`Mobile: (585) 727-3126, Email: esaber228@gmail.com, http://people.rit.edu/esseee
`Image and Video Processing for Multimedia, Military & Biomedical Applications.
`• Computer Vision and Three Dimensional Scene Reconstruction.
`• Color Image Processing for Printing and Multimedia Applications.
`Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York (March 1996).
`Concentration: Signal/Image/Video Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Computer Vision.
`Dissertation: Automatic image annotation and query-by-example using color, shape and texture information.
`M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York (May 1992)
`Concentration: Signal/Image/Video Processing, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Communications.
`B.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Summa Cum Laude, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo,
`New York (May 1988)
`Concentration: Computers, Microprocessors, Communications, Instrumentation.
`A.S., Engineering Science, Mohawk Valley Community College, Utica, New York (May 1986)
`Teaching: Taught/continue to teach multiple courses in the Signal/Image/Video Processing, Engineering
`Analysis, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Random Signal & Noise, Pattern Recognition with excellent
`feedback from Students from 1996-Present.
`• Research & Funding: Acquired funding as PI in excess of $3 Million and as PI/Co-PI in excess of $5 Million
`over the period of September 2004 – Present.
`Publications: 1 Book, 2 Special Issues, 38 Journal, 98 Conference and 12 Patents/Patent Publications.
`Service: Served/continue to serve on several department, college and university level committees/academic
`senate from 2004 to Present.
`Professional Activities: Served on several IEEE and SPIE conferences in various chair positions including
`Finance, Tutorials, Plenaries and Technical Program. Served as general chair for two conferences.
`• Honors & Awards: RIT Trustees Award (2012), KGCOE Scholarship Award (2012), EME Gleason Professor
`(2011-2013), and PI Millionaire (2011).
`Industry: Worked for Xerox Corporation from 1988 until 2004 in a variety of engineering, managerial and
`scientific positions ending as Product Development Scientist and Manager at the Business Group Operations
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 1
`Professor (Associate 2004 – 2010, Full 2010 – Present), Department of Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
`(EME), Kate Gleason College of Engineering (KGCOE).
`Extended Faculty, Center for Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology. (8/04-Present)
`Director of the Image, Video and Computer Vision Laboratory
`Graduate Program Director (2010 – 2014)
` •
` Responsible for teaching several undergraduate & graduate courses in Digital Signal Processing, Digital Image
`Processing, Digital Video Processing, Engineering Analysis, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Random
`Signal & Noise, Pattern Recognition, Communications, Computer Vision, Modern Control Theory, Linear
`• Acquired funding as PI in excess of $3 Million and as PI/Co-PI in excess of $5 Million over the period of
`September 2004 – Present. Note that the EME department at RIT does not currently have a PhD program. The
`College of Engineering established a PhD in Engineering Starting Fall 2014.
`• Director of the Image, Video and Computer Vision Laboratory. Currently advising 5 Center for Imaging
`Science PhD and 2 MS students on image/video segmentation, hierarchical image decomposition, video
`mosaicking/3-dimensional scene reconstruction, image/video understanding, object tracking/recognition. All
`students are funded under various government or corporate grants.
`• Advised/currently advising several undergraduate and graduate students on curriculum issues.
`• Supervised multiple thesis and graduate papers in the areas of signal, image, video processing and computer
`• Awarded the Prestigious Trustees Scholarship award – the highest award at RIT with regards to research
`• Elected in 2011 as PI Millionaire.
`• Awarded the EME Gleason Professor for 3 years (2011-2013).
`• Elected as the Kate Gleason College of Engineering Scholarship award winner.
`• Former Member (KGCOE representative) of the Academic Senate (2007 – 2013 and 2014-2017) and of the
`Academic Senate Executive Committee (2009-2010, 2016-2017)
`• Served as Chair (along with Mr. Craig Smith) of the Vision 2025 committee per request from RIT President Dr
`Destler. Committee was commissioned, over the summer of 2009, to review 80+ ideas submitted from all
`colleges and provide a recommendation to upper administration.
`• Former Member and Chair of KCGOE graduate committee.
`• Former Member of Graduate Council.
`• Former Member of the IEEE Industry Technical Committee on DSP.
`• Former Member of the IEEE Image and Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing (IMDSP) technical
`• Former Area Editor for the Journal of Electronic Imaging.
`• Senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and the Imaging Science and
`technology (IS&T) societies.
`ICIP 2002 Finance Chair, ICIP 2007 and ICIP 2009 Tutorial Chair, ICIP 2012 General Chair, ICASSP 2017
`Technical Program Chair.
`• Co-founder and General Chair (along with Dr Robert Loce) of the Video Surveillance and Transportation
`Imaging Conference within the Electronic Imaging Symposium.
`• Served on several committees for curriculum development, recognition, and faculty search.
`Adjunct Faculty Member, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Rochester. (9/96-Present)
`• Taught undergraduate & graduate courses in Digital Signal Processing, Digital Image Processing, Pattern
`Image Processing, Detection/Estimation Theory,
`and Analog & Digital
`Exhibit 2003
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`• Advised and graduated 1 Ph.D. student in the areas of “Image Understanding” and “Database Content
`• Co-advised 1 Ph.D. student in the areas of “Watermarking”.
`• Advised and graduated 1 MS student in the area of “Color Rendering” and “Printer Characterization”.
`• Served as a committee member on several doctoral dissertations.
`• Served on PhD qualifying examinations for the Signal Processing and Communications Concentration.
`• Sought and captured funding from the National Science Foundation for the development of an intelligent image
`database system. Proposal funded for 4 years under NSF Grant IIS – 9820721
`• Sought and captured industrial funding from Xerox Corporation for Printer Color Characterization & Digital
`Front End Object Oriented Rendering.
`Adjunct Faculty Member, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology. (3/98-07/04)
`• Taught undergraduate and graduate courses in Pattern Recognition, Digital Video Processing, Random Signal &
`Noise, Image and Video Compression, and Communications.
`• Advised and graduated a master student in the area of “Texture Classification”.
`Product Development Scientist & Manager, Print Engine Development Unit, Xerox Corporation. (10/98-08/04)
`Major responsibilities included:
`• Lead the Image Science, Analysis and Evaluation area (12-15 direct reports and ~$2 Million budget).
`• Lead the development of highlight color specifications for the Sorrento print engine.
`• Lead the development of color characterization algorithms for the iGen3 print engine.
`• Lead the image quality integration of two color front end for the iGen3 Product.
`• Lead the development of ROS and LED based imaging systems and image path architectures for upcoming
`highlight & full color products.
`• Lead the development of xerographic hardware/algorithms & imaging systems for the DP92C highlight color
`product. (Product launched 9/30/99 and follow-on launched 4/20/00)
`• Lead the research and development of image quality metrics for various product platforms and their
`dissemination throughout the Print Engine Development Unit and Xerox Corporation.
`• Collaborate with the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (Univ. of Rochester) & the Center for
`Electronic Imaging Systems.
`Advanced Development Scientist and Manager, Print Cartridge Delivery Unit, Xerox Corporation. (2/97 – 9/98)
`Major responsibilities included:
`• Establish the Advanced Design Laboratory (an imaging/xerographics lab) and provide technical and managerial
`leadership for the Electrical, Imaging and Xerographics Dept.
`• Perform image processing and xerographic hardware/software design and development for low/mid volume
`color copiers and printers for current and future programs.
`• Perform technology development, modeling, and product design for upcoming Xerox color products,
`specifically image on paper and image on belt products..
`• Lead the development of the xerographic module for a color intermediate belt transfer product with direct
`technical and management responsibilities.
`• Collaborate with the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (Univ. of Rochester) & the Center for
`Electronic Imaging Systems.
`Research and Development Scientist, Production Systems Group, Xerox Corporation. (1/96-1/97)
`Major responsibilities included:
`• Lead the design and development of color characterization/management and image quality algorithms and
`specifications for digital front ends destined to drive high quality, high speed color print engines.
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`Integrate color management & image processing algorithms into the Raster Image Processing module.
`• Participate in the design and development of a high speed raster image processing architecture.
`• Benchmark developed algorithms against existing products & systems both internally and externally.
`• Collaborate with the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering of the University of Rochester and the
`Center for Electronic Imaging Systems.
`Research and Development Engineer, Corporate Research & Technology, Xerox Corporation (8/93-12/95) &
`Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Rochester. (1/95-12/95)
`Major responsibilities included:
`• Design and develop query by image content and query by example image annotation algorithms utilizing color,
`shape, texture and motion cues. System is able to perform query by keywords, color, shape, texture, and/or a
`combination of the above cues.
`• Design and develop intelligent image segmentation algorithms. These algorithms are currently utilized in the
`query by image content and query by example systems described above.
`• Design and develop face detection and facial feature extraction approaches.
`• Design and develop color characterization/calibration and image quality algorithms for Digital Front Ends
`aimed at driving high speed / high quality print engines.
`(Note: Image annotation/content analysis research was done in conjunction with the Department of Electrical &
`Computer Engineering and Center for Electronic Imaging Systems leading to the Ph.D.)
`Electronic, Computer and Instrumentation Engineer, New Toner/Developer Facility Engineering, Xerox
`Corporation. (6/88-7/93)
`Major responsibilities included:
`• Provide design, development, installation, startup, and training for multiple toner production facilities.
`• Provide development and implementation of control system database, software and displays for several systems.
`• Evaluate vendor supplied electrical specifications and drawings.
`• Manage and coordinate the efforts of technicians, electrical support, construction crew, and industrial workforce
`during the design, construction, startup, and implementation phases.
`• Supervise and complete a number of upgrade projects for toner & photoreceptor production including software
`development, preparation of electrical design, procurement of necessary equipment and parts, supervision of
`technicians, contractors and industrial workforce, and scheduling of construction.
`During this time, I gained extensive experience in the following systems: Fisher distributive control, unit operation
`controller, Provue console, Acrison material handling, Werner and Pfleiderer extrusion, Alpine air grinding,
`Majac/Micropul centrifugal classifiers, dry/wet material screening, Waeschle and others bulk powder storage and
`pneumatic convey, Ingersoll Rand and Joy compressed air equipment, Statistical process control.
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 4
`1. S. Dianat and E. Saber, “Advanced Linear Algebra for Engineers with MATLAB”, CRC
`press, February 2009.
`1. H. J. Trussell, E. Saber and M. Vrhel, “Color Image Processing”, IEEE SP magazine,
`January 2005.
`2. R. Loce and E. Saber, “Video Surveillance and Transportation Imaging”, Journal of
`Electronic Imaging, 22(4), Dec. 2013
`1. M. Sharma, M. Dhararaj, S. Karnam, D. Chachlakis, R. Ptucha, P. Markopoulos and E. Saber, “YOLOrs:
`Object Detection in Multimodal Remote Sensing Imagery”, accepted for publication in the IEEE Journal on
`Selected Topics on Applied Remote Sensing (JSTARS), Special Issue on "Deep Neural Networks for
`Handling Multisource Remote Sensing Data.
`2. S. Piramanayagam, E. Saber, and N. Cahill, “Gradient Driven Unsupervised Video Segmentation using
`Deep Learning Techniques”, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 29 (1), 013019, 2020
`3. U. Gewali, S. Monteiro and E. Saber, “Spectral Super-Resolution with Optimized Bands”, Remote Sensing,
`11(14), 2019
`4. U. Gewali, S. Monteiro and E. Saber, “Gaussian Processes for Vegetation Parameter Estimation from
`Hyperspectral Data with Limited Ground Truth”, Journal of Remote Sensing, 11(13), 2019.
`5. Y. Liang, P. Markopoulos and E. Saber, “Spatial-Spectral Segmentation of Hyperspectral Images for
`Subpixel Target Detection”, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 13(3), 2019.
`6. Y. Liu, S. Piramanayagam, S. Monteiro, and E. Saber. "Semantic segmentation of multisensor remote
`sensing imagery with deep ConvNets and higher-order conditional random fields." Journal of Applied
`Remote Sensing 13, no. 1 (2019): 016501
`7. U. Gewali, S. Monteiro and E. Saber, “Hyperspectral Image Analysis using Machine Learning: A Survey”,
`arXiv preprint, 2018.
`8. S. Piramanayagam, E. Saber, W. Schwartzkopf, F.W. Koehler, “Supervised Classification of
`Multisensor Remotely Sensed Images using a Deep Learning Framework”, Remote Sensing Journal, 10 (9),
`9. S. R. Vantaram, Y. Hu, E. Saber and S. Dianat, “Synthesis of Intensity Gradient and Texture Information
`for Efficient Three-Dimensional Segmentation of Medical Volumes”, Journal of Medical Imaging 2, no. 2
`(2015): 024003-024003.
`10. S. R. Vantaram, S. Piramanayagam, E. Saber and D. Messinger, “Automatic Spatial Segmentation of
`Multi/Hyperspectral Imagery by Fusion of Spectral-Gradient-Textural Attributes”, Journal of Applied and
`Remote Sensing, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 095086 (1-37), 2015.
`11. S. R. Vantaram and E. Saber, “A Survey of Contemporary Trends in Color Image Segmentation”, Journal
`of Electronic Imaging, 21(4), 040901, Oct-Dec 2012.
`12. M. S. Erkilinc, M. Jaber, E. Saber, “Text, Photo and Line Extraction in Scanned Documents”, Journal of
`Electronic Imaging, Vol. 21, 033006, July 2012.
`13. T. Keane, E. Saber, H. Rhody, A. Savakis and J. Raj, “Practical Image Registration Concerns Overcome by
`the Weighted and Filtered Mutual Information Metric”, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 21(2), 023029,
`June 2012.
`14. P. Gurram, E. Saber and H. Rhody, “Semi-automated System for three-dimensional Modeling of Buildings
`from Aerial Video”, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 21(1), 013007, Jan-Mar 2012.
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`15. M. Jaber and E. Saber, “Probabilistic Approach for Extracting Regions of Interest in Digital Images”,
`Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 19, No. 2, April - June 2010.
`16. X. Fan, H. Rhody and E. Saber, “A Spatial Feature Enhanced MMI Algorithm for Multimodal Airborne
`Image Registration”, IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 48, Issue 6, pp. 2580 –
`2589, 2010.
`17. P. Gurram, E. Saber and H. Rhody, “A Segment-Based Mesh design for Building Parallel-Perspective
`Stereo Mosaic”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 48, No. 3, March 2010.
`18. S. Vantaram, E. Saber, S. Dianat, M. Shaw and R. Bashkar, “Multiresolution Adaptive and Progressive
`Gradient-based color image Segmentation”, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Volume 19, Number 1, pp. 1-
`21, January-March 2010.
`19. L. Garcia, E. Saber, S. Vantaram, V. Amuso, M. Shaw and R. Bhaskar, “Automatic Image Segmentation by
`Dynamic Region Growth and Multi-resolution Merging”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 18,
`No. 10, Oct. 2009.
`20. H. Santos, E. Saber, and W. Wu, “Streak Detection in Mottled and Noisy Images”, Journal of Electronic
`Imaging, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2007.
`21. O. Ugbeme, E. Saber and W. Wu, “An Automated Algorithm for the Identification of Artifacts in Mottled
`and Noisy Images”, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2007.
`22. V. Misic, V. Sampath, Y. Yu and E. Saber, “Prostate Boundary Detection and Volume Estimation Using
`TRUS Images for Brachytherapy Applications”, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and
`Surgery, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 87-98, August 2007.
`23. A. Ononye, A. Vodacek and E. Saber, “Towards Automatic Extraction of Fire Line Parameters from
`Multispectral Infrared Images”, Journal of Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 108, pp. 179 – 188, 2007.
`24. E. Saber, S. Dianat and L. Mestha, “DSP utilization in Digital Color Printing”, IEEE SP Magazine, July
`25. E. Saber, Y. Xu, and A. M. Tekalp, “Partial Shape Recognition by sub-matrix matching for partial
`matching guided image labeling”, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 38, pp. 1560 – 1573, 2005.
`26. M. Celik, G. Sharma, A. M. Tekalp, E. Saber, “Lossless Generalized-LSB Data Embedding”, IEEE Trans.
`on Image Processing, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 253 – 266, February 2005.
`27. M. Vrhel, E. Saber, and H. J. Trussell, “Color Image Generation and Display Technologies: An overview
`of methods, devices, and research”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, January 2005.
`28. H. J. Trussell, E. Saber and M. Vrhel, “Color Image Processing: Basics and Special Issue Overview”, IEEE
`Signal Processing Magazine, January 2005.
`29. Y. Xu, E. Saber, and A. M. Tekalp, “Dynamic Learning from Multiple Examples for Semantic Object
`Segmentation and Search”, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol.95, No. 3, pp. 334-353, Sept
`30. Y. Xu, P. Duygulu, E. Saber, A. M. Tekalp, and F. T. Yarman-Vural, “Object-Based Image Labeling
`through Learning by Example and Multi-Level Segmentation”, Pattern Recognition, vol. 36 (6), pp. 1407-
`1423, June 2003.
`31. Y. Xu, E. Saber, and A. M. Tekalp, “Object Segmentation and Labeling by Learning from Examples”,
`IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 12, No. 6, June 2003.
`32. M. Celik, G. Sharma, E. Saber, and A. M. Tekalp, “Hierarchical watermarking for secure image
`authentication with localization”, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 11, no. 6, June 2002.
`33. M. Xia, E. Saber, G. Sharma, and A. M. Tekalp, “End-to-End Color Calibration by Total Least Squares
`Regression”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 8, No. 5, May 1999.
`34. E. Saber and A. M. Tekalp, “Facial Pattern Detection and Eye Localization using Color, Shape and
`Symmetry-Based Cost Functions”, Pattern Recognition letters, Vol. 19, 1998.
`35. E. Saber and A. M. Tekalp, “Integration of Color, Shape and Texture for Automatic Image Classification,
`Annotation and Retrieval”, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 7, No. 3, July 1998.
`36. E. Saber and A. M. Tekalp “Region-Based Affine Shape Matching for Automatic Image Annotation and
`Query-by-Example”, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, March 1997.
`37. E. Saber, A. M. Tekalp, and G. Bozdagi, “Fusion of Color and Edge Information for Improved
`Segmentation and Edge Linking,”, Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 15, 1997.
`38. E. Saber, A. M. Tekalp, R. Eschbach and K. Knox, “Automatic Image Annotation using Color
`Classification”, Graphical Models and Image Processing, Volume 58, Number 2, March 1996.
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`Page 6
`1. M. Dhanaraj, M. Sharma, T. Sarkar, S. Karnam, D. Chachlakis, R. Ptucha, P. Markopoulos and E. Saber,
`“Vehicle Detection from Multi-modal Aeriel Imagery using YOLOv3 with Mid-level Fusion”, Big Data II:
`Learning, Analytics, and Applications, SPIE, April 2020.
`2. Y. Liu, S. Monteiro and E. Saber, “Dense Semantic Labeling of Very High Resolution Aerial Imagery and
`LIDAR with Fully Convolutional Neural Netwroks and Higher Order CRFs”, CVPR, 2017
`3. Y. Liu, S. Piramanayagan, S. Monteiro and E. Saber, “Semantic segmentation of remote sensing data using
`Gaussian processes and higher order CFRs”, IGARSS, Fort Worth, TX, July 2017.
`4. Y. Liang, S. T. Monteiro, and E. Saber, "Gaussian processes for object detection in high resolution remote
`sensing images", IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2016),
`Anaheim, CA, December 2016.
`5. S. Piramanayagam, W. Schwartzkopf, F.W. Koehler, E. Saber, “Classification of remote sensed images
`using random forests and deep learning framework", Proc. SPIE 10004, Image and Signal Processing for
`Remote Sensing XXII, 100040L, October 2016;
`6. Y. Liang, S. T. Monteiro, and E. Saber, "Transfer learning for high resolution aerial image classification" ,to
`appear in IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR 2016), Washington, D.C., October 2016.
`7. Y. Liang, P. P. Markopoulos, and E. Saber, "Subpixel target detection in hyperspectral images with local
`matched filtering in SLIC superpixels", IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing:
`Evolutions in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS 2016), Los Angeles, CA, August 2016.
`8. Y. Hu, S. Monteiro and E. Saber, “Super Pixel Based Classification using Conditional Random Fields for
`Hyperspectral Images”, ICIP 2016, Phoenix, AZ.
`9. O. de Lima, S. Janakiraman, E. Saber, D. C. Day, M. Shaw, P. Bauer. R. S. Twede, and P. Lea, “Signature
`Line Detection in Scanned Documents”, ICIP 2016, Phoenix, AZ.
`10. Y. Liang, P.P. Markopoulos, and E. Saber”, Subpixel Target Detection in Hyperspectral Images from
`Superpixel Background Statistics," IGARSS, Beijing, China, July 2016.
`11. Y. Liu, S.T. Monteiro, and E. Saber. "Vehicle detection from aerial color imagery and airborne LiDAR
`data”, IGARSS, Beijing, China, 2016.
`12. Y. Wang, J. Mathew, E. Saber, D. Larson, P. Bauer, G. Kerby and J. Wagner. "Scanned Document
`Enhancement Based on Fast Text Detection," International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal
`Processing, Shanghai, China, 2016
`13. Y. Liu, S. Monteiro, and E. Saber, “An Approach for Combining Airborne LiDAR and High Resolution
`Aerial Color Imagery using Gaussian Processes”, Proc. SPIE 9643, Image and Signal Processing for
`Remote Sensing XXI, Oct. 2015.
`14. Y. Liang, N. Cahill, E. Saber and D. Messinger, “A Game-Theoretic Tree Matching Approach for Object
`Detection in High Resolution Remotely Sensed Images”, Proc. SPIE 9643, Image and Signal Processing for
`Remote Sensing XXI, Oct. 2015.
`15. Y. Hu, S. T. Monteiro and E. Saber, “Comparing Inference Methods for Conditional Random Fields for
`Hyperspectral Image Classification”, Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution
`in Remote Sensing, Tokyo, Japan, 2015
`16. Y. Hu, N. Cahill, S. Monteiro, E. Saber and D. Messinger, “Dimensionality Reduction for Hyperspectral
`Imagery Classification in Conditional Random Fields”, Proc. SPIE 9643, Image and Signal Processing for
`Remote Sensing XXI, Oct. 2015.
`17. S. Piramanayagam, P. J. Cutler, W. Schwartzkopf, F.W. Koehler, E. Saber, “Application of gradient based
`image segmentation to SAR imagery”, IGARSS, Milan, Italy, July 2015.
`18. S. Piramanayagam, E. Saber, N. D. Cahill, and D. Messinger, “Shot Boundary Detection and Label
`Propagation for Spatio-Temporal Video Segmentation”, SPIE/IS&T: Electronic Imaging Symposium, San
`Francisco, CA, Feb, 2015.
`19. M. Yousefhussien, R. Easton, R. Ptucha, M. Shaw, B. Bradburn, J. Wagner, D. Larson and E. Saber,
`“Flatbed Scanner Simulation to Analyze the Effect of Detector’s Size on Color Artifacts”, SPIE/IS&T:
`Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2015.
`20. K. Shah, E. Saber and K. Verrier, "Improved Metrology of Implant Lines on Static Images of Textured
`Silicon Wafers using Line Integral Method”, SPIE/IS&T: Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Francisco,
`CA, Feb. 2015.
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`21. Y. Hu, E. Saber, S. Monteiro, N. Cahill and D. Messinger, “Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based
`on Conditional Random Fields”, SPIE/IS&T: Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Francisco, CA, Feb.
`22. R. Kothari, E. Saber, M. Nelson, M. Stauffer and D. Bohan, “Image Enhancement for Low Resolution
`Display Panels”, SPIE/IS&T: Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2015.
`23. Y. Liang, A. H. Syed, N. Cahill, E. Saber, and D. Messinger, “Application of Tree Matching Techniques to
`High Resolution Remotely Sensed Images toward Object Detection”, GEOBIA, May 2014.
`24. Y. Hu, A. H. Syed, E. Saber, N. Cahill, and D. Messinger, “Dynamic scale-space representation based on a
`MRF region merging model”, GEOBIA, May 2014
`25. Y. Liu, M. Helguerra and E. Saber, “Measurement of blood flow velocity in vivo video sequences with
`motion estimation methods”, SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, 2014.
`26. Y. Wang, O. F. de Lima, and E. Saber, “Improved edge directed Super resolution with hardware realization
`for surveillance, transportation, and multimedia applications”, SPIE/IS&T: Electronic Imaging Symposium,
`San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2014.
`27. J. Whitesell, D. Patru, E. Saber, G. Roylance and B. Larson, “Design for Implementation of Color Image
`Processing Algorithms”, SPIE/IS&T: Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2014
`28. R. Toukatly, D. Patru, E. Saber, E. Peskin, G. Roylance and B. Larson, “Performance Analysis of a Color
`Space Conversion Engine Implemented using Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration”, SPIE/IS&T: Electronic
`Imaging Symposium, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2013.
`29. O. De Lima, S. R. Vantaram, S. Piramanayagam, E. Saber and K. Bengtson, “An Edge Directed Super
`Resolution Technique for Surveillance and Printing Applications”, SPIE/IS&T: Electronic Imaging
`Symposium, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2013.
`30. M. YousefHussien, K. Garvin, D. Dalecki, E. Saber and M. Helguera, “Three-Dimensional Volume
`Analysis of Vasculature in Engineered Tissues”, SPIE/IS&T: Electronic Imaging Symposium, San
`Francisco, CA, Feb. 2013
`31. A. Mykyta, D. Patru, E. Saber. G. Roylance and B. Larson, “Reconfigurable Framework for High-
`Bandwidth Stream-Oriented Data Processing”, IEEE International SoC Conference (SOCC), Buffalo, NY,
`Sept. 2012.
`32. S. R. Vantaram, and E. Saber, “Unsupervised Video Segmentation by Dynamic Volume Growing and
`Multivariate Volume Merging using Color-Texture-Gradient Features”, IEEE International Conference on
`Image Processing, Orlando, Florida, September 2012.
`33. A. H. Syed, E. Saber and D. Messinger, “Encoding of Topological Information in Multi-Scale Remotely
`Sensed Data: Applications to Segmentation and Object-Based Image Analysis”, International Conference
`on geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA), Rio de Janeiro, May 2012. (Best paper Award)
`34. S. Piramanayagam, E. Saber and D. Heavner, “Measurement of Glucose by Image Processing of Thin Film
`Slides”, SPIE: Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA, 2012.
`35. Y. Hu, E. Saber, S. Dianat, S. R. Vantaram and V. Abhyankar, “An Automatic Approach for 3D
`Registration of CT Scans”, SPIE/IS&T: Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 2012
`36. S. R. Vantaram, E. Saber, S. Dianat, Y. Hu and V. Abhyankar, “Semi-Automatic 3-D Segmentation of
`Computed Tomographic Imagery by Iterative Gradient-Driven Volume Growing”, IEEE International
`Conference on Image Processing, Brussels, Belgium, September 2011.
`37. S. R. Vantaram, E. Saber and D. Messinger, “An Intensity-Gradient-Texture Guided Methodology for
`Automatic Spatial Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Multi/Hyperspectral imagery”, IEEE International
`Conference on Image Processing, Brussels, Belgium, September 2011.
`38. S. R. Vantaram, and E. Saber, “A Method for Improved Localization of Edges in multi/hyperspectral
`Imagery”, Proceedings of the SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications Conference, San Diego, CA, Aug.
`39. M. Jaber, M. S. Bailly, Y. Wang, and E. Saber, “An image-set for identifying multiple regions/levels of
`interest in digital images,” Proceedings of the SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications Conference, San
`Diego, CA, Aug. 2011.
`40. M. S. Erkilinc, M. Jaber, E. Saber, P. Bauer and D. Depalov, “Page layout analysis and classification in
`complex scanned documents,” Proceedings of the SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications Conference,
`San Diego, CA, Aug. 2011.
`41. S. R. Vantaram, and E. Saber, “An Adaptive Bayesian Clustering and Multivariate Region Merging-based
`Technique for Efficient Segmentation of Color Images”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
`Speech and Signal Processing, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011.
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 8
`42. A. H. Syed, E. Saber and D. Messinger, “Scale-space Representation of Remote Sensing Images using an
`Object-Oriented Approach”, SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, Orlando, Florida, Apr 2011.
`43. M. Jaber and E. Saber, “Image Understanding Algorithm for Segmentation Evaluation and Region-of-
`Interest Identification using Bayesian Networks”, SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, Orlando, Florida,
`Apr 2011.
`44. T. Keane, E. Saber, H. Rhody, A. Savakis and J. Raj, “Unsupervised automated panorama creation for
`realistic surveillance scenes through weighted mutual information registration “, SPIE/IS&T: Electronic
`Imaging Symposium, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 2011.
`45. M. S. Erkilinc, M. Jaber, E. Saber and R. Pearson, “Line and Streak Detection on Polished and textured
`Surfaces using Line Integrals”, SPIE/IS&T: Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 2011.
`46. M. Jaber, S. Vantaram and E. Saber, “A Probabilistic Framework for Unsupervised Evaluation and
`Ranking of Image Segmentations”, AIPR, Washington, DC, 2010.
`47. M. Jaber and E. Saber, “A Bayesian Network-Based Approach for Identifying Regions of Interest Utilizing
`Global Image Features,” Proceedings of the SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications Conference, Vol.
`7798, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2010.
`48. M. Jaber, E. Saber, M. Shaw, J. Hewitt, “A robust and fast approach for multiple image components
`stitching,” Proceedings of SPIE/IS&T: Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Jose, CA, Jan. 2010.
`49. S. R. Vantaram, E. Saber, S. Dianat, M. Shaw and R. Bhaskar, “An Adaptive and Progressive Approach for
`Efficient Gradient-based Multi-resolution Color Image Segmentation”, International Conference on Image
`Processing, Cairo, Egypt, November 2009.
`50. S. Khullar, E. Saber, S. Dianat, J. Trask, R. Lawton, and M. Shaw, “Automatic Multi-resolution Spatio-
`Frequency Analysis for Print Mottle Evaluation”, Proceedings of the SPIE: 17th Color Imaging Conference,
`Albuquerque, NM, November 2009.
`51. P. Gurram, E. Saber, H. Rhody, “Automated 3d Object Identification Using Bayesian Network”, AIPR
`workshop, Washington, D.C., October 2009.
`52. X. Fan, H. Rhody and E. Saber, “A Novel Improvement for the HCL-MMI Multi-modal Image
`Registration by SIFT Algorithm”, IEEE Western NY Image Processing Workshop, Sept. 2009.
`53. M. Jaber, E. Saber, F. Sahin, “Extraction of Memory Colors Using Bayesian Networks”, IEEE SMC
`International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Albuquerque, NM, June 2009.
`54. S. R. Vantaram, E. Saber, V. Amuso, M. Shaw, R. Bhaskar, “Unsupervised Image Segmentation by
`Automatic Gradient Thresholding for Dynamic region Growth in the CIE L*a*b* Color Space”,
`SPIE/IS&T: Electronic