(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0254887 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Dec. 16, 2004
`US 2004O254887A1
`75 (75) Inventor: Ronald Jacoby, Saratoga, CA (US)
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/454.231, filed on Mar.
`12, 2003.
`Publication Classification
`orrespondence Address:
`(51) Int. Cl. ................................................. G06F 17/60
`(52) U.S. Cl
`Oa -
`1 - O
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111-3834 (US)
`(73) Assignee: Yahoo! Inc., Sunnyvale, CA
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`Oct. 6, 2003
`The present invention provides Systems and techniques for
`transmitting a Streaming media file. One of the techniques
`includes sending a metering uniform resource locator (URL)
`from a first Server to a client player over a network, and
`Sending a Streaming media file from a Second Server to the
`client player over the network. The Streaming media file
`includes at least one embedded metering event. In response
`to receiving the metering URL and the embedded metering
`event at the client player, a user meter is ticked.
`Web Server
`m Library
`Metering 127
`Metadata Media Files
`Global Media
`\ 11 5
`Media Player
`Vudu Ex. 1006, Page 1


`Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 1 of 6
`US 2004/0254887 A1
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`Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 2 of 6
`US 2004/0254887 A1
`ASSet Name
`Stream Rate
`FIG. 3
`Video Frame 1
`/ Audio Frame 1 210
`215 Video Frame 2
`\ Audio Frame 2
`/ Meter Event
`Video Frame 3
`Audio Frame 3 210
`215 Video Frame 4
`Audio Frame 4
`Video Frame 5
`Audio Frame 5 210
`215 Video Frame 6
`Audio Frame 6
`Video Frame 7
`Audio Frame 7 210
`215 Video Frame 8
`Audio Frame 8
`- Meter Event
`Video Frame 9
`Audio Frame 9
`FIG. 2
`Vudu Ex. 1006, Page 3


`Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 3 of 6
`US 2004/0254887 A1
`Streaming Media File
`Append Metadata
`to Streaming Media File
`Streaming Media File
`Streaming Media File
`to Streaming Servers
`Communicate Select
`Portions of Metadata to
`Global Media Database
`Enter Metadata Directly
`Global Media Database
`FG. 4
`Vudu Ex. 1006, Page 4


`Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 4 of 6
`US 2004/0254887 A1
`Publish Web Page
`on Client Display
`Select Streaming
`Media File
`Ordering Server Displays
`Purchase Page
`Send URL to
`Playlist Servers
`Return URL to
`Client BrOWSer
`Send URL to
`Streaming Servers
`URL invalid
`Terminate No
`Streaming Media File
`to Client Media Player
`FIG. 5
`Send Media
`Player and URL Pointing
`to Streaming Media File
`Vudu Ex. 1006, Page 5


`Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 5 of 6
`US 2004/0254887 A1
`Metering URL
`to Client BrOWSer
`Embedded Metering
`Events to Client BrOWSer
`Metering URL
`From Streaming Servers
`Embedded Metering
`Events From
`Streaming Servers
`Push Concatenated
`Metering URL and
`Embedded Metering Event
`onto MediaFrame Servers
`Push ConCatenated
`Metering URL and
`Embedded Metering Event
`onto MediaFrame Servers
`Tick User Meter
`Tick User Meter
`FIG. 6
`FIG. 7
`Vudu Ex. 1006, Page 6


`Patent Application Publication Dec. 16, 2004 Sheet 6 of 6
`US 2004/0254887 A1
`Metering URL
`to Client BrOWSer
`Communicate Streaming
`Media File to
`Client Browser
`Append Embedded
`Metering Event to
`Metering URL
`of Streaming
`Send Command
`to Decrement
`User ACCount
`FIG. 8
`Vudu Ex. 1006, Page 7


`US 2004/0254887 A1
`Dec. 16, 2004
`0001. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional
`Patent Application No. 60/454.231, filed Mar. 12, 2003, of
`Ronald Jacoby, titled Access Control and Metering System
`for Streaming Media, and is incorporated by reference
`herein in its entirety for all purposes.
`0002 This invention relates generally to providing
`Streaming media, and more Specifically to providing a
`Streaming media acceSS System and a streaming media
`metering System based on metering information in a media
`0.003 Streaming media might comprise streaming audio,
`Streaming Video, a combination of the two, or similar data.
`Generally, Streaming media is characterized by data that is
`transmitted or moved from a Source to a destination where
`the destination can begin to use the data before the trans
`mission or movement is complete, often without requiring
`an indication of an end to the data. As an example, an
`audiovisual presentation might be Streamed over the Internet
`using data packets, wherein the recipient can start a presen
`tation of the audiovisual presentation while data packets for
`later portions of the presentation are yet to be received.
`0004 Streaming media can be of indeterminate length,
`with no predetermined ending, Such as might be the case for
`an Internet radio Station Streaming their broadcast, but
`Streaming media might also have a finite length. While the
`term “streaming media” as used herein applies to indeter
`minate or predetermined length media unless otherwise
`indicated, for ease of understanding many examples refer to
`a “streaming media file', which is most commonly media
`having a well-defined beginning and end. Thus, it should be
`understood that Streaming media need not always have a
`well-defined beginning and end, but it is often characterized
`by Such concepts.
`0005. A streaming media file might be transmitted in a
`continuous Stream in a compressed form over the Internet
`and played by a media player running on a user device, Such
`as a personal computer (PC) or other device, as the con
`tinuous Streaming media file arrives. To play a Streaming
`media file as it arrives, the file is uncompressed in real time,
`and the Video and audio data are played on the media player,
`which directs Video data to the display and audio data to
`Speakers. A media player may be either an integral part of a
`browser or transmitted over the Internet to the user just prior
`to consumption of the Streaming media file. Examples of
`known Streaming media players include MicroSoft Corpo
`ration's Windows Media Player'TM, RealNetwork Incorpo
`rated's RealOne Player'TM, RealPlayer'TM, or RealJukeboxTM,
`or Apple Computer Incorporated's QuickTime PlayerTM.
`Streaming media players use a Standard and/or proprietary
`algorithms for Video and audio compression. Programs that
`compress Streaming media files prior to the files being Sent
`to a user and decompress the received files are typically
`referred to as codec programs.
`0006 Streaming media files are typically sent from pre
`recorded digitized media files, but may be distributed as part
`of a digitized live broadcast feed. In a live broadcast using
`an analog capture System, Video and/or audio signals are
`converted from an analog format to a compressed digital
`Signal in real time and transmitted from a Server. Various
`protocols can be used for Serving media files over the
`Internet or other network where such media might be
`transmitted and consumed. For example, the HTTP protocol
`usable over the Internet between HTTP servers and HTTP
`clients might be used. In a common implementation, an
`HTTP server serves up HTML pages and media that is
`linked to by the HTML pages. As HTML pages with their
`links to other HTML pages are considered to form a “web”,
`Such as the “World Wide Web”, HTTP servers are often
`thought of as “Web” servers. Although such a server might
`serve more than just HTML, they are referred to herein as
`“Web” Servers, according to common usage. In common
`usage, an HTTP client, i.e., a program or device that receives
`and “consumes’ HTML and media, is often referred to as a
`“browser'. Web servers used to stream streaming media files
`include Yahoo!'s web servers, such as Yahoo! MoviesTM,
`Yahoo! MusicTM, and Yahoo! NewsTM, among others.
`0007 Streaming media, especially video, requires a large
`bandwidth channel to be effective, as the recipient often
`expects to begin a presentation shortly after the Stream Starts
`to be received and expects to consume the presentation
`continuously once it starts. Therefore, the bandwidth of the
`channel over which the Streaming media is received typi
`cally needs to be on the order of the consumption rate of the
`media. For example, if a person desires to view a presen
`tation that consumes 1 megabit/second, the perSon would
`probably need a channel that delivers on the order of 1
`megabit/second to view the presentation as it is streamed.
`Attempts have been made to stream video over low band
`width linkS, Such as dial-up telephone lines, but the results
`are less than desirable as the presentation has to be made at
`low resolution or greatly compressed, both of which
`adversely affect the viewing experience.
`0008 While such low bandwidth channels might be
`acceptable for non-real-time downloading and free Services,
`consumers are more likely to require higher quality presen
`tations if they are to be paying for the presentations. Thus,
`as broadband connections become more available, more end
`users are able to receive Streams of Video presentations with
`Sufficient quality that the end user is willing to pay for the
`Streams. For example, if an end user connects to the Internet
`over a 56K dial-up line, the best the end user might expect
`for a Video presentation is to watch the presentation with a
`low resolution or highly compressed, but an end user with a
`broadband connection might enjoy near full-screen Video
`Smoothly played. Examples of broadband connections
`include cable modems, optical fibers, wireleSS links, or
`digital subscriber line (DSL) channels, but other broadband
`connections in current use or later developed might be used
`0009. Without users that are willing to pay for streaming
`Services, Some Such Services simply cannot be provided, as
`the costs of production are too great. AS broadband has
`become more prevalent, more Video Streaming is economi
`cally possible. For example full length movies and live
`events, Such as Sports events or other media events, can be
`Streamed and Sufficient numbers of customers exist with
`broadband connections to make production of Such Streams
`economically viable. However, with the need to be paid to
`Vudu Ex. 1006, Page 8


`US 2004/0254887 A1
`Dec. 16, 2004
`cover the production, new problems arise that are not present
`where the Stream was being given away for free, for
`example, Service providers need to ensure the Streamed
`media provided to a user is paid for by the user.
`0010) Different payment models work in different situa
`tions and markets. Many cable broadcasters, for example,
`combine payment models, Such as timed based Subscriptions
`including the monthly Subscription, the pay package, and the
`pay-per-view models. In the monthly Subscription model,
`the user pays a monthly fee for unlimited access to a Service
`for the paid months. In the pay package model, a user payS
`a one-time fee for unlimited access to a Service for a fixed
`Set of events, Such as all the professional football game
`broadcasts for one football Season. In the pay-per-view
`model, a user pays a one-time fee for access to the broad
`casting of a single event. For example, a user may pay a
`one-time fee to view a live Sporting event, Such as Olympic
`Sporting events that might not be broadcast on the public
`For television broadcasting of live and recorded
`events at times Set by the broadcasters and the operators of
`the distribution channels, these models have been received
`by the consuming public with Some Success. Internet broad
`casting, however, allows for on-demand viewing of events,
`with different viewers viewing the same or different streams
`at the same or different times and many paying customers
`have come to expect that offering. Thus, it is desirable to
`have a System wherein different viewers can consume dif
`ferent media Streams and the providers of those Streams can
`accurately track the consumption of the media Streams, for
`billing, monitoring, planning, Statistics tracking, and other
`0012. An access control and metering System according
`to an embodiment of the present invention provides for
`communicating a metering uniform resource locator (URL)
`from a first server to a client browser over a network and
`communicating the Streaming media file from a Second
`server to the client browser over the network. The streaming
`media file includes at least one embedded metering event. In
`response to communicating the metering URL and the
`embedded metering to the client browser, a user meter is
`0013. According to another embodiment of the invention,
`computer code is provided for communicating a metering
`uniform resource locator (URL) from a first server to a client
`browser over a network; and computer code is provided for
`communicating the Streaming media file from a Second
`server to the client browser over the network. The streaming
`media file includes at least one embedded metering event.
`Computer code is also provided for ticking a user meter in
`response to communicating the metering URL and the
`embedded metering event to the client browser. In a specific
`embodiment, the metering URL is communicated over a first
`network link and the Streaming media file is communicated
`over a Second network link.
`0.014. According to another embodiment of the invention,
`a System is provided that includes a client browser config
`ured to tick a user meter and a first Server configured to
`communicate a metering uniform resource locator (URL)
`from the first server to the client browser over a network.
`The System also includes a Second Server configured to
`communicate a Streaming media file from the Second Server
`to the client browser over the network. The streaming media
`file includes at least one embedded metering event. The
`client browser is configured to tick the user meter in
`response to receiving the metering URL from the first Server
`and the embedded metering event from the Second Server.
`According to a specific embodiment, the client browser
`includes a client media player configured to play the Stream
`ing media file, and the client media player playing the
`Streaming media file encounters the embedded metering
`event and appends the embedded metering event to the
`metering URL.
`0015 According to another embodiment of the invention,
`a technique is provided for communicating a metering
`uniform resource locator (URL) from a streaming server to
`a client browser over a network connection and for com
`municating a streaming media file having at least one
`embedded metering event embedded in the Streaming media
`file from the streaming server to the client browser over the
`network connection. In response to communicating the
`meter ticking event and the metering URL to the client
`browser a user meter is ticked.
`0016. The foregoing, together with other features,
`embodiments, and advantages of the present invention, will
`become more apparent when referring to the following
`detailed description, claims, and accompanying drawings.
`0017 FIG. 1 is a simplified diagram of a streaming
`media System according to an embodiment of the present
`0018 FIG. 2 is a simplified diagram of the format of a
`Streaming media file according to one embodiment of the
`present invention;
`0019 FIG. 3 is a simplified diagram of external metadata
`that may be independently placed on one or both of the
`global media database and the content management Server
`according to an embodiment of the present invention;
`0020 FIG. 4 is a high level flowchart having steps for
`entry of a streaming media file and associated metadata into
`a streaming media System according to an embodiment of
`the present invention;
`FIG. 5 is a high level flowchart having steps for a
`user request for communicating of a streaming media file
`from the Streaming Servers to the user's client browser
`according to an embodiment of the present invention;
`0022 FIG. 6 is a high level flowchart having steps for
`communicating a metering URL and embedded metering
`events to a client media player according to an embodiment
`of the present invention;
`0023 FIG. 7 is a high level flowchart having steps for
`communicating a metering URL and embedded metering
`events to a client media player according to another embodi
`ment of the present invention; and
`0024 FIG. 8 is a high level flowchart having steps for
`communicating a metering URL and embedded metering
`events to a client media player according to another embodi
`ment of the present invention.
`Vudu Ex. 1006, Page 9


`US 2004/0254887 A1
`Dec. 16, 2004
`0.025 The streaming media system comprises several
`interrelated components that alone or in various combina
`tions provide Streaming media files for user consumption.
`The components of the Streaming media System are best
`described by first describing the Streaming media System and
`tracing the input of Streaming media files into the System and
`then tracing a user request for the delivery of a Streaming
`media file and describing the Subsequent delivery and meter
`ing of the Streaming media file.
`FIG. 1 is a simplified diagram of a streaming
`media system 100 according to an embodiment of the
`present invention. Various components of the Streaming
`media system 100 will be described as they become relevant
`to the description. A typical Scenario begins with a content
`provider delivering an analog media file or a digitized
`Streaming media file (referred to herein as a “streaming
`media file') to a System administrator of the streaming
`media System 100 for entry onto a content management
`server 105. The system administrator enters, automatically,
`manually, or otherwise, appropriately formatted Streaming
`media files 103 onto content management server 105 and
`digitizes analog files for entry onto content management
`server 105. Alternatively, a content provider may directly
`enter appropriately formatted Streaming media files 103 onto
`content management Server 105 via a network connection,
`Such as an Internet connection. Streaming media files
`according to embodiments of the present invention might
`include Video, audio, or a combination of Video and audio
`that are digitized and Stored on a Server or the like. Stream
`ing media files according to embodiments of the present
`invention include, but are not limited to, digitized movies,
`Sports events, musical events, news clips, weather clips, and
`numerous others types of Streaming media files.
`FIG. 2 is a simplified diagram showing the format
`of a streaming media file 103 according to one embodiment
`of the present invention. Streaming media file 103 includes
`header metadata 205, video and audio frames 210 and 215,
`respectively, and embedded metadata 220. Header metadata
`205 is disposed at the head end of streaming media file 103.
`The header metadata might include the title of the Streaming
`media file (e.g., movie title), authorship information, copy
`right information, ownership information, Searchable text
`fields, and information about various language tracks among
`other data. Those of skill in the art will recognize other
`useful information to include in header metadata 205.
`0028 Embedded metadata 220 differs from header meta
`data in that embedded metadata is dispersed in a Streaming
`media file. The embedded metadata includes embedded
`metering events 225 used to tick a user meter as the
`Streaming media file is played on a client media player 110.
`The ticking of the user meter by the embedded metering
`events might be used to tally charges to a user account.
`0029 Preferably, embedded metering events are embed
`ded within or adjacent to the Video or audio frames of a
`Streaming media file. These events can then be passed to
`client media player 110 as the Streaming media file is
`Streamed. The embedded metering events are embedded at
`Select time locations within a Streaming media file. For
`example, in a movie file, an embedded metering event might
`be placed 5 Seconds from the beginning of the movie with
`additional embedded metering events placed at 30 Second
`intervals thereafter. Alternatively, the embedded metering
`events may be placed in a streaming media file at 10 Second
`intervals, 60 Second intervals, 2 minute intervals, or nearly
`any interval appropriate for the Streaming media file being
`communicated (or “streamed”). The intervals at which
`embedded metering events are placed in a streaming media
`file need not be uniform. For example, a long movie may
`have embedded metering events embedded in a Streaming
`media file with an increasing time interval between the
`metering events, Such as at 5 Seconds, 2 minutes, 10 minutes,
`and 30 minutes interval thereafter. Preferably, the position of
`metering events in a Streaming media file provides indicators
`desired by content providers. For example, a movie provider
`might want to position an embedded metering event 5
`Seconds after Video frame 1 has played So that the movie
`provider knows that the user has started a movie and,
`therefore, may log the event. Another embedded metering
`event may be positioned five minutes after the first men
`tioned embedded metering event So that the movie provider
`can determine whether the user is still watching the movie.
`For example, users who are Simply previewing a movie and
`Stop receiving the movie after the first few minutes of play
`time may not incur any charges. Other embedded metering
`events positioned every fifteen minutes for the duration of
`the movie and at the end of the movie may be of use to
`evidence receipt of the entire movie and may be of use
`against a user who later claims that the movie was never
`0030 Embedded metering events might be embedded
`into a streaming media file by the content provider or System
`administrator either during or after the digitization of the
`piece of media (e.g., audio, video, or audio-video medium).
`Further details of embedded metering events and their use
`for ticking a user meter will be described in greater detail
`FIG. 3 is a simplified diagram of external metadata
`108 that may be independently placed on one or both of the
`global media database 120 and the content management
`server 105. The external metadata 108 may also be appended
`to streaming media file 103, such as at the head end of the
`Streaming media file, and entered onto the content manage
`ment Server with the Streaming media file or entered on the
`content management Server independent of the Streaming
`media file. External metadata 108 might include an asset
`name, format information, bit rate, duration, and file size.
`The asset name might include any arbitrary identifier used to
`identify the external metadata and its associated Steaming
`media file. Format information might include, among other
`information, whether an associated Steaming media file is in
`Windows Media PlayerTM format, RealOne PlayerTM format,
`RealPlayerTM format, QuickTime PlayerTM format or
`another player format. The Stream rate includes the rate at
`which bits are streamed to client media player 110. Typical
`stream rates include, for example, 300 kbs (kilobits per
`second), 100 kbs, and 56 kbs among others. It should be
`understood that the listed media formats and associated
`Stream rates are Set forth for purposes of example, a piece of
`media may be stored in nearly any useful format that is
`amenable to network Streaming.
`0032. A stream rate is often the rate at which the stream
`is transmitted, the rate at which it is consumed, or both, but
`actual transmission and consumption rates may vary from
`Vudu Ex. 1006, Page 10


`US 2004/0254887 A1
`Dec. 16, 2004
`the Stream rate. For example, where a transmission is Stalled
`in a network, the transmission rate might fall below the
`Stream rate. AS another example, where a user Slows a
`presentation or fastforwards, the consumption rate (i.e., the
`rate at which bits, bytes, blocks or symbols of the stream are
`“used up” in presenting) would be lower or higher than the
`Stream rate. Of course, for a Smooth presentation, the
`transmission rate, consumption rate and delay should be
`Such that if the Stream is ever consumed faster than it is
`received, there is enough delay between receipt and con
`Sumption that there is always Some received portion of the
`Stream to be consumed. This list of data included in external
`metadata 108 is not exhaustive; those of skill in the art will
`know of other useful metadata for the physical properties of
`a streaming media file as well as other features of a stream
`ing media file.
`Referring again to FIG. 1, Subsequent to receiving
`a streaming media file, or during the receipt of a Streaming
`media file, content management Server 105 assigns a unique
`Stream identifier to the Streaming media file and thereafter
`transferS the Streaming media file and associated Stream
`identifier to a set of streaming servers 115. The term “set’ as
`used herein includes Sets that have one or more members.
`Each Streaming Server is configured to Store a copy of the
`Streaming media file and associated Stream identifier. The
`Streaming Servers are further configured to Stream a stream
`ing media file along with its embedded metering events to
`client media player 110. Prior to a server streaming a
`Streaming media file, however, Various pieces of metadata
`are shared with a global media database 120 and various
`checks are performed to determine whether a user will be
`permitted to receive the Streaming media file.
`0034 Metadata shared by content management server
`105 with global media database 120 might include external
`metadata 108 (e.g., if its not already stored in database 120),
`the title, copyright information, Searchable text fields, and
`information about various language tracks. According to a
`further embodiment, the time locations of the embedded
`metering events are also shared with the global media
`database. For example, the global media database may be
`informed that embedded metering events are located in a
`Streaming media file, at 5 Seconds from the beginning of the
`Streaming media file and 35 Second intervals thereafter. It
`should be understood the preceding time Sequence is merely
`illustrative and that embedded metering events may be
`positioned in a Streaming media file at nearly any useful
`0035) In addition to being configured to store external
`metadata 108, global media database 120 is also configured
`to Store metadata that associates a given piece of media with
`the various media formats in which the given piece of media
`is stored. This allows the global media database to track the
`various media formats in which the movie is Stored and
`asSociate the various media formats to a common identifier,
`such as a movie title or other useful identifier. The global
`media database might also be configured to Store metadata
`that indicates whether a streaming media file is a for-pay file
`or a free file. For example, the metadata might indicate that
`a 56 kbS Streaming media file for a given piece of media is
`a cost-free file whereas a streaming media file for a higher
`Stream rate, Such as a 300 kbS Stream rate, is a for-pay file.
`0.036 Users access streaming media files stored in
`Streaming Servers 115 by requesting and paying for for-pay
`Streaming media files or by Simply requesting cost-free
`Streaming media files. According to a typical Scenario, a user
`using a client browser 125 observes a web page published on
`the browser by a property web server 130, such as Yahoo!
`MoviesTM, Yahoo! SportsTM, Yahoo! NewsTM, Yahoo! Music
`or other property Web Server. The published page includes a
`link that points to a streaming media file. The link may be,
`for example, to a for-pay movie file or a free movie trailer
`file. The target of the link is a uniform resource locator
`(URL) generated by the global media database. By Selecting
`(e.g., clicking) the link, the user causes the URL to be passed
`to the mediaframe Servers thereby entering a request to
`receive the Streaming media file. According to an alternative
`embodiment, by Selecting the link, the user causes the URL
`to be passed to the property Web Servers thereby entering a
`request to receive the Streaming media file.
`0037 According to one embodiment, the URL arguments
`include information for the products to which a Streaming
`media file belongs. A product defines a Set of Streaming
`media files that belong to the product, and may include one
`or more Streaming media files. Purchase of a product allows
`a user's client browser to receive the Streaming media files
`belonging to the product. Examples of products include
`premium movie packages, premium Sports packages, pre
`mium music event packages, or other packages. For
`example, a Set of B-run movies may belong to a premium
`movie package while Sets of A- and B-run movies may
`belong to an ultra-premium movie package. Streaming
`media files may belong to more than one product. In the
`example being considered, the B-run movies belong to both
`the premium and ultra-premium movie packages.
`0038 Products are typically sold in time blocks but may
`be sold based on volume of media consumed or other useful
`criteria. For example, a premium movie product may include
`10 hours of streaming time for one fee while an ultra
`premium movie product may include 20 hours of Streaming
`time for a higher fee. Alternatively, the premium movie
`product may include 10 gigabits of Streaming media for a
`given fee while the ultra-premium movie product may
`include 300 gigabits of Streaming media for a higher fee.
`Other useful product options may include reduced-rate prod
`ucts for non peak use time or bulk purchase, Such as the
`purchase of five or more products or the purchase of 200 or
`more product hours. Those of skill in the art will recognize
`other useful product options after reading this description.
`0039) Products are generated and stored in billing system
`135, which defines the Streaming media files belonging to a
`given product. The billing System also generates and Stores
`prices for various products and generates information as to
`whether a streaming media file is a cost-free or for-pay file.
`The billing System is also configured to Store legal contracts
`that are linked to the various products. The legal contracts
`might be presented to users, typically as click throughs,
`during product purchase.
`0040. In addition to including URL arguments regarding
`the various products a streaming media file belongs to, the
`URL passed from client browser 125 to mediaframe servers
`140 (or alternatively property web server 130) is signed with
`a key, typically referred to as a Server key. The key is a
`shared Secret between the Servers of Streaming media System
`100. According to one embodiment, the URL also contains
`a message authentication code (or MAC) generated by the

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