Modem Wireless
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`Simon Haykin
`McMaster University
`Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
`Michael Moher
`Space-Time DSP inc.
`Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
`Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication
`Haykin. Simon 3.,
`Modern wireless communications {Simon Haykin and Michael Moher.
`p. cm.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0-13-022472-3
`1. Wireless communication systems. 2. Spread spectrum communications 1. Moher.
`Michael. ll.Title
`TK5103.2.H39 2003
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`In Memory of William S. Hart
`T0 Dianne
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`Communication Systems
`The Physical Layer
`The Data—Link Layer
`Overview of the Book
`Notes and References
`Chapter 2 Propagation and Noise
`Introduction 11
`Free—Space Propagation 13
`Isotropic Radiation
`Directional Radiation
`The Friis Equation 18
`Terrestrial Propagation: Physical Models
`Reflection and the Plane-Earth Model
`Diffraction Losses
`Terrestrial Propagation: Statistical Models
`2.4.1 Median Path Loss
`Local Propagation Loss
`Indoor Propagation 33
`Local Propagation Effects with Mobile Radio 36
`Rayleigh Fading 36
`Rician Fading 40
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`Fast Fading 44
`Channel Classification
`Time-Selective Channels
`Frequency-Selective Channels
`General Channels
`2.7.4 WSSUS Channels
`Coherence Time
`Power-Delay Profile
`Coherence Bandwidth 60
`Stationary and Nonstationary Channels
`Summary of Channel Classification
`Noise and Interference
`Thermal Noise
`Equivalent Noise Temperature and Noise Figure
`Noise in Cascaded Systems
`2.8.4 Man-Made Noise 70
`2.8.5 Multiple-Access Interference
`Link Calculations
`Free-Space Link Budget
`Terrestrial Link Budget
`2.10 Theme Example 1: Okumura—Hata Empirical Model
`Theme Example 2: Wireless Local Area Networks
`Propagation Model
`2.11.2 Receiver Sensitivity
`2.11.3 Range
`2.11.4 Power-Delay Profile
`2.11.5 Modulation
`2.12 Theme Example 3: Impulse Radio and Ultra-Wideband 89
`Summary and Discussion
`Notes and References
`Additional Problems
`Chapter 3 Modulation and Frequency-Division Multiple Access
`3.2 Modulation
`Linear and Nonlinear Modulation Processes
`Analog and Digital Modulation Techniques
`Amplitude and Angle Modulation Processes
`Linear Modulation Techniques
`Amplitude Modulation
`Binary Phase-Shift Keying
`Quadriphase—Shift Keying
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`Offset Quadriphase—Shift Keying
`rt/4-Shifted Quadriphase-Shift Keying
`Pulse Shaping
`Root Raised-Cosine Pulse Shaping
`Complex Representation of Linear Modulated Signals and Band-Pass Systems
`Complex Representation of Linear Band-Pass Systems
`Signal-Space Representation of Digitally Modulated Signals
`Nonlinear Modulation Techniques
`Frequency Modulation
`Binary Frequency-Shift Keying
`Continuous-Phase Modulation: Minimum Shift Keying
`Power Spectra of MSK Signal
`Gaussian-Filtered MSK 139
`Frequency-Division Multiple Access
`Two Practical Issues of Concern
`Adjacent Channel Interference
`Power Amplifier Nonlinearity 146
`3.10 Comparison of Modulation Strategies for Wireless Communications
`3.10.1 Linear Channels
`3.10.2 Nonlinear Channels
`Channel Estimation and Tracking
`3.11.1 Differential Detection
`3.11.2 Pilot Symbol Transmission
`3.12 Receiver Performance: Bit Error Rate
`3.12.1 Channel Noise
`3.13 Theme Example 1: Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing
`3.13.1 Cyclic Prefix
`3.14 Theme Example 2: Cordless Telecommunications
`Summary and Discussion
`Notes and References
`Additional Problems
`Chapter 4 Coding and Time-Division Multiple Access
`Introduction 179
`4.3 Why Follow Sampling with Coding?
`Shannon’s Information Theory
`Source-Coding Theorem 185
`Channel—Coding Theorem 186
`Information Capacity Theorem 187
`Rate Distortion Theory
`Speech Coding
`Linear Prediction 189
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` Contents
`4.5.2 Multipulse Excited LPC 190
`Code-Excited LPC 192
`Error-Control Coding
`Cyclic Redundancy Check Codes
`Convolutional Codes
`Trellis and State Diagrams of Convolutional Codes
`Free Distance of a Convolutional Code
`4.8 Maximum-Likelihood Decoding of Convolutional Codes
`The Viterbi Algorithm 203
`4.9.1 Modifications of the Viterbi Algorithm 205
`Interleaving 207
`4.10.1 Block Interleaving 208
`4.10.2 ConvolutionalInterleaving 210
`4.10.3 Random Interleaving 212
`4.11 Noise Performance of Convolutional Codes
`4.12 Turbo Codes
`4.12.1 Turbo Encoding 215
`4.12.2 Turbo Decoding 216
`4.12.3 Noise Performance
`4.12.4 Maximum a Posteriori Probability Decoding 219
`4.13 Comparison of Channel-Coding Strategies for Wireless Communications
`4.13.1 Encoding 223
`4.13.2 Decoding 224
`4.13.3 AWGN Channel
`4.13.4 Fading Wireless Channels
`4.13.5 Latency 225
`Joint Equalization and Decoding 226
`4.14 RFModulation Revisited 226
`4.15 Baseband Processing for Channel Estimation and Equalization 227
`4.15.1 Channel Estimation 229
`4.15.2 Viterbi Equalization 231
`Time-Division Multiple Access
`4.16.1 Advantages of TDMA over FDMA 234
`4.16.2 TDMA Overlaid on FDMA 235
`Theme Example 1: GSM 236
`Theme Example 2: Joint Equalization and Decoding 239
`4.18.1 Computer Experiment
`4.19 Theme Example 3: Random—Access Techniques
`Pure Aloha
`4.19.2 Slotted Aloha
`4.19.3 Carrier-Sense Multiple Access
`4.19.4 Other Considerations with Random-Access Protocols 248
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`Summary and Discussion
`Notes and References
`Additional Problems
`Chapter 5 Spread Spectrum and Code-Division Multiple Access
`Introduction 258
`Direct-Sequence Modulation 260
`The Spreading Equation 260
`5.2.2 Matched-Filter Receiver
`Performance with Interference
`Spreading Codes
`5.3.1 Walsh—Hadamard Sequences
`Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factors
`5.3.3 Maximal-Length Sequences
`Gold Codes
`Random Sequences
`The Advantages of CDMA for Wireless
`5.4.1 Multiple—Access Interference
`5.4.2 Multipath Channels
`RAKE Receiver
`Fading Channels
`Summary of the Benefits of DS—SS
`Code Synchronization 290
`Channel Estimation 292
`Power Control: The Near—Far Problem 294
`FEC Coding and CDMA 297
`5.9 Multiuser Detection 299
`5.10 CDMA in 3 Cellular Environment
`Frequency-Hopped Spread Spectrum 306
`5.11.1 Complex Baseband Representation of FH—SS
`5.11.2 Slow-Frequency Hopping 308
`5.11.3 Fast-Frequency Hopping 310
`5.11.4 Processing Gain 310
`5.12 Theme Example 1: 18-95
`5.12.1 Channel Protocol
`5.12.2 Pilot Channel
`5.12.3 Downlink CDMA Channels
`5.12.4 Power Control
`5.12.5 Cellular Considerations
`5.12.6 Uplink
`Theme Example 2;GPSS 319
`5.14 Theme Example 3: Bluetooth 321
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`Theme Example 4: WCDMA 323
`5.15.1 Bandwidth and Chip Rate
`5.15.2 Data Rates and Spreading Factor
`5.15.3 Modulation and Synchronization 324
`5.15.4 Forward Error—Correction Codes
`5.15.5 Channel Types
`5.15.6 Uplink
`5.15.7 Downlink 326
`5.15.8 Multicode Transmission 327
`5.15.9 Cellular Considerations
`5.16 Theme Example 5: Wi-Fi
`Summary and Discussion
`Notes and References
`Additional Problems
`Chapter 6 Diversity, Capacity, and Space-Division Multiple Access
`Introduction 339
`“Space Diversity on Receive” Techniques
`Selection Combining 341
`6.2.2 Maximal-Ratio Combining
`Equal-Gain Combining 353
`Square—Law Combining
`6.3 Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output Antenna Systems
`Coantenna Interference
`Basic Baseband Channel Model
`6.4 MIMO Capacity for Channel Known at the Receiver
`Ergodic Capacity 363
`Two Other Special Cases of the Log-Det Formula:
`Capacities of Receive and Transmit Diversity Links
`Outage Capacity 367
`Channel Known at the Transmitter
`Singular-Value Decomposition of the Channel Matrix
`Eigendecomposition of the Log-det Capacity Formula
`Space—Time Codes for MIMO Wireless Communications
`Alamouti Code
`Performance Comparison of Diversity-on—Receive and
`Diversity-on—Transmit Schemes
`Generalized Complex Orthogonal Space—Time Block Codes 389
`Performance Comparisons of Different Space—Time Block Codes
`Using a Single Receiver
`Differential Space—Time Block Codes
`Differential Space—Time Block Coding
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`Transmitter and Receiver Structures
`Noise Performance
`Space-Division Multiple Access and Smart Antennas
`Antenna Arrays
`6.8.2 Multipath with Directional Antennas
`Theme Example 1: BLAST Architectures
`Diagonal-BLAST Architecture
`Vertical-BLAST Architecture
`Turbo-BLAST Architecture
`Experimental Performance Evaluation of Turbo-BLAST
`versus V-BLAST 422
`6.10 Theme Example 2: Diversity, SpaceiTime Block Codes, and V-BLAST 426
`6.10.1 Diversity-on-Receive versus Diversity-on—Transmit
`6.10.2 SpaceeTirne Block Codes versus V-BLAST 427
`6.10.3 Diversity Order and Multiplexing Gain 429
`Theme Example 3: Keyhole Channels
`Summary and Discussion
`Notes and References
`Additional Problems
`Chapter 7 Wireless Architectures
`Introduction 450
`Comparison of Multiple—Access Strategies
`081 Reference Model
`The 081 Model and Wireless Communications
`7.5 MAC Sublayer Signaling and Protocols
`Power Control
`Open Loop 462
`Closed Loop
`Outer—Loop Power Control
`Other Considerations
`Handover Algorithms
`7.7.2 Multiple-Access Considerations
`Network Layer
`Cellular Networks
`Indoor LANs
`Theme Example 1: Wireless Telephone Network Standards
`7.10 Theme Example 2: Wireless Data Network Standards
`Theme Example 3: IEEE 802.11 MAC 473
`Summary and Discussion
`Notes and References
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`Appendix A Fourier Theory 479
`Appendix B
`Bessel Functions
`Appendix C Random Variables and Random Processes
`Appendix D Matched Filters
`Appendix E
`Error Function 516
`Appendix F MAP Algorithm 520
`Appendix G Capacity of MIMO Links
`Appendix H Eigendecomposition 533
`Appendix I
`Adaptive Array Antennas
`Bibliography 544
`Index 551
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`The rapid growth of wireless communications and its pervasive use in all walks of life
`are changing the way we communicate in some fundamental ways. Most important,
`reliance on radio propagation as the physical mechanism responsible for the transport
`of information-bearing signals from the transmitter to the receiver has endowed com-
`munications with a distinctive feature, namely, mobility.
`Modern Wireless Communications is a new book aimed at the teaching of a course
`that could follow a traditional course on communication systems, as an integral part of
`an undergraduate program in electrical engineering or as the first graduate course on
`wireless communications. The primary focus of the book is on the physical layer,
`emphasizing the fundamentals of radio propagation and communication-theoretic
`aspects of multiple-access techniques. Many aspects of wireless communications are
`covered in an introductory level and book form for the first time.
`The book is organized in seven chapters, nine appendices, and a bibliography.
`Chapter 1 motivates the study of wireless communications. It begins with a brief
`historical account of wireless communications, and then goes on to describe the 081
`model of communication networks. The discussion, however, focuses on the issues that
`arise in the study of the physical layer, which is the mainstay of the book.
`Chapter 2 on radio propagation starts with an explanation of the physical mech-
`anisms of the propagation process, including free—space propagation, reflection, and
`diffraction. These physical mechanisms provide insight into the statistical models that
`are employed for terrestrial and indoor propagation effects that follow. The small—
`scale effects of fading and uncorrelated scattering are discussed, leading up to a care-
`ful classification of the different wireless channel types. The second half of the chapter
`describes noise and interference, and how combined with propagation, we may deter-
`mine wireless communication system performance through a link-budget analysis.
`Chapter 3 reviews the modulation process with emphasis on digital transmission
`techniques. This introductory treatment of modulation paves the way for discussions
`of the following lSSUES:
`. Complex baseband representation of linear modulated signals, and the corre-
`sponding inputloutput descriptions of linear wireless communication channels
`and linear band-pass filters.
`0 Practical problems concerning adjacent channel interference and nonlinearities
`in transmit power amplifiers.
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`The stage is then set for comparative evaluation of various modulation strategies for
`wireless communications, discussion of receiver performance in the presence of chan-
`nel noise and Rayleigh fading, and discussion of frequency-division multiple-access
`Chapter 4 focuses on coding techniques and time-division multiple-access
`(TDMA). After a brief review of Shannon’s classical information theory, the source cod—
`ing of speech signals is discussed, which is then followed by fundamental aspects of con-
`volutional codes, interleavers, and turbo codes. The relative merits of convolutional
`codes and turbo codes are discussed in the context of wireless communications. The var—
`ious aspects of channel-estimation, tracking, and channel equalizatiOn are treated in
`detail.The discussion then moves onto TDMA and the advantages it offers over FDMA.
`Chapter 5 discusses spread spectrum, code-division multiple—access (CDMA),
`and cellular systems. It first presents the basics of Spread—spectrum systems, namely,
`direct-sequence, and frequency-hopped systems, and their tolerance to interference. A
`fundamental component of spread—spectrum systems is the spreading code: a section
`of the chapter is devoted to explaining Walsh-Hadamard, maximal-length sequences,
`Gold codes, and random sequences. This discussion is then followed with a description
`of RAKE receivers, channel estimation, code synchronization, and the multipath per—
`formance of direct-sequence systems. This leads naturally to a discussion of how
`direct-sequence systems perform in a cellular environment.
`Chapter 6 is devoted to the notion of space diversity and related topics. It starts
`with diversity on receive, which represents the traditional technique for mitigating the
`fading problem that plagues wireless communications. Then the chapter introduces the
`powerful notion of multiple—input, multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communications,
`which includes space diversity on receive and space diversity on transmit as special
`cases. Most important, the use of MIMO communications represents the “spatial fron-
`tier” of wireless communications in that, for prescribed communication resources in
`the form of fixed transmit pOWer and channel bandwidth, it provides the practical
`means for significant increases in the spectral efficiency of wireless communications at
`the expense of increased computational complexity. The discussion of MIMO wireless
`communications also includes orthogonal space—time block codes (STBC). best exem-
`plified by the Alamouti code and its differential form. The discussion then moves onto
`space-division multiple access (SDMA), and smart antennas.
`Chapter 7 links the physical layer and multiple-acceSS topics of the previous
`chapters with the higher layers of the communications network. This final chapter of
`the book begins with a comparison of the different multiple-access strategies. The dis-
`cussion then leads to a consideration of various link-management functions associated
`with wireless systems, namely, signaling, power control, and handover. The differences
`between systems used for telephony and those used for data transmission are clearly
`delineated. This is then followed by a discussion of wireless network architectures,
`both for telephony and data applications.
`1.1 Theme Examples
`An enriching feature of the book is the inclusion of Theme Examples within each of the
`chapters in the book, except for Chapter 1. In a loose sense, they may be viewed as
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`— P
`“Chapters within Chapters” that show the practical applications of the topics discussed
`in the pertinent chapters. Specifically, the following Theme Examples are discussed:
`Chapter 2: Empirical propagation model, wireless local area networks (LANs),
`and impulse radio and ultra-wideband
`Chapter 4: Global system for mobile (GSM) communications, joint equaliza-
`tion and decoding, and random-access techniques
`Chapter 5: Code-division multiple access (CDMA) Standard 18-95, GPSS,
`bluetooth, wideband CDMA and WiFi
`Chapter 6: BLAST architectures, diversity, space-time block codes, and
`V—BLAST, and keyhole channels
`Chapter 7: Wireless telephone network standards, wireless data network stan-
`dards, and IEEE 801.11 MAC
`1.2 Appendices
`To provide supplementary material for the book, nine appendices are included:
`0 Fourier theory
`0 Bessel functions
`0 Random variables and random processes
`- Matched filters
`0 Error function
`0 Maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) decoding
`0 Capacity of MIMO links
`- Eigendecornposition
`- Adaptive antenna array
`The inclusion of these appendices is intended to make the book essentially self—
`1.3 Other Features of the Book
`Each chapter includes “within-text” problems that are intended to help the reader
`develop an improved understanding of the issues being discussed in the text. “End-of—
`chapter” problems provide an abundance of additional problems, whose solutions will
`further help the reader develop a deeper understanding of the material covered in the
`pertinent chapter.
`Moreover, each chapter includes examples with detailed solutions covering dif-
`ferent aspects of the subject matter.
`“Notes and References” included at the end of the chapter provide explanatory
`notes, and they guide the reader to related references for further reading. All the ref-
`erences so made are assembled in the Bibliography placed at the end of the book.
`The "within-text" problems are provided with answers alongside the problems.
`The solutions to the additional "end-of-chapter" problems are assembled in the
`Instructor's Manual, copies of which are available to qualified instructors. Contact
`your Pearson Prentice Hall representative.
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`The MATLAB codes used to plot results of the experiments and the graphs in
`the book are also included in the Instructor's Manual. M files are available on the
`Companion Website at
`Electronic copies in JPG format of selected figures from the book can also be accessed
`on the website. This material can be used for PowerPointTM presentations of lectures
`based on the book.
`We are indebted to many colleagues for background material and insightful inputs,
`which, in one way or another, have helped us write certain parts of the book. In this
`context, the inputs of the following contributors (in alphabetical order) are gratefully
`Dr. Claude Berrou, ENST Bretagne, Brest, France
`Dr. Stewart Crozier, Communications Research Centre, Ottawa, Ontario
`Dr. Suhas Diggavi, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne,
`Dr. David Gesbert, University of 0510, Sweden
`Dr. Lajos Hanzo, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
`Dr. John Lodge, Communications Research Centre, Ottawa, Ontario
`Dr. Mathjni Sellathurai, Communications Research Centre, Ottawa, Ontario
`Dr. Abbas Yongacoglu, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
`Dr. Mansoor Shafi, Telecom, Wellington, New Zeaiand
`The critical inputs and recommendations made by several anonymous reviewers
`of early versions of the manuscript are deeply appreciated. They provided us with a
`great deal of food for thought.
`Moreover, we are grateful to Kris Huber, McMaster University, and Blair Simpson,
`Space-Time DSP Inc, for their assistance in generating many of the figures in the book.
`We thank the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. and the
`European Telecommunications Standards Institute, for giving us the permissions to
`produce certain figures in the book.
`We are particularly grateful to Tom Robbins, Craig Little, and the production
`staff at Prentice Hall, Pearson Education for their contributions, which, individually
`and collectively, have indeed made the production of the book possible.
`The continued support and encouragement of our respective wives, Nancy and
`Dianne, and our families were an essential ingredient in the completion of the book.
`We are grateful to them all.
`Last but by no means least, we are deeply grateful to Lola Brooks, McMaster
`University, for her tireless effort in all matters relating to the preparation and produc-
`tion of many different versions of the manuscript for the book.
`Ancaster, Ontario
`Ottawa, Ontario
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`You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very. very long cat. You pull his tail in New
`York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? Anal
`radio operates exactly the same way: you Send signals here, they receive them
`there. The only difference is that there is no car.
`Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
`The understanding of radio waves is fundamental to wireless communications, but sim-
`ply knowing that electromagnetic waves exist is a relatively recent historical event. In
`the short period since that time, there have been numerous milestones in the develop-
`ment of radio communications. Some of these milestones are the following:
`' In 1864, James Clerk Maxwell formulated the electromagnetic theory of light
`and predicted the existence of radio waves. In his honor, the set of equations basic
`to the propagation of electromagnetic waves is known as Maxwell’s equations.
`0 The physical existence of radio waves was first demonstrated by Heinrich Hertz
`in 1887.
`In 1894, building on the pioneering works of Maxwell and Hertz, Oliver Lodge
`demonstrated wireless communications, albeit over the relatively short distance
`of 150 meters.
`0 During the period from 1895 to 1901, Guglielmo Marconi developed an appara-
`tus for transmitting radio waves over longer distances, culminating in a trans-
`mission across the Atlantic Ocean on December 12, 1901, from Cornwall,
`England, to Signal Hill in Newfoundland, Canada. Similar work was being done
`by A.S. Popoff of Russia during this time period.
`0 In 1902, the first point-to-point radio link in the United States was established
`from California to Catalina Island. These first radio systems were often referred
`to as wireless telegraphy.
`In 1906, Reginald Fessenden made history by conducting the first radio broad-
`cast, transmitting music and voice using a technique that came to be known as
`amplitude modulation (AM) radio.
`In those early days, the military and merchant marine were quick to adapt wire-
`less techniques. Wireless communications is often given credit for saving over
`700 lives during the sinking of the Titanic in 1912.
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`Chapter 1
`- The early history of land-mobile wireless communication is a history of police
`pioneering. In 1921, the Detroit Police Department made the earliest significant
`use of wireless communications in a vehicle, operating a radio system at a carrier
`frequency close to 2 MHz. By 1934, 194 municipal and 58 state police forces were
`using AM radio for mobile voice communications.
`0 Parallel work performed on both sides of the Atlantic resulted in the first televi-
`sion broadcasts in 1927. Bell Labs demonstrated television broadcasts in the
`New York area, and John Baird made similar demonstrations in the United
`0 Spread spectrum techniques made their first appearance just before and during
`World War II. There were two applications in particular: encryption and ranging.
`Spread spectrum encryption techniques were often analog in nature with a
`noiselike signal multiplying a voice signal. The noise signal or information char-
`acterizing it was often sent on a separate channel to allow decryption at the
`In 1946, the first public mobile telephone systems were introduced in five Ameri-
`can cities.
`In 1947, the first microwave relay system consisting of seven towers connecting
`New York and Boston became operational. This relay system was capable of
`carrying 2400 simultaneous conversations between the two cities.
`In 1958, a new era in wireless communications was initiated with the launch of
`the SCORE (Signal Communication by Orbital Relay Equipment) satellite. This
`satellite had only the capacity of one voice channel, but its success initiated the
`start of a new area of radio communications.
`In 1981, the first analog cellular system, known as the Nordic Mobile Telephone
`(NMT), was introduced in Scandinavia. This was soon followed by the Advanced
`Mobile Phone Service (AMPS) in North America in 1983.
`In 1988, the first digital cellular system was introduced into Europe. It was
`known as the Global System for Mobile (GSM) Communications. Originally
`intended to provide a pan-European standard to replace the myriad of incom-
`patible analog systems in operation at the time, GSM was soon followed by the
`North American 18-54 digital standard.
`These are just a few of the accomplishments in wireless communications over the past
`150 years. Today, wireless devices are everywhere. Cellular telephones are common-
`place. Satellites broadcast television direct to the home. Offices are replacing Ethernet
`cables with wireless networks. The introduction of these wireless services has
`increased the mobility and service area for many existing applications and numerous
`unthought-of applications. Wireless is a growing area of public networks and it plays
`an equally important role in private and dedicated communications systems. It is an
`exciting time in radio communications.
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`Section 1.2 Communication Systems
`Today’s public communications networks are complicated systems. Networks such as
`the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and the Internet provide seamless con-
`nections between cities, across oceans, and between different countries, languages, and
`cultures. Wireless is only one component of these complex systems, but there are three
`areas or layers where it can affect the design of such systems:
`1. Physical layer. This layer provides the physical mechanism for transmitting bits
`(i.e., binary digits) between any pair of nodes. In wireless systems, it performs the
`modulation and demodulation of the electromagnetic waves used for transmis-
`sion, and it includes the transmission medium as well. The module for perform-
`ing modulation and demodulation is often called a modem.
`2. Data-link layer. Wireless links can often be unreliable. One purpose of the data-
`link layer is to perform error correction or detection, although this function is
`shared with the physical layer. Often, the data-link layer will retransmit packets
`that are received in error but, for some applications, it discards them. This layer
`is also responsible for the way in which different users share the transmission
`medium. In wireless systems, the transmission medium is the radio spectrum. A
`portion of the data-link layer called the Medium Access Control (MAC) sublayer
`is responsible for allowing frames to be sent over the shared media without
`undue interference with other nodes. This aspect is referred to as multiple-access
`3. Network layer. This layer has several functions, one of which is to determine the
`routing of the information, to get it from the source to its ultimate destination. A
`second function is to determine the quality of service. A third function is flow
`control, to ensure that the network does not become congested. Wireless sys-
`tems, in which some of the nodes can be mobile, place greater demands on the
`network layer, since the associations among nodes are continually changing.
`These are three layers of a seven-layer model for the functions that occur in the com-
`munications process. The mode] is called the open system interconnection (OSI) refer-
`ence model1 and we will discuss it in greater detail later in the book. The physical
`layer is the lowest layer of this model and is the one directly connected to the trans-
`mission medium. Higher layers are proportionately less affected by the transmission
`The book will concentrate mainly on the physical and data-link layers. We will
`finish by illustrating how these are integrated with wireless networks.

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