`Constant-Factor Redundant CORDIC
`for Angle Calculation and Rotation
`Jeong-A Lee, Member, IEEE, and Tomas Lang
`Abstraci— We develop a Constant-Factor Redundant-CORDIC
`(CFR-CORDIC) scheme, where the scale factor is forced to be
`constant while computing an angle for plane rotations. The di-
`rection of rotation is determined from an estimate of the sign and
`convergence is assured by suitably placed correcting iterations.
`Moreover, the number of iterations in the CORDIC rotation
`unit is reduced by about 25% by expressing the direction of the
`rotation in radix-2 and radix-4, and conversion to conventional
`representation is done on-the-fly. We estimate the performance of
`CFR-CORDIC and compare it with previously proposed schemes
`and show thatit provides a similar execution time as redundant
`CORDICwith a variable scaling factor, with a significant saving
`in area.
`Index Terms— Angle calculation and rotation, constant scale
`factor, CORDIC, digital signal processing, matrix computations,
`matrix triangularization, redundant arithmetic.
`ODERN digital signal processing requires the solution
`of systems of linear equations and the computation of
`eigenvalues, eigenvectors, singular values, and singular vectors
`(1]. Basic algorithms for these computations are matrix trian-
`gularization and singular value decomposition [2]. Since these
`applications are computationally intensive and require real-
`time response, parallel algorithms and pipelined and parallel
`architectures have been proposed to achieve high throughput
`(3]-[7]. In particular, linear, triangular, and mesh-connected
`arrays are very suitable because these matrix algorithms can
`be effectively mapped onto these arrays [8], [3], [5]. The key
`operations of these parallel algorithms are the computation of
`2 x 2 rotation matrices (rotation angles) and their application
`to appropriate submatrices. The rotation angle is computed
`in boundary or diagonal processors and broadcast
`to other
`processors wherethe rotations are performed. One calculation
`approach is to compute the sine and cosine of the angle
`(by means of a sequence of operations involving squaring,
`addition, multiplication, square root, and division) and then
`Manuscript received November 1, 1991; revised February 18, 1992. This
`work was done while the authors were at the Computer Science Department,
`U.C.L.A., and was supported in part by the NSF Grant MIP-8813340
`Composite Operations Using On-Line Arithmetic for Application-Specific Par-
`allel Architectures: Algorithms, Design, and Experimental Studies. Based on
`“Matrix Triangularization by Fixed-Point Redundant CORDIC with a Constant
`Scale Factor” by J. Lee and T. Lang which appeared in Proceedings of SPIE
`Conference on Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and
`Implementation, vol. 1348, pp. 430-447, San Diego, CA, July 1990.
`J. Lee is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
`Houston, Houston, TX 77204-4793,
`T. Lang is with the Computer Architecture Department, Universitat Politec-
`nica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain,
`[EEE Log Numbver 9201909,
`to perform the rotations by multiplications and additions. The
`main drawback of this approach is that the angle calculation
`requires a long sequence of operations resulting in a large
`number of modules and a long execution time.
`Another approach is to use the CORDIC algorithm [9],
`[10], which is utilized directly both to calculate the angle
`and to perform the rotations.
`[1 is characterized by its simple
`and regular architecture, which mainly consists of shifters and
`adders and is, therefore, well suited for VLSI implementation
`The CORDICalgorithm is relatively slow because each
`iteration requires an addition. A solution is to use a redundant
`number representation (for example, carry-save or signed-
`digit) to achieve carry-free addition. This can be applied di-
`rectly to the rotation mode; however,for the angle-calculation
`mode it
`is necessary to detect
`the sign of the redundant
`representation, which is slow. In a sequential implementation
`of CORDIC,this sign detection can be done in parallel with
`the variable shifting. On the other hand,
`in an unfolded
`implementation the variable shifters are replaced by wired
`connections, resulting in lower delay (and a higher throughput
`if the implementation is pipelined). In such a case, the sign
`detection is in the critical path and degrades the performance.
`In [14] a scheme was developed, similar to what has been
`standard for other recurrences such as division and square
`root, in which an estimate of the sign is used. This approach
`produces a significant speedup for matrix computations but
`complicates the scaling required for rotation.
`In this paper we develop a Constant-Factor Redundant-
`CORDIC (CFR-CORDIC) scheme for the angle calculation
`and rotation application. The scale factor
`is forced to be
`constant while computing the angles, so that the scaling for
`the associated rotations is performed as in the nonredundant
`CORDIC case. The approach, which is based on sign esti-
`mation and additional iterations to assure convergence,
`is an
`extension of that proposed in [15] for the calculation of sine
`and casine. The angle calculation and rotation application is
`more complicated because the sign estimation is affected by
`the interdependence of the two CORDIC recurrence equations
`and because of the scaling required in the rotation.
`We also propose a scheme to reduce by about 25% the
`number of iterations in the CORDIC rotation unit. This is
`achieved by expressing the direction of rotation in radix-2 and
`radix-4 (this can be used in both nonredundant and redundant
`CORDIC). Moreover, the transformation of the rotated output
`into nonredundant representation is done on-the-fly during
`the iterations, using an cxtension of the approach presented
`9018-9340/92$03.00 © 1992 IEEE
`Page 1 of 10
`Page 1 of 10


`in [16]. The method here is more complex because of the
`iteration structure of the rotation. Finally, we discuss tradeoffs
`in the implementation, evaluate an estimate of performance
`and compare with previously proposed schemes. For matrix
`triangularization, we estimate that the execution time is similar
`to that of redundant CORDIC with variable scale factor, at
`significant savings in area.
`rotated vector
`Rotation unit
`©, dr)
`(X and ¥ rec.)
`Fig. 1. General architecture for matrix computations with CORDIC.
`the following CORDICscaling operation is
`(X,.|0]. ¥,[0]),
`necessary, where (x®y") is the rotated vector.
`(nonredundant) and
`We briefly review the conventional
`redundant CORDIC schemes [10], [14] to compute an angle
`x -t Xn} where
`and perform rotations.
`y® K|Y-(n]
`n-1 a
`A. Nonredundant CORDIC
`K = [J t/cosoi2™) = [] fi +022. ©)
`Angle calculation(vectoring mode): The
`tan~!(Y¥, [0]/Xq{0]) in n-bit precision is obtained from Z,.[n}
`using the following recurrence equations with Z,(0] = 0.
`Xali + 1) = X,[i] + 027° Yai)
`Y, [i + 1] = Y, {i} — 427° X,[i]
`Zq'i +1) = Z,[i] + 0; tan71(27*)
`is assumed positive and the direction of the
`where X,[0]
`rotation is obtained as
`| =1
`if Y,{i] > 0
`if Y,{i] <0.
`Rotation(rotating-mode): To perform a plane rotation on
`the input vector (X,.(0], ¥,[0}) by an angle (@ = Z,{0]), the
`following recurrence equations are used:
`X,fi+ UY = X,[i] + oi27°Y, [i]
`¥,[¢ + 1] = ¥,{¢] — 27° X, {9
`Z,{i + 1) = Z,[2] + o; tan71(27*)
`i +1
`if Z,[i) > 0
`if Z,[i] <0.
`The recurrence equations are the same for both angle and
`rotation modes.
`Rotation with angle in decomposed form: Note that for an
`application in which an angle is calculated by the vectoring
`mode andthenthis angle is used for rotation, it is not necessary
`to implement
`the Z recurrences in any of the two modes,
`since the angle can be used in its o-decomposed form. This
`is the type of application we have in mind, so that we do not
`include the Z recurrences in the sequel and the o for rotationis
`obtained from the angle calculation. The general architecture
`of these applications is shown in Fig.1.
`In both operation modes, the iteration time corresponds to
`the delay of the variable shifter plus the delay of the adder.
`If the recurrences are unfolded, the variable shifter is replaced
`by wiring, which reduces the iteration time to the delay of
`the adder. Moreover,
`the unfolded implementation can be
`pipelined to increase the throughput.
`Scaling: Since the CORDIC rotation changes the length of
`the vector,
`to maintain the same length of the input vector
`Page 2 of 10
`Note that K is constant for nonredundant CORDIC since
`o? = 1 for all
`The scaling operation can be done by multiplication by
`1/K. However, as proposed in [17]-[19] it might be simpler
`to include scaling iterations of the form X,[i] — X,|[i] +
`2-4X, [i and Y,{i) — Y,[‘] + 2-4Y¥,(2] and repetitions of
`CORDICiterations to make the scaling factor equal to a power
`of two (really 1 or 2) and perform the scaling by shifting.
`For an efficient
`the total number of these
`additional iterations need to be minimized; solutions have been
`found that require about 25% moreiterations to force K to be
`2 or
`B. Redundant CORDIC
`To reduce theiteration time,it is possible to use a redundant
`representation (for example carry-save or signed-digit) and
`the corresponding (carry-free) adder. In the developmentthat
`follows we consider
`the signed-digit case;
`the carry-save
`alternative is similar, We now discuss the effect that the use
`of the redundant representation has on the angle computation
`and on the rotation.
`Angle computation: To compute a from the redundant
`representation, a sign detection is required, which is slow;
`in a sequential (not unfolded) implementation this
`sign detection is not
`in the critical path since it can be
`performed in parallel with the variable shifter. On the other
`hand, for an unfolded implementation, since the shifters are
`the delay of this sign detection determines the
`iteration time. In [14] a scheme was proposed that computes 6;
`based on an estimate ofY{i]. This requires the modification of
`the recurrence and selection function to determine the direction
`of rotation. By making Wi] = 2'Y,[7] we get from (1),
`X,fi +1) = X,[i] + e277 Whi]
`Wi +1] = {WT[i] - 6X,(i).
`The value of &; is obtained from Wi], an estimate produced
`by truncating W’{i} to one fractional (signed) bit. It is shown in
`[14] that to assure convergence the value of a; has to belong
`Page 2 of 10


`to the set {—1,0,1} and
`if WE > 5
`if Wii] =0
`-1 if W[i) <-3
`where X,(0] and ¥,(0] (W[0}) are fractional values, one of
`them is normalized, and X,[0] > 0. With these conditions, a
`normalized X,(1] is obtained, that is, 1/2 < Xq[1] < 2.
`Rotation: Redundant adders can be used for the iterations.
`No ¢ is calculated since it is obtained from the angle calcu-
`Scaling: The same scaling operation for rotation as in
`nonredundant CORDIC has to be performed. However,
`this redundant CORDIC approach,
`the scale factor K is
`not a constant as G;
`{—1,0,1}. Therefore, K must be
`computed for each G-decomposed angle. This calculation can
`be performed in two steps [14]: 1) K? computation using
`Plj +1) = Plj]+|é;|2~-~ Ply] with initial condition P[0| = 1
`and 2) K = VP. The K computation can be overlapped with
`the angle computation, so it does not increase the computation
`time. However, a division operation is needed for the final
`scaling operation.
`It was estimated that this scheme produces a speedup of 4.5
`for matrix triangularization and of 4 for SVD, when compared
`with the nonredundant scheme [14].
`To reduce the implementation cost of redundant CORDIC,
`especially for the scale factor calculation and the scaling
`there is a need to develop a redundant CORDIC
`scheme with a constant scale factor. This is achieved if & is
`restricted to the set {—1,1}. However, since to eliminate the
`delay of exact sign detection, & is obtained from an estimate
`of Y,{i], this does not assure convergence. We now discuss
`how to modify the scheme to assure convergence, first in the
`calculation of the sine and cosine functions (a review of a
`schemeproposedin [15]) and then in angle calculation/rotation
`mode (a new scheme).
`B. Angle Calculation/Rotation
`In the case of angle calculation, the problem of having a
`constantscale factor is more complicated becausethe direction
`of the rotation is obtained from an estimate of Y,,[#] and it is
`necessary to deal with the inter-dependency of the recurrences
`of X and Y. To use the estimate effectively, we utilize the
`modified recurrences of expressions (6). However, to achieve a
`constantscaling factor, instead of the G-selection of expression
`(7), we use
`. {!=
`if W[i] > 0
`if W[i] <0
`where Wii] is an estimate obtained by truncating the signed-
`digit representation of W [i] to the th fractionalbit. As before,
`this requires X,(1] > 1/2, which is achieved in the same
`The use of this a selection does not assure convergence
`because Wi] can attain values outside the bound required
`for convergence. We now compute the convergence bound,
`determine the amount by which W’[i] can surpass this bound
`because of the 6-selection used, and show how correcting
`iterations can restore the bound.
`Theorem 3.1 (Bound): When the direction of the angle o;
`is obtained using the exact sign, that is,
`a 1
`if W[i] >0
`if Wii] <0
`W [i] is bounded as follows [14]:
`|W [i] < 2X [i].
`Proof: Since o;_, is determined by the sign of W[i— 1],
`the largest magnitude of W[:] is obtained when W[i — 1] = 0
`(o;-1 = 1) in
`W(t] = 2(Wit — 1] - o31X[i - 1).
`A. Sine and Cosine Calculations
`|W [i] < 2X [i - 1].
`In [15] a correcting iteration scheme is used to have a
`constant scale factor when redundant CORDIC computes
`the cosine and sine functions. For these computations,
`recurrences (3) are used and a; is obtained as in (4), except
`that an estimate of 27] is utilized. Because of this estimate,
`to assure convergenceit is necessary to repeat someiterations,
`called correcting iterations. These repetitions are done at fixed
`intervals, where the frequency of repetition depends on the
`precision of the estimate.
`This approach could be directly extended to perform ro-
`tations by decomposing the given angle. However,
`is not
`directly applicable when the angle is computed as tan !(a/b)
`and this angle is used in decomposed form for the rotations.
`We develop the required modifications now.
`As shownin [21], X[é] < X{i+ 1] for all 7. Thus,
`|W fi]| < 2X fi -— 1] < 2X (i.
`Fig. 2 shows the bound of Theorem 3.1. This bound cannot be
`maintained with the selection function of the CFR-CORDIC
`scheme [expression (8)], as shown by the following lemma.
`Lewmma 3.1: Assume that W[p] satisfies the bound of
`Theorem 3.1,
`is |W[p]| < 2X[p]. If Gp is determined
`from W [p] where W[p] is computed using ¢ fractional bits of
`W |p], then W[p+ 1] satisfies the new bound
`-2X [p+ 1) -2*27(1+277) < W[pt1] < 2X[p+ ll.
`Page 3 of 10
`Page 3 of 10


`-2X[i) -2X[i-1)
`Fig. 2. Convergence bound.
`Proof: Three regions of Wp] need to be considered.
`Case a): W[p] > 0 (Gp = 1).
`In signed-digit number system, if W[p] > 0 then W'{p] > 0,
`since W{p] is computed using t fractional bits of W[p]. Thus,
`Gp = Op = 1. From Theorem 3.1,
`|W [p + 1]| < 2X[p + 1).
`Case b): W[p] = 0 (Gp = 1).
`If W[p] = 0 then —2-' < W[p] < 27! We divide this region
`into two. In the first, when —27' < W[p] < 0, ap = —1 (not
`equal to 4). From the recurrence,
`Wip + 1] = 2(W[p] — X[p))
`Xp +1) = X[p] + 277? WiIp].
`2W[p] — 2(X [p + 1] — 2-7PW[p])
`= —2X [p+ 1] + 2W[p](1 + 277?)
`and for the most negative value of W[p|
`W[p +1] > -2X [p+ 1] —2+27*(1+ 2777).
`On the other hand, when 0 < W{p] < 27! then o, = 6, = 1.
`Thus, from Theorem 3.1,
`|W[p + 1]| < 2X[p + 1].
`Case c): W[p] < 0
`Similar to case a), 6, = o, = —1. Thus, from the Theorem
`|W[p + 1]| < 2X[p + 1].
`From a), b), and c), the proof is done.
`is out of the bound
`Fig. 3 shows the case when Wp + 1]
`due to the use of an estimate, W[p]. Once W[#]
`is outside
`of the bound required for convergence, the amount outside of
`the bound accumulates in the following iterations, as shown
`in the following lemma.
`Lemma 3.2:
`If —2X[p+1]—2+#27'(14+277?) < W[p+1l] <
`~2X [p + 1],
`then the bound of iteration W[p + k] where
`k = {2,3,---} becomes
`—2X [p+ k] — 2*-#(1 4277?) < Wi[p + k] < -2X[p +k).
`Proof by induction:
`1) Basis condition for k = 2,
`Since —2X[p + 1] — 2% 27'(1+4+2°-) < Wp+l<
`—2X[p + 1], we obtain W{p + 1] < 0. Thus, 6,4; = -1.
`From the lower bound and the recurrence, we have
`W[p + 2] > 2(-2X[p + 1] -—2*27'(14+277") + X[p + 1])
`W[p + 2] > 2(—X[p + 2] - 2-7"*) Wp + 1]
`W[p + 2] > -2X [p + 2] — 2?-*(1 +277”).
`Page 4 of 10
`27P+! wip}
` at
`-2X[p+1] 2 0
`Fig. 3. Out of the bound due to the use of an estimate.
`From the upper bound and the recurrence we have
`Wp + 2] < 2(-2X[p + 1] + X[p + 1]) = 2(-Alp + 1)
`W[p +2] < 2(—X[p + 2] - 2-2°* Ow p + 1)
`< -2X [p+ 2).
`—2X [p+ 2) -2?-*(1 +277?) < W[pt 2] < —2X[p + 2].
`2) Induction step. Assume that it is true when & = 2 and
`prove that it is true when k = 7+ 1.
`By assumption,
`—2X [p+ i] — 2°-*(1 4.2777) < W[p+i] < -2X[p+i.
`Therefore, W[p +i] < 0 and 6,4; = —1. From lower bound
`of assumption and from recurrence,
`W[p +it1] > 2(-2X[p + i] — 2'-'(1 4277”) + X[p + 4)
`W([p+it i) > 2(-X[p+it1]-27°@OW[p+ ij
`— 2'-*(1 4.27)
`W[p+itl1) > —2X[p+it 1j—2't-(1 4277).
`From upper bound of assumption and from recurrence,
`W[p+it1] <2(-2X[p+i] + X[p+ i]) = 2(-X |p + @))
`W[p+it1] <2(-X[p+it 1] — 2-779 Wip + i)
`< -2X[p+i+l1].
`~2X[p+i+ 1j)—2°t'-*(1 42-7?)
`<W[p+itl) <-2X[pt+it+l).
`Therefore, from 1) and 2), the proof is done.
`Fig. 4 shows the bound of W[p + 2]
`to explain how the
`amount outside of the bound accumulates once W|[p+ 1]
`out of the bound.
`To recoverthe original bound of |W[i+ 1]| < 2X[¢+ l], a
`correcting iteration needs to be performed. The sameangle of
`the previous iteration is used for the correcting iteration,i.e.,
`2—instead of 2-“+) is used with Y [i + 1] as shown below.
`Xofi+ 1] = Xfi 4+ 1] 4682 °Y E+ 1]
`YCfi+ 1) =Y¥fi+1) —6027' Xfi + 1].
`The corresponding shifted recurrence becomes
`X°[i+ 1) = X[i4+ 1) 4 6027-7 Whi + YJ
`Wi 4+ 1] = Wii 4 1] — 26Xfi + YY.
`Page 4 of 10


`é = { 1
`if Whi] >0
`-1 if Wii] <0.
`Page 5 of 10
` 2X[p+2]
`Fig. 4. Accumulating the amount outside of the bound.
`The direction of the angle ¢© is determined from W{i + 1}
`instead of Wi]. However, notice that
`the same selection
`function in (8) is used for this iteration. Fig. 5 shows the case
`where a correcting iteration recovers the bound of Theorem
`3.1. The next theorem determines the frequency of correcting
`iterations required.
`|W[p]} < 2X[p| and the di-
`Theorem 3.2: Assume that
`rection of the angle, 6,+%,
`is determined from the estimate
`W[p +4]forall k. If ¢ fractional bits are used in the estimate,
`then a maximum of ¢ — 1
`iterations can be done before a
`correcting iteration to recover the convergence bound.
`Proof: Let us assumethat & iterations are performed after
`the pth iteration. From Lemma3.2, the bound of W[p + k]is
`expanded as follows due to the use of estimate
`—2X(p+ kj —2*-"(1 4.277?) < W[p tk] < 2X[p+ &].
`If |Wip + &]| < 2X[p + &],
`then it satisfies the bound of
`Theorem 3.1 and a correcting iteration is not needed to recover
`the bound.
`Since we are interested in finding out how many iterations
`can be performed before recovering the bound bya correcting
`iteration, we need to consider the case when W[p + kj is in
`the following range:
`~2NX[p + kj] — 2*-*(1 4.2777) < Wp +k] < —2X[p+ kj.
`In this case, 7,4, = ~1 since W[p+ k] < 0. By applying the
`correcting iteration, W[p + k] becomes
`W°[p+ k] = W[p + k] + 2X[p +k] > -2*-"1 427-7),
`To recover the bound of Theorem 3.1, we need to find k
`satisfying the following inequality,
`| — 2*-*(1 4.27?P)| < 2X [p + kj.
`2X[p + k]
`(1+ 2-2P).
`Fig. 5. Recovering the convergence bound by a correcting iteration.
`Thus, the largest integer & becomes ¢ — 1.
`As indicated by Theorem 3.2, a correcting iteration puts W”
`inside the convergence bound,if it was outside of the bound
`before this iteration. However, as shown in the next lemma,
`this correcting iteration might take Wout of the bound ifit
`was inside the bound before.
`Lemma 3.3:
`If |W[i+ 1)| < 2X [i + 1), the boundafter a
`correcting iteration
`WCli+ 1] = Wii + 1] - 26F X[i + 1]
`~2-' 2X [i+ 1] < Woe + 1) < 2X [i+ 2.
`Proof: The proof is very similar to that of Lemma 3.1
`and is omitted.
`From Lemma3.2, Theorem 3.2, and Lemma 3.3, we obtain
`the following corollary.
`Corollary 3.1: If ¢ fractional bits are used for the estimate,
`then the interval between correcting iterations should be less
`than or equalto (t — 2).
`The fact that a correcting iteration does not have to be
`included exactly every (t—2) iterations provides flexibility and
`helps to minimize the numberof additional iterations required
`to avoid an explicit scaling operation. Also, note that
`possible to repeat a correcting iteration more than once ifit
`helps to minimize the total numberof iterations for a certain
`K. This additional correcting iterations should not be counted
`as one of the iterations of CORDIC when determining the
`index of the next correcting iteration.
`Since the frequency of correcting iterations is determined by
`t, to reduce their numberit is necessary to increase f. However,
`this makes the @ selection slower. Consequently, the value of
`t has to be chosen to reduce the overall execution time.
`C. Reducing the Number of Correcting Iterations
`From the previous discussion we can determine the mini-
`mum number ofcorrecting iterations required. We now show
`that it is sufficient to have only one correcting iteration in the
`second half, if for that part the a-selection of expression (7)
`is used. That is, we split the iterations of CORDIC (for i = 0
`to i = n — 1) into two groups as follows:
`1) Selection function for 0 < i < n/2
`The value of & is determined by considering the smallest
`possible value of the right-hand side. For this, we consider the
`smallest value of 2X [p+ k] and the largest of (1+ 27"), ie.,
`we should consider the smallest value of p. Since we assume
`that the input W’{0] is in conventional numberrepresentation,
`the direction of the angle Gp is correct, regardless of the use
`of an estimate. Thus, the smallest p to consider is 1. Now we
`want to determine the smallest value of X[p+ &l. In [22] it is
`As shownearlier, correcting iterations must be included for
`shownthat the smallest value of X[p+ k] is 3/8. Therefore,
`convergence for
`this group and the number of fractional
`log Gem log?
`bits used for W(] determines the frequency of correcting
`kat ORE)5OBS
`log 2
`log 2
`Page 5 of 10


`2) Selection function for n[2 <i <n
`Utilizing the fact that the value of AK in n-bit precision is not
`affected by a; for n/2 < i < (nm — 1), the selection function
`of redundant CORDIC (with a variable scale factor) shown
`in (7) is used for the second group. This assures convergence
`without correcting iterations; however, we need to include one
`additional correcting iteration (independentof n) since the last
`correcting iteration of the first group might fall into the case
`of Lemma 3.3.
`D, Making Scale Factor a Power of Two
`Sincethe scale factor is a constant,it is possible to utilize the
`same methods for scaling used for the conventional CORDIC
`algorithm. As mentioned before, the most effective method is
`to use additional iterations (CORDIC and scaling) to make
`the scale factor
`a power of two,
`since in that case the
`scaling can be done by shifting, which is implemented by
`wiring. As in the conventional case, the issue is to minimize
`the number of additional iterations; however, the problem is
`somewhat more complex because of the correcting iterations.
`As indicated in the previous section, there is some freedom in
`the placement of these iterations; therefore, the problem is to
`obtain the minimum numberof iterations with the correcting
`iterations suitably placed. We developed an efficient method
`of exhaustive search, called decomposed search, to reduce the
`searching time from T to VT [22]. For the case in which
`six fractional bits are used in the estimate,
`the number of
`additional iterations for 16-bit and 32-bit precision is shown
`in Table I. The corresponding scale factor is equal to two.
`The additional iterations require an increase in the number
`of guardbits since this number should be at least log m, where
`mis the numberof iterations. For the solutions shown in the
`Table I, we get five guard bits for the 16-bit case and six
`guard bits for the 32-bit one.
`We now describe a method for reducing the numberofiter-
`ations for rotation, which can be applied both to nonredundant
`and redundant CORDIC. Moreover, we develop a scheme for
`performing the conversion of the result from redundant
`2’s complement in an on-the-fly manner. This scheme was
`not necessary for the redundant CORDIC with variable scale
`factor, since the on-the-fly conversion can be done during the
`division for scale factor correction.
`A. Radix-2 and Radix-4 Iterations for Rotation
`To speed up the CORDIC rotation, we propose a scheme
`that reduces the last n/2 iterations to n/4 by the use of radix-
`4 rotations. One possibility would be to directly decompose
`the angle into radix-4 o’s; however, that would complicate
`significantly the selection function. Consequently, we continue
`No. of
`Additional CORDIC
`4, 8,9
`4, 8, 9, 11, 15, 17
`Scaling tierations
`+2, +10, —5
`+2, +10, +17, —5, —22, -28
`No. of
`decomposing the angle into radix-2 a’s and combine these to
`form a radix-4 rotation. This can be easily done only when
`tan7!(2-*) = 27* for the required precision. Moreover,
`order not to change the scaling factor, this should be done
`only for i > n/2. The following theorem showsthat this is
`satisfied for i > n/2.
`Theorem 4.1: Let mbe the total number ofiterations. Then,
`Viena(27! -— tan71(2™")) < 2-(ntles™) form < 2"/?.
`Proof: Theseries expansion for tan x where|x| < 1is
`: egt
`=@-—+ > -5t
`3 + 5
`e-tanta2=—- +3 a
`For « = 27%,
`2-* tan"! Q7*=
`—-—— tid
`So (27% = tan *(2-)) < 2PM $2 HE He)
`< 45-150 < g—(n+log m) |
`Consequently, a sufficient condition is
`m< 2,
`Therefore, when 7 > 5, a rotation (iteration) with an angle
`6; = o; tan! 2—* can be regarded asan iteration with an angle
`g,27', so that two consecutive iterations can be expressed with
`one radix-4 direction of rotation since
`6; + Gig, = 0:27" + 054127) = (20; + 054 ,)27°0Y,
`The set of values of (20; + 0:41) is {43, +1} if o € {41}
`and {+3,+2,+1,0} if o €
`{+1,0}. To avoid multiplica-
`tion by +3, we developed recoding schemes into the set
`{£2,+1,0} [22].
`One problem that appears with this reduction in the number
`of iteration in the rotation,
`is the imbalance between the
`number of iterations of angle calculation (all radix-2) and
`of rotation (radix-2 and radix-4). Moreover, to perform the
`radix-4 rotations it
`is necessary to have performed already
`the first of the pair of radix-2 angle iterations. Fortunately,
`the scaling iterations for making the scale factor a power of
`two have to be done only for the rotation (and not for the
`angle). Consequently, if these scaling iterations are done at the
`beginning together with the first half of the angle iterations,
`Page 6 of 10
`Page 6 of 10


`it is possible to match the timing. To achieve this match, a
`solution with a suitable number of scaling iterations should
`be selected.
`Review of the on-the-fly conversion scheme presented in
`[16]: Consider a unit (such as SRT division) which produces
`a signed-digit result (we describe the radix-2 case)
`P= So po",
`pi € {-1,0,1}
`one digit per iteration beginning from the most significant.
`Then P can be converted on-the-fly into its 2’s complement
`Q=-qt+ So a2™,
`gi € {0.1}.
`The final result Q = Alm].
`On-the-fly conversion scheme for redundant rotation: For
`CORDIC rotation both X and Y have to be converted; here
`we describe the conversion of X only since the other one is
`similar. The previous algorithm cannot be applied directly to
`B. On-the-Fly Conversion
`the CORDIC case because the result is not obtained one bit
`the rotation has to be
`In most
`instances the result of
`per iteration. However, as shown in Fig. 6,
`the conversion
`converted to conventional representation. For the scheme pre-
`schemeutilizes the fact that in the calculation of X[¢ + 1] the
`sented in [14], since the scale factor is variable this conversion
`operand¥[2] is shifted right by 7 positions. Consequently, the
`is done as part of the scaling operation (division) using the on-
`most-significant part can only be modified by a positive or
`the fly conversion method described in [16]. Since the explicit
`by a negative carry coming fromthe least-significant part. As
`scaling operation by division is avoided in CFR-CORDIC,
`shownin the figure, Xi} can be divided into three regions:
`there is a need to develop an on-the-fly scheme to convert
`the converted region of j bits (represented by two
`while the CORDIC rotation is performed. The property of
`conditional forms JZ] and AM[i] = Afi] — 27)
`after CORDIC which is the generation of approximately one
`2) the window #; corresponding to bits 7 + 1 to 7.
`bit of the output per iteration starting from most significant
`the region beginning from bit
`(¢ + 1), where the addi-
`bit, makes it possible to use a similar conversion scheme.
`tion/subtraction is performed. Note that the first 7 bits
`However,the fact that the output is not really produced in an
`of ¥[2] in this region are already converted.
`on-line manner(one bit periteration) [23] makes the scheme
`Since we want to select only between two conditional forms,
`more complex. Wefirst briefly review the conversion scheme
`we restrict the carryout of the window to be either 0 or minus
`presented in [16] and then present the adaptation for CORDIC
`1. The window A;
`is used to absorb the carry produced by
`the addition/subtraction so that only a minus I carry can cross
`into the first region.
`We now need to determine the numberofbits of the window
`F;. This dependson the set of values of 7. We have developed
`the three possible cases that appear in the rotation scheme
`described before, namely, 1) in radix-2, 2) in radix-4, and 3)
`repetition of two radix-2 stages [22]. Here we only discuss
`the radix-2 case.
`for the
`the Ath bit of X(t], with & = 1
`We call X;[7]
`most significant bit (similarly for Y[i]).
`In Fig. 6, dj2-@+D
`denotes the summation of the three operands, X;,1[7], 4,Y; [i],
`and a transfer digit from the next lower weight. Since 6;
`can be —1, 4;Y,[i] is a signed-bit. As a result, d; belongs
`to the set {-—3, —2,-1,0,1, 2,3} because the three operands
`are in {—1,0,1}. In one cycle of the conversion the following
`equality has to hold (see the figure):
`2* Ry +d; = (2* carryout + cb;) «2°84 Ri,
`The algorithm produces a converted digit q; as it obtains a
`signed-digit p, from most significant to least significant bit.
`The simple algorithm Q[k] = Q[k -1)+px2-* produces Q =
`Q{m);, however, when p, = —1, this requires the propagation
`ofa carry andis therefore slow. To avoid this propagation, the
`on-the-fly conversion algorithm keeps two conditional forms:
`A{k — 1] expecting p, = 1 or py = 0, and B[k — 1] expecting
`pe = —1, where Blk - 1) = Afk —1) — 2-0-9),
`The initial values of A[1] and B{1] are
`where carryout is either O or —1, which determines the choice
`of the conditional form A or AM, cb;
`{0,1} is the newly
`converted bit, and ndelay is the width of the window. The
`analysis shows that we need to delay at least three signed bits,
`resulting in the decision logic summarized in Table Il. On the
`other hand, as shown

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