
`TK 668a "
`'; £r1dards
`Joan L. Mitchell,
`William B. Pennebaker,
`Chad E. Fogg, and
`Didier J. LeGaII
`Page 1 of 498
`Page 1 of 498


`Digital systcnisIElcctrical engineering
`*1 '
`0 006139749? _.
`For all those interested in high definition television,
`multimedia. and image compression, this unique
`reference will be an essential tool.
`It provides
`the first comprehensive introduction to this field.
`incorporating material ranging from basic concerns
`of newcomers to the field through sophisticated
`reviews of cutting edge technical issues.
`Written by acknowledged experts In the field. MPEG
`Video Compression Standard offers important bene—
`fits to readers Including:
`Detailed information on MPEG modes of operation. signaling conven-
`tions. and structure of MPEG compressed data
`0 Each section of the book is labeled by level of technical difficulty.
`allowing less technical readers to skip higher level sections and still gain
`a broad understanding of the subject while guiding advanced readers to
`the in-depth coverage they require
`With its comprehensive coverage of MPEG video compression. this impor-
`tant book meets the needs of those working to develop the standard as
`well as those who use MPEG in their work. Electrical engineers. multimedia
`producers. computer scientists. as well as all those interested in this fast
`growing field will find MPEG Video Compression Standard essential in
`their work.
`loan 1.. Mitchell is a Research Staff Member at the IBM Thomas J. Watson
`Research Center.
`nsultant and former Research Staff Member,
`William ll. Pennebaker is a
`IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center.
`Chad E. fogg. Cascade Design Automation
`Didier I. LeGall is Vice President of Research and Development. C-cube
`Chapman 8. Hall
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publicat‘ion Data
`. [et all.
`MPEG video : compression standard I loan 1.. Mitchell .
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0-412-08771-5 (alk. paper)
`3. Sound -
`1. Digital video. Z Video compression — Standards.
`— Recording and reproducing - Digital techniques - Standards.
`4. Coding theory.
`1. Mitchell, loan 1..
`mama 1996
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`Nancy, Don, and Sandy
`Margaret, Betsy, Patty, and Erik
`Lori and John.
`Page 7 of 498
`Page 7 of 498


`Series Preface
`This book initiates a new digital multimedia standards series. The purpose
`of the series is to make information about digital multimedia standards
`readily available. Both tutorial and advanced topics will be covered in the
`series, often in one book. Our hope is that users will find the series helpful
`in deciding what standards to support and use while implementors will dis-
`cover a wealth of technical: details that help them implement those standards
`In today’s global economy standards are increasingly important. Yet
`until a standard is widely used, most of the benefits of standardization are
`not realized. We hope that standards committee chairpeople will organize
`and encourage a book in this series devoted to their new standard. This can
`be a forum to share and preserve some of the “why” and “how” that went
`into the development of the standard and, in the process, assist in the rapid
`adoption of the standard.
`Already in production for this series are books titled Digital Video: In—
`troduction to MPEG-2 and Data Compression in Systems.
`Page 8 of 498
`Page 8 of 498


`The reduction of bitrate of digitised television signals has been an R&D
`topic in research centres and academia for more than 30 years. Many were
`the purposes for which research was funded, but all shared the basic ra—
`tionale. If you had a digital or digitised delivery medium and could bring
`the more than 200 Mbit/s bitrate of PCM television down to a value that
`could be handled economically by signal processing technology then you
`would achieve the goal of substantially improving existing products/ services
`or even creating new ones. The bitrate of up to 1.5 Mbit/s was the value
`around which three industries shared a common interest towards the end of
`the ’80s: consumer electronics with compact disc, broadcasting with digi—
`tal radio and telecommunications with Narrowband ISDN and ASDL. The
`merit of MPEG was its ability to identify the opportunity and to bring
`disparate industries to work together. The unprecedented degree of interna-
`tional collaboration involving hundreds of researchers produced a standard -
`MPEG-l - of very high technical quality. Even today, after several years and
`countless implementations not a single error was found in the specification.
`MPEG—l devices are now counted by the millions in all continents. MPEG—l
`encoded content can be found everywhere and is the first implementation of
`delivery media independence of content. The beginning of the ’90s provided
`the next opportunity with a general interest in a new standard— MPEG—2 ‘.
`- for applications spanning all industries: broadcasting over satellite, ter—
`restrial and CATV networks, Broadband ISDN, digital discs and tapes etc.
`The availability of another MPEG standards promised — and delivered — as
`scheduled was not a small contribution to the multimedia revolution we are
`living today. The book by Drs. Le Gall, Fogg, Mitchell and Pennebaker is a
`recommended reading for those who want to have a thorough understanding
`of the Video parts of MPEG—1 and MPEG-2. The concepts that were devel—
`oped in those standards and presented in the book are a necessary reading
`for anybody who needs to work on them or go beyond them;
`Leonardo Chiariglione
`Convenor, ISO/IEC JTCl/SCQQ/WGll (MPEG)
`Page 9 of 498
`Page 9 of 498


`Several hundred technical experts worked hard, attended meetings all over
`the world, and spent many, many hours of personal and professional time
`before reaching a consensus on the MPEG—1 standard. We want to specifi—
`cally acknowledge their dedicated work even though they are too numerous
`to be listed by name.
`JM wishes to thank a former manager, Cesar Gonzales, for permission
`to start work on this book. She wishes to thank her current IBM manage—
`ment and in particular, Fred Mintzer and- Howard Sachar, for giving her
`permission to take a two-year leave of absence from IBM. Her participation
`in writing this book would have been much more diflicult without this extra
`freedom. She also acknowledges the support of the Computer and Electri-
`cal Engineering Department and the Beckman Institute at the University
`of Illinois, Urbana, 111., for their 1996 part—time Visiting Professor and Vis—
`iting Scientist positions which she held during the final stages of finishing
`this book. She also wants to thank Christiana Creighton; Sandy and David
`Creighton; Anne Gilligan; Sandy Grover and Dorothy Cullinan of the Cut—
`leaf Maples Motel, Arlington, VT; Jackie and Bruce Kelman; Joan and Don
`Lucas; Sherri and Peter McCormick; Doris, Bill, and Carol Mitchell; Nancy
`and Don Mitchell; Margaret and Bill Pennebaker; Ruth Redden; Frances
`and Charles Riggs; and Norma and Don Vance for encouragement, meals,
`and lodging during the writing of this book.
`WP wishes to thank his wife, Margaret, for her patience and active
`support during the preparation of this book and the implementation of a
`MPEG—1 video encoder and decoder. Acknowledgment is also given to the
`neighbors who took the subjective quality tests, results of which are in this
`We also want to thank the vendors who supplied information for this
`book; Cliff Reader, who contributed the IPR chapter; our many editors at
`Van Nostrand Reinhold and later at Chapman and Hall; Nancy Mitchell,
`who reviewed this book for consistency at the easiest technical level; and all
`of the other people who reviewed this book and helped us correct our errors
`before publication.
`Page 10 of 498
`Page 10 of 498


`Series Preface
`List of Figures
`List of Tables
`1.1 Why compress? O
`1.2 Why standardize video compression? 0
`1.3 VocabularyO
`Sequences, pictures, and samplesO
`Frames and fieldsO
`Pels and pixelsO ...... ‘ ..............
`1.3.4 Compression vocabularyO
`.Standards vocabularyO
`1.3.6 MPEG vocabularyO
`..... ' .......
`1.4 A quick look at MPEG compressionO
`, 12
`1.5 Compact pseudocode notation in MPEGO
`: ~.
`. 1.6 MPEG applicationsO
`..................... 12
`1.7 Organization of the bookO
`.................. 13
`1.8 Level of difficultyO
`...................... 14
`1.9 An international collaborationO
`............... 14
`1.10 An evolving standardO
`.................... 15
`2 Overview of MPEG
`_, ................. 17
`2.1 MPEG system layerO
`System/target decoderO
`............... 19
`System layer syntaxO .' .......... '.
`2.2 MPEG audioO .......................... 20
`2.3 MPEG videoO
`......................... 21
`2.3.1 MPEG video layersO
`................. 22
`Page 11 of 498
`Page 11 of 498


`K iv
`2.3.2 Display and coding orderO
`.............. 23
`2.3.3 MacroblockO
`..................... 23
`......................... 23
`2.3.5 The discrete cosine transform in MPEGO
`2.3.6 QuantizationO ..................... 27
`2.3.7 Motion con'lpensationO
`................ 28
`2.3.8 MPEG coding InodelsO ................ 29
`2.3.9 Encoder decision strategieso
`............. 30
`2.4 MPEG-2O
`........................... 30
`........................... 31
`3 The Discrete Cosine Transform
`3.1 The one—dimensional cosine transformO ........... 33
`1—D discrete cosine transform (DCT)O
`........... 37
`2-D DCTO ........................... 42
`3.4 Why use the DCT?O
`..................... 44
`....... 44
`3.4.1 Decorrelation and energy compactionO
`Efficient DCT algoritlnnsO .............. 45
`3.5 Precision of the DCTO
`.................... 45
`3.6 Quantization of the DCTO .................. 46
`3.6.1 Rounding conventions for quantizationO
`...... 46
`Scaling of quai'ltizer tablesO
`............. 48
` Quantization of the FDCTO ........ 48
` Dequantization of the IDCTO ....... 49
`3.7 Mismatch of IDCTsO
`..................... 49
`4 Aspects of Visual Perception
`.................... 52
`4.1 Color representationsO
`4.1.1 Tricln‘oniatic theoryO ................. 52
`4.1.2 Luminance and ChrominanceO
`............ 54
`4.1.3 Brightness perceptionO ................ 54
`4.1.4 Gamma correctionO .................. 55
`Luma and gamma—corrected luminanceO
`...... 58
`4.1.6 YUV and YCbCr color systems and chromaO
`4.1.? Opponent model of human visionO
`......... 60
`4.1.8 Cln‘omaticity coordinatesO
`.............. 61
`4.1.9 Center of gravityo
`.................. 62
`4.1.10 Coordinate transforniationso
`............ 63
`4.1.11 CIE primaries.
`.................... 64
`4.1.12 CIELUV color space.
`................ 66
`4.2 Resolving spatial detailO
`................... 67
`4.2.1 MPEG cln‘ominance samplingO
`........... 68
`4.2.2 Varying precisionO
`.................. 69
`Page 12 of 498


`Frequency weighting and quantizationO ....... 69
`4.2.4 Activity masking and facilitationO
`......... 70
`4.3 Perception of motionO
`.................... 72
`4.3.1 Critical flicker frequencyO
`.............. 72
`Spatial resolution of time—varying scenesO
`..... 74
`4.3.3 Motion sensingO
`................... 75
`4.3.4 Temporal maskingO. .................. 76
`4.3.5 Tracking of moving objectsO ............. 78
`4.3.6 Coding time-varying scenesO ............. 78
`5 MPEG' Coding Principles
`.................. 81
`5.1 Coding system structureO
`................. 82
`Isolating the modelO
`Symbols and statistical modelingO
`......... 83
`5.2 Entropy codingO
`....................... 84
`Principles of entropy codingO
`............ 84
`5.2.2 Mathematics of entropy codingO
`.......... 85
`5.2.3 Huffman codingO
`................... 86
`. 5.2.4 Assigning Huffman codesO
`.............. 86
`5.2.5 Adaptive entropy codingO
`.............. 87
`Symbol probabilitiesO ......... . ........ 88
`5.3 Statistical modelsO
`...................... 88
`5.4 Coding modelsO ........................ 89
`I—, P—, and B-picturesO
`................ 90
`5.4.2 MPEG coding modelsO ................ 90
`5.4.3 Quantization in MPEG-1O .............. 91
`5.4.4 Coding of I—picturesO
`................. 91
`Coding DC coefficients in I—picturesO
` Coding AC coefficients in I—picturesO
`5.4.5 Coding of P— and B—picturesO
`......... ' .
`99 «‘
`. '.
`5.5 Encoder and decoder block diagramsO
`........... 100
`5.5.1 Reconstruction moduleO
`............... 100
`5.5.2 Encoder block diagranfo
`............... 100
`5.5.3 Decoder block diagramO
`............... 102
`-................. 106
`6 Pseudocode and Flowcharts
`6.1 Pseudocode presentationO
`6.2 Flowchart primitivesO
`6.2.1 Decision notationO
`. ...... '.
`. .'. .
`.~ ..... 108
`6.2.2 Test notationO
`.7 .................... 110
`6.3 Operator notationO
`................. 111‘
`6.3.1 Branches and loopsO
`.................. 113
`6.4 Data element proceduresO
`.................... 106
`.................. 108
`Page 13 of 498
`Page 13 of 498


`1 a1
`1 1'

`, 1
`fi 11
`. 1
`8 MPEG-1 Video Syntax
`.................. 135
`I 8.1 Video sequence overvieWO
`..... 1..................... 137
`8.2 Start codesO
`8.3 Video sequence layerO
`.................... 138
`8.4 Group of pictures layerO
`...... .............. 145
`48.5 Picture layerO
`.‘ ............. 1 ........ 147
`.......................... 150
`‘ V
`Slice layerO
`...................... 151
`Macroblock layerO
`Skipping macroblocksO
`................ 160
`.......................... 160
`- 8.8- Block layerO
`'1 3.8.9 ‘ Summary of data element syntaXO
`............. 165
`81.10 MPEG-1 video data stream example.
`........... 166
`9- MPEG-2 Overview
`9.1 Advantages of MPEG—2 over MPEG-1O ........... 171
`9.2 MPEG—2 applicationsO
`.................... 172
`Joint development With ITU—TO
`............... 173
`9.4 MPEG—2 systemsO
`...... '............ ..... 173
`9.5 Fields, frames, and picturesO ................. 174
`9.6 Chrominance samplingO
`. ................ 175
`9.7 Video formatsO
`........................ 175
`.......................... 177
`9 .8 ScalabilityO
`................... 177
`SNR scalabilityO
`9.8.2 Spatial scalabilityO
`. ......... 178
`9.8.3 " Temporal scalabilityO ................. 178
`............ 178
`9.8.4 Data partitioning extensionO
`9.9 Profiles 0
`............................ 1 78
`6.5 NextbitsO procedureO
`.................... 114
`............. 115
`6.6 Encoder versus decoder operationO
`6.7 Other low-level proceduresO
`................. 115
`7 MPEG System Syntax
`.......................... 117
`7.1 Start codesO
`7.1.1 Next_start_code() functionO
`............. 117
`System and video start codeso
`........... 119
`7.2 System overvieWO
`....................... 119
`ISO/IEC 11172 streamo
`'......... 1. ...... 121
`7.4 Pack layerO
`.......................... 121
`System headerO
`.................... 123
`7.5 Packet layerO
`......................... 127
`7.6 Summary of system data elementsO
`............. 131
`7.7 SCR calculation examples.
`................. 133
`Page 14 of 498
`Page 14 of 498


`9.10 LevelsO ............. ' ................ 179
`9.11 Main profile video sequence overviewO
`........... 183
`9.12 Differences between MPEG—1 and MPEG—2 videoO
`. 185
`10 MPEG-2 Main Profile Syntax
`10.1 MPEG-2 start codesO ..................... 187
`.................. 189
`10.2 MPEG—2 video sequence.
`10.2.1 MPEG-2 sequence header.
`............. 189
`............ 192
`10.2.2 MPEG—2 sequence extension.
`110.2.3 MPEG—2 optional sequence extensions.
`...... 195
`10.2.4 MPEG—2 user data.
`...... ............ 196
`10.2.5 MPEG—2 sequence display extension.
`........ 196
`10.3 MPEG—2 GOP header.
`.................... 198
`.......... 202
`10.4 MPEG—2 picture header and extensions.
`10.4.1 MPEG-2 picture coding extension.
`......... 203
`10.4.2 MPEG-2 picture extensions and user data.
`. 212
`10.4.3 MPEG—2 quant matrix extension.
`......... 212
`10.4.4 MPEG—2 picture display extension.
`......... 213
`10.4.5 MPEG-2 copyright extension.
`............ 215
`10.4.6 MPEG-2 picture data function.
`........... 215
`10.5 MPEG—2 slice header.
`................... 216
`10.6 MPEG-2 macroblock header.
`................ 217
`10.6.1 Macroblock modes.
`................. 220
`10.6.2 M’otion vectors. .................... 222
`10.6.3 MPEG-2 coded block pattern.
`........... 224
`10.7 MPEG-2 block(i) function.
`................. 225
`10.8 MPEG—2 MP@ML and SP@ML additional restrictions.
`. 227
`10.9 MPEG—2 MP@ML video‘ data elements.
`.......... 227
`11 Motion Compensation
`............l ..
`.‘ 237
`11.1 Motion in sequences of picturesO
`............. 240
`11.2 Motion compensation in MPEG-1O
`11.3 P—picture motion—compensated predictionO ......... 241
`11.4 B~picture motion-compensated predictionO ......... 242
`11.5 Generic motion displacementsO
`............... 245
`11.6 Displacement principal and residualO
`............ 245
`11.7 Wraparound of motion displacementsO
`........... 248
`11.8 Coding and decoding of motion vectorsO
`.......... 250
`11.8.1 Decoding motion displacements O.
`.......... 251
`11.8.2 Forward motion vectorsO ............... 251
`11.8.3 Backward motion vectors. ......... ’ ..... 253 ‘
`11.8.4 P- and B-picture motion vectorsO
`.......... 253
`11.8.5 Calculating displacements for Y and CO
`...... 253
`Page 15 of 498
`Page 15 of 498


`11.9 Strategies for determining motion vectorsO
`11.10Motion compensation in MPEG—2O
`11.10.1 MPEG—2 motion vectors.
`11.10.2MPEG-2 dual—prime prediction.
`1 1.10.3 Motion-compensated predictions .
`12 Pel Reconstruction
`12.1 Intra—coded block dequantizationo
`12.2 DC prediction in intra macroblocksO
`12.3 Nonintra—coded block dequantizationO
`12.4 IDCT mismatchO
`12.4.1 IEEE Standard Specification for IDCTO
`12.5 Limiting error propagationO
`12.6 H.261 and H.263 oddificationO
`12.7 MPEG-2 pel reconstructiono .................
`. 274
`12.7.1 MPEG-2 intra—coded block reconstructionO
`. 275
`12.7.2 MPEG—2 nonintra—coded block reconstructionO
`12.8 IDCT mismatch control. ...................
`12.8.1 Review of Katayama’s paper.
`' 12.8.2 Review of Yagasaki’s paper.
`13 Motion Estimation
`3.1 Criterion for block matchingO
`1 3.2 The search reference pictureO ‘ ................
`""133 How large should the search range be? 0
`' «13.4 Fractional pel searchesO
`' 13.5 Correlation between motion vectorsO
`13.5.1 Adding chroma to the distortion measureO .....
`13.5.2 Tiebreakingo
`13.5.3 Search failureO
`13.5.4 Search failure at scene changesO
`13.6 Motion displacement search algorithmsO
`13.7 Fast algorithms for motion estimationO ...........
`13.8 A survey of fast search algorithmsO
`. 304
`13.8.1 Fast search algorithms based on sparse samplingO
`13.8.2 Variable resolutiOn search techniquesO
`13.8.3 Statistically sparse searchesO
`13.8.4 Searches dependent on spatial continuityO
`13.8.5 Telescopic searchO
`13.8.6 3—D (spatial/temporal) estimationO
`13.8.7 Phase correlation searchO
`........... ‘.
`13.8.8 Other search techniquesO
`13.8.9 Improving the motion displacement estimateo
`Page 16 of 498
`Page 16 of 498


`13.9 Comparison of fast search algorithmsO
`........... 307
`14 Variable Quantization
`...................... 314
`14.1 Literature reviewO
`14.1.1 Still-picture codingO
`................. 315
`14.1.2 Masking functions based on spatial derivativeO
`. 315
` Spatial derivative errorO .......... 316
` Vertical/horizontal spatial derivativeO
`. 317
` Spatial derivative classificationO
`..... 320
`14.1.3 Masking functions based on block varianceO
`. 321
` Global varianceO
`.............. 321
` Scene complexityO
`...... . ....... 321
`............... 322
` Bit allocationO
` Coding artifact classificationO .
`. 322
` Perceptual qualityO
`............ 322
` Statistical activity classesO ’ ........ 322
`14.1.4 DCT—based masking functionsO
`........... 323
` AC energyO ................. 323
` Minimax DCT coefiicientO
`........ 323
`.......... 324
` Coefficient energy sumo
` Macroblock classification using the DCTO
`14.1.5 Overhead in switching quantizenscaleo
`..... 327
`14.1.6 MPEG-2 Test Model 50
`..... ' .......... 327
`14.1.7 Coded bitsO
`...................... 328
`14.2 Perceptual studiesO ...................... 328
`14.3 Variable quantization and motionO
`............. 331
`14.3.1 Temporal maskingO .................. 331
`14.3.2 Relative motion between adjacent macroblocksO .
`. 331
`14.4 SummaryO .
`._ ............. ‘ ....... 332
`i 333 "
`15‘ Rate Control in MPEG
`...................... 333
`15.1 Literature reviewO
`................... 334
`15.1.1 The rate bufferO
`15.1.2 p><64 reference model and generalizationsO ..... 334
` S-shaped control characteristicO
`..... 335
`15.1.3 MPEG-2 Test Model 50
`- ....... ~ ....... 335
` Rate control with DOT minimax activityO 336
`15.1.4 Rate control based on recodingO ’ .......... 336
`15.1.5 VBR rate controlO
`.................. 337
`., .
`. 337
`15.1.6 Recursive prediction withrecodingO

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