`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,694,683 B2
`*Apr. 8, 2014
`(71) Applicant: Implicit Networks, Inc., Bellevue, WA
`(72) Inventor: Edward Balassanian, Seattle, WA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Implicit Networks, Inc., Bellevue, WA
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`This patent is Subject to a terminal dis
`(*) Notice:
`Appl. No.: 13/911,324
`Jun. 6, 2013
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2013/0266O25A1
`Oct. 10, 2013
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation of application No. 13/236,090, filed on
`Sep.19, 2011, now abandoned, which is a continuation
`of application No. 10/636,314, filed on Aug. 6, 2003,
`now Pat. No. 8,055,786, which is a continuation of
`application No. 09/474,664, filed on Dec. 29, 1999,
`now Pat. No. 6,629,163.
`Int. C.
`G06F 15/16
`U.S. C.
`USPC ............................ 709/246; 709/238; 370/466
`Field of Classification Search
`USPC ............... 709/230, 228, 246, 238; 370/395.1,
`370/469, 231, 466:379/207.02,229;
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
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`A method and system for demultiplexing packets of a mes
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`the data to the target data type through various intermediate
`data types.
`30 Claims, 16 Drawing Sheets
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`Juniper Ex. 1003-p. 1
`Juniper v Implicit
`US 8,694,683 B2
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`Aug. 26, 2008 Defendant NVIDIA Corporation's Answer to Com
`Aug. 26, 2008 Defendant Sun Microsystems, Inc.'s Answer to Com
`Aug. 27, 2008 Defendant Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.'s Answer to
`Complaint for Patent Infringement.
`Aug. 27, 2008 RealNetworks, Inc.'s Answer to Implicit Networks,
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`Aug. 27, 2008 Defendant RMI Corporation's Answer to Plaintiffs
`Original Complaint.
`Sep. 15, 2008 Plaintiffs Reply to NVIDIA Corporation's Counter
`Sep. 15, 2008 Plaintiffs Reply to Sun Microsystems Inc.'s Counter
`Sep. 16, 2008 Plaintiff's Reply to RealNetworks, Inc.'s Counter
`Sep. 16, 2008 Plaintiffs Reply to Intel Corp.’s Counterclaims.
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`Prejudice re. NVIDIA Corporation, Inc.
`Dec. 16, 2008 Defendants AMD, RealNetworks, RMI, and Sun's
`Motion to Stay Pending the Patent and Trademark Office's Reexami
`nation of the 163 Patent.
`Dec. 29, 2008 Order granting Stipulated Motion for Dismissal with
`out Prejudice of Claims re Sun Microsystems, Inc.
`Jan. 5, 2009 Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendants AMD,
`RealNetworks, RMI, and Sun's Motion to Stay Pending Reexamina
`tion and Exhibit A.
`Jan. 9, 2009 Reply of Defendants AMD, RealNetworks, RMI, and
`Sun's Motion to Stay Pending the Patent and Trademark Office's
`Reexamination of the 163 Patent.
`Feb. 9, 2009 Order Granting Stay Pending the United States Patent
`and Trademark Office's Reexamination of U.S. Patent No.
`Feb. 17, 2009 Order Granting Stipulated Motion for Dismissal of
`Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. with Prejudice.
`May 14, 2009 Order Granting Stipulated Motion for Dismissal of
`RMI Corporation with Prejudice.
`Oct. 13, 2009 Order Granting Stipulated Motion for Dismissal of
`Claims Against and Counterclaims by Intel Corporation.
`Oct. 30, 2009 Executed Order for Stipulated Motion for Dismissal of
`Claims Against and Counterclaims by RealNetworks, Inc.
`Nov. 30, 2009 Plaintiff's Original Complaint, Implicit v Microsofi,
`Case No. 09-5628.
`Jan. 22, 2010 Order Dismissing Case, Implicit v Microsofi, Case No.
`Aug. 16, 2010 Plaintiff's Original Complaint, Implicit v. Cisco, Case
`No. 10-3606.
`Nov. 22, 2010 Defendant Cisco Systems, Inc's Answer and Counter
`claims, Implicit v Cisco, Case No. 10-3606.
`Dec. 13, 2010 Plaintiff, Implicit Networks, Inc.'s, Answer to Coun
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`Oct. 4, 2011 Order of Dismissal With Prejudice, Implicit v. Cisco,
`Case No. 10-3606.
`Aug. 24, 2010 Plaintiff's Original Complaint, Implicit v Citrix, Case
`No. 10-3766.
`Dec. 1, 2010 Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint, Implicit v Citrix,
`Case No. 10-3766.
`Jan. 14, 2011 Defendant Citrix Systems, Inc.'s Answer, Defenses and
`Counter-complaint for Declaratory Judgment, Implicit v Citrix, Case
`No. 10-3766.
`Feb. 18, 2011 Plaintiff, Implicit Networks, Inc.'s, Answer to Defen
`dants Counterclaims, Implicit v Citrix, Case No. 10-3766.
`May 2, 2011 Order of Dismissal, Implicit v Citrix, Case No. 10-3766.
`Jul. 30, 2010 Plaintiff's Original Complaint, Implicit v F5, Case No.
`Oct. 13, 2010 Defendants' Answer and Counter-Complaint, Implicit
`v F5, Case No. 10-3365.
`Nov. 3, 2010 Plaintiffs Answer to Counter-Complaint, Implicit v F5.
`Case No. 10-3365.
`Dec. 10, 2010 Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint, Implicit v F5.
`Case No. 10-3365.
`Jan. 14, 2011 Defendants' Answer to 1 Amended Complaint and
`Counterclaim, Implicit v F5, Case No. 10-3365.
`Feb. 18, 2011 Plaintiffs Answer to F5's Amended Counter-Com
`plaint, Implicit v F5, Case No. 10-3365.
`Apr. 18, 2011 Defendants' Amended Answer to 1 Amended Com
`plaint and Counter-Complaint, Implicit v F5, Case No. 10-3365.
`May 5, 2011 Plaintiffs Answer to F5's Amended Counter-Com
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`Jan. 27, 2012 Transcript of Proceeding Held on Jan. 17, 2012;
`Implicit v F5, Case No. 10-3365.
`Juniper Ex. 1003-p. 4
`Juniper v Implicit
`US 8,694,683 B2
`Page 5
`References Cited
`Jan. 27, 2012 Transcript of Proceeding Held on Jan. 18, 2012;
`Implicit v F5, Case No. 10-3365.
`Jan. 27, 2012 Transcript of Proceeding Held on Jan. 19, 2012;
`Implicit v F5, Case No. 10-3365.
`Feb. 29, 2012 Claim Construction Order.
`Aug. 15, 2012 Storer Invalidity Report.
`Sep. 10, 2012 Implicit’s Expert Report of Scott M. Nettles.
`Mar. 13, 2013 Order Granting Defendants' Motion for Summary
`Apr. 9, 2013 Notice of Appeal to the Federal Circuit.
`Aug. 23, 2010 Plaintiff's Original Complaint, Implicit v HP, Case
`No. 10-3746.
`Nov. 23, 2010 Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint, Implicit v HP,
`Case No. 10-3746.
`Jan. 14, 2011 Defendant HP's Answer and Counterclaims, Implicit v
`HP, Case No. 10-3746.
`Feb. 18, 2011 Implicit Networks, Inc.'s Answer to HP Counter
`claims, Implicit v HP, Case No. 10-3746.
`May 10, 2011 Plaintiffs Amended Disclosure of Asserted Claims
`and Infringement Contentions, Case No. 10-3746.
`Jun. 30, 2011 Defendant HP Company's Invalidity Contentions,
`Implicit v HP, Case No. 10-3746.
`Jun. 30, 2011 Defendant HP Company's Invalidity Contentions,
`A1-14, Implicit v HP, Case No. 10-3746.
`Jun. 30, 2011 Defendant HP Company's Invalidity Contentions,
`B1-21, Implicit v HP, Case No. 10-3746.
`Sep. 20, 2010 Plaintiff's Original Complaint, Implicit v Juniper, Case
`No. 10-4234.
`Nov. 12, 2010 Juniper Network's Motion to Dismiss for Failure to
`State a Claim Under Rule 12(B)(6): Memorandum of Points and
`Authorities; Implicit v Juniper, Case No. 10-4234.
`Nov. 2, 2010 Juniper Network's Request for Judicial Notice in Sup
`port of its Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim Under Rule
`12(B)(6): Memorandum of Points and Authorities; Implicit v Juni
`per, Case No. 10-4234.
`Dec. 1, 2010 First Amended Complaint; Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Jan. 18, 2011 Juniper Networks, Inc.'s Answer and Affirmative
`Defenses to 1 Amended Complaint, Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Feb. 18, 2011 Plaintiffs Answer to Defendant's Counterclaims,
`Implicit v Juniper, Case No. 10-4234.
`May 23, 2011 Plaintiff's Disclosure of Asserted Claims and Infringe
`ment Contentions, Implicit v Juniper, Case No. 10-4234.
`Nov. 15, 2011 Plaintiffs Amended Disclosure of Asserted Claim and
`Infringement Contentions, Implicit v Juniper, Case No. 10-4234.
`Nov. 28, 2011 Spencer Hosie Declaration in Support of Plaintiffs
`Opening Claim Construction Brief), Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Nov. 28, 2011 Spencer Hosie Declaration in Support of Plaintiffs
`Opening Claim Construction Brief Exhibit E, Implicit v Juniper,
`Case No. 10-4234.
`Nov. 28, 2011 Spencer Hosie Declaration in Support of Plaintiffs
`Opening Claim Construction Brief ExhibitJ, Implicit v Juniper, Case
`No. 10-4234.
`Nov. 28, 2011 Spencer Hosie Declaration in Support of Plaintiffs
`Opening Claim Construction Brief Exhibit K. Implicit v Juniper,
`Case No. 10-4234.
`Nov. 28, 2011 Spencer Hosie Declaration in Support of Plaintiffs
`Opening Claim Construction Brief Exhibits M-O, Implicit v Juniper,
`Case No. 10-4234.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Implicit v Juniper, Case No. 10-4234.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit B, Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit F. Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit N. Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit P. Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit Q. Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit S., Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit T-1, Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit T-2, Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit T-3, Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit T-4, Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit U, Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit V, Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit W. Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit X. Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit Y-1. Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, ExhibitY-2, Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit Y-3, Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit Y-4, Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 12, 2011 Holly Hogan Declaration in Support of Defendants'
`Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit Z. Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 19, 2011 Spencer Hosie Declaration in Support of Plaintiffs
`Reply Claim Construction Brief, Implicit v Juniper, Case No.
`Dec. 19, 2011 Spencer Hosie Declaration in Support of Plaintiffs
`Reply Claim Construction Brief, Exhibit P. Implicit v Juniper, Case
`No. 10-4234.
`Jan. 10, 2012 Plaintiffs Jan. 10, 2012 Amended Disclosure of
`Asserted Claims and Infringement Contentions, Implicit v Juniper,
`Case No. 10-4234.
`Feb. 10, 2012 Juniper Networks, Inc.'s Supplemental Invalidity Con
`tentions, Implicit v Juniper, Case No. 10-4234.
`Feb. 10, 2012 Juniper Networks, Inc.'s Supplemental Invalidity Con
`tentions, Exhibit A1. Implicit v Juniper, Case No. 10-234.
`Feb. 10, 2012 Juniper Networks, Inc.'s Supplemental Invalidity Con
`tentions, Exhibit A2, Implicit v Juniper, Case No. 10-4234.
`Feb. 10, 2012 Juniper Networks, Inc.'s Supplemental Invalidity Con
`tentions, Exhibit A3, Implicit v Juniper, Case No. 10-4234.
`Feb. 10, 2012 Juniper Networks, Inc.'s Supplemental Invalidity Con
`tentions, Exhibit A4. Implicit v Juniper, Case No. 10-4234.
`Feb. 10, 2012 Juniper Networks, Inc.'s Supplemental Invalidity Con
`tentions, Exhibit B1, Implicit v Juniper, Case No. 10-4234.
`Juniper Ex. 1003-p. 5
`Juniper v Implicit
`US 8,694,683 B2
`Page 6
`References Cited