FROM CommuniKate
`ThlJ NOV 17 10:47:05
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`PTO/SB/80 (11-08)
`Approved for use through 11/:30/2011. 0MB 0651-0035
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Acl of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of informaUon unless it displays a valid 0MB control number.
`I hereby revoke all previous powers of attorney given in the application identified in the attached statement under
`37 CFR 3.73(b).
`I hereby appoint:
`0 Practitioners associated with the Customer Number:
`OR D Practil!oner(s) named below (If more tha11 ten patent practitioners are to be named, then a customer number must be used):
`as attorney(s) or agent(s) to represent the undersigned before the United Stales Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in connection with
`any and all patent applications assigned .QDri lo the undersigned according to the USPTO assignment records or assignment documents
`attached to !his form In accordance with 37 CFR 3. 73(b).
`Please ohange the correspondence address for the appl!oatlon identifled in the attached statement under 37 CFR 3.73(b) to:
`[Z] The address associated with Customer Number: I
`OR LJ Finn or
`Individual Name
`Assignee Name and Address:
`Parus Holdings, Inc.
`3000 Lakeside Dr., Suite 300N
`Bannockburn, IL 60015
`I State
`I Email
`I Zip
`A copy of this form, together with a statement under 37 CFR 3.73(b) (Fol'm PTO/SB/96 or equivalent) is required to be
`filed in each appllcatron In which thls form ts used. The statement under 37 CFR 3.73(b) may be completed by one of
`. .. .t.!1~ .. f!.rJg:titionc:trs_appointedJn this fo_rm_
`If the a_ppointedpJactitioner_is authorlzedtoact_ on __ behalfof the_ assignee,. ..
`and must identify the application ln which this Power of Attorney is to be filed.
`SIGNATURE of Assignee of Record
`Tho int).h;idu.iil whose 3-ignatllre and JJ/Je is supplied below is authori?:ed to act on behalf of the assignee
`//c_l. ,L,_,ftf
`Date ~, \ \""l \ °2,d
`Robert c: McConnell
`Tel~phone ~{St5-:S°B1 -~I{~
`Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President and General Counsel • Parus Holdings, Inc.
`This collec:tlon of Information Is required by 37 CFR 1.31, 1.32 and 1.33. The lnformal!on 1s required to obtain or retain a benefit by the publfc which Is to file (and
`by the USPTO to process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.11 and 1.14. This collection is estimated to lake 3 minutes
`to complete, Including gathering, preparing, and submi1tlng the completed application form lo the US PTO. Time will vary depending upon lhe Individual case. Any
`comments on the amount of time you require to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief lnformallon Officer,
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED
`FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, P,O. Box 1460, Alexandria, VA 22313•1450,
`If you need assistance in completing the form, ca/11-800-PT0-9199 and select option 2.
`Apple EX1031 Page 1


`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`Application Number:
`Filing Date:
`Title of Invention:
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Alexander Kurganov
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Filed as Small Entity
`Utility under 35 USC 111 (a) Filing Fees
`Shawn Diedtrich.
`Fee Code
`Sub-Total in
`Basic Filing:
`Utility filing Fee (Electronic filing)
`Utility Search Fee
`Utility Examination Fee
`Apple EX1031 Page 2


`Fee Code
`Sub-Total in
`Total in USD ($)
`Apple EX1031 Page 3


`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`Application Number:
`International Application Number:
`Confirmation Number:
`Title of Invention:
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Alexander Kurganov
`Customer Number:
`Shawn Diedtrich.
`Filer Authorized By:
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Receipt Date:
`Filing Date:
`Time Stamp:
`Application Type:
`Utility under 35 USC 111 (a)
`Payment information:
`Submitted with Payment
`Payment Type
`Payment was successfully
`in RAM
`RAM confirmation Number
`Deposit Account
`Authorized User
`Deposit Account
`The Director of the USPTO is hereby authorized
`to charge indicated
`fees and credit any overpayment as follows:
`Charge any Additional Fees required under 37 C.F.R. Section 1.16 (National application filing, search, and examination fees)
`Charge any Additional Fees required under 37 C.F.R. Section 1.17 (Patent application and reexamination processing fees)
`Apple EX1031 Page 4


`Charge any Additional Fees required under 37 C.F.R. Section 1.19 (Document supply fees)
`Charge any Additional Fees required under 37 C.F.R. Section 1.20 (Post Issuance fees)
`Charge any Additional Fees required under 37 C.F.R. Section 1.21 (Miscellaneous fees and charges)
`File Listing:
`Document Description
`File Name
`File Size(Bytes)/
`Message Digest
`Part /.zip
`(if appl.)
`Application Data Sheet
`b646 75 2 c89faee514a 72 08e 2ab683a0bad 2
`Drawings-only black and white line
`Oath or Declaration filed
`9ee 5 fS b3 a564da09d 144 580de 5 fe44d 81 f9f
`2ec1 3d1 ca3dbc7217 c783c42547abc0203a
`Multipart Description/PDF files in .zip description
`Document Description
`Assignee showing of ownership per 37 PRS-20_CONS_statement373_5
`CFR 3.73(b).
`3eee8ae5322b2be4851 bc7 el 2b 192031 d6
`Power of Attorney
`1eb4aa476a6f40e 79d36fa6a539f1 9084201
`Apple EX1031 Page 5


`Fee Worksheet (SB06)
`1 b29280f98834c2d292b787be
`1 cce9d423a
`Total Files Size (in bytes)
`This Acknowledgement Receipt evidences receipt on the noted date by the USPTO of the indicated documents,
`characterized by the applicant, and including page counts, where applicable.
`It serves as evidence of receipt similar to a
`Post Card, as described
`in MPEP 503.
`New A~~lications Under 35 U.S.C. 111
`for a filing date (see 37 CFR
`includes the necessary components
`If a new application
`is being filed and the application
`1.53(b)-(d) and MPEP 506), a Filing Receipt (37 CFR 1.54) will be issued in due course and the date shown on this
`Acknowledgement Receipt will establish
`the filing date of the application.
`National Stage of an International A~~lication under 35 U.S.C. 371
`is compliant with the conditions of 35
`If a timely submission
`to enter the national stage of an international application
`U.S.C. 371 and other applicable requirements
`a Form PCT/DO/E0/903 indicating acceptance of the application as a
`national stage submission under 35 U.S.C. 371 will be issued in addition
`to the Filing Receipt, in due course.
`New International A~~lication Filed with the USPTO as a Receiving Office
`includes the necessary components
`If a new international application
`is being filed and the international application
`an international
`filing date (see PCT Article 11 and MPEP 181 O), a Notification of the International Application Number
`and of the International Filing Date (Form PCT/R0/1 OS) will be issued in due course, subject to prescriptions concerning
`national security, and the date shown on this Acknowledgement Receipt will establish
`the international
`filing date of
`the application.
`Apple EX1031 Page 6


`PTO/SB/14 (11-08)
`Approved for use through 01/31/2014. 0MB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid 0MB control number.
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Attorney Docket Number
`Application Number
`Title of Invention
`The application data sheet is part of the provisional or nonprovisional application for which it is being submitted. The following form contains the
`bibliographic data arranged in a format specified by the United States Patent and Trademark Office as outlined in 37 CFR 1.76.
`This document may be completed electronically and submitted to the Office in electronic format using the Electronic Filing System (EFS) or the
`document may be printed and included in a paper filed application.
`Secrecy Order 37 CFR 5.2
`D Portions or all of the application associated with this Application Data Sheet may fall under a Secrecy Order pursuant to
`37 CFR 5.2 (Paper filers only. Applications
`that fall under Secrecy Order may not be filed electronically.)
`,DD 1can t I f
`n orma 10n:
`Aoolicant 1
`Applicant Authority (!)Inventor
`Prefix Given Name
`I Remove I
`I QParty of Interest under 35 U.S.C. 118
`I QLegal Representative under 35 U.S.C. 117
`Middle Name
`Family Name
`Residence Information (Select One) (!) US Residency 0 Non US Residency 0 Active US Military Service
`I Country of Residence i I US
`Buffalo Grove
`Citizenship under 37 CFR 1.41(b) i
`Mailing Address of Applicant:
`Address 1
`2099 Sheridan Road
`Address 2
`I Buffalo Grove
`Postal Code
`Applicant Authority (!)Inventor
`Prefix Given Name
`I State/Province
`I Countryi I
`I Remove I
`I QParty of Interest under 35 U.S.C. 118
`I QLegal Representative under 35 U.S.C. 117
`Middle Name
`Family Name
`Residence Information (Select One) (!) US Residency 0 Non US Residency 0 Active US Military Service
`I Country of Residence i I us
`Citizenship under 37 CFR 1.41(b) i
`Mailing Address of Applicant:
`Address 1
`821 Rosemary Terrace
`Address 2
`I Deerfield
`Postal Code
`Inventors Must Be Listed - Additional
`generated within this form by selecting the Add button.
`I State/Province
`I Countryi I us
`Information blocks may be
`Correspondence Information:
`Enter either Customer Number or complete the Correspondence Information section below.
`For further information see 37 CFR 1.33(a).
`D An Address is being provided for the correspondence Information of this application.
`EFS Web 2.2.2
`Apple EX1031 Page 7


`PTO/SB/14 (11-08)
`Approved for use through 01/31/2014. 0MB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid 0MB control number.
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Attorney Docket Number
`Application Number
`Title of Invention
`Customer Number
`Email Address
`Application Information:
`Add Email
`!Remove Email!
`Title of the Invention
`Attorney Docket Number PRS-102.CON5
`I Small Entity Status Claimed ~
`Application Type
`Subject Matter
`Suggested Class (if any)
`Suggested Technology Center (if any)
`I Sub Class (if any)I
`I Suggested Figure for Publication (if any) I
`Total Number of Drawing Sheets (if any)
`Publication Information:
`D Request Early Publication (Fee required at time of Request 37 CFR 1.219)
`Request Not to Publish. I hereby request that the attached application not be published under 35 U.S.
`D C. 122(b) and certify
`that the invention disclosed in the attached application has not and will not be the subject of
`an application filed in another country, or under a multilateral international agreement, that requires publication at
`eighteen months after filing.
`Representative Information:
`Representative information should be provided for all practitioners having a power of attorney in the application. Providing
`this information in the Application Data Sheet does not constitute a power of attorney in the application (see 37 CFR 1.32).
`Enter either Customer Number or
`the Representative Name section below.
`If both
`are completed the Customer Number will be used for the Representative Information during processing.
`Please Select One:
`Customer Number
`® Customer Number
`I O US Patent Practitioner 10 Limited Recognition (37 CFR 11.9)
`Domestic Benefit/National Stage Information:
`This section allows for the applicant to either claim benefit under 35 U.S.C. 119(e), 120, 121, or 365(c) or indicate National Stage
`entry from a PCT application. Providing this information in the application data sheet constitutes the specific reference required by
`35 U.S.C. 119(e) or 120, and 37 CFR 1.78(a)(2) or CFR 1.78(a)(4), and need not otherwise be made part of the specification.
`Prior Application Status Pending
`! Remove !
`Application Number
`Continuity Type
`Prior Application Number
`Filing Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
`Prior Application Status Patented
`! Remove !
`Continuation of
`EFS Web 2.2.2
`Apple EX1031 Page 8


`PTO/SB/14 (11-08)
`Approved for use through 01/31/2014. 0MB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid 0MB control number.
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Attorney Docket Number
`Application Number
`Title of Invention
`Continuity Type
`Prior Application
`Filing Date
`Patent Number
`Issue Date
`Continuation of
`Prior Application Status Patented
`Continuity Type
`Prior Application
`Filing Date
`Continuation of
`Prior Application Status Patented
`Continuity Type
`Prior Application
`Filing Date
`I Remove I
`Issue Date
`Patent Number
`I Remove I
`Issue Date
`Patent Number
`Continuation of
`Prior Application Status Patented
`I Remove I
`Continuity Type
`Prior Application
`Filing Date
`Patent Number
`Issue Date
`Continuation of
`Prior Application Status Expired
`I Remove I
`Application Number
`Continuity Type
`Prior Application Number
`Filing Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
`non provisional of
`Prior Application Status Expired
`I Remove I
`Application Number
`Continuity Type
`Prior Application Number
`Filing Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
`non provisional of
`Additional Domestic Benefit/National Stage Data may be generated within this form
`by selecting the Add button.
`I Add
`Foreign Priority Information:
`This section allows for the applicant to claim benefit of foreign priority and to identify any prior foreign application for which priority is
`not claimed. Providing this information in the application data sheet constitutes the claim for priority as required by 35 U.S.C. 119(b)
`and 37 CFR 1.55(a).
`Application Number
`Parent Filing Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
`I Remove I
`Priority Claimed
`C!) Yes 0 No
`I Add
`Additional Foreign Priority Data may be generated within this form by selecting the
`Add button.
`Assignee Information:
`Providing this information in the application data sheet does not substitute for compliance with any requirement of part 3 of Title 37
`of the CFR to have an assignment recorded in the Office.
`Assignee 1
`If the Assignee
`is an Organization check here.
`Organization Name
`I Parus Holdings, Inc.
`EFS Web 2.2.2
`I Remove I
`Apple EX1031 Page 9


`PTO/SB/14 (11-08)
`Approved for use through 01/31/2014. 0MB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid 0MB control number.
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Attorney Docket Number
`Application Number
`Title of Invention
`Mailing Address Information:
`Address 1
`Address 2
`Country ii us
`Phone Number
`Email Address
`3000 Lakeside Dr. Suite 300N
`Postal Code
`Fax Number
`Additional Assignee Data may be generated within this form by selecting the Add
`I Add
`A signature of the applicant or representative
`CFR 1.4(d) for the form of the signature.
`/Shawn Diedtrich/
`is required in accordance with 37 CFR 1.33 and 10.18. Please see 37
`Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
`First Name
`I Last Name
`I Diedtrich
`Registration Number
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1.76. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which
`is to file (and by the USPTO to process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.14. This
`collection is estimated to take 23 minutes to complete, including gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed application data
`sheet form to the USPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments on the amount of time you require to
`complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent and
`Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR
`COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`EFS Web 2.2.2
`Apple EX1031 Page 10


`Privacy Act Statement
`The Privacy Act of 1974 (P .L. 93-579) requires that you be given certain information in connection with your submission of the attached form related to
`a patent application or patent. Accordingly, pursuant to the requirements of the Act, please be advised that: (1) the general authority for the collection
`of this information is 35 U.S.C. 2(b)(2); (2) furnishing of the information solicited is voluntary; and (3) the principal purpose for which the information is
`used by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is to process and/or examine your submission related to a patent application or patent. If you do not
`furnish the requested information, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office may not be able to process and/or examine your submission, which may
`result in termination of proceedings or abandonment of the application or expiration of the patent.
`The information provided by you in this form will be subject to the following routine uses:
`The information on this form will be treated confidentially to the extent allowed under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552)
`and the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a). Records from this system of records may be disclosed to the Department of Justice to determine
`whether the Freedom of Information Act requires disclosure of these records.
`A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, in the course of presenting evidence to a court, magistrate, or
`administrative tribunal, including disclosures to opposing counsel in the course of settlement negotiations.
`A record in this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to a Member of Congress submitting a request involving an
`individual, to whom the record pertains, when the individual has requested assistance from the Member with respect to the subject matter of
`the record.
`A record in this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to a contractor of the Agency having need for the information in
`order to perform a contract. Recipients of information shall be required to comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974, as
`amended, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(m).
`A record related to an International Application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in this system of records may be disclosed,
`as a routine use, to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization, pursuant to the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
`A record in this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to another federal agency for purposes of National Security
`review (35 U.S.C. 181) and for review pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act (42 U.S.C. 218(c)).
`A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to the Administrator, General Services, or his/her designee,
`during an inspection of records conducted by GSA as part of that agency's responsibility to recommend improvements in records
`management practices and programs, under authority of 44 U.S.C. 2904 and 2906. Such disclosure shall be made in accordance with the
`GSA regulations governing inspection of records for this purpose, and any other relevant (i.e., GSA or Commerce) directive. Such
`disclosure shall not be used to make determinations about individuals.
`A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to the public after either publication of the application pursuan
`to 35 U.S.C. 122(b) or issuance of a patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 151. Further, a record may be disclosed, subject to the limitations of 37
`CFR 1.14, as a routine use, to the public if the record was filed in an application which became abandoned or in which the proceedings were
`terminated and which application is referenced by either a published application, an application open to public inspections or an issued
`A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to a Federal, State, or local law enforcement agency, if the
`USPTO becomes aware of a violation or potential violation of law or regulation.
`EFS Web 2.2.2
`Apple EX1031 Page 11


`114 ~ WEBSITE1
`10 <....J
`l"l-1( --
`- - - -
`- 7 - - - - - - - -::::=-..:...-----.
`FIG. 1
`Apple EX1031 Page 12


`FIG. 2
`12-- 306
`FIG. 3
`Apple EX1031 Page 13


`FIG. 4
`Apple EX1031 Page 14


`500 ~ I SYSTEM
`L ____
`506 I
`510 I
`FIG. 5
`Apple EX1031 Page 15


`RULES 63 AND 67 (37 C.F.R. 1.63 and 1.67)
`As a below named inventor, I hereby declare that:
`My residence, post office address and citizenship are as stated below next to my name;
`I believe that I am an original, first and joint inventor of the subject matter which is
`claimed and for which a patent is sought on the invention entitled: ROBUST VOICE
`specification of which: (mark only one)
`is attached hereto.
`was filed on February 5, 2001 as Application Serial No. 09/776,996 and
`was amended on __
`(if applicable)
`was filed as PCT International Application No. PCT! __
`was amended on_
`(if applicable).
`was filed on _
`as Application Serial No. _
`of Allowance on --
`was filed on _
`and bearing attorney docket nwnber _
`and was issued a Notice
`on __
`I hereby state that I have reviewed and understand the contents of the above identified
`specification, including the claims as amended by any amendment referred to above or as
`allowed as indicated above.
`I acknowledge the duty to disclose all information known to me to be material to lhe
`patentability of this application as defined in 37 CFR § 1.56. If this is a continuation-in-pan
`(CIP) application, insofar as lhe subject matter of each of lhe claims of this application is not
`disclosed in lhe prior United States application in the manner provided·by the first paragraph of
`35 U .S.C. § 112, I acknowledge the duty to disclose to the Office all information known to me
`to be material to patentability of the application as defmed in 37 CFR § 1.56 which became
`available between the filing date of the prior application and the national or PCT international
`filing date of this application.
`I hereby claim foreign priority benefits under 35 U.S.C. § 119/365 of any foreign
`application(s) for patent or inventor's cenificate listed below and have also identified below
`any foreign application for patent or inventor's cenificate filed by me or my assignee
`CHICA.00 USUSvl 47242-00027
`Apple EX1031 Page 16


`disclosing the subject matter claimed in this application and having a filing date ( l) before that.
`of the application on which my priority is claimed or, (2) if no priority is claimed. before· the
`filing date of this application:
`Date first
`patented or
`Priority Claimed
`the benefit under 35 U.S.C. § 120/365 of any United States
`I hereby claim
`application(s) listed below and PCT international applications listed above or below:
`Application No. {series code/serial no.)
`Month/Day/Year Filed
`Starus(pending I abandoned. patented)
`February 4, 2000
`September t:S. 2000
`I hereby appoint:
`BENJAMIN J. BAI. R11. No. 43,411
`MAJlY JO BOLDINGH. Rel, No. 34,713
`ARTHU'RJ. BRADY, Rws-No. 42.356
`MATillEW 0. BRADY, Reg. No. 44,5'4
`DANIELJ. BURNHAM, Rws-No. 39,611
`THOMAS L CANTREU.. R ... No. 20,149
`RONALD B. COOU.EY. Rae, No. 27,187
`THOMAS L CRISMAN, Rq. No. 14,146
`STIJAJlTD. DWORK. R•e, No.31,103
`WILLIAM F. ESSER. Reg. No. 31,0.53
`ROGER. J. FRENCH. Rq.. No. 27,716
`JANET M. GAllETTO, Rq. No. 42,%1
`MAJlK J. OATSCHET. Rec-No. 42,569
`JOHN C. OATZ, Re1, :,lo. 41,774
`RUSSELL J. GENET, Rt&, No. 41,571
`GERALD H. GLANZMAN. Rea. No. 2'-035
`J. KEVIN GRAY. Rsg. No. 37,141
`J. PAT H£mo. Rq. No. 40,643
`SHARON A. ISRAEL, Reg. No. 41.167
`JOHN ll KIRK JR.., Re&, No. 24,477
`PAUL R. KITCH. Reg. No. 31,206
`JAMES F. LEA UL Rea, No. 41,143
`HSIN•WEI LUANO, Rt .. No. 44,213
`ROBERT W. MASON, R•a. No. 42,141
`ROOEll L MAXWILL. Re .. No. 31,15,
`USA H. MEYER.HOFF, Rq. No. 36,169
`STANLEY R. MOORE, Rec. No. 26.951
`RJCHAR.O J. MOI.IRA. Rq. No. 34,813
`MARK V. MULLER. Rq. No. 37,509
`DANIEL 0. NQUYEN. Res. No. 4l,933
`SPENCER C. PATT'£RSO:-I; Rq. !'lo.
`ROSS T. ROBINSON, Rq. No. 47.031.
`STEPHEN 0. RUDISILL. Re&, So. 20.087
`HOLLY L. RUONICK. Rq. No. 43,065
`J.L. IENNIE SAl.AZAll. Rq. No. 4S.06S
`KEITH W. SAUNDERS, Rq.. No. 41.461
`JERltY R. SWNOEll. Re&, No. 26.5n
`JAMES 0. SKARSTEN. Reg. No. 28,346
`OAJlY B. SOLOMON, Rea. No. 44.347
`STEVE Z. SZCZEPANSKI. Re&, No. 27.957
`ANDRE M. SZUW Al.SKI. Rea. No. 35,701
`ALAN R. l1UELE. R.q. No. 30,69'
`TAMSEN VALOIR, ~ No. 41,417
`RAYMOND VAN DYKE. a.., No. 34.746
`BRJAN D. WAL.KER. Rcs- No. 31.7'1
`GERALD T. WELCH. Re&, No. 30.332
`HAltOLD N. WELLS, Rq. No. 26.044
`WfWAM D. WIESE. Re&,~. 45.217
`all of the firm of JENKENS & GILCHRIST,
`a Professional Corporation, 1445 Ross
`Avenue, Suite 3200, Dallas,· Texas 75202-2799, as my anomeys and/or agents, with full
`power of substitution and revocation,
`to prosecute
`this application, provisionals
`continuations, continuations-in-part, divisionals, appeals, reissues, substitutions, and extensions
`thereof and to transact all business in the United States Patent and Trademark Office connected
`therewith, to appoint any individuals under an associate power of attorney and to file and
`prosecute any international patent application filed thereon before any international authorities,
`and I hereby authorize them to act and rely on instructions from and communicate directly with
`the person/assignee/attorney/firm/organization who/which first sent this case to them ·aru1 by
`CHICAGO 15'U5vl 47242.00027
`Apple EX1031 Page 17


`that I have consented ,after full disclosure
`whom/which I hereby declare
`unless/until I instruct them in writing to the contrary.
`to be represented
`Please address all correspondence and direct all telephone calls to:
`S. Z. Szczepanski, Esq.
`Jenkens & Gilchrist, P.C.
`1445 Ross Avenue,· Suite 3200
`Dallas, Texas 75202-2799
`312/425-3909 {fax)
`I hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledge are true and that
`all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true; and funher that these
`statements were made with the knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made are
`punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United
`the validity of the
`States Code, and that such willful false statements may jeopardize
`application or any patent issued thereon.
`I Alexander Kurganov
`Full Name
`2099 Sheridan Road
`Buffalo Grove, IL
`Residence (ci
`2099 Sheridan Road
`Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
`Post Office Address include zi code)
`(FOR ADDITIONAL INVENTORS, check here X and add additional sheet for inventor
`infonnation regarding signature, name, date, citizenship, residence and address)
`CHICAOO USUSvl 47'242.000Z,
`Apple EX1031 Page 18


`·' .-
`2 Valery

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