
`Volume 8, No. 5, Same-miner 19%
`PSSN 6923-5965
`Sit? i‘\¥\l_ PRUI' ‘I’SSI \‘(r
`J.T. Virtuma and 83’. Vail-i
`Vector quantization with hierarchical classification of sub-blocks....................
`G. Keesmain, R. Hellinglhuizen. F. Hoeksema and G. Heideman
`Transcod-ing of M-PEG b-itstreams ......................................
`Y.K. Kim and J.B. Ra
`Multiple shell structured hypercube feature maps for vector quantization of images ........
`L. Wu. J. Ben-ois—Pinea-u, P. Dezlalg-n-es and D. Barbs
`Spawn-temporal segmentation of image sequences for object-oriented l-ow bit-rate image coding
`M.K.Nl Schoyer and PW. Verbal-ck
`Block position dithering in OCT-coded sequences .............................
`P. Fr'anti, T. Ka-ukoranta and O. Nevalainen
`0n the design of a hierarchical ETC-V0 compression system ......................
`Author index in! Volume 3 ............................................
`Cu-mMa-tive contents of Volume 5 .......................................
`A; NDPHL'Llllnua
`A publication—of the European Association for Signal Frocéséing (EU-RAélP) _
`Page 1 of 23


`Theory. Techniques 8: Applications
`A publication of the European Association for Signal Processing (EUFtASIP)
`Centre Sludl e Laboraten
`Telecommunicazionl (CSELT)
`Via Guglielmo Reuse-Homo“, 214
`I401“ Torino, Italy
`Telephone: I It) 2285 120
`Teletext (l 1) 2286 299
`Editorial Board
`J. Bremond (Univ. Delft. The Netherlands)
`G. Boerger (HHI. Germany)
`E. Dubois (Univ. Quebec. Canada)
`B. Girod (Erlangen. Germany)
`Guest Editors
`P. Aigrain (IFIIT, France)
`SA Benton (MIT. USA)
`G De Haan (Philips. The Netherlands)
`T Fujll (NTT. Japan)
`J. Guichard (CNET, France)
`J Hamasakl (Univ. Tokyo. Japan)
`J Johann (Deutsche Bundespost. Germany)
`T. Kunla (NHK. Japan)
`D. LeC-iall (C-Cube. USA)
`a. Llu (Princeton Univ. USA)
`G. Momson (BT Labs. United Kingdom)
`D. Narasimhalu (Singapore)
`Ft. Nicol (BT Laboratories)
`3. Okubo (NTI'. Japan)
`T. Omachi (NEC. Japan)
`A.P. Pentland (MIT. USA)
`M. Shibata (NHK. Japan)
`T. Sikora (HHI. Berlin)
`W. Verbiest (Belgium)
`E. Vlso‘rlo (Chromatic Research Corporation. USA)
`CN Judlce lBeIL USA)
`J.-I(. Kim (KAIST. South Korea)
`AB Lippman (MIT. USA)
`H -G Musrnann (Univ Hannover, Germany)
`D. Nasse (CCETT. France)
`Y Nlnornlya (NHK. Japan)
`D Pearson (Univ. Essex. United Kingdom)
`F Pereira (IST. Portugal)
`L. Stenger (Fl 03?. Germany)
`H Tominaga (Waseda Univ.. Japan)
`M, Tanlmotd (Nagoya Untv., Japan)
`M, Vetterli (Lausanne, Switzerland)
`LT. Wu (ITRI. Taiwan)
`H Yasuda (NTT. Japan)
`TV and Advanced W
`Image Storage and Retrieval
`Graphic Arts
`Electronic Prtnting
`Imaging Technology
`Display Technology
`VLSI Processors for
`image Communications
`Editorial Policy. SIGNAL PROCESSING:
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`Page 2 of 23
`Page 2 of 23


`» .
`‘-‘ -": arr-r:
`Volume 8, No. 6, September 1996
`'4 4
`._ .__,t._.1
`" sum i
`wwmv \hnn (tn: '1!
`A 'JG 2995 :7
`J.T. Virtamo and S.T. Valli
`Vector quantization with hierarchical classification of sub-blocks .............
`G. Keesman, R. Hellinghuizen, F. Hoeksema and G. Heideman
`Transcoding of MPEG bitstreams ................................
`Y.K. Kim and J3. Ra
`Multiple shell structured hypercube feature maps for vector quantization of images.
`L. Wu, J. Benois-Pineau, P. Delagnes and D. Barba
`Spatio-temporal segmentation of image sequences for object-oriented low bit—rate
`image coding ............................................
`M.K.N. Schoyer and P.W. Verbeek
`Block position dithering in DCT-coded sequences ......................
`P. Franti, T. Kaukoranta and O. Nevalainen
`On the design of a hierarchical BTC—VQ compression system ...............
`Author index of Volume 8 .....................................
`Cumulative contents of Volume 8 .................................
`Advance tables of contents can be retrieved at
`Page 3 of 23
`Page 3 of 23


`(.H‘vl,\1l\l( \|l()\
`'I'I‘Lmscudmg 01‘
`.\-I PM} hilslrcmns
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`Page 4 of 23


`(1 Km .rvmm or .u’
`Swim! Fri-resting himur- ('nnmitmit‘tmrm N il‘l'm; J.\I
`Videotn l "_ R1
`‘ _ R2
`l. Basic configuration of a system including a transcoder.
`discussed. Since MPEG video compression [see eg.
`{2. 3. 5. 6. 8. 10. 12]) is the current mainstream in
`compression technology this paper will concentrate
`on the transcoding of MPEG signals into MPEG
`Basically. the situation with transcoding is as
`shown in Fig. 1: an encoder compresses the incom-
`ing video signal at a hit-rate of R, (Mbitv‘sj, then
`this compressed signal
`is converted into a com-
`pressed format of a lower bit-rate R3 [Mbitgsl and
`finally a decoder decompresses the incoming signal
`and displays the resulting video signal. Transcod-
`ing may occur in situations where one means of
`signal transport interfaces another means of signal
`Essentially. a transcoder consists of a cascaded
`decoder and encoder. as shown in the lower part of
`Fig. I. In the situation described in this paper the
`encoder embedded in the transcoder is only com-
`pressing at a lower bit-rate than the incoming bit—
`rate. so there is no other reformatting involved.
`such as resampling.
`[n the literature the problem of transcoding
`seems fairly uncovered.
`the problem of
`in [9]
`PCM-ADPCM-PCM lossless tranSCoding is dis-
`cussed. Morrison et al. [7] describe a transcodcr
`that has a limited complexity for video signals
`Compressed with hybrid DCT systems. Morrison et
`al. compare the picture quality in a situation when
`transcoding from bit-rate R,
`to R; with the situ-
`ation where the video signal is directly compressed
`at R2. Their measurements indicate an extra loss
`Page 5 of 23
`I dB for H.261
`of approximately.
`Transcoding by means of cascading a decoder
`and an encoder may lead to several types of prob-
`lems. In this paper two problems are described. The
`first problem is that of complexity. It will be shown.
`in a way similar to that of Morrison [4]. that the
`complexity can be reduced significantly. The trans-
`coder discussed in this paper is. however. slightly
`less complex than that of Morrison. Another differ—
`ence with respect
`to Morrison et al.
`is that the
`transcoder discussed in this paper will be applied to
`MPEG-compressed signals instead of H.26l-com-
`pressed signals as in the case of Morrison.
`The second problem is that of performance, that
`is, picture quality at a given bit-rate. The introduc— '
`tion ofa transcoder in the transmission chain may
`introduce extra losses as compared to compressing
`directly. called direct coding. to the lowest bit-rate.
`This can be investigated via two approaches: (1)
`theoretical analysis and (2) computer simulation.
`Signals passing through transcoders are typically
`quantized twice. This cascaded quantization is ;
`a source of performance loss in the case of trans-
`coded signals. Besides theoretically analyzing cas-
`caded quantization it
`is also possible to simulate
`a complete transmission path including a trans-
`coder. The latter does not involve any model ab:
`straction. but may yield less insight into the mecha-
`nisms which actually cause performance loss.
`This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 will
`discuss the problem of reducing the complexity of If
`the transcoder. The problem of picture quality loss
`will be discussed in the following three sections.
`A typical source of performance loss in a system
`including transcoding is the double occurrence of
`a quantization operation. The first step is to ana-
`which will be discussed in Section 3. This section
`will present an analysis for single coefficients so
`that insight into the basic mechanisms can be ob-- '
`tamed and this section will present an analysis for,
`the combination of 64 coefficients. Section 3.4 will
`discuss the second step, which is to enhance the.
`quantization model with prediction loops. Results!"
`obtained in computer simulations of a system in-g
`eluding transcoding will be discussed in Section 4.
`7 Finally. the paper will be concluded in Section 5.
`Page 5 of 23


`(if Kwsinun r! u!
`.‘t'tgmt'i' f't‘nu'ssntt:
`liturgy t
`'umiirmm‘ulmn 45' IIUWI.‘ 4.” firm
`2. Complexity of transcodcr
`In the introduction a transcodcr was pictured as
`a cascaded decoder and encoder. Straightforward
`cascading of the decoder and encoder. however.
`may lead to far too complex transcoders. In this
`section it will be shown that the transcoder can be
`much simpler. i.e. the number oftllDCTs and the
`amount of memory required can be reduced by
`combining the decoder and encoder in a more
`cfiicient way. The approach will be to cascade a de-
`coder and an encoder and then analyze which ele-
`ments of the two can be combined.
`The transmission chain being studied comprises
`two cascaded encoding and decoding operations.
`The variables associated with the first encoding and
`decoding operation will have superscript (It and
`the variable associated with the second encoding
`and decoding operation will have superscript {2). ln
`system blocks subscripts l and 2 will be used to
`denote this difference.
`Fig.2 shows the outline of a decoder that
`in the transcoder. First
`the bit-stream is
`decoded (VLD). yielding the value of the quantized
`coefficients. next
`these quantized coefficients are
`dis-quantized tDQfi and put through an inverse
`discrete cosine transform tIDCTt. This process
`yields the residual signal RLl’ofthc picture IL“. The
`picture can be reconstructed by adding the predic-
`tion which results from the previously decoded
`picture IL'J, by applying motion compensation
`Let V}, denote the vector field of picture it. in fact.
`each component ofthe vector represents a displace-
`ntcnt fora pixel. lithe position ofa pixel in a pic-
`turc is denoted by x then the displacement is here
`denoted l',,txi. The inotion—compcnsated signal
`denoted S[1,‘,'..’[. 1;]
`in Fig. 2 and the operation
`S[-] will be referred to as the shift operation. The
`motion compensation yields the prediction Pn :
`S[I,‘.“,. R] as follows:
`P,.tx) = S[I,‘."1.It,',]txl
`According to the MPEG syntax. the displace-
`merits 1“,,tfoor each pixel are equal for pixels within
`a macroblock. The macro-block vectors are trans-
`mitted in the bit-stream. So. besides quantized
`DCT coefficients. motion vectors are also decoded
`from the incoming bit-stream. Furthermore.
`so-cailed macro-block modes are also decoded
`from the incoming bit-streams. These macro—block
`modes contain information about. for instance. the
`intras‘inter decision or the forwa rd s’back wardj'inter-
`polated decision [3. 10].
`A significant
`reduction in complexity can be
`achieved if the cascaded encoder uses the same
`picture types as the incoming signal. So. when a de-
`coded l picture is again coded as an I picture.
`a decoded P picture is again coded as a P picture
`and a decoded B picture is again coded as a B pic-
`ture. the transcoder complexity can be reduced due
`to two factors.
`First ofail. the decoded pictures are not yet in the
`proper order. That is. although B pictures are de-
`coded after the corresponding anchor frames. they
`are displayed between the two anchor frames. This
`fl ——~
`VLD ‘_.
`f IDCT 1;! ~____
`Pt|t_s|tli y]__//'
`Shin — MEM
`A \y"
`Fig. 2. Outline of the decoder in the Iranscoder.
`Page 6 of 23
`Page 6 of 23


`(i Ki‘iummt v! a!
`Sign”! f’rmrrruru' image Currtrrrtmit-tmrm N HWM MI 50”
`~‘ -—I-l
`Prediction /'
`Pm 7 3:1“,
`loaf-n] -
`flAyn (motion vectors)
`Fig. 3. Outline of the encoder in the transcoder.
`so-called picture reordering is performed inversely
`in the decoder. The picture reordering in the de-
`coder and the picture ordering in the encoder can-
`cel out when the two are cascaded. Here a large
`amount of memory can be saved.
`Secondly. most of the decoded information. such
`as motion vectors and macro~block modes. can be
`reused in the cascaded encoder. Especially. the ob-
`viated need to estimate motion vectors again red-
`uces the computational complexity of the trans»
`coder significantly.
`At this point there is no need to have decoded
`pictures available in the transcoder because most of
`the incoming data can be copied from the decoder
`to the encoder. In the following it will be shown
`that. because there is no need for decoded pictures.
`the amount of memory for storing the previously
`decoded pictures can also be reduced.
`The typical MPEG-2 picture level features tsee
`e.g. [3]] can also be copied from the incoming
`bit-stream to the encoder. This holds for features
`such as
`peat—firsrsfiefd' and progressive. rume'.
`Fig.3 shows the basic outline of the encoder.
`the prediction Pl“ is subtracted from the
`incoming pictures ll". which yields the residual
`signal R1,“. This residual signal is put through a dis-
`Page 7 of 23
`crete cosine transform (DCTl and a quantizer (Q2).
`The quantized DCT coefficients are compressed
`and then outputted. Also. the quantized DCT coef-
`ficient are again dequantized and are further fed
`through an lDCT to yield the reconstructed resid-
`ual picture Rf,” + EL“. where El,“ denotes the
`quantization error in the second encoder. i.e. the
`encoder in the transcoder.
`In the next step the picture IL“ is reconstructed
`by adding the same prediction as was subtracted
`earlier in the process. This prediction is obtained by
`applying the shift operation S[-] to the previously
`decoded picture.
`The basic transcoder consisting of a decoder (see
`Fig. 2) and a cascaded encoder {see Fig. 3} is shown '_
`in Fig. 4. Observe that only the prediction loop of
`the decoder is shown. The transcoder of Fig. 4 can
`be simplified by removing one of the two picture
`stores (Ml-3M}.
`This can be done using the fact that the shift
`operator is linear. that is.
`$0133, + 5:15.13 =
`Stir: .. K] + star: .. a]
`(ll .
`holds. Using this linearity preperty the prediction.
`in the second encoder. i.e. the encoder within the '
`Page 7 of 23


`G. Keesmun e! u[,
`Signal Processing: Image Community/inn 8 1/996) 48/ 50!)
`Point Y
`Form X
`:hJHDcrHoz l___—.
` Slr‘i’vvnF E'léi’r 8!] SElEli’t
`Fig. 4. Cascaded decoder and encoder as transcoder.
`All that is needed to be able to produce the out-
`going bit-stream is the residual RLZ’. According to
`Eq. (4), this residual Rf,” can be obtained directly
`by subtracting the motion-compensated quantiz-
`ation error E13 1. Hence, only £5,“ need be stored.
`and the store used for It.” can be dropped.
`Fig.5 shows the block diagram resulting after
`the removal of a picture store. To obtain the coding
`error El,” the input and the output of the coding
`path consisting of DCT, quantizer, de-quantizer
`and [DCT are subtracted. Consecutively the coding
`error E,” is stored in a memory. The residual signal
`R"j is obtained by subtracting the motion-compen-
`sated error S[E'2_’ ,, ,,] from the decoded residual
`Another simplification can be realized in the
`transcoder of Fig.5 by moving the DCTs and
`IDCTs around in the block diagram. The DCTs
`and lDCTs can be moved around by using the
`linearity property of the DCT. Fig. 6 shows some of
`the possibilities. The top section of the figure shows
`that in a data fork the DCT (or IDCT) can be
`moved from the main path to the two separating
`transcoder, can be split into two components. One
`of the two components in the encoder prediction
`results from the motion compensation applied to
`the previously decoded picture 1:331. Observe that
`this prediction is first added in the decoder at 'point
`X‘ in the figure and is then subtracted in the second
`encoder at 'point Y’ in the figure. These two opera-
`tions of course cancel one another. It is only neces-
`sary to subtract the motion-compensated quantiz-
`ation error. as will be shown in the following.
`Using Eq. (I),
`the residual RLZ’
`in the second
`encoder can be written as
`R1.” = If." -5[15.'—'r + E}. l. V..]
`= 1".”~SU.‘.'-’1J’5J -S[E.‘.2—’r. Kl
`The decoded picture 15,“ can be written as
`1'“: R‘“+S[I}.‘_', V,,].
`Substitution of Eq. (3) into Eq. (2) yields
`R”): R“’— S[E§,’.’x, K].
`Page 8 of 23
`Page 8 of 23


`(5. Kremmm or (1!,
`Sign”! f’t'ut'tu'xmg.‘ [Hinge ('nntmumumml r‘\' erm 43H 5””
`from VLD
`+ A
`ii;IDCT lat”) —————-- oer—:+Q;
`slew v 7
`.n-I ‘n-“4
`Fig. 5. Transcodcr with a reduced amount of memories.
`‘—>[ moor —+
`‘ -'
`,7 moor
`il—._ (DUCT .
`6% E tapas*4
`Fig. 6. Moving DCT and lDCT operations around.
`part of Fig. 6 in combination with the property lot
`an addition.
`Moving the DCTs and [DCTs of Fig 5 around
`in this way yields the transcoder of Fig. 7. Obser . .
`that the number of DCTs and IDCTs has been:
`reduced from three to two. At this point the 0011i;
`paths; the middle section shows that at an addition
`or a subtraction the DCT (or IDCT) olthe compo-
`nents of the addition can be moved to the DCT (or
`lDCT) of the result. Finally. applying an IDCT to
`a signal that has passed through a DCT equals
`a unity transfer. This property is used in the lower
`Page 9 of 23
`Page 9 of 23


`G. Kcexnum v! (1/
`" Signal Processing: Image Communication 8 ([990) 4.?! 450”
`to VLC
`Fig. 7. Transcoding system with a reduced number of DCl's.
`The whole procedure followed for deriving the
`transcoder of Fig. 7 is implicitly based on the use of

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