Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 1
` )
` )
` Petitioner, ) Case No.
` ) IPR2020-00686
` vs. )
` ) U.S. Patent No.
`PARUS HOLDINGS, INC., ) 7,076,431
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` DECEMBER 16, 2020
` The virtual deposition of LOREN TERVEEN,
`Ph.D., called by the Patent Owner for examination,
`pursuant to stipulation, and pursuant to the
`applicable rules of procedure, taken
`stenographically by Sandra L. Rocca, CSR, RPR, RMR,
`CRR, on the 16th of December, 2020, at the hour of
`9:00 a.m. CST
`Certification No. 084-003435
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` | 866-4Team GE
`2 3
`Parus Exhibit 2024
`Apple Inc. v. Parus Holdings, Inc.
`Page 1 of 134


`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 2
` APPEARANCES: (All parties appeared remotely.)
` 7015 College Boulevard, Suite 700
` Overland Park, Kansas 66211
` 913.777.5600
` appeared on behalf of the
` Petitioner;
` One Financial Center
` Boston, Massachusetts 02111
` 617.348.1884
` appeared on behalf of the
` Patent Owner.
` Also Present:
` Mr. Ben Occhiogrosso
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` | 866-4Team GE
`7 8
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 3
` I N D E X
` Mr. McNamara 4
` * * * * *
` E X H I B I T S
` Exhibit 3 U.S. Patent No.
` 6,269,366 38
` Exhibit 4 L. Terveen article 120
` Exhibit 1001 U.S. Patent No.
` 7,076,431
` (also referred to as
` Exhibit 2) 10
` Exhibit 1003 L. Terveen declaration
` (also referred to as
` Exhibit 1) 7
` Exhibit 1029 L. Terveen CV 60
` * * * * *
`6 7
`8 9
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` | 866-4Team GE
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 4
` having been first duly sworn, was examined and
` testified as follows:
` Q Good morning, sir. Can you please state
` your name and address for the record?
` A Yes, Loren Terveen. And my address is 3829
` Vincent Avenue South, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and
` the zip is 55410.
` Q I believe you've had your deposition taken
` before today, is that right?
` A Yes, I have.
` Q And how many -- about how many times have
` you had your deposition taken?
` A I think five, yeah.
` Q And have those depositions been taken as an
` expert witness in patent cases and other types of
` cases?
` A Yes, in patent cases.
` Q And so you're familiar with the drill of a
` deposition, right?
` A Yes.
` Q All right. And so just to go over, you
` know, the basics just so there's no
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` | 866-4Team GE
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 5
` misunderstanding, throughout the day I'll ask you a
` series of questions. And you know, after you have a
` chance to think about those questions, I'd ask that
` you answer those questions orally.
` Can you do that for me?
` A Yes, I can.
` Q The only exception to that is if your
` counsel, Ms. Bailey, instructs you not to answer, I
` ask you to, you know, heed her instruction. Is that
` all right?
` A Sure.
` Q If there's anything in my questions that are
` -- that is confusing or open to interpretation,
` please let me know so I can clarify the question.
` But if you answer it, I'll think that you've
` understood it.
` Does that make sense?
` A It does.
` Q Okay. All right. Now, you've been retained
` as an expert by Apple for purposes of analyzing the
` '431 and '084 patents in the set of IPRs, right?
` A Yes, that's correct.
` Q And the '431 and the '804 patents are
` patents that are assigned to Parus. And you
` understand the moniker that I'm using, the '431 and
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` | 866-4Team GE
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 6
` the '084, right?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q You submitted a declaration in this case
` that contains your -- or in these IPRs that contain
` your opinions about the patents-in-suit, right?
` A Yes, I did submit a declaration.
` Q And that declaration contains all of your
` opinions that are at issue in these IPRs, right?
` You don't have any new opinions that you want to
` tell me about now, right?
` MS. BAILEY: Objection, form.
` A Yeah, I mean, I guess I would say I'm
` prepared to testify about my opinions in the
` declaration and I don't expect to testify about
` anything that isn't covered there already.
` Q Okay. Just to make sure, you don't want to
` change anything that's in your declarations, right?
` A I don't expect -- no, I don't expect to have
` to change anything.
` Q Okay. Now, for this morning, I think what
` we'll focus on is your report in the -- I think you
` have a single declaration for both the '431 and the
` '084 patent, right?
` A That is correct, yeah.
` Q So I'd like to have marked for
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` | 866-4Team GE
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 7
` identification purposes as Terveen Exhibit 1, the
` declaration of Dr. Loren Terveen.
` (Exhibit 1003 presented for
` identification.)
` Q Sir, do you have your declaration in front
` of you?
` A I do. I've got it here.
` Q And do you recognize that document?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q Now, first I'd like to turn to claim 5, your
` analysis of claim 5 of the -- I think it's the '431
` patent.
` A Okay.
` Q And that starts on page 106 of your
` declaration. If you can go there.
` A Okay.
` Q Now, claim 5 requires the system of claim 1,
` wherein said speaker-independent speech recognition
` device is configured to analyze phonemes to
` recognize said speech commands, right?
` A Yes, that's what it says.
` Q And on -- in paragraph 125 on page 106 of
` your report, you discuss how Ladd discloses the
` additional elements that are introduced by claim 5,
` right?
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 8
` A In paragraph 125 I do talk about Ladd, yes.
` Q Now, the claim requires that the device is
` configured to analyze phonemes, right?
` A Yes, that's what it says.
` Q And you point to -- this is page --
` paragraph 125 of your report right before the
` Figure 5C, you point to the disclosure of Ladd that
` requires that the device generates a grammar for the
` user inputs based on pronunciations from the
` dictionary and phonetic rules, right?
` A Yeah, I do include that quote.
` Q Now, that quote doesn't say that Ladd
` recognizes a grammar based on phonemes, right?
` A I'm sorry. Could you ask that question
` again? I'm not sure I understood it.
` Q The quotation that you rely on for Ladd
` doesn't specifically say that the Ladd system
` recognizes a grammar based on analyzing phonemes,
` right?
` MS. BAILEY: Objection, form.
` A Yeah, I'm just -- I mean as I read through
` this and as I recall, what -- I'm just sort of stuck
` on what you're saying about recognizing grammar
` because the claim language talked about analyzing
` phonemes to recognize said speech commands. And
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` | 866-4Team GE
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 9
` then you know, if I look through Ladd in general,
` Ladd uses a grammar to recognize speech commands.
` And then what this passage simply says is
` it's getting at -- literally the one you're looking
` at is saying if it needs to, if a predetermined
` grammar does not exist, it generates a grammar for
` the user input based upon the pronunciations of the
` dictionary and phonetic rules. So that's -- that's
` what I wrote there. That's what I used from Ladd.
` And yeah, I'm not sure if that answers your
` question, but I'm trying to understand what you were
` getting at.
` Q So you said there -- and I just want to make
` sure that we use the right language. You said that
` the '431 talks about using grammar to recognize
` speech commands, right?
` A Yeah, let's be careful. I mean, right, I
` agree we should be careful. I was just looking back
` at claim 5 and it says, the system of claim 1
` wherein said speech -- speaker-independent speech
` recognition device is configured to analyze phonemes
` to recognize said speech commands. So I should be
` more precise. I was simply referring back to that.
` Q So claim 5 talks about analyzing phonemes to
` recognize the speech commands, right?
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` | 866-4Team GE
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
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` A Yes, that's -- that's what it says.
` Q And if you take a look at -- do you have the
` '431 patent in front of you?
` A I've got it in a pile over here. I'll grab
` it.
` Q I'd like to have marked for identification
` purposes as Terveen Exhibit 2, a patent bearing the
` number 7,076,431.
` (Exhibit 1001 presented for
` identification.
` Q Dr. Terveen, do you recognize the document
` that's been put in front of you as Exhibit 2?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q And what is that document?
` A It's the patent that we've been referring to
` already as the '431 patent.
` Q Now, we were just talking about claim 5,
` right. And if you open to column 20 of the '431
` patent, I believe you'll see claim 1?
` A Yes.
` Q Sorry. Claim 5 on lines 51 to 53. Let me
` know when you're there.
` A I do see it, yes.
` Q And that includes the text where the "said
` speaker-independent speech recognition device is
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` | 866-4Team GE
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 11
` configured to analyze phonemes to recognize said
` speech commands," right?
` A Yes.
` Q Now, the said speech commands is discussed
` in claim 1 in element that you've -- or that Apple
` has identified as 1(h) which appears in column 20,
` lines 16 to 20. Do you see that?
` A Yes, I do. Is it -- as we discuss this, is
` it okay if I just mark the passages that you're
` referring to with a pen on here?
` Q Absolutely.
` A Okay. Okay. Yes, I do see that.
` Q So that element 1(h) talks about receiving
` from users via said voice-enabled device said speech
` command and to select the corresponding recognition
` grammar upon receiving said speech command, right?
` A That's correct.
` Q And so claim 1 describes selecting a
` recognition grammar based on the speech command
` using kind of whatever -- whatever kind of
` information it needs to, right? There's no specific
` information identified in that element, right?
` MS. BAILEY: Objection, form.
` A I'm sorry. Could you -- could you clarify
` that for me?
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` | 866-4Team GE
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 12
` Q In element 1(h) of claim 1 of the '431
` patent, the claim does not specify what specific
` information within the speech commands is used to
` select the corresponding recognition grammar, right?
` MS. BAILEY: Objection, form.
` A I'm just reading through claim 1 a little
` bit here to see everything it says about the
` speaker-independent speech recognition device.
` Q Take your time.
` A Okay, I'm -- if you'd like to ask your
` question again, I'll try to answer.
` Q In element 1(h) of claim 1 of the '431
` patent, the claim does not specify what specific
` information within the speech commands is used to
` select the corresponding recognition grammar, right?
` MS. BAILEY: Same objections.
` A In 1(h) -- yeah. In 1(h), it simply says it
` is going to select the corresponding recognition
` grammar upon receiving said speech command. I just
` would look at the -- well, I guess a little earlier
` in the claim it says there's at least one
` recognition grammar associated with said computer,
` each said recognition grammar corresponding to each
` recognition set and corresponding to the speech
` command. So there it's already introduced the idea
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` | 866-4Team GE
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 13
` that there's a recognition grammar corresponding to
` the speech command. So you know, that seems
` relevant to your question as well.
` Q Right. But it doesn't -- claim 1, it
` doesn't define what information is used by the
` speaker-independent speech recognition device to
` correlate the speech command with the recognition
` grammar, right?
` MS. BAILEY: Objection, scope and form.
` A Yeah, are you talking about what we've
` called limitation 1(h) here still?
` Q Well, you expanded it beyond limitation 1(h)
` by saying you wanted to look at the whole claim.
` And you talked about a different element that talked
` about the speech command corresponding to a
` recognition grammar, right?
` A Yeah, I read part of it that says there's a
` recognition grammar that corresponds to a speech
` command.
` Q Right. And so since you sort of brought it
` outside of just element 1(h), I'm expanding to
` claim 1 itself. And my question is nowhere in
` claim 1 does it identify the specific information
` that the speaker-independent speech recognition
` device uses to correlate the speech command with a
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 14
` recognition grammar, right?
` MS. BAILEY: Objection, form and foundation.
` A I'm not sure if I developed any opinion
` about that from my declaration. So if you'd like to
` sort of point me to a place in my declaration that
` you think might be relevant to that, I'd be happy to
` look at that and try to give you, you know, the best
` answer I can based on the analysis I've actually
` already done.
` Q Well, you've analyzed claim 1 to make your
` declaration, right?
` A Certainly I've analyzed claim 1. But I --
` yes.
` Q And you understand claim 1, right?
` A Well, I understand claim 1 for the purposes
` of my analysis which was -- yeah.
` Q I apologize. I didn't mean to cut you off.
` And if I do that in the future, please, you know --
` A Sure.
` Q And you, on your own, went out and said that
` something was relevant to my question, specifically
` that it talks about a recognition grammar that is
` corresponding to a speech command -- sorry I'm
` getting the language wrong, but you read it and I
` wasn't looking at it.
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` | 866-4Team GE
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 15
` Where were you referring to?
` A I guess that's column 20 starting at line 10
` and then I guess really 11 through 13.
` Q And so within claim 1, and this is I think
` element 1(f), column 20, lines 10 through 13,
` there's a limitation that requires, among other
` things, each said recognition grammar corresponding
` to each said instruction set and corresponding to a
` speech command, right?
` A Yes, that's correct.
` Q And my question for you is claim 1 doesn't
` define what specific information within a speech
` command is used to correlate that speech command to
` a recognition grammar, right?
` MS. BAILEY: Objection, form and foundation.
` A I mean, I'm not sure at this point. I would
` have to read the whole claim again. And again, I'm
` not sure that this was a determination that I had to
` make based on the analysis that I did.
` Q Right. But sitting here today, you're not
` aware of that claim providing that specific
` definition within claim 1 itself, right?
` MS. BAILEY: Objection, form.
` A I'm sorry. Could you please maybe be more
` specific in that question you were just asking?
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 16
` Q Sitting here, you're not aware of any
` requirement within claim 1 that defines any specific
` aspect of a speech command that is used to correlate
` it to a recognition grammar, right?
` MS. BAILEY: Objection, form.
` A Let me just review claim 1 so that I can
` answer it, you know, as you said as I'm sitting here
` today. So I'll take a look at it and see.
` As I'm sitting here today, I don't see
` anything in claim 1 that says how to correlate -- or
` what information is used to correlate a speech
` command with a recognition grammar.
` Q And is it claim element 1(h) that we were
` talking about, which is at column 20, lines 16 to 20
` or so, that describes how the speaker -- the
` speaker-independent speech recognition device
` selects the recognition grammar based on the speech
` command, right?
` MS. BAILEY: Objection, form.
` A Could you ask that again, please?
` Q Sure. Claim element 1(h) describes the
` speaker-independent speech recognition device
` selecting a corresponding recognition grammar based
` on the speech command, right?
` A It says -- yes, that was a close paraphrase.
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 17
` It says the speaker-independent speech recognition
` device will select the corresponding recognition
` grammar upon receiving said speech command. That's
` what it says precisely.
` Q But it doesn't define what information
` contained within the speech command is used in order
` to make that selection, right?
` MS. BAILEY: Objection, form.
` A Well, what I just read is all it says.
` Literally that's all it says. It says it will
` select the corresponding recognition grammar upon
` receiving said speech command and it does not
` specify anything beyond that about how it does it.
` Q Right. But a speech command is going to
` contain information, right?
` A Sure, the speech command will have
` information.
` Q And the claim itself doesn't define what
` information that is part of the speech command is
` used by the speaker-independent speech recognition
` device to make that selection, right?
` MS. BAILEY: Objection, form.
` A Right. As I said just a minute ago or maybe
` in my last response, the claim says nothing beyond
` saying it will -- the speaker-independent speech
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 18
` recognition device will select the corresponding
` recognition grammar upon receiving the said speech
` command and it does not say anything beyond that
` about how it will do it or anything else.
` Q And it's -- in claim 5, the '431 goes a
` little bit further and defines that the
` speaker-independent speech recognition device
` analyzes phonemes to recognize the speech commands,
` right?
` A Yeah, claim 5 -- claim 5 says, the system of
` claim 1 wherein the said speaker-independent speech
` recognition device is configured to analyze phonemes
` to recognize said speech commands. That's correct.
` Q So the speaker-independent speech
` recognition device is going to select the
` recognition grammar based on phonemes contained
` within the speech command, right?
` MS. BAILEY: Objection, form and foundation.
` A I'm sorry. Could you ask that again? I
` think I didn't quite understand that.
` Q So the speaker-independent speech
` recognition device is going to select a specific
` recognition grammar based on phonemes contained
` within the speech command, right?
` A Are you referring to claim 5 now?
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 19
` Q That's right.
` A Yeah. Well, I mean that's not exactly what
` it says. It says it's going to analyze -- the
` speaker-independent speech recognition device is
` configured to analyze phonemes to recognize said
` speech commands.
` Q And what does the claim 5 do with that
` speech command after it analyzes the phonemes? It
` selects a particular recognition grammar, right?
` MS. BAILEY: Objection, foundation.
` A Well, I mean, I guess more precisely, by
` claim -- excuse me -- claim 5 being dependent on
` claim 1, that is it says the system of claim 1
` wherein said speaker-independent speech recognition
` device is configured to analyze phonemes to
` recognize said speech commands, as I understand it,
` that's saying basically I think as we were just
` discussing -- or as you just said, this is telling
` you one way at least that the system of claim 1 can
` recognize speech commands. So period.
` So now it's saying I can use -- the system
` can use phonemes, can analyze phonemes to recognize
` speech commands. So then you would have to go back
` to claim 1 and say, well -- well, I mean, then you
` can -- you can put that in the context of claim 1
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 20
` since claim 5 depends on claim 1.
` Q So talking kind of in the context of
` claim 5, which includes claim 1, right?
` A Yes.
` Q Claim 5 talks about analyzing phonemes to
` recognize the speech command, right?
` A That's correct.
` Q And once -- and claim 1(h) talks about
` selecting a recognition grammar after analyzing the
` speech command, right?
` MS. BAILEY: Objection, form and foundation.
` A 1(h) -- I mean, it says something precisely.
` It says, the speaker-independent speech recognition
` device is configured to receive from users via said
` voice-enabled device the said speech command. So it
` receives the speech command and then it selects the
` corresponding recognition grammar upon receiving
` said speech command. So I mean, I'll just point
` out, I think you used the word analyze, and 1(h)
` doesn't say anything about analyze or analysis of
` the speech command. It simply says it will select
` the recognition grammar upon receiving the speech
` command.
` Q Let me try to do this again. So claim 5
` talks about analyzing phonemes to recognize the
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`Loren Terveen, Ph.D. - December 16, 2020
`Page 21
` speech command, right?
` A It says that, yes, it will recognize -- yes,
` claim 5.
` Q Claim 1(h) talks about receiving the speech
` command and selecting the corresponding recognition
` grammar, right?
` A Yes, claim -- claim 1(h).
` Q So claim 1 in light of claim 5 receives the
` speech command, analyzes the speech command to
` determine the phonemes and selects the recognition
` grammar, right?
` MS. BAILEY: Objection, form and foundation.
` A Could you just repeat that, please?
` Q So claim 1, in light of claim 5, receives
` the speech command, analyzes the speech command to
` determine the phoneme and selects the recognition
` grammar, right?
` MS. BAILEY: Same objection.
` A I do apologize. Could you just ask -- you
` can literally repeat it again. I'm just trying to,
` you know, tie everything together.
` Q I'll break it down.
` Claim 1 in element 1(h) specifically
` requires that the speaker-independent speech
` recognition device receives a speech command, right?
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting

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