Volume 6, No. 4, August 1994
`ISSN 0923-5965
`6(4) 281-378 (1994)
`A publication of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP)
`J.P. Fillard, J.M. Lussert, M. Castagné and H. M'timet
`Fourier phase shift location estimation of unfocused optical point spread functions
`R.-J, Chen and B.-C. Chieu
`A fully adaptive DCT based color image sequence coder.
`A. Neri, G. Russo and P. Talone
`Inter-block filtering and downsampling in DCT domain .....
`J.-H. Moon and J.-K. Kim
`On the accuracy and convergence of 2-D motion models using minimum MSE motion estimation -
`M.W. Mak and W.G. Allen
`A lip-tracking system based on morphological processing and block matching techniques.
`S. Chang, C.-W. Jen and C.L, Lee
`A motion detection scheme for motion adaptive pro-scan conversion .
`Z. Sivan and D. Malah
`Change detection and texture analysis for image sequence coding
`Theory. Techniques & Applications
`Page 1 of 18


`Guest Editors
`S.A. Benton (MIT, USA)
`G. De Haan (Philips, The Netherlands)
`T. Fujii (NTT, Japan)
`J. Guichard (CNET, France)
`J. Hamasaki (Univ Tokyo, Japan)
`J. Johann (Deutsche Bundespost, Germany)
`T. Kurita (NHK, Japan)
`D. LeGall (C-Cube, USA)
`B. Liu (Princeton Univ, USA)
`G. Morrison (BT Labs, United Kingdom)
`S. Okubo (NTT, Japan)
`T. Omachi (NEC, Japan)
`W.Verbiest (Belgium)
`Imaging Technology
`Display Technology
`VLSI Processorsfor
`Image Communications
`TV and Advanced TV
`image Storage and Retrieval
`Graphic Arts
`Electronic Printing
`Theory, Techniques & Applications
`A publication of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP)
`C.N. Judice (Bellcore, USA)
`J.-K. Kim (KAIST, South Korea)
`Centro Studi e Laboratori
`A.B. Lippman (MIT, USA)
`H.G. Musmann (Univ. Hannover, Germany)
`Telecommunicazioni (CSELT)
`D. Nasse (CCETT, France)
`Via Guglielmo Reiss-Romoli, 274
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`Y. Ninomiya (NHK, Japan)
`Telefax: (11) 2286 299
`D. Pearson (Univ. Essex, United Kingdom)
`H. Seguin (CNET. France)
`Editorial Board
`L. Stenger (FI/DBP, Germany)
`J. Biemond (Univ. Delft, The Netheriands)
`H. Tominaga (Waseda Univ., Japan)
`G. Boerger (HHI, Germany)
`M. Vetterli (Columbia Univ., USA)
`E. Dubois (Univ. Quebec, Canada)
`L.T. Wu (ITRI, Taiwan)
`B. Girod (K6In, Germany)
`H. Yasuda (NTT, Japan)
`H. Harashima(Univ. Tokyo, Japan)
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`Interactive Image
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`Volume 6, No. 4, August 1994
`J.P. Fillard, J.-M. Lussert, M. Castagne and H. M'timet
`Fourier phaseshift location estimation of unfocused optical point spread functions... .
`R.-J. Chen and B.-C. Chieu
`A fully adaptive DCT based color image sequence coder.....................
`A. Neri, G. Russo and P. Talone
`Inter-block filtering and downsampling in DCT domain ...................4,
`J.-H. Moon and J.-K. Kim
`On the accuracy and convergence of 2-D motion models using minimum MSE motion
`estimation ©6
`M.W. Mak and W.G. Allen
`A lip-tracking system based on morphological processing and block matching
`S. Chang, C.-W. Jen and C.L. Lee
`A motion detection scheme for motion adaptive pro-scan conversion .............
`Z. Sivan and D. Malah
`Change detection and texture analysis for image sequence coding. ..............
`Announcement ....0...
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`may be protected byCopyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code)
` Signal Processing:
`Image Communication 6 (1994) 303-317
`Inter-block filtering and downsampling in DCT, domain!
`A. Neri®, G. Russo”, P. Talone”’*
`* University of ‘Rome LI’, Rome, Italy
`> Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Via B. Castiglione 59, 00142 Rome, Italy
`Received 16 December 1992
`The extensive use ofdiscrete cosine transform (DCT) techniques in image coding suggests the investigation on filtering
`and downsampling methods directly acting on the DCT domain. As DCT image transforms usually operate on blocks, it
`is useful that the DCTfiltering techniques preserve the block dimension. In this context the present paper first revises the
`intra-block filtering techniques to enlightenthe limitations implied by small block dimensions. To overcomethe artefacts
`introduced bythis methodand tosatisfy the filtering design constraints which are usually defined in the Fourier domain,
`inter-block techniques are developed starting from the implementation of FIR filtering. Inter-block schemes do not
`exhibit any limitation but their computational cost has to be taken into account. In addition, hybrid techniques, using
`variable length FIR filters after the discard of low order DCT coefficients, are introduced to increase the computational
`efficiency; in this case, the introduced aliasing has to be kept at tolerable values. The amount of the tolerable aliasing
`strictly depends on the subsequent operations appliedto the filtered and downsampled image. The numerical examples
`reported could forma basis for error estimation and evaluation oftrade-off between performance and computational
`Key words: Discrete cosine transform; Block operation; Filtering; Downsampling
`1. Introduction
`Filtering and downsampling of image signals are
`basic operations normally performed in image pro-
`+39-6-54803460, Fax
`*Corresponding author. Tel:
`in the framework of the
`'This work has been carried out
`agreement between Fondazione Bordoni and the Italian PT
`+ 39-6-
`0923-5965/94/$7.00 © 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
`SSDI 0923-5965(93)00017-D
`This is, for instance, the case of spatial scalabil-
`ity (e.g, MPEG High 1440x1152 = CCIR 601
`720 x 576 = MPEG SIF 352x288 [2,6] and
`JPEG Progressive Hierarchical Mode [7]) as well
`as of chrominance downsampling (e.g. CCIR
`4:4:4 > CIR 4:2:2 => MPEG 4:2:0 [2,6]).
`Filtering and downsampling are usually carried
`out in the space domain by means ofFIR filters.
`However, the extensive use of DCTtechniquesin
`image coding suggested the investigationon filter-
`ing and downsampling directly in the transformed
`(DCT) domain. As DCTimagetransforms usually
`Page 4 of 18


`A. Neri et al.; Signal Processing:
`Image Communication 6 (1994) 303-317
`operate on square blocks of smal] dimension (8, 16),
`DCToperations are usually intra-block oriented.
`In particular, the above mentioned operations can
`be realized as matrix products [1, 5,810, 12, 13].
`The possibility to combine into a unique oper-
`ator (acting on spatial or
`transformed blocks)
`a series of block operations such as direct and
`inverse transforms, intra-blockfiltering and down-
`sampling was demonstratedin [1].
`The matrix based operations allow to directly
`— the DCTtransform ofa filtered or downsampled
`image from the original image,
`the DCT transform ofa filtered or downsampled
`image from its DCT,
`~ a filtered or downsampled image from its DCT.
`This paper presents a brief review of the intra-
`block filtering methods in DCT domain and dis-
`cusses their performance.
`Then,-in order to overcomethe intra-block tech-
`nique drawbacks, an inter-block filtering method
`and some hybrid techniques are presented and dis-
`cussed. The use of an inter-block techniqueis neces-
`sary to satisfy the filtering design constraints which
`are usually defined in the Fourier domain.
`All the above-mentioned techniques are present-
`ed in a context that aims at preserving the trans-
`formed block dimension; this means that, manipu-
`lating image blocks of N x N pixels, a transformed
`kN xhN macroblock is considered as a set of (hk)
`transformed blocks of dimension N x N and not as
`a single kN x hN transformed block.
`The paper is organized as follows. Sections 2
`and 3 report a concise review of some basic con-
`cepts and definitions regarding spatial filtering,
`downsampling and DCT transform. Moreover, no-
`tation used in the following description is introduc-
`ed. In Section 4 a method to perform spatial down-
`sampling in DCT domain is presented. Section
`5 presents a review of‘the intra-block filtering tech-
`niques in DCT domain andillustrates their perfor-
`mance. In Section 6, an inter-block filtering tech-
`nique is proposed and its properties are discussed.
`Finally, in Section 7, hybrid methods to increase
`the computational efficiency of the inter-block
`technique are suggested and their performance are
`directly derived from the results illustrated in Sec-
`tions 5 and 6.
`Page 5 of 18
`2. Spatial filtering and downsampling
`Imagefiltering is usually carried out in the space
`domain by means of FIR filters. Simple methods
`based on pixel averaging are reported in [6,7].
`The well established FIR design techniques allow
`to easily satisfy the frequencyfiltering constraints.
`As a matter of fact,
`these constraints are usually
`given in terms of templates in the Fourier domain.
`For instance,
`the template for insertion loss/fre-
`quency characteristic of the CCIR recommended
`low-passfilter for the 4:4:4 > 4:2:2 format con-
`version is reported in [2].
`A usual method to perform spatial bidimensional
`2:1 downsampling on an imageis to serially oper-
`ate on columns and on rows.
`Executing a 2:1 column downsampling on
`a N x2N block [g] meansessentially to assemble
`an N x N matrix with the odd columnsof[g].
`The assembly must be preceded by a low-pass
`filter on [g] rows to reduce aliasing effects on the
`downsampled image.
`Similarly, a 2:1 row downsampling on a 2N x N
`block [g] means to assemble an N x N matrix with
`the odd rowsof [gq].
`Obviously the choice of odd columns or rowsis
`a conventional matter; the operations on the even
`componentsare totally equivalent.
`3. DCT operator
`Let g;; be the ij-element of the N x N image block
`{g] and G,,
`the uv-element of the NxN_ two-
`dimensional DCT [G].
`As well known, G,, has the following expression
`c(u)e(v) Xo! Xo!
`(2i + lun
`i=0 3, ,
`Gy, = 2 ———
`gi; Cos ——————
`(27 + lox
`x COS
`5 ————_,
`c(u), c(v) =
`if uv=0,
`u,v =0,...
`Page 5 of 18


`A. Neri et al./ Signal Processing: Image Communication 6 (1994) 303-317
`Cv} x [2]
`Malis operaioe
`2 vertical adjacent
`DCT blocks
`= Bs1 DCT block
`[ wen | x
`2 horizontal adjacent
`Matrix operator
`1 DCT biock
`Applying the two-dimensional [DCT transform
`[tt] to the matrix [G],
`the element g,; can be
`expressed as
`2i+ jun
`2 N-1N-1
`=H X » c(u)c(v)Gy, cos e i
`j + leon
`ij=0,...,N— 1.
`Fig. 1. DCT rowor column downsampling.
`Eqs. (1) and (2) may be, respectively, written in
`matrix notation as
`(the subscript s indicates the row or column down-
`sampled blocks):
`(G]=(T] [9] (7]'.
`(9]=(7T]‘ (G] [7].
`where [7] is the Nx N DCT transform matrix
`{11]. The DCT unitary property assures
`([7]~' =[7]" where [7]' meansthe transposeof.
`In the following of this work we will use lower-
`case letters to indicate variables in the spatial do-
`main, and capitalletters for variables in the DCT or
`DFT domain.
`4. The 2:1 downsampling in DCT domain
`As mentioned in Section 2, column and row
`downsampling are separately considered. First col-
`umn downsampling will be illustrated.
`In the present section a downsampling operator
`equivalent to the one operating a spatial row down-
`sampling, but acting on two N x N 2D-DCTblocks
`will be examined. Obviously, a horizontal down-
`sampling operator acting on 1D-DCTs could be
`derived in a similar way; however, we focus our
`attention on the 2D case because the 2D-DCT
`defined by Eq. (3) is more frequently applied in
`image coding.
`In any case, the operator produces one DCT
`block as shownin Fig. 1.
`Column downsampling can be obtained just by
`applying the same operator in its transposed form.
`The 2:1 downsampling performed on a couple of
`adjacent N x N blocks [[g"’] | [g* !)]] can be ex-
`pressed (in space domain) in the following manner
`Page 6 of 18
`fo"), = (lo II i916]
`= (foIi fe" TCS),
`where [g'""*')], is the downsampled N x N block
`and [S] is a 2NxN downsampling matrix oper-
`ator defined as follows:
`[S] =
`0 0 0
`00 0 0
`0! 0
`00 0
`00 1
`0000 -:
`00 0
`0 0
`0 0
`The [S] operator performs the odd columns
`discard. From Egg.(3) and (5), the 2D-DCT trans-
`form of [g'""* J, is
`Corr}, = (TULEg PUES IE)!
`=(TIlo" lg? PNETs1 |
`x (TSI!
`= [1G] (6° U7 IS IUTT
`Page 6 of 18


`A. Neri et al./ Signal Processing: Image Communication 6 (1994) 303-317
`where [7,] is a 2Nx2Nblock DCT transform
`matrix defined as follows:
`-[ioy cri}
`Hence, Eq. (6) can be rewritten as
`[o™"""}, = [C61\(6"* 9]10F
`(F]=(T. S17)".
`[F] is a 2N x N operator which can be applied
`to a couple of consecutive DCT transformed N x N
`blocks to obtain a single N x N transformed block
`of the horizontal 2:1 downsampled image.
`Considering the row downsampling, it
`is easily
`shown that the required operatoris just the trans-
`pose of [F ].
`5. Intra-block filtering in DCT domain
`has the following DCT transform [3]:
`Yo, j) = Xc(i,j) A(t),
`j= —N, -N+1,..,N—-—2,N—1;
`where Y-(i,j) and X¢(i,j) are the Nx N DCT
`symmetrically extended to the [ —N,...,N —1;
`—N,...5 N—1]
`range as defined in
`[3] of
`the sequences y and x respectively, while H-(i, j)
`the bidimensional DFT of the filter impulse
`Ideal low-pass filtering in horizontal direction
`correspondsto a frequency operator H(i, j) of the
`following type:
`Hy(i,j) =
`‘0 otherwise.
`1, —-W.<j<M,
`Based on the sequences product of Eq.
`a simple intra-block low-passfiltering operator in
`DCT domain can be written in matrix form as
`follows [1]:
`CY] =(X](P),
`As mentioned in Section 2, to reduce aliasing
`effects on the downsampled image, the downsamp-
`ling operation must be preceded by a low-pass
`filtering on [g].
`Intra-block filtering in DCT domain has been
`investigated in [3,8] where a filter is derived via the
`convolution-multiplication property of the circular
`convolution in space domain that can be sum-
`where [/] is a W, x W, unity matrix.
`marized as follows.
`Intra-block filtering operation defined by (12)
`Givenafilter with symmetrical impulse response
`and column downsampling defined in Section 4 can
`hfi,j) (with==hGj)=AC —i fp =hAG1-—p=
`be combined in a unique 2N x N operatoracting in
`h(i —i, | — j)) and a real sequence x, the 2D circu-
`the DCT domain on a couple of transformed
`lar convolution
`blocks, thus giving the DCT block:
`[oe**")], = ([6"""]|(6[2],
`whee 8 ;
`[0] =(P2)(72](S](T] -.
`where [X ] and [ Y] are the N x N DCT of x and },
`respectively, and [P] is the following N x N matrix:
`=| fo a
`ft (0)
`y(n, k) = &(n, k)*h(n,k),
`on, k =0,1,2,...,N—1,
`where X(n, k) is the 2D symmetrical sequence de-
`fined by
`njk =0,1,2,...,N—1;
`x(n, k)
`k=0,1,2,...,.N—l, n= —N, -N4+1l,..., -1;
`Rn, ky =
`n=0,1,2,...,.N—-l k= —-N, -N#1,..., -1;
`x(n, —1—k)
`x(-—l—n, —-l1—k) nk= —-N, -N41,..., -1;
`Page 7 of 18
`Page 7 of 18


`A. Neri et al./ Signal Processing: Image Communication 6 (1994) 303-317
`In order to illustrate this effect better,
`express the filter output in DFT domain:
`let us
`[Yprt] = [Xper] [DFT 16] (T2)- [Pz]
`x, = cog]Oo"Due + 6 n=0,...,N.
`Xn = \ = c(m,)cos@,
`Xnem, =— [comsin @2,sin ease
`(2n + l)mnos =0,...,N.
`(Pa i ot
`in the vertical
`It could be easily shown that,
`filtering and row downsampling case, the N x 2N
`operatoris just the transpose of [Q ].
`5.1. Performance
`For real images, each N x N imageblock is not
`approximated by using Eq. (10) written for N/2
`instead of N.
`In particular for small N, expressions (11) and
`(12) cannot be considered approximations of the
`spatial circular convolution (9),
`To understand better the behaviour of the [P]
`operator, let us consider a monodimensionalsingle
`tone with variable phase shift #, centred at fre-
`quency (m,(1/2N)):
`(2n + l)myn
`By definition, its one-dimensional DCTis
`The previous expressions show that the X,, coef-
`ficients depend on the input sequence phase ¢ with
`Discarding the coefficient X,,, corresponds to
`completely deleting the x sequence onlyif the initial
`phase is zero while,
`in the other cases (@ #0;
`Xm em, #9), only a part of x is deleted. Thus, this
`operation producesvisible aliasing due to the addi-
`tional frequency components introduced in the re-
`constructed signal. We remark that aliasing can be
`generated even from in-band signals (m, < W,)
`since they usually exhibit non-zero high order
`(m, > W,) DCTcoefficients.
`Page 8 of 18
`where [Xprr] and [ Yprr] are the 2N points input
`and output DFTs, respectively; {7,] and [P,] are
`defined in Sections 3 and 4 while matrix [DFT>, ] is
`the 2N points DFT transform matrix defined in
`[4]. The 2N points extension is necessary to mapall
`the DCT components in the DFT domain [5] for
`a blocksize of N.
`In Figs. 2 and 3 two examples of the output
`spectra [ Yprr] for both in-band and out-bandsig-
`nals are reported for N = 8. It comesclear that the
`[P] operator in DCT domainis not equivalent to
`a sharp low-pass filter in the DFT domain.
`The precise mapping, in DCT domain,of a gen-
`eric DFT block operation, correspondingto a spa-
`tial circular convolution, was carried out in [5].
`Nevertheless, all the filtering techniques above
`are based on intra-block operators and, for this
`reason, they do not correspond to a spatial linear
`convolution. As a consequence,
`the block tech-
`niquesare nothelpful in the usualfilter design task
`when the performancesare assigned in the Fourier
`Strictly speaking, the matrix product techniques
`should not be namedfiltering when applied, in the
`real cases, to adjacent signal blocks. As noted in [1]
`a matrix product corresponds to a shift variant
`linear operation; consequently, it cannot be repres-
`ented by meansofa transfer function.
`Whenthe input signal is not a DCT frequency
`and the matrix operator is applied to a long se-
`quence of blocks, the method of analysis proposed
`in [1] can be applied.
`the input assumes
`In fact,
`if this is the case,
`a different phase in each block and the long-term
`spectrum is phase independent.
`The number of output components produced by
`an input tone is equal to the block size N. Their
`position in the baseband spectrum can be deter-
`mined as function of the input frequency f.
`Let A be the distance of f from the nearest DCT
`frequency DCT,,. Then the output components are
`Page 8 of 18


`A. Neri et al. | Signal Processing.
`Image Communication6 ( 1994) 303-317
`0 dB
`-0,2 dB
`-0.8 dB
`-1.6 dB
`= 27/5

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