` 2 _________________________
` 4 _________________________
` 5 APPLE, INC.,
` Petitioner
` 6
` 7 vs.
` Patent Owner.
` 9
`10 ____________________________
`11 Case IPR2020-00487
` U.S. Patent 9,661,233
` Case IPR2020-00860
`13 U.S. Patent 10,326,942
`15 _____________________________
`19 January 21, 2021
`24 Theresa JoAnn Phillips-Blackwell, CSR 12700.
` 470028
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 1


` 2 _________________________
` 4 _________________________
` 5 APPLE, INC.,
` Petitioner
` 6
` 7 vs.
` Patent Owner.
` 9
`10 ____________________________
`11 Case IPR2020-00487
` U.S. Patent 9,661,233
` Case IPR2020-00860
`13 U.S. Patent 10,326,942
`15 _____________________________
`19 Ph.D., taken remotely via Zoom at 9:00 a.m.,
`20 Thursday, January 21, 2021, before Theresa
`21 JoAnn Phillips-Blackwell, CSR 12700.
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 2


` 2
` 3 For Petitioner:
` 5 (Both Appearing via Zoom)
` 6 600 Congress Avenue
` Suite 1300
` 7 Austin, Texas 78701
` 8
` 9 -and-
` (Appearing via Zoom)
` 3175 Hanover Street
`12 Palo Alto, California 94304
` (650) 849-7023
` For Patent Owner:
`16 (Appearing via Zoom)
`17 12424 Wilshire Boulevard
` Twelfth Floor
`18 Los Angeles, California 90025
` (310) 826-7474
`21 Also Present: John Hank, videographer
` (Appearing via Zoom)
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 3


` 1 I N D E X
` 2
` 4 Fredo Durand, Ph.D. Mr. Rubin 7
` 5
` 6
` 7
` 8
`12 2002 - SlideDeck Entitled "Photography 101" 52
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 4


` 1 (Remotely via Zoom; Thursday, January 21, 2021,
` 2 9:00 a.m.)
`07:33 3
`09:00 4 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We're now on
`09:00 5 the record. My name is John Hank. I'm a certified
`09:00 6 legal video specialist here today for Barkley Court
`09:00 7 Reporters. Today is January 21st, 2021. The time is
`09:00 8 9:00 a.m. We are located today remotely via
`09:00 9 videoconferencing technology.
`09:00 10 This deposition of Dr. Fredo Durand is being
`09:01 11 taken today on behalf of the patent owner in the case
`09:01 12 captioned Apple, Inc., versus Corephotonics LTD., United
`09:01 13 States Patent and Trademark Office, Before the Patent
`09:01 14 Trial and Appeals Board, Case No. 1 -- excuse me --
`09:01 15 IPR2020-00489 [sic], U.S. Patent No. 10,015,408 [sic].
`09:01 16 Will counsel for the parties please identify
`09:01 17 yourselves with the city and state where you are
`09:01 18 appearing from.
`09:01 19 MR. RUBIN: I guess I can go first. This is
`09:01 20 Neil Rubin representing the patent owner, Corephotonics,
`09:01 21 with the firm of Russ, August & Kabat, and located in
`09:01 22 Santa Monica, California.
`09:01 23 MS. SHI: I would like to make a correction to
`09:01 24 the case number. I think the case numbers are
`09:02 25 incorrect. This is for two IPRs ending with 487 and
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 5


`09:02 1 860.
`09:02 2 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Okay.
`09:02 3 MR. O'BRIEN: This is David O'Brien with the
`09:02 4 law firm of Haynes And Boone representing Apple, Inc.,
`09:02 5 from Austin, Texas. On the case identifications, let's
`09:02 6 just type out the IPR numbers in the chat window so that
`09:02 7 we get those two correct.
`09:02 8 MS. SHI: Okay. Is there a -- shall we --
`09:02 9 MS. VISWANATH: Sorry. Go ahead.
`09:02 10 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Will the court reporter
`09:02 11 please swear in the witness remotely.
`09:02 12 DEPOSITION OFFICER: Raise your right hand,
`09:02 13 please.
`09:02 14 MS. VISWANATH: Let me just -- Madam Court
`09:02 15 Reporter, let me state my appearance as well. Priya
`09:03 16 Viswanath from Cooley LLP, also on behalf of Apple.
`09:03 17 MS. SHI: And Hong Shi from Haynes And Boone
`09:03 18 representing Petitioner Apple and the witness.
`09:03 19 DEPOSITION OFFICER: Raise your right hand,
`09:03 20 please.
`09:03 21 You do solemnly state that the evidence you
`09:03 22 shall give in this matter shall be the truth, the whole
`09:03 23 truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
`09:03 24 THE WITNESS: I do.
`09:03 25 ///
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 6


`09:03 2
`09:03 3 BY MR. RUBIN:
`09:03 4 Q. Hello, Dr. Durand.
`09:03 5 A. Hi.
`09:03 6 Q. So I think we've all said for the record where
`09:03 7 we're located. Where are you at right now?
`09:03 8 A. I am located in Somerville, Massachusetts.
`09:03 9 Q. Can you tell me, have you been deposed before?
`09:03 10 A. I have.
`09:03 11 Q. How many times?
`09:03 12 A. Just once.
`09:03 13 Q. And what sort of matter was that deposition
`09:04 14 for?
`09:04 15 A. It was a patent litigation.
`09:04 16 Q. So is that a patent litigation in U.S. District
`09:04 17 Court or somewhere else?
`09:04 18 A. Yes. As far as I understand, it was district
`09:04 19 court.
`09:04 20 Q. And when was that deposition?
`09:04 21 A. It was a long time ago. I think maybe 2014.
`09:04 22 I'm not exactly sure.
`09:04 23 Q. Okay. And who were the parties in that case?
`09:04 24 A. EveryScape and Adobe.
`09:04 25 Q. Did you say EverScape?
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 7


`09:04 1 A. EveryScape.
`09:04 2 Q. EveryScape. Okay.
`09:04 3 And which -- which party were you an expert
`09:05 4 witness for?
`09:05 5 A. So I was not an expert witness. I was one of
`09:05 6 the inventors on the EveryScape side.
`09:05 7 Q. I see. So your work for Apple and the IPRs
`09:05 8 against Corephotonics -- is that the first time that
`09:05 9 you've worked as an expert witness?
`09:05 10 A. Yes. This is correct.
`09:05 11 Q. Were -- withdrawn.
`09:05 12 So you've been deposed once before as an
`09:05 13 inventor of a patent; correct?
`09:05 14 A. Correct.
`09:05 15 Q. So since it's been a while, I can go over some
`09:05 16 of the ground rules with you just to make sure we're on
`09:05 17 the same page.
`09:05 18 So the court reporter, as you know, is
`09:05 19 recording everything that you or I and anyone else on
`09:06 20 this Zoom session is saying; so it's important for -- in
`09:06 21 order for her to maintain an accurate record, that we
`09:06 22 not talk over each other. So I'd ask that you please
`09:06 23 let me finish my question before you answer, and I'll
`09:06 24 certainly try to not speak over your answers.
`09:06 25 Is that fair?
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 8


`09:06 1 A. Yes.
`09:06 2 Q. If at any time you don't understand one of my
`09:06 3 questions, please let me know; and I'll clarify. Okay?
`09:06 4 A. Okay.
`09:06 5 Q. So if -- if you answer one of my questions, we
`09:06 6 can -- we can assume that you feel that you understood
`09:06 7 the question that you're answering; is that fair?
`09:06 8 A. Okay. Yes.
`09:06 9 Q. I will plan to take breaks every hour to hour
`09:06 10 and a half. During today's deposition, if at any point
`09:07 11 you need to take a break, please feel free to let us
`09:07 12 know. I will ask that you answer any question that's
`09:07 13 pending before we start the break. Okay?
`09:07 14 A. Yes.
`09:07 15 Q. Now, have you had lunch or --
`09:07 16 A. I've had some food.
`09:07 17 Q. Okay. So will you need to take a break at any
`09:07 18 point to -- to eat or --
`09:07 19 A. No. Just small breaks will be fine.
`09:07 20 Q. Okay. Very good. So you understand that
`09:07 21 during any breaks that we do have during the course of
`09:07 22 my questioning, you're not permitted to discuss the
`09:07 23 substance of your testimony or my questions or questions
`09:08 24 that you expect that I may ask with counsel for Apple?
`09:08 25 A. I understand.
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 9


`09:08 1 Q. Okay. Are you -- is there any reason that you
`09:08 2 cannot give full and accurate testimony here today?
`09:08 3 A. Not to my knowledge.
`09:08 4 Q. So you're not suffering from any illness or
`09:08 5 taking any medication that would affect your memory or
`09:08 6 your ability to understand and answer questions?
`09:08 7 A. No.
`09:08 8 Q. Very good. Also, at times during today's
`09:08 9 deposition counsel for Apple may object to a question
`09:08 10 that I've asked. You understand that you're still
`09:08 11 required to answer the question even if there is an
`09:08 12 objection unless counsel specifically instructs you not
`09:09 13 to? Okay?
`09:09 14 A. I -- I understand.
`09:09 15 Q. And -- withdrawn.
`09:09 16 Do you have any questions about the -- the
`09:09 17 process or today's deposition?
`09:09 18 A. No. Not at this point.
`09:09 19 Q. I -- I'm assuming that the last -- the prior
`09:09 20 deposition that you did was in person, and you were
`09:09 21 probably handle -- handed paper exhibits to look at.
`09:09 22 Today, sadly, we can't be in person.
`09:09 23 Are you familiar with Zoom software and the use
`09:09 24 of its chat function?
`09:09 25 A. I am all too familiar with Zoom, yeah. Uh-huh.
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 10


`09:09 1 Q. Yeah. We all are.
`09:09 2 And so I'm going to be introducing exhibits by
`09:10 3 sharing the PDFs of the exhibits in the chat window of
`09:10 4 Zoom and then also sharing the window on my screen to
`09:10 5 direct you to particular aspects of exhibits. So I take
`09:10 6 it you'll be -- you're comfortable using Zoom in order
`09:10 7 to download files and -- and view things on the screen?
`09:10 8 A. There should be no problem. Although with Zoom
`09:10 9 you never know, so...
`09:10 10 Q. Fair enough. Do you have any documents with
`09:10 11 you today?
`09:10 12 A. No.
`09:10 13 Q. None at all. Okay.
`09:10 14 So I -- I think there -- there was some
`09:10 15 confusion at the beginning of the record about what
`09:10 16 today's deposition concerns, so I want to clear that up.
`09:11 17 First of all, can you tell me, how many IPR
`09:11 18 petitions have you submitted declarations in support of?
`09:11 19 Do you know?
`09:11 20 A. So I'm losing track. We're talking about two
`09:11 21 today. And then we have one -- I have one next week, so
`09:11 22 greater than two. Maybe four. Sorry. I'm losing
`09:11 23 track.
`09:11 24 Q. Okay. But you do understand that today we're
`09:11 25 talking about two, in particular?
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 11


`09:11 1 A. Yes.
`09:11 2 Q. And -- well, let me introduce the IPR
`09:11 3 petition -- I'm sorry -- the -- your declarations. And
`09:12 4 we can just make sure we're talking about the same IPRs.
`09:12 5 MS. SHI: So, Opposing Counsel, it would be
`09:12 6 appreciated when you ask the questions, to identify the
`09:12 7 patent that you're focusing on so that it is clear which
`09:12 8 patent your question is directed at since we have two
`09:12 9 patents at issue here today.
`09:12 10 MR. RUBIN: So I'll certainly try to make it
`09:12 11 very clear what document I'm asking about, if I'm asking
`09:12 12 about a document. I will say, there is considerable
`09:12 13 overlap in the -- in the actual text of the declarations
`09:12 14 across the two IPRs. So I -- I wouldn't -- I think that
`09:12 15 many of the questions today may fairly apply to both
`09:13 16 IPRs; but certainly, if there's any confusion as to what
`09:13 17 I'm asking, please, either the witness or counsel, speak
`09:13 18 up.
`09:13 19 MS. SHI: Thank you.
`09:13 20 BY MR. RUBIN:
`09:13 21 Q. All right. So the first document that I shared
`09:13 22 in the chat function, which I will also share on the
`09:13 23 screen momentarily, is Exhibit 1003 in the IPR
`09:13 24 concerning the '233 patent, which is IPR2020-00487. And
`09:14 25 this exhibit is titled "Declaration of Fredo Durand,
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 12


`09:14 1 Ph.D., Under 37 C.F.R. Section 1.68 in Support of
`09:14 2 Petition for Inter Partes Review."
`09:14 3 So you see that exhibit on the screen?
`09:14 4 A. Yes.
`09:14 5 Q. And you understand that this is one of the
`09:14 6 declarations that we're going to be discussing in
`09:14 7 today's deposition?
`09:14 8 A. Yes.
`09:14 9 Q. And then on the screen now is another document,
`09:14 10 also Exhibit 1003; but this is from the IPR concerning
`09:14 11 the '942 patent, which is -- bear with me just a
`09:15 12 second -- which is IPR2020-00860.
`09:15 13 You're familiar with this declaration on the
`09:15 14 screen?
`09:15 15 A. Yes.
`09:15 16 Q. And you're also prepared to discuss this
`09:15 17 declaration in this deposition; correct?
`09:15 18 A. Yes.
`09:15 19 MS. SHI: This is a reminder for Dr. Durand.
`09:15 20 You can take a pause and download the exhibits from the
`09:15 21 chat window --
`09:15 22 THE WITNESS: Thank you.
`09:15 23 MS. SHI: -- so you actually have the -- thank
`09:15 24 you -- so you can have the document with you.
`09:16 25 ///
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 13


`09:16 1 BY MR. RUBIN:
`09:16 2 Q. So can you tell me, when did you first start
`09:16 3 working on these IPRs -- not necessarily the two
`09:16 4 specific IPRs we're talking about today but the set of
`09:16 5 IPRs that Apple has filed against Corephotonics patents?
`09:16 6 A. I don't remember exactly. More than a year
`09:16 7 ago. Yeah. So I -- I don't remember when we started.
`09:16 8 Q. Okay.
`09:16 9 A. I don't know. I would guess two years, but...
`09:16 10 Q. Okay. So the declaration from the '233 IPR is
`09:16 11 dated February 26th of 2020. Do you have any idea how
`09:17 12 long it was before that that you began working on these
`09:17 13 IPRs?
`09:17 14 A. To be fully honest, not really.
`09:17 15 Q. Up to the time that the declarations in these
`09:17 16 IPRs were submitted, how many hours would you estimate
`09:17 17 you worked on these cases?
`09:17 18 A. I really don't know. Let me -- let me -- I can
`09:17 19 speculate, but -- well, just especially -- I mean, if
`09:17 20 you ask me to disentangle between those various
`09:17 21 declarations, it's been worse. But I don't even have a
`09:18 22 bulk number; so, I mean, it's clearly tens of hours.
`09:18 23 But I don't -- I don't recall.
`09:18 24 Q. So tens of hours. I take it that that means
`09:18 25 more than ten, less than a hundred?
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 14


`09:18 1 A. If I had to make a guess, yes.
`09:18 2 Q. Did you identify yourself any of the prior art
`09:18 3 that is discussed in your declarations, or were those
`09:18 4 provided -- were those references provided by counsel?
`09:18 5 A. It was a teams effort. I did identify a number
`09:18 6 of the references.
`09:18 7 Q. Do you recall which references you identified?
`09:18 8 A. Not -- not particularly, no.
`09:19 9 Q. So you can't recall any specific references
`09:19 10 that you identified?
`09:19 11 MS. SHI: Objection. Privilege.
`09:19 12 I'm going to caution the witness not to reveal
`09:19 13 any work product privileged information.
`09:19 14 THE WITNESS: I'm not sure -- so my -- in any
`09:19 15 case, I -- I don't recall.
`09:19 16 BY MR. RUBIN:
`09:19 17 Q. Looking at the table of contents for the '233
`09:19 18 IPR petition -- declaration, you offer the opinion that
`09:20 19 certain claims of the '233 patent are unpatentable
`09:20 20 because they're obvious over the combination of Golan
`09:20 21 with Martin; is that right?
`09:20 22 A. Yes.
`09:20 23 Q. So you don't believe that any of the claims of
`09:20 24 the '233 patent are entirely disclosed in Golan;
`09:20 25 correct?
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 15


`09:20 1 MS. SHI: Objection. Form. Calls for legal
`09:20 2 conclusion.
`09:20 3 THE WITNESS: So there the question we studied
`09:20 4 is whether Golan combined, for example, with Martin for
`09:21 5 some of the claims makes some of the -- the claims of
`09:21 6 '233 obvious.
`09:21 7 BY MR. RUBIN:
`09:21 8 Q. So your opinions all rely on the combination of
`09:21 9 Golan with Martin and for some claims with additional
`09:21 10 references in order to allegedly satisfy the -- the
`09:21 11 claims of the '233 patent; correct?
`09:21 12 A. Yes. My declaration studies combination of --
`09:21 13 of multiple patents, yes.
`09:21 14 Q. And so you haven't offered the -- any opinion
`09:21 15 that Golan by itself discloses the limitations of
`09:21 16 Claim 1, for example, of the '233 patent?
`09:21 17 A. That is correct.
`09:21 18 Q. And you haven't offered anything in that Martin
`09:22 19 by itself discloses the limitations of Claim 1 of the
`09:22 20 '233 patent; correct?
`09:22 21 A. That is correct.
`09:22 22 Q. So it's -- it's a -- under the analysis in your
`09:22 23 declaration, you need to combine aspects of Golan with
`09:22 24 aspects of Martin in order to satisfy claims of the '233
`09:22 25 patent; correct?
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 16


`09:22 1 MS. SHI: Objection. Form. Asked and
`09:22 2 answered.
`09:22 3 THE WITNESS: My declaration says that, for
`09:22 4 example -- yeah, that the combination of Golan and
`09:22 5 Martin is sufficient to cover, for example, Claim 1. I
`09:22 6 did not study whether the combination is needed.
`09:22 7 BY MR. RUBIN:
`09:22 8 Q. I see. So you don't have an opinion one way or
`09:22 9 the other whether the combination of Golan and Martin is
`09:23 10 needed to satisfy claims of the '233 patent as opposed
`09:23 11 to using just one or just the other?
`09:23 12 A. That's right. My declaration does not study
`09:23 13 this question.
`09:23 14 Q. And the same is true for the '942 patent? That
`09:23 15 you haven't studied whether Golan by itself or whether
`09:23 16 Martin by itself would satisfy the claims --
`09:23 17 A. I --
`09:23 18 DEPOSITION OFFICER: I'm sorry?
`09:23 19 THE WITNESS: I should -- yeah. I believe
`09:23 20 that's correct. That's why we need to triple-check all
`09:23 21 the claims. But yes. Yes, I believe that's correct.
`09:24 22 BY MR. RUBIN:
`09:24 23 Q. So I'd like to talk right now about your
`09:24 24 opinions related to claim construction. And so I'm
`09:24 25 looking now at the '233 declaration of the section on
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 17


`09:24 1 claim construction beginning on Page 17.
`09:24 2 Do you see that?
`09:24 3 A. Yes. I'm trying to get the -- go there on my
`09:24 4 own computer document that I just downloaded.
`09:24 5 Yes.
`09:24 6 Q. And then you also have a section on claim
`09:24 7 construction in your declaration for the '942 patent?
`09:24 8 A. Yes.
`09:24 9 Q. Which also begins on Page 17 of that
`09:25 10 declaration, doesn't it?
`09:25 11 A. Yes.
`09:25 12 Q. And so in both of these declarations you
`09:25 13 address the construction of the phrase "reduce an image
`09:25 14 effect seen in video output images"; correct?
`09:25 15 A. Yes.
`09:25 16 Q. And that's the only claim term that you address
`09:25 17 claim construction for in these IPRs; correct?
`09:25 18 A. I believe that's true. Double-check for the
`09:25 19 '942. Yes.
`09:25 20 Q. Now, do you know whether there are any
`09:25 21 differences between the specifications of the '233
`09:25 22 patent and the '942 patent?
`09:26 23 A. Well, there are clearly differences between
`09:26 24 '233 and '942, which -- yeah.
`09:26 25 Q. I'm sorry. When you said "there are clearly
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 18


`09:26 1 differences," what -- what --
`09:26 2 A. So which -- which part of either of the patents
`09:26 3 or the -- or the declaration are you referring to?
`09:26 4 Q. Yeah. So I was asking about the specifications
`09:26 5 of the two patents.
`09:26 6 A. Yeah. So you're talking about --
`09:26 7 Q. I understand they have different claims, but
`09:26 8 the --
`09:26 9 A. Yeah.
`09:26 10 Q. -- the specification is in the figures.
`09:26 11 A. Yes. Sorry. I haven't compared the two
`09:27 12 patents in a long time, so that's why it's taking my
`09:27 13 brain a little while to -- information -- yeah. Sorry.
`09:27 14 I don't remember all the figures and the exact
`09:27 15 specifications. If you have a more narrow question, I'm
`09:27 16 happy to answer more precisely.
`09:27 17 Q. Okay. Are you aware that the -- well -- well,
`09:27 18 are you aware that the '942 patent is a continuation of
`09:28 19 the -- I'm sorry -- that the application that led to the
`09:28 20 '942 patent was a continuation of the application that
`09:28 21 led to the '233 patent?
`09:28 22 A. Now that you mention it -- sorry. I didn't --
`09:28 23 I didn't review the -- the patent history for this
`09:28 24 meeting. So again, I'm a little -- my brain is a little
`09:28 25 fuzzy about this question. But if -- yes. If you state
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 19


`09:28 1 this, I believe so.
`09:28 2 Q. Okay. Are you aware of any reason that the --
`09:28 3 that this claim term "reduce an effect seen in video
`09:28 4 output images" should have a different construction in
`09:29 5 the '942 patent than it has in the '233 patent?
`09:29 6 A. Let me check what I say in my declarations. I
`09:30 7 believe also I would need to double-check the -- the
`09:30 8 patent itself that '233 may include more examples of
`09:30 9 sources of this continuity. But since I don't have the
`09:31 10 full '942 in front of me, I can't double-check this.
`09:31 11 Q. Well, I should probably introduce the patents
`09:31 12 as exhibits. Bear with me, please.
`09:31 13 It looks like we're picking up some feedback
`09:31 14 somewhere. It went away.
`09:31 15 All right. So I've uploaded in the chat
`09:32 16 function and will share on the screen now Exhibit 1001
`09:32 17 from the '233 patent IPR, which is U.S. Patent
`09:32 18 No. 9,661,233. Do you see that?
`09:32 19 A. Yes. They're moving them at the same time.
`09:32 20 Q. And I've also introduced Exhibit 1001 from the
`09:32 21 '942 patent IPR, which is U.S. Patent No. 10,326,942.
`09:32 22 So if you -- if there is something on either of those
`09:32 23 patents that you wanted to look at to answer the -- the
`09:32 24 question of whether there's any reason for the -- the
`09:32 25 term to have different construction in the two patents,
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 20


`09:33 1 you can take a look at them.
`09:34 2 So is there something in particular that you're
`09:34 3 looking for?
`09:34 4 A. Sorry. Yeah. I'm -- I'm -- sorry. I'm a
`09:34 5 little slow to warm up. I was looking for that -- that
`09:35 6 quote about whether -- dual-aperture camera switches in
`09:35 7 those patents. Okay. Slowly getting there. Yes. It
`09:36 8 looks like this -- it looks like this -- certainly, this
`09:36 9 paragraph pointed to dual-aperture cameras, et cetera,
`09:36 10 et cetera. Seems to be the same in the two patents.
`09:36 11 Q. Okay. Maybe if I can ask you to turn to your
`09:36 12 declarations and the sections in each declaration
`09:36 13 discussing the claim construction for this term. Would
`09:37 14 you agree that in each declaration you point to the same
`09:37 15 evidence from each patent, in particular, the portions
`09:37 16 of each patent that you're quoting have the same text?
`09:37 17 A. Yes.
`09:37 18 Q. And you offer the opinion that -- or the -- the
`09:37 19 claim construction that you opine on is the same for
`09:37 20 each of the two patents. Would you agree?
`09:37 21 A. Yes, I would agree.
`09:37 22 Q. So I'd like to draw your attention to the
`09:37 23 sentence that appears in both of the petition -- or both
`09:38 24 of the declarations, but we can look at the sentence
`09:38 25 from the -- from Paragraph 42 of the '233 IPR
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 21


`09:38 1 declaration.
`09:38 2 You say, "In other words, a continuous image
`09:38 3 change during the transition between cameras or POVs
`09:38 4 does not include a 'jump.'"
`09:38 5 So what's -- what do you understand to be a
`09:38 6 jump?
`09:38 7 A. A discontinuity allow --
`09:38 8 Q. Okay.
`09:38 9 A. -- excessively large change.
`09:38 10 Q. So I'm sorry. You said a jump is a
`09:38 11 discontinuity?
`09:39 12 A. In the -- in this context I would -- I would
`09:39 13 qualify jump as a discontinuous image change or, in
`09:39 14 layman's term, excessively large change to the image.
`09:39 15 Q. And when you say an excessively large change in
`09:39 16 the image, what is it that makes a change excessive --
`09:39 17 or excessively large?
`09:39 18 A. It could be many reasons. One -- one possible
`09:39 19 reason is that the brightness of the two images is very
`09:39 20 different. Another possible reason is that the position
`09:39 21 of objects is very different.
`09:39 22 Q. And how -- how do you determine whether a
`09:39 23 particular change is excessive?
`09:40 24 A. I -- I don't think one means a particular
`09:40 25 threshold for excessive change in order to seek to
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 22


`09:40 1 reduce the change. So I would not offer a particular
`09:40 2 precise question -- at which point, you know, the
`09:40 3 change, you know, was acceptable before and all of a
`09:40 4 sudden becomes unacceptable, if that answers your
`09:40 5 question.
`09:40 6 Q. Well -- so if I'm trying to apply this claim
`09:41 7 language, reduce a jump -- an image jump effect, and to
`09:41 8 decide whether a particular device meets that -- that
`09:41 9 claim language, under your definition I need to
`09:41 10 determine whether the change is excessively large; is
`09:41 11 that right?
`09:41 12 MS. SHI: Objection. Form.
`09:41 13 THE WITNESS: No. So my -- what -- what I'm
`09:41 14 saying is that a device, you know, would take a change
`09:41 15 magnitude before and at least in some cases make the
`09:41 16 change magnitude while using the device as opposed to
`09:41 17 not using the invention a smaller, hence the term
`09:42 18 "reduction."
`09:42 19 BY MR. RUBIN:
`09:42 20 Q. Now -- so if I understand the answer that you
`09:42 21 just gave, you're focused on reducing the magnitude of
`09:42 22 the change; but then in the highlighted sentence you
`09:42 23 say, quote, A continuous image change during a
`09:42 24 transition between cameras or POVs does not include a
`09:42 25 jump, which seems to say that there is no jump at all.
`Exhibit 2014
`Page 23


`09:42 1 MS. SHI: Objection. Form. Misstates
`09:42 2 testimony.
`09:43 3 THE WITNESS: Let me try to rephrase this. So
`09:43 4

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