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`2005 IEEE Wireless Communications
`and Networking Conference
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`2005 IEEE Wireless Communications
`and Networking Conference
`Volume 4 of4
`Broadband Wireless
`lur- lhe Masses.
`>> > steer fllll mule-err.
`13-47 MARCH 2005
`@IEEE Il‘lliElllll
`9, 50 CI E T Y
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`2005 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking
`Copyright (0 2005 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`All rights reserved.
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`Other copying, reprint, or reproduction requests should be addressed to:
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`Copyright ©2005 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`IEEE Catalog Number
`05TH8794 (sofibound)
`05TH8’794C (CD-ROM)
`ISBN 0-7803-8966-2(soflbound)
`0-7803-8967-0 (CD-ROM)
`ISSN 1525-3511
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`Volume 1
`PhylMAC Symposium
`PHY01: MIIIIIO-OFDM Signal Processing
`Training Signal Design for MIMO OFDM Channel Estimation in the Presence of Frequency Offsets ........................................................... 1
`Hlaing Minn (The University of Texas at Dallas, USA), Naor'al Al—Dhahir f The University of Texas at Dailas, USA)
`Frequency Offset Tracking for MIMO OFDM Systems Using Pilots _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ T
`Magnus Sandeil {Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, UK), Darren McNamara {Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, UK}, Steve Parker
`(Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, UK)
`Design of Optimal Pilot-Tones for Channel Estimation in MIMO—OFDM Systems ....................................................................................... 12
`Zhongshan Wu {Louisiana State University, USA}, .lianqiang He {Louisiana State University, USA), Guoxiang Gu (Louisiana
`State University, USA)
`Synchronization Algorithms for MIMO OFDM Systems................................................................................................................................ 18
`En Zhou {Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, China), )Gng Zhang (Beijing University of Posts &
`Telecommunications. China). Hui Zhao (Belling University ot‘Posts 8. Telecommunications. China). Wenbo Wang {Belting
`University of Posts & Telecommunications, China)
`Subspaoebased Noise Variance and SNR Estimation for OFDM Systems ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 23
`Xiaoclong Xv {Southeast University, PR. China), Ya Jing (Southeast University, PR. China), Xiaohu Yu {Southeast
`University, PR. China)
`OFDM Phase Noise Cancellation via Approximate Probabilistic Inference ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2T
`Darryl Dexu Lin (University of Toronto, Canada}, Yi Zhao {University of Toronto, Canada), Teng Joan Urn (University of
`Toronto, Canada)
`A Programmable Baseband Receiver Platform for WCDMAr‘OFDM Mobile Terminals ............................................................................... 33
`Lasse Harju (Tampere University of Technology. Finland}. Jari Nunni (Tampere University of Technaiagy. Finland)
`Techniques for Suppression of Intercarrier Interference in OFDM Systems ................................................................................................ 39
`Tieiun Wang {University of California, San Diego, USA), John G. Proaltis (University at California, San Diego, USA), James
`R. Zeidler {University of California, San Diego, USA)
`A New Mullicarrier Transceiver Based on the Discrete Cosine Transform .................................................................................................. 45
`NaofalAl—Dhahir (The University of Texas at Dallas, USA), Hiaing Minn {The University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
`AntennaSelective Transmit Diversity Technique for OFDM-based WLANs with Dual-Band Printed Antenna ........................................... 51
`ichira Seto (Toshiba Corporation, Japan), Talrahiro Selriguchi [Toshiba Corporation, Japan), Hidehiro Matsualra (Toshiba
`Corporation, Japan), Akihiro Tsrriirnura (Toshiba Corporation, Japan), Syuichi Seltine (Toshiba Corporation, Japan), Kazumi
`Sato (Toshiba Corporation, Japan), Hiroshi Yoshida (Toshiba Corporation, Japan), Minoru Namekata (Toshiba Corporahbn,
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`PHY04: 802.11 MAC I
`A Throughput Optimization and Transmitter Power Saving Algorithm for IEEE 802.11b Links ................................................................... 57
`Tianmin Ma {Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA). Chartes W. Bastian (Wrginia Polytechnic Institute anar
`State University, USA)
`Adaptive IEEE 802.11 DCF Scheme with Knowledge-based Backofi.......................................................................................................... 63
`Srikant Kuppa r!The University of Texas at Dallas, USA}, Ravi Pralrash {The University of Texas at Dallas, USA}
`Achieving Scalable Perfonnanoe in Large-Sale IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks _____________________________________________________________________________________ 69
`Chung Ng Ping {The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), Chang Liew Soung {The Chinese University otHong
`Kong, Hong Kong), Bin Jiang U (The Chinese University ofHong Kong, Hong Kong)
`Implementing a Low Power TDMA Protocol over 802.11 ............................................................................................................................. T5
`Jim Snow [Portland State University, USA), Wu—chi Feng (Portland State University, USA), Wu-chang Feng {Porfland State
`University, USA)
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`PHY05: 802.11 MAC |l
`PHYOS—t Why RTS-CTS Is Not Your ideal Wireless LAN Multiple Access Protocol ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 81
`Joéo Luis Sobrinho (institute de Telecomunicacoes, Portugal), Roland de Haan (institute de Telecomunicacoes, Portugal),
`Jose Manuel Brazio {institute de Telecomunicacfies, Portugal)
`PHY05-2 Macrodiversity Packet Combining for the IEEE 802.11a Uplink ................................................................................................................... 88
`Shi Cheng (West Virginia University, USA), Matthew C. Valenti (West Virginia University, USA)
`PHY05-3 Effects of Contention Window and Packet Size on the Energy Efficiency of Wireless Local Area Network ................................................ 94
`Xiaodong Wang {University of Cincinnati USA), Jun Yin (University of Cincinnati, USA), Dhan'na P. Agrawal {University of
`Cincinnati, USA)
`PHY05~4 Towards the Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11 in Multihop Ad Hoc Networks ___________________________________________________________________________________ 100
`Yawen Bamwski (Auburn University, USA), Saao‘ Biaz (Auburn University, USA), Prathima Agrawal {Auburn University, USA)
`PHYOS: 802.11 MAC lll
`PHYOfi-f Evaluation of Contention Free Bursting in IEEE 802.11e Wireless LANs .................................................................................................. 10?
`Atul Salhotra (Marvell Semiconductor. inc., USA), Ravi Narasirnhan (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA), Rahul
`Kopikare (Marvell Semiconductor, inc., USA)
`An Analytic Model for Infrastructure WLAN Capacity with Bidirectional Frame Aggregation __________________________________________________________________
`Changwen Liu {intel R&D, USA), Adrian P. Stephens llntel R&D, USA)
`A Link Adaptation Strategy for 003 Support in IEEE 802.11e-based WLANs ........................................................................................
`Matteo Bandinelli (University of Florence, ltaly), Francesco Chiti (University of Florence, ltaly), Romano Fantacci (University
`of Florence, ltaiyl. Daniele Tarchi (University ol Florence, ltaly), Gianluca Vannuccini (University of Florence, ltaly)
`Improving the Reliability of IEEE 302.11 Broadcast Scheme for Multirasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
`Jiawei Xie {Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Amitabha Das {Nanyang Technological University, Singapore),
`Sukumar Nandi (lndian institute of Technology, Guwahati, indie), Anil K. Gupta {Nanyang Technological Univerisihz,
`PHYOT: Wireless Transmission Enhancements
`PHY07-1 On the Advantages of Multihop Extensions to IEEE 802.11 Infrastructure Mode ______________________________________________________________________________________ 132
`Sathya Narayanan (Panasonic, USA), Pei Liu (Polytechnic University. USA), Shiveno'ra S. Fanwar (Polytechnic University,
`Energy Efficient Channel Coding Based on Position Awareness and Radio Link Budget Estimation ....................................................
`M. Fresia {University of Genoa, ltaly), A. lscre (University of Genoa, ltaly), F. Lavagetto (University of Genoa, ltaly)
`MEOW with CATS: Multimedia Extensions over Wireless with CTS-assisted Transmission Scheme ...................................................
`Martin Kappes (Avaye Labs, Germany), A. S. Krishnakurnar {Avaya Labs, USA), P. Krishnan {Avaya Labs, USA)
`Scheduling Algorithm Based on Sender Buffer Backlog for Real—Time Application in Mobile Packet Networks ___________________________________
`Hideyuki Koto (KDDl R&D Laboratories, inc., Japan), Masalri Fukushima (KDDl R610 Laboratories. inc., Japan). Shinichi
`Nomoto (KDDl R&D Laboratories, inc., Japan), Fumio Takahata (Waseda University, Japan)
`PHY08: CDMA Link Design
`PHY0871 Throughput Analysis of Multirate VSG CDMA Wireless Packet Communication Systems in Rayleigh Fading Environment ____________________ 158
`Pongsatorn Sedtheetom (The University of Manchester, UK), Khairi Ashour Hamdi (The Universityoi Manchester, UK)
`Serial Block Processing for Multicode WCDMA Frequency Domain Equalization __________________________________________________________________________________
`Daniele Lo iacono {S TMicroelectronics, ltaly), Ettore Messina (S TMicroelectronics, ltaly), Costantino Volpe
`(SWicroelectronics, italy), Arnaldo Spalvieri (Politecnico di Milano, italy)
`A Frequency-Domain Approach for Estimating Frequency Offset and Speed in 38 WCDMA Systems ................................................
`M. Karthilr {STMicroelecironics Singapore), Kwolt H. Li {Nanyang Tedtnological University, Singapore), Ser W. on
`(Silviicroelectronics, Singapore)
`A New Approach to Study the Effect of Carrier Frequency Offset on the BER Perfonnanoe of Asynchronous MC-CDMA Systems_______
`Xiaoyu Hu (institute for lntocomm Research, Singapore, national University of Singapore, Singapore), Yong Huat Chew
`(institute for lntooomrn Research, Singapore)
`PHYOQ—f Performance Evaluation of WCDMA High Speed Downlink Packet Acceslerequency Division Duplex Mode ________________________________________ 183
`Mahmoud H. lsmail (The University of Mississippi, USA), Mustaia M. Matalgah (The University of Mississippi, USA)
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`PHY09-2 Multihop Mobile Communications System using MC-CDNIA in Forward Links .......................................................................................... 189
`Takeo Ohseki (KDDI Rat) Laboratories. inc, Japan), Naotri Fuire {KDDI R&D Laboratories. inc. Japan}. Osamu Maeshirna
`(KDDi Riii) Laboratories, inc, Japan), Hisato iwai (KDDI R&D Laboratories, inc, Japan), Keizo Sugryama (KDDi R84)
`Laboratories, inc, Japan), Mitsuo Nohara (KDDi R&D Laboratories, inc, Japan)
`PHY09-3 Reverse Link Capacity of the WCDMA System Using High Altitude Platform Stations ............................................................................. 195
`Tee Chui Hung (Eiectronics and Teiecornmunications Research institute, Korea), Boo-Jun Ku {Eiectronics and
`Telecommunications Research institute, Korea), Jong-Min Partr {Eiectronics and Teiecornrnunications Research institute,
`Korea), DoSeoo Aim (Eiectronics and Teiecommunioations Research institute, Korea)
`PHYOEM Impacts of Imperfect Channel Estimation and Multipath Fading on Forward—Link Performance
`in CDMA Distributed Antenna Systems ...................................................................................................................................................... 201
`Pang Chen (Beiing University of Posts and Teiecommunicatrons, China), Weiiing Wu (Betting University of Posts and
`Teieoommunications, China)
`PHY10: CDMA ll
`PHY1tir1 Multicode CDMA Transmission over Timee‘iiarying Multipath Channels ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 206
`Yanxin Na (The University of Texas at Daiias, USA), Mohammad Saquib (The University of Texas at Daiias, USA), Giridhar
`Mandyam {Noiria Research Center, USA}
`PHY1iJ-2 Complete Analytical Framework for Throughput Calculation in WCDMA Downlink TDD Mode ................................................................ 212
`Mahmoud H. ismaii (The University of Mssissrppi, USA), Mustafa M. Mataigah {The University ofMississippi, USA)
`PHY1D—3 ReverseLink Performance Analysis in CDMA Distributed Antenna Systems ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 218
`Peng Chen (Saying University of Posts and Teiecommunications, China), WeHing Wu (Betting University of Posts and
`Teieoommunications, China)
`PHY1U—4 BER Performance of Multicarn'er Spread Spectrum Chip-Level Difierential Detection in Multipath Fading Channels .............................. 222
`Liiun Song (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. China). Youxi Tang {University of Eiectronic Science
`and Technoiogy of China, China), Shaoqian Li {University of Eiectronic Science and Technoiogy oi China. China)
`PHY11-1 Adaptive Soft-Input Soft-Output Multiuser Detection for Asynchronous Coded DS-CDMA Systems ........................................................ 227
`Wei Zhang {University of Ottawa, Canada), Ciaude D'Amours (University of Ottawa. Canada}, Abbas Yongacog'iiu (University
`of Ottawa, Canada}I
`PHY11-2 A Robust Linearly Constrained CMA for Adaptive Blind Multiuser Detection ............................................................................................. 233
`Ayman Einashar (MobiNii, Egypt), Said Einoubi (Aiexandria University, Egypt), Hamdi Eimikati (Mansoura University, Egypt)
`PHY11-3 DS-CDMA SIR Estimation with Bias Removal ............................................................................................................................................ 239
`Canneia Cozzo (Encsson Research, USA), GregoryE. Bottomiey (Ericsson Research, USA)
`PHY1 141 Effects of Noiseiike Ultrawideband Emissions on cdma2000 Fonvard Link Performance ________________________________________________________________________ 2411
`Martiynn P. eriieGreen (Noiria Research Center, USA), Peter Wang {Noiria Research Center, USA)
`PHY1 2-1 On the Spectral Efficiency of DS—CDMA with Higher Order Modulation in Presence of Fading ................................................................ 249
`Oiiver Prétor (Dresden University of Technoiogy. Germany), Gerhard P. Fettweis {Dresden University of Tecirnoiogy.
`PHY12—2 Delay and DOA Estimation for Chip-Asynchronous DS-CDMA Systems Using Reduced Rank SpaceLTirne Processing ....................... 255
`Chiao-Yao Chuang (University of Southern Caiitornia. USA), )Gaoii Yu (University of Southern Caiitornia, USA), C.-C. Jay Kuo
`{University of Southern Caiii‘omia, USA)
`PHY12—3 Efficient Minin'um Probability of Error Demodulation for DS-CDMA Systems ........................................................................................... 261
`Mohit Garg (indian institute of Technoiogy, Mumhai, india), Umesh D. Nimhnorirar {indian institute of Technology, Mumhai,
`indie), U. B. Desai (indian institute of Technoiogy, Mumbai, india), 8. N. Merchant iindian institute of Technoiogy, Mumbai,
`PHY13: Multiuser DS-CDMA
`PHY1 3-1
`Iterative Group Blind Multiuser Detection and Decoding for Asynchronous CDMA Systems .................................................................... 267
`Shahram Taiairoub (University of IMndsor, Canada), Bennam Shahrrava (University of Windsor, Canada)
`PHY13—2 Blind Adaptive Multiuser Detection for Periodically Time Varying Interference Suppression ..................................................................... 273
`James Whitehead {Eskom Group, South Africa}, Fambirai Tairawira (University of KwaZuiu—Natai, South Atrica)
`PHY13—3 LovaComplexity Performance Optimization for MIMO CDMA Systems ..................................................................................................... 280
`Chun-Hung Liu {The University of Texas at Austin. USA}
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`PHY13-4 A Novel Segment-Level MMSE-MUD Design for Rapidly Time-Varying Channel Conditions in TD-SCDMA Down-Lnk Channel ..........286
`Wan Lei (Encssan, China). Tomas Sundin {Ericsson AB. Sweden)
`PHY14: CDMA Systems
`PHY14—1 Signal Detection and Interference Cancellation for TD-SCDMA Downlink in Fast Time-Varying Environment ......................................... 291
`Yuhong Wang (STMicroelectmnics, Singapore), Ying-Chang Liang (insitute forint'ocomm Research, Singapore), Wing Sang
`Leon (institute for inlocornm Research, Singapore)
`Interference Whitening Receivers for Bandlimited DS-CDMA Systems in Nakagami Fading .................................................................... 297
`K. Sivanesan (University of Alberta, Canada), Norman C. Beauiieu (University ofAlberta, Canada)
`PHY14—3 Peak Power Reduction in SCS-MC-CDM System ...................................................................................................................................... 302
`Noboru lzuka {Japan Telecom, Japan), Atsushi Nagate (Japan Telecom, Japan), Hiroyoshi Masui (Japan Telecom, Japan),
`Temya Fugiii {Japan Telecom, Japan)
`PHY14—4 Diversity Combining Options for Spread Spectrum OFDM Systems in Frequency Selective Channels ____________________________________________________ 303
`Robert Novak (University of Alberta, Canada), Wl'l'Oid A. Krzymier'r {University of Alberta, Canada)
`PHY15: Iterative Multiuser Receivers
`PHY15—1 Design of TurbdMUD Receivers with Density Evolution in Overloaded CDMA Systems _________________________________________________________________________ 315
`Simone Morosi (University of Florence, ltaiy), Enrico Del Re {University of Florence, italy), Romano Fantacci {University of
`Florence, itabr), Angela Chiassai (University ofFlorence. ltaiy)
`PHY15—2 An Iterative Receiver for Layered Space-Time MIMO DS—CDMA Uplink Using Turbo Trellis-Coded Modulation ..................................... 320
`J. H. Jeong (The Pennsylvania State University. USA). M. Kavehrad (The Pennsylvania State University, USA)
`PHY15—3 Convergence Behavior of Iterative Turbo Multiuser Detection Algorithms ................................................................................................. 326
`Mandi Hedy'azi Mognari (University of Windsor, Canada), Belmam Shahrrava (University oi‘ Windsor, Canada)
`PHY15—4 Group-Blind Turbo Mulliuser Detection forCDMA Using a Gaussian Approximation ................................................................................ 333
`Mehdi Hedjazi Meghan (University of Windsor, Canada), Behnam Shahrrava (University at Windsor, Canada)
`PHY16: SG Networks I
`PHY1 6-1 Adaptive Block-Equalizers for the UTRA-FDD Downlink............................................................................................................................ 340
`Mauro Pesce (miss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland), Dirlr Dahihaus {Swiss Federal institute of Technology,
`Switzerland), Heino Genacn (Siemens AG, Gennanyl, Wen Xu (Siemens AG, Germany)
`PHY16—2 Whitened Matched Filter for Attenuating Frequency Selectively Faded Interferers in GSM ______________________________________________________________________ 346
`Hartmut Wilhelm (Siemens AG, Germany)
`PHY1645 Improved Convolutional Code Design for SGPP TDD Systems _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 353
`Gang Wu (Philips Research East Asia, P. R. China), Yuelreng Li (Philips Research East Asia, PR. China)
`PHY16~4 odma260t] Packet Data Throughput Improvements Provided by Handset Dual Antenna Diversity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 359
`LeventAydin (Qualoomrn incorporated USA), Samlr Ginde (Quaicornrn incorporated, USA), WalidHarndy {Qualcomm
`incorporated, USA)
`PHY17: 3G Networks ll
`PHY1T-1 An Efficient Radio Resource Management Technique for the Reverse Link in odma20001xEV—DV ........................................................ 364
`Hwanjoon chn (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, Korea), Younsun Kim {Samsung Electronics Co.. Ltd, Korea). Jin-lryu Han
`(Samsung Electronics Co, Ltd, Korea), Donghee Kim (Samsung Electronics Co, Ltd, Korea)
`In Search of Lost Capacity Non—efiective Load in UMTS Radio Interface {Uplink} ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 369
`Krzysztof Korey/bash (WT lntonnation Technology, Finland), Semi Nousiainen (V'l'i' information Tealmology, Finland)
`PHY173 On Link Budget of cdma2000 1x EV—DV Fonrvard Link ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 375
`Jian Gu (Nelda China investment Cd, PR. China), Xiangguang Che {Nolda China lnvestment Co, PR. China)
`PHY1 741 A Macroanalysis ot Hsdpa Receiver Models ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 380
`Ahmet Bastug (Philips Semiconductors, France), Dirk T. M. Stock (Eurecom institute, France)
`PHY18: MIMO Systems I
`PHY18—1 On the Asymptotic Behavior of the Outage Probability for MIMO Systems _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 386
`Hao Stren {Concordia University, Canada), All Ghrayeb {Concordia University, Canada)
`PHY1872 Investigation of Diversity Techniques Considering Receiver Structure in MIMO Systems ________________________________________________________________________ 391
`Yutalra Muralran'ri (Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd, Japan). myotalra Kobayasirl (Matsusirlta Electric lndustrial Co..
`Ltd, Japan), Masayuki On'hashi (Maisushiia Electric lndustn'ai Co, Ltd, Japan), Takasni Matsuolra {Matsushita Electric
`industrial Co., Ltd, Japan)
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`PHY18—3 Analytical Approach of \l—BLAST Performance with Two Transmit Antennas ............................................................................................ 396
`R. T. Xi: (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong). Francis C. M. Lari {Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Hong Kong)
`PHY1841 Tight Upper Bound on the Ergodic Capacity of the Ricean Fading MIMO Channels _________________________________________________________________________________ 402
`Shi Jin {Southeast University, PR. China), Xiqi Geo [Southeast University, PR. China)
`PHY19: MIMO Systems II
`PHY19—1 A Comparative Study of MIMO Detection Algorithms for Wideband Spatial Multiplexing Systems ........................................................... 408
`Jingming Wang (University of Californra, Los Angeles, USA), Babalr Daneslrrad (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
`PHY19—2 Fading and Interference Mitigation in Multi—antenna Wireless Transmission ............................................................................................. 414
`Oghenelrome Oteri (Stanford University, USA), Arogyaswami Paulra) {Stanford University, USA)
`PHY1945 Decoupling Method for Low Complexity Turbo Equalization of Frequency-Selective MIMO Wireless Systems _______________________________________ 420
`Yongfang GUO {University of California, Davis, USA), Bernard C. Levy (University of California, Davis, USA)
`PHY1Q-4 Space—Time—Frequency Coded Multiband UWB Communication Systems _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 426
`W. Pam Siriwongpairat fUniwersity of Maryland, USA), Weilang Su (University of Maryland USA), Masoud Olfat (University of
`Maryland, USA), K. J. Ray Liu {Universiiyol‘ Maryland, USA)
`PHYZO: MIMO Systems Ill
`PHY2tl—1 Construction and Capacity Analysis of High—Rank Line—of—Sight MIMO Channels ____________________________________________________________________________________ 432
`Frode Bohagen (UniK/Nera Research, Nonvay), Pal Orten {UnilQ’NERA Norway), Ger'r E. Gian lNTNU, Norway)
`PHY2tl—2 Multiuser Detection in OFDM Space-Time Block Code for High Rate Uplink Application __________________________________________________________________________ 438
`Mohamed Jamalrrlil Syed (University of Limoges - ENSlL, France), Valrid Meghdadi (University of Limoges, France), Ferré
`Guillaume {University ofLimoges, France), Jean Pierre Canoes (University of Limoges, France), Reza Mohammad Knani
`(CNRS/LSS, France), Jean—Michel Dumas (University of Limoges, France)
`PHY2fJ-3 Interference Cancellation for Space-Frequency OFDM MIMD Systems; Iterative Decoding ..................................................................... 444
`L—Y. Song {The University of York, UK), Alister G. Burr (The University of York, UK)
`PHY21: MIMO Coding |
`PHY21-1 A Closed-Form Result for the Average Pairwise Error Probability of t = 2, r= 1 Differential Cyclic Unitary Space-Time Modulation.......449
`Zheng Du {University of Alberta, Canada), Norman C. Beauiieu {University of Alberta, Canada), Jinkang Zhu {University of
`Alberta. Canada)
`PHY21—2 Diagonal Space—Time Hadamard Codes with Erasure Decoding Algorithm ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 455
`Domenico Giustiniano (Universita di Palermo, ltaly), Paul Lusina fUniversity of Ulm, Germany), Giovanni Garbo (Universila di
`Palermo, ltaly)
`PHY2145 Generalized Block Space—Time Trellis Codes: Set—Partitioning and Code Design ____________________________________________________________________________________ 461
`Mohammad Janani (The University of Texas at Dallas, USA), Aria Nosratinia (The University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
`PHY21-4 Improved Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding for the Downlink of Multiple Antenna Multiuser Systems ______________________________________________________ 466
`Jia Liu {University otAlberta, Canada), Witold A. Krzymier'r {Universityof Alberta, Canada)
`PHY22: Mll'lllO Coding ||
`PHY22-1 Effective Design of Recursive Convoluticnal Space-Time Codes with an Arbitrary Number 01 Transmit Antennas .................................. 4T3
`Yrrrg Li (Xidian University China), erdong GUO (Xidian University, China), Xin—rnei Wang (Xidian University, China)
`PHY22—2 A New Two-Level Differential Unitary Space-Time Modulation .................................................................................................................. 4T9
`Zheng Du {University otAlberta, Canada), Norman C. Beaulieu {University of Alberta, Canada)
`PHY22—3 Quasi-Orthogonal STBC with Minimum Decoding Complexity: Further Results ........................................................................................ 483
`Chair Yuan (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Yong Liang Guan {Nanyang Tedmo‘ogical University,
`Singapore), Tieng Thiang Tinting (institute for lnfocomm Research, Singapore)
`PHY224 On the Design of Linear Precoders for Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes with Limited Feedback _____________________________________________________ 489
`Shahab Sanayei ( The University of Texas at Dallas, USA), David J. Love {Purdue University, USA), Aria Nosratinia [The
`University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
`PHY23: MIMO Coding III
`PHY23—1 A New Differential Monomial Space'l'rme Code ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 494
`Zheng Du {University of Alberta, Canada), Nonnan C. Beaulieu {University ofAlberta, Canada)
`PHY23—2 Performance of Alamouti Space-Time Code in Time—Varying Channels with Noisy Channel Estimates ................................................... 498
`Jittra Jootar {University of California, San Diego, USA), James R. Zeidler {University of California, San Diego, USA), John G.
`Proalris {University of California, San Diego, USA)
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`An Adaptive Power Allocation Scheme for Space-Time Block Coded MIMO Systems ............................................................................. 504
`Liang Xian (Oregon State University, USA), Huaping Liu (Oregon State University, USA)
`Error Probability of Orthogonal Space—Time Block Codes over Correlated Rayleigh and Rician Channels ______________________________________________ 509
`Hao Zhang {Universihr of Victoria, Canada), Wei Li (University of Victoria, Canada), T. Aaron Gulliver (University of Victoria,
`PHY24: lillllillO Transceiver Designs I
`Symbol by Symbol Solt-lnput Soft-Output Multiuser Detection for Frequency Selective MIMO Channels ................................................ 515
`Sara Bavarian {Simon Fraser University, Canada), Jim K. Cavers {Simon Fraser University, Canada)
`An Iterative Interference Cancellation Scheme for STBC Multirate Multiuser Systems ............................................................................. 521
`TheHanh Pham (National University of Singapore, Singapore}, A. Nailanathan {National University of Singapore, Singapore),
`8. Kannan (institute for lrrfocorn Research, Singapore)
`Software—Defined Radio implementation of Multiple Antenna Systems using Low—Density Parity-Check Codes _____________________________________ 52?
`Nicolae Chiurtu (Ecole Polytechnique Federaie de Lausanne, Switzerland), Linus Gasser {Ecoie PoMechnique Fédérale de
`Lausanne, Switzerland), Philippe Roud (Ecoie Poiytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland), Birrio Rimoldi (Ecole
`Pohrtechnique Fédéraie de Lausanne, Switzerland)
`Single—Block Differential Transmit Scheme for Frequency Selective MlMO-OFDM Systems ________________________________________________________________ 532
`Thanongsak Himsoon {University of Maryland, USA), Weiteng Su (University of Maryland, USA), K. J. Ray Liu {University of
`Maryland, USA)
`PHY25: MIMO Transceiver Designs II
`The Sorted-QR Chase Detector for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Channels ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 538
`Dede W. Waters (Georgia institute of Technology, USA), John R. Barry {Georgia institute of Technology, USA)
`Space-Time Signaling in Conelated Channels........................................................................................................................................... 544
`Ahmadreza Hedayat (The University of Texas at Dallas, USA), Harsh Shah (The University of Texas at Dallas, USA), Aria
`Nosratinia {The University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
`Joint Optimization of Rate Allocation and BLAST Ordering to Minimize Outage Probability ..................................................................... 550
`Ammugam Kannan {Georgia institute of Technology, USA), Badri Varadarajan (Georgia in stitute of Technology, USA), John
`R. Barry {Georgia institute of Technology, USA)
`PHY25—4 Design and Implementation of a 5.25 GHz Radio Transceiver for a

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