search Report and Written Opinion dated Mar. 19,
`2013 for correspondi.og P T Application o. P TIU 2012/064398.
`Primary Examiner - Anabel Ton
`(74) Allorney, Agenl. or Fir111 - Honigman LLP
`An exterior rearview mirror assembly for a vehicle includes
`a mirror head and an exterior mirror reflective element
`fixedly attached at the mirror head. An attachment portion i
`configured for at1achment at an exterior portion of the
`vehicle. TI1e mirror a sembly includes a multi-axi adjust(cid:173)
`ment mechanism having at least one electrically-operable
`acnmtor. The multi-axis adjustment mechanism is operable
`the mirror head, with the exterior mirror reflective
`to mov
`element fixedly attached thereto, about multiple axes rela(cid:173)
`tive to the attachment portion. The exterior mirror reflective
`element moves in tandem wi th movement of the mirror head
`relative 10 the exterior portion of the body of the vehicle to
`adjust the rearward field of view of a driver of the vehicle
`who views the exterior mirror reflective element when
`operating the vehicle.
`( ontioued)
`]aims, 74 Drawing Sheets
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 1


`US 10,261,648 B2
`Page 2
`Related U.S. pplication Data
`2012, now Pat. No. 9 346,403. which is a continu(cid:173)
`ation-in-part of application No. 13/879 481. filed a
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`2011 , now Pat. No. 9,598.01 6, which is a continu(cid:173)
`ation-in-part of application No. 13/498,597. fi led a
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`(60) Provi ional application No. 61/705,876 fi led on ep.
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`application No. 61/590.578, filed on Jan . 25. 2012,
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`I , 20 11. provi ional application No.61 /558.623. filed
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`61 /490.375, filed on May 26, 201J , provisional
`application No. 61/452,789, filed on Mar. 15. 2011 ,
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`4.2011. provisional application No. 61/448.9 16. filed
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`17. 2009, provisional application No. 61/249,300.
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`lnt. C l.
`B60R 1108
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`2001/ 1223 (2013.0l); B60R 2001/1253
`(2013.01); G06F 2203/033
`(20 13.01)
`(58) Field of
`las ificatioo earcb
`CPC ........... B60R 1/086; B60R 1/12; B60R l/072;
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 3


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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 4


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`Page 5
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 5


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet l of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 6


`U.S. Patent
`A pr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 2 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 7


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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 8


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`Sheet 4 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 9


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 5 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
`<D .
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 10


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 6 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 11


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 7 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 12


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 8 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 13


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 9 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
`FIG. 10
`FIG. 11
`FIG. 12
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 14


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 10 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 15


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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 16


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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 17


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 13 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 18


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 14 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 19


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 15 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 20


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 16 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 21


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`A pr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 17 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 22


`U.S. Patent
`A pr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 18 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 23


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 19 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 24


`U.S. Patent
`A pr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 20 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
`315 315b
`FIG. 27
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 25


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 21 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
`37a 37b
`37a 37b
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`FIG. 28
`FIG. 29
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 26


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 22 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 27


`FIG. 32
`FIG. 33
`FIG. 34
`FIG. 37
`FIG. 38
`FIG. 39
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 28


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 24 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`FIG. 40
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 29


`U.S. Patent
`A pr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 25 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
`<( Q)
`0 <D
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 30


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 26 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
`FIG. 42
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 31


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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 32


`U.S. Patent
`A pr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 28 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 33


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 29 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 34


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 30 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
`FIG. 46
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 35


`FIG. 47
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 36


`U.S. Patent
`A pr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 32 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
`FIG. 49
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 37


`U.S. Patent
`A pr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 33 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
`FIG. 50A
`FIG. 508
`FIG. 50C
`FIG. 50D
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 38


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 34 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
`FIG. 51
`FIG. 52A
`FIG. 52C
`FIG. 52B
`FIG. 52D
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 39


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`FIG. 52E
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 40


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 36 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 41


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 37 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 42


`U.S. Patent
`A pr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 38 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
`LO .
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 43


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 39 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 44


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 40 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
`\ \
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 45


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 41 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
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`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 46


`U.S. Patent
`A pr. 16, 2019
`Sheet 42 of 74
`US 10,261,648 B2
`+/- 60 degree rotation
`610 I
`FIG. 58A
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhibit 1001, Page 47


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`Horizontal Adjustment - both actuators function together
`at different speeds to maintain constant tip angle.
`FIG. 588
`Motherson Innovations v. Magna Mirrors
`Motherson Exhi

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