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`2004 IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference
`'E'g‘fi' L05 ANGELES
`Wireless Technologies for Global Security
`Proceedings Volume 7 of 7
`26-29 September 2004
`Los Angeles Airport Marriott Hotel
`Los Angeles, California, USA
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`2004 IEEE 60“l Vehicular Technology Conference
`Copyright and Reprint Permission: Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source.
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`Copyright © 2004 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
`Inc. All rights reserved.
`IEEE Catalog Number: 04CH37575 (Softbound)
`IEEE Catalog Number: 04CH37575C (CD—ROM)
`ISSN: 1090-3038
`ISBN Softbound: 0-7803—8521-7
`ISBN CD-ROM: 0-7803-8522-5
`Additional copies of the Proceedings are available from the following source:
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`Proceedings Volume 1
`Track 1: Antennas and Propagation
`Session 1.]: Propagation and Channel Modeling
`New Spaceil‘ime Wireless Channel Model and its Computer Simulation Method........................................................... l
`Magma Zhai and Hun Li
`Parametric M'IMO Model for Ray Tracingil.aunching Simulations"
`Jose—Maito Moiiua—Garcia—Paido, José— Victor Rodriguez andLeandraJuan—Liacer
`A New [nter—Vehicle Communications (WC) Channel Model...
`Juergeu Maurer, Thomas 1i‘igeu,
`1"humus Schafer and WernerWiesbecit
`. 14
`MIMO Capacity at 2 l GH7 While Entering Tunnels
`Jm‘é-Mai"to Molina-Garcia-Panic Jasé- Vin:forRtidrigue: andieano'rciJuaii-iiricer
`Mathematical Modeling ofth CDMA Channel Under Power (.ontroll?
`Rajeudi'a Kumar
`A Scheme for the SNR Estimation and its Application in
`Doppler Shift Estimation ofMobile Communication Systems2-1
`Jing’u Him, Han Him, Qingmiu Meirg and Xiaoiui You
`Modeiing the Mobile Radio Channel Using Theory of
`Dynamics — Reconstruction onynamics by Differential Equations28
`Steffen Bug mid Roi'fJokofiv
`Pilot-Symbol Aided Channel Estimation in Spatially
`Correlated Muitiuser MIMOrOFDM Channels ............................................................................................................... 33
`Jimyi Wang and Xiyomiciii Amid
`Delay Profile Modeling tbr Wideband Mobile Propagation ............................................................................................ 38
`Temya Fujii
`Site Diversity Time-Space Sinnilations for[W943
`Siauisiov Zvnuovec and Pave! Pechac
`Time ReversaI Techniques for Wireless Conununications ..............................................................................................47
`Persefi'oui Kyrirsi. George Papauicoiaou. Patrick Eggem' and diet Oprea
`Spatial Correlation Measurements lor Broadband MIMO Wireless Channel5..
`Apiciiart Infaiapauich, Padam L Kafle Robeii‘J. Davies Aim B. Sesay and JoiiiiMcROij
`Macrocell Radio Wave Propagation Prediction Using an
`Artificial Neural Network ................................................................................................................................................ 5 7
`Erik Ostiiu, Haus—Jfirgeu Zepemick and Hajime Suzuki
`Channel Estimation with Selective Superimposed Pilot
`Sequences Under Fast Fading anironments62
`Furniaio' Iliuzuki and ibiuoaki 0hrsuki
`Page 4 of 81
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`Signal Level Interpolation forCoveragc Area Prediction6?
`Wencne Buckman
`Channel Estimation and Tracking Using Implicit Training ............................................................................................. 72
`Ynonjfe L1' and Lnxr' Yang
`Deterministic Propagation Modelling and Measurements for
`the Broadband Fixed Wireless Access Channel... 76
`G. L.A1‘hanas1'adon 1. J. Wrasse” and C L1151};
`Statistical Analysis of the UWB Channel111 an Industrial Enviruonment.
`Johan Koredal, 311111322121 Wyne.PeterAime15,Predrik 111131615301111114111111119“1" Mohsch
`OFDM—MIMO System Using Optimized Differential Cayley
`Unitary Space Time Coding ............................................................................................................................................. 86
`14.11an Qarmwreh 11nd Leandra do How A1'ie1
`Temporal Radio Channel Variations with Stationary Terminal .......................................................................................91
`Jonas Median, Jan-Erik Berg and Fredrr'k Her-{11.151311
`0n the Utility ofthe Circular Ring Model for Wideband MIMO (.harnlcls96
`Zomn Lorinovr'c. A11 Abdr' and Yeheskei' Bar—N355
`Outdoor to Indoor Office MIMO Measurements at 5.2 GH2...
`51111131911! Wyne Peter Almers,Gn11nar 1511135011,.10111111 KaredciL I'rednk 1'15151133121}and“
`Andreas F Mofisch
`MEMO Indoor WLAN Channel Measurements and Parameter
`Modeting at 5.25 G112... 106
`1111113111 K. Jagannarnam and-1111111) Li'eeg"
`Accurate Simple Closed-Form Approximations to
`Distributions and De115ities ofl.ognorma1 Sum Random Variables ............................................................................... 1 1 1
`Famq Rojwani and Norman C. Beauh'en
`Polarization Dependency on Frequency Correlation of
`Ligenvector for MIMO—OIDM System52
`Wamm Yamnda Naokr' find/4.1111119 Ando. Akin 311111 1611111151 1'akao and Ihisrrke Morin
`Time-Spatial Path Modeling for Widehand Mobile Propagation 1 20
`Terrrya Fuj1'1' and Hideki Ornate
`Angle and Space Diversity Comparisons1n the UrbanArea..125
`Deok—Hwon Lee, Sang——Kwo11 Lee, Bruce Kim Jong——Heo11 LeeandHalloLi'inin}
`Capacity ofMIMO OI‘DM Systems in Spatially Correlated
`Indoor Fading Channels ................................................................................................................................................. 129
`Padmn L. Kufle, Abn B. Sonny (111dJ01111 JUL-Rory
`The Characteristics of UWB Sigral Transmitting through a Lossy Dielectric Slab....................................................... 134
`21115an (.‘he'n, Richard Yao and 211111111 Gm)
`Mobile Radio Propagation Measurements and Tuning the
`Path Loss Model in Urban Areas at (EM-901) Band in Istanbul, Turkey ...................................................................... 139
`B. Yesfm Hanoi and I. Hakkf Cavdar'
`A Space-Time Channel Simulator for MIMO Channels
`Based on the Geometrical One—Ring Scattering Model144
`Marrnfas Parzot'd and Bjorn Olav Hogsrad
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`UWB Indoor Propagation Channel Measurements and Data
`Analysis in Various Types oi'High-Rise Apartments ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 150
`C'hint-Chi11 (bong, Youngeii Ki111 and Swag-Sm) Lee
`Session 1.2: Smart Antenna
`A Combined Blind Beamtorming and Interference
`Cancellation for a Sman Antenna System in MC-CDMA Base Station155
`Kiattisok MaiehaIemmian and Somchai Jiiapunkiif
`Real-Time Smart Antenna System Incorporating FPGABased
`Minseok Kim KnieiiiIcIii'ge anisI Hirowrki Ami
`Perfonnanee Analysis and Comparisons of Antenna and
`Beam Selection Diversity... 165
`Yong-Seek CI101 11nd SiowisiiM. 14111111101111
`Combined Iink and System I eve] Petfm‘tnance Analysis for
`WCDMA with Smart Antennas 171
`George T110qu and 0111111111 Kakiamam
`A Novel Multitarget Adaptive Array Algorithm for Wireless
`CDMA Systems Using Block Affine Projection... 176
`M11111 Labib Mohamed 117—I1111111111 and Rofii Goubmn
`Power Control with Antenna Array Processing for UMTS...
`M .Ievrosimovie, E R. FIeddei11s I Jorgwseski MH A .IHei'beiiciiicI(I. Bmsaaard
`Effects oflmplementalion Impairments in the Performance
`of a W—CDMA Smart Antenna ...................................................................................................................................... 186
`AIIJerrm Martinez, 11111111 Garcia, Ramon Martinez, Leandm do. Ham and AIigiieI ('aIvo
`Performance of the Smart Antenna Aided Multicarrier DSCDMA Uplink ................................................................... 1.91
`Bin H11, Lie-Liong Yang and Lajos Hausa
`Multiple Antenna Receivers for Random Access Signal
`Acquisitionin CDMA Wireless Networks... 196
`Shirish Nagaraj, A111} M. Rae, Deepoi: Deniand J1111g A. I-ee“
`Ultra Low Complexity Adaptive Beamforming via Non-Eigen Decomposition201
`C111'1'1— Wei Chen and Game! Okamoio
`Optilniiation ol'Firor P1ohability of Multi-Antenna Broadcast
`Channel Using Convex Optimization... 206
`11111130 Wang, AIex B.Gersh111a1icinci Iiii'aK111111111cyan
`Session 1.3: Antenna Array and Beamforming
`A Pattern—Diversity Antenna Module for Dual—Band WLAN Systunlel
`C'I11'e11-1Ie11 Wang and Wen- I'Is'ai Tsai
`Wideband Antenna for PCS and [MT-2000 ServiceBand216
`.Irm-SeangJe-on and Sang-Hon” Park
`Low-Impedance Transmitter Antenna for Multi-Antenna WCDMA Handsets ............................................................. 220
`Peter .5}6IJI0111
`A Novel Low— Profile. Dual—Polarization Mulli—Band Base—
`Station Antenna Llemcnt: [he I-ourpoint Antenna”
`Seong—Youp S11I1, Warren 3111121111111 William IInvisAImiIViiIiIio KiriI'SI'ebonith.Ieflri'ig SeInffl'i
`Page 6 of 81
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`A Hybrid RF-Analog! Digital Approach for Terminal-Side
`Array Antenna Systems...
`Shinsnke Ham MosdIakLiUmeda" YrmIa Nrikaya Iakesh1IodLiandYnsnynki Oishr'"
`SuhBand Beamfonning for OFDM System in Practical Channel Condition ................................................................ 235
`Fart-hm! AIanr, B. L. Patrick (.‘heung, Raqr'an Mmmfir, W. G. Nmnnlf,
`B. I). WoernerandiH. Reed
`An Attenuation Function Expressed in Terms of UTD
`Coefficients for the Multiple-Wedge Diffraction Considering
`SphericalrWave Incidence ............................................................................................................................................. 240
`Jmé- Victor Rodriguez, Jase-Maria MoIina-Garm’a-Parda and Leandra Juan-Unicer
`A New Multiband Antenna for WLANchllular Applications ....................................................................................... 243
`Dnixfan Lin and Brian Gaucher
`A Si mplc Joint Beamforming and Power Control Algorithm
`for Multi-User MIMO Wi1'ele5s Networks... 24?
`801190113 Song, Rene L. Cruz and BhdskarD. Rao
`Hybrid Beamforming in WCDMA Antenna ArraySystem52
`Ifirehrnngn’wa and Seungcnan Bang
`Spatial Fading Emulator for Base Station Using Cavityi
`Excited Circular Array Based on ESPAR Antenna... 256
`CImIgyrm Park J-rmicni Taknda Ke1' Sakagircnr' andTaIrninf 051111
`Genetic Algorithm Assisted Array Processing in Overloaded Systems261
`G. W. K. Coiman and I: J. Wiflink
`Radial Basis Function Network Assisted
`Wide— Band Beatnfonningm. 266
`A. Wogfgang, S. ChenLindL.IILinzo"
`The Multi-Objective Optimiration of Beam Pattern in the
`. 271
`Nonunifonn Array Antenna Using the Evolutionary Algorithm...
`.Iaehjatn Park Joohwan (711m Dongkvung Nam and Cher)!IIoon I’arIr
`Maximum Cross-Correlation Method for DOA Estimation
`with an ESPAR Antenna... 27S
`IIr'Iton Ianranaha Goi'anal-DanKennSung“-
`Automatic Antenna 'l'ilt Control [or Capacity Enhancement in UMTS FDD280
`Magne Pettens‘en, Lars If. Brfiten and Andens G. Spilh'ng
`Adaptive Beamt'on'ning Based on Frequencyrtor'l'ime Pilot
`Transform for OFDM
`Mniru;r Lei,P1'ng fining, IIi'roiniIILirLiLILi andIIi'mmit‘su Wakana
`A Combinational Scheme of Pre- FFT Adaptive Beamfotming
`and Frequency-Domain Adaptive Ioading tor 01~ [)M 290
`Ming Le1' Ping Zhang IIiroshr' IIamda and HM011111311"Waltz-111d”
`Extension offiGPP Transmit Diversitybystem295
`Mona Shokair and Yoshihr'ko Akaiwa
`On the Throughput of Proportional Fair Scheduling with
`Opportunistic Beamforming for Continuous Fading 5121113100
`Andreas Senst, Peter SCIndz—Rirt‘icn, Gard Ascneia' and Heinficn Met-’1'
`Page 7 of 81
`Page 7 of 81


`Performance ol'a Base Station Feedback—Type Adaptive
`Array Antenna with Limited FeedbackBits305
`Jeongkerm Choi and Yoshr'hr'ko Akar'wa
`A'I'SC Digital TV Receiver Using Spatial Diversity Icchnrque'llt}
`Jir— Yerm Kim, Jae—Hwy! Bee, Jong—Soo Lim and Soc—Ir: Lee
`2-1) Directional ot‘Arrival Angle Estimation Non-Based on
`Eigen Structure Approach... 314
`Nr'zar Tayem and Hyiiiz‘k M Kwori
`Enhancing WLAN Security with Smart Antennas: A Physical
`Layer Response for InformationAssurance} 18
`Joseph M. Carey and Dirk Gmrrwold
`A Compact Realiration of Antenna Arrays for Mobile Cominunlcatronsnl
`Shinho Kim, Tamra {to}: and l’rranxrm Ethan Wang
`Angle ot'Arriva] Detection by Matching Pursuit Algorithm ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,324
`Guinea Z, Korabnitrt‘. Tolga Kurt and Abbas Yongacogl’u
`Analysis on the Impact ofMulti—Element Transmit Antenna
`System on Multiuser Diversity...
`Mirourrg- Won Lee, (7180? Mini Jiri-KyrrHen, long-Gwen Yank mid Han-Kiri Pork
`Robust Downlink Beamforrning Based Upon Outage Probability Criterion .................................................................. 334
`Batu K. Char'ise and Andreas (.‘Zytlwik
`Mobile I.ocali7ation Using Local Scattering Model in Multipath Environments...........................................................339
`Shoher’ Kikuehr’, Atom Sarto, Hiroyuki 73a}: and Rya Mram
`Session 2.1: Multi-carrier Modulation
`Partially Coherent Constellations for Multi—CarricrSystclns'l44
`MohamrrradJaber Barr-rm and Pmbodilr li’zrrsimey
`Adaptive Data Rate Multi-Carrier Direct-Sequence Spread
`SpectrumIn Rayleigh Fading... 349
`David W. Marolak and Naieiicier R. Mciiiriem”
`0n the Capacity of Multicode and Variable Spreading Gain
`Multiratc Space—Time Block Coded Multicarrier CDMA
`Systems over Frequency Selective Rayleigh Fading Channel353
`Xr'qurrrr Hu and Yong Hun! (“new
`Data Rate Guaranteed CTDMA for Multicarrier Communication Systems ................................................................... 358
`Yr' Huang and Tar M. Lok
`Performance Analysis of Variable Bit Rate Multiclass
`Services in the Uplink ol‘a Dynamic Complete Group
`Partitioning Round-Robin Carrier-Hopping Multirate Multi-
`Carrier DS—CDMA System... 363
`T. (. Wongl W. Maris:aridK. ( (him--
`Power Allocation for Multi—Bancl OFDM UVVB CommunicationNetworksiilé
`Zheng-“nmr Xi: and Mr! Lin
`Efficient Identification of the Codewords with Low Peak—to—
`Mean Envelope Power Ratio ofMulticarricr 'l‘ransmission3T5
`Jfaxr'ang Zhoo
`Page 8 of 81
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`Frequency—Averaged MMSE Channel Estimator for
`.. 178
`Multicarrier Transmission Sclleme5...
`Yoshi!akaIIara.Ak1'nori Tafra. Loi'c351161121111 Thomas 5111221-
`Adaptive Pilot Pattern for Multi—Cairier Spread—Spectrum
`{MC -SS) Tranmnission Syste1n5...
`'1111121“1y Lestable, V1110 Sdmilia,Bi*m1i 3113111111115HolijiJii C1101
`Yanyan W11 and IerrenceDodgson
`'I'imc- and Frequency-Domain Spreading Assisted MC DSCDMA
`Using interference Rejection Spreading Codes for
`Quasi-Synchronous Communications...
`. 189
`H1111 Wei 1'1e—-L1'a11g Yang and [310.5 111111.11"
`.. 194
`Variable- Iength Suhcan'ie: Equalizers for Multicarrier Systems...
`Alexander M. thtimkr Peter [Cabot and Fabrics: 11111121111“
`Parallel Interference Cancellation 'I'echniqucs I'or
`Synchronous Carrier lnterfemmetryMC-CDMA Uplink ..............................................................................................399
`Ia’y'ayu Thppavaflnfa and Balasubmmmn'mn Naramjan
`Band Based Power Control (BBPC) for MC-CDMA Radio Interface ...........................................................................404
`145.31rHamid, Reza Hoshyar and Rahim Tafazoffi
`A Proportional Fair Scheduling for Multicarrier Transmission Systems ....................................................................... 409
`H0011 K1111. Kennyonng K1111, Y01111g11a111 H1111 and 511111;th Y1111
`Performance Comparison 01' MC—CDMA and Cyclically
`Prefixed DS—CDMA in an Uplink Channel .................................................................................................................... 414
`Shrgehi'ko Tmmnro, 511111311112 Horn and Yoshflaka Hart:
`An Improved Channel Estimation Scheme Using Polynomial—
`I'itting and its Weighted Extension for an MC-CI)MA1’ TDD
`Uplink System with Pre—Lqualization.... 419
`M0011 I} I.(:9 Seong Kenn on 111111Mynng'H0111; S1111'w'0i'i1
`Unified Muitiple—Acccss Performance Analysis of Several
`Multi—Ratc Multicarrier Spread—Spectrum Systems424
`R. Niltjah and M Nosiri-Kenafi
`Joint Symbol Detection and Channel Estimation for MCCDMA
`Systems in the Presence ofCarn'er FrequencyOtfset430
`1"e11g—I's1111 Chfen and C—C. Jay K111)
`Optimized 'l'ransmittcr Diversity Systems in Rice Fading Channels ............................................................................. 43S
`Sridhamn Mullinsvmmy and/1. A 11111111101211
`A Multiple Sub—Carrier Selection (MSCS) Diversity
`Architecture with Reduced Receiver Complexity for Wireless ()I-‘DM Applications; ....................................................439
`Yong 31111, Prasad Gndem and Lawrence 5.1511151)”
`Peak Reduction for OFDM by Shaping the Clipping Noise ...........................................................................................443
`Andreas San!
`Session 2.2: OFDM
`OFDM Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction by
`Complement Block Coding Scheme and its ModifiedVcr510n448
`Tao Jfang and Guangxr' Zhu
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`Channel Estimation and Equalization for OFDM System with
`Fast Fading Channels...
`Qingsheng Yuan,Clien fileKi? Ding, WeiBai'andZhiyongBu"
`A Novel Pulse—Shaping for Reduced 101 in OFDM Systcms456
`Pang Tan and Norman C. Beauh'en
`A Novel Algorithm of Inter-Subehamte] Interference
`Cancellation in OFDM Systems460
`Ming-Xian (Thong
`Iterative Pilot Symbol Assisted Channel Estimation in Turbo OFDM System465
`Hagfen Yang, Yong Xr'ong, Wei 351‘, Hong Lan and Zhivong Bu
`Low—Rank Pilot—Symbol—Aided Channel Estimation for MIMOOFDM Systems .......................................................... 469
`Chang Dong Lee. Jin Sam Kwak and Jae Hang Lee
`Generalized Circular'lransl‘orm forOl-DM lransnnsston474
`)fino Huang, Jianhna Lu and .J’lmli Zheng
`Performance ol‘OFIJM with M—QAM Modulation and Optimal
`Loading Over Rayleigh Fading Channels479
`Fade! F. Digital»: and Maze}! 0. Homo
`Decision Directed Methods of “Q Imbalance Compensation
`in OFDM Systems...
`mer' Rt'kaczenmsla"1612i”'gBinkensieilriiidFi'iedi“16"ii K Jaiidi'alm
`Group-Orthogonal OFDMA in Fast Time-Varying Frequency-
`Seleetive Fading Environments ..................................................................................................................................... 488
`YingLin X11, JianFeng Wang and Tho Le—Ngoc
`Minimum Interference Blind Time—Offset [Estimation for Ol’DM Systems49'l
`Qingyu Zhu and Zhiqiang Lin
`On Two-Dimensional Adaptive Channel Fstimationm OFDM System5...
`Xiaolin 11011, 3111159 Li, Danpn Lin, Changchuan Yin and GuangxinYiie
`Fast Bit and Power Allocation Algorithm for OI-"DM systems ...................................................................................... 503
`Sang-Min Lee. Yam-Sou Park and Dong-J0 Park
`Decoupled Maximum Likelihood Blind Cartier Offset
`Estimator for OFDM Systems... 507
`Miaomiao Ln A. Nailanafhan and} I Ijhtmg
`Opportunistic Scheduling with Partial Channel Information in
`OFDMNFDD Systems.................................................................................................................................................. 511
`Zheng—Hni Han and Yang-Hwan Lee
`A Novel Guard Interval Based ISI—1‘rec Sampling Region
`Detection Method for OPDM Systems... 515
`(1noting-Ken Shear and Chm-1h: Hiiaiig
`Iterative Equalization of Multipath Components whose Delay
`Exceeds GI lorOFDM lransnnssronSZO
`Hirornas‘a Fujii and Tokahim Anni
`Polyphase Filter—Based OFDM Transmission System ................................................................................................... 525
`Chang 500 Lee and Kyung Yul Yon
`Page 10 of 81
`Page 10 of 81


`Performance Analysis ofTDD OFDM Systems “ith Phase
`and Amplitude & Phase Pre-Equalizationm 529
`Da- weI' IIII You-xi Fang and Shaa--qI'aII L
`Quantised Decisioll Based Gradient Descent Algorithm for
`last Fading OFDM Channels. 534
`Shasta! Kalyani and K. (IIrIdhar
`Optimal Channel Code Parameter Selection for Hardware
`EfficientOFDM Systems...
`Nico TneIIdeI' Mm't ReineI'I Hei'iiiiiiihRhliliiig tiIia'Jci5cy’FICJIIIIgEI
`Cyclic Prefix Length Analysis for 4G OFDM Systems .................................................................................................543
`Michael BaIaI'I'ere, Kevin Baum and Thomas P. KI‘G‘IISS
`Genetic Algorithm Assisted Minimum Bit Error Rate
`Multiuser Detection in Multiple Antenna Aided UPDM ...............................................................................................548
`M. Y. Alias, S. Chen and L. HaIIzo
`Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation for Ol'-'DM Systems with Null Subcarriers553
`JR? ZI'III and Wookwon Lee
`A QoS-Aware Proportional Fair Scheduler for OpportunisticOFDM558
`Patrick Svedman, Sarah Kate WI'I’SIIII and Bjt'im Ottersfen
`Rate-Feedback Schemes for MIMO-OFDM Wireless LANs563
`Ravi Mahadevappa and Stephan fen Brink
`Ft‘t'eet ofCarrier Frequency Offset on Time-Domain
`. 568
`DifierentialDemodulationIn 01DM Systems...
`JIIIIgonI Lee. Dimitris Tonmpakan's Ifiii—LIIIg Lon IIIIII'JtiI'iIiill Gaff
`A Sequential Monte—Carlo Kalrnan Filter Based Delayr and
`Channel Estimation Method in the MIMOrOI-‘DMSystem57?
`KyeoI'IgJI'I'I Kim, Tony Reid and Ronald A. HII'A‘
`A Blind Frequency Tracking Algorithm for OI’DM
`. 578
`lransn‘tission Over Frequency Selective Channels...
`Jimgwon Lee, HIII——ng Lon, DImIIriS IotImpaIIaI‘I’sand Johnill Ciafi‘
`Error-Control Selective Mapping Coding for PAPR
`Reduction in OFDM Systems ........................................................................................................................................ 583
`Yan XIII and Ivan J. Fair
`Performance Evaluation oprproximately MAI—Free
`Multiaccess OFDM Transceiver .................................................................................................................................... 588
`Shanngo Tsai, Ylmflepei Lin and (LC. Jay Kw
`Robust Bit—Loaded WirelessOlDMS‘H
`Afireza Seyedf and GaIy J. SauI'III'er
`An FIM-Based Joint Maximum Likelihood Estimation of
`Carrier Frequency Offset and Channel for Uplink OFDMA Systcin5598
`Man-0n PIIII, ShaIIg-Ho Thai and C-C‘. Jay Kim
`Robust Joint Frequency Ofi'set and Channel Estimation for
`OFDM Systems.. 603
`Mo CIII andChIntha fefiambum
`Channel Fstnnation for OFDM Systems Based on Adaptive
`Radial Basis lnnctionthworks...
`Tao CIII' and (Martha Tellambum
`Page 11 of 81
`Page 11 of 81


`Asymptotic BFR Performance ofOFDM in Frequency-
`Selective Nakagiuni--rn Chalme15-
`Zheng DH J’Ilhflm‘ (thHg andNot-manC. Beauhen "u-"uu-"u"--"--"u"u"nun-"n""--"--"u"u"unuuuuu-"u"
`Adaptive Loading Based on Frequency—Selective Fading
`Estimation for UItra High-Data-Rate OFDM System ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
`Ming Lei, Ping Zhang, Hirmhi Hama'a and Himmitsn Wakana
`A Peak-to-Mean Power Control Scheme: The Extended
`Jiaxiang Zhao
`The Impact of Imperfect One Bit Per Subcarrier C hanne] State
`Infomration Feedback on Adaptive OFDM Wireless Communication Systems ............................................................
`Yire Rang. Sergiy A. I'br'ribyov mid Alert 3. Gershwin”
`POCS—Bascd I’raine—lheorelic Approach for Peak—to—
`Average Power Ratio Reduction in OFDM
`Lucia Vaibonesi and Rashid Ansari
`Using Pilot Tones Distribution for Maximal Correction
`Capacity of Impulse Noisein OFDM Systems...
`Farmer Abdeiirefi PieiTe Dirhamei FiorericeAibergiz and JaoiiiiarAiadim
`A Simple Scalable Space-Frequency Coding Scheme for MIMO-OFDM .....................................................................
`Hemanth Sampmh and Ravi Narasimhan
`A Link Adaptation Metric for OFDM-Based WLAN Systems:
`Received eqtaliscd Modulation Accuracy (REMA) .....................................................................................................
`Bertrand Panther, Amend Bonnier and Romain Rollie!
`PAPR Reduction Using Integer Structures
`in 01"DM Systems .........................................................................................................................................................
`Amin Mobavher and Amir K. Khandrmi
`Adaptive Interference Suppression in Multiuser Ol-‘DM ...............................................................................................
`Vishwanarh Venkai‘amman and John J. Shynir
`On the OFDM Multiuser DownlinkCapacrty
`Gerhard Wander and Thomas Michel
`A Low—Complexity Selected Mapping Scheme for Peak—to—
`Average Power Ratio Reduction in Ol'iDM Systems
`Chm-Liang Wang and Yuan Oiiyang
`Channel Estimation by Set Partitioning for OFDM with Cyclic DelayDwerstty
`Gunther Anet-
`CM—Adaptive Image—Band Interference Canceller for OFDM Systems ........................................................................
`Safoshi Denna
`(Io—Channel interference Suppression for Coded 01"DM
`Systems Over Frequency-Selective Slowly Fading Channels........................................................................................
`Ching—Sheng Ni and Kwang—Cheng Chen
`Session 2.3: CDMA 1
`Partial Parallel Interference Cancellation for CDMA Systems
`Employing AntennaArrays
`Deming Lin and Hossein Zaire
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`Page 12 of 81


`DS—CDMA with Frequency—Domain Equalization for High
`Speed Downlink Packet Access.
`Deepshikha Garg and Itiriirii‘iiiriAdacilii"
`l-‘requency— Domain Channel Estimation Using I’l-"l'ill’l-"l' for
`DS—CDMA Mobile Radio"
`Shimmke Takaoka and Fiimiyiiki Aai'iichr'm
`Impact of Frequency Offset on the Spreading and
`Despreading in Broadband MC-CDMA Systems ..........................................................................................................
`Le Lin. Ping Zhang, Kijmshi Homogiiclri and Hiromimr Wokmra
`Design and Implementation ot‘Re-Configurahle Transceiver for cdma200t}
`Minjotmg Sheen, Sermghwan Lee and Jinup Kim
`OFDM Mobile Packet Transmission System with Multiuser
`Detection and Metric Combining ARQ...
`Rita-him Nagareda, Kazuhiko Itikiiwa andIiii'oshi Siiziikim
`Improved Uplink Cell Capacity in CDMA Systems Using a
`New Dynamic Distribution Algoritlun...........................................................................................................................
`I". Hendessi. K17. Ghossemi. A. Ghoyoori and T. A. Griiiiver
`Optimal Multiple Access to Data Access Points in 'I'iened CDMASystems
`Zhem'ei Shen and Shaimee Kishore
`Performance Analysis for UCHT Complex Sequences in DSCDMA Downlink Systems
`Shortlie Xr'e, Susanna Raham‘ja and Zhenghui Gu
`A Novel 'l'ype of Code Design for the CP—CDMA System:
`Comb Spectrum Grouped Codes ....................................................................................................................................
`Hongbing Chang. Moog Ma and B. L. Jim)
`Soil Turbo Despreading and Decoding for Self Spreadispectnlln Communications.....................................................
`Srqfimo Tomasin and Daniele Vemnesf
`Channel—Based Downlink Scheduling Schemes for CDMANuworks
`Radifmond Kwan and Cyril Leung
`Scalable Dynamic Code Assignment for OVSF-CDMASystems
`Jun-Seong Park, Lei Huang and (i-(l Jay Kim
`Session 2.4: CDMA II
`Perfmmance Analysis ofa Multistage Quasi-Orthogonal
`Minimum Output Energy Multiuser Detector for Turbo Coded
`CDMA Systemsin Multipath Environment"
`Mohamed Mammfi Abd—El Aziz and SafwiiHunem FlRziiiiiim
`Partial Parallel interference Cancellers in CDMA Systems Employing Coding ............................................................
`Laurence Maflaender and Malek Shahia’
`Coherent M-ary Spreading-Code-Phase-ShiIt-Keying
`Modulation for Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Systems..........................................................................................
`Yuk—Rea ism
`Power Control, Adaptive Modulation and Suhchannel
`Allocation for Multiuser Downlink 01"DM
`MmrKuan Chang and CFC. Jay KNO
`Authorlndex ........................................................................................................................... follows page 768
`Page 13 of 81
`Page 13 of 81


`Proceedings Volume 2
`Channel Construction'111 SCS—MCCDMA System“ 769
`i‘emya 1'11)“ Nobom Izoka. [Irrovosht Masm and Atstisht Nagare
`Optimum Power Allocation and Control for OI-‘DM in
`Multiple Access Channels... 774
`J1's1111g Oh Seung-Jer't'n 'K'1'1'1'1(hidJ'o'i'h'n M C1035'"
`Performance of Successive Interference: Cancellation
`Scheme Considering the Power Control Step Size I)S1'CI)MA Systems77‘)
`Chiba Lee, Kliosrow Sohraby and Ktseon Kim
`()1) the Effect ofldeal and Non Ideal Antenna Sectorization
`on the Uplink User Capacity of a CDMA Macrocell with a lIotspot Microccll ............................................................ 784
`Jm‘é Gpe. WVQNJS-Talovem {111d Domingo Lara-Rodriguez
`Hot—Beam Traffic Relief for Cellular SBF Multi—Bcam Array
`Antenna CDMA Systems ............................................................................................................................................... T89
`Hyondok Kong, Seokjm Sung. 111.900 K00 and Kismn Kim
`Load-Based [)ownlink Scheduling Schemes for CDMA Networks'f‘)?
`Raymond Kwan and C1111'} Letmg
`Performance of TD-CDMA Systems During Crossed Slots __________________________________________________________________________________________798
`Jad Nasreddine and Xavier Lagrange
`A Novel M—ary Chaotic Spread Spectrum Communication
`Scheme for DSRC System in ITS .................................................................................................................................. 803
`Surfindran K. Shannmgam and Henri; Losing
`Channel Estimation for MC—CDMA with Compensation of Synchronization Errors .................................................... 808
`Yuan Zhang, Reza Hmkvar and Rahim Tafozofli
`Session 2.5: Widebaml CDMA
`On the Multiple—Access Capability of the [Bi—Phase
`Modulated TH-CDMA Impulse Radio Networks __________________________________________________________________________________________________________813
`Khairi' Ashour Hamdt'
`Power Allocation Strategies in Downlink WCDMA Systems
`Using Soft Handover and 8801' Power Control lechniques8l?
`Juan Reig, Jorge 1.11er and Non-115' C(trdana
`Performance of Pulse Position Modulated Signals Over the
`Ultra-Wideband Channel with Multiple Transmit and Receive Antennas822
`Li—Clnm Wang and Wei—Cheng L111
`Analysis of Coded Wireless Optical Communications Under
`Correlated Gamma-Gamma Channels" 82?
`5'. Mohammad Navidpour Murat ChiselandJ'm'g'L1
`Construction oi'Multiple—Stage lime—Hopping Sequences in
`Time-Hopping Spread Spectnim Ultra Widehand8'52
`Zhenyu Zhrmg, Fanxr'n Zeng and 1,111.51 Ge
`Joint Detection for Multicode Transmission in Downlink High
`Page 14 of 81
`Page 14 of 81


`Bowen: Sayadi and 1:113:11‘ Eno1kow
`Streaming Applications (Jver HSDPAin Mixed Service Scenarios.
`Magnns Lnndeva”, Birgitta 01in,.10nns Oisson Nicias Wiherg S1efan Wonsiedi .10rici.i
`111iksson and 1ride Eng
`An OFDM Evolution for the UMTS High Speed Downlink
`Packet Access.
`Jean—Pni1ippe.1omt1dm C111is1io11 Dnbuc Dominique Lacroix1.11111MarkLarnshaw
`Combined Time and Code Division Scheduling for
`Enhanced Uplink Packet Accessin WCDMA"
`(111111110 Rosa Jos‘é Cures Track B. Sbrerneil.113roenWigard icimi'Prehen E. Maggi-1‘1“"11211
`On the Capacity Degradation in W—CDMA Uplink1Domfli11k
`Due to Indoor Traffic... 856
`.1. Pérez—Romero 0. 5411.511 and R. dgiisi‘iu
`Performance of Packet Scheduling Methods with Different
`Degree ollaimessinllSDPA” 860
`Fabio Ameigeiras,.1eroen Mgard £11161PiehenMogensen
`SIR Estimation on Common Pilo

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